Golf Players

Selling Sunshine | Hail Varsity Radio

Chris Schmidt, Elijah Herbel, and Mark Kraynak join you for this weekend edition of Hail Varsity Radio, opening the show by discussing some new predictions regarding Millard South TE Chase Loftin potentially leaving the state. Brandon Vogel joins the show to continue that discussion before he discusses Nebraska’s 2025 class as a whole before Gary Sharp checks in for his usual Saturday segment to tell the guys what he’s hearing about Chase Loftin, as well as some thoughts about how the potential addition of roster limits to CFB would change how Matt Rhule and Nebraska construct their roster.

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the hail Varsity radio Saturday Morning Show strap yourselves in here are your host Chris Schmid y don’t even know he was a virgin until he’s 28 now and Mark cran time has come for someone to put his foot down and that foot is [Music] me welcome to it weekend editions here it’s hail Varsity powered by corn headlock Chris Schmidt soon to see Mark cran there he is Mark KAC hits golf balls approximately 50 yards and Elijah herble we we’ll just call him the uh the poker champion of Northeast Lincoln hope everyone right oh no that’s not right at all I did I didn’t get a phone call at at midnight or 2 am uh needing any uh any financial help you didn’t call for a marker no it’s CU I got I got cleaned out well before midnight or two in the morning I did not make it that long in the game gotcha yeah no it’s not worth talking about not not not the best performance from your boy we uh invite you to check us out like And subscribe Hal Varsity YouTube stream and watch that way if you want to adopt or take a bernadoodle named Sterling Schmidt we can discuss that on this morning ing show as well he’s pissed he’s outside when it’s 70 and gorgeous uh hell Varsity Twitter give us a follow there at H Varsity radio Facebook and of course Twitter on KF and guys nine Saturdays the countdown continues some recruiting news to get into on Chase Lofton another instate that may get away uh but it’s not for lack of Nebraska’s effort you’ve got something very rare in college football and that is a home and home being signed by two brand two brand brand names yeah Loft in the tight end for Millard South uh you guys banty about yourselves for two seconds while I let these beasts in hang on sorry H yeah all so we got a new dog here is that what’s going on because you know I’ve missed quite a few shows have you not heard the Sterling saga no not at all and I’m also realizing I’m on a ridiculous delay I believe yeah yeah yeah I’m also getting that feel as well so no I didn’t so new new you’re getting that feel because it’s real you know what I might do I’m gonna restart my machine I purchased this I I purchased this new new computer I think 2004 and so I’m going to just uh go ahead and uh reboot it and I’ll be back I’ll be back all right miss you kak is uh get a get a reju reboot let’s get to the streamyard shoutouts we always love saying what’s up our starting five and and then some the other Dave is in first the other Dave wow was it at 712 this morning uh Weston Weston good to have you he’s uh fishing Maple Creek giving up the the the secret fishing hole for everybody in the Stream well he’s not giving us a location in Lee Nebraska but Weston you going with crappie are you doing uh some walleye you blue Gilling it are you catfishing it let us know dear friend NASCAR Eric is in from Nashville Speedway Super Speedway that is awesome NASCAR Eric have a good day today uh Nick Nick good to have you good to say what’s up man uh and uh the uh ETA we were we were ready we were all ready we’re just having some technical difficulties I believe is the the the word we’re going with and some pre-show planning conversations those type of things yeah we yeah we got huddled up rather early uh Walter from Philly is in I plead the fifth is what he says Anthony good to have you Walter is wondering what the chances of them being on time today 0.0 Mr blutarski Scott is in Scott good to have you uh jao is in and he is talking about some potential news today for Chase Lofton we’ll see if that happens today tomorrow or into the weekend you’ve got some crystal balls that are out with some of the national recruiting analysts local and national uh but chase a hell of a good ball player from Millard South at tight end uh crazy spider Adventure is in eat beef eat beef good to have you tiger shark diver says what’s up Mr Barrett says what’s up from North Carolina Rob Robert is in Rule the Day Kevin down in Texas says top of the morning Rick good to have you Rick and uh Brent Brenton as well Tim Tim good to have you James checks in uh and says computers from 204 and the delay was from uh 2004 so Act is resetting probably uh giving it a strong talking to and hoping things go well shout out to my my cousin Nate blank he is on the golf course right now are soon to be uh with the uh the uh the folks to to think about here for 2024 I don’t care where you go politically as long as you’re a happy uh American but this is this is what Nate is trying to convince me of Seinfeld castanza 20 24 pretty good so you don’t want to get into to to poker night last night let’s get into some football uh Trevor says what’s up good to have you as well so uh lot going on uh the countdown continues Grey Worm 79 how are you Grey Worm nice to check in eight more Saturdays after today the Iron Horse Gary sharp will be with us here in about 35 minutes we’ll check in with K Reeds Brandon voger we had a fun week Elijah I know this time of year gets interesting uh but you’re talking video game rankings uh when it comes to intimidating places to play that that dominated a lot of the week you get into recruiting that is still very real this time of year as the Dead period is uh might be upon us I don’t have that calendar in front of me but it’s um I think it it it went into effect uh after last Sunday with that official Week final official weekend visit uh you know Montage for Nebraska where they kind of built up for three weeks and I I don’t know I mean Nebraska fans are a little frustrated with the the lack of closing on some of the bigname dudes but you know Nebraska’s in contention for some of these bigname guys and uh their record they on field versus their off field and and they’re not a bad program I’m not saying that at all I’m just saying you’re going into year two so for Nebraska to be in contention with a lot to be said and decided for this 2024 season uh good for Nebraska could could sway some some Minds some commits some players here with a successful start to 2024 he is back and ready to go it’s Mark krak again hits the golf ball about 50 yards are you mocking me no no not at all I’m I’m mocking the uh the debate should be no I’m mocking the debate you know that was actually one of the topics that they talked about that I’m sure you’re aware of by now more than aware of you being especially a morning a morning news guy I mean that’s no we we talked a lot about our our golf game yesterday okay and honor and uh and all of the the Husker blowouts the for the good and the bad that reminded you the debate what Husker game what Husker game uh did did the debate remind you of and the the winner at least I I think you think so Elijah or correct me if I’m wrong but we settled in on 2009 Nebraska Iowa State where oh yeah the seven the seven to n upset that’s that’s the the week after the pirate came yeah yeah it was it was something to behold including still it’s because it was trauma IC that still my all-time favorite turnover that I’ve ever seen that you’re just like you’ll never see again yeah I I barely even all I had to do is say I didn’t even have to prompt you and you automatically knew exactly what I was talking about and for people that didn’t see it because we got young you know we got young fans around here young listeners got young Elijah here he may he may not have recalled that particular play I Remember yeah that’s the first time Elijah heard the f word probably it might have been I was 10 years old from from 70,000 it is Niles Paul Home Free just streaking down the streaking down the field for an easy touchdown who was there anybody within 10 yards of him I mean he was just chilling he could have ran backwards Like There’s No One near him from what I remember I don’t know this might be a I see that happened one one time in Memorial Stadium and then the ball just comes out it just comes out out of nowhere it was a certain a certain score and then Iowa state gets it and they God they somehow win that was the that was the most bizarre game I think I’ve ever seen and we’ve seen some we SE this has been this is a very bizarre football school lately all right like it really is but my goodness that was really something else where does the Jeff Sims dropped snap in Boulder rank in your all favorite turnovers which which one by fa by favorite I mean like you know in a sadistic way yeah jeez that was those are up there those are up there but at the same time once you didn’t he do it like three times and so it was sort of like that’s just what he does whereas Niles running home free for a touchdown and then the ball just falling out was a special kind of hell like that is just like like how does JJ Flanigan received an option in 88 Nebraska beat Colorado as they were kind of on the rise seven nothing FL again sounds like an 80s B movie female character’s name JJ Flanigan was was one of the The Backs with bemy at Colorado and Darien heagen okay and the Buffs were uh playn for the national championship a year later in ‘ 89 yeah right that that Colorado rise then they won it in 90 or split it in 90 and Flanigan got this pitch was home free along the sideline and then fumbled it fumbled it going in in a seven nothing ball game and that’s all Nebraska got that day seven nothing was the final score bradrick Thomas uh and the crew that 88 Squad shut out V very feisty Colorado team before they went and one in the reain against Oklahoma but weird Happ happenings is what we’ve kind of delved into Brandon vogle with us from cter call it also I’m G call it masochism I think on a Saturday morning yeah we’re talking about our favorite our favorite turnovers like from a S sadistic point of view and I brought up the Niles Paul 2009 Iowa State me memorable turnovers what is that like just streaking free yeah yeah Vogues you’re doing some awesome stuff with cter re when it comes to Husker football coverage the uh the the project you’re a part of too with the common fan podcast want to shout those guys out as well you’re doing the Reckoning series uh they’re doing the Reckoning series Mr burkel and Company uh that’s been a lot of fun to to check out but anything uh come to your mind uh Kevin I was I was down there for this one with cousin Dino uh Buck alter fumbling in Austin and there was two goal line situations that kept Nebraska from playing for it maybe winning another title because they were the it’s so one uh smch on the record for Nebraska in in 99 I thought they were the best team in college football morning dude how we doing I feel like I well not to cut you off here I think I also remember Joz y like couldn’t Coral the handoff tripped over over the three yard line on his way into score and end up losing a fumble I feel like I remember that standing out as well as being a weird one the dolman almost jumped out of the uh the booth in Minneapolis do you know man your favorite yeah what’s your favorite what’s your favorite turnover ever favorite turnover ever um well you mentioned the the Reckoning podcast series that uh am proud to be part of um Pini episode comes out next week so the p era is pretty fresh fresh in my mind not a turnover um but uh Rexburg heads drop against Texas just because it was so unusual because it was Rex Burkhead um you know I don’t even remember that I think I repressed that memory what so what’s the situation there IED this memory wasn’t it Vogues wheel route wide open right right by the pylon and like all you had to do is make the grab and touchdown Nebraska and yep um tough one in a kind of a a turning point game I think for that uh that tenure in in 2010 or at least a turning point for that 2010 season um so the red out around the world game the red out around the world game yep lot of eggs in that basket uh that were placed there right away in December of the year previous and uh couldn’t quite get it done top five Nebraska against I think I think unranked Texas at at the time so that one that was tough you guys were mentioning the the 2009 game I would encourage you go look at the drive chart for that game like it’s it’s it’s a thing of horrific Beauty um I did that where you guys were talking about it I was like I just want to see it 13 drives eight of them eight of them end in in a in a turnover that’s a good one with Smith fumble against Texas Tech early in the bini tenure which I think somebody earlier said Titus Adams fumble but I think they meant Len Smith that was against Tech what yeah it was against Tech in ‘ 05 yeah Tech they’re they’re they’re driving they’re inside the Red Zone defensive tackle pick Len Smith remember he was an athlete remember that like he was an athletic tackle like he could move didn’t he play and win a Super Bowl with with New England uh probably everybody everybody else did so I’m sure he got a cup of coffee there too uh but you know he had like moves you know he finally got the ball he’s like running back times right and then he’s making some moves and then he fumbles it right back and I believe they hit a touchdown what two three plays later something like that the old pirate it it was it was no good Vogues I want to get your thoughts here on the recruiting front Nebraska is still working working hard for their 2025 class and uh so much instate talent for Nebraska to keep mining they have not taken that instate for granted uh Christian Jones is still out there but Chase Lofton Millard South is just loaded they’re super talented and you have some predictions from uh blowstein uh he’s the uh The Insider with Florida State and the 247 Sports branch of Florida State also uh Steve Wilfong uh National analyst has projected to Florida State I thought A&M might be the out of state team to beat because of the Ellsworth connection I know Nebraska’s in the running as well but it sounds like things and we don’t have any confirmation it’s just uh with some of the national folks that are really really plugged in and some of the local folks as well might be a Florida State and and when you saw him post almost a month ago in the uh guardit in gold and then the the allh uni uh his trip down to tattle hasse that he he did say this may be the bar to to reach if other schools are trying what what def con could this go if loses an instate in an instate tight end didn’t go that way a year ago which was good for the big red yeah uh didn’t go that way a year ago so maybe maybe that uh dos it a little bit it’s always going to be I I think at best it’s going to be Defcon 2 when you lose a an instate player who has other power offers like it it just is and and I think I get it like in today’s recruiting like it’s it’s so common to see a Florida State a Texas A&M Michigan Etc like you know it’s not it’s not the way it used to be um and if you’re a player of that caliber maybe 25 years ago uh you you flew under the radar a little bit just being in Nebraska um that’s that’s not the case anymore so you’re not going to win every recruiting battle um in some ways you know we’re here at the end of June and I remember talking with you guys at the start of the month you’re talking about like oh you know how many commits does Nebraska need to get because I do this is the sweet spot for for recruiting for them um and I think they’re going to end up pretty close to the number I thought you know four or five like last year they got 12 it wasn’t going to be that high this year um and really it’s more of a kind of eight-week stretch like the last two in May to the first two in July and I think they’re going to come out of it okay um you know you miss on the best player in the state it’s going to going to sting but we we’ll see what happens like a lot changes in in a college football season and and another interesting thing I think about this spot in particular for Nebraska is like last year was good there’s a lot of optimism about Nebraska going into 2024 but it was still five and seven like we talk about the schedule we talk about the opportunity for a fast start like Nebraska might have an opportunity like it might be a little more more appealing um five five months from now we’ll see like you know that’s an assumption but if they’re they’re winning uh all of a sudden you might you might have some different recruiting conversations that pop up in season Brandon do you think it could also be a topic of conversation this summer with is inflated as Nebraska’s roster is heading into the 2024 season that they never wanted to have a a a large recruiting class here because the the numbers have been out of just how many freshman this Husker football team has on the roster this year how many sophomore is whenever you add on top that it makes up more than 50% of the roster of the guys essentially Matt R has brought in as either freshman or sophomores in recruiting classes is it just a reality that they’re going to have to go small here because the numbers don’t allow especially with the potential roster crunch coming somewhere down the road with potential roster caps on the horizon yeah I think so um I mean rosters are usually like freshman and sophomores generally make up the biggest piece of it that’s a what we’re seeing now is is to a is to a greater degree and I think if you wanted to you know really get into it and give this coaching staff credit like and this speculation on my part like if it were me I would kind of look at it like okay we got two big classes we’ve got guys we’re optimistic about we’re going to play them early like we’re going to be smart with the red shirts but we’re going to play them early if they can play and we’re going to get them get them ready to go um and if this thing kind of follows a traditional Matt rule trajectory which is year one year two you’re better you’re you’re better again in year three well um forget this 2024 season let’s start back in 2025 um that seems like a smart thing to do in in June but like you’re going to lose a good portion like it might be a thing where you know if Nebraska reaches a let’s say it reaches bow eligibility it makes it to the postseason at least um you’ll be starting out for a higher level again with 2025 uh you might need to lean on the portal a little bit heavier that way because you’re going to have I think some more immediate holes you’ll have a better idea of those freshmen and sophomores now their ability to fill them um but you might have some specific needs um and it might be the the kind of thing where Nebraska was pretty good they need to make a couple of key additions uh that are ready to go right now are so going back to chase Lofton and how he figures into this the Millard South tight end that’s you know people are now predicting is not going to commit to Nebraska I I don’t know I feel a little more desensitized to these sorts of things now compared to say five years ago uh just curious where you all are at too for a couple reasons one Nebraska the state of Nebraska turns out what two to three 6 foot6 210 pound tight ends High ma d1s a year now you don’t have room for all of them on your team like two two or two or three yeah two or three every year now right there’s there’s a 6’6 215 pound project tight end you add 20 pounds to him and he’s ronowski in a year right like that’s for some reason Nebraska is just churning those dudes out lately so you got that uh and then two just the general transient nature of rosters anymore like a commitment to Florida state is only as good as like the year and then after that the guy might transfer he could come back it’s just I I don’t feel as uh it just doesn’t feel like you’re you’re recruiting classes are just nearly as important as they were a year ago because you have to mix it with you have to mix it with transfer portal it’s almost like the whole model has to be rethought just curious where you all stand on that I I think your outlook is super healthy cran with the The New Normal and you’re going to have to supplement but your base has still got to be from a development program to to retain and develop and Nebraska’s doing that when it looks like think well comparatively speaking they are from a retention standpoint so that’s all right and I think what voges hit on early in this conversation about what Nebraska looks like as we we gear towards 2025 from a momentum standpoint that that that will be very telling for this 2025 class and Beyond from a you know from a launching Point standpoint that’s how how much fun this season could be not only getting back on track from a from a win loss standpoint for the Nebraska fan base but also then from a local angle you’re getting oh wow Nebraska is a cool place to go to or consider again it’s not that it’s not for State kids but you’ve got a little bit different level of passion for instate football players now possibly uh from a you know a recency standpoint Elijah how much Buzz was there about Nebraska football when you were pancaking dude at Southeast I mean if we’re talking nationally yeah well I’m talking I’m talking just guys you played guys you competed against guys on your team and I know you had a dear friend that that one went to Wisconsin inate kid and another went to Nebraska so you got to see both ends up yeah it was like fine I mean everyone who grows up in Nebraska everyone’s dream is always to go play at Nebraska um but especially during that tenure the Mike Riley time like instate kids were not prioritized at all uh so that lessens the hype just a little bit like cool like the inate school like they seem like the most likely to offer they never do like I don’t know it wasn’t significant I mean if we’re talking going back to high school everyone in the locker room was watching Lamar Jackson and Louisville probably more than they were watching Nebraska that’s just a reality because Nebraska at the time was five and seven and not looking good and look like they were headed downhill so Buzz was minor obviously the instate always has the leg up because you want to stay close to home at least for a lot of kids play close to the family they’re the ones that are most likely to notice you but like definitely not even close to what it is now at least from conversations that I have with people around no it’s interesting tough for me to paint with a broad brush because I know I’m a little bit different than most people in terms of how much I pay attention to Nebraska even at that time but no it’s it now is feels different than it did back then like the the buzz around Mike Riley and his tenure was minimal especially given his level of caring for recruiting instate kids voges want to get your take on this uh home and home that Michigan State and notra Dame scheduled uh is this uh is this a rare bird in college football I’m I’m excited about it it gives me hope that non-conference intersectional matchups aren’t a thing of the past I still want to see Nebraska play Tennessee here in coming years I want to see more Nebraska Colorado on the schedule I love those ball games but I understand too that your your league schedule could really be murderous or even in a air quote lighter year still be tough with the uh the uh the West Coast editions G give give me a lot of helmet games yes but man give me some of those those uh Mystique driven rivalry games or give me some Regional games against a KU or a Missour or you know uh what Notre Dame and and Michigan State are doing are is good for college football I’m shocked they they did it yeah I would say um if you want to see more of those games prepare to be disappointed um because you’ll probably see Les less of them unless so here’s the unknown like we don’t know how the committee in a 12 team era will will value games like that or specifically more more specifically punish the loser of games like that like you know if if you’re nine and three um but one of those losses is because you you scheduled a tough one um in non-conference like is that way differently than uh going nine and three with three conference losses um depend on the strength of the conference I mean Michigan um Michigan plays Texas this year um and has a so that’s a home in home and between the Texas games they don’t play again for I think four years or three years they have a home and home with Oklahoma um you know and those were scheduled far in advance like would Michigan do it again I don’t know but they deserve a lot of credit for doing it now um and I don’t know why I was looking at Michigan’s schedule this closely but I was um did it kind of interestingly so the Texas is in Ann Arbor this year they kind of have a one on one off of so they have eight home games this year um and then some some kind of good G5 opponents I think they’ve got Fresno and I’m forgetting who else they have um but they’re but they’re home so they’re it almost is like they’re going to play these tough tough opponents um because they know they’re going to get them a home next year I think they go to Oklahoma and their two G5 opponents are uh not of not of the caliber that that they’re facing this year so uh I think there’s a lot of strategy here um potentially the problem is is like it’s still a mystery of of what the the 12 team playoffs going to look like I I think the reality too is if you’re Notre Dame and you’re still dating the ACC and Florida State’s good Florida State’s probably a playoff team we’ll see where Clemson’s at in this they’re they’re in that top 15 Fringe they’re not what they were five six years ago but that’s kind of it and don’t know Notre Dame schedule uh off the top of my head here for future dates but you’re not likely going to get State and Clemson in the same season or what’s Miami going to be what’s Carolina going to be so you Notre Dame what’s us what’s USC gonna be year to year or or or or do or do I mean if you I I I pray that USC Notre Dame doesn’t go away but you know what what what’s the incentive for USC and so Notre Dame needs needs some some never thought I’d say this but could use some help with their schedule just based on the with the league they’re living in or if that League even exists here in five years yeah the incentive for USC to keep playing Notre Dame is tradition and as we’ve seen tradition always wins out in college football there just things that are sacred that you cannot change about about this game um speaking of Notre Dame this is tangent but like did they just not have any leverage because why did they why would they agree to basically not I mean we know it’s their whole independ attendence thing um like they can’t get a buy for I mean you look at Notre Dame going into this year one of the top probably four five6 playoff contenders they can’t get a buy and and if you were to do the math on that I haven’t but just thinking through it live like that’s got significantly decreases your chances of ever winning a national title and Notre Dame I guess either didn’t have didn’t have the leverage to change it but they agreed to it and best they can do is play a home game in the first round in the playoff they got to win they got to win what three games four games now um well all of their contemporaries theoretically have to win one fewer and so though I haven’t looked closely enough at it but is it the top four teams get a buy obviously and then yeah and then top four Conference champions so and got it and so and Notre Dame agreed to not be a part of that mix yeah so the best the best Notre Dame can do is they can go 120 and they’ll be the seed H which is hilarious huh that’s okay all because they don’t feel like they have to play a conference title game or because they feel like they’re gonna join a conference soon enough and so it doesn’t even matter why fight it yeah and and from that perspective of like not having to play that 13th game um maybe it should be that way like maybe it was a like yeah Fair uh that’s that’s our Gentleman’s Agreement that’s a good point too yeah huh what’s going to happen with like Oregon State by the way I don’t I don’t know why I was I was thinking about that with tapoo who committed uh big 6 foot eight 300 pound guy who switched from Oregon State to Nebraska a couple days ago uh and so who is it that’s still without a home is Washington state and Oregon state is that it is that are they pretty much dating the Mountain West now yeah they have a scheduling agreement with the Mountain West so unlike Notre Dame the question for those schools will be can they schedule up enough um because I mean Oregon state was really good a year ago Trent Bray is I mean they lost a lot of talent um with with Jonathan Smith moving to East Lancing um Trent Bray is a really good football coach and like it’s it’s it’s a program that could have a good record um are they going to have the resume because they would be in the same spot as Notre Dame I would I’m guessing um of like you can’t be a conference champ so the best you can be is fifth in the college football playoff rankings um and you you’d go that way so they got to get in the top 12 teams well one of the things get Oregon they get Oregon though at least and one of the things that I think about in the 12 team playoff era is the the the way it was I guess kind of laid out and sold is that with this expansion you’re not going to have the team such as I mean you look at Liberty last year or Georgia I guess but like you look at the smaller teams the teams that didn’t always have a fighting chance I think have to go back 10 years for that TCU team that didn’t make it in finished fifth I think that was 2014 uh you have to go back to that like couldn’t you make the argument that in the 12 team playoff era it doesn’t matter where you’re coming from if you take care of business with the teams on your schedule you should be making it in and we know from the four team playoff it didn’t always work out that way but in a 12 team playoff era do you think that changes at all that if you do have an Oregon state or a Washington state that if you take care of business the teams on your schedule you go 12-0 or 11- one you should making it in do you think that it’s that’s going to hold true because that’s kind of the way it was sold whenever they first expanded I think it’ll be more true than it was in a 14 team playoff but I still think the thing you worry about if you’re a fan of Oregon State Washington State or even Notre Dame is just like how much air do air does do the SEC and the Big 10 take up in the room like if you’re 11 and one at Oregon State this year and say you say you knock off Oregon preseason top five team like but the the bulk of your conference is basically the Mountain West are you going to be ahead of say nine and three pin state in the Big 10 that’s you know that’s the stuff we don’t know and thankfully like it didn’t happen I mean the big 10 in SEC tried to legislate basically guaranteed spots for themselves um and we’ll probably get there eventually but as just a fan of because I want what what’s kind of on offer here in theory Elijah is yeah I want like if you go 11 to1 like you should be in um I mean if it were up to me I’d just put every conference champion in like I would do it like the NCA tournament but nobody wants that besides myself Brandon vogle with us from counter read Vogues what’s your takeaway here we were spending some time on on Nebraska and uh cardd was talking with Bruce Feldman and Feldman was pretty bullish on Nebraska there’s a lot of U continuing National folks that have done a great job of college football work for years that that like what they’re hearing and seeing with some of their sources here locally and he was all in on Nebraska’s two interior folks of course Nash and Tai being the the top combo in college football not just the Big 10 and we know know what we’re hearing about Oregon’s line of scrimmage we know what we’re hearing about Ohio State their line of scrimmage what’s Michigan reload with and and of course Penn State’s been been pretty good on their lines of scrimmage at least defensively historically speaking but how’d that grab you here with uh the praise for the for the two hoses on the uh the inside well it’s it’s great great for them and great for for Nebraska fans to hear I can’t say say that um well I’m honestly like I haven’t gone through and looked at kind of defensive Interiors in tandem deeply enough to to say like I thought you were going to say best in the Big 10 and even that would have you know jumped like jumped out a little bit of like oh well we got to really go through this and see it’s possible for the Big 10 best in the country um that would be Texas basically had the best two interior defensive linemen in the country last year um and bar almost played for for a a national title um so if that comes to pass um yeah buy some buy some more Nebraska stock now uh because like that changes a lot like if you can be if you can be good right there in the middle and kind of control the Run game that way which the Stevens did a great job of last year um well it it frees you up to do a lot of different things defensively dude I when I heard that I I tended to agree maybe it’s rose-colored glasses or whatever but if you think about just the general year-to-year progression of those guys starting with Nash right first year he’s he’s a Coke machine with limbs just sticking out right he could not move it’s too thick I mean really he’s like SpongeBob almost the guy was just so rectangular and just like strong as hell right could bench press the entire team um but he the guy couldn’t move right and so then he he got into wrestling right trimmed down he was inches away from tripling quadrupling his sack numbers last year remember how many times he got home but just couldn’t quite get the guy somebody would just spin out of his grasp I mean he he is capable of double digit sacks and then and then Ty Robinson you know he he was uh he was sort of a top 2% body type out of school but just needed to get more strength and he’s done that now he’s what six six year for him by now fifth or six five and you think about so so think about it think about it like this way when Colorado is coming into town and they’re gonna have the number one high school offensive tackle starting at left tackle put a 23y old 320 pound Tai Robinson on that dude right that like that’s cool that you’re in the number one tackle you’re probably really talented probably really good but that’s a little different isn’t it um and so if you got those two anchoring the defensive line plus you got a Jamari Butler that’s you know not necessarily interior guy but and then Prince and then you just go on and on and on I just think Nebraska has so many threats coming at a quarterback that those two guys could be I I’m just trying to think of the last time Nebraska did have a on-two punch like that and I think you have to go back to Crick and Sue yeah yeah and they’re not on that same level obviously Sue is on his own planet of course but I think you do have to go back there can you can you name the last time Nebraska had that duo of experienced readymade Surefire take them to the bank solid players at that position gota go Peter Peter and wilz or Peter and Warren that far back I I would say Collins and Valentine yeah that’s where I was GNA go oh what am I doing someone punched me in the face yeah Fair second and third round yeah thank you good call and that made a difference right and you remember how much Val how much Collins especially uh Le was awesome yeah he he really tore things up for nebr and it just it just looks like especially if they get if they start to get some protection from their offense where they’re not on the field every other you know not on the field every every two seconds um and those guys can rest up I don’t know I I tend to agree with them it’s just that’s exactly what you want you want four or five six-year guys that have just been you know improving their bodies and dialing in their their training and all that Nebraska’s definitely got that right now bugs what go ahead bud water break sorry no I I I think um I I was curious so I grabbed Athlon which I happen to have here at my desk did not have Nebraska in their Top 10 dline rankings which doesn’t you know prove anything I was just curious if they were were in there um but I think uh yeah when we start thinking about the 2015 year with Collins and Valentine like they were Juniors I believe um you know good like but probably like Bruce meldin wasn’t saying they were the top two interior guys um in the country going into that and I think like if we want to use that as a kind of a comparison for for Nebraska has I think that that’s a pretty good fit and they were also let’s keep in mind too they were also in disarray they were changing their you know changing out coaches obviously going from Pini to Riley Collins did not like what was happening there like the team was in a very different place mentally whereas with the the team right now they seem to be pretty bought in pretty together uh veteran dudes I would have loved to have seen Collins and Valentine continued under bow right uh I think you would have seen a way different output from both of those guys no I’ll give Cass a quick shout out with just what he did with that interior line and then you have the Davis twins that came in I mean so they were pretty good up the middle so voges tell folks how to get on board and uh love my uh my bi-weekly newsletter that you and Aaron Sorenson do let’s talk a little bit about subscript description and how folks can uh can get their foot football fill yeah you can head over to um and and check that out as you mentioned that’s two newsletters a week for subscribers we do a couple of extra free things usually a week um to so you can you can sign up as a free subscriber that get you a 7-Day trial to everything that we’ve published to this point which is quite a lot of stuff since since August um and you can stay a free subscriber that lets you know when new stuff’s out um paid subscribers get those two exclusive newsletters a week um so it’s it’s been fun we’ve we’re still uh churning away through through the offseason I kind of like the offseason um if I’m being honest in terms of it allows me to to follow things uh for next week I’m see if I can get it together I’ve wanted to do this for many years but I’m trying to come up with like a college football stock market game [Laughter] so stay expand on that a little you can’t just tease us like that yeah I mean like I’ve never been like a a fantasy football guy not since like I was like 11 my dad you know we used to get bring home the little do you remember the little like Miller Light season previews um that they anyway it doesn’t matter now stock market game we we settle on a preseason power rating fpi SP plus whatever you want uh set a budget you can buy teams at whatever they their rating is um oh check in or you could sell short teams like if you’re like yeah I’m not buying Michigan this year they’re they’re going down they’re going to have a lower rating by the end of the year um so we’ll see we’ll see we’ll play around with that see if anybody’s interested I’ve wanted to do it for a long time interesting the sharpen vogul uh House of uh of college football brokerage I I I like it there’s uh Gary’s he’s doing some research for the stock market game right there yes I am still like it Vogues appreciate you much man go buy some fireworks all right sounds good have a good one guys thanks Brandon there he is hey Brandon thanks for being on the show and how go blow up some digits I know Sharpie how are you dude doing well how are you guys doing good manur kic what’s wrong with you I I’m not wearing a hat I yeah I know I thought about this thought about this I took a shower before the show today which is rare one taking a shower two before the show uh just you know like to get a nice little thick film of duck butter before you know I jump in there again this isn’t gonna be a moment where somebody is gonna walk behind you that should not to go out that door that has nothing to do with anything like that whatsoever I did get a new hat though I did get a new hat uh I went so I went to the Oakland Coliseum last weekend yes and wi in Rome yeah absolutely absolutely I’ll tell you what Oakland is fantastic it is exactly as bad and as great as you would think you know it is so while I was there have youall heard about this it’s national news the mayor the mayor she’s probably I bet you she’s late 30s early 40s uh daughter of Vietnamese immigrants ran on a on a kind of campaign of like change we’re going to get rid of this corruption she city council forever her house gets raided by the FBI like her house the mayor of Oakland house gets raided by the FBI goes radio silent for two days and like while I was there and I was just like this is incredible this is totally incredible and then she comes out with some fiery speech about how she’s not going to get held down and she’s got questions about why this is happening I’m like Oakland you are beautiful like what is what was she raided for well it’s it just gets better and better there’s uh they don’t know we don’t know if she’s the target of the investigation yet but there there’s a there’s there’s this like pretty powerful family that runs a waste management company I mean classic Mafia stuff right named Anthony no it’s uh it’s a it’s a a Vietnamese family a wealthy Vietnamese family that runs this waste management company that the FBI believes has been funneling money to uh to just like random people to give to candidates so like strawman can you know uh political donations uh and they have the contract for the city and if you have the waste management contract for the city you can dump bodies you can do all kinds of things it’s great you know it’s just like it’s the perfect and it’s multi-year contract and there’s always going to be garbage and so um wow it was just amazing and but it this Stadium by the way the Coliseum kind of weird kind of weird but it’s cool as you’re sitting in there you’re like Man Bo Jackson was just running right down on that field how about that uh thank you cincin are hilarious the signs are hilarious people in the Outfield just just MF in the ownership uh it’s probably a third full but at the same time it’s beautiful it’s like mid 70s Sunny light wind you’re just like ah this place could be so good but it’s so corrupt I’ll tell you so anyways yeah but I got a hat I was gonna wear it today all right yeah I got a hat like it got a hat out of the deal I love how those the longest story ever just to preface the fact that you got a hat I got a hat okay it’s okay we all had some of us of a certain age all had Oakland A’s hats at one point in our life in the8 or 90s great uniform so and they were they were honoring like the 1974 team I believe it Ry fingers the world yeah Raleigh and he gave a speech and everything he has the exact same mustache as he had before uh Denis Eckersley was on that team uh yeah no he wasn’t no no I swear no he was not on the 74 A’s is is X still doing he he was doing uh he was with the Red Sox broadcast wasn’t he yeah heck yeah they had hey when the A’s were going they were great I mean look at larusa cono Maguire Ricky they’re part of you know two prominent moments in the 80s with the Kurt Gibson walk-off and then the you know the earthquake against the Giants but it is uh I I think when you were telling this a couple weeks ago Mark I was out there too not too long ago it is it’s really sad but they they ruined that stadium that used to be a really cool Stadium because you remember the Outfield was open and it had a great backdrop but then when the Raiders came in there they built Mount Davis and they have this monstrosity in the Outfield that just ruined the atmosphere yeah yeah yeah it’s and but you know when you’re in The Concourse area it just reminds you of Memorial Stadium to be honest just concrete and you know it’s it’s fine it’s not it’s not like disgusting it’s not like there’s rats running around or whatever the way you hear it you’re just sort of like come on it’s not that bad um but it it is not Jerry World either I’ll tell you that Sharpie what to get your take on some recruiting here as some of the crystal balls are pointing towards Chase Lofton to Florida State and why are we not panicked you guys don’t seem to be panicked we talked about that because we’re all Panic is happening in the in the Stream but are you panicked I mean you’re lot of Miller South ball I I can I it’s okay to question recruiting where it’s at right now but there’s got to be follow-up questions um because I’m wondering you know there’s what are the numbers going to be in this class you know because and and and and you know not knowing how many people you can have on your roster you know Nebraska’s got 80 walk on or scholarship true freshman or red shirt freshman Colorado has 77 bodies on their roster just just think about that out loud so I’m I’m wondering you know it’s they missed on some targets I I will give them credit for this they haven’t settled for the mid-tier prospect they’ve been aggressive in going after guys and it hasn’t been as quick in June there hasn’t been that one Lynch pin that has led to you know some momentum you know Parker was a good pickup but God we’ve kind of already forgot about him here’s what I’m worried about is in this cycle not not long term but in this cycle is they didn’t get the spring game bump you know usually they have a a good good array of prospects on campus for the spring game and then you start to see one after another say yes so you know Nebraska’s still in the mix where the next week you know week and a half they could add to the class uh that currently has 12 the Lofton the Lofton recruitment is kind of interesting because at the end of the day you can say gez that guy’s at Millard South nebras has done everything well he’d also like to go to a place that is not selling sunshine and his selling success in Nebraska right now can only sell Sunshine until they get success that’s why it’s so important this year to win because then you can start and I think this is a good good group of recruiters when it comes to evaluating talent I still think they need a hammer or two but they’ve done a good job of selling Sunshine can you imagine if they get the opportunity to sell success so it’s okay to question where recruiting is going but I think we have to understand it’s a long process here and we don’t know what Nebraska’s approach is because of the numbers and thinking man all of a sudden we might be capped when this season is over with our roster and then we’re screwed well there there’s so much going on with that too and I I’m sort of desensitized too to Nebraska we were talking about that just just with how transient rosters are go go look at the 2022 recruiting class guys and it’s it’s like a graveyard of names that are no longer on the roster it’s it’s just just like okay great you got you had a recruiting class and that was as that was as good as as it was going to get was that day when you signed them all because now 70% of them are gone um sure part of that’s a coaching transition or whatever but then with transfer portal and everything else and then Gary another thing what what is the average sort of high major division one tight ends that the state of Nebraska is kicking out every year now anyways how 6’5 6 foot6 210 215 pounds Nebraska’s kicking out two or three of those guys every single year you can’t get them all yeah you know the the recruitment has been interesting here here’s how we go and we ride the momentum of recruiting like for example Nebraska one point LED for merit and then you know the trophies the success that Alabama kicked in uh and you know the momentum Nebraska needs that momentum so here’s the weird thing in in recruiting so Chase Lofton doesn’t stay in state and goes elsewhere but what if Christian Jones commits down the road we’re like oh okay we’re fine you know that’s just kind of back and forth but you’re right this is a state that produces tight ends but look at Nebraska’s tight end room right now is is I mean they’re pretty deep and if you’re looking at man I want to get on I want to play right away maybe the path at Nebraska is not as good as Florida State or Texas A&M but you know they’ve done if if through I’ll give Nebraska Credit and and I want to point something out the the the class that Nebraska signed late with rule we haven’t seen many of those classes where they have guys that are contributors early the 23 class the 24 class is going to be the same so I just want to preface that when you start to look at the 25 class but really over Bo to Riley to Scott to Now Matt rule Nebraska’s done in one position they’ve done a really good job of recruiting tight ends the problem has been how do you utilize those tight ends so right we know yeah we know that we know that this staff can evaluate tight ends it’s just you know not everybody in state is the same may have wanted to go elsewhere who knows but I know this Nebraska did everything possible to set it up where we want you now it’s your decision and you know and he had a very choppy uh official visit because he wasn’t here the full time uh a great a great gentleman named Yano Jones uh passed away and he was someone that worked with you know Chase LOF and other players yeah Yano passed away a couple of weeks ago Mark it’s really really sad I didn’t realize that wow but for people that know Yano in the Omaha Community man he has impacted so many young people and he also and Chase also had a seven on seven so it it’s kind of a little choppy um I’ll wait and I’ll wait and see and also guys remember the one thing Nebraska does is they do a good job of allowing the bounce back so let’s say say you don’t choose us we don’t burn that bridge we wish you well and you know what if things don’t work out there we already have a relationship if that’s something you would like to explore for example I I’ll I’ll throw a positive spin on the Dawson Merit isn’t it easier to go to Alabama and transfer back to Nebraska than to go to Nebraska and transfer to Alabama yeah Fair Point keep the door open and keep the the the food in the oven keep warm if you if you want to move on Sharpie I want to get your educated Gest slth thought and this has been with some of the fans they’re questioning the nil part of this conversation with recruiting and I’m interested to hear what you think about Nebraska being I think nebras is probably really competitive I think they’re uh in a good per group but there are some folks that just have their own money printing machine and that yeah is an A&M that’s in Oregon that’s a Ohio State right so what what’s your thought on Nebraska’s ability uh to uh to be competitive from an nil standpoint do you think they’re they’re fine can always be it can always be better and from a poola pool of candidates does Nebraska have a a lot of sugar daddies or is it just mainly a couple man it’s limited I I’ve been saying this for a while um you know Nebraska is kind of limited because of the size of the state and we don’t have we don’t have any you know we don’t have the oil people like I remember going down to Still Water for baseball they’ve got two major boosters how do they make all their money off of oil you know Nebraska Nebraska doesn’t have as many of those like big time hey you need 10 mil here’s 10 mil uh and if they do they’ve tapped them that’s the thing that that Trev like uncover that Danon is finding out is where do you find that new money that wants to support Nebraska do you find that new money if Nebraska starts winning so there you go rule another part of it’s time to start winning I mean that should be just the slogan of the year it’s just time to start winning um what we don’t know and I’m not I’m not super comfortable in these conversations anymore about nil because I hear different things Nebraska has access to name image likeness money but there’s also the part of when do you use it does that make sense yeah so so you have a head football coach who understands the importance of nil but he would rather use it to retain and reward than to buy a player if that makes sense that’s just my read but I think Nebraska’s nil is good not great it’s well and nobody’s quite figured it out yet either it it it sort of reminds me of like the early days of cryptocurrency somewhat you know nobody really knows what to do with it they know there’s something there they’re gonna throw a lot of money at it but they’re just like I don’t know which what’s actually gonna work out M Missouri seems have a pretty good idea of what’s going on I will give credit to to drink in Missouri well and then Elijah you’re absolutely in terms of acquisition oh yeah if you look at their recruiting class and they don’t they don’t hold anything back that they are in the nil game to play but what happened when did this kick in when they started to win and and then and and the boosters in Missouri they said oh okay and one thing led to another that’s why it just keeps adding up how important 24 is for Nebraska you got to get some momentum you go to you got to you got to you got to stop selling sunshine and start selling success to a recruit or a mark kic who’s got a lot of money that’ll say hey hey Mark we’re looking at this offensive lineman and we got some competition here and he likes us but the only way we’re going to get him is we got to get him some money and Mark says $100,000 there you go would you like me to drop it off in a McDonald’s bag or would you like me to uh to wire it to you if if Hey listen if I can be a title sponsor of of one of the players how awesome would that be right are you gonna gonna do big bills or ones no listen I’m talking but check this out I’m talking like and starting a quarterback for Nebraska Dylan Rola brought to you by Mark crak see him online at right like sell title sponsorships players themselves the back of the Jersey says cranck instead of Rola yeah brought to you by it it’s just a it’s just like a picture of one of us just like you know just smil and Gary he didn’t like that idea pretty soon crak will have his own statue yeah well I mean it’s about time my God uh everything I’ve done for that University so how about uh I don’t know you you mentioned you mentioned Missouri as having it all figured out we don’t know how sustainable it is though either right it’s just you know we have no idea A&M had it all figured out with Jimbo Fisher right the number one recruiting class they were incredible um how long that last right no one stuck around so yeah we don’t know if we don’t know if there’s any staying power there if they have any kind of controversy if you know the $400,000 wide receiver isn’t getting playing time and then he starts chirping and then it’s you know nobody really knows on fire for for Missouri right now really manageable schedule and they beat Ohio State last year and then the floodgates opened and the bowl game and and they’ve got a a great instate recruiting base there’s not many Missouri kids Missouri kids that are leaving that state they’re they’re really thinking hard about about going to to colia that’s never really been the case hey you look at their schedule for 2024 there’s a reason why I mean they’re talented they built a nice roster in a short amount of time but their schedule is really really conducive to putting yourself in a position to be in the playoff yeah okay hey couple couple couple player Acquisitions recently that probably don’t have a ton to do with nil money that could really impact Nebraska’s 202 24 season but a new kicker from Iowa Western is coming over and you saw alvano he was he was hit and miss last year quite literally um and then the the quarterback from Northwestern the niia player of the year transfers in which you know we had all said per best case scenario for Dylan riola is that there is some sort of Veteran presence veteran experienced presence but God what how are you going to get that guy to transfer in when you know rayola is the the presumed starter well if you’re in AIA you’re still taking that shot Gary what’s your take on those two guys and what kind of impact they could have on the field this coming season well I will tell you I’m glad you brought up the kicker um I forget his name too by the way John H so John hle HOH HL you know they are still they are still all in on alvano um and he is their guy and I I I have faith in alvano I think you know they’ve whether it be bushin or alvano they have recruited themselves into options if things don’t work out to create competition and make everybody better and I’m glad you brought up John Hull because he was going to be the starting Place kicker at Iowa Western and then division one program started to get word of him and his stock started to rise and I think this is a good pickup for Nebraska will he kick this upcoming season we don’t know that’s on him that’s on alvano but they’ve they they’ve got themselves into options you know the one thing I appreciate about rule is that he has constructed rosters um where he has played himself into options where he has competition um you know and I think he learned his lesson at certain position groups last year where they had injuries and they just weren’t deep enough you know wide receiver quarterback those kind of things so he’s always looking to add to his roster and I appreciate that I mean he knows that they’ve got to find they’re not Doom and Gloom at cornerback opposite Tommy Hill but they’ve got to find a guy and so that’s why they’ve been churning even with the injury to blly Hill okay who’s out there who can we add just to that room do we need to move a guy and so they get a guy last night from USC so I appreciate that about rule is that he doesn’t stop they don’t say okay our roster is done 365 247 they’re looking to add to the roster um and then at quarterback they they’ve played themselves into options we don’t know if these guys will ever play but they’re on the roster and you hope that they make the position group room better and if they get that opportunity they’re going to be ready to play you know it’s like McKai Nelson he’s a late addition as well to the 24 roster I don’t know that he’ll play this upcoming year um he could red shirt but he’s going to be in a room that let’s say you have a room that has guys that have gone down with injury you have him you know he’s he’s another body in that room that in a developmental program hopefully you can get him head in the right direction Gary you’re and I think you’re you’re intimating as a a key philosophical difference from coach rule compared to like a coach Frost or some others in the past I mean the infamous line of you think he’s better than what we got right with with burrow coming in potentially competing against Martinez if that’s rule it’s it’s instead of asking that question it’s like let’s find out right yeah like he just brings them in he just brings them in he’s not worried about Martinez’s feelings or anything like that yeah there let’s find out you’re right Mark there’s no downside to these additions it’s not like they’re and and and they also they do a good job of vetting guys so they aren’t going to bring in a guy in late and all of a sudden he just Turns Upside you know turns the position group room upside down yeah well and listen James James in the Stream says if we play a quarterback from NAIA then the Huskers are inan serious trouble and we’re talking about Jaylen gramstad he was a 2023 Player of the Year in the Nia wanted to be a Husker out of high school never got recruited decides to transfer in um and he’s got two years to play I believe I’m not saying this guy needs to start I’m saying if rayola goes down right you need a stabilizer at that position and if nothing else it feels like that kid could be that right could be just a stabilizer I’m not saying he’s all conference guy that’s gonna make he’s a guy that’s going to make sure harberg is ready to go right I mean it’s a competition thing as much as a depth thing yeah I’m not you know I mean I know and you were away last week Mark and you know people were like well there you go you got your quarterback too I mean let’s let’s just let’s just slow the role here a little bit um I I I hope we get to a point where we’re really not talking about quarterback two or quarterback three because quarterback is so good and he stays healthy the other thing Rola needs to play Rola needs to play football he hadn’t been played he haden’t played a game in college yet so he needs to play but they have depth in that room there’s no downside to an addition but I think at the end of the day with the quarterback position they hope to get it where they can win with every quarterback now they can win more with certain quarterbacks and a certain quarterback but it doesn’t matter who’s in there at quarterback Gary as we have this conversation here about depth something you talked about when we were talking recruiting was the potential roster limits that could be coming to college football I understand in the short term it screws you because you’re gonna have to make roster Cuts I mean Nebraska’s roster is well north of 150 already right now they’re already doubling up locker rooms in the new facility or Lockers in the new facility because they have so many guys but in the long term how much do you think roster caps would screw Matt ru’s rebuild of Nebraska in terms of his vision I think it would I would hurt Nebraska immens I think it would hurt college football I mean that’s the culture of college football as a walk-on program now some rosters are oversized and it’s ridiculous some I mean there’s a lot of schools out there if you did the math don’t even use their full 85 scholarships so I think Nebraska is smart about the roster because it’s about reps I mean we we can talk about man they got 150 guys but how many of them are getting true reps if you look at roster limitations and and and I don’t want to ever see the walk-on program go away because I think that would greatly impact just the fabric of college football if you if you maybe make it 120 or 110 so you would have what 25 extra guys imagine the scout team competition imagine because you’d have more scholarship guys that were on the scout team you would also have man would we have more two-way guys What would happen to Specialists would we give them scholarships I mean there’s a lot of questions out there but I think if they Capp if they if they said we have 85 no place like Nebraska’s in trouble but if they say 120 then you’re like you know what we kind of are in that range right now we’re good that’s why that’s that’s why I think Nebraska right now is trying to figure everything out with a roster and it has slowly come down from you know where it was a little bit bloated in the last 10 years what what you can’t have if you’re college football is the expectation you can model things as much as you want like the NFL because it prints money I get it but there’s a different level and you got kids coming in at 18 not 22 years old that that need to be on the roster and get work you you can’t just expect to snap your fingers and say all right we’re G to set a a roster limit and then have them be worth a damn that early in their life their football life at that level so there needs to to be the ability to have that 120 in my opinion I mean you need or if you can fund it fund it uh do what you need to do to make sure your team’s ready to go and Nebraska’s doing that with their development program hey let me let me ask you guys this you know because also it’s it’s I mean what do we we we do such a poor job with the offseason of college football that nine weeks from now we do a great job when we actually get to play the games so while we’re talking about limiting rosters we’re talking about growing staffs you know where more analysts can be on field for instruction what helps you win more a larger roster that that Monday through Friday benefits everybody or a larger coaching staff you need both you need you need Nebraska’s had great offensive lines when you’ve had two two coaches I’m thinking of of of Milton Dan uh and you had Barney and Mr Garrison uh you had two guys focusing on the offensive line for a time at different points in Nebraska football that’s key secondary too you’ve got got what 15 guy 15 15 offensive linemen 20 guys in the secondary Sharpie I mean both those spots need hell put as many resources towards those two spots as you [Music] can yeah well no I like the idea of of additional coaching and I think because there’s there’s to a certain point right like once you get to the bottom 30 players on 150 man roster it’s sort of like well you know you might get a James Williams that that pops up but it’s it’s kind of rare but if you can have Hands-On coaching I’ve learned that in Youth Baseball when when it’s just two of us running a practice versus four huge difference huge huge difference on on the the amount of instruction and and all that that you can deliver uh and NE Nebraska would be an appealing place for coaches right it’s it’s an appealing place to come for to come coach at uh neas yeah yeah I think Nebraska stands to benefit from that quite a bit too uh one just because of the place and the tradition that it has like it’s a good spot for a veteran guy that maybe just got run out of whatever program he was running or uh you know offensive coordinator that’s been in the game for a few decades that got fired or whatever Nebraska is a good spot to come kick it for while and and do some coaching um I think Nebraska will benefit from that quite a bit actually almost all of the changes that are happening and they are being talked about I don’t see as hurting Nebraska I I see Nebraska benefiting more from all the tectonic shifts in football right now than falling behind just because of the steady stream with the fan base steady stream the the the steady facilities uh good conference your money goes farther here you know money goes a lot farther here than it does in one of the bubble cities um I don’t know I don’t know I I I’m more bullish than I am concerned about Nebraska’s future with everything happening uh then maybe then then maybe you could say you know even eight nine years ago something like that like would you ra put it this way would you rather be right now would you rather be nebras Nebraska or would you rather be Florida state Washington State well right now FL Florida State right right now is knocking on the playoff door Florida State’s got to figure out where they’re gonna live possibly and they’re trying to what’s their future right well their future is to go find uh uh go find a someone to pay their legal bills and and buy out of the ACC Mark to go full you rather be Oklahoma or Nebraska right Mark Go full circle on this ask the Florida state Nebraska question go find Chase Lofton ask him that question and have a civilized conversation I know like Chase what are you doing man look at the future bro like be strategic here well I I think you know the one thing Nebraska has and I agree with you mark on this I think I think rule is somebody who he recognizes how he got in the business and if you do this right uh some coaches will allow young coaches the opportunity to get hands-on experience where they can put that on a resume and then it might be easier for them to get a full-time job than to stay an analyst the other part you look at you know Nebraska’s non unfield staff right now they have a good collection of guys now Tony white when he came from Syracuse brought a couple of guys that are vitally important as analysts for Nebraska that you know when Tony white moves on to his next job we’ll probably take him with him and they could be full-time guys you know Donovan Rolo has had a I guess now they label him as an analyst aarin coing who has been a huge asset for him for the last couple of years I I think you know Nebraska I don’t will not all of a sudden just start adding people they already have a lot of people that are involved um you know they will do it the right way but I think I I think at the end of the day coaches will look and go man I’d love to have I don’t want to be capped in terms of acquir in talent because to bring It full circle how many how many Mark will or um um Josh Williams uh are you gonna find you know I mean James Williams excuse me had a brain fart there uh where you’re gonna find them if you don’t have the ability to have the 86th or 87th or 88th guy in your roster yeah yeah 85 I think is a non-starter like come on that that would be I I hope that is shut down immediately there’s enough voices and I think important voices in college football um that are talking about this like the Kirby Smart Level the lane kein level guys that have success that they’re talking about it that maybe somebody listens but it might be out of the it might be out of control of you know college football where people that are not involved in football are going to make these decisions which is not good but we’ve seen before Sharpie can we just dive into like what’s what’s the rationale in your mind for cutting it to 85 like you talk about there’s leveling the playing field aspect of things is it that to you or save money save money that house settlement has changed everything because now you have you’re gonna you’re gonna have to start you know building a cache of cash for Revenue sharing and you know you’re gonna you’re you’re GNA have more of well football is bringing in all of this why is why do we have to touch football well football now has to you know play along with women’s soccer or men’s soccer or you know men’s and women’s volleyball so it’s I think that house settlement has really changed everything because the whole landscape is changing when terms of money and even though football is the driver on 99.9% of the campuses in America I I just think there’s going to be some hard decisions that are made in athletic departments over the next 10 years Sharpie well find it down and awesome to chat with you here as we count down to that first Saturday against UTEP um the the honeymoon phase with with old Trev and A&M the week that’s been oh yeah I can’t believe we haven’t gotten to this yet this has been a very popular Topic in the Stream this morning you mean uh Trev got when Trev got sched yeah he when he got outed schl nigle for people that aren’t haven’t seen that story Jim schlagle who who’s who just fled A&M went to Texas head baseball coach explosive accusations in the in the in a recent article I can’t I can’t remember which who he told this to but Trev basically told him hey if you don’t you know if you don’t like what’s going on here you can move on like he thanks for getting our team to the doorstep of a national title meanwhile SCH takes his staff and every stud from A&M and they just go go say what’s up bivo that’s got to just piss A&M off all elements of this whole transaction cleaned house from childress’s tenure and has those dudes competing for a national championship two three years later we’re is up with shev man I well okay so so being around Texas A&M uh up here at the College World Series uh it’s wild that this was put in motion a while ago um and it goes back so part of it is uh they they they added 80 million to the ballpark they have a project coming up but before Trev got there it was a little choppy on getting the funds and getting it moving and apparently the project has been delayed now it’s moving forward but it was supposed to happen a lot sooner so that Trev has nothing to do with that but that’s one of the things that ticked off the baseball coach then Trev did come in and he made some changes and a couple of people that were close to schlagle were gone I mean Schlagel when they had the George Straight concert he tweeted U about it they had 110,000 people at Kyle Field he tweeted about it and he thanked a guy that had gotten fired by trip so I don’t know that they had had time to establish a relationship and then a guy that you have a relationship with is the ad at Texas and also keep this in mind this was told to me by somebody that is around Texas ANM baseball every day there’s the bottom line of Jim scho divorced his wife got custody the kids they stayed in Fort Worth he could have stayed in Fort Worth he left to go to to Texas A&M he has no life in College Station like no social life his kids kids aren’t real interested in coming down to College Station so a single guy isn’t Austin better than Brian College Station you know and now and now and now the story is coming out that you know he told Tre that this is what he was thinking and Trev said you know what go do it I don’t have a problem with that because if a Coach comes to me and he’s already got one foot out the door let him go that job is too demanding and you want somebody to be all in I want that guy to say man I’m an eggy for life and I mean it not you know what I’m thinking about you know you got that thing in Texas go you know go that’s fine that’s fine we’ll move on um but it just in the transition and where Trev has been the last couple of months it’s a really really bad look and now he’s on the clock to make a higher that I don’t know that it’ll be a splash higher because of the timing but maybe a very good higher in the baseball circles but what a crazy crazy story I mean there’s allegations of burner phones and they were recruiting while they were in Omaha that Texas intentionally sabotaged Texas A&M I mean that’s what pettiness and college sports are so great because we had a moment like that you don’t see that in the Big 10 we don’t have we don’t have enough Cutthroat athletic departments in the Big 10 where they would go and steal another Prime coach from a school and all of this stuff would be going on I mean it guys Monday night that press conference was was was so uncomfortable when he attacked the reporter from from Tex eggs and and you know what and he never really apologized to him in my opinion he just explained what he did but I I’m I’m I’m driving to College Station next year when Texas plays at Texas A&M in a three game set no kidding wear an army helmet hey how about how about also this so if you follow what the people that are inside are talking about that schnegel had agreed to the job before the end of the regular season you know that they played Texas during the regional he beat Texas can you imagine what was going through his head sitting in that Dugout looking at that roster across the field my goodness who’s coming with me and uh he got a up close and personal view of what he was going to be inheriting well he’s cut throw too he he received quite a few he got a lot of criticism when he took over for childis and wasn’t honoring I mean that’s that’s kind of baseball anyways right like it’s the rosters are a little more a little more Cutthroat in general just with lack of scholarships that you have to offer but he was especially just like he gave people Walkin papers left and right on that on that roster Nebraska even got a couple guys out of that deal uh but yeah so he I mean he’ll have Texas ready to roll there’s there’s no question about that he’s a win I mean I don’t have a problem with him taking the job okay Texas I mean Texas has money to allow you to dream um I just you know there’s a way to handle that kind of stuff and especially on Monday night you get asked a question like that all you have to say is you know what I I know you got to do a job you got to ask the question but we just lost in the championship game and I’m thinking about my guys I’ll I’ll address that at a later time yep you could just leave it like that and talk more about the kids you could pull Roy Williams where everybody knew Roy was leaving and he handled it of you know I want to talk about the kids you remember that whole Bonnie Bernstein and Roy Williams interview so it’s wild but boy Trev is now in the spotlight and the clock is ticking because the Portal’s about to close in college baseball geez Sharpie have yourself a weekend brother we’ll uh get things figured out we’ll huddle up and and find that uh trip down to Missouri for some for some fireworks and uh oh I’m sure you could go on your own neighborhood aren’t the tents up not dogs haven’t been freaking out we’re we’re we’re fine right now great you got Canabis tents you got the Cannabis tents right next to the Firework tents perfect it’s just go and don’t forget we are at the end of the month so those petition collectors are really aggressive oh yeah that’s funny uh are they already selling fireworks in Omaha uh I oh yeah yeah yeah you just can’t uh you can’t shoot them off until July 2nd oh see in Lincoln they until July 3rd okay they have the ptin up but you can’t actually put the products on the shelves and start selling it until the third Omaha Omaha greater than crimetown yeah no it’s a friend from the Black Hills Black Hills Brennan wants us to just go all day today just keep on going do got gota go ump I’ve gotta go lose some golf balls uh cran day uh yeah we got we got batting practice here in 50 43 minutes yeah okay so kic’s like shut the hell up and let me get out Sharpie what are you doing today you grilling you doing anything fun uh I’m not sure I’m not sure it’s uh uh it’s a rare Saturday with nothing to do go get some Momos at the in rail get some Momos are you down with the Momos I’ve uh I the I just passed the inter rail on my uh workout this morning yeah all right yeah yeah what y’all know about Momos guys appreciate y’all nine nine nine Saturdays from now there we go happy fourth happy fourth everybody yep that’s the Iron Horse Gary sharp Sharpie appreciate you cran be good brother you as well all right fellas appreciate you y subscribe and like halil VAR City YouTube hail VAR City Radio Twitter H VAR City R we’ll talk to you next time thanks on speed


  1. Tyreese Knox fumble against Florida State 1988 Fiesta Bowl. Then they drove 98 yards and beat us. My first husker bowl game I remember watching.

  2. It would be funny if Texas A&M took Texas baseball coach he can’t be that bad and then beat them with Texas old coach

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