Golf Players

Ep 265 – Road Wild 1997

Ep 265 – Road WIld 1997 “It’s Gonna Be Wild”

It doesn’t get as wild as they said it would

0:15 – Welcome

14:17 – RW Opening

15:26 – Vicious and Delicious (Buff Bagwell/Scott Norton) (w/ Vincent) vs Harlem Heat (Booker T/Stevie Ray)

21:11 – Konnan vs Rey Mysterio Jr in a Mexican Death Match

26:26 – Four Horsemen (Steve “Mongo” McMichael/”The Crippler” Chris Benoit) vs Jeff Jarrett and Dean Malenko (w/ Queen Debra)
in a tag team elimination match

30:52 – Chris Jericho vs Alex Wright for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

34:48 – Syxx vs “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair

39:02 – Curt Hennig vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/ Kimberly)

45:47 – Macho Man Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs Giant

48:58 – The Outsiders (Scott Hall/Kevin Nash) vs the Steiners (Rick/Scott Steiner) (w/ Ted DiBiase) for the WCW World Tag Team Championships

52:50 – Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger for the WCW World
Heavyweight Championship

57:04 – Overall Thoughts

1:00:43 – Smarking It Up

1:13:07 – The Dusty Finish

1:15:45 – Goodbyes

Music from this week’s show is the opening from Road Wild and “Rockhouse” by FCD Music

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X – WrestlingHistoX

professional wrestling is the one true sport other sports have their share of intense dramatic moments but nothing can compare with professional wrestling WCW goes wild welcome to wrestling History X where three friends come together to talk about the stories behind the matches I’m Matt I’m pulling down my little panties and I am vicious and Delian welcome to episode 265 Road wild 1997 it’s going to be wild Road wild even ooh but don’t call me hog don’t you can call me boss but don’t call me hog so this is the second rendition of Road wild produced by WCW but the first under this name as it was called Hog Wild the previous year took place on August 9th 1997 from the sturis motor cycle rally in Sturgis South Dakota with an attendance and non-paying of 6,500 people I guess you can do that once you have 177,000 people plus that show up at your shitty Monday Night Raw the Monday before you’re still losing money on it also I think when the show opens uh Tony Shani just gives an estimation of the amount of people that are at sturs he’s like 20,000 people and it’s like yeah sure yep I mean even the 6500 is a yeah just probably a random number of we’re not pausing and Counting heads y do they count people on the beach that time that they were on the beach I’m sure they did you know what I used the wrong nickname oh yeah yep uh oh do we need to redo no mine’s not any good I used one the one from SummerSlam I was like that is a SummerSlam I was because because the U my notes I found my I thought I threw my notes away and I didn’t we were right here I had the WCW on for the last show the whole time so for last week’s episode I was Liz the mark and for this week still pulling down those little panties cuz why not we’re in Sturges I’m sure people were [ __ ] in the streets there you go well that’s a segue to hey we’re in churches sorry so Shane did you do what you do well I didn’t go [ __ ] in the streets that’s for sure not of stous too much dust yes I did I did do what I do I hopped on the old Google machine and said tell me what people like in South Dakota and obviously they like motorcycles or at least people like to drive to South Dakota on their motorcycles but there were a bunch of different different foods in South Dakota uh some that I can’t pronounce I don’t really know for sure there’s lots of skewed Meats with little dipping sauces kebabs only with more difficult pronunciations here let me find my my Stu all right so South Dakota is known for obviously Mount Rushmore foodwise they uh are known for rhubarb and strawberry rhubarb prize uh I guess raspberry rhubarb jalapeno is another one and bumbleberry whatever the hell that is a bumbleberry many South Dakota Foods reflect the heritage of its people like its state dessert the cin or cin which is like a little play on a cake with like a it’s it’s like a cake cheesecake kind of thingy but with a German twist and I almost got one but the place closed before I could get there so you know I guess next year on Old wild Road wild I’ll have to remember if it’s even called that next year oh it is you’ve got uh something known as chislic which is salted half inch cubes of lamb or beef that are fried or grilled and they are brought to the dtas by Germans from Russia something that’s popular in Nebraska as well chili with cinnamon rolls bison and bison Burgers kachis pheasant sandwiches walleye but I went with this one here because one that wasn’t German wasn’t German it’s it’s much easier figure it’d be much easier to find an Oklahoma since we’re known as Indian country but I went with Indian tacos I’ve never had an Indian taco outside of the State Fair and I’m not mad about this at all honestly it’s pretty damn good I found a place here in Oklahoma City called Tim’s Drive-In good old TS yep and uh it’s it’s your your basic Indian taco which is a Indian fried bread topped with a bean yeah this is vegetarian right I believe yeah yeah it’s typically a bean or maybe a bean in ground St beans it’s got your typical Taco toppings as far as cheese lettuce tomatoes comes with sour cream a little bit of uh packets of pecante sauce some jalapenos on the side yeah it’s just it’s like a a big flat fluffy tostada that’s dressed up like a taco yeah it’s a it’s a uh taco salad but with fry bread instead of that that upside down hard shell hat but I uh I’ve always been curious to find an Indian taco outside of the fair because I always just attribute that to being fair foods and then lo and behold we have a little diner here in town that sells them and they had all kinds of good comments about it so I figured [ __ ] it we’re going to try it CU it’d be a whole lot easier than me trying to figure out how the hell to make it and the fry Bread’s nice and fluffy yeah it’s nice and soft fluffy it’s got a really good flavor to the beans I mean I can put jalapenos just about on anything and the pickled jalapenos just give it that I know Screw Up I ate mine too fast and forgot to jalapenos on it doesn’t make any noise when you take a bite because the fried red is all nice and soft and fluffy so I’m just going to talk with my mouthful so you can tell that I actually did take a bite but yeah if you’re uh if you’ve never had a uh an Indian taco before look it up see if they’ve got them near you if not just look up how to make Indian fried bread and go from there everything else you you got you probably already got in the pantry probably so yeah way to go Tim if if this is your recipe anyways for reals that’s very good I didn’t actually open this yet but they had a dessert also so I figured what the hell why not just because I don’t know when we’ll be going back to Tims again this is a Persian cake it’s apricot flavor I believe oh my gosh man after my heart so we’ll see we’ll see what this tastes like Taco’s Good Love Me cake is all nice and soft apricot anything really you’re an apricot kind of guy I love them dried dried ones jams I don’t really get much aprot flavor maybe it’s just in the bite that I had there’s some sort of fruit in there but it tastes more tastes more like a cherry vanilla like a kind of like a light somewhere between a lighter try sled Chase and Italian wedding cake yeah the it’s good very good nice and fluffy soft cake it’s not dry I did not taste no I might just be pulling that out of nowhere let me look just at the double check I’d hate to send people to Tims expecting apricot and not have it yeah three layer Persian cake apricot but this one’s got a cherry on top I don’t know if that’s a sign that it’s Cherry maybe but tastes like Cherry really Cherry either it’s good it’s just not me I think the apricot is in the frosting on the bottom half yeah like cuz I’m getting like a a flavor profile there I just I don’t eat apricots enough so that may be what it is yeah whatever they they didn’t use enough of but you know no complaints uhuh no absolutely not if I’m if I’m back at Tim’s again getting another Indian taco or I mean they’ve got foot long conies and little conies and other stuff there as well but I’m definitely going to have to go back and get another one of these and if I’m there I don’t see why I wouldn’t get another piece of cake because it’s actually pretty damn good absolutely for sure well something that would happen right around the same time as Road wild conspiracy theory would hit theaters the same weekend I don’t know what this is this is Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts are the uh Birds robots I don’t remember I just remember he’s a like a cab driver I want to say C he’s kind of special yes and ends up one of his theories becomes is real and unfortunately people start following him and and like going after him because of it so it’s like yeah a paranoia Thriller yeah a little bit is it good I haven’t watched it in forever but I mean I watched it more than once back in the day but I was a big fan of Mel Gibson playing crazy people I mean I love some Mel Gibson when you take in the overall Arc of Julia Roberts and M Gibson movies along with that it’s a Richard Doner directed film and also Brian helgeland wrote it who’s written many many good films like there one right before it was LA Confidential okay this one is uh you know it’s very it’s very low on the totem pole but this is a this is a watchable cable flick yes yeah I mean I went to see it at the theaters because again it was 1997 and in the 90s if Mel Gibson’s in a movie you go see it Julia Roberts was in a movie you went and saw it yeah this is not the first movie that anybody thinks of when they think of anybody attached to it no but uh I’m intrigued I do I love me some uh it’s one of those Mysteries and it’s it’s not quite there with I’m trying to remember how it holds up against like the Pelican Brief wow Pelican briefs much better okay see it’s been too long since I’ve seen brief was like a a certified hit that talked about people they still talk about yeah but yeah that also helps too is that it was you know a bestseller probably yeah book you know a airport classic before the movie even came out but yeah I’m always down to watch M GI performance that I haven’t seen I was a huge fan of payback which is probably the movie he made right after this hey you want to know who wrote uh payback same guy Brian heland ah nice do you write Ransom I don’t think he did I just remember payback being watching that as a kid be like this is badass no did not right Ransom he just being you know PS a guys like ring out or something yeah and I was the right age to be like hell yeah yeah like helin is one of those guys that like if you like follow the follow riters like kind of closely you know the name but like his run let’s hear it la la confid said LA Confidential that’s well he wrote assassins that was his first big big one with Banderas and Stallone and Stallone nice he wrote LA Confidential conspiracy theory Postman payback which Postman Kevin cner Kevin CER one I’ve always wanted to watch that nights tail Mystic River Man on Fire yeah see taking a pelum one two three REM I don’t have 10 to 15 year stretch of hits I don’t have in my heart to watch the Remake I’m sure it’s fine but the first one’s perfect taking a pelum 12 three I never saw uh it’s great great movie starring U Bad News Bears uh Walter ma Walter ma uh it’s a pretty big or I guess at least the nicknames are an inspiration to like Reservoir Dogs all the guys but it’s a a heist movie in the New York subway and uh it’s I mean the remake with Denzel is very good as well is Denzel I was trying to figure out who the Remake was is it Colin Ferell I thought it was I’m sure the remake good I mean it’s A Hard movie to screw up because it’s so the original is so good I can’t remember who the other person is yeah but yeah it’s good as hell at least the original is I’m sure the other one is too but I mean Denzel doesn’t usually make bad at least back to yeah now he just makes equalizer movies which I’ve heard are pretty fun but I have not watched and is The Equalizer movies the same as like the old equalizer TV show and then the new equalizer TV show yep it’s a movie it’s a movie version of it I have no idea what that is I just know there’s a thing called The Equalizer well yeah there was in the’80s there was a a show on CBS called The Equalizer and it was this old white guy that he went around and equalized sounds now Queen laifa oh I have seen that on TV it was awful but um you know it was a television tele network television in the year 20 24 2023 whenever I saw it I was like okay well yeah we’re not we’re not not firing on all cylinders here no television is at this point let’s see if Road wild can fire on any cylinders shall fire I mean there’s only usually two on a motorcycle right but this is wild so who knows we get video packages with highlights of our competitors to start everything is rumbling at Road wild the NWO blanketed the world with their propaganda now it’s rumbling around them as Lex Luger recaptured the world title will it be a short trip of victory for Luger or is it a long road of defeat for Hollywood Hogan we then get helicopter footage of sturis while Tony Shani welcomes us to the show joined by Dusty rhods and Bobby The Brain Heenan and we the bikers all around the area basically drown out the commentators as they preview the match is ring there bikes there’s the one guy that looks like he painted his whole body Brown looks like he’s doing not even like Brown face but Brown body but I don’t think he did I think he’s just incredibly tan but he just looks like yeah maybe he was out [ __ ] in the streets who knows maybe maybe he borrowed uh Hogan’s tanning we go to our first match Vicious and Delicious of both Bagwell and Scott Norton with Vincent versus Harlem heat a Booker T and Stevie Ray no Sherry e no but I think at this point she had been let go from the company yeah somebody they they had to pay for that helicopter somehow yeah well I think she was uh eming a little too much a little bit so Tony says that Harlem heat has promised a surprise for everybody while Booker and Bagwell start us off with Vicious and Delicious taking control with hip tosses drop kicks Clos lines and Corner splashes is the surprise um booger tees Yankees had I thought that was fun or that Harlem heat didn’t get booed for being black like they did last year yeah it’s a plus I forgot that that yeah I did not they swap out the n’s for FS later in the show show you know um y y not weighing either of those on this scales of Justice Norton also Nails a s side slam on Stevie before a whip is reversed sending Scott to the ropes where Booker T kicks dorton from the apron followed by a Thrust kick from Stevie Ray and Booker returns to Nell’s suplex and a leaping forearm for a two count but Scott rallies when he catches Booker T going for a sidekick dropping him on the mat and making a tag and Bagwell comes in with strikes for everyone but a reversed whip sends him to the ropes where Stevie low bridges them causing buff to crash out to the floor and Stevie Ray runs Bagwell into a ring post before rolling him back in where Harlem heat teams up for shoulder tackles chin locks and a scissor kick for an nearfall and Booker charges into a boot in a corner allowing buff to charge out with a closed line but Stevie makes it in to deliver a fisherman’s Buster to keep control all of a sudden Jacqueline would make her way to the ring standing in Harlem Heat’s Corner cheering them on as Booker T wears down Bagwell with a chin lock before going for a Power Bomb but buff reverses it into one of his own allowing him to make the crawl for the hot tag Norton cleans house with clothed lines shoulder tackles and Corner splash es leading to everyone brawling inside the ring when Vincent would trip up Stevie Ray allowing Bagwell to close line him out to the floor and Stevie goes after Vince but buff follows out to keep up the attack while Scott Nails a shoulder breaker on Booker inside the ring when Jackie would jump on Norton’s back Jack Attack Booker T uses the opening to deliver a pair of Harlem Sidekicks making the cover with Jacqueline holding Scott’s foot for the pin and the win postmatch Harlem eat celebrates with Jackie with Booker saying it’s on like neckbone okay he uh I uh do love that like Scott Norton is a mountain of a man Jacqueline is uh in incredibly fit and um pretty jacked but until she jumps on a mountain and yeah yeah it’s like yeah if he needed to kick out I don’t think that she was going to make much of a difference no uh in any situation that isn’t him just concussed it’s on like neckbone yeah I yeah it reminded me of the movie Mud where there’s a child named Nick bone which is my favorite nickname from a character in a movie I think I forgot about the name of their tag team Vicious and Delicious yeah I hate it yeah it’s I had to look it up real quick cuz I’m like was that Mandy Rose and Sonia deville’s team name cuz it sounds like it would be a women’s team but no it’s Fire and Desire yeah but the same idea yeah Vicious and Delicious would have been their tag team name if uh they were wrestling in ’98 see if they would have got Lita and Trish Stratus could have been Vicious and Delicious or sunny and Sable if they could have got them to get along which one’s delicious wrestled I don’t know that wouldn’t be for me to pick in which one I mean lead is your vicious even though she’s also a pretty lady but I know Trish I think Trish is a little more vicious Lita is worried about hurting her feelings Trish just wants to kick your teeth in and then have you tell her she’s hot we see the Steiners and Ted debiasi with a intern on WCW where Ted’s asked why he chose to manage the brothers with him responding they represent traditional wrestling and they have an amateur background and I wanted a job DB continues but Tony starts to speak over him oh while the Steiners just stand in the background I do love that this kid is like it’s the middle of the day and he’s on a 1997 like laptop or PC I don’t know but it’s like this thing isn’t hooked up to [ __ ] I mean I guess maybe because they have to have like a a satellite truck for this is a pay-per-view or whatever but they’re not wasting it on the internet yeah screens didn’t backl that well back then it’s just funny to see a kid on a comp on a computer in the dirt in the middle of nowhere in 97 surrounded by bikers yeah so we go to our second match Conan versus Ry Mysterio Jr in a Mexican death match the Dog and Mike to joins the commentators for this one while Ray avoids a charge Nails some strikes a springboard drop kick and a head scissors to begin I saw a really good uh sign that said free beer for sting that’s a good sentiment Mysterio goes for another holding for K dog to hot shot him onto a turnbuckle followed by a rolling clothes line and focusing on the knee applying a death lock of sorts and Ray rolls out to regroup but returns with a slingshot head scissors only for his knee to buckle and Conan pounces on the injury with more holds and attacks I mean you you know he sold it his knee was all better last week but maybe he came back a little too quick maybe he came back too quick and also you know once you have hurt your knee it’s easier to injure your knee again or any part of your body for that matter I feel like in the beginning of this match they said this was a Mexican Grudge death match but it’s not it’s just a match I mean it’s a Mexican death match in the sure it’s a grud it’s a Mexican Grudge matches in that they’re both Mexican and there’s a grudge yeah but yeah it’s just funny K dog goes after the mask finally getting it pulled off there’s your Grudge but it’s also why he wasn’t disqualified because it’s a Mees death match because in Mexico in Luchador rules that would be a disqualification yeah and Ray keeps his uh hands over his face but he also is able to rake the eyes allowing him to get the mask back on before delivering drop kicks leg drops and a dou springboard moonsault but again Ray comes up limping coning capitalizes with basement drop kicks and a stump puller until Mysterio makes the ropes and rolls out again Ray fights his way back into the ring with a will Barrel arm drag but he’s then caught by K dog with a belly to belly overhead suplex and Conan grabs a leg only for Mysterio to counter it into a victory roll for a two count before hitting multiple basement drop kicks and slowly making his way to the top K dog catches ray flying off and delivers a cradle DDT followed by locking on the tequila sunrise for the submission and the win postmatch Conan refuses to release the hold even as the ref yells at him but finally does so as other officials begin to arrive to help put a splint on Mysterio’s leg Yeah R did a good job selling um selling in the leg I like the spot where he did the leg drop and then sold it I already dislike NW Onan more than so much more than old Conan I mean I liked him as the big long-haired re braided whatever yeah yeah or just being you know buff and mean and like actually dressing like a wrestler and I liked it when he just recently had the you know like Southern California Mexican gangster Vibe but you put the NWO paint on him he means less there’s only there’s only three NWO guys really yeah we’ll say four because of the politics yeah so like if it’s and that’s six if we didn’t figure out what I was saying yeah but like so is it but yeah Bishoff is above six even not personally but as far as pecking order goes but Bishop’s not getting matches no no yeah as far as wrestlers Bishop’s not in Hall of Fame he’s in his own Hall of Fame in his [ __ ] delusional mind Shan starts talking about the city of Sturgis and the rally as we get more helicopter shots bold of him to call it a city you can see the whole thing it’s a town brother Tony then sends it to mean Jean who shows off his new tattoo o not remembering how it happened but he will wear it for the rest of his life so funny it’s like oh it’s a temporary tattoo yeah it’s a cute joke though mean literally looks like Shawn Michaels tattoo yeah he then plugs the hotline saying there are two new managers in WCW one is a former World Champ and the other is a story that’s developing as we speak and I look this up and I have no clue who they’re talking about yeah I was like JJ Dyan was never a championship wrestler and he’s already shown up I don’t think he’s considered a manager though like literally the only thing I could think of is if they making Raven a manager yeah but they’re not technically a world champion yeah but they’re not going to consider the ECW about a World Champ I mean I guess they might they might yeah who knows they don’t know what they’re doing so I guess yeah now I wonder who I probably nobody it’s probably just [ __ ] to get to make you know $100 and [ __ ] 50 cents at a time so we go to our third match the Four Horsemen of [ __ ] McMichael and the crippler Chris benois versus Jeff Jarrett and D minko with Queen Deborah in a tag team elimination match and the story behind this match was that Deborah claimed she turned on McMichael because he’s has been and hated living in his shadow and her new man doublej would defend his us title versus Flair only for the other horsemen to attack him so Jarrett went look looking for someone to watch his back doublej would approach Dean offering to help him with his Guerrero problem if minko would help him out Dean reluctantly agreed but he wouldn’t strut with Jarrett no matter how hard Double J tried ice water for veins or ice water in his veins not ice water for veins so benw Jarrett trade Hammer locks to start followed by the crippler and malinko going back and forth with strike take downs and holds and this is my kind of they start like so hot or moving so fast and crisp and like this it’s all I want this is my fight forever people say fight forever after a match happens for more than eight minutes these days but I truly want to watch Cris and W and de minko fight forever especially at this point in 97 where they’re both pretty fresh there’s no sure they’ve been injured but there’s still plenty of miles on the on these guys m tags in and whips Dean to the ropes where binwall kicks him from the apron allowing the horsemen to take control with a tilt a world side slam forearms knees to the gut and clo lines and the crippler keeps up the attack with a back elbow Stomps and chops before M Michael returns for a side slam and a power slam for a two count and [ __ ] sets up for the three-point stance only for malinko to avoid leaping to his corner to tag in Double J who isn’t very happy about having to get in and Jarrett blocks a right hand and Nails a jawbreaker but pulls McMichael on top of himself holding him down for the pin and the elimination oh elimination oops forgot about the Double J lets everyone know how smart he is as they make their way to the back leaving Dean to be double teamed by the horsemen only to fight valiantly a avoiding a charge into a corner to deliver a drop kick and a back body drop followed by a cover of [ __ ] for a nearfall benino breaks it up and the horsemen begin to work over minko with Stomps clothes lines and suplexes only for Dean to Rally again with a back suplex of his own followed by locking on the Clover Leaf forcing the crippler to make the ropes and malinko goes for a tombstone but Ben wall reverses it to drop Dean before heading up top to nail a flying headbutt for a two count followed by Michael returning to hit another Tombstone for the pin and the win Minka just got pinned by MC Michael yeah but I mean he also got screwed by Jeff Jarrett yeah well that’s sued yeah but I mean yeah Jeff Jarrett very fun here in this limited capacity uh doing the chicken [ __ ] heel dance with the one that brought you you should know this otherwise they’re just going to cheat you out of a win or smartly eliminate themselves so that you lose Tony then shows us footage of the motorcycle ride into sturis wrestlers on bikes the Steiners DDP and [ __ ] all ride shirtless into town while Mike to joins the commentators to give us an update about Mysterio saying it will be at at least a severe strain what about his head that moon salt where he lands head to like the gut of I should have brought it up in the match but he lands I was like truly scared for him for a moment I was like because his head just lands on the gut of Conan he rolls through or whatever but it looks tough so we go to our fourth match Chris Jericho versus Alex Wright for the WCW Cru white Championship there’s somebody out in that crowd after my heart with Alex Wright is the man he is the right one baby which surprises everyone including Shani our competitors trade holds and Strikes with Wright continuingly regrouping anytime Jericho grabs an advantage where the crowd yells at Alex but right takes control by yanking the hair of Chris but Jericho retaliates with a spin kick that sends Alex to the apron where the two men fight leading to right being Crotched onto the top rope followed by a springboard drop kick that sends him to the ground and Wright makes his way back onto the platform so Chris flies out with a springboard body press before chops and a body slam but Alex reverses a whip to send Jericho into the steel steps followed by a snap suplex on the platform I love Alex’s like key lime colored gear it’s the greenest of greens and Chris has rolled in with right heading up top only for Jericho to meaning there to press slamming down to the mat continuing the attack with a drop kick a hip toss and an arm bar and Alex goes for a body slam but Chris just rolls through to keep the arm bar locked in only to release it to deliver forearms and right is sent to the ropes but comes back with a spinning Hill kick to slow the momentum and he starts to stomp away before going up top for a flying Stomp and Alex with European uppercuts a back suplex and he goes to the top once more for a moons salt only for Jericho to roll out of the way rallying to hit a shoulder block jawbreaker chops multiple running clothes lines a Lion Salt and a senton for a nearfall what what about a kitchen sink a kitchen sink match one day Chris then delivers a double power bomb taking his time climbing the ropes allowing right to hit them causing Jericho to crotch himself so Alex then climbs up to nail a superplex for the pin and no Jericho kicks out the two men then fight over a waist loock that Chris victory rolls through for a two count followed by a back suplex for an nearfall Jericho has his whip reversed sending him to a corner where he leaps up and over a charging right pulling him over into an okoko only for Alex to roll through yanking on the tides for the pin and the win yeah I was so stoked this match was uh really great and very fun and I really thought that Chris Jericho was going to win so uh you know bump to see bump to see him uh yek out the win I would watch another match between these two guys no problem we get more footage of the town as we see an ambulance drive by with Tony saying that they’re coming for Heenan I love the uh there’s a shot of a guy on a bike and he’s just got those giant oversized like novelty Ray bands but he’s wearing a a Charles Manson t-shirt just you know nothing but a a good time in sturis we also see the mayor of Sturgis Clifford Lynn sounds about the right kind of name for yeah for a guy from sturis what else is he going to do it’s the only thing that ever happens in his town Mr Lynn call me Clifford so we go to our fifth Match six versus the Nature Boy Ric Flair and the story behind this match was that Nate had tried to introduce new Horsemen but the kid appeared instead saying there wouldn’t be any new Horsemen as they are a thing of the past and six continued that flare only returned because he’s out of money but the Nature Boy said he’d be the better man and walk away only to turn and deck the kid six would then interfere in several n matches even applying the buzz killer submission trying to injure the surgically prepared shoulder so our match gets going with the two taunting each other before locking up to go into some head loocks shoulder blocks and chops you guys have seen a Ric Flair Match six tumbles out of the ring on a missed Corner charge so he regroups for a moment before returning to trade more chops and holds until the kid can nail a spin kick to take n to a corner where six delivers a Bronco Buster there’s a really sweet moment at the beginning of this match where Bobby talks up Flair in his accomplishments and then compliments Dusty for his long history with Flare and the times that he’s beat him or whatever and Dusty takes it with great humility which is not something that you see from Dusty roads very often and it was uh very Charming P it my heartstrings so the kid goes to a rear chin lock to wear down flare followed by another spin kick that catches the Nature Boy in the mouth and six body slams n before heading up top for a flying leg drop that gets a two count before nailing a spinning heel kick for a nearfall and back to the chin lock when Flair would rally to his feet and hit chops only for the kid to chop right back whipping the Nature Boy to a corner for a flare flip out to the apron bage catches six charging in with a shoulder block getting back in the ring to deliver chops and a shim breaker only for the kid to counter into an inagu six thing goes up top for a flying somersault sunent Tong but the Nature Boy avoids and takes out the leg allowing him to lock on the figure four only for the kid to be in the ropes and flare continues the attack with r hands at a back suplex but six floats over and grabs hold of n with the buzz killer a crossface chicken wing yeah only for the Nature Boy to block by ramming them into a corner and Flair’s being choked with a boot by the kid setting him up for another Bronco Buster but n gets a boot up to the crotch as he flies in it looks brutal Square making a cover with his feet on the ropes for the pin and the win crotch chops all over this match but yeah this was not bad it was uh nice to see Rick with a younger opponent it was a little long but you know it was nice to see the young and old Dynamic pulled off uh solidly with Rick winning from having the uh experience and psychology but six has got to stop with the karate [ __ ] like the karate stance give up the karate stance it’s fine to do a kick but it’s played out here in ’97 but how else will they know he’s tough hate to tell you this there’s nothing tough about crowy but it’s 2024 and he would still do the Kate stamps I know but you know at least his excuse now is that his brain is uh been fried no man Cobra Kai but it brought it back karate’s popular again to this to the same people that likes karate when the karate kid came out that same audience so we get more footage of sturis before we go to our sixth match Kurt henck versus Diamond Dallas pige with Kimberly and hen’s wasting time on the outside so DDP gives chase you got to put your diamonds up with Kurt making his way back into the ring to catch Paige with several knees to stop him from returning so DDP fakes coming in to drag henig out to the platform where they trade strikes they roll in to continue to brawl with Kurt yanking Paige down by his hair holding for DDP to return the favor before hip tossing H across the ring where he ends up straddling the ring post so Paige rolls out to pull Kurt crotch first into it uh oh yeah it was a nice uh nice little spot where he’s like oh here’s my opportunity and he slides right out and does the thing real quick comes right back DDP has hold of HCK sing as he continues the attack letting everyone see some perfect ass and how hey it’s anything better than Rick’s flabby ass yeah Paige then heads up top but Kurt hits the ropes causing DDP to crotch himself allowing henig to use his towel to choke Paige and H Nails a knee lift a neck Whip and a neck twist and here we get a DDP chant the first wrestler chant of the night DDP is the man really damn first like chant for a specific yeah for a b specific wrestler unless you want to count the fs that they yelled at uh Alex right but I choose not to why are they yelling that [ __ ] at him it’s rude it’s so rude he’s German yeah he’s yeah he’s not French I was trying to think of something to say to that but I got nothing it’s all right it’s all about that’s why I don’t dance because I don’t want people to call me names most time you can get away with it this is just a wrestling crap but if your friends don’t dance they’re no friends of mine so maybe you should dance I can dance if I want to or I can leave my friends behind it’s all right there dance like watch hening then goes to work on the leg of DDP using a spinning Toe Hold followed by applying a sleeper for good measure but a jawbreaker immediately free page and the two trade Clos lines and pin attempts all for two counts when Kurt would kick out of one causing DDP to land on the ref ref bomb a weak one and henck uses the opening to remove a turnbuckle pad ramming Paige head first into the corner busting him open before delivering a hlex for the pin and no DDP kicks out Bring give me at least one blade job on every pay-per-view God damn it only one though I don’t want one in every match Paige blocks and reverses another turnbuckle shot hitting some forearms and lifting Kurt up for a pancake which catches the ref with his foot on the way up oh ref and DDP makes the cover but Mark Curtis is still out which allows Ric Flair to run down coming in off the top only for Paige to catch him in the gut he’s not even winded who is this six DDP then Nails a Diamond Cutter to the Nature Boy but this has allowed Kurt and the ref to recover delivering another hlex for the pin and the win good stuff really smart it’s like yeah have the face bleed have him take the pin he loses nothing this is how you do it it it’s classic it works every time who’s mad at this no no yeah this is this is wrestling this is when you do it this is wrestling Chan after the match successfully successfully tells a story that uh makes sense and makes you want to see the next one you don’t say it in the middle of the match maybe the Finish stinks mean jeene plugs the hotline again saying they know who Raven’s first opponent will be but you’ll have to call to find out out see you guys making that phone call nope it’s going to be Stevie we then go to a commercial for Fall Brawl the narrator asks what is anger and rage while we see such wrestlers as humoris Public Enemy and high voltage wrestling in a cage I mean that infuriates me hopefully it’s none of them in the war games worst war games ever next up is an NWO advertisement where Eric Bishoff talks about Luger from his motorcycle saying Lex will pay a very dear price for what he did spliced in between footage of Eric riding his bike and the promo once again as I mentioned last week just a kind of a death four minutes here of like why why is he here why do we need this because he wants to be on television thing is is like say whatever you want about Vince when he finally makes becomes an onscreen character he is one of the most compelling onscreen characters for an extended period of time because there’s a good reason for it Eric bishov just inserted himself into this in a way that didn’t need to happen and uh something real happens and Vince uses it as a way it’s like oh well this is is a thing and then it’s over so it continues if people weren’t interested in it or he did a poor job of it he would have not continued to do it no yeah well back then no yeah in in recent years he may have but yeah but like yeah it’s just it’s just crazy the ju position of the two things and like this is Eric Bishoff Jumping the Shark Eric’s I’m the boss you like that I’m gonna do what I want you like that Vince is like I’m the boss you don’t like it [ __ ] off and say what you will about Vince McMahon as a commentator he is still a better onscreen presence as a commentator than Eric Bishoff has ever been even in an interview agreed so we go to our seventh match Macho Man Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth versus giant and the story behind this match was that the big man knew that the S at bash at the beach was Kevin Nash in Disguise calling him out but he wouldn’t get him instead having to face the great muda who sprayed Mist into Giant’s eyes and this would open the door for Savage to attack so WCW announced this match even though the big man still wants Nash i’ got to get through the other seven members of the NWO yeah it’s like well Macho Man should be a man without a country but I guess you can only have one of those at a time looking at you sting but yeah I mean any Macho Man match just put it on the plate I’ll eat I’ll eat it so so giant goes right after Macho but Savage bails to the outside only to return and attack when the big man turns his back and Macho attempts a body slam but he fails with giant fall on top of him before going to work on Savages strikes and tossing Macho around the ring ripping the shirt to deliver forearms and chops and sending Savage out to regroup I mean giant looks like a world beater here he also comes out to no music which is a pretty hard look and makes me feel like uh you’ll win and man do I hate Randy Savage not coming out to some version of p and circumstan because it works when you’re a face and it works when you’re a heel yep and it’s way better than this NWO boo boo giant follows out stalking after Macho only for Savage to hide behind Liz so the big man moves her out of the way before press slamming Macho back into the ring yeah he picks her up like he’s a claw machine giant with a headbutt but he misses a big boot allowing Savage to chop block the Big Man Down working over the leg and wrapping it around the ring post post stomping at it before nailing several Clos lines and a flying cross body for a two count Macho heads up again for a top rope double ax handle but giant catches him in midair by the throat delivering the choke slam for the pin and the win this is uh nice and exactly what it needed to be a highlight for me is is the uh when Macho goes low and takes out the leg of uh one the giant the giant sells his knee like uh Peter Griffin yeah he’s just like rolling back and forth with his on his back holding his knee like a you know like a little girl that just fell on roller skates uh I really got a kick out of it outside of that this is this is what it should have been so we go to our eighth match The Outsiders of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash versus the Steiners of Rick and Scott Steiner with Ted debiasi for the WCW World Tag Team Championships the Champs came out first uh oh foreshadowing or are they just teasing us they wouldn’t do that and the two Scots start us off with shoves and slaps but Hall takes control with arm workor only for Steiner to respond with a clothesline a back suplex and a Tiger Bomb when Nash would run in to start a brawl The Outsiders get sent to the floor where they regroup before Kevin returns to face Rick hitting knees elbows and clothes lines followed by a snake eyes attempt only for Steiner to wiggle out the back and take Nash over with a suplex and Scott comes back for a turnbuckle smash to Kevin but a reversed whip sees Hall get a boot to the back of Steiner from the apron allowing The Outsiders to take control as Nash delivers a big boot and Hall tags in and takes Scott down with a choke slam and a fallway slam while Kevin uses chokes and a running straddle on the ropes and The Outsiders continue attack with a side slam for a two count more knees elbows and chokes before for also applying a leverage AED AB strrretch until the ref catches them allowing Scott to hit toss to escape momentarily and Nash returns with an elbow drop in Snake Eyes before turning his attention to Rick and brawling with him on the floor allowing Hall to attack Scott inside the ring with Stomps and the ref gets the match back under control with The Outsiders keeping Scott from being able to tag out until Steiner reverses a camel clutch into an electric chair drop and Scott makes the crawl only again for Kevin to stop the tag with a short arm clothesline for a nearfall but after more chokes Nash misses a big boot in a corner allowing Scott to again make the crawl with Hall making the stop this time and Steiner reverses a whip but he runs into a boot so Hall nails a top rope Bulldog to Scott before trying for an outsider’s edge only for Rick to break it up with a Clos line Scott rallies with a belly-to-belly suplex finally reaching his corner for the hot tag leading to Rick cleaning house with Steiner lines and slams Scott rejoins to Clos line Kevin out of the ring allowing the brothers to nail the Steiner Riser on Hall make the cover but Nash pulls the ref out of the ring for the disqualification damn it Nick postm Nick Patrick raises the arms of the Steiners so everyone is celebrating even debiasi raising the titles into the air only for the ref to have to tell them no come on Ted you’re a former tag champ granted it was in a different company but you know that tag belts aren’t one on a DQ the crowd chance [ __ ] and this was wonderful classic tag team wrestling stuff Steiners come out on motorcycles with fireworks it just felt like it was their moment and it took it away from us more footage from the town before our commentators preview our main event but we go straight to our ninth match Hollywood Hogan versus Lex Luger for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and Michael Buffer’s here to make our announcements in his new leather Kangle hat so let’s get ready Hogs and the two men go face to face with Hogan trash talking before they trade headlocks shoulder blocks and Strikes and couldn’t you just feel the the [ __ ] eting smirk on Hogan’s face like through the screen I was like you you couldn’t even hide it you son of a [ __ ] of course not wanted to clip him with a motorcycle Lex finally gains the advantage with arm workor and arm drags that sends Hollywood out to regroup but Hogan returns with a knee turnbuckle smashes right hands body slams chokes elbow drops and Chin locks when Luger would reverse another turnbuckle attempt to to again send Hollywood out to the floor but Lex would get dragged out as well being rammed into the steel steps followed by Hogan choking him with a cable before making their way back into the ring where the attack continues with an atomic drop Stomps back breaker and a bear hug we’re getting Hogan sucks chance and it couldn’t be more pumped about it Hollywood transitions into a knuckle loock only for Luger to reverse but Hogan answers with a low blow a throat thrust and a back suplex for a two count Hollywood then Nails a big boot and a vertical suplex only for Lex to Luger up I mean this is a great baby face performance from Lex sluger in this match he’s hitting right hands and running clothes lines but a rake of the eyes changes the momentum the dreaded rake of the eyes Hogan with a body slam and goes for the leg drop only for Lex to move in time firing up again with running clothes lines and the NWO all run down with Luger fending off Buff Bagwell Hall Nash 6 and Scott Norton when sting would appear not the real sting just a sting we don’t know who it is yeah only to hit Lex in the back back when he goes to run the ropes allowing Hollywood to deliver the leg drop for the pin and the win and and sorry Matt we couldn’t go there with you no it was hard post match trash FES Hogan celebrates with the NWO while fans are throwing trash into the ring causing Hollywood to use the belt to block the debris I know I I knew that’s class that uh sting would [ __ ] it up the commentators commerate over Sting’s actions did he hit the wrong man totally and the NW retreats to avoid the reign of garbage while the Steiners and henig come out to check on Luger and we go backstage to see Dennis Rodman join the NWO so maybe he was the the guy this guy who playing sting I literally could not find out who played The Sting I think that they might say that as an implication but I doubt it was him if anything he just showed up within the last 30 minutes uh from a private plane I know he had a dark beard scruffy beard okay so I remember seeing that poke out from under his little ASA mask yeah so maybe who knows but Rodman reapplies the graffiti to the belt as Tony says his goodbyes and we go to credits so ask you gentlemen what are your overall thoughts of Road wild 1997 I don’t like the venue the matches didn’t feel important but we saw some okay stuff that’s how you got I mean wow that’s that’s my synopsis I’m shocked sometimes the show inss and you only have so many words left in you yep it’s being charitable also after last week I mean I didn’t hate it as much as I hated Nitro but I didn’t really like the show still let me scroll back here for a moment see if there’s anything that jumped out as me is I think that was great I don’t think any match felt like a chore is what I would say I was just really bored watching the so like I fell asleep during it maybe five times and had to When I Wake woke back up figure out where I was and it’d be different if I was watching it at like 3:00 in the morning but I was watching it at like 7 or 8:00 at night and it was just yeah it’s still bright outside it’s a boring sun’s not even a boring show and it could be because I watched it after finally getting to watch the the Nitro uh and yeah it just I did not enjoy the show isn’t as soulless as sold out no no but nobody puts in the work nope be happy we watched it so you don’t have to I will say that like a few matches into this I had a I wrote down a note that was like just imagine the amount of partying going on in the back cuz like that’s what this show is this is like all the rest of are excited to go here because they’re doing blow and taking shots in the back all all of them and uh partying because this is a party atmosphere it’s not a wrestling atmosphere it’s not a wrestling crowd because the crowd just got a free show so there is some people that are like I would say this is more of a wrestling crowd they’re more aware of what’s going on in the WCW at this point in time than the people that were there last year maybe it’s cuz the product’s hotter maybe yeah but like the people there’s people there that are fans which is more than you can say for like you know some of the beach shows that we’ve watched where it’s like all right well people were just on the beach and they want to get on TV because that meant something at one point but nothing feels important because it’s not important to the wrestlers this is a uh you know a party mhm cuz they’re performing for people that don’t really care what the show is like CU they didn’t pay to watch it in the first place so they’re just going to half ass it all the way through and a [ __ ] like motorcycles and wrestlers is a match made in heaven off screen for them personally yeah it’s definitely not a destination show it’s if you have it on and want just have something playing in the background go for it but don’t go out of your way this is a a spring cleaning show you’re like all right I’m going to pull out the the lemon oil and uh hit my arm wall while something on in the background good where where’s the smart marks at all right [ __ ] you I think it’s time we smark it up so what are some of the best moments of the show um I like the Steiners coming out with fire fireworks on motorcycles that was neat Lex had some good fireworks as he came out yeah he did I thought Lex uh Lex’s performance was very good he did not have boo boo face even though he deserved uh it if he couldn’t hold it back uh whereas Hogan had uh like just [ __ ] eating gr excitement on his face as soon as the match started that telegraphed it as if you didn’t already know like we know why they had that match on Nitro it was just so Hogan would win it back on paper would have really loved to see the I think the Steiners and um Outsiders match was really good but I feel like this Feud has gone on for a long time and it should have ended here but they wanted NW was like oh no we all have to have belts at the end of this show when what should have happened is yeah Lex may have lost his belt to Hogan but The Outsiders lose their belt to the Steiners and all is right in the world and the WCW doesn’t look like a bunch of dorks whereas here now they even though there was [ __ ] or whatever like they look like dorks where were the Where were the faces when the NWO started [ __ ] with Lex they were they they were there to celebrate with him and they were there to check on on them afterwards but nobody was there to try to neutralize the thing I mean they never are I know it’s a problem you can’t have it both ways I can understand it in in like certain situations where if it’s a uh like in New Japan where it’s like oh honor is the thing there’s no honor in American wrestling unless you’re bred har and how well did that work out for him I’m going to give it up to six for taking the uh boot to the crotch yeah that was a finish so I’m like I don’t know if I’d ever want to go flying at someone with and being like yeah just put your boot up the angle was wild and it was just R quantities of drugs backstage like do it do it do it the uh another thing that I found very funny was uh I believe it was shobani when Hogan go hits one of the big boots in the uh title match she calls it the big foot it’s like you can’t say big boot what are you talking about it’s a big mood the big foot the I enjoyed the the Double J outsmarting yeah old honestly at the end of the day Jared comes out of the show looking the best just with his his uh [ __ ] psychology so this is going to be a weird one for you I love to hear it but the weirder the better the way this show is set up since it’s on a platform and everything it forces the action to stay in the ring basically I yeah I did notice that while watching it which I appreciate so I mean yes there’s people going out to the platform to regroup or whatnot but they can’t like stay outside for an extended period of time yeah rarely do they go to the ground because there’s like the dirt ground the platform and then the ring on top of the platform and they did the outside stuff last year and realized that it wasn’t a good deal because you had your luchas that went out there you had Medusa and bull Nano or whoever it was that went out there with their motorcycles and smashed up her little no that’s not weird at all that was definitely something that I appreciated because there’s not enough matches that stay in the ring to my liking I have no issue with going to the outside I have issues when you go to the outside for too long or not for any good reason and this did force them to stay in the ring a lot more I mean are we all in agreement that the best match was H versus DDP I mean yeah d p is the most over guy on the show y but at the same time it still feels like they were just kind of going through the motions right yeah yeah okay it wasn’t there was nothing on here that was like incredible but there was nothing that was dog [ __ ] either it felt like a really good house show oh yeah you had the perfect fast shot yeah yeah cuz like same with um like n and six like it was good but it felt like they were just going through the motions of a Ric Flair match which is good if I was Ric Flair and and these [ __ ] over here had basically politic their buddy into a way into a match with me yeah I’d probably go through the motions too yeah while they just put you down to the like middle of the card essentially yeah and he did you know did a good job and it was a well put together match it was a little long but at least it was Ric Flair how about most disappointing Steiner not winning the belts I thought I felt like it was time yeah I mean it’s been time for a while and I thought that and I mean your logic is completely right that like Hall and Nash losing the belts here and Hogan winning the championship like it interesting it it kind of switches it up a little bit but now we’re literally back to right where we were eight days ago yeah so it’s like with the bullies on top and it’s like well what did that accomplish it just it accomplished what Hogan and plus it it feels like cuz as I mentioned with the giant I mean giant and Savage literally was a match that was put on the card because you have these two guys that are near the top of the card They had nothing else going on because the two people they’re supposedly feuding with are in other feuds cuz Nash and J like Nash needs Nash Giant’s going to happen so if that’s going to happen then it’s okay for the outside LW the belt so Nash can go and do a singles thing for a little bit yeah he Paul can do a singles thing for a little bit y Savage is still in this whole DDP thing a little bit with henig and DDP and all that stuff and but those two were fighting this month so Savage really didn’t have anything going on so we’re just like okay we’ll just put these two guys also if they lost the belts here and like if hen and DDP weren’t doing this henig and Scott Hall would be a great like a great great like first real program for hen y yeah while the Steiners have those belts for a while and beat or a DDP versus Scott Hall yeah exactly either either one is totally fine comes full circle yeah and both totally doable to take down the diamond stud and you totally have time to do both of those angles within a six month period while the Steiners hold the belts and it means something when but when you’re ready to take them off of them but hey somehow people are still buying NWO shirts and uh it’s 2024 there’s probably still people yeah that’s what I’m saying that’s what I that’s what I meant I meant now today people are still buying him but and people are buying him and wearing them on these shows and then also booing it’s like oh there’s a thing people say in uh music uh which is shitty but I say it plenty of times too cuz I’m a [ __ ] but some bands are just t-shirt bands where it’s like oh everybody’s like oh this band is cool so people wear the t-shirt and maybe that band is actually great but you see more t-shirts than people that actually like listen to the thing NWO is the ultimate t-shirt band of uh of professional wrestling where it’s like I don’t know that anybody actually loves the NWO but they like the shirt and they like the concept or sentiment of it but in execution it’s uh confounding agreed and you can’t WCW can’t have heels and the NWO like it just undercuts everything mhm boo boo how about best performer of the night I want to give it to uh Lex just because uh he did the thing and uh he should have been and he he probably was pissed about it but he didn’t show it I could give it to the uh Steiners for having uh one of the best hot tags that we’ve seen in a while see actually I thought the beat down on Scott went too long MH it went a while but what else was there on this show what do you got out of curiosity I mean it did go on long I almost want to give it to Jackie just for having the balls to jump on Scott Norton’s back I mean yeah she was really fun and high high energy and it was a it definitely was one of the first it’s early in the show but it was one of the first things where I was like oh cool like I got I got a little bit of juice out of that I mean I I kind of like Shane’s thought of Jeff Jarrett cuz like I mean that was one of the other big notes I had too out of everyone that didn’t like no one showed up to work on this m i mean de malinko we could probably give it to him because malinko never doesn’t show up to work you can yeah you can put it on De minko on every Jarett like on a show that like literally everyone like didn’t put in the work he purposely didn’t put in the work and and looked better for it yeah exactly I have that uh yeah that was like the we can give it to the intern having to hook that computer up in on a grassy null yeah it’s just plugged into the dirt the uh trying to explain computers to Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner poor bastard yeah but I just yeah I just loved Jeff jarett’s uh yeah the psychology it’s just like I’m not getting you know I’m getting my getting my rate either way I’m getting out of here in five minutes looks at the camera and just like you know points to his head like the yeah I’m the SP here exactly so I did I did really appreciate that how about most surprising the Steiner’s not winning yeah Steiner should have won I was pissed they didn’t I really it felt I will say they did a good job of making you feel like the Steiners were going to win yeah so I think I think that’s where the the extended heat period gets me cuz of like if the Steiners win then it’s awesome then it’s like okay I can handle it an extra like 2 minutes of this heat section even though the outsiders are literally doing the same exact thing just over and over again yeah I was biting them they didn’t but like yeah once they called for the disqualification I just kind of went so I just set through 5 minutes of this heat section for no no reason cool and I mean it would have been electric if they won yeah they set it up perfectly for a win and then it when it didn’t happen it just when I took the wind out of my sales as if there was any in the first place I don’t even know what to put for surprising uh you don’t have to be surprised no know I’m just trying to yeah I’m just trying to scroll through see if there’s anything that I forgot that surprised me but no I got nothing oh wait here we go that Rey Mysterio’s mask came off as quickly as it did typically in I want to say this was the first time I really remember somebody’s mask being in jeopardy and it was just like super fast yeah yeah it was it was a pretty classic mask spot but it was done well yeah that’s all I got and now for a look back even further into the history of wrestling the dusty finish Brett Hart had been WWF Champion for8 months when he would arrive at Survivor series on November 23rd 19 1994 to face Bob backlin in a submission match backin had snapped after a loss and beginning to claim he had never lost the title in 1983 that his manager had thrown in the towel forcing him to lose so this would lead to British Bulldog being in the hitman’s corner while Brett’s own brother Owen would be in Bob’s both men go for submissions early on only for each to block the others attempt when Hart would apply a figure four but Owen refuses to throw in the towel so both men reverse through the hold until backin can reach the ropes and the two men trade pile drivers before the Hitman goes into his finishing routine followed by locking on the Sharpshooter and Owen enters the ring only for Davey Boy to Chas him leaving the ref to be distracted by Bulldog so Owen breaks the hold and Davy boy would continue the chase on the floor only to Clyde with the ring steps knocking himself out with Owen showing remorse and concern but Brett just yells at him allowing backin to sneak from behind to apply a cross-face chicken wig and Hart tries to fight it but he’s taken all the way to the mat when Owen would begin crying pleading to his parents who were at ringside to to do something that he didn’t want it to be this way and Helen goes to throw the towel in when stew would stop her but Owen continues to plead to them as the Hitman cannot escape the chicken wing and Helen finally has had enough and she throws the towel into the ring to make Bob backin the WWF Champion for the second time Bob wouldn’t have to wait long for his first offense as he would face an upand Comer just a few days later Tugboat no I don’t know how to make a semi noise and I always forget that yeah they had bought backland doing this in ’94 next week Born to Be wired try ECW fit in Philadelphia could it be anywhere else oh it’s lots of other places Flor that one time music from this week’s show is the opening from Road wild and Hogan won our main event so we play Rock House by FCD music and if you like this episode or any of our other ones please go out there rate and review us on iTunes Spotify Google play or wherever you find your podcast at do as Michael says five star with no stars if you’re an NWO stand [ __ ] you these are the thoughts and opinions of Michael alone and not of wrestling History X I mean it and if you have any questions comments concerns death threats towards Michael come on does anybody that feel that strongly about it they’re still buying t-shirts you never know everybody has to wear a t-shirt you need it yeah just just buy an Undisputed no no shirt no shoes no service or blood yeah just Yeet no Yeet black or blue you you decide people are buying those it’s like the number six top shirt e or no ye the choice is yours um the final boss yeah we’re guys we’re going back to Philly so yeah we we haven’t been there in a little while and I’m going to need some uh suggestions hit us up on Twitter because I refused to call it X slide into our email give me some ideas we I think we’re one beverage L on left on the uh list of Joe really got a good mileage out of that honestly uhuh it worked out that we had some like gaps in between where there was like no Philly shows for a few episodes at a time but yeah well they hit pay-per-view and they stopped doing as many super cards so very true um so yeah give us uh give us a shout out let us know what you what should we try what haven’t we tried are you sick of me trying stuff that I’ve already tried and I need to try something completely different talk to us let me know did you can send any of those things to our email at wrestlinghistory X or find us on X at wrestling hiso X that’s wrestling h s x we’ll talk to you next week laters [ __ ] you Terry

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