Hailey Ostrom

9 Holes on this HIDDEN GEM in Oregon

Today I tee it up in Welches, Oregon on this amazing hidden gem of a course, Resort at the Mountain. It has 3 9-hole courses. I’m playing my favorite and most difficult, Foxglove.


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what’s up you guys welcome back to the channel today I am in Oregon I am in Welches Oregon playing here at the resort at the mountain they have three nine holes nine hole courses it’s really fun we’re up here for Lou Camp he goes in snowboards at Mount Hood we go up in the morning I hike the mountain and then in the afternoon we get to come down here and play some golf so we got a little bit overcast today and it’s a little bit different cuz I don’t have Sam to film so Lou on camera plus some oldfashioned OG selfie videos today I’m going to play nine holes straight up we’re going to see how low we can go the greens out here have been a little bit rough cuz they’re just coming out of the winter months with snow and everything little bit of forgiveness on the greens I’m trying to pay less attention to the short putts but I did just play in the Taylor gu Foundation a couple days ago and played really well and then day before that played out here and played really well so I have some high expectations today so let’s get after it what do you think I’m going to score today a nine yep with these greens one under wow with these greens yeah one under okay hole number one four four we’re playing it 284 playing it from the Blues woo that’s going to work but that’s going to be good the back crap that okay 57 is my yardage that’s a full 60 for me but the other day when I played I kept duffing my 60 and it was really pissing me off so we’re not going to do that today [Music] a little go little oh my gosh I’m just on the edge which honestly the pins at the front it’s not bad I’ll take it I probably should have chipped to this all day but don’t know oh why’d you take the pin out I think if even if we took the pin out it would be in the river be long gone even par hole two Par Four it’s a longer one now nice okay got that fade back but um overall can’t complain these guys bombed it we’re playing with a forsome today and these guys bombed it so I really had to get after it all right we’ve got one probably like 158 is I’m going to hit my five iron Club up a bit to 165 cuz there is a little bit of wind and it’s just moist out here today I totally lost it oh she’s good again front of the green so middle pen not as good but tripping a putt so I can’t decide if I want to chip it or putt it cuz I would normally like to chip but that last hole I put it and it was so good so why break something that’s not broken you know you know what I mean I don’t think that’s the saying but that’s okay if it ain’t broke don’t fix it if it ain’t broke don’t fix it that’ll be a pretty easy TT there well one put there par Pary okay pole three part four dog leg left and as we just saw with boy you guys didn’t see but the tree on the left definitely comes into play so avoid that tree should be okay as long as it doesn’t go door perfect perfect 133 I got my eight iron and pins in the back so this should be perfect get back there get back there I don’t know I’m just not hitting it as far I feel like right now I mean that’s middle of the green so you really can’t complain but with these greens I just want to get it close so that I have a closer butt cuz you never know all right all super muddy okay it should move down to the left because the river’s down there there a long putt uphill and the greens are still a little rough like I said before oh that’s taking so many bounces H we’re still going to have quite a long putt for bar oh my gosh I thought that was good the whole way got to hit it all right one over through three and now you got guys can see what the greens are really looking like but I really love the next par three so par three it’s only 98 but the last time we played this hole I hit my nine iron and it still barely made it and I’m hitting really short today so I’m going to choke down a nine hit more of like a punch oh I pulled it but that’ll be middle hopefully okay all right we got another long putt at it um I don’t care you can leave it sure okay yeah break oh my gosh so close all right parsky so still one over through four okay we have our first part five there’s a little Ravine like a little water that goes across right there but I can’t reach it so we’ll see it on our next shop oh wait I need to practice swing I got all of that that should be perfect okay I’ve got three wood in hand now this guy has been giving me a little bit of troubles so we’re going to just teach him how to really make great contact just like that that was one of the best three Woods I think I’ve ever hit in my life we’ve got 177 that’s my 9wood I have been loving my 9wood um pin is in the [Music] middle that’s so good that is so good I think it’s just on the front edge but honestly I hit that so pure and sometimes you just have to accept the pure shot wherever it ends up so that’s all I got to say if you’ve noticed I’ve been clubbing up on pretty much all my shots lately because I just feel like I’m not hitting it as far and even though that’s like so far off from what I would normally hit and it kind of makes me feel bad about it um you just have to play your game so like today this is what I came with why try and hit it harder or change anything why not just Club up I feel like right off the bat it’s going to want to go this way but then kind of wants to come back so I’m going to hit it like fairly straight that’s the goal at least go oh my God they’re so slow I just all right well that’s a three put buggy but that’s what’s going to happen out here with these greens I already warned you guys so I don’t want to hear it in the comments All right we have a little Cameo this is Bo coach boy hello he is one of my biggest hypen on the golf course well you’re good okay fing good okay so we got a part three here it’s 179 pins in the back and I have my seven wood my trusty seven wood in hand I got to get it all the way back there cuz we need a pot out it we need a birdie oh I freaking pulled it that’s going to be way long now okay well we’ll have a chip on it at least we have this chip we’re a little bit shortsighted I got 60° in hand cuz I need the most spin I’m going to play it front of the stance and try and hit it a little bit higher so that it lands softer with some roll on it or sorry some spin on it no roll thank you very much think it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s goody monkey front of the stand I’m giving myself this two footer by the way but just so it’s legit you guys there you go um we are two over through six I think through six um so we need to make a couple birdies which is not easy on these screens I know I keep saying that but it’s true hey this is my favorite course dog hi you’re so nice your mom’s yelling at you but she doesn’t know that we already know each other yeah my favorite course dog okay we’ve got par five here we’re going to have another water hole so you hit your drive and then water comes in to play on your second shot um I’m going to aim a little bit to the left and keep bit on the left side cuz it makes a better [Music] angle that is perfect ni middle left middle of the Fairway all right so we’ve got the water here I have three wood in hand cuz it went so well the last time and fun fact when we came here we used to stay in that house on the right nice that is smoked you thank you yeah yeah I’ll take that all day it’s starting to sprinkle now so hopefully it holds off for three more holes all right we have 137 but it’s uphill and you already know I’m clubbing up so I’m going to hit my seven iron and yeah pin’s at the front so just just on nice voyy get up there get up there yeah great shot guys good shot okay [Music] oh I left it open climb climb climb yeah not a chance that’s going to be in the bunker have you guys ever seen a bunker like this before definitely not the strong suit out here right now but we’re still going to play it because why not that was not shot that went right over the pin okay I’ll take that out of this bunker any day of the week There’s also no RS so which I don’t mind cuz I hate riking bunker [Music] yeah oh did you see that what a like this and it just like had a magnet back to the hole that was a GP pot what par that was crazy that literally moved the whole way but I’ll take it okay we’re two over going into eight I believe I’ll put it up here somewhere such a great Oho I really that was kept close to that edge also this is per four dog leg left longest hole in golf I still have 203 to the pin so three wood and I probably can’t even reach it driver off that the deck would probably be the better option but we’re in the rough so that’s going to have to get some legs let her develop all right well tripping a pot I am about 40 yards out and I just am trying to decide if I want to fly it there with my 60 or hit more of a 56 shot and I’m kind of just feeling a 60 I don’t know why [Music] sit sit sit sit um felt really good it looked really good but I think it just released a little bit too much and I thought I would have more spin on that but it would have helped if I would cllean the grooves on my club big heavy breaker down to the left um it’s all I got for you [Music] downhill okay that didn’t actually break that much not as much as I would have thought three over three over heading into the last hole dang it number nine last and final hole of our round today you know this is just kind of Summer golf this is what I expect out here so we’re still going to try finish strong with a birdie and this hole all you can see this uh Boulder here and then the tree on the left side the goal is to not let that tree block you out so you really want to aim at that green side [Music] bunker can be on the left side but it should be just fine yep but I’ll be damned if I leave the short so we’re going to hit an eight8 iron choke down eight iron because I’m not leaving it short that’s it I’ll carry it to the pen if I have to that’s soap here be good oh my God how am I leaving it short I don’t understand I’ll still take it though cuz I hit that soap here I don’t care I don’t even care I only five bucks now all right we’ve got this for birdie and I really oh that just moved I really want this birdie I had it I had it it was there so annoying all right almost just missed that all right we’re finishing three over unfortunately through these nine holes you guys saw the struggle on the fling green but I still had fun and honestly playing this course in the summertime you can’t beat it this is like the best weather ever so like comment subscribe see you guys next time bye and a big thank than you to our filmer today Lis Philip veto III I tried I tried so


  1. "The hidden GEM thing", better stay hidden since this course is in deplorable conditions. It's always nice to see you play although it would be attractive to see you compete.

  2. Another great video from a great female golfer. Love hearing the wack from the club when you T-off. Please keep up this great content. It's inspirational to those of us who are playing golf for the 1st time.

  3. Cool scenery. Oregon…wow
    Love the sound of the babbling brook.
    I have a question what is the brand of hat you’re wearing?
    Keep up the great golf, cool content

  4. Hailey, I just enjoy watching you play golf! You are my favorite woman golfer…you have it all and I couldn’t have found a better woman to watch! Would luv to see you play GabbyGolf. I think she is such a great young adult, who at 16, looks like she could be a great one! See yah, at your next video!

  5. Funny how it goes. One day I am short on most holes, the next I'm going long, etc, etc. Great video Hailey, really enjoyable to watch.

  6. Ball doesn't travel in the PNW unless you play in the mountains when it's warm. 270 yards here is 300 all day most places. The ball doesn't roll out until July up here most years. This year was really wet and cool though. Great video, I always like your content

  7. Beautiful scenery. Love the echo. My tour name is Woody so all those tight tree lined fairways would be a nightmare for me 😂

  8. Glad to see more content. I played like Garbage today.

    I am.headed to Telluride for the 4th! It will be a fun course to play.

    You should try it out. Ball flies at 10k elevation 😂

  9. Your attitude through the good and bad is pretty addictive. I dont fast forward through anything. Plus, why would any normal guy fast forward?! Always enjoy your content, Hailey.

  10. Hailey has become one of my top 3 YouTube golfers to watch. She doesn’t have to be all half naked. She just goes out and plays. 🙌

  11. Enjoyed the round, well played 👏🏼 A tough course with that damp air, and those rough greens need a lesson on repentance…there was no forgiveness with them in the slightest

  12. play with garrette clark or bob does sports i feel like those would be entertaining to watch and fun

  13. Welcome back home. Welches is a great little course. Thanks for bringing us along. Gonna be hot in Central Oregon this weekend.

  14. You said the greens were a bit rough? The greens are mottled browns! The entire course is like playing in the meadow. Looks like months until this course is presentable.

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