Can I Win $1600 In This Golf Tournament? Bear Trace at Harrison Bay Texas Scramble

Playing in a 4 man ABCD Texas Scramble golf tournament in Chattanooga, TN. I drove 2 hours to compete with a great group of golfers! We have 18 holes to take our best drive and play our own ball from there. We need a lot of birdies to take home the $1600 pot! Don’t forget to comment, like, and subscribe!

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what is up everybody today we are driving about 2 hours going down towards Chattanooga going to a golf course called bear Trace at Harrison Bay I got invited to an AB CD Texas scramble event uh where I’m going to be the a player and first place prize is going to be $1,600 uh so hopefully we can play well today and give it a win guys if you like what you’re seeing make sure you leave a like leave us some comments uh And subscribe let us know what you want to see next guys we love interacting with you um we’re so thankful for you guys watching but stay tuned uh next time you see me we’re going to be at that Golf Course uh we’re going to get some warm-ups in I’m going to try and get there about an hour early so stay tuned guys [Music] all right we made it to the course guys I got to go find the bathroom I got to pee so bad all right got checked in got my balls never played here before guys it looks really really nice I’m excited uh it’s a four person Texas scramble today ABCD format was 50 bucks to enter and I think the total pots 1600 so if we can come out today and play well get some balls in the Fairway maybe make some birdies maybe take home a little bit of cash I’m going to go to the range and get warmed up I’m going to hit a few putts e so likeing it oh yeah yeah we’re upgrading slowly a little bit at a time so you think m caught the path took a huge hop but it would went forward so I’m really good at like yeah like a 40 yard wide Fairway tough to hit but like a 4ot wide cart path good at that I catch them all yeah you’re go go go terrible that’s right get there pretty straight wasn’t it yeah didn’t hit it hard enough a bad par from me but I opened it up take it open the gate so Bar’s fine can’t complain get a 30 on the first oh yeah we got a five a couple here do some damage keep drawing a little not bad make somebody in wasn’t too bad T long I Tred to take a little extra cuz I saw the boss front try to kind of chip it a little a little behind and that’s a cup not bad good B bab thanks going to be breaking to the right kind of the whole way and if I hit it hard enough though who knows what we two under I think yeah five all right we going to pick it up turn it on we can have strong back though only one under on the two part five so yeah even on the part threes usually is going to you know we can snag a birdie on one part three that’s going to be bad one part three scor has been good recently too so hopefully yeah we can just take one one birdie On a par three get few more birdies here we need to get some double UPS we can do it legs legs again Center Paul no Paul and uh Kurt me oh yeah yeah I think I believe great ball out a Kill yeah back nine we definitely need a big big dumb back some ice water that’s what we need a good start here but the wedges have been been murdering us yeah I mean putting hasn’t helped but it’s not like we’ve really been wedging them into make range I mean leaving them short from 70 yard on last CL still the came that one we got a great beautiful angle give it a rip 65 we’re going to change up the order maybe Shake It Up sounds good shake it up with anything sounds good to me good one hop stopper there yeah good shot break it breaks a lot more yeah so depend on got it not as much as I read to start this up the left and let it let it eat baby draw some it’ll do help on our five got some think some options here we need mine might have R you were like right between these two trees I was like coming right in between the trees if we could have scooted somewhere in the open fine though we got a yeah we got a little shot let go like that didn’t even turn good pip wow yeah had a baby that is really good oh that ball really good should have a good good opportunity chance come on here I’m going try F last batter I need to get a few more cuz this one’s already dead and then hardly filmed every other hole I’m going right up come back s up just short actually it didn’t turn over but it it clipped on the way down something on the way over here yeah too bad it was kind of spinning kind of high but hope they can something up and down good still still today got a chance put down me birdie we just started heating up on the back nine guys our front n was really bad we didn’t hit any good wet shots didn’t hit any good putts I think we finished only two under but right now on the back we’re like seven under and we got a chance on this par five to make a few more birdies mine ended up in a little bit of a tough spot we can try and get up and down be great sir a baby bird bird all right hope my ball was watching but it’s only like 330 up to the front kind of get up there close I’m not going to try anything cute so I’m going to let you just it hell yeah great ball thanks Hammer yeah thank you workall it should be good one more hole one more we got like 12 or 13 just got feel yeah I mean that’s a good plan our front n was just bu thankfully like everybody else was struggling a little bit but I mean if we played with the same Swagger on the front that we’ve had on the back could probably could have been in the mix for sure get in the hole sit that hold it all right guys just wrapped up I had five birdies today Texas scramble wasn’t enough I think our team was nine under um we needed 12 12 under was winning so far uh front nine was abysmal um I mean the first S I drove it pen high and we uh only made one birdie out of that I should have made birdie easy but uh we settled in it was tough to get the hang of the greens to be honest I was oving most of the putts uh once I kind of got the hang of them on the back I was able to start making a few more putts which is really nice but um guys this was so much fun I appreciate you watching uh please be sure to leave a like leave some comments we’ve been getting a lot of good views which is nice but I want to get some interaction guys so if you liked it go ahead and hit that like button uh make sure that you subscribe if you want to see more and uh stay tuned we got some big stuff coming up we’re going to be play in a $10,000 tournament coming up that’s going to be me brand and some other guys so stay tuned guys appreciate it thank you so much for watching


  1. Those scrambles are always fun. Good effort bro. Especially playing a course for the first time. Get ‘em next time!

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