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Picks and Predictions for the 2024 John Deere Classic, How to Bet Jordan Spieth

What’s the best way to bet Jordan Spieth at the 2024 John Deere Classic? Will Haskett from SiriusXM PGA TOUR radio joins for picks and predictions and which list of longshots you should be picking this week.

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coming up on the golf bet Round Table the John Deere classic maybe a week for Long Shots we’ve seen plenty of them on tour why this could be a good chance for you to sprinkle those bets and what do you do with Jordan Speed should be considered a favorite but somehow he’s not is there a decline to Jordan’s game that maybe his fans should be worried about new guests this week on the show Benny B we got will hket from Series XM radio going to be calling things on the tours broadcast this week will thanks for joining us man Midwest Masters week boys I got the hat to commemorate Whitey ice cream tenderloin sandwiches for all of us midwesterners this is the week we dream of I’m so happy to be here let’s do this God white to have you on here will it’s been awesome obviously you’ve been I think to about a thousand of these John Deere classic so you’ll get great Insight uh you obviously you call it play byplay as well out there betters out there you’re not going to get much better Insight from someone who’s seen every shot basically available on this course uh let’s Rumble Chrissy let’s get into it and before we get into John Deere’s specific stuff I know something that we want to touch on you know it’s responsible gaming is what we talk about all the time and and I know you have a little stick that you want to talk about with your pick from last week cam young and why that ties into what our theme might be this week 100% Chris look when we golf betting is tough right we know picking an outright winner is tough to do if you were on Cam Davis last week at at what 80 to1 or something along those lines you’re having a great time you’re rolling the roll riding the roller coaster but if you on cam young or a batia batia looked a winner until the last part obviousy three putting for the first time on the last screen or on Young Who as you know was my pick last week and saw him just implode mentally on the back nine when he still had a chance snapping his driver shaft as you saw there with five holes to go and only being one back including a a par five you know it can make you feel emotional can make you feel like you need to chase that I was so close I got to chase these losses I got to chase it but to Double Down triple down not a good idea that’s a Fool’s errand especially when we go to the John Deere classic where’re really it’s an opportunity weekend and will will talk to this many guys who you haven’t expected have won this um super long shots I mean who would have thought Michael Kim winning by a million a few years ago definitely not something you thought would happen so this is a week where rather than trying to chase a loss on a guy who you know clearly is not ready to win I’m sorry cam I’m going to throw this out there you’re blacklisted from all my books until you can find a temperament where you can win down the stretch I look at batia and and he looked ready to win he hit a 90 yard driver what whatever it was shook it off looked like a winner and a mature individual cam worries me in terms of that mentality some guys need it to fire him up I’m not so sure with him but anyway back to this week I think it’s a week where we can potentially limit our unit size sprinkle across the board and have some fun let’s get those long shots let’s get to those long shots will I’ve got a list of 16 guys here and Ben’s whole stick this week is sprinkle little $1 whatever you want to do bets on a bunch of long shots so here is the list I have for you will starting at the top 50 to1 Eric Cole going down the top eight here anybody here pop out in your mind yeah so I’ll go broadly here so this is a golf course we we gonna have a ton of birdies we’re supposed to get completely drenched with rain over the next 24 to 36 hours up there they’re talking one to two inches there’s already a flood warning for the river going into this week so it’s going to be a very saturated golf course it will play wider it will play a little bit longer I still think though over the course of time the data has proven out in this golf course though that guys that keep the ball right in front of them and just maximize their chances and hit a ton of Fairways have thrived here it’s not just the local ties that make Steve Stricker and Zack Johnson so good in this golf course think about what they do they hit Fairways and they maximize and they roll putts in so when you’re looking at these lists who are guys I don’t care about length this week at all so sorry Jake knap not necessarily sure this is going to be the week for a guy like Jake knap but you look at the rest of that list guys Andrew putam Brendan Todd Mark hubard a whole bunch of guys that hit a million Fairways and can really roll the rock so if I’m going to be sprinkling it on my underdogs or the long shots or whatever this week plotters who can putt I think is really going to be the key and of course we can have crazy wild weeks we can have a Michael Kim type week we could have a veteran like Lucas Glover a couple years ago who finds it and resurrects their career but the datea is pretty simple I think when it comes to who’s able to be successful if it’s not a topf flight Jordan Speed type of player we’re going to get to him in a little bit like he did in 2013 and 2015 give me a guy that’s going to hit a ton of Fairways this week and who I trust with a putter in his hands and I think you’ve got a lot of them and I will point out last year of the top 10 in sep Straz win last year everybody except for the late Grayson Murray at the end of the week in the top 10 started the week with odds that were less than 100 to one so it’s not like we had a whole bunch of guys who were 15 to1 200 to1 and The Field’s a little bit better this year and that’s a different topic for a different show at a different time as to why the field is better this year at the John Deere classic so I do think the value is going to come in that first page that you saw I think somebody in the 50 to 100 to one range has a really good chance at winning this second page you don’t like Ben do you I’m sorry will do you like the second page anything here I’m big on Carson young this week he’s the only guy that stands out on this list he’s a guy that hits a ton of Fairways he’s got a couple of top 10 on golf courses and with bent grass greens like we saw say it in Canada a couple of weeks back when he finished top 20 there for whatever reason my eyes went to Carson young as soon as you flashed that screen yeah for me it’s back to that first page as well uh where I really like it uh Chris again going back to the strategy I’m talking about uh I just I just think that it’s a chance for you to enjoy the The Experience right enjoy the John Deere classic the reality is not a lot of you out there or not everyone out there knows the 150 guys or whatever it is in this field they don’t know that the the group all the way to the end we know that right we know Jordan SP we know Sun JM we know the guys at the top but they might not necessarily be the ones to go all in on have some fun enjoy getting to know some of these players put small as I said unit size on guys that you’ve you’ve heard of you’ve thought of you’ve maybe read something about you you have a little Affinity with and ride the roller coaster with them without putting too much on it so it’s you’re not putting yourself in any danger but get to know the new upand cominging Talent on the PGA tour that’s what this is all about it shows it’s an opportunity week for all of these guys it’s it’s when they can potentially push themselves all the way into FedEx Cup playoffs or at least get themselves in really good position before the fall uh I look at this list and I mean look at Andrew Novak’s a great example of a guy who’s been you know knocking on the door this year having a few uh decent results uh who’s to say this can’t be a week where he can do it again and and really push for it Mark hubber is another guy I’ll get to later in the show I think he has had some great results here over the last few years and still getting 55 to1 and and Brendan Todd looks like the potential uh Lucas Glover that you mentioned start no wonder maybe we shouldn’t worry about his age no well it’s it’s this this place is got nothing to do with age age throw age out the window um you know any old guy can win here you know we could legitimately see a Zack Johnson Renaissance for one week here it’s absolutely possible that he could come from nowhere and you would you’d sit there and go how did I not think of that because of all these results but it’s possible it’s there there’s there’s clearly it’ be there’d be five or 10 names not on this list you put up Chris they could come from nowhere could have not had a top 10 this year but a just really good solid players what about even like what Harry higs I think’s in the field this week playing Amazing on the kft hasn’t got necessarily great results here in the past but this is a different higs he knows that he’s coming back to the tour he’s playing with freedom uh they’re out there and so he’s a guy that I that you would love to watch Chuck a dollar on him and you’re having fun with him right that’s that’s what I’m s of get Grayson Sig’s another one too yeah 100 yeah there’s some there’s some good names I think it’s I don’t know I want to call it value but I’m saying when you look at guys that sort of fit the mold of people that are here again this is a tournament near and dear to my heart because the midwestern side of it there are a few guys in list you had Adam shank’s name he hasn’t been playing well enough nor do I think it’s a great Golf Course fit for him but you’ve got a bunch of Midwestern sort of guys that are have always talked about and circled this sort of date you’ve got young up andc comers I mean Luke Clinton gets back in the field after the top 10 from last week so you’ve got some young players although I think his game far suited Detroit Country Club than it does TPC Deer Run but you’ve got I just love that this week offers the opportunity to see a guy in his 40s like what say Ryan Moore did a few years ago wi or what Lucas Glover did win but you could also end up with a 22-year-old or a 20-year-old like Jordan spe when he did it in 2013 it’s always a great mix and we’ll see what the story does but again I think this week when you look at those that the first page of those long shots and then into that sort of Carson Young and even like a crazy flyer like I see a Hayden Buckley who’s played poorly but at 200 to one a guy that hits a lot of Fairways and and just you know I think understands this type of golf a guy that grew up and went to Missouri and stuff I I think that there’s some potential there for some of those guys to just have the weak of their lives but again I think that there’s a little bit more depth in those that 50 to 100 to one sort of pack I just think one of those guys is going to be there at the end yeah Neil Shipley I think is another one in there I almost put him on the list uh what about Patrick Rogers I mean should have won there to be honest a few quite a few years back the most important tournament to Patrick he grew up coming to this event even more so than D he grew up on the west side of Indie I grew up on the North side of Indianapolis and he and his family would go to the John Deere classic every single summer it is so important to him I worry about how much it’s important to him I honestly do I mean it’s crazy for people who are watching this to say how can these guys think that the John Deere classic is the is the bee’s knees if you will a lot of these guys do like those of us that grew up in Indiana and Illinois and Iowa and some of these places there on a lot of us on tour and for those of us that are this was a really big tournament each and every year to watch guys to knew you knew the club Pros that were trying to qualify on a Monday you knew the amers that were getting spotlights into it it was a re it’s very important for Midwest golf because it’s a a very approachable friendly laid-back environment PGA Tour event and there are plenty of them from the the Purdue guys and Tyler Duncan and Adam shank to Patrick Rogers the Central Indiana guy they want to win this golf tournament really badly because it meant something to them growing up I I’ll say this I’ve only been to one right I only been to one personally on on the on the ground but here’s the deal people ask me all the time like what’s a what’s the sort of best or most surprising uh tournament that you’ve been to and I do say the John Deere classic I went thinking it was going to be oh what am I doing here this is you know this time of year I want to be somewhere else whatever else and it was amazing the week I was there absolutely amazing Patrick Rogers were really close that year actually uh probably should have won but did get very nervous down the stretch uh which cost him but like from everything everyone there is so you know so lovely they have the big dig with the players and fames which is amazing they do a whole bunch of stuff around the town the city I went to multiple concerts uh you know backstage even at a few which was amazing they really really look after you there if you’re anywhere near the area and you’re like oh but it’s only Jordan I’m telling you get there anyway you’re going to have the time your life anybody can win it that’s why it’s called the Midwest major Jordan spe has won it multiple times but will we have to bring it up uh let’s throw away the injury because that could be the reason why Jordan spe is not playing the golf he’s playing right now but I think it would be very honest to say that Jordan spe’s game is never going to I’m not even talking about 2015 okay not going to be what it was even the last 3 four five years when he was after that Peak from the mid 2010s what is your thought on a potential decline of Jordan speak in the future it’s really hard because when you say decline it’s what are we comparing it to to exactly Jordan speed’s 2015 and 2017 is some of the greatest golf that’s ever been played ever been played so it’s it’d be like saying hey tiger in 2014 you’re not the same tiger as you were in 2000 like is tiger on the decline you know what I’m saying like you’re comparing it to this incredible Pinnacle of performance y the interesting thing to me is if you had asked me when I was there in 2015 when he won didn’t even have to show to the tournament and did so because it meant so much to him because of the opportunity they gave him in 2013 did that then went over and almost won the next major in that you know two majors in a row that he had in 2015 if you had told me at the end of that tournament that on this day July 2nd of 2024 that Jordan SM would be gaining a half a shot more with his driver than he would his putter I wouldn’t have believed he’s a top 20 driver on the PGA tour he hits it long and he hits it relatively straight now which was never what Jordan speed’s game was it’s incredible to me to see how different of a player he is but you mentioned it the injury I think is everything to be honest with you I’m not saying the injury is keeping him from being 2015 I think probabilities is keeping him from being the player in 2015 because no one’s going to be able to match that level of golf but I think there’s something in how much work he’s been able to put in how much he’s had to compensate for the injury I’m not sure what he’s going to do at the end of the year does he shut it down for a longer period of time does he eventually try and seek out you know he calls it he just needs rest away from golf and he’s not giving himself rest away from golf does he seek other changes away from rest I don’t know I know the injury has to be a major part of it it is weird for him not to be the favorite this week having won here twice he drives it great though so could he win this week he absolutely could win and it’ll completely change our tune going into next week but he’s just a shell of himself right now but I think you nailed it on the head I think it’s injury and it’s injury only speaking of 2015 you were talking about if you you know if you had have told me he would have been this with his driver not with his putter if I had have told you that you would have got Jordan sped at 20 to1 and Jason day at 33 to1 at the John Deere classic right at any stage in the next 10 years or whatever it was you would do would have jumped and put your house on it uh so it’s interesting to see uh how it has changed uh you’re right back then he’s just both of them actually were putting unconsciously ridiculously how good they were doing their short game and whatnot and so they’re making a bunch of birdies more than than others might with spe here it’s a roller coaster that again it’s fun to ride if you’re a speed fan it’s fun to watch but if you’re going to put your heart earned on it I don’t know how much you’re going to really love riding that ride you know so he’s already drifted I think he started at 18 or maybe 16 or 18 to1 he’s moved out to 20 to1 yes uh so that tells you enough that there’s not necessarily any big money coming uh and even potentially you know the speed Legion the speed fans aren’t really jumping on big at this point cuz they know as much as anyone that he’s just as likely to WD with that wrist injury than he is to win and so you want to put money you want to watch him you want to root for him absolutely um so so for me if you’re going to do anything with speed bets it’s round by round it’s you know a head-to-head in round one against whoever or it’s a you know how many birdies he’s going to have in round one a special that you might fine I would stay away from Jordan SM in all outride markets for basically until he wins again just miss it you going to miss it be on it I think I think he’s I think he’s built to win open championships I think this version of him is built to be creative to use that creativity and if he stays healthy this week and shows you a glimmer of something then start to pay attention to what his number looks like going its room let’s change the bar then the bar is not 2015 it’s not even when he was winning the open let’s change the bar to can Jordan spe win once a year or once every other year for the next decade absolutely absolutely if he stays healthy absolutely generational short game Ben I mean generation I know it’s not I know the numbers don’t line up but for four rounds again like my kid’s lives are on the line he’s on the he’s in the roll of decks to make a 10-footer you know know what I’m saying like very few other guys I’m going to other than Jordan spe for that 10-footer or for an up and down or for a chip again can he pull it together for four rounds and do it and again the driving is great like if he can just get it somewhere within being able to take advantage of a heater week from a short game standpoint it used to be what’s going on with this snap hook off the te or the problems the driver’s great right now I I don’t think he’s as as far off as the results necessarily show us if he was healthy 100% I I think that yeah if if the standard is can he just win once every two years yes um it just just in betting terms I’m not going to bet on it right like I’m just going to let it happen I’m going to enjoy that it happens when it happens unless he’s in the 50 plus range and that’s not going to happen on the places where he probably will win or probably gets it done uh so you know until he hits that sort of number I wouldn’t be necessarily looking at you mentioned the open that is a definitely a week where if he fits into the long shot category if he does get 50 60 70 80 then you can consider Jordan spe as one of your long shots uh outside of that I said 20 at 20 to1 any week right now no matter where it is even if it’s in his backyard I’m probably staying off and just wishing him the best and hoping he does the reason why we’re talking about it this week is because none of us have Jordan winning uh no one’s talking about Jordan from what I’m seeing so who is your winner will this week uh I’m going with now the betting favorite I’m going with sunj um you know what I was debating or I wasn’t debating I was dreading having the Patrick Klay conversation before he withdrew because I was really intrigued by what Patrick could do on this golf course this week just in terms of hunting birdies and the last time we saw him playing as well as he did and so I was thinking about was I GNA have to have the fade Patrick in in favor of sun JM and it was way easier to say sun JM was going to win this golf tournament when he wasn’t the number one guy on the board but when you look at the results it’s not even even just the form that you’ve seen he’s got what four top 10 in his last five starts or six starts I think um six starts going back and the two cuts that he missed the PGA and the US Open both horrible putting weeks for him and Valhalla does have bent grass greens they didn’t obviously at the US Open Piner those were tricked out crazy sort of Bermuda surfaces but the other theme in all of this whether it’s Colonial Travelers Memorial Bentgrass putting surfaces his putting numbers have really hit an uptick as we’ve gone in the summer months and we’re playing on bent so I talked about guys that hit a lot of Fairways he’s an elite driver of the golf ball especially when it comes from an accuracy standpoint I think he’s going to maximize I just love the the Run of form that sunj is on right now and I like the combination of circumstances it’s a it’s an awfully terrible pick by me to take the guy who’s now number one on the board but is it if he wins we have this debate all the time is it really terrible if he wins like Ben we wanted to rib you last week for picking cam young who almost could have maybe should have won why is it he should win this week now why is it gone he should win if he should win why is it a bad pick that is that is the reality he should win yes my concern is exactly that sunj is another guys who when he should win not necessarily has brought out his best and that’s just a feeling thing you’re right well I mean he’s been playing great he he you mentioned the pting a little worried about that if his putter is not hot it goes a little cold then I don’t think you’re getting quite any value at 14 to1 but if he just puts half decent you’re getting good value if he wins right you’re getting a sunj winner a favorite at 14 we most weeks we’re sitting here debating whether we should bet Scotty sheer at 4 to1 for because the best we don’t have to worry about that we got to you know your favorite is at 14 you know in those other weeks we pick a guy at 14 who’s like fifth sixth on the board so with that reality in check then yeah it could turn out to be a great pick and and any pick that wins is a great pick in the end right whichever way you slice it um I love sunj as a guy I honestly a little disappointed that he hasn’t taken it to the next next level over the last few years having seen him up close a few times when he first bur on the scene especially when he was first in the President’s Cup team for the international guys like watching him up and close and being part of those setups I was like wow this guy is going to dominate for the next few years and we didn’t necessarily see that uh I want to smash you but because I like him uh I’m not going to get too hard on you and and he should win that’s the reality he should now I will say this about should winning he’s my pick to win now if I was doing what you were doing moning a betting strategy this week I’m not necessarily sure if that’s the outright play that I want even though he’s my pick to win and that’s me foreshadowing something coming up later here in the show I don’t think we need to shy away from favorites this time of year if we’re going to call last week similar to this week the birdie Fest on the PGA tour a AA cam young both went down to the final holes two of the three top favorites last week I’m not saying it’s going to happen again but I don’t think anybody should ever be worried about oh is my favorite pick a good pick because they’re the favorite for a reason and you know golf it’s fickle you need one random week one random shot that could derail you or bring you to the top and you you have no idea if your good pick’s a good pick until it goes out and proves he’s the favorite I mean I don’t never never be worried about who you’re picking just because they’re the favorite Ben your winner is also close to a favorite yes so going full circle and I’ll say this about Su as well but I’m on Denny McCarthy as a winner this week it’s only 22 to1 right so I’m saying don’t put the house on it I’m saying like you know you don’t need to put big money on it to chase what may may not come out but Danny’s been sixth here the last two years he’s second on tour in strok game putting obviously I think he can roll the rock he’s shown that ability to take on the best probably should have won the memorial last year had a chance obviously to take down AE just putting it unconsciously in Texas earlier this year uh again it’s just a feel on he can get low he can get hot with the put him better than anyone else in this field right if his putter is hot he is lights out the best putter in this field I’m banking on him being able to do that and go super low uh that’s what I’m thinking but I’m but I’m not advocating you know going in for hundreds of dollars on a 22 to1 shot this week not at all same as I’d say about wills picking in sunj yeah you can pick him but just go for a small outlay and then sprinkle further down the board smaller picks to give yourself some fun uh watching the John de class cuz if you favorite does have a rough start like let’s look at Tom Kim last week a lot of guys are on him cuz he played well coming in Miss cut it can happen it’s gol so don’t put the house on any one of the the chalk put a little bit on if you like them like I like Danny and then sprinkle some further down the board I’ll go uh I like you know what I like about it we’re showing his results there at the bottom of the screen I’ll go full psychology here for Denny I think he expected to win this golf tournament last year cuz he was playing so good coming into it it’s like this is my chance this is where I’m going to show everybody that I’m a winner and he he over he over promised himself and then pressed too much early in that tournament a little bit last year I think again he’s not the same level he’s just he’s what like a quarter of a shot maybe worse than he was as a player at this time of year ago and fully capable of winning but he’s du and I’d be really interested to see if he gets himself in the position how I mean is really grinded on winning like he that’s who he wants to to prove himself he should have won in San Antonio 99 out of 100 golfers would have won in San Antonio if it weren’t for A’s incredible week I think if he puts himself in position he will have the head to get it across the line that’s the funny thing about golf you got guys who you think are due and they end up doing it and you have guys you think are going to continue success they are due to fall off so you’re right Danny McCarthy is the exact opposite he’s due to get back up there and I really feel like my winner will I want your thoughts on Maverick mcne my winner who’s got similar odds to Denny McCarthy I feel like he’s due because let’s go back to 2021 2022 when he was bursting on the scene people were knowing his name cuz he was getting up there well what’s happened the last year and a half hasn’t really gotten that recognition cuz he’s not playing that right I think Mavericks got the game he is due in my mind to have a high finish does he win I don’t know but I would like to take a chance on him at plus 2500 I love the trend I mean he’s right there for somebody who if you look back at what his results have been and you see him right there and you look at the numbers across the board he’s been very consistent te to Green everything working we know how he loves to putt he’s puted great his last two starts both of those happen to be on bent grass golf courses in fact he’s had three straight really good finishes and all four straight they’ve all been on Bentgrass golf courses which I think matters this week uh I I love the trend and we would look back on his current run right now if he won and more people would be like oh yeah that makes a lot of sense cuz he’s quote unquote trending but he hasn’t done anything to necessarily grab our attention in that month and a half leading up to what could be a big week for him here’s the knock on M and this is I’m not necessarily saying I agree with this but the thing is when it gets down to the crunch does he really have the same desire to win as other people that people talk about his upbringing he came from a lot of money look he’s had everything you know that he’s needed his whole life and they they worry that when push comes to shove against another guy who maybe quote unquote wants it or needs it more can beat him in those situations I think M thinks that’s a total bunch of BS and I tend to agree with him but he needs to prove it but he needs to prove it right so I think that when he goes out there and does close that’ll finally close that little loophole of some people think he doesn’t have the hunger for it and I think that probably what partly drives him so let’s see if he can take advantage of a week where yes this has been given the opportunity you’re in form you play year before you’re not going up against the the top 10 15 players on tour show us that you are hungry for it show us you can get after it and go get it uh I will say this also guys last week showed us how much importance these guys put on winning they’re all making ridiculous sums of money you could not win now on the PGA tour and be set for life after being on tour for a couple of Seasons which is incredible where the sport of golf is gone again different topic for a different show at a different time but winning matters now it’s the one thing you can measure yourself against the other guy in the locker room on and you could see what it meant ox’s already won once this year and admitted the nerves of winning for a second time got to him on that final putt what cam young is dealing with to just try and win to prove that he can actually do it and what it means I think all of these guys now that the only thing that truly matters matters is winning cuz money right now is almost become a non-issue and I say that and if there’s somebody watching 175th in FedEx Cup standings I understand that money is an issue but to any of these guys that we’ve discussed right now money means nothing M money means nothing now at the top of the game outside of however much you have in your bank account the only thing you can measure yourself against other people is winning it’s I think it’s actually harder from a pressure standpoint to win now even though there’s less of your livelihood on the line because it matters so much in the locker room it’s ironic you said that because I’m looking at your long shot will you’re long shot here we go being a guy that everybody loved on the Netflix show and he’s the opposite of what you’re talking about out he is horrible Sunday and I know that that really bothered Joel with the 76 this past week but again fits the profile of someone who’s putting numbers are looking really good of late hits a ton of Fairways would have a ton of crowd support kind of fits the vibe of a John Deere classic I just I think everything from he’s gotten over the I’m a celebrity I’m playing Bad Golf and now it’s I’m comfortable I understand what’s going to be expected of me out here and he’s figured out the golf game part of it over the last month or so so when I saw that I could get Joel Damon at triple digits this week I felt like that was to me the long shot of to pick for me so I think I would be one of thousands of people who would love to see Joel and Gino get it done this week so let’s make it happen and and clearly there were some because he has moved from 100 to1 into 80 to1 so there’s already been a sprinkle on him uh the reality is I think I wrote this in one I can’t remember which day but last week I had my draws in Fades column which is is you know who to get on live after each round and I put him in a draw category with an asteris saying like this guy is the total risk reward scenario already you’re still getting great juicy odds because there’s a good chance he won’t finish it through the four rounds but if he does you’re going to kick yourself and not getting on these juicy odds yeah that number it was 110 to1 yesterday Ben it was 110 to1 yesterday when I sent the email it’s 80 to1 now yeah 80 to1 now so that shows you that a handful of people have just thrown a dollar or two on him five bucks whatever said this is again the perfect perfect scenario what we spoke about earlier in the show he is absolutely someone that you could put a dollar on and have the CH your life watching and ride it you’re going to be like oh come on oh what a great putt what a great hole out like he can do it all uh as you said I’m a big believer in stories as well the stories win golf tournaments I know that’s an old journalistic part of me being in this but like Cam Davis ended up being a story he’d gone to a hypnotherapist of all things he let us all know afterwards you wouldn’t have known this unless he wins and then it’s a great story right like he would be a great story to win uh so again I want to I want to argue against you but I can’t I love this bloke and I hope he does have a big way oh Benny argue for your long shot Dollar on Ben Griffin seems like a pretty smart pick to me yeah don’t mind that as well because look he hasn’t played here he hasn’t done this which well you’ll be able to talk to after a finish here whether that’s going to be a huge problem but I feel like most PGA Tour professionals now can go to a place and pick it up pretty quickly uh he has I think fifth on tour for rounds in the six 60 we know it’s going to take four of those basically to win here or to finish in the top 10 I think that he could be a person who does it he was second not that long ago in Canada so he’s shown some form coming in I think he could be a surprise packet for some because as I said he’s not played there so he’s off the radar of a few people who like to look at course history tell me well is it crazy someone who’s not played there before could potentially contend no and especially as wet as it’s supposed to be you’re not going to have you know the hey where does this run out or some of the lines and stuff once the you know his caddy should be able to get him to where he needs to go I wouldn’t call The Greens very funky either to where somebody who’s been out and around will be able to figure them out so no I don’t have a problem with it and I kind of like the shot shaping that was required at the RBC Canadian open with sort of the way that you there are a couple of holes out here where you really have to kind of pick a spot you want to work the ball a little I like where Ben Griffin showed us a few a few weeks ago in Canada just kind of with his creativity on an interesting golf course and while this one doesn’t have the same difficulty in the green complexes like we had there in Toronto I do think that this is a week and he was definitely on my radar as well so I also am going to be friendly and I’m not going to bash you for that one because I like Ben Griffin I’m not going to flash up my long shot because my long shot Ben is actually the same as your best bet for a top 10 and we’ve been talking about him for the last 20 minutes yeah another guy in the 55 60 to1 range homeless hubs again we speak about good stories and people who fit the trend of the top of golf that might have fun they’re at the John Deere classic I love the Hub hub will enjoy the crowds he’ll get into it when he’s playing well he he’s just struck me as the guy that’s been up and thereabouts when it mattered uh a few times this year he’s really consistent right he’s making Cuts left right and Center just needs that one extra gear that one more turn of the screw to take it up and get into the top 20s and top 10 I’m going to back him to be to at at good odds for this to be that week I think he’s had two what top 15s last year he was top 10 there last year so why not be to repeat when you get um some juicy odds on it will craziest stat of the Year 18 events for hover this year 18 made Cuts you talk about D he’s number one man number one on the streak right now isn’t he was it yeah CU Xander was out right so is it hubard now or where is he on the on the number one in terms of just a couple of guys in front of him I guess yeah exactly remember uh my best bet is a guy who’s getting a lot of traction right now and I’m sticking on him yes I’m sticking on him Ben because last last week will I picked Davis Thompson to win uh he came close he didn’t really contend until the very end he he was a cam Davis not getting up and down for par on 18 away from being in a playoff with a bunch of guys Davis Thompson to me is somebody who I I I here’s what the thing I like to tell people is if you like picking somebody and you think they’re going to do good just because you didn’t have success with them once doesn’t mean you can’t go back to them a week or two or a month later I like Davis Thompson for top 10 here at least at plus 225 being for the fact that he’s playing as well as anybody at this field right now why not pick him just because I picked him last week if you look at the odds board by the way I think the only Americans higher than him are are MAV and maybe Jordan Jordan is bar I think he’s 22 and Jordan’s 20 me give me the top American market for Davis Thompson this week so you don’t have to worry about the sun JM Aaron rise of the world that are all kind of trending a little bit higher than that one but maybe gives maybe gives you a little bit more scratch than the top 10 it might do there so give me Davis Thompson low American it’s so funny that was potentially going to be one of my secret fets for newsletter that really go is it now or are you going to stay away from I’m going to have to stay away cuz will stolen it so it won’t be it won’t be exclusive to the newsletter folks uh the starter on PJ I’ll have to come up with another one but that was a sneaky one I had look I’ve been wrestling with this and I talk spoke to Chris about it Thompson and Ry Aaron Ry are the two guys that in form so it’s almost mirroring the week before and we had batia and Tom Kim right so you got Tom Kim ba coming in oh they’re hot we got to keep the hot hand going and I said to the round table last week I said one of them or two of them will finish in the top 10 but someone won’t I didn’t I couldn’t figure out who it was going to be but it ended up being Tom Kim going out you know and btia playing well I’m having that debate internally now with Thompson and Aaron R you guys go ahead and finish with thought I have the market okay I just saying like Aaron Ry is one that is clearly a guy that knows how to get in the top 10 of tournaments but is having trouble taking that next step in closing uh the odds are prohibitively low now on him this week so that’s what’s kept me off him but I I could easily see me going at the end of the week how did I why I I picked him for the top five last week that cashed at 5 to one uh now I’m off him I mean it seems strange but like is he going to go backwards we’ll see and Davis H the other one who was the hottest guy on the weekend I think the two weend rounds he flew up the board so he is theoretically on a heater right in form so again I want to be like Chris your kid and he’s going to have a a fallback but maybe he won’t uh it’s an American dominated field so obviously odds to be top American or not what they were to be top European or top Asian sure plus 1,800 for Davis Thompson going to be top American that’s a better bet than him to win it’s like basically it’s they almost the same I think he’s 22 100% 100% if he wins he’s still a top American but you but you’re hedging a little bit in case sunj does what we expect sunjay to do yes Jason day could come out of nowhere you know what I mean like there are some guys um that’s actually I think that’s a way better bet for uh we’ve talked about SE straa the whole show like I mean he could ruin you know we haven’t said his name one time what about that you were there as I said like he’s the only guy ever to win um at tbcd run that had a round over PA the only guy um and he’s I think he’s lucky he started with it obviously if he did that in round two or round three probably doesn’t win right but he started with a 73 and then just went lights out and dominated um do you think that’s possible again for anyone or I’m of the I’m of the belief that was a bit of a Mis you know that that’s out of the box it’s not going to happen again you need four in the 60s but tell me do we do we think someone can make that hot run again if they start if they get the rain that they’re expecting I mean we’ve had a lot of wet years it’s just it’s impossible in July in the midwest to not have the golf course be soft like you just can’t it’s too hot and the bent grass gets too taxed but with as much water as is supposed to dump on the golf course in the 24 to 48 hours leading into the actual golf tournament you get some of those pauloo Steve Stricker sort of Vibes because that Golf Course was an absolute dart board the year that strick shot 60 went on to win and go open with 59 so I think we could potentially see some of those type of scores so no I don’t think this is the year where you can shoot 75 or 73 or whatever it was that step open with last year make a putting adjustment and then just go ham for the rest of the week on the golf course I just don’t think that happen so I think you have to be you have to go crazy low I think all four days we’re going to get lift cleaner place almost certainly so they’re going to be I think so dead before we go will haset serus XM Radio all this knowledge on this event what’s your best bet that you anything you want anywhere that might not be on our screen or anything anything we have not talked about in the last 40 minutes all right so we didn’t actually run the one that I had which was low risk low um reward so I’m not I wouldn’t bet Sun JM to win even though I think he should win the golf tournament but at the beginning of this week his plus it was like plus 240 for a top 10 I think it’s down to like plus 170 and I still will take plus money on some JM on this golf course against this field for a top 10 I just feel like if you’re just going to if you’re looking to make money that’s the way that you go about it as opposed to because again like you bet him to win and he gets clipped by a Michael Kim story and it’s like what are you supposed to do like some guy showed up and shot 64 for four straight days what he’s supposed to do and IM finishes four shots back but it’s still a top five or top 10 sort of finish I thought that was still I still kind of feel like it’s the best bet I just don’t see a scenario where he isn’t able to get it done this week at least from a top 10 standpoint I would be shocked if Sun JM does not have a late tea time on Sunday I’d say the best bet is will hket having the time of his life back at the John de classic that’s minus 5,000 10 in a row is this going to be 11 or 10 uh well let’s see this is my 12th year on PGA Tour radio and I’ve made the drive I think all but one year there’s some remote stuff that’s in there as well but I’ve worked this tournament pretty much every year it’s kind of a running joke amongst the crew like you can’t take this Tournament away from me but it’s great I get the same cart driver every year he makes like he’s got a buddy in town that makes the most amazing jerky one year we had prime rib jerky holy cow it was a gamechanging experience you got the Whitey ice cream you got The Tenderloins um it is and by the way I will say this it is the number one fundraiser for the entire Quad City’s area there are dozens of nonprofits that exist only because of the revenue that comes from this particular week so I will leave with this we’re talking about all the fun things we’re talking about gaming and all that but in this world crazy world that we live in in professional golf I don’t want people to lose sight of the fact that on the PGA tour there are incredible weeks and this is one of those weeks this is single-handedly the most important thing that happens in the Quad Cities every single year is this tournament I can’t wait to get there and see all my midwesterners great way to end

1 Comment

  1. Good stuff. Just stop though with all these content creators on Hubbard or Power! They are NOT winning! Besides Zurich bc i dont believe it should count but anyway Hubbard & Power are just T10-T-20 Players Period! I like Eric Cole for Outright but Hubbard/Power Laughable! Clanton or Shipley will win before those other two do!

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