Golf Driver Tip – Loft Up Your Driver To Hit Your Longest Golf Drives

Are you trying to hit your longest golf drives but trying to achieve it the incorrect way? Lowering the spin rate of your golf driver will help you increase the distance you hit your tee shots and there are a number of ways you can do it. In this golf lesson video Coach Lockey explains 3 ways you can lower your spin with driver and help you hit driver consistently longer off the tee. The final golf swing tip will shock you!

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Hi I’m Matt Lockey, welcome to my Coach Lockey YouTube Channel. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, and to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf course vlogs, golf challenges, golf tips, golf lessons, golf club reviews and the odd golf club unboxing. So pretty much everything golf!

I want to help you play better golf by providing coaching videos on all topics about golf. How to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
As well as helping you produce the best long game you can have, I will help you lower your scores by chipping better, stopping duff and thin chips, pitching the ball closer and creating backspin like the tour pros. Finally, I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts too!

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00:00 Golf Driver Tip – How To Lower Your Spin Rate Fast
01:07 Golf Driver Tip #1
03:09 Golf Driver Tip #2
06:31 Golf Driver Tip #3

how to lower spin with your driver is a fun topic because when golfers are trying to lower spin with their driver it often means they’re trying to hit their drivers longer which is always fun and if you can keep that spin rate low you might find that you start consistently hitting your driver longer so in today’s golf lesson video we are going to teach you how to lower spin with your driver what factors might affect that spin rate and at the end I have something to share with you which might go against everything you think about lowering spin so stay tuned until the end and before we get going if you’re new to the channel hello and welcome if you’re a returning viewer hello again if you’re not subscribed to the channel and you’re enjoying the content make sure you hit that big red subscribe button hit the thumbs up as it helps the channel and turn your Bell on so you get notified of when I upload all my new videos so first things first if you don’t know strike is King in golf where you hit the golf ball on the club face these big sticks don’t have a flat face they’re curved from heel to toe and they’re curved from the bottom of the face to the top of the face and this one is what’s going to change that spin rate hitting it low on the face is going to cause a high spin rate and hitting it high on the face is going to lower that spin rate for you check this out I’m going to hit one low on the face first that one’s spinning at 3,500 RPM now I’m going to try and put a simless swing on it catch it higher on the face and let’s see what happens to the spin rate now swing speed on that one was a little bit quicker but I didn’t hit up as much on my angle attack and then if we head over to Bull speed ball speeds a lot quicker 165 mil hour because I’m hitting it in a much better spot and look at that spin droping down below 3,000 around a 28 Mark and that’s adding 30 yards of carry so simply if you want to lower your spin rate with your driver where you hit it on the face is really important important low on the face is going to cause that spin to increase and go up and lose your distance higher on the face is going to lower that spin rate and get you hitting it further and something so simple to be aware of if you are striking it low on the face is just having a little play with te height try tearing that ball higher and see if that gets that golf ball coming higher off the face and lowering that spin it’s super simple you don’t have to change your swing thing and you can simply change where you’re striking it on the face by playing around with your te height the second thing that’s going to affect that spin with your driver and help you learn how to lower your spin rate it’s something called spin Loft spin loft is created at impact with the golf ball and it’s the difference between the relationship of your angle of attack and the dynamic Loft that you’re delivering to that golf ball with your Club so if you’re a golfer that struggles with a high spin rate it’s likely that you’re going to have a very high spin Loft so let’s go with super simple numbers let’s say my angle of attack is 10 down with a driver and believe me I have seen 10 down with driver before and people if you want to start in it longer make sure you’re hitting up on the golf ball but we’re hitting 10 down on our angle of attack with our driver and we’re delivering 20° of dynamic Loft our spin LOF the difference between those two angles is 30° and that’s going to create so much spin now if we take it the other way let’s say that now our angle of attack is level to the ground we’re not hitting up we’re not hitting down it’s dead level and we deliver 20° of dynamic Loft again we now have 20° of spin Loft which is going to bring that spin down now if you go to extremes long drivers world champion long drivers that are swinging super fast they have the ability to get their angle of attack and dynamic Loft so close together which is going to knock that spin down so much but remember they’ve got the speed that allows them to do it and I know in the comments section down below if I don’t say this there’s going to be people saying what’s the perfect relationship well it’s different for every golfer and different speeds generally speaking the slower swing speed golfer will want a little bit more spin on their drives to keep it in the air a bit longer rather than dipping out the air too quickly higher swing speed players have the ability to play with lower spin rates and I’ll put a chart up for you here this chart isn’t showing you the perfect spin Loft that you need for your swing speed but it is showing you the perfect launch condition so you can get the most out of your drives depending on swing speed use these wherever you are whether you’re at the driving range or you’ve got the ability to use a launch monitor these are going to give you your optimal distances and as I said before when explaining spin Loft try not to have your angle of attack going down people try and hit up on the golf ball it’s going to help you in the long run because most of you down that lens aren’t going to be swinging that fast strike and spin Loft two things which is going to help you learn how to lower that spin with driver now this one which you’ve all been waiting for and which might go against all that you’ve ever thought about Ling spin with your driver I had a lesson come into to me the other day which is what brought me to filming this video now he had a slow swing speed it was around 80 85 milph really slow and he was using a N9 degree driver and to get that going up in the air that player was trying to add Loft to this driver which then simultaneously opened the face added too much loft and made him hit this spinny high cut to the right with a ridiculous amount of spin like he was in the 4000s consistently just like that one 4,200 RPM and this is what we did to change him like most of you down that lens probably think if you want to reduce that spin Loft that relationship between your angle of attack and the dynamic Loft you deliver you go as low a loft as possible well what we did was add as much loft as possible to his driver because luckily he had an adjustable driver so what we did was add as much loft as possible to his driver so for instance mine is a 9° and now I’ve whacked that up to 11 de and because that golfer saw so much loft on his driver now he then started to take Loft off to keep that golf ball down rather than going oh my goodness I’ve got no Loft on that I need to get that gold ball up in the air add that open that face add Loft High cuty WS he then saw that Loft on his Club face and thought Cy that’s going to go a long way in the air right what do I need to do now to take that Loft off let’s take that Loft off twist the club face in a different way deliver handles a bit different hit up on that golf ball and look at that I’ve managed to keep my ball speed up somewhere near where it normally would be I’ve got a decent carry and that spin rate is down to the 2,800 Mark again and that’s where it’s so important to understand one how to lower spin rate with your drivers where you strike it on the face I definitely start with that then think about the relationship between your angular attack and the Loft that you deliver and then think about your equipment maybe that one should even be first on the list are you using a club for your swing speed which is just going to make you deliver that club in a way that’s not functional like we did with this guy in my lesson the other day like I said 80 85 miles hour with a driver swing speed N9 degree loft trying to add that Loft and cuts across it hits those wafters we add as much loft onto his driver as possible and all of a sudden he looks down at it and completely changes the way that he delivers that club reducing that spin adding distance and going away with a massive smile on his face I hope that helps you understand how to lower spin with your driver which then will hopefully help you hit that golf ball further consistently out on the golf course as we know hitting it further down there is only going to help you hit more lofted clubs into the green which is going to give you more control closer proximity to lower those scores yes please again I hope this video helps and if you’ve enjoyed it and you’re new to the channel make sure you hit that big big red subscribe button and if you are a follower not subscribed make sure you hit that big red subscribe Button as well hit the thumbs up as it helps the channel and don’t forget to turn your Bell on so you get notified of when I upload all my new videos thanks all for watching I’ll see you in the next one


  1. Great tips Coach. Not sure I can do that or tell the difference at impact but will try it. Danger is getting under neath it too much and popping it up…..

  2. Great video! In my understanding, increasing the loft also closes the clubface. I don't want my clubface closed, should I not just get a higher lofted club like a 10.5 degree driver? Maybe even an 11 if they have any? I feel like if I go 12 degrees this is gonna be borderline 2 or 3 wood territory. Thoughts?

  3. Great video. I was fit into 9 degree vs. 10.5 by 2 different fitters and trackman showed it. I have 87mph swing. AoA is slightly negative. I also hit the ball high on face.

  4. Just changed the loft on my Calloway Big Bertha B21 from 10.5 to 12.5 and now hitting bombs..and I just started using it today…more distance coming

  5. Just upped my Ai Smoke from 10.5 to 12.5 – I’m a slow speed 88-90mph 15 HCP – drives gone from 222 average to 251 💥 Great advice as always 👍👌👏

  6. I like this interesting knowledge drop with the graph…but, I’m just a brute who likes to smash the long and straight. LOL. Honestly Coach, I appreciate you and the insights into figuring out how each of us ought to seek out controlling spin! Great stuff bruh!!!

  7. done it to my stealth 2 + buy 2 clicks and yes much better flight and lofting up closes the face slight swing it 95-98 mph so getting there

  8. Interesting advice. Getting older and slowing down. Will try that today. I’ve also tried firmer balls to lower spin. Somewhat successful. Thanks.

  9. Unless adjustable drivers have changed recently, adding loft on the loft sleeve will actually close the face and show less loft at address.

  10. Lofted my driver up from 9• to 11•, effectively changing my average launch angle from 12 to 14 degrees.
    Gained almost 20yards, last Saturday, I hit 4 drives all over 235m (255 yards), not too shabby for this 49yr old.😂

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