Golf Babe

golf girlfriends, mom cars + indoor cats

It’s July and Brooke and Danielle are chatting about their plans and traditions for the 4th. Brooke recaps some health issues she’s been having and the gals conclude that she’s an indoor cat. Then it’s game time with the gals – tune in for some exclusive and random content straight from their text messages!

GOTG Newsletter

:30 Fourth of july prep
8:22 Brooke’s situation
15:44 Faves and trends
22:31 suv moms
37:54 being a golf gf
45:13 Game time


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Gals on the Go is a lifestyle podcast hosted by influencers and YouTubers Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio.  Starting in 2018, this weekly podcast highlights conversations about friendship, navigating your 20’s + early adulthood, social media trends, relationships, family and so much more. Gals on the Go focuses on having real, raw, and honest conversations in an effort to “pull back the curtain” on what may look like perfect and glamorous lives on social media.  STAY TUNED FOR NEW EPISODES EVERY WEDNESDAY!

I thought we should play some games today some big things happen big that was a weird that was the most miserable experience of my entire life I will say that broke the inside cat oh my [Music] God what’s up you guys welcome back to gals in the go podcast it’s Danielle and Brooke happy Wednesday guys happy Wednesday it’s about to be 4th of July so Brook and I are in our red white and no blue that’s really funny it’s like we did that on purpose we we didn’t but we like we could say we did Growing Up did you like get like a Fourth of July bikini like bathing suit no I would get the Old Navy matching family t-shirts oh my God I know exactly what you’re talking about we were one of those families and we would go and have a family photo shoot on like the like beach by like my aunt’s house literally like it was that that was our tradition I didn’t know it’s so American like the Navy ones with like the little they make they make every year they have like a Fourth of July like family set and it’s like you know they make it in kids sizes and adult sizes plus every size so it would be like we all going it was like a few years it wasn’t every single year I guess but we did that yeah I think we’re going to need to see that in the Gs and the go newsletter this oh my gosh you’re so right there’s like one with like you know and it would be the whole family like my stuff too really fun I’m obsessed with this and I can’t believe I didn’t know about this I’m obsessed speaking of we do have a GS in the Go News newsletter and it’s Poppin so definitely go subscribe it’s a substack so you just get an email to your email I got mine today and I loved it it’s just so fun seeing it and basically in the newsletter we’ll have the products that we talk about each week as well as like photos you know things that we refer reference videos it’s like interactive it’s fun very interactive we substack girls subscribe to us on yeah so we’ll have that in the description or if you’re watching on YouTube and the link in the description but so you would get a bikini that’s so Florida well my mom actually had a bikini this like red white and blue American flag one and then like every year even to this day she’s like I need to get something for Fourth of July and I like never think that way I’m just like cuz I own a lot of like I guess I don’t own a lot of red white and blue but but like this is so Fourth of July like you could literally just wear this and I will how do you see yourself spending Fourth of July this year I think I’m going to The Hamptons yeah so I’m excited I know going out east out east um but honestly no set like I feel like with the fireworks I always find my way to some fireworks so like that and some family time and I love the 4th of July what do you I feel you go hard for the I I see boat activity in your future for sure it’s Ryan’s favorite holiday so that’s I could have guess that could you but Christmas though I mean I love no but he likes Fourth of July more than Christmas yeah he wears a Santa hat every day I was like why are you so sure about this I’m like I’m pretty certain that this guy really no that is just like some unique thing about him that I will never understand cuz like he likes Christmas but like no but he can’t wait till like be Santa one day he always talks about that like I can’t wait to be Santa one day there is always that one that they Dominate and they you know oh my God I like honestly forgot well I feel like it’s one and the same like a Christmas lover and like a Fourth of July lover like I do that makes sense yeah it’s handshake like handshake yeah I I love that no yeah it’s his favorite holiday so I always get honored when wants to spend it with me kind of like every other year cuz sometimes he wants to be with his friends and he invites me but I want to be with my family cuz I want to be in Florida yes so we’ll be in Florida though I I got him this year you got him you won yeah last year he was with the pals so every other year off yeah C no it’s I always feel pressure on Fourth of July though to like make sure he has a fun time you know like when you have a friend like course of course you’re trying to do the most for them you’re like ha like doing a song and dance like literally tipping your cap you’re like right yeah you know what I really want to do which is so mean have you seen the thing on Tik Tok when people are like embarrassing my boyfriend oh I just saw that and you know I felt so conflicted about it because I I love a prank but like then again I was like oh my God if he did that to me I would literally murder this guy like you no no one can do that to you and like I wouldn’t do it to a friend but like we’ve been doing for 5 years he can handle it so if you guys haven’t seen this trend it’s basically like if me Ryan and my family were sitting in the living room and I’d say Mom Ryan says he’s hungry can he have a snack or like I’ve seen it even more intense than that like Ryan it’s okay if you have to go to the bathroom like but like you know just try like use the front bathroom I saw that go upstairs go upstairs and the parents are like it’s fine sweetie you use the bathroom you could use anyone you want like they were so nice about it it’s honestly so cruel cuz nothing was worse when we were younger and you’d be like at a play date and your friend would be like Danielle wants a snack mom can you make her some ham and cheese like I hate that I hate starve don’t say that yep or like oh Mom like Danielle is like cold can we turn like you know I’m like actually I have no needs I I’m just a floating existing person it’s like what do you want to eat I don’t know you choose and then that was always the worst but yeah so then you end up being like the person tipping their hat dancing like actually I’m cold like cuz then now that’s what you end up doing is you take on the Persona of whatever they need your parents like why are you acting so weird yeah it’s like Mom I’m really hungry like just yeah and you’re just being like bizarre they’re like is everything okay that’s funny so you I think you’ll have a good time I see that for you I think we’re both going to have a good time yeah well do you have plans for I feel like you have like a an itinerary typically on four um I have to prep one honestly wow you can Channel a Clara and make like a printed one I know I I really might have to I I don’t really know what we’re going to I mean usually we wake up sometimes they go golfing in the morning pool boat like and then Grill around like 5 6 watch the sunset eight fireworks the whole that’s amazing the whole n yard family grills is it like true American like hot dogs burgers or is it like all right what are you we do that we we’ll throw in like a chicken breast or something too sometimes really a chicken breast maybe not on like a summer barbecue day there’s always like a veggie burger or something though I used to not really eat burgers that was a recent development actually that is new for you yeah I think kebabs could be a good addition you do that with s and Ben or my me yeah last year on my yes we grilled oh that was fun I know people are like oh no balcony Brook what are you do like you know cuz I gave balcony honestly I have come to the conclusion I would rather have more indoor space than outdoor space you’re indoor cat no you’re right I one thing like we would be in the Hampton we by the pool Brook’s like I’m going to go like run marand or like anyone want some water like she needed an excuse to go inside I love the AC yeah I love it I love I do you’re so right you know and I I would always be like that even growing up like it would be summer and I’d be like inside and it’s like it’s a beautiful day like it’s like no I’m I’m good honey what’s wrong with Brooke she’s always inside I’m good I’m no I definitely had a per I mean I’m not I wouldn’t call myself an outside cat I do think you are though cuz you’re like I need to get my daily walk I need to do well if it was between the two of us yes I have like days I don’t leave my house yeah you do and it’s like not a problem until it is a problem I actually love those days too like I think also just we curate A vibe and it’s perfect but then yeah I guess eventually I’m like let me just like go to see t house or something but yeah it’s not not like not leave the bed like I’m very much so active about the apartment but like I If I have a day where i’m like I could be in Lounge clothes no makeup I don’t have to leave like that’s a win for all like for all Society all like I’m recharged you wear your pimple patches unbothered broke the inside cat I love it that’s true no I definitely am I it’s nice to have the access to it like I used it but you know like I’m fine no it’s like it’s nice to know it’s there yeah and then if you want to use it but you don’t need it yeah I feel like that’s a personal preference type deal yeah and your building has like all these amenities you I could go outside to the park yeah go walk walk the dog walk yourself imagin it I don’t even know what I’m saying cat on a leash yeah yeah um well how are you you’ve had a oh I had a some big things happen big big that was a weird one um I don’t know how to intro that in so I will just allow you some things no I did um I’m going to make light of the situation we because you know like it’s all good so like we’re good um a few months ago well I I feel like I’m in generally like my stomach is like fine like person you know you have some friends that are like chronic like stomach issues whatever let me start with that I feel like I almost B and have like an iron stomach like I could pretty much eat anything and not be like oh my tummy hurt like you know I’m pretty strong I could have milk I could have gluten like you know no problem yeah like and I’m very grateful for that I don’t know what I would do if I like was a cuz I like junk food a [ __ ] I feel bad for my friends that are like I can’t eat that it makes my stomach hurt I’m like what is that feel like okay you can have those cucumbers I guess I’ll be over here with my bag of chips and onion dip like I will take one for the team no problem um but a few months ago I started I like I I thought about exactly what I want to say and I don’t want to say like the explicit details of like why I realized this but just say top level was having some digestive things that like I never really had happened before um so I went to the GI doctor and basically the standard for testing with like anything GI related is a colonoscopy like they got to get under the hood [Laughter] so noted cuz I can’t see anything from the outside like you know they’re like like it’s your intestines basically so what and I didn’t really like know I feel like what a colonoscopy was I know that when like you’re older you start doing it I just thought it was like a test that like you do I didn’t realize it did what did you know about a Col like I just am imagining someone taking like a hose and like cleaning you out and then I learned that that’s what you do beforehand well I did that I’ve done a colonic yeah I guess I’ve had like not pooping problems but like yeah like i’ I’ve had constipation got to see what’s going on down there the Caboose makes more sense oh my gosh um um so what what a colonoscopy really is is they put a camera into like through your rectum your butthole and like through your colon and everything and they like make sure that everything’s good but they could also like do a bunch of things while they’re in there like if you have pops or anything on the inside they could chop them off like they could pretty much like do everything from that it’s like so it’s like a surgery a test like everything all in one and that’s why it’s like kind of like just to go and do it cuz like they’ll take care of it while they’re in there um but to do that you can’t just like shove it in you have to Prep Prep Prep is like they call the cleansing of the bowels like so you have to like you have to literally be empty like you’re everything like you’re stun like yeah it’s giving skinny if I look a little thinner than usual today lost a couple pounds I gained it right back I literally right after like binged no no but I like felt you know frail and then I was like Chick-fil-A chips like french fries that’s the that’s like when you’re younger and you go to the doctor and then you get like Chick-fil-A as award yes yeah you go back to school with your your fast food you’re like cool I was at the doctor yeah um and the prep could be like a lot of different things but for me she gave me like it literally was like a jug like you know how guys like when they work out they like do like the the G like the water Dr it’s basically that with a bunch of like powder at the bottom kind of just looks like almost like an electroly like you know any of those sort of things and it was electrolytes so you don’t like pass out basically mixed with like like powder laxative and then you pour fill it with water and you have to finish this like gallon drug within like 2 hours my stomach like making all the noises I’m not trying to be so graphic but like I I was like let’s see if this thing really works it really works let me tell you that no I know what you mean it’s like this won’t happen to me no that’s what I was thinking I was like what am I going to do if it doesn’t work you know whoa yeah that that worked um that was the worst part of it for sure the actual like procedure of it was like no big deal then they shove up the you don’t even know actually they put you to I don’t think you have to go to sleep for it but like most people do did you yeah they didn’t really give me an like they were kind of like this is like good night yeah I mean I guess like if you’re healthy enough to do it so I don’t even remember it I walked in you know they put me under I come out there and luckily I’m all good so like it’s yeah I know and it just is such a relief to know cuz I feel like this was like looming over me for a few months and then you know you end up and went on Reddit like I started spiraling not about myself I would assume like in the medical SP you know like you know how it is when you start ruminating on something yeah of course so just um I guess that was my word of encouragement not that anybody needs it like that I wouldn’t say like go out and get it but like if you were like I had symptoms you had a sign that made you a clear sign I was like oh my God am I going to be okay so I’m really I’m really really happy to hear that it was so funny we were like recording and you were like okay this is my the other day you’re like this is my last sip of yeah you’re like this last thing I can consume I’m going to drink my prep now I will never mark my words I will never fast like that was the most miserable experience of my entire life I will say that well combined with the fact that like you are literally shutting your brains down not to be dramatic like it I will say this like by the end like your poop has to look like your pee like that’s the goal no it’s clear it’s clear no it’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever I don’t even know how that’s possible no because the the lack like you think you have nothing left and it’s like you’re like no way we’re going for round four it wasn’t even that like I was just in the bathroom like and if I wasn’t on the toilet I was just like like I threw up at one point cuz it tasted so bad I was just oh my God it was horrible I was just thinking of you the whole time like what a time to move in with your boyfriend I like damn at least you have three bathrooms we did yeah we did sleep on he was like look I know how this goes I think you’re going to want to sleep on the couch and I was like what that’s so dramatic and I started it was just oh my God I was up every night I slept through the night but like I didn’t go to bed till like 2:30 you know and I was and then like it was just oh like it was I it it was gross I’m not going to lie like it was just glad you’re on the other side of that [Applause] Clos everything’s good down there past your inspection I’m really I was like waited but and then you posted your story I was like holding the apple juice we’re good I wasn’t like sure how to share it but then I was like I feel like it was off the grid for like a day so yeah but let me tell you and then you could only do like clear liquids so you can’t like eat like after no after you can sorry but when I saw you was the last time that I had eaten so I it was like over 24 hours wow of solid like not having solid food which like I know that so dramatic I guess for some people but I was rotten to my core like I was so hungry I can’t I cannot imagine you might have struggled no I I’m CU I’m a breakfast person I’m an eater in general like I was thinking of you like I don’t know what you and like we were texting about stuff and you were like so normal and nice I was like she could be [ __ ] to me I was trying to be no the morning was the rough part but like there’s nothing you’re not tired you can’t like it was weird yeah wow thank you for sharing your journey with us of course I wouldn’t wish it really on your I would to say no I would that’s like it’s like safe enough that it’s like okay it wouldn’t like kill them but they’ll just have a rough day have one one bad day oh my God that’s good um before we get into anything else should we do our favorite of oh my God yeah of course I just thought of it yeah um okay I’ll I’ll start us off um I wrote a couple things down cuz I couldn’t decide so I’m going to decide right now oh live decision making okay what side mine’s a playlist what’s new um I have been loving this playlist on Spotify called Chill Vibes 2024 it is so incredible and it’s one of those playlists I can listen to in the morning at night in the afternoon something about like the summer time makes me want to listen to like it’s tropical house I’ve talked about tropical house I think I had a playlist last year I listened to but this one’s called Chill Vibes and it’s like a few of the songs are like like you know that song big jet play but it’s like a chill tropical house version so it’s like fun when it songs recognize a lot of them are just like chill like I put it on as soon as I wake up it’s not too aggressive um or I’ve been listening to it when I’m cleaning it just puts me in the best mood like I feel like I’m at like I don’t even know I feel like life is so good yeah and I just really want to share that with you all so I think it’s a playlist you would like actually sounds like I like those yes it’s like light like yeah exactly that I’m familiar I’m familiar I’ve been like listening to stuff like that but on YouTube like cuz there’s a stream for [ __ ] every did you like you look up you know any genre of music and guarantee there’s going to be like a YouTube stream for it do you mean like cuz I’ll put on like ambian like it’s like a movie yeah those but then it will say like live in the corner yeah I don’t know what the live part means I don’t it’s literally they like someone is streaming it but like are they DJing over there and like playing think it’s like AI That’s What I I’m like this is a live Coffee House Loi but interesting I don’t really know what the difference is between the live and the pre-recorded I just go to the one that has the most views of course you know that’s how I kind of navigate what are you loving um I’m loving I always say a blush but this is like a dual purpose cuz it’s like a blush and you could use it for lips I don’t know if you’ve tried it the house Labs blush bomb I didn’t know you could use that on your lips I have on my cheeks right now me too I love it I love it in glassy watermelon is that what you use it’s like a red no I have a I I’ve been using a pink and an orange oh I haven’t tried the red yeah I was like drawn to it cuz I feel like in the summer there’s something to be said for like that flush it is and you could like put on your finger and put on your lips too I think on the for website it says like cheek and lip I that makes sense it applies it’s definitely like I have to put on the back of my hand sometimes and then it’s potent which I think we should talk about blush blindness have you seen this trend I’ve seen blush blindness eyebrow blindness um like filler like yeah just so if you guys haven’t seen this term it basically means like like a lot it started I saw a lot of people talking about eyebrow blindness like oh my gosh what my eyebrows used to look like I was so blind Like Love is Blind like you’re just so blinded by whatever it is um and then this one girl or I saw one person say you know what do we think is going to be the thing that we’re blind about right now and someone said blush like we’re going to look back one day and be like oh my God I look so good except for my blush like why did no one tell me but like everyone is telling you but you’re just right kind of blind to it on yourself or you convince yourself it looks good but like we’re all in this together right now like we’re all wearing a lot of blush like I feel like it’s M I don’t know it’s so easy to say but I really don’t think we’re going to look back and think about this um I there’s definitely way worse Beauty like for me the eyebrow lamination thing was way way like more of a choice than like a little bit extra blush a choice yeah I I don’t think we’re going to look back and be like I was wearing too much blush like I love blush I think and blush has always been around yeah it’s that was like the first makeup wasn’t it like Rouge like I’m pretty sure that was like one of I have to look that up take my word no I don’t know it’s so interesting like what else do you think we’ll be blind about one day like I’m sure like obviously the mesh B we’ve all had it with I I had it with eyelashes when I had lash extensions oh my God lash extensions lash blindness for sure Nails I I never really did like too crazy of like tips or anything but like people have that you know they had like crazy like long maybe like oh I me certain types of highlights and like coloring like highlighter on your face oh no I meant like hairy highlights yeah I mean the blonde bage but that’s something that’s not happening right now I’m trying to think of like things that we’re doing right now that we’re going to be like oh my God it’s so hard because we’re blinded right now it’s not like as the makeup isn’t as like extreme I feel like as it used to be like 2016 makeup I’m like my God girl that highlighter was just too much like you’re doing the most or the Kylie lip kits like that was lip less yeah I’ll like AC do you ever like go to put on a lip product and it’s like matte and you’re like W transported back to 2016 like I got to add a gloss to that yeah it needs to be woken up like it just feels like I’m like in a museum and someone’s like painting my face it feels so weird you’re like what’s happening no okay well I’m I’m aligned I think blush is blush and like I would that it could be an insulting phrase though like I’ve seen it people like trolling commenting on people’s stuff like oh you know like the like girl you have like blah blah blah like calling people out about certain things like oh my God I’m scared like blindness like you’re blind to this yes yes oh well we know that I’m going to start getting comments girl you’re so blind to your jeans I have Jean blindness cuz people hate my jeans like only Tik Tok hates I thought you meant your jeans like your DNA at first that’s so mean that would be so like I can’t change those I was like you’re forgetting what I’m saying was that’s funny you know when you’re telling someone something and you could just tell they just aren’t picking up they just give you that Blank Stare like the blank smile like huh H my god did the joke not land they just didn’t understand it this podcast is sponsored by Squarespace we here at gals and the go love Squarespace Squarespace is the all-in-one website platform for entrepreneurs to stand out and succeed online whether you’re just starting out or managing a growing brand Squarespace makes it easy to create a beautiful website engage with your audience and sell anything from products to content to time all in one place all on your terms our website gleo is designed on Squarespace so you know we love it it’s so amazing I love that we can get so many amazing analytics on there you can use it as a video platform if you’d like you can send out um newsletters there’s just so many different options on how to utilize it you can sell your own products on there so it’s very customizable head to for a free trial and when you’re ready to launch go to gals to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain um something else that I was just thinking about cuz we were talking about cars before this I think I know the answer but growing up was your mom a black SUV mom or a white SUV mom have you seen this term no explain it to me it made so much sense to me cuz like my mom was fully a white SUV mom like two different so I would say Adena was probably a black SUV mom she was actually have to have a black one but it was like you know red nails like sweetie and then white leard print like yes that energy versus like Florida seashells Beach happiness not well not even just that but like in general like I mean that’sa and Michelle but yeah like I feel like growing up your mom was either a black SUV mom or a white SUV mom is is this a trend yeah I’ve like seen it it’s so funny is it like POV you have a yeah and like if they if you know if they’re getting their white SUV they’re holding their yoga mat they’re like drinking water okay kids are we all buckled up how’s the AC and then black was like oh my God we’re going to be late what you need a lip you need to put a lip on like that so true so true and I thought that was so funny cuz like I had friends that had black SUV moms and I loved going on like their car and the mom so fun and like she had snacks in the back and it was like she’d blast the music like yes yes I understand this trend now I’m trying to think like what the legitimate color of the cars were growing up ours was not my mom had a white car at one point but she had a gold car and now she has like a silver car car my’s a red car now so I think that’s pretty definitive of yeah that goes in the black SUV category I would say but what was like the car you like got dropped off in school in there there was an Infinity for a while like the big Infinity mhm that’s what my mom has not the big I actually think I saw it at your house one time not the so she had the big big like we had like the she has the one right under that and then we sized down but that was like you know when it was like like oh I was doing carpool and stuff like they had like the bus and I feel like they’re like this is like too big we don’t need this anymore yes for like field Tri don’t think we ever did like a why do I feel like maybe at one point we had an Escalade like when I was older maybe but my like OG like family car I remember it was a Ford I’m trying to think what type of like what model that was yeah it was like the Nic like not I don’t know if it was like Su it was never have minivan I’d not have a minivan mom I didn’t either I always wanted one though yeah cuz you’d get an it they would be so cool they were enormous did you want them to were like Mom I always asked my mom and she’s like I will not I will not do that I feel like I wasn’t that passionate about it like I was like the cars no but I do scream my leg but I do there was all the commercials when we were growing up like the ones with the seats that turned around and it was like a table wow I forgot about that yes so I feel like that was like really Min cool it was just cool cuz we could just pack in there my mom’s car that she has right now literally still has like TVs in the back of the seats oh and that was like a big upgrade I remember when she got that I was like we’re we have a cool C and we do not obviously use those anymore yeah but growing up that was like core memory yeah we had the like singular TV that like pulled down from the ceiling I always wanted that I I wanted my mom to have that I thought that was always so cool yeah I think and we had one with two TVs is that like that’s not just like the base package anymore like you have to get like the yeah you got to like upgrade I think a little but like I wonder do people still have TVs back of their car or do they just give them iPads well you the TVs I feel like you’d have to be able to download something cuz no one does like discs anymore oh my God you’re so right I feel like there’s no more TVs in the back if anything there’s like the huge screen in the front now all these cars have like enormous screens like Teslas oh my God I love it though I do too but I wonder how you don’t get distracted from the big big screen I know I have no idea it’s it’s an interesting thought and then I had one more thought and then I’ll stop asking you questions no I like these are great questions another thought when someone sneezes do you say bless you yeah every time thank you same me and someone in my life are having an argument about this Ben does not say bless you Brian doesn’t say bless you no but he’s like I don’t like he doesn’t believe in like the um like we it was like the Superstition you know cuz did you know that like how it started yeah yeah I feel like we’ve discussed that maybe you and I did we Google this the other day did I already ask you this offline no no I always like I feel like my family always said bless you so I always even if someone like down the hallway he I’m like bless you like I will go out of my way to say it me too I was literally on the street the other day and I sneezed and someone said blessy I was like you know what’s up yeah like it’s just because I guess it started from like literally people thought you were about to die like your heart STS or whatever um but it’s just something that’s kind of dragged on but it it after 5 years of dating I’ve it started to bother me I’m like it will just be the two of us in a room you didn’t say anything yeah so what do you do you just let it go I we said at one point I said something too I was like why are you saying anything when I sneeze and he was like because it’s like kind of dumb like it’s not I was like it’s polite it’s what you do it’s generation after generation blesses you yeah oh my God this is so funny it is really funny so does so cuz I asked Ryan I said growing up did your family say bless you and he said no okay I don’t want to boil this down to Italians but I think it’s an Italian Superstition thing oh my God that would totally make sense then I I do believe cuz Italian notoriously Very Superstitious oh a lot of the like weird not weird but like Niche like quirks and stuff that I like are from my grandma on my dad’s side like that I didn’t even realize but like my dad taught me like my mom and my dad taught me so yes oh my God random things like don’t put money on the bed oh like you know if you’re counting bills and you’re for some reason don’t put it on the bed don’t put it on the bed I’m trying to think of like other random ones like we throw money in the back of the car when it’s a new car yeah we do that too I don’t know oh my God not just with money just other Rand maybe it’s both of our New York Long Island dads or something there’s something always bless you yeah well it’s so then Ryan went on like a family trip months ago and he said he was in the car and he sneezed and he not no one blessed him he started laughing to himself he’s like wow you’re right like my whole family doesn’t I don’t so he’s in training now cuz I I need him to start blessing me so now I’ll Snee and look at him I’ll say thank you and then he’s like busy trying train him to say something that’s great it’s so stupid but it’s just like so crazy I see it as polite I don’t see it as the super like I don’t care super I’m like it’s the right like come on especially if it’s just you and the other person in a room alone like if someone else blesses me you’re off the hook but like it’s just the two of us you got to bless me someone’s got to cover me someone’s got to cover so I mean I’m sure you know I don’t hit the bless yous every maybe I’m like distracted what are you hitting probably 90% of I say 90% I’m probably like 95 I’m hitting like I’m like have my headphones in and I like hear in the distance like bless you you bless you and your family wait this is so funny I’m so glad I brought this up I would I would probably guess it’s 50/50 with like people we’ll have to do a poll though maybe we could do that when someone sneezes do you say yeah we need to do a poll in the newsletter on the Instagram like I need to cuz that’s interesting now hearing that that Benes doesn’t either but I feel like my friends usually do so like is it just like I feel like that’s just something I never paid attention like now I now you’re going to start cuz now I’ve started in the background just I know sneeze police that’s who we are that’s funny another thought I think I want to get a Costco membership again well again I mean I did you ever have one my parents got me one when I lived in Boston and I like I don’t even maybe I used it once cuz I lived alone like why did I need to Costco got like one other person I definitely make sense for you now toilet paper like all the things that sort of stuff cuz we went TV shopping and I think you can get a better deal on TVs at Costco yep my God you can go so on every single thing in your life that you’re like willing to make a purchase on like you can go so like deep into the like reports for it especially electronic type things I feel like you said your dad’s kind of into this he always reads the there’s a website I don’t know Consumer Reports Consumer Reports yes for you guys looking there for like or Ben was really passionate he was like oh like the OLED the qled like Technologies so yesterday we walked over to Best Buy and he was like I just like I was like so you’re going to trying to convince me to buy a TV now like that’s what you’re trying to like and he’s like no I honestly just want to like look at them in person and like see which one we even like because like you can’t really buy a TV like on the computer you do need to look at it yeah and it’s really cool to go and be like oh I like how this one looks compared to that there’s like a few things in life still that you need to buy in store yeah TV TVs what else are you going to the store to purchase certain types of clothing I’m still going in store yeah oh my gosh this is hard to think of on the spot but there’s definitely things that I’m like no I’m going you have to you it’s like illegal to buy that online like you have to do it in the store oh my God I’ll have to get back to you on that but I’m like big on convenience so like I would just do it online yeah but it’s fun if you can go in person especially TVs my dad’s the same way shoes I feel like are in person get to try them on you should you should get a Costco membership again that’s fun and there’s one is there one in Brooklyn or like nearby I see it on the highway wait for TVs for Costco sorry I’m now we’re back to Costco no love it um yes there’s a bunch I think not like near me per se but like drive driveing and I my family always shop for TVs at Costco that was just something we did like it was I don’t I subconscious I’m like well obviously the best deals for TVs are at Costco that could be completely factually wrong but like exactly that makes sense uhhuh would your family buy anything specific at Costco TVs TV yeah my brother just moved they went to Costco bought a TV like it’s it is like a thing um what else will we buy Costco certain of course snacks and food and stuff like that yeah honestly a lot of uh like electron like a vacuum uh things like that we would yeah yeah it’s fun it’s fun it’s weirdly fun yeah I feel like that would heal something in me I think you should go shopping but I like I can’t like get like the pallet and like oh oh the the cart that’s like flat yeah I know you got to go with Ben you can’t I mean you could do it oh I could but like I can’t reasonably get that amount of stuff I mean like besides like you have to have somewhere to put it yeah I remember when we would go and like do that type of bulk shopping it was like wo we are stock in the garage fridge we’re St so satisfying though honestly H I need to go to Costco when I’m home I think you could also get it delivered on instacart you can and you can actually order from Costco online cuz there’s this lasagna I love and my like dad ordered it to me to my apartment you could order food yeah I wonder if it’s just frozen food I don’t know is it local delivery or did they like uh he did it on I was I opened it I was like oh my God this is such a surprise I will say nothing hits like a Costco rotisserie chicken oh I haven’t had they have the best rotisserie chicken they’re like jumbo size they’re pumping some [ __ ] in that like they oh those are big too the chickens are big also that’s a little scary I that’s what I remember it as no everything’s bigger at Costco so yeah I mean literally everything’s bigger you get deodorant you get six you’re right you’re never have to buy deodorant ever again or I remember I bought an electric toothbrush at Costco one time I got like six replaceable heads for it like oh that’s my family you do not catch on buying a toothbrush anywhere except yeah it’s like where you buy it yeah makeup mirrors only Costco yep like those big con simple human ones those it’s just the best deals on that sort of stuff get the best deals and they present it so nicely you’re like I want this it’s coming home with me I got this big cart I can put it right in you got the car in the back you just drive it around pop it in no I love it yeah so I’m in the market for a TV is the point we’re we’re TV shopping for the bedroom no so I thought this is the other thing I got a frame TV which I’m really excited about where that’s going to go in the bedroom I think cuz the thing with the frame TV is it needs to be flush on the wall for it to like have the purpose of it being a frame yeah cuz it like mimics a picture frame basically and it like double as art yeah and where I’m going to put it in my like the space I have for it it wouldn’t be flush on the wall it would be on like a rotating Mount but you can’t make him flush to the wall the mounts don’t it like it ex like I need a far extension so because it need to like come out and go over basically no I tried I trust me I I’ve done everything I’ve done my best but then we were like it look so good in your bedroom so great with a nice frame around it and it might be more like relaxing so you don’t wake up and there’s like a TV it’ll look like a painting exactly yeah and you could set the back like then I don’t have to buy art for my bedroom cuz it’s true it’s the frame the art and you could change it out if you want um but the other TV I’m going to we decide we’re going to wait till Black Friday to get the TV cuz that’s like when there’s better deals that’s how you know you’re real adult I’m like I’m going to be patient I’m going to wait till there’s black so you’re not going to have a TV in your living room no no I’m going to use what I currently have just like from my old apartment oh I miss that okay I was like I mean I love I love the hustle for the budget but like so we’ll suffer you do have one in your living room right now duh yeah yeah that’s just how I’m really at that point in my life I’m like I’m going to wait till there’s a better deal I us to be there’ll be a new TV by then something cool that’s the thing there’s always new technology yeah I was like watching a YouTube review of the TVs but it was like a like screen recordings of each of the quality I’m like I don’t even know yeah how do you on TV so you got to go in person it was a lot trying to research I respect that for you this episode of gs on the go is brought to you by command brand command makes it easy and worry-free to create a space that reflects who you are with command brand damage free products I’ve been using command strips since I could ever be using them I mean I was using them in college it was the best thing ever for my dorm room I have some command strips up in my apartment now because life is more joyful when your space reflects you but making a temporary space like an apartment your dorm room maybe a podcast Studio unique to you can make it feel like more trouble than it’s worth however Command products are here to help Command products work on lots of services Beyond painted walls like closet doors I use it a lot on closet doors metal glass painted brick and more I feel like a lot of my friends apartments in the city actually have exposed brick and command strips work on there and no tools required for us girls we don’t you know I don’t really want to pull out the toolbox it has dust on it honestly so that’s why whenever there’s an option for command strips that’s what I do like literally my vision board that’s in my bathroom right now you guys is up with command strips like that’s just how it goes um it’s just nice if you’re in a rented space you don’t have to worry about getting your not getting your deposit back because they come down damage free boom done so we absolutely love command visit to find out where to buy this back to college season um similar but not to Costco I feel like it’s the same genre um I talked about in one of the last few episodes I wanted in our summer bucket list I want to golf oh you did golf let’s I mean I didn’t but I did I went to the Golfing Range the driving range the Golfing Range we went to Chelsea Pier and it was actually my idea cuz I was like it’s so nice out whenever Ryan and I want to hang it’s always like let’s eat dinner and watch TV but like it’s nice out let’s like do something yeah you want to be an outdo cat I want to be an outdo oh my God you’re about so we went to Chelsea Pier and it’s so perfect like honestly it’s a great thing to do it’s 55 minute sessions s oh my God session sessions sessions and we golfed and it was so nice it’s so funny though I like called around I was like what do I wear cuz we were going to dinner before and he was like don’t dress like you’re like going in the golf course so I was like okay I won’t cuz I get it like if I showed up all like visor and all like I get that you got to be like lowkey about it lowkey but I was like what does that mean you know he doesn’t give great Direction so I was like can I wear just like a chill flowy dress he was like yeah yeah of course and then I as soon as we walk up he’s like oh long dress I was like you literally told me that was okay and he was like I just think it might be a little hard to golf and I was like well [ __ ] me so anyways we like go to golf and it was really annoying like having a long dress cuz he was like showing me and he’s like bend your knees and he was like are your knees bent and I’d have to like pull up my dress and I was like prove that you yes and it was just like that’s really funny he couldn’t see your form cuz it’s just like a blob no it’s literally a blob like I was hunched over hunch back the videos you took me so those videos it was really funny like it was like I went golfing and no it was like it was giving like we just went to dinner and like thought to go but like I knew I was going golfing you know oh so and I had my hair extensions in jewelry like cuz I was like shooting that whole day like photos and stuff so I was like let me just keep them in I look cute oh my God it course then you doubled down I doubled down but it was so funny we went to check in for Chelsea Pierce like Ryan had like made the appointment already whatever but they like look over the desk at my shoes and I was like like oh I’m wearing sneakers wear I was wearing and he goes I was just making sure you weren’t wearing heels you’re like dressed up right now I was like I’m so embarrassing he saw my dress and was like is she in heels too what were the other girls were were there any other girls so yeah actually there’s a lot of couples there it must have been like the to book this far out no we booked it that morning um and you just get like one slot you get your own Bay it’s not like Top Golf there was no servers coming to check in on us like it was vending machines that were sold out of everything but um we’ll take what we can get here in manatt we yeah we we but it’s so nice you have a view of the Hudson River it’s stunning and you just shoot the balls out yeah you just shoot them out and like literally one comes like it’s like bowling one comes right back up and it was it was great I want to go back like truly I I need to it’s just and you brought your own CL I saw it right yeah I like rented that was so funny the video of him like with the just two clubs on his shoulder I was crying that was so [ __ ] funny a lot of guys what they do I saw the guys at the at the range doing this they buy like mini golf bags for stuff like this and they bring like their driver and their number seven whatever seven iron are called I’m like I don’t even know so I I think I might get Ryan one just like as like a random gift because seeing him walk down bleer street with his two rods or wherever we it looks like he’s about to like take someone out no respectfully and he was walking like this I was like did you walk the whole way here like this he was like yeah how else would I hold I was like you could hit someone if you turned so then I made him like carry it down no it looks like like just you know he’s like I took care of someone on yeah just Robin bang I was like you look crazy right now so I’m going to get in a little mini golf bag because I think that cuz I want to like go do this again it was so nice it was 55 minutes like it went by so fast I love a date activity so don’t get me wrong I think that’s a good one is there top golf in New York maybe in New Jersey I they on Long Island there’s one I think out east out east I don’t know about like so far out east but there I feel like there’s one I never went I’ve never been to top really we had like date nights for them maybe you oh I aged out by that point maybe maybe it didn’t exist yet was it in Atlanta mhm we like took a bus to at actually yeah I think you were gone cuz I remember the date night we had it was like on like I was turning 21 that night so yeah and then you flew in the next day for my birthday so you definitely weren’t in school then no I had graduated so crazy anything else that’s a fun date night though it was so fun it like something to do yeah talk and he did the good old like oh let me help you you know did was he like actually educating you or were you just kind of hitting okay no I wanted I really want to learn cuz I’m not good at golf well that’s isn’t that Fourth of July AC yeah that’s the goal is all being with the boys Danny and the boys you will be Danny and the boys so your cuz your brother golfs yeah how is your brother I never I haven’t even like how’s your brother he’s good he’s moving in the city soon which is crazy I know he’s yeah so coming up I know like right now um someone requested maybe they dm’ you too our brothers on yeah I’m I’m locked funny that would be it I feel like that’s more tangible the mom’s lining up at the same time is very hard see I think the brothers is going to be hard well now that s’s going to be living here it will be easier actually never mind yeah I think the four of us sitting down would be the funniest [ __ ] ever me too cuz we have such similar relationships with our brothers I would love that the four of us I think they would love the studio experience too yeah Freddy wants to come later this year so let’s line it up let’s arrange yeah I mean four chairs in here that would be really funny we would have to play like a we’ll have to ask what people want to see if it’s like yeah we have to figure out what to like there’s so much to or game or or it could be like the mitchos versus the Caroline game like we could we could get some good programing run of show if you will um so speaking of programming I thought we should play some games today I’m here for it are you down yeah I’m here for a light game yeah so I actually made a Tik Tok a while back it’s not like I don’t know where I got this from I just thought of it but I’m sure it’s not an original idea I’m sure someone else is going to claim this I not say it went viral though it went viral got like 3 million views so much so actually I got a DM Remy and Alicia played this on pretty unfiltered and they like I didn’t listen but they shouted me out apparently oh that’s so sweet in Heath I was like oh my God my God we’re s sisters they’re crushing in by the way I know I I feel like the every time I open any social media app it’s like them like in another country doing something else I’m like the girls don’t sleep they went to the Luke Holmes concert got a box oh my God I I missed that well they just went to like Korea Japan and then they have the other podcast I’m tired they SLE I’m tired I’m tired when I but I will soak up every single thing of their content me too no they’re crushing it like they’re the epitome of like literally content baby content like they do something and they’re like but I’m going to make sure that my audience eats up that content in a good way not like Anno about it like when you’re with them in person they’re so like in the moment with you I know but then they like I’m like but she just posted three Tik toks and they’re all like so well done they’re just we love they’re special very special people very special to us um okay so the first game we’re going to play this is the one that like I made a Tik Tok and it went viral I’m going to tell you a word vice versa you’re going to tell me a word to search in iMessages and we have to read out whatever the most recent text is that word do we give context of the text yeah I think sometimes yeah like some of these could be super boring like oh my earring just fell out of my ear oh I got the back you know when your earring falls out with the back’s still on your skin yeah yeah you caught that caught that did you how did you feel it coming it just happened all like just now you were there I I literally witnessed it it was all on camera yeah so this is a really fun game you guys should play with your friends basically just say a word and everyone has to search it in their phone I love it and you got to read it so we just think of random words oh my God I have to think of what like what to challenge with I could say one that’s so like probably pretty poignant give me like examples of what you like I was going to say toilet but maybe that’s intense for you I’ll do it for myself probably for you it’ be too colonoscopy related it’s a text to you what did you it was literally last week I don’t know why I was thinking about this because you own your condo I go random thought you could legit get a bedet for your toilet if you wanted too I just texted Brooke that the other day I was like she could do that there’s a subgroup did I not tell you this of the group chat that’s like my building like my building is group chat it’s like my building name Beday Enthusiast did I tell you this maybe I know there’s all these subgroups but that’s F yes and it’s like people who like have you know they write like the oh I got this bedet i got this one God I mean you really should what plumber they use like but like when I was in Europe I didn’t use the bedet oh well then that’s on you if you don’t like them then you won’t I like they kind of confused me it can be scary it could be like a separate you know what I’m talking about a toilet with a bedet me too but oh I wouldn’t do that in Italy it was like the toilet and then the bedet so I didn’t touch it cuz I got nervous I was like if it’s giving urinal like and I don’t know how to use this it does give Ur anal there’s no place to sit right they’re like tiny you have to like yeah know I know what you’re talking about though they have a you could get a bedet built into it or you could do the wand attachment one actually for my problem that was on the recommended solution list oh really yeah yeah it was like oh perhaps a b day so perhaps a day cuz it’s better for you than like I think like wiping and yeah yeah no I my we have one at my home your dad likes it I that’s so your dad but my mom well my life my mom put it in when she lived there and then now my dad lives there you know my family crazy he so who likes it more uh I actually don’t know if my dad uses it I don’t really care to ask him but do so do you like legit not buy toilet paper then like would your mom use it no no um no I I don’t don’t think my mom did it for natural reasons she just it’s like an extra ST I when I yeah sorry when I save a day it’s like just an added bonus like just to clean out a little extra like I’m not talking but I know people do that yeah just they just in all right anyways okay so that’s that was my toilet word no I love that all right give me a word you just gave one to yourself Circle It’s So Random well I mean I like I I did say this today I said perfect thanks ID K if there’s a chat box but there’s a traffic circle that could pull in and leave the car while they get the stuff like that’s not anything like hey you never me trying to be like efficient I’m like anything that’s all no it’s all like a traffic circle traffic circle I’ve never used that word until what do you say roundabout I say roundabout but it well no it depends traffic circle I think is different than roundabout to me well roundabout to me is like when you like there’s exits yeah it’s like exit 1A will get you to you know the Hudson River like o good word embarrassed oh my God I have no idea what this is to do with this was a text with two friends and she said my only hesitation is are we going to be embarrassed at such a sexy Resort I have no idea embarrassed why CU you were showing up with friends I just tapped in I was like what is this about when um me Kelly and Cass got our boyfriends to match oh cuz it’s like a I get it very high class cuz you’re trying to do uh does it have to be a message that I sent or just any message in here oh I get any I guess I I don’t know are you embarrassed someone that like I like I don’t even know who this person is I guess it must have this is literally from 2020 do you still have your messages from that long ago I feel like this is someone I like went on a date with or something random but I’m so embarrassed right now I was reaching out to the stand-up comedy venue at work just now and accidentally referred to one of the co-founders by his last name instead of his first and he was like I’m not going to lie I thought we played hockey together at first and you knew me hence why you referred to me by my last name and I was like nope just a dumbass sorry about that am I said that person said it to you like yeah you just like sent me like a live and I go that’s funny haha why am I why that’s not funny at all that’s not even a good story it’s not that story actually made no sense but that guy’s very embar that’s like the epitome of dating though I feel like you just have to be like yeah for sure you don’t have to be LOL it’s like LOL so funny pay for my dinner thanks I’m kidding oh my he’s great he told me a mediocre story like what what does that even mean yeah okay next word annoyed mine is literally a text to you I’m getting with the uh swirly uh what’s this this little I don’t even know this punctuation I’m getting annoyed like the that was my text to you I see it I see it you text me annoyed a lot when I’m scrolling through this it’s like you you I’m annoyed no I’m so annoyed annoyed with everyone I’m annoyed oh my God I I texted I text a lot of people annoyed wow that’s like a word that you you use I think that was in your repertoire of like Words um another thing I said to you yeah I’m being petty but I’m annoyed I’m like annoyed annoyed do you ever say annoyed um I said I woke up annoyed um I’m annoyed I’m lonely and that’s me texting Ben being dramatic um it’s this is all annoyed like I it’s I’m so annoyed kind of annoyed at some of their reactions this is all receiving end okay problem oof you use that word a lot I have a problem I said to you no problem I won’t judge if you get it done or whatever I’m just always happy with the way she does my blowouts you’re talking about like making PL talking about getting her hair done yeah yeah I said that will be a tomorrow problem oh I have to me to this person Katie gave me your number I’m so sorry to be a problem but you can see like I had to text someone from a brand because they posted a video that had yeah that was pretty like our address in his yeah this brand like was so oh my God they were the best ever but I just literally that was the most red panic I think I’ve ever been in my entire life Panic cuz I just you just moved in yeah you were like I don’t need people to know my apartment this brand was so sweet but like like in all the videos it showed like all of our apartment numbers it was like a ton of influencers opening their door and it was so sweet and they looked so cute but they weren’t like I’m sure they weren’t thinking cuz like that’s not usually a problem people have that’s something we think about it and you could just see like my apartment Brook’s apartment ktie like bunch other people’s just yeah and Brook was Ian we were all well cuz I well I think Katie brought it to our attention then I was like but I’m still so nice like even with me dealing with that like I was like I’m so sorry to be a problem like do you mind like you kind of do yeah do you I’m sorry to be a problem but can you actually yeah yeah I’m sorry to be a problem okay the word jump um I said to Clara what a jump scare my brother texted me they don’t have a unit put in the application tomorrow when the unit opens we jump we jump I’m obsessed with that okay how about the word period oh I said to my manager I’m doing voice to text hence why it keeps putting all those scary periods lol you know when I’m Tex I tell I don’t even say anything dot dot do I texted Mariah I have my period I got an excused absence but like that’s literally I sent it this year like excused absence from what did you get excused absence from this I think it was a joke um like you know like ah I’m out of it you know I’m good yeah that makes more sense I was like what did you oh my God I text a lot sorry for all the periods I’m doing voice attacks the next word is forgot let’s do forgot okay texted you yesterday my Christ I forgot how expensive altz is because my Christ I was shocked yeah it’s a tailor and they do amazing work it’s called alts they have like a bunch of local yeah oh sorry I guess the sign is their branding is alts though an amazing experience you go in and it’s great and they have like they could do rush if you need it rush I need you know we have an event I need something rushed I like I was like about to be like somewhere else but like you can’t like how embarrassing no it’s that’s the worst when you get up to the checkout count and you’re like what do I do what’s the damage yeah what’s the damage I wish I asked first sometimes they don’t know until they like find the damage of course and they decide no yeah that was a funny wording you used my Christ my CH I don’t know why I said I think I was so genuinely shocked at the number I was like that can’t be right like who am I to argue back you know no 100% none of mine are or I sorry I forgot to reply that’s me a lot yep forgot to send an alarm yeah I always am just forgetting things I’m like forgot to tell you yeah I use this a lot like the forgot yeah yeah this is a lot forgot Sunday’s Mother’s Day yep forgot my pair forgot forgot about that next word is help I texted Ryan odds you can stop by later have a lot of trash I’d love help with oh that’s nice um yeah thinking you may be able to help like in our GS in the group group chat my mom texted me just might need your help finding a cool spot for drinks with the buyers she always text me for like New York City rexs yeah she’s like I got to take them somewhere cool the buyers how about yea they’re all from you legit every single one is from you yeaw yeaw ye-haw thanks ye-haw yeaa yeaw yeaw yeaw thank you I guess I say yea oh I have a word this would be crazy stinky like what would even oh my God this is a fun game do some people have anything like crazy that they can’t expose I people were commenting on my Tik Tok saying like what would be crazy is if I said like Danielle or like you would say someone’s name and it’s like see what like that’s crazy I wrote it’s a stinky plane I don’t have any no the you don’t say stinky no my mom texted me and brush your teeth after her mouthwash wine breath is stinky you said that to your mom no she said that to me this was in 2020 that was a long time ago oh maybe like you were going on a date maybe it must have been cuz like why would you be like advising me what to do with my breath let’s do dramatic that’s a good one cuz I definitely use this I texted you not to be dramatic but if God forbid I love to use the lord’s name in vain my God this is you said I said not to be dramatic but God forbid I had to move away in changes of Life what change oh I you see that now oh I know the cont that was like we were just talking about the future it’s not going to happen I feel like I was just spiraling oh my God that was one of my spirals where I was like this career could end tomorrow I’ve got to I’ve got to run from this town now Brook was spiral session and I was like all right we’re just going this right out it’s going to be okay you feel better about that now right oh my god well I got F everybody’s faces you know where you’re like oh my God yeah um I don’t text it a lot but I get received it all the time I think as I’ll say I’m being drama like I’ll say Drama Oh yeah you do use that where you’ll say so drama like so yeah I need to know who was that about oh obviously I’m not going to say it oh I know it was a friend’s situation oh yeah actually good call I mean that’s what it is yeah it wasn’t our situ yeah yeah it wasn’t like we yeah yeah we don’t have a lot of drama we’re so we’re so dramatic that we’ll be like oh my God all the drama but it’s like the drama is like we’re running late or something we love like any bit of drama that we can get um wow I didn’t realize what time it was I guess we have to be done now no this was a fun time um little enjoyed maybe we could play again and like have a like crazy like silly words like prepared I didn’t prepare any words I was just like that was a fun game you you gave a little uh tease a little taste a little tease a little taste let us know if you guys like this game highly suggest playing with your friends join the newsletter follow us on Instagram at G Theo podcast subscribe on YouTube give this video a thumbs up if you’re watching give this video thumbs up like what else rate US five stars you know what to do yeah lots of other content on our other platforms if you miss us um and if you celebrate 4th of July have a great 4th of July yeah I hope to see America USA you know and we love you guys so much love you bye guys [Music]

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