Golf Players

Tales with TR Episode #211A

Tales with TR Episode #211A

Terry Ryan – Tales with TR Full episode

Join former Montreal Canadiens’ first-round draft pick & Shoresy star Terry Ryan, as he talks about the sport of Hockey, brings on various guests, and shares tales of his life and professional hockey career.

Host: Terry Ryan @terryryan20

Network: @hockeypodnet

Editor: Carter Potts @Carter_Potts_97

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smooth sack summer boys get on board or get left [Music] behind hello ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it’s great to be with you Terry Ryan here host of tales with tiar obviously you just tuned in and here’s episode 211A um it’s been an eventful week I’ve been gone from Mount Pearl New Finland for exactly a week as a lot of you know I started by going to the dentist span V go uh Craig McDonald rinks to linkx Golf Classic we raised a lot of money for an unreal cause check it out online if you want to donate more you can still do that thanks to Jason and Craig and everybody else involved really we go um God I wouldn’t know where to start it’s marijuana for those of you that are wondering not not cigarettes people have asked me that before I have a little one hitter and I got some moderately not even really potent for those that know I think it’s 13 or 14% THC and I have a puff of that here and there there during the day calms me down a bit as I have coffee but today’s coffee is decaf um anyway uh sometimes it helps me TI a little bit just a little bit of weed not much of course there are times that I like to indulge hit a movie or whatever it might be and I’m telling you this as we speak a good F not a good friend an acquaintance I met online who played hockey is texting me I have to be just give me one second this guy might be a guest next week okay sorry about that um I might as well say it I mean why not I I reached out to a few people this week that I really wanted to uh when I get busy I’ll finish talking about the uh well game seven and the bom tournament in a minute but I reached out to a lot of people that I look up to normally I have people on here that I’ve come across that I know well that at least I’ve known a little tales with tiar Loosely when I thought about it I’m like I’d rather have people that have come across the tales with tiar would be almost like with tiar tales with we experienced it together and then it branched out to people like say Jeremy ronic how can I not have him on if he wants to come on congrats Jr by the way for getting in the Hall of Fame you know because I I do the odd CH so I I knew him and we’d have like at least one or two stories together in this case we did some charity tournaments but this guy this guy Curtis Gabriel okay now Curtis I only met online I respect him he got up to the NHL he did what it took could throw his fist pretty well and has been open about some mental health issues and battles like we all do like we all we all experience I think I’m not diminishing anything he went through I think to be a human you must face mental adversity some people way worse than others some people are born with um a crutch of some sort you can’t even say the word handicap anymore I mean it’s a word right uh anyway and that’s it some people are born I guess with uh you know born into adversity everything is about wording it the right way now right but um my my point is he’s very open and honest um he’s he was successful so people not only identify with him with him with when it comes to the mental side of things but look up to him you know it’s good if you’re a hockey fan it’s good to see someone that played in the NHL that maybe goes through what you do right you don’t feel as alone things like that and Curtis had an interesting career to say the least now he’s got back into school I identify with that a little bit when you’re over wordss and you’re I mean when your career is over and Curtis is like 30 young guy I was 32 and you go back to school and you just got accepted to go into Athabasca so that’s exciting for him so I’d love to get him on and talk about his career of which I didn’t experience with him but I’ve met him sorry I’ve met him online I I really met him but we’ve spoken online enough and I love what he does and some of his approaches and he really stands up for marginalized groups a lot um he’s an outspoken seems like a compassionate good guy and I’m looking forward to uh the possibility of having him on so anyway now so the bonve tournament guys so it was awesome I went up there on the Thursday on the Friday was the tournament Thursday we all got together hockey stories some beers we golfed but it wasn’t part of the tournament God I suck at golf but uh those guys helped me and uh gave me some decent clubs but I realized how bad I am when I’m around good golfers anyway we start the tney 10 o’clock or the golf match what would you say golf tournament yeah but we all um that night was the Oilers playing so we just stayed at the chorus right had some drinks afterwards some of us went back out for a couple of holes there was uh some great bands playing um and I mean it all day like there was a musical act there they really know how to do it there so thanks Craig and Dennis but it was awesome because I met cam Russell for the first time again I kind of met quote unquote online I suppose and we did have a fight on hockey night Canada I just mean sense that fight outside of an email or a phone call I’ve I’d never sat down with Cam Russell and it was awesome because we spoke a bit about our fight obviously but it was more about friends like I told you some friends of mine that recently passed Todd Gillingham and uh Greg Smith the bird dog he knew those guys and we spoke about that which always leads to other conversations but it was a awesome Rody mccormic I heard all about this Legend and I finally got to meet him Stevie Dixon was over there Trent Bert um Rick bonis it was awesome to meet Rick bonis and uh I mean if it wasn’t a celebration of hockey enough and it wasn’t if that wasn’t good enough the game ends or so you know the golf ends and that night now the the the Oilers are coming on so it was the Oilers game six they win we’re freaking out my buddy Joey Wen calls and says we’re going we’re going to game seven so without explaining all of it Sean thoron uh hooked you guys know my buddy s met trans Sam with well he hooked Sam man up with a bunch of tickets and uh in turn hooked me up with a few and uh brought some good buddies Johnny Daw Jordan escot and uh Joey waden Jesus what am I forgetting so we that was the the New Finland group that came with me but there was all kinds more Trevor boing ran into um just and then you get the hockey guys the the Darren Dreger and James dthy and Mike Johnson and uh Ryan rash and just just a real good great group of people that some of them like Mike Johnson I hadn’t really met John I mean I guess I did I played against them and I know he gave me a shout out after The Growlers game but it was so cool um to get down there and this was the first night so I went straight there from Halifax instead of coming home and uh we had a wicked spot thank you tan swith on uh on the Beach Fort Lauderdale what was the hotel we were at good Lord Oh The Four Seasons and uh you know the four seasons was maybe a 15-minute walk down the beach from the Elbow Room so with all kinds of cool stuff in between mostly bars restaurants with cool patios a beach all the way and when you jump into the water in Fort Lauderdale it’s fairly refreshing but it’s you know it’s it’s nice and luk warmish it’s it’s just slightly refreshing but here you in New Finland you can’t really get into the water especially at this time of year but it just the ocean anyway we can go swimming now like anywhere else but you know there’s so much ice that floats by that the the North Atlantic is so cold that there’s not really a great time of the year from my angle in St John’s there’s other places but the way the currents work and everything there’s uh you know it’s possible it’s just freezing freezing freezing cold um but it was nice to be able to get in the water and it was good to see the chicklet guys oh and and by the way yes I know a lot of people are texting me loving loving that we were hanging out with the with the Chicklets guys and the vibe I woke up the next day [ __ ] mortified when I saw the videos because you know I love the Chicklets boys but you often don’t know when the videos you got to assume that everything is always being videotaped videotaped like it’s 1985 uh everything’s being recorded now it’s fine cuz we were only we were having fun there was but when Biz says oh you going to spit on me that wasn’t spit yes I was on the second floor I was throwing ice cubes at him and he only noticed it like the fifth one and two went off his head because the [ __ ] was so buzzed and uh anyway they like I won’t say exploiting because I’m very aware and I’m I’m having fun they like to take advantage of my Goodtime Charlie Vibe when it comes to parties I guess and game seven was no exception so do I regret anything no now all your messages were pretty nice to be honest but when I looked at them at the videos I’m telling you I don’t like seeing myself in that situation and maybe part of it’s having Penny Lane the first thing I did when I got home I sat her down I said now you know I turn it on and off the other thing for you guys watching that I did get a couple of texts like hey buddy you know might want to slow down look I don’t like I don’t even beer in my house I don’t need to justify this to anybody but I don’t drink a lot I know that would by not a lot I mean like once a week like I get shitfaced usually once a week if I miss that week definitely the next week rarely does like three weeks go by that I don’t tie one on and maybe that is a lot I don’t know but I mean like I’m going to Penny Lane’s soccer this weekend The Atlantics I’m going to watching Gander it won’t even like dawn on me you know what I’ll I’ll get in the car I’ll get in the Jeep I got a tent I I missed the boat I didn’t think I was going to be here so I can’t uh I missed the boat on getting a hotel there’s only so many it’s the Atlantic’s like so there’s going to be all kinds of teams and but I’m bringing a tent said [ __ ] it got a fishing rod gonna bring the barbecue um yeah I’m really looking forward to it but uh where was I going with that yeah like it won’t even and I won’t go it it doesn’t take me willpower to stay off the beer like it really doesn’t I don’t care I hate hangovers I hate alcohol there is no like when people say what’s your favorite drink I don’t [ __ ] know I guess I drink Vodka pineapple a Caesar maybe whatever can be most disguised beer I drink Bud Light yes I know a lot of you out there especially in the American South are upset at that it has nothing to do with politics it has to do with my friends here Jeremy Hart in particular over the years that you know I grew up with that’s a good friend and I met people at laats through him they’ve been very good to me over the years and when I drink laats I like to drink PD light right nothing else to it so and I’m not so um vulnerable mentally that I’ll drink something else because there’s a connotation with Bud Light whatever I support lgbtq I don’t give a [ __ ] man do what you want I think it’s the silliest thing ever for me to judge someone else about where they put their private parts it’s the unless it’s somewhere legal but other than that what do I care right what do I care two guys live down the road they go into their house what do I care that they [ __ ] each other why why would I give a [ __ ] about or two girls or whatever to [ __ ] porcupine pins whatever it is why do I care about that act just like I don’t care what they’re eating tonight for supper just like I don’t care what they watch on TV well I guess I care if they watch shy there but anyway so outside of that but I get it that sometimes there’s a stance that needs to be taken and some people got upset because they figured budlight went too far with it and whatever you might have a point you might not I I really don’t know I don’t care because I drink what I like I’m comfortable in my own skin I know people think because some of the stories I tell that maybe there’s a little inflection of gayness there there’s not there’s not it would make me puke to suck a dick or something it really would and I that’s not an insult to gay people I just I’m not one bit wired that way but again I’m comfortable in my own skin I can tell the story in my book The the transgender story because I’m comfortable with it and you know it was a situation it happened I I’m sexuality to me is like I I respect I respect it yeah I mean whatever whatever I I I think it’s almost people’s individual sex it’s so overrated and in your face now you know I don’t hate that there’s a gay parade but hopefully someday soon we can stop having them right just you know but but I get that we need to have it because groups get marginalized I’m not one of these people that says well there’s a black history month and there should be a white history what if we had white history they’d all go crazy yeah because they were [ __ ] oppressed and they were slaves for a long time and the Jim Crow laws and [ __ ] like that and in the 1950s and 60s as recent as that black people in a lot of North America had to ride the back of the bus and [ __ ] or the front they were segregated and I get all that I don’t know why I just went off in that tangent but um and I don’t know where I was going with that but anyway yeah that’s just my personal belief um now can it there are there are arguments within that argument right um drag queens reading to kids I I I don’t mind Penny Lane because she’s very comfortable with all that we’ve had the conversation there’s not much that a drag queen could surprise Penny we’ve gone to shows at Green sleeves like one of my favorite bars they have them there once in a while I don’t go down to go to the grag drag show but we were down there eating one day they had one upstairs we checked it out for a laugh really it’s not a big deal but anyway what I’m saying is that yeah you that’s a different argument though I’m fine with it I could see how people wouldn’t be makes total sense there are levels of politics to each you know situation was it comes to racism or sexism or or uh just ignorance in general right I I understand all of that and there’s a lot to be unpacked um and and I feel for people that are feel marginalized or whatever um and I I I can’t put myself there but you know I I I try to at least understand if you’re not hurting me I well I really don’t care bet the action on the with DraftKings sports book with DraftKings you can bet on any game you want whether you want to bet the puck line or the over under DraftKings has something for everybody and if you want you can throw down on your favorite player as an anytime goal scorer or if you’re looking for a long-term bet maybe you want to predict the Stanley Cup champion download the draftking Sportsbook app now and use promo code th hpn new customers get 150 bucks instantly in bonus bets for betting just $5 on hockey that’s promo code th hpn as in the hockey podcast Network only on draftking Sportsbook an official sports 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can sometimes can annoy my lungs a little bit cause a a little bit of mucus that of course you can’t breathe as well as an athlete um so yeah you you know but but anyway there’s all the different levels I’m very comfortable in in marijuana um in psychedelics to a degree micro doing whatever I don’t need to get into all that I just mean I’m not even big on alcohol but if you were to watch me in just chicklets appearances now again every time we see each other it’s either at like chicklets live it’s at the Chicklets cup it’s at an HL game game seven nonetheless so you’re probably G I’ve probably been waiting for a week you know usually and and save up and go down there and get [ __ ] Bamboozled but or or people that see my dad do the same he only drinks on Fridays so like of course there’s exceptions but but if he drinks on Saturday he won’t have Dr had alcohol on the Friday right obviously if we go to chicklets cup it’s going to be a little bit different he’s 71 mom will give him that free pass but you know we’re home here last summer Blue Rodeo was playing on Saturday so he saved it up for Saturday but never never would senior think about unless we were at chicklets cup I can’t think of one other exception putting a beer to his mouth if he drank the night before and I feel the exact same but you see me putting that beard to my mouth and the shot and that night we were taken uh it’s one thing to take to micro do mushrooms and uh I’m a big proponent in that since I started doing that I actually drink less and I won’t even think about doing any drugs other than that puts me in a good place but if I take too many and I do Shooters doing a shooter on mushrooms for me is almost pointless but I do it because people buy them and I get into it and I and I get so excited and into the moment that I often come off loud and obnoxious and and maybe I come off like that because I am being loud and obnoxious but anyway no when I when I actually a lot of that filming was early in the day once we got to the rink um and we got up to the Box myself and my buddy Johnny dos sat down I said okay like I’m gonna get a couple of vodka water and I I just got water I said to the guy just give me let everybody think I’m drinking let’s give me a VOD can of or sorry give me a soda right and I had two of those in the first just to kind of come back a little bit because I was getting so aifi I said I want to remember game seven uh so anyway now that all being said we we had a blast though and and and I got mostly positive feedback from all of that and I love chicklets and I’ll do it again and we’ll go down and we’ll have fun again and again I’m just explaining that to you the thing that bothers me when I watch it I get a bit cringe because I’m getting so [ __ ] hammered and and and I guess I have a daughter I have people out there that like fans that really care about me um from shy or chicklets or or the NHL days or The Growlers or whatever and they really really care and when they see someone acting like a [ __ ] buffoon I guess they call me on it a little bit so that’s I guess why my hesitance for those videos sometimes is on display but anyway anyway so but outside of that we go it was a great [ __ ] time we sit down and uh sure enough man like I I had the vibe it felt like Edmonton were going to win when we got to the arena but before we got to the arena once we did and we sat down I don’t know if it was the home crowd I don’t know what I don’t know if it was the first few minutes of the game but clearly like Florida and I know if I’d seen game four five and six I probably wouldn’t say that but they looked they had a strangle hold on the boys like McDavid again is a real dyle there seem to be they were hurt to some degree I I really don’t know I guess we’ll hear it as we’re guys on on Florida I’m sure I mean we know barov we know Reinhardt and um everybody’s probably heard to a degree not saying it looked slow eventon just looked like like I saw the games four five and six on TV and it looked like they had enormous energy it looked like they were steamrolling the Florida Panthers at times I I didn’t see that at all in game seven um now where their flashes a Brilliance yes on both sides yes could it have gone either way yes it was a one-goal game and a lot of the local fans were upset I was cheering for the Oilers first of all I work with the Jason Gregor show and I know as someone on the radio I probably shouldn’t be always siding with the home team I really don’t know it’s the Jason GRE show in Edmonton it gives me a reason to watch I’m watching the best [ __ ] player in the world right now Conor McDavid watched a team um and and I love so many other storylines from Zack Heyman getting more than 50 goals um to Evan buard literally turning into a Norris candidate overnight not overnight but you know what I mean I don’t think we’ve said this even a year ago uh at home the more I watch that guy play I [ __ ] love his style Holloway I think came into his own in the playoffs um Evander Kane was hurt clearly played hurt at times a guy that came in here over a year ago and I thought would be a bit of a cancer in the room did not turn out to be that he turned out to be a great story seems to me that outside of the injury which is not great obviously but he kind of turned his attitude and his life around a little bit in Edmonton um so much to love oil Nation Kate the girl who flashed her tits um the Stuart Skinner right uh you know really turning it around lots of positive little Vibe stories around the Oilers and I was proud to be part of it I don’t consider myself the biggest fan that’s going to paint his face do I consider myself part of Oilers Nation kind of I’m on the I’m on the periphery I when when you know I being I’m not a super fan so like as the game ended I was immediately happy for Florida right immediately Sean Thornton’s down there it’s one of my good buddies man now thori got us the tickets he knew we were there with a bunch of people from Edmonton Sam Man’s from there I work on the radio there I don’t I can see him coming down on ra a little bit and the guys from chicklets they literally have a pick they they shouldn’t well I mean there’s no me to say but they normally wouldn’t have a horse in the race but they make storylines and everything else and I think thy was half kidding you know you got to pick somebody plus of course they wanted Edmonton to come back when they did force a game seven why wouldn’t you but for me I didn’t get much of an agitated feeling from crowds but they were literally wondering like there was Florida fans going hey come on Teddy edgecock why don’t you cheer for us like what Gibbs you know and I was going guys and I had to kind of explain it um but really most of the vibe I got was one of absolute celebration of love for hockey and even though the Panthers have been there a long time it’s still a little bit unnatural to be down there in June of all months late June it’s scorching and have so many people flooding to the arena to see a hockey team play but it was I got to say all along that strip man it was more panther stuff than anything else and there’s a lot of hockey fans down there I don’t care what you say um and it’s not just people that went to the rink and jumped on the bandwagon we met a lot of there’s a guy Jesse I met you at the bar yesterday and Taylor we went to rock bar yesterday during the day our flight was delayed and um good food by the way guys thank you very much for that um had some calamari which was awesome and uh some soup but uh just met some fans that uh you know were just as passionate as the Oilers fans and they were right there born and raised in Fort laale or Miami and it was just a feeling of it was a celebration it really was and and when I everything from there was two guys on the beach me and bit biz went out to jump in the water the day of the game and I got off and there was two guys from Cuba that came up and they said you know we’re we’re uh from Cuba I think they were waiting on their status um to be citizens the way they explained it to me but they they said the first thing they fell in love with was hockey because they moved to Miami and they you know the Panthers and it’s we’re talking where the rank is probably 45 minutes north of all that but but but you know they they went to games and and they fell in love with it and they knew and they knew sh as now here’s a couple of guys that they hadn’t been in the United States very long they moved there in their 20s and they watch shy and the guy said yeah he goes I got one platform Hulu and that’s what I watch and he said you know we love the Panthers and he knew like Conor McDavid stats and you’re hearing people come from Cuba into Miami to get into hockey tell me Conor McDavid stats it just makes me proud of the sport it really does I’m getting Goosebumps now and that wasn’t a one-off that wasn’t an outlier that was happening everywhere like everywhere we went now I know what you’ll say well you’re down to game seven yes but we were way off the beaten path of game seven of course there’s going to be but I’m saying of course people are going to be go Panthers but like just consistently running into people that knew about like power play breakouts and and um even how long the intermissions were or whatever like they really knew a little bit about hockey more than I knew a little bit about Football 20 years ago I tell you that and they were proud to to like a new finlander is proud to take a tourist out and show them you know our wonderful Province these people were proud to to display their knowledge and of the game and their Love of the Game on to us right and they and they felt it w like I said it was a celebration of hockey they felt to me it was more bonding with the Oilers fans than anything way more of that now all you’ll hear about of course is the booing McDavid when he didn’t get the K Smite and how classless Florida fans are and everything trust me that was nothing that was a [ __ ] one-off that’s a bunch of people that’s monkey see monkey it’s not even really that big of a deal what expect them to do what the [ __ ] do you expect them to do um you know maybe like chair it’s it’s the roof’s not going to come off the place [ __ ] man right and and they’re wanting their goalie to get it even though barski of course in the finals didn’t have the you know he dropped off hard but McDavid didn’t have a point in the final two games now game six they won so you can be game seven what if that’s another sport what if that’s basketball and you get into the finals and Tatum did nothing and Boston lose or what if momes has an average game right what if you get into the final Kansas City momes throws 10 for 25 gets picked off once oh let’s say 15 for 28 or I I don’t know he’s McDavid wasn’t he did not show up yeah I shouldn’t say that but he didn’t get any points which in it’s harder to do of course but there is a parallel there is a parallel and if you’re a fan down there and you’re watching your team win it and another guy on the other team who’s like your arch rival the best player in the world get the con Smite you you’re not surprised there was a few booze really because I’m telling you outside before the game was an unreal tailgate people hugging and sharing stories and like a lot of Oilers fans and Panthers fans high-fiving um just celebrating the great sport that we play and that we were fortunate enough to be involved in that still pays off to this day for me I’m telling you right now it was nothing but love it was a lot of fun and uh and I gota I got to thank the people at the Elbow Room too um they treated us awesome and gave us a lot of free drinks at at least me and my friends uh for the weekend and uh even though I got the heave ho on Thursday I got thrown out of the bar for the first time and I don’t know how long but I was but that’s why I said when we take so many mushrooms I I was pretty [ __ ] up the guy was nice about it he came over and just said dude I I think you’re [ __ ] and I was I had to go so I went back to the hotel and my good buddy Johnny dog picked up a load of [ __ ] Mexican food we had burritos tacos everything else and I woke up feeling like a million bucks and uh we got to the Elbow Room the next day and they were laughing about it gave me a few free drinks and uh wanted me to do whatever I did I did a little blurb there for the bar but uh yeah thank you they were great and the people at the Four Seasons Rock Bar like I said Jesse Tyler I told you guys I’d mention you and here I am doing that and just the chicklet guys thanks for just thanks for involving my buddies and I’m looking forward to seeing you guys at the Chicklets cup um but always you know just always treat me so well and um like I said once in a while I make a fool of myself of course but it’s all in love it’s all in hockey fandom and the hockey culture and I’m I’m very proud to be even on the outside of the Chicklets World thanks to the Jason Gregor show for having me on this here and so many wonderful fans I there was the whole weekend there was a dozen times that my I wed up and I had goosebumps of course mushrooms will do that sometimes but no no no I’m kidding without all of that stuff it was just it was a real um it was a real Vibe congrats congrats to the Panthers but congrats to the Oilers it’s going to be tough to get over but [ __ ] me man one goal it’s a long road and it’s tough man it’s a tough pill to swallow it’s tough to lose and go this far because you’re just as banged up as the other team you’ve played just as long now you’ve got a short break with no Stanley Cup ring so I can see how that would be tough but you guys handle yourself with professionalism class I think both teams did I loved the final I thought it was it it was my favorite in recent years for many reasons of course being at game seven would have been one of the biggest but I I’m a big fan of of generational players from Canada and uh of course I loved watching Sydney Crosby win well I loved watching Conor McDavid battle I mentioned everybody earlier that there’s storylines that I follow that I am really that intrigued me but Conor McDavid battled he left everything out there he did from from setting records to doing unprecedented things like bringing your team back from three games down to uh to force a game seven it was brilliant they fell short but nothing but praise and I’d be ultra proud if I was them it could have gone either way and then I’m coming down to one goal for the Stanley Cup and uh uh I don’t think there’s anybody that was in that building that didn’t feel some level of love for the awesome sport that we play that we follow and the two fantastic hockey teams that delivered us so much endtoend action and uh terrific story lines so on that note me and Princess are going to take off I’m going to play a little bit of ball hockey now and then um yeah I’m going to take off maybe even tonight but I’m going out to watch Penny Lane and I’m going to Camp I missed the hotel so I’m going to bring my my pop-up tent otherwise known as the [ __ ] tent but I’m gonna bring that not to make it a [ __ ] tent I’ve gone too far with all of that now it’s a tent and it you happen to it’s a t which is a bed and if things happen they happen but my point of all this is to go out and barbecue and fish and to be honest with you it’s my buddy Gary Clark coming out with me so it probably won’t be a [ __ ] tent this weekend but the boys are going to go fishing uh maybe go for some nice hikes and watch um some unreal soccer action good luck to New Finland they start tomorrow against Pei good luck to my daughter Penny Lane and Company and I’m really looking forward to coming out and um watching some soccer and chilling out with some friends and my buddy Gary Clark um so thanks for tuning in folks if you’re downtown St John’s newf Landon Labrador guess what you know where I’d go if I wanted to have a good time if I wanted to check out the scenery on George Street I’d go to the Bull and Barrel I’d go to Trinity Pub TJ’s Pub robroy confusion the Martini Bar Green sleeves I was going to eat why not drop into the loose tie blue on water or Merchant Tavern and of course Wedgewood Cafe and Elizabeth Avenue if you want to work out you want to get fit rope Walk Lane power conditioning strength and balance for the body and mind you want to go to Mr Lube there’s two locations one on tbet road one’s on cam Road live laugh Loop pit pain relief the pain sticks just don’t quit go to pitpull pain see what all the fuss is about of course true hockey take what’s yours folks I’m going to be back in two shakes of a lamb’s tail about realistically a couple days and I’m gonna have a great guest and we’re gonna talk hockey and we’re gonna talk life and we’re gonna spread the good word how about that the word is Love Like The Beatles said the word is love okay thank you for listening catch you guys on the rebound back soon [Music]

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