Fix your chicken wing golf swing

Fix your chicken wing golf swing. If you have noticed that your arms pull in on the follow through, this video is for you! Fix your chicken wing swing by understanding the root cause of it. A chicken wing follow through is usually the symptom of a steep plane rather than something you can fix by itself. I explain more in this video.

Sue Shapcott, PhD, PGA GB&I
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Sue Shapcott, PhD, PGA GB&I is the founder of Change Golf Instruction. Sue is a former tour player with a passion for helping recreational players reach their potential. She trained with the British PGA and spent 5 years developing technical expertise with Hank Haney in Dallas, TX. Sue is also an educational psychologist and will sneak that into lessons!

hello I’m Su shapot and today I’m in St Paul in Minnesota and if you’re someone who complains about your chicken wing in the golf swing then this video is for you so what is a chicken wing a chicken wing is when as you swing through impact your arms look like this so I guess people think it looks like a a chicken um as your arms are swinging through and so I see people trying to fix their chicken wing by keeping their arms out a little bit more through impact and of course that’s you know that makes logical sense but in order to really fix your chicken wing you need to realize that it’s a reaction to something else now I would say without exception people who have a chicken wing also swing down very steeply at the ball so unless they get this motion with their arms then the club is going to be hitting the ground pretty hard and they’re not going to do that too many times before they start figuring out it makes more sense to pull their arms in and then hence a chicken wing so if you want to fix your chicken wing you need to fix the plane of your swing and that means that as you start your down swing instead of the shaft getting very Steep and vertical this way you want to feel that the shaft is angled back this way on a flatter plane and so then as it comes through impact it’s not going to be hid in the ground and so then the arms are going to naturally just swing out in front of you and you’re going to lose that chicken wing instead of getting this steep down swing where it’s somewhat inevitable that the arms pull in so if you are a chicken Winger then you have to fix the root cause before you can correct it so think about the plane of your swing try to shallow it out and then a natural progression of that is going to be that your arms are going to be extended through impact instead of pulling up and in anyway give that a try I hope it helps please check out some of our other videos and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel [Music] [Music]

1 Comment

  1. I shot 70’s most my life with a chicken wing swing. it never caused impact issues because the ball was well on its way when i had to compensate for a war injury to my left elbow on my finish.

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