Golf Players

How ALL Pros Sequence The Downswing | NO Shoulder Spinning Allowed

Left hip laser beam video:
Watch how PGA Tour winner Robert MacIntyre starts his backswing and finishes the downswing.

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okay great jce are you ready I’m ready people at home are you ready of course you’re ready you’re here watching a video let’s get to work ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome back to my golf DNA where we help you get better at the game of golf and today we are inside the lab with our normal tour pro analysis and we have firsttime winner on the PGA tour Mr Robert McIntyre I know he’s got a lot of fans out there and I learned a factoid about him yesterday that I thought was very intriguing and so before we dive into this golf stream today I think it’s probably pretty safe to say when you’re good at three Sports and you Excel and golf like you do then there’s probably a pretty strong chance that you have a lot of athleticism in your bloodline and athleticism is one of those things that a lot of us feel like we don’t have but we’re going to help you untap your athleticism and we’re going to help you move from the top half of the golf swing down into impact like you’re supposed to that’s right sequence is everything and a lot of times people get wrapped up in these sort of misconceptions when it comes to the sequence of movements that takes place in the golf swing and today what we’re going to do is we’re going to be focusing in on Robert’s movement from the get-go we’re going to be focusing in on his load process and then we’re going to be really focusing in on his movement from 9:00 down to impact all the way through into a full release and I’m going to start getting the wheels turning in your brain because later on the week Jace and myself and you are going to be heading out to the range and we’re going to be doing a slingshot drill that is really really freaking awesome Jace it’s awesome it’s awesome it is really good and it’s going to help you get your body in the correct position so that you can move properly from the ground up and you can start feeling what it’s like to move through the hitting area like you would see of the best players in the world so hopefully you guys are ready to take that ride with us now let’s head inside let’s take a look at this golf swing oh yeah if you’re brand new to the channel do me a big favor before we jump into this head down below hit the Subscribe button and click the Bell notifications that way you get notifications anytime we put out new content and um if you like today’s video do us a big favor hit the thumbs up button it’s good for our psyche makes us feel good about ourselves and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post that up below we love to help people we love to answer questions we love to continue to help spread our message all over the golfing world now let’s get busy so one of the things that I love most about Robert’s golf swing is the fact that it’s a very simple golf swing it doesn’t have a lot of big added movement to it that doesn’t need to be there he’s using the entire body in a very specific sequence and one of the things that gets a lot of people into trouble is is moving early on in the wrong order we want to start the golf swing with weight shift and body turn the hips they’re going to be moving very dynamically the hips are the driving force of the golf swing and a lot of times people get this sort of like stuck in the mud sort of approach and they don’t allow the lower body to move accurately what it takes to actually move the the lower body accurately is a little pressure shift into the trail side which you can see here from a face on perspective if you look at it really closely in relationship to the placard that we have on the ground back here you can see that there’s a little bit of a horizontal movement of the body but if you look at it really closely from this sort of up the line perspective as you can see that not only is he pressure shifting into his Trail side with a little bit of horizontal movement but he’s allowing that lead hip to turn in ever so slightly that starts the process of being able to turn and load into the trail hip properly now what you’re going to find is with most athletic style golf swings out there is that the hips are going to rotate somewhere between 30 and 40° going back and it’s going to happen very early in the process and most of the time when you see the lead arm get past the 9:00 position you’re going to see that the hips become very very slow very still this is where the upper body is creating its full turn this is where we’re creating a lot of separation between the hip line and the shoulder line and as you can see here that as he starts to near the top of the back swing the hands and arms are still reaching back to try to get to their Pinnacle and the legs and the hips are starting to change direction that’s how we’re creating a lot of separation between the hip line and the shoulder line and that’s allowing the core and the trunk to get really engaged here and that’s a very powerful move that eventually is going to turn into a whole lot of speed down through the bottom of the Swing Arc so to get the golf swing started on the right tone you want to allow your lead hip to turn in as you’re starting to pressure shift onto the trail side we have a brand new video that’s just released on the website as of today that actually shows you how to do just that and it was inspired by one of our members that came in for a lesson that had sort of this movement where the hips were moving too much horizontally and this solved the problem very very quickly now most of our Focus that we’re going to be working on later on the week is going to be from the 9:00 position down from about the lead arm parallel to the ground this is where Robert’s golf swing is absolutely superb and what you’re going to find with all playing professionals from this section of the golf swing down is that yes it’s going to have a different appearance in how they get to the Impact Zone but the acceleration and the deceleration from the lower body is really what’s the driving force of the entire sequence the hips are going to go from 30 to 40° wound to 30 to 40 degre open before the point of contact that’s a very very large amount of movement and what you want to remember is is that that movement is going to be pulling the the Torso and the shoulders around looking at this position after transition is complete you can see that he’s got a bulk of his pressure now parked underneath his lead ankle the shoulders are nice and closed the hips are back to a square position now if you think about this he’s going to be trying to open those hips up somewhere between 35 and 45° he can open those hips up by driving down into that ankle and working those obliques to pull the hip back and that in turn is pulling the shoulders around into a nice Square position so that he can start to release the club that is the acceleration and the deceleration of the body in the finest sort of order and that’s where we start to slow everything down the hands and arms become independent and we put Max Speed down here where matters the most and that’s at impact we want the club moving fast where jce at impact at impact now if you look at this from the the front corner panel here or the up the line sort of perspective I want you to watch the belt buckle you can see the belt buckle rotates open and then becomes very quiet through the release you can see now as the hands and arms start to pass up through 3:00 the hips start to wake back up and he moves up into a full finish position so get your golf swing started on the right tone use the lead hip laser beam drill to help get that proper blend of horizontal and rotational movement and then be on the lookout for the slingshot drill because I’m going to teach you how to get your upper body and your lower body in a great spot after transition’s complete and then I’m going to teach you how to work from transition down through the point of contact like an absolute athlete


  1. From my experience most golf coaches do not explain things in the golf swing according to the laws of physics and biomechanics. When you swing any imminent it requires a weight shift of the body around your body's center of mass from the back foot to the front foot. The power of the swing comes from the ground up, and the speed comes from the length of the arch of the swing. Usually the big hitters have a bigger arch because they are more flexible, and, or have anatomical advantages, or both. 
    Balance in the swing and proper mechanics of this weight shift is the key to generating power and accuracy. The goal is to hit the ball when you have reached maximum velocity at the bottom of the swing. Usually, you will know if you have done this correctly by using your finish position as your feedback, or as some call it, KR; knowledge of results. If your back heel of the back foot is facing up you know the weight of your body has been transferred correctly. Many amateurs never reach this position and find themselves falling backwards with their back foot remaining flat. Meaning they have lost their balance and reducing their power.
    Of course there are a lot of technique adjustments that can be made, but most of those are made because of individual differences. No bodies are exactly the same. However, the physics and the laws of nature never change.

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