4 Rules I Use to Guarantee Mighty Fine Golf

Excellent REDTIGER Rangefinder

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to be able to shoot your best scores and for me that’s around level par underp you have to be on all the time you have to be switched on every single shot and the only way I can do that is to set rules for myself rule number one I have to pick conservative smart targets and play aggressively to those targets how do I do that I take rule number two which is to hit the shot I can do nine times out of 10 every single time which leads on to rule number three I need to commit to every single shot 110% I must not hit an uncommitted shot and Rule Number Four we’re using my red tiger Rangefinder to navigate my way to those targets I’m picking helping me to plot my way to a level par score we’re going to go straight down the cend of the Fairway here because the first hole we’re really not warm and I had two beers last night so I’m a bit hung over from a big heavy drinking it could fade it could draw the shot dispersion is going to be wider in the morning so I’m going to give it up the middle and I’m going to in my mind expect a little draw that’s what the mini driver does so that’s what I’m going to visualize I have to commit to the draw and visualize that regardless of what actually comes out and we’ve hit a fed or a push and that’s okay better to have that visualization and that plan rather than to go willy-nilly and then it sprays even further left and right going to use this beautiful red tiger range finder less than 120 bucks on Amazon check the link in the description we’ve gone in the rough here which I’m not too pleased about because we have a terrible angle into the green we have to go over this bunker and then there’s a bunker at the back of the green which is going to be in in play because from 143 y down the breeze From the Rough we will get a flyer from here I’m not going to be able to get as much spin as I would from a fairway lie and that’s purely because the ball is slightly above my feet and there’s a little bit of grass between the club face and the ball when I hit the when I hit the shot so that’s going to reduce the spin which could make it bounce into the back bunker cuz the greens are pretty firm so what I’m going to try to do is just ear on the right side cuz the carry over the right side of this bunker is about the same as is going at the pin but it removes that bunk at the back of the green so I’m going to also hit a 48° here instead of a pitching wedge which I normally hit because the pitching wedge if I catch it good and C a flyer that bunker is in play at the back I’m hitting a bunker shot onto it downhill toward another bunker and off the green where the green slopes away so no no no and of course I can’t get the target out of my mind so I’m using my new water player confidential classic blade that I’ve made out now you can get it online absolutely money part of shooting level power underp power golf you need a plan without a plan you have nothing you’re just hitting and hoping a plan may not always go as you want but a plan gives you feedback for next time and gives us uh something to measure against when we’re looking for feedback on our round so you make a plan you adjust after the feedback you receive trying to implement that plan so let’s keep this with a minimal dispersion with a seven wood and I bet we can even go for the green with another seven wood if I can keep this tight in the middle of the Fairway I’m envisioning a baby drawer over the right edge of this hedge in front of me absolute stunner we can leverage the red tiger Rangefinder to shoot the edge of the bunker at the edge of the green so it’s 205 to carry that bunker to the top of the lip so I’m going to hit a hard six here because a hard six I’m going to commit to more than a 9wood because I can’t exactly find the pin I think it’s behind the trees so I’d be guessing so I don’t want to guess with the 9wood I want to be sure with a 6 iron at that bunker at 205 little bit right of my line but it should be just short of the green this ball finished about 16 to 20 yard right of my Target and that’s a shot that will come out we need to get a Chip Shot from 37 yards that we can commit too and be aggressive with so I want to be nice and aggressive so I’ve taken a 48° here we can get out of here with a birdie still we’re just off the green and a pable in regulation is always nice I don’t count Greens in regulation think it’s an absolute waste of time as long as I have a hble shot around the Green in regulation so we’re going to go just left of this white tree in front of me I’m going to try land it on the Green Top Poland in the distance that’s around the house on the right edge of that that’s where my Target in the distance is going to be so I need to focus on that Target and play aggressively to that with the shots I imagine nine time out of 10 the red tiger extremely accurate from 5 to 1,000 yard is telling me we we have got 125 yards to the hole pins on the front though I I really want to get on the green I don’t want to be short here and leave myself that little weird chip putt we’re going to hit a nine here normally this is going to be a very standard 52 or 48° but because of the nature of the shot and the lie I’m taking a Niner to give myself a little swing that’s going to get the ball going a lot [Music] further oh my word get in the hole get in oh 6 and2 F we are freaking 70% from up they actually [Music] [Music] bouses it’s 190 yd 7 IR we’ got the pin in the middle of the green now that’s to the pin 190 the short the front edge we’re looking at about 175 so I’m happy to be front edge here not back Edge the putt from back back there is a big breaker and it’s downhill so to stop a big breaker right to left downhill very difficult when the pin is always cut on a slope 7 on best case scenario I’m at the hole worst case scenario I’m going to put short of the green up the hill so a little bit left a little bit jerky but we should be on the left Edge we’ve missed our line a little bit we want it to be further that way so we have a straighter shot we have a big breaker left to rer little slider but I would rather have a little left to right slider than a right to lter from the top of the green there where it just gathers speed all the way down I think we can chip this one close so we’re going to do a toe down a iron I always go to tow down chipping because I don’t really practice much so this is the easiest way to just keep the chipping sharp rather than trying to take shots on that I don’t actually practice cuz I don’t like practicing much at all so we’re going to land this one I got a little spot there I’m going to land it on just over there and that should be perfect okay perfect shot we’re going to leave ourselves a 4-footer for the Pary so we got the burn mark right in front of us meaning that the grain is coming straight down this hill and a little off the right so this will definitely be a right to lter I think it’s every day of the week we have OB left internal OB and then we have OB right Over the Hedge so we’ll do a seven wood ski for staying in Play Seven wood we’re going to expect to go down the breze maybe 230 maybe 240 expecting a baby draw we hit a little big draw ski but it’s in play and that’s a club I know I can keep in play nine maybe even 10 times out of 10 we have Mr Fairway to the left and we kind of handicapped ourselves we just have to work out from here how much to the 100 yard marker and the 150 yard marker we need to use our little red tiger over here which has a beautiful magnet and you can stick it on the clip that you get a little belt buckle magnetic clip or on the side of the golf cart absolutely money it’s 200 y to the 150 yard marker and 229 to the 100 yard marker those pegs in the ground are about 10 yards into the rough so it’s 190 on that line to the white or the 150 and about 200 yd on the line of the red I’m going to go right between the two Leave myself about 100 to 120 into the hole 7 iron to estimate the trajectory go underneath this tree and over the next tree and carry the bunkers that’s going to be for me a 7 onon so we know our distance and we know our trajectory from each lie to be able to generate good shots we’ve gone 2 yards into the rough we’ve got 135 yards the thing about being in the Fairway and this is where they say Fairways are overrated for amateurs it’s it’s just stupid because I can hit 145 yard shot with a pitching wedge 150 yard shot with a pitching wedge downwind here stop it on the green very predictable so in the rough we’re playing a guessing game on reading the lie within a square yard we can have 50 different lies in a fairway you’re going to have two or three kind of Lies into the grain down grain sitting down sitting up maybe four lies that’s it but they’re predictable this one if you can’t read this lie and you can’t adapt your club we can’t score so I’m going to take my pitching wedge which would normally be from 145 150 and I’m going to try punch this one more toward the left side take that bunker on the right out of play completely we want to get it somewhere on or just short of this green or left of the green for an easy shot just a soft one hopefully it just lands soft please land soft oh boy that’s just landed hard so that’s the guessing game I’d say this is probably the most short siding you’re going to do here even on the right to the short side it’s an easier chip than this and to the left a very easy chip so this is probably the worst place to be well that’s just how it goes some days that was just very poorly played on all three shots we’ve left ourselves this put for the par which is not what we want to do on par five especially if we’re trying to break par or go level we don’t want to go over power for power FS Oh see it goes downhill past the hole I don’t want to get it past the cup damn we don’t like Bogies on par FS we do not like them damn it a 450 y par 4 is a tough one that’s very long that’s almost a par five really so on this kind of hole I have to take my big dog driver because it’s got a fade shape to it if I te it up a little higher it doesn’t fade as much so we’re going to leverage the tea and put it higher and then leverage the driver into play we’ve got a great line that we can commit to the white Stakes down there and that’s going to be at absolutely money with a little feder so let’s commit to that let’s see the let’s see the shape first and then let’s do it come on M butterfly grip absolutely stinky winky with a beautiful red tiger range founder with slope or without slope meters and yards it has a distance measuring horizontal and vertical it even has a speed measurement on it I use it only for the golf measurement we got 140 2 yards left so we’re going to take a beautiful pitching wedge it’s exactly the number now 142 can be very tantalizing yeah cuz the front edge is about 137 now we don’t want to finish 137 we want to go over this pin I don’t want to finish short of this green cuz then I have a funky chip funky putt I want a beautiful putt that I can just go for I’m going to go a little right of the pin cuz I sometimes tug the ball oh that’s dead straight please just sit down at 142 okay it’s flowing the flag now we’re not going to leave many birdie opportunities here this is just purely a par hole get out of here next hole stinky winky water a life we’re going to have to put this ball out way right we’ve got a burn mark that’s on the back left which means the the grain is diagonal which means it’s slightly Dow grain at the end of the putt as it turns left and it’s downhill as well so in the beginning it’s also going to turn left so the slope and the grain the slope will take it the whole way the grain will really move it at the end and because it’s down here we have to hit it softer which means it’s going to take more time to take the brake this is a putt all you want to do is two putt here if you leave it an inch short an inch long 3 in 6 in short that’s a money putt just get it in the hole and GTFO we’re not making many of these I would say I’d make one out of 20 of these random situations so we’ll stick this one out to the right and always with putting it’s about distance a controller so we want to control the distance get it to about 3T to the hole and then let the slope and the grain just take it all the way down man why do I do that I say you’re not going to make more than one out of 20 come on what can I say I Got the mest Touch I touch it too much hey gold remember 156 to the hole we have a slight breeze into us it’s down elevation I’m going to have to change I was going to go with an eight iron and punch it down there into the breeze keep it out of the wind but it’s not that strong and we have a big drop of elevation so 156 is probably playing about 149 into the breeze not going to take off that much maybe a few yards so so we’re going to commit to the pin and if we pull it which is my general shot if I’m going at the ball we got a big ass space left and when we pull it the ball goes further through the wind so we find that pin and we’re going at the pin here not with the intention to hit it in the hole but we know our shot pattern should move left and that time it goes at the hole I think it’s in go in go go 4 ft pitch mark here absolute money now we’re going to put this one dead straight cuz the burn mark is directly at the back of the hole meaning straight down grain and no cross grain let’s just make sure let’s give us a little [Music] stab over a certain distance we have the entire Fairway to leverage we have so much space to the right and if we go dead straight we clear that water easily with my big dog driver so that’s why I’m hitting it if I hit like a mini driver or seven wood and I don’t catch it properly and pull it I’m in the water on the left there and I can’t guarantee a shot into the Fairway so if I hit the driver it’s basically like I have a driving range up there and I can smash the hugest slice of all time which I’m probably going to set up for I’m going to commit to the feder and if it comes like a big feder that’s fine the the further I go right the better I have my 100 yard shot in rather than my 85 yard shot uphill over bunkers onto a tough slopy green I’d rather be further back make sure that ball comes down with a steep angle of descent cuz the wind will be into me on the approach shot so I want to go further right H my my hand we’ve left ourselves a beautiful for 125 which I really like if I were in the Fairway but now I’ve got a ball above my feet on the banked rough in the rough from cowg grass which is unpredictable so instead of having that beautiful high spinning sandwich I was trying to plan I’ve just hit it like 8 yards nine yards too long into the rough here so a bit unlucky see it’s going to turn over right to left and I’m on the very front so very scary shot because that pins right at the back if I go all the way and landed there it’s a that’s a short side and a half you finished they’ve protected this green by elevating it with drop off everywhere around the green so t-shot position is needs to be optimal that wasn’t that’s just going to happen some days I’m on the green I’m happy with that I I just don’t know what to do there which is absolutely money when you have so much space it can be tempting to just rip it what I like to do when I have a lot of space is really narrow my focus to where I want the ball to go from here I can clear this bunker on the right easily so I’m going to head it into that bunker if it goes right heyy we’re still in Play If I do draw it we’re in play so it’s kind of not really in the bunker but the blue Mark which is the 200 yard marker that’s where I’m going red tiger baby 116 yards up the hill into the breeze because to clear that bunker is going to be 105 so we’ve got 10 yards between the edge and the pin and then the pin is on the left if you miss left you’re coming back down the hill terrible chip so we’re going to go right up the center of the green the ball should turn over right to left so we’ll move it a little bit further right maybe right half of the green toward the right Edge and then it should turn in down the breeze should should roll out so we want to carry this at least 105 108 to 110 and then we’ll leave ourselves like a 20 footer for for the bird key what can we do just like that please come down that’s long sit down sit down while we gave ourself a chance we’ve also given oursel a chance to a three stab here but three stab versus a short side chip let’s give ourselves the benefit of the doubt here and say that we’re going to put this close over a dome left to right oh that’s not good distance control that’s going to go across the front of the hole absolutely no good da da okay beautiful let’s go so on this hole what I’m going to do is actually tee the ball up on the ground and hit the mini driver because if I hit off a tea it could reach reach the water on the right the winds kind of crosswind not into us which makes me scared that it’ll reach the water on the right cuz we got a lot of space there short of the water but if we go left or right with a big driver we can end up in that water for sure and that a good landing area is very very tight like a corporate deadline so what I’m going to do is hit the mini maybe 250 maybe 240 take the chance I believe there’s a Bermuda Triangle of distan removal above this green every time I hit a shot in here I kind of end up not where I want to be and I found I have to hit a little bit longer so I’m going to hit a Niner from 154 and just let it let it uh slider into the hole there I feel like that’s going to give me a better chance than whacking a pitching wedge and then being short cuz you don’t want to be short yet it’s going to roll right down back to 3 4T below the green and then it’s a tough chip onto a steep UPS slope so I’d rather just hit this green for sh I’m going to set up my little field goals here in my mind and then commit and then let’s do it let’s feel it let’s see this little slider little slider should land soft on the green because it’s a slider this is very strange this is now a Bermuda green there’s no paspalum here I believe the whole front line was paspalum so now we have a more severe burn mark the burn mark is exactly 90° on the left meaning that this grain is coming straight down the hill making this slightly downhill slider right right to left are almost impossible to finish within 2 ft of the whole low if I can do that that is an extremely good achievement I have to set this up so far right to let it die and let the slope and the grain take the ball like a wave just like obnoxiously pushing you toward the shore as it slows down so we have to Envision it coming and dying and moving in toward the burn mark it’s all about distance control to get it to our spot which means we have to be aggressive to our spot let’s not get aggressive to the hole I want to get aggressive to my spot and for these kind of puts I like to use the toe so I’m back to the bird dog on this nine my favorite pter I mean it really is my favorite and I’m going to get this to finish 4 ft short of the hole up on the right side just like that just like that woo it’s either in or 3 or 4T past it’s almost impossible to stop this close without hitting the hole best hole in Thailand and my opinion from this back te 430 odd we’ve got 186 to carry the water on the right 175 on the left so we don’t even need that long of a t- shot we just need something to get in play and then approach I’m going to hit a mini driver on this hole because I don’t need to hit the big dog tear down again and hit it off the deck because Big Driver here has got it’s too narrow up there I mean I could clear it but with a water on the left it just brings too much puffies into play this is my 9 out of 10 Club the mini driver and we’re going to keep looking at how committed we are I need to stand here and if I pick this club and say this is the best I need to really commit and see the shot so I see it at the wind sock and hopefully it goes a little left to right what I’m committing to is that left to right shot toward the bunker away from the water [Music] So the plan was to play for a little feder heading down on with the mini driver but what I’ve seen off the deck both times the ball went left went left on the 10th and now went left on 11th unfortunately bounced and went in the water that’s just the nature of the game I’m very happy with the shot I committed to it 110% 9 out of 10 times but now we have to take the feedback from the plan and adapt it in the future maybe just aim it right so it pulls left so we’re hitting our third from 170 in the rough up the hill playing about 175 Breeze right to left we want to stay out of these big ass bunkers so we have to keep this one in a tight Corridor normally a confidential shot’s going to keep it in my tight Corridor if I try fin angle a shot that’s when I go so 175 up the hill I think we’re going to do an eight firm it’s going to be money a firm shot for me is the confidential shot the nine time out of 10 shot the pin’s at the back and Beyond the pin it flattens out and you can actually hit the back and have a putt perfect please just stay so the the import of the short game is Extreme like even at scratch golf underpar level you have to get up and down to make birdies you have to get up and down to save a bogey like this instead of taking a double a double is a disaster at every level of golf uh particularly at scratch golf it put you two away from being level par if you make all pars so burn Mark is on the right so it’s probably going to at the end move left to right but let’s just pop this on with some tow down chipping cuz this is cowg grass there’s B he has cow it’s a matter of inches this game so if I’d been a little closer I can putt it but I can’t put it through cow grass so we just take a pitching wedge tow down p style go go go these 5 Footers always going to save your day because if you miss all of them you really got trouble if you make most of them you’re really doing nicely come on now Maddie stay down forever bad boy [Music] go I’m going to te this ball a bit lower hopefully it encourages more of a fader cuz if we fader it it goes away from the water and there’s such a lot of space up there that would be a waste to not try boom boom a driver up there and use my feder okay can I do the mini driver no a ball is above my feet on a down slope from the zoa Li where it’s sitting up so I could if it were flat cuz it’s sitting up on the grass and we could get underneath it and hit the right spot but I can’t do it that’s why Fairways AR not overrated if I’m in the Fairway I could put a good move on this from about 265 I don’t want to go in these bunkers that’s the big problem you don’t want a third shot from a bunker uh if you’re trying to play scratch golf because the the third shot you’re going to hit from a bunker is more than likely inside 100 which are awful is awful anything from 25 to 100 yards from a bunker is absolutely horrific if you want to play scratch golf so I’ll use my red tiger range find a USBC type charging over here you just charge it with electricity I’ve charged it once I’ve played 30 40 rounds with it haven’t had to recharge it yet don’t need to replace batteries which is fantastic we got 126 to the 150 so we have 170 to the 100 I can get a ball out of here 170 and pretty reliably straight and with it being a fly ey slightly downhill it should shoot out lower and roll out further maybe let’s do 99 to guarantee a wedge I don’t want a partial wedge let’s go gal if I hit a 9 and it scoots through there I’ll get maximum a 56° in or at best a 56° and then at worst I’ll have like a 48 or 52° which is also money and it does just a little bit there’s no SP on that ball at all that’s going to bounce so I’m going to take a 52° in full knowledge that this is absolutely money distance so I can commit beautifully to this and I’m going to stick this one at the pin right cuz if I do TG it a bit that’s perfect cuz most of the green is left I don’t want to go right the pin is cut on the front toward the right I’d rather just go left make sure I carry this bunker and leave myself a psky so I’m going to go at the pin here and I know that this is not going to leak right it never does and the ball slightly above my feet with a high lofted club so this is certainly going left with the wind right to [Music] left this is such a sucker pin it’s cut seven yards from The Edge maybe 6 yards and then to the right you run out of space here and there’s a bunker behind there we’re on the middle middle of the green downhill part yep not too easy but the game if you’re trying to shoot level or underp is a game of patience if I just keep putting the ball in positions eventually my shot dispersion pattern is is going to be such that I wouldn’t hit that little tug and I would hit a dead straight little bit less distance than I finish 3 ft 4T from the hole that’s what we’re doing we’re putting a process into action and then waiting for that process to hit on all gears on one day every other day we’re just keeping the game around the green strong to keep us in play the rest of the time we’re just waiting for the day everything clicks and that’s when you get your 67 you’re 72 whatever your goal is come on now come on now turn in okay maybe overread the we’re getting we’re getting 197 to the pin down here we got a right to left wind and I’m feeling like I’m quite powerful today so I’m hitting a seven iron to Como 34° and this is going to just be a money club for me I don’t want to go super long I’m going to leave it in line with a cup or just short of the cup giving me a nice uphill psky and I don’t lose the ball to the right much with my seven but I can pull it left and the wind’s moving right to left come on Maddie not the place you want to be gang banger we are about 6t 7 ft below the green and this is where they defend these greens these whole slopey greens and deep ass bunk Heros so I’m going to just open this thing up about 2:00 grip it while it’s at 2:00 and I’m going to give this a nice long languid Splash come on mie I think that’s absolutely money why not in because why not because my C is no good KY why why you don’t tell me it’s uphill if it’s uphill I would have hit a little bit firmer you know you got the line right I’ll give you 50% oh yeah I’m Ricky flower and I’m playing the last par five of the round I really want a bird ski yeah but I need a fire t- shot to be able to reach this green in two or at least leave myself an easy pitch from the right side of the green so what I’m going to do is hit my standard drive here commit to the line of the right edge of those bunkers if I turn it over it’s huge if I fader it it’s also in a great position who oh that may be too big the wrong direction but I really cobbed that one I gave that one a good volup well clearly put it in a terrible position and I don’t know what to do I’m going to have to play a backwards Let Let Go I feel like the eight is just too low lofted so I’m going to play a higher lofted 99 now this has been my luck on the par five today not much I can do about it just get the ball back in play and hopefully past the 200 yard marker here close to the 150 oh that’s money yo that’s money go I finished a bit short because I didn’t catch it 100% but that’s perfect because a pitching wedge if I catch it perfect goes over the back which Falls away this is absolutely position number one if I’m not going to be close little fish a little fish beautiful stinky oh my soul that is so bad man come on sometimes they’re going to hit really shitty shots you know and you get you get worked up because it’s only 75 yards but I just don’t like that distance anything 65 to 85 I really don’t want like I just have a 100 yard sandwich in there play it up there and let it spin back to the hole anyway let’s see if we can chip this bad boy in you know what I think tow down is going to be great from here well nearly made the birds key what a day I’m not going to hit the driver cuz then I’m worrying about hitting it in the water left and I’m worrying about slicing it so we’re going to just gear down to a mini driver which cannot reach the water left and that’s okay that’s never going to reach the water probably leave me 140 into the hole absolutely money sugar daddies we are now in a dive out over here we got 120 there’s not much we can do here so I’m going to hit a pitching wedge I don’t really know what to do from this lie uh not many times i’ I get this in my life so I’m going to just hit like a kind of Punchy one hopefully it carries the water but uh because the water carry is longer on the left I’m going to Earth toward the right of the hole shorter carry in case of a bit of a fluffy shot and then we got a lot of green up there going to be a tough put because that pin is on the top tier but just on the tier so if you’re short you’re going to be putting uphill and then it goes flat and then the pin is right there so it doesn’t give you much roll out so it’s a tough one I mean I hope I can get it to 125 just past the hole but we just take what we can get this is like one of those lies you have to just guess a lot of the time you’ll see these kind of long putts just left an inch or two 6 in short and perfectly happy with that result a twoot from this distan we’re probably looking at 60 ft here 50 60 ft anything anything in line with a cup maximum 2 in past and up to 2 ft short absolutely money you don’t always have to be up they say never up never in guess what baby I’d rather be 2T short here than go 6 foot long come on now we got to get the pace up the slope it’s a little slower little bit slower today bit of overcast probably haven’t cut them so we’re going to give it a little wrap now from here we got 178 wind off the left you know what I’m going to do I’m going to be a crazy boy I’m going to hit a Niner I’m going to hit it firm because the nine is my hole in one Club so automatically I have it in my Arsenal that this is my confidental IAL comfortable committed Club 9 out of 10 times I’m going to give this a whack I really trust this club more than hitting an eight on here where I might be scared of going over the back 99 never going over the back we got 184 to 185 to reach the back oh man you see this is why I love the Niner it cannot go over girlfriend it’s impossible a Niner can never go 185 but it can go 17 stop yeah I know I understand I’m about 9 10 yard short 30 ft short here but I don’t want to bring the A on into play where if I do catch it I’m over the back I just don’t want to be there i’ rather have this 30-footer it’s okay uh in the future if the wind’s not helping I would hit the A on but the wind was helping just off the left so I’d hit the a IR if it were just a neutral day okay I’m going to go a little higher than I anticipate here to finish on the high side if I do miss just got to get that pace control right got to go around this Mark in front of me wow okay that’s a little bit too much on the high side it’s 273 to reach the bunker on the left hand side but we are not even taking into account the water on the right we’re just not going there we we know we can go super far left here and have a very easy shot opening up the hole with a beautiful nipple liquer and that’s where we’re going I’m going to use the feedback I had on the prior holes of the mini driver going left off the deck so we’re going to anticipate a shot to the left so I’ll aim it at that bunker and if it tugs a little left money position well it went a bit far left but one of the dangers of avoiding the hazard and going left is that we don’t catch all of it and the wind holds it up maybe stops us behind a tree so we have a little gap on the left of it we just have to be careful what we pick from here we don’t just hit it straight into the fruit here it’s 117 yards to the hole so I think a pitching wedge Chip is going to be okay set it up left edge of the green and try slide it in I’m going to try slider it but with such high Loft it’s difficult to give it a little left to right or slider but I’m going to try anyway and these are those shots where it’s like not nine out of 10 times uh but there’s not much option this one I give myself four or five out of 10 think low think low finish low finish low slider it in there slider I can’t see it but it went pretty good oh man alive what a shot what’s that like 6 feet 7 ft what a day now we finished yeah about 6t from the hole we pitched over there and that’s maybe one of the best shots I’ve hit all day but I want to really convert this one understand this is my b game okay my b game is pretty good and this is how I’m going to play 15% of the year I have a game 5% of the year and this A and B game decide my handicap the other 80% of the time I’m playing like CD and E game which I’m trying to hold together with a short game that’s why the short game is so essential for low handicaps to keep their game in check so it doesn’t go out of control and now this is where the short game comes in I hit a great shot with my pitching wedge punch a 113 yards or 117 now I’ve got a 67 footer for the for the birdie here to finish but but now on B form I’m kind of concentrating maybe too much and I’m psyching myself out of making putts so let’s just see on this line what can I use I’m going to look up and Putt I’m not going to look at the the ball because I want to remove all this nonsense in my brain of trying to place too much importance on this P there’s a spot over here I’m going to just look at it’s line up to that and I’m going to look up at that spot come on that’s how I like to approach the game when I’m in B form try to get scratch or underp once everything clicks and I put that process into play on every single hole doing those set rules that I set for myself that means I’m going to go under par it’s just everything has to click you have to be on on every shot to go under par and me and my caddy here are making a great team this is how G G Rob H this is our fifth round together I’m going to be a great team by the end of this 10 weeks


  1. Started playing golf this March and just hit a 96 today. Under 100 for the first time and it was almost exclusively thanks to your vids and advice on getting a few Pro lessons.
    Cheers playa

  2. Je suis inspiré par la passion et l'intellect des participants. C'est stimulant de voir les voix des femmes entendues.🍭

  3. Love your content. Been watching for a couple months now. Every time on course your voice and accent are buried in my brain!!!!!

  4. I love how you focus on course management vs a specific technique and distance. I play bogey golf and using the course management strategy gives me confidence I can stay in the 80’s despite my age.

  5. Sono grato per l'opportunità di entrare in contatto e imparare da donne così intelligenti e perspicaci.👄

  6. Just ordered a RedTiger. Looking forward to increasing my playa level.

    What app is that showing the distances and strokes gained/lost by landing area?

  7. I am a junior golfer, and every single video of yours inspires me to keep practicing every day and to get as good as you. Thank you so much for every single video and keep up the amazing content! Way of the Playa! Also, which app do you use to track the flight of the ball? Thank you!

  8. I’d add one more rule, never give up on a hole and never give up on a round.

    Hit a bad tee shot today and ball was close to the lip of the bunker. So following Matty Boom Boom’s advice I chose a club that I knew was going to clear the bunker. I took my 46 wedge. I hit the shot into the middle of the fairway 80 yards from the hole. My playing partner outdrives me by a ton and my ball was just inside his drive.

    We had a game going and I did not get upset. I hit my next shot to 19ft and got lucky and made the putt.

  9. I’d add one more rule, never give up on a hole and never give up on a round.

    Hit a bad tee shot today and ball was close to the lip of the bunker. So following Matty Boom Boom’s advice I chose a club that I knew was going to clear the bunker. I took my 46 wedge. I hit the shot into the middle of the fairway 80 yards from the hole. My playing partner outdrives me by a ton and my ball was just inside his drive.

    We had a game going and I did not get upset. I hit my next shot to 19ft and got lucky and made the putt.

  10. Matt,
    I’d love to see you as a guest on Rick’s channel. Have you guys ever talked?

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