Do you need a licence to play Golf?

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00:00 – 04:35 Last hole nerves at the PGA
04:36 – 07:50 We got to play Royal Troon!
07:51 – 11:52 Should everyone play off the back tees?
11:53 – 17:20 Why don’t people “enjoy” golf more?
17:21 – 22:03 Rick Shiels sponsors a golf event!
22:04 – 33:08 Should you need a golf licence to play golf?
33:09 – 35:24 – How do beginners enjoy playing more?
35:25 – 40:00 Rick Shiels deletes his social medias
40:14 – 44:14 Will Ludvig Aberg win a major before Rory?
44:15 – 49:21 LIV Golf in the UK!

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all right guys welcome back to the Rick Shields Golf Show podcast episode 254 I’m your host Rick Shields I’m here with co-host guy um we I feel like we’ve being a very proactive Monday I know you guys everyone listening and watching you think we film this on a Tuesday we don’t we feel want on Monday it’s been proactive though so far we got a busy day how are you guy are you well I’m good I had a mini heart attack last night watching England um it was I didn’t have a heart attack I was ready to leave the country I a different team yeah this is obviously is a golf podcast not a football podcast a lot of people now going Oh I thought it was thought we were you’re too you’re you’re sucker knowledge ricking guy he’s up there with the best I often said that with should be a football podcast cuz the way that you talk about um a flatback three is that even a thing exactly and forward press yeah I mean if it’s up to you um Rooney would still be starting Rooney would be yeah Rooney and and defin I don’t know why we’re not playing Ronaldo no I don’t know I’m Gob smacked you played for Manchester City he was really good wasn’t he um but no we watched the football obviously England won in the end it was a horrendous performance though but they got the W and he got me thinking about this morning how can relate that to golf and it was quite interesting that with football really you could have as they did 90 minutes of bad play but that one moment at the end wins it well gets them into the um extra time and then they win it in golf you cannot do that I think the opposite you could play good golf 17 h you level P you level your handicap whatever that might be you get to the 18th hole aka the 90th minute the shank comes as you know too well at CDI something happened it went right into the trees about that now it’s a lot but then would you not summarize that as Slovakia yeah correct but what I’m absolutely but Slovakia played for them solid football for 94 and a half minut on 18 out of bounds but the reverse though where England played badly you can’t if you played bad gol for 17 holes there’s no way you can sa you can on the 18th suly do something to make it really good unless you had a hole in one on the 18th which was like a sacrifice the fact that you not sacrifice that meant you had a good feeling leaving the golf course but you would have had a good round would you the way I can relate it to golf was a little bit like the golf last night on the PJ tour which only watch Loosely there was two golfers that did a little it’s hard it’s hard to summarize this but uh AE MH who was pretty much leading the whole tournament he’s really cool golfer does loads of stuff on YouTube collaborated with loads of different golfers we’d love to get him on the channel so actually quite a few golf YouTubers up there last night to be honest he played incredible golf for 71 holes okay in the whole tournament he’d only made one Bogey and that was earlier on in the day in the whole tournament get this guy he did not three put once wow when does he three put on 18 on the very last hole to force the playoff I mean it’s just cruel cruel game also mimu Lee who played incredible golf certainly on the bat nine the four under through eight holes of the bat nine after making a double bogy on the front line he just really needs to make par to force the clubhouse lead at 18 under power and again inevitably getting the clubhouse lead and be in the playoffs ends up bogeying the last hole by flying it long didn’t get up and down which was a real shame and also another YouTube part of the YouTube family Aaron Ry who sponsored by or not sponsored by he’s coached by be me and my golf for many many many years he’s it’s his 85th PJ Tour event which is wild to think he’s not won yet out on PJ tour but he was leading again going into the final round and he ended up shooting him very mediocre 72 and on the last four or five holes just completely lost his driver everything was squirting out right and in the end cam Smith sorry Cam Davis who won in 2021 end up taking the win and just kind of like obviously he shot the lowest score but he was everyone else kind of almost to some degree fell away a little bit so to summarize it with football there’s quite I don’t know there’s a bit of back and forth there you’ve got last minute late minute winners you’ve got late last minute missed penalties or opportunities it’s a bit it’s Sports just wild in that I think golf is one of the most cruel Cru cruel games and and speaking of cruel games and and and golf and and the next major event that of rubbish seg tring to get into Royal TR in a way I going to work that from football so England played badly but then won yeah Scotland played badly and we’re out Scotland is the home of this year’s open as it’s the home of the open all together really let’s be honest and this year’s open is at R Tru yeah there you go and we last week and so there be no spoilers about score coming up right here but there will be some insight into nin video so we were very very lucky last week or I was certainly lucky because it’s still for me it’s surreal that I get to do these things but me you and James Robinson played Royal TR with the grand stands up in absolute open conditions for break 75 break 70 and break 0 we did mention this briefly on the Clubhouse episode on Friday forget that was so long ago and we actually released that Clubhouse episode as a as a full video which I think has done really well so thanks very much for everyone listening and watching um but yeah the the open this year Ro TR it feels like now it’s only is it 3 weeks away they open I think so yeah and again we got very lucky to play it with the grand stands up two weeks it’s it’s only two weeks away what’s fascinating after playing it last week and a bit of time to reflect the the course has really grown on me like the more I started playing like the round in my head I was like I really like the first second’s a good hole third’s a cracker like I was like yeah you know what I’m actually really enjoying the golf course and I think it’s going to be a really good test for the golf course enjoying the golf course is that as you playing it in your head you’re l in bed thinking I’m enjoying this round yeah I’m playing really well you shoot 65 again in your head I wish I to be fair the front line was almost front line of dreams for me so again we don’t want to give any results away but it was uh it was going incredibly well for a very long time you know what though we often say we would love to see what normal real golfers would shoot in major championships and I still stand by that however I’ve also learned from being the fortunate position this we get to play these open venues before they open yes those guys play in front of lots and lots of people but they do have it easier by the rough being trample down because so many areas where we were playing and I’ll you know without giving too many spoilers I was in the rof a lot not that that is a spoiler that’s obvious but the areas where the ball was going is literally the areas where fans Spectators would be walking around and that rof just gets trampled down we couldn’t have played it much harder in the fact that we literally played it off the back of the back of the back plates because there wanted to us to be almost a club behind the back play because we we were hanging off the back of the t- box because that’s where they’re not going to use that part of the t- box it would be illegal to use and we couldn’t have played it any further back I would say the only difference was I wouldn’t say the pins were ridiculously tued away no couple of naughty ones not too bad and obviously I think the green speeds will get a little bit quicker but not ridiculous it’s Links Golf and they’ve got to be careful with Links Golf as soon as they get the greens too fast like if they if the speed of this tabletop when it was windy it would the ball would just blow everywhere so they have to be careful with the speed you know I learned though from last week at TR again I was so lucky to be there I really had a great day with yourself and James and and the whole team that were there filming and making the video come together it was a great couple of days and it was probably the first time I’ve noticed what I’m about to say and it kind of was quite a humbling experience and a bit of a reality check so I grew up similar to you playing junior golf at a decent is level but from being very very young I played competition straight away again they weren’t super super comptitive but they were comps at the junior comps at the club etc etc played a few Junior opens and stuff so I’ve always known proper golf to be keeping a score keeping a scorecard and playing off the White T’s and often if I play a golf course and don’t play off the furthest back te’s it doesn’t feel real it doesn’t like a real score we obviously went to the extreme and like you just said then played TR off the back of the back of the back te’s and as much as enjoyed it clearly I did there was part of me thought it’s a bit too much this I’d rather be play off yellows and I think I’ve now become the guy hands up if I went to go and play a golf course off my own free will and I could choose te’s I don’t think I go off the backs got no I really I do really enjoy playing off the backs and I don’t know why I don’t know why because it’s not it’s not I think I need another 20 yards on my drive to really enjoy the B’s um but but something about the B’s it’s just like it it feels real and the other thing is I I do I don’t like playing them all the time like these 200 yard path 3es but I actually feel like I’m pretty good at them so for for me really playing these 200 yard par 3s I actually don’t worry too much cuz it’s like a four or five on which I’m normally pretty good with sometimes if I play it a bit shorter which I do prefer shorter path threes as well because it feels like You’ got an opportunity to make birdie but um yeah I don’t know your tip was great and I’m trying to incorporate this a bit more um often when you play around the golf a championship golf course and they’ve built extra te’s that have been moved further back to lengthen the golf course you’ll finish the green and you’ll start walking towards the next te boxes and inevitably the next T box you walk to would be the members te’s the normal te’s and then you’ve got to turn right or turn left whichever way it is and walk another 30 40 50 yards back yeah and you did a great I’ll often get to that TR that t Junction and look down the hole and go yeah this looks like a nice hole well you don’t no because if you then look at it at that point when you walk back 45 50 yards back and then you stand on that te you go oh my God it’s a totally hole back from back here it almost changes your mindset a little bit yeah I’ve always done that and it might be cuz I remember telling James that he said oh no you should look now we should get more in tight into the hole I get that but for me and maybe it’s a negative outlook I feel like if I look at the hole that you’ve said and you’re like oh that fway is quite wide that’s reachable whatever and the next thing you said you’re walking 30 40 50 60 maybe even 100 yards at some golf coures back and then you look it’s like Oh my days don’t like it um and also another weird one this is very negative you might not noticed this I’m not a huge fan of leaving my bag and then walking back because I feel like if I do that there’s a good chance I’m going to lose my ball have to run back for provisional I know that’s that’s not ideal but I just s a weird super superti a quick secret on Monday when I did open qualifying last week I when I st that tea okay there’s two things that I did you might I don’t think anyone knows if you say another ball in your pocket oh God I was going to say but so I’d put my bag right on the corner of where everyone was waiting okay and I walk back to my bag and grabbed my towel cuz my hands were a bit sweaty it was a hot day I could do my towel on the tea okay and I walk back to the tea and I looked back and I was and we had a bit of time I was like if I do need to go for a provisional ball here my bag is a long way away so again I I wasn’t trying to think negatively but I went back cuz I thought if I not this somewhere where I after a provisional Walk of Shame proper Walk of Shame and I’ve got to go honestly it was way too far away so I went and got my bag and moved it closer to the team and then you hit a good shot I hit a good shot but it was funny I I actually forgot that story until you just said it then and I was like oh yeah I remember doing that I think one thing I don’t know if I said this in the last podcast it’s hard to remember what I’ve said on podcast and what I’ve said to you kind of off podcast but open qualifying it wasn’t about me at all it about what you did and obviously everybody there it really open my eyes more than ever about how I see golf it really really did and maybe that’s kind of why I’m now saying about the back teas and stuff because I was looking that day and I enjoyed being there to watch you and I enjoyed thinking about the video we’re making but there was an atmosphere that I’ve never really felt before it wasn’t a nice atmosphere how many people hand on heart of that 130 or whatever that played actually enjoyed it I bet hardly any hardly any because the guys who were serious about qualifying then the handful that qualified great the guys who were good enough to qualify and didn’t were they going to be disappointed the guys that went for the experience who were like a scratch handicapper a lot of them got humbled by the golf course as would I must add because it was so hard and so much pressure and shot in the mid high 80s I can’t really work out what level of maybe if you were a scratch golfer it was your first time and you shot 75 you’d be like yeah I’m pretty happy with that which you should be by the way but I don’t know just watching the people playing it made me realize that for some people and it often think these people are fortunate but golf is their job and the obviously the handful of the elite your rores your Tommy fleetwoods Etc who play for a living and even the step down from that the guys you’ve got good solid solid DP World Tour careers who have got the mortgage paid off and are playing for just the of the game now almost and and and victories I get it but for the guys and the girls who are out there playing golf for a living to pay the bills where you know they don’t know if next week they’re going be able to afford the accommodation for the next tournament Etc I actually don’t envy them I really don’t and just seeing that the atmosphere open qualify made me think that when I play golf I should be playing to enjoy it it doesn’t matter what I shoot and I don’t know if a little bit of me true almost took that too far and something I won’t G without giving away what I shot there’s a bit of me that’s like I made just for a laugh I I don’t know I just feel like I’m so much more in that camp now like what does it matter what I shoot if I shoot 80 or 77 or 84 it literally doesn’t matter it’s a nice position to but I know but it doesn’t does it it just doesn’t matter but I suppose then El was thinking well actually like anyone could say that about anything like if you’re into going for a run Park runs you’re not going to be winning the Olympics so why does it matter if you break 20 minutes or you do 24 minutes it doesn’t really but you still have personal goals but those personal goals should be things that encourage you to keep going to that run and training and working hard I think with golf having these goals of handicap or score actually stop people enjoying it and they W stop people playing and make people quit because they can’t break eight you they keep the handicap keep going up it’s like if you’re working all week in a in a in a normal job I say normal cuz I feel privileged to do what I do and call that work but if you’re working a normal job 9 to5 and then Saturdays when you play golf and you leave the course in a mood cuz you shot over your handicapp in the Saturday comp why playing as a hobby and that’s what so many I do I was stupid I I always remember this argument or conversation you got in with bro Smith at rport rush because he was adamant that everybody that ever plays golf wants to improve and get better yeah and I The more I’ve kind of realized that as well that they don’t there’s so many people and this sounds so stereotypical and it’s not supposed to be but it’s the best example I’ve got there was a group of ladies at my golf club and I used to work there was a member there and they loved playing Golf and they love playing golf because it was a very hilly golf course it was exercise for them it was a great chance to catch up with the friends and actually more importantly if we be honest was the catchup afterwards having a cup of coffee a scone Etc scone what you want to call it and yes if they shot to the handicap that was a ni oh yeah I got 36 points today however if they shot 24 points they couldn’t give a toss and you know I just don’t think that many people care a lot of people do and certainly people listen to this podcast who probably more hardcore golfers probably care about how they play obviously want to play better but if you think about it is a bit stupid how much people C including me but I bet some people go to the gym without trying to set a PB every time don’t they ex they just go to the gym because it’s it’s part of exercise it makes them feel better but then at the same you’re right but how often do people leave the gym feeling bad probably very very rarely yeah unless feel better exactly whereas golf how many people are going to play golf and come off feeling bad it shouldn’t be it’s a hobby there’s not that many people when you when you walk around the end of a golf course how’ you play Oh brilliant most of the time like I I played on Friday in the charity golf day at sent an old links and wait came third thanks for asking and uh well we um after the round you chat to guys and you’re like how have you played today oh rubbish no it wasn’t for me rough and like most people you speak to rubbish but and then also though I don’t know how much they enjoyed it or didn’t enjoy it it that’s the thing though isn’t it I would suggest those people might play R have a laugh it’s a charity day might be a few beers but then if you look at this more serious level I open qualifying I very much doubt there’s anybody who played rubbish but enjoyed it cuz almost you can’t correlate the two things together so I almost think unless you are playing for a living then as much as you should as much as you can as possible you just try and enjoy it no matter what and that’s why actually there’s a shot I hit that you won’t see on camera TR were had a bad hole and I was about 150 yards away and I like chip SL puted a 3w and it was because I stood there and I thought I’d love to see what I could do with the three from here now like do a long put and see if it can roll all the way there and I did one it was B and then did another one that worked out quite well and it was like you would never really on a golf course do shots like that because you think about playing score but I thought well actually going forward I’m going to try and just play more fun shots in a golf course I’m excited to play because that is also what golf is about nothing was more fun than being a junior and hitting lob shots or doing all these other things just for real laugh like it’s not all about score I want to ask you a question okay name me some real title sponsorships for golf events can you think of anything off top of your head for example right like it was a rocket mortgage tournament this week on the PJ tour okay Alfred Dunhill yeah good one on the DP World Tour who are actually clothing brand very expensive um I feel like I’m on the spot here let me think don’t tell me anymore almost every single PJ Tour event which one was this weekend rocket mortgage Travelers the we I don’t even know what Travelers are no um H HBC open big one um either way my mind’s gone don’t worry none of them however are the biggest okay this weekend the first ever longly part Golf Club junior open yeah was titled sponsored by Rick Shields oh my God I know your hand went deep intock a big one so yeah listen I’m sure Rocky mortgage and all these other Travelers spend millions and millions and millions I get that but I I went one more not quite Millions so I actually went on Sunday I wasn’t going yeah I wasn’t going to go so where is Langley Park it’s in Huddersfield Park yeah so it was for me I took took forever so basically on Sunday uh sorry did you clear expenses B the golf club no so about about six months ago a friend of mine who I went to college with Chris Hansen I think I’ve spoke to him on the podcast before we’ve got to get him on the podcast so Chris Hansen when I was at College was the best of the best of the best he was the one he was the poster boy everyone looked up to him I bought his mauno TP n irons off him and in the middle of the S9 was this black spot because that’s how much he practiced and he said he going out and getting drunk like maybe I did he would be practicing and he ended up becoming a European Tour player he played in the open etc etc unfortunately over the years his his game has kind of fallen off a little bit he’s not playing touring golf anymore but still playing professional locally so he’s now moved this new place longly Park and he wanted to set up a junior open and he asked me would I be interesting sponsorship and I said I’d love to I said is there opportunity to sponsor the whole thing he said yes so I wasn’t going to go cuz I had other commitments those commitments got cancelled I took me and my three kids down to longly Park Golf Club what a wonderful wonderful experience really really enjoyed it proper little Hidden Gem of a golf course it’s only nine holes the first hole you’d actually hate the first hole it’s like a 245 yard PA four first go all out of bounds down the right okay all out of bounds like you could hit three with miles left and you got as much room on the planet but the second time you come round you play it becomes a 210 yard PA three oh wow like a hard bloody hole so went down 75 Juniors play in the event from from really young ones from probably five or six years old they played nine holes off the blue te’s which was like a junior course and the afternoon they had the bigger kids going out re has a lot of faces who I’ve seen either before or driving ranges they they traveled a long way to go and play in this event so I was really happy I could I could uh go meet everybody um the kids were my kids were absolutely loving it it was quite embarrassing it’s the first time my kids have been on the golf course really actually on a golf course I was a bit embarrassed about it really yeah because they really didn’t know how to behave they thought it was this bloody playground cuz we walked around and watched it for a bit they they were just like really giddy and it’s nice to see and they are desperate they were dragging me to the driving range yesterday which I took them in the end they really wanted to go and um they’re asking so many questions which I was really proud of them with but it also made me realize it’s really bad that I’ve not give my kids these opportunities yet to get on the golf course well how old are your kids now N9 seven and five yeah that is quite old that they’ve not really got into I know they’ve been to range with you you think when you have kids I’m going to get into golf and it’s just we’ve been range loads of times but honestly going out on the golf course they’re asking what are these blocks for they kept picking up the t- markers I’m like you can’t move them they wanted to run in the bunkers I was telling them no they found a golf ball my eldest went to pick it up I said no no you can’t pick it up I felt bad because I felt like I was really kind of on the back but I’d never really taught them so that’s something I’m definitely going to Endeavor to do did the prize giving uh some of the guys won some Rick Shields merch which was fantastic as well um yeah really really good hoping to sponsor it in many years to come and uh it was a sold event and hopefully we can get even more sell out or more police places for next year very good I love that good good deed done it was nice yeah um right okay this is this is going to maybe be a podcast clip here Rick so get prepared get strapped in I want I want your full attention we’ve had a great question on the Facebook group of Gavin Taylor and he said there was an interesting story on Reddit which I’m going to come on to of a person shooting 278 over 18 holes I’m sorry listen I didn’t realize it was was ever going to get out it was a practice round 278 yes in Germany a golfa has to shoot 108 or lower to get a golf license in order to play on most courses so here we go what are your thoughts on a maximum score which starts to impact other players in the golf course should there be a cap or a limit on skill level or achievable score before someone plays a full 18 on a regular call so before you answer that Rick let me read the post off rdit I found it it’s from a us on Reddit and it’s titled played with someone today who shot 278 over 18 holes and it says I left work early today to play 18 holes at my local course three days later I got back wed the first team was greeted by a man his early 30s and asked me if I I’ll play with him as it was his first time on the golf course he also wanted me to count his strokes and help him with rulings and so on it was the worst round of golf I have ever seen someone play 15 strok an average per hole and he scored a 21 on a long PA three the course was empty so we had enough time the round lasted six and a half hours I know he feels um nicest guy I’ve ever met but felt I could um but felt I felt kind of sorry for him as he tried so hard and nothing worked I even gave him some advice regarding Club selection and keeping his driver in the bag I shot 94 um and every decent shot I hit made his Dr made his jaw drop and it says in rackets I’m talking like a 220 Drive nothing special so then we had a quick then then before again you answer that so in in Germany there is such thing as a golf license yeah um which as as the guy alluded to in the question and the question was from Gavin Taylor u a golf license is something you have to have legally to play golf in Germany which is crazy heard this albe I have played golf in Germany and never been asked for a license well yeah you’ve got your provisional 109 one didn’t you um but that was kids me the for doesn’t really count um so you’ve got to shoot 108 or low or lower over 18 holes and apparently to get a license you have to pay at least um $300 for a five-day membership have to have several hours of training you got to do a series of tests now there was actually a really um good video that Eric and has langed on this about the golf handicapping the golf uh license in Germany apparently it came into play over 40 years ago there no other country in Europe asks for a license um apparently it’s it’s a two-part test there a written test and there a Hands-On test the Hands-On test uh takes you to a golf course where you must prove your driving putting and chipping skills and then join a pro to play 18 holes with 108 shots all less the written test um is about the rules of golf if you miss six out of the 30 questions you failed um and obviously the test is in German as well so if if we wen’t over there to live in Germany it’s all done in German um but yeah so there kind of two part ask that question really Rick do you agree with the um the golf license concept that Germany have and do you think there should be a maximum score limit Etc on golf courses it’s it’s a really really really tough one because as much as I absolutely don’t um Advocate the license at all I think it’s a ridiculous idea I do think there should be some level of guidance before players can go out on the golf course and that’s for the enjoyment of themselves and for others and the safety of themselves and for others because realistically how do you really learn how to play golf We Were Young when we did it and we would have been told by older people how to play um but like if you were in your 30s and you went to the golf course who teaches you how do you know where to stand how do you know where to put your trolley how do you know you know that the silly how do you know how to rake a bunker or do a pitchmark or repair a divver well you don’t and that’s the thing and I think when you see a score like 278 your first thought is oh my word I’m almost even just getting rid of that for the for the time being and thinking just about the actual almost the Y You’ got no idea that comes after it’s hard isn’t it absolutely so as much I don’t I don’t believe in the license CU I think in Germany that must massively restrict participation level you think so but um I do think you need some level of guidance because I remember the the skiing story that I did so I went to the um chill factor which is just around the corner from us this big ski slope and it very clearly said you must have had lessons before you go I got turned away cuz I ad you must do right well I didn’t admit I hadn’t so I goog I went on YouTube and watched a quick five minute video on how to ski and thought I knew everything it took me about 25 minutes to put my boots on right how I how I got through the gates I don’t know and I got to stairlift I’ve never SE used a stairlift before and I was like what the hell am I doing in fact I was snowboarding I wasn’t skiing I was snowboarding and I put the put the thing in between my legs the the seat right sat sat with my board running perpendicular to the slope yeah 90° and the board literally dragged me down I had to let go and I fell flat on my face and at that point I should have been kicked out it’s a health and safety I shouldn’t have been allowed on that slope I blagged it so I’ve never done snowboarding before normally if I do sorry I had been doing snowbo before normally if I do I get the chairs I don’t get the thing between my legs right so I managed to BL it I was a I was a health and safety hazard to everybody else on that ski slope right I blagged it and I made it work and I got through it but to some degree like in golf that’s really hard to do like just completely BL it and go and play 18 holes of golf and you know and you do end up sacrificing other people’s enjoyment but even then when you said BL it the key difference is you got asked or there’s a clear sign that you have to add lessons before you go I have never other than a golf cluster with a handicap limit which you sometimes see I have never been on the first tier and see anybody say have you played golf before and if you think about it the score of 278 I think about well yeah I want I’ve lost a few balls um but think about this is what I was think about the score when you see that have 278 at first it sounds ridiculous which it kind of is it’s very very high but equally if you think about it when you go to the driving range and you often see someone who’s clearly never played golf before and there either with friends who also have never played golf before Al with friends who who have it’s not uncommon to see somebody go a shot a shot a shot a shot tap it a foot tap it a foot I can’t imagine that’s even including their shots oh no it probably isn’t doing but what I’m saying is if that exact golf normally and not always the case normally somebody would go to the range one two three a dozen times and then maybe step onto a course however if somebody’s literally gone to the range one sportsite clubs and going WR my local golf course is there I’m going to go and play that 278 could very feasibly happen couldn’t it it’s not actually as crazy as it sounds I think most people understand that that transition of going straight on the golf course isn’t something you just do straight away well is that not why the license is perfect but but I think that people already know like I remember teaching loads of people’s like I’ve got a corporate day I’ve never played golf before can you help me I’m playing in like six months like okay well I can I can guide you to that level you didn’t need they didn’t need a particular license but but where’s that middle ground then but that’s what I think they should be so I in that I actually don’t mind the written test MH just that even if it was a quick questionnaire before you go and play where should you stand after you’ve you’ve played the whole you know how do you ra a bunker you know all these I mean the challenging on a written test but I think those things Etha rules I just don’t think from a plain standpoint you should get judged I I don’t disagree and I’m playing devil’s advocate here but we obviously know that golf has a lot of potential barriers to entry its perception it’s potentially expensive it can be seemed to be expensive the the rules the the language ET all very different to most sports I might be wrong but you don’t need you don’t need to go and do this for tennis or for badminton or for other sports do you so if golf suddenly says right we have to have some level of either test or I don’t know what it looks like but something does that create a further barrier to entry there’s already way too many barriers 100% so what’s the perfect scenario though in your mind you’ve got the Rick Shields golf course it’s opened up in Manchester how do you ensure that people playing know what to do the the health and safety is all box ticks how do you stop a young lad or girl coming from the range for the first ever time and then shooting 300 on the course and potentially not shouting four or not knowing what four means you get shouted at them Etc how’ you do it do you have a big touch screen and when you get the first T it’s like a quick five minute rules is anyone going to watch that I mean when my kids go with trampoline park they’ve got to watch a five minute that’s what I’m thinking and they’ve been loads of times and they know off by Art but they still got to watch it every time don’t listen to it I is that why you’re doing it I don’t know it’s it’s a challenge that’s what I mean cuz the the golf the one in Germany seems very farfetched but I supposed the quality of golf from the golf course and the speed of play you would imagine would be much better potentially but then equally having nothing could cause an issue maybe there needs to be some I don’t know what it is that’s that’s the question we’re posing I guess isn’t it what what is that I think something on the first T which kind of a little three minute hey just a quick one don’t forget shout a lot to take in though isn’t there yeah there is shout four is a health and safety one someone shouts for dock or if you someone shout you could almost do a three minute health and safety one and a three minute bloody eate one yeah and then tips as well how to get out of bunkers easier there’s a lot to unpack I’d like to hear people’s opinions on this so feel free to comment Down Below on the YouTube video what do you think I’ve just been trying to find it and whether you can find it on on your laptop I’ve not brought my laptop today is there was a video that was posted quite a few years ago now where four bad golfers admittedly badl golfers went and played at TPC s grass oh wow and there was one golfer in particular who scored on the 17th hole guess the score that he scored just on the 17th hole 15 on the 17th hole the island green 20 higher 30 higher 40 higher 50 higher 65 higher 66 my God on one hole he scored a 66 and and I can’t remember what his actual overall score was but I remember the four of them it being like an eight hour round of like cuz TPC s grass is bloody hard yeah and the amount of water there is well another question we’ve had from Stu Alford and it’s very linked to this one actually it says what advice would you give to somebody starting up golf I.E would it be to pick up uh after scoring a 12 or 13 on a hole during stroke play would you cap it a certain score and if so what too now at first I thought that’s a great idea make it every hole the wor can have to three over then they wouldn’t get any holes completed realistically would they no and I always remember again playing with fairly new golfers what’s the best thing about golf getting a PA just getting the ball in the hole it is like just getting the ball in the whole I just remember going out with the new golfer and someone else said oh you can pick it up now and they were so disheartened they were like oh kind of that was Ross as well that that you thinking of was it yeah it was Ross yeah it’s like oh I kind of wanted to play as you know what I mean actual score I wanted to get the ball in the hole because the the objective is to get it from here to there in in the hole and that’s it and also you might perceive 140 is a terrible score but if someone’s previous best is 152 then getting 140s for them is a massive accomplishment isn’t it remember my first score ever recorded was 144 I I really think there should be more different te markers but I don’t disagree but would that still solve the problem I don’t know if it would cuz even if you had a 400 yard Par Four now became 200 yards if you’re as bad as the guy that shot 278 you’re still missing it and thinning it all over the place so is it really going to help that much I think you’d save six six a bigger hole not help more five or six shots a hole that cuz weirdly put in I I’ve played with brand new golfers who who are okay at putting yeah like they can kind of like they never miss a put to you the thing he with putting is they’ll hit it a bit too hard or a bit too soft and they’ll have a few extra PS yeah I suppose but you’re not looking for balls you’re not looking you know it’s not it’s not going in the water or going out of bounds if we can solve this idea come multi multimillionaire potentially sell it to all the golf courses I think staggered t t points I really do but then I I bet a lot of wouldn’t take him up not being masculine is it let’s be honest that’s the issue but then again if you went skiing you don’t go straight on the black slope do you you would I would there we go um right another question much more serious from Tim Morris might might want this you might not who knows might not this might might not make the edit in which case yeah will but so Tim Baris has said Rick um do the negative comments that some you believe have an actual effect on your mental health or are you able to brush them off I want to then follow up with a really negative comment yeah PS you’re effing T and you’re rubbber ship B this is just me the me this just me me giving RI comments it’s Tim don’t like your beard um it you know listen it it’s negative comments are very challenging it’s been 12 years of making YouTube content and um there’s there’s been waves of negativity and then positivity negativity positivity and at the moment I feel like we’re in a bit of a negativity wave at the moment I but also I think it’s I think social media as a whole is a bit of a negative place at the moment yeah like I don’t know whether it’s the general elections taking place in the UK and the US there’s lots of tension and uncertainty of future that’s causing a bit of tension for people um but I I can go on Instagram and see a lovely lovely lovely post by whoever and you go oh let’s have a quick read of the comments and like the first comments a horrible nasty comment you’re like what is the point so I do think as a whole negativity has got really horrible you know crazy um on social media at the moment um it listen I I can’t say it doesn’t affect me it does it’s hard to read sometimes S at the moment I’m having a sabatical away from social media so I’ve not got any social media on my phone at all that’s really helping uh cuz the thing is with with comments like you can read a thousand really really nice comments like Rick you this that blah blah blah you read one negative and it’s like all the positivity goes the example I sometimes use people on that and it sounds really silly but imagine if you walking down the to to a party with all your friends and family and nine people said oh David you’re looking very slim you’re looking really good and then one person goes have you put bit of weight on recently it’s that one that you going leave the party thinking about it’s just the niit human nature annoyingly yeah and that could be like that it could be anything what you’re wearing you know how you look it yeah it’s just it’s a really really weird space at the moment there’s lots of wonderful comments I’ve read quite a lot of them from the open qualifying video lots of wonderful wonderful comments but then a scattering of negativity and you know I’m this I’m that I’m not very good I’m should quit and blah blah blah but that you know listen it’s one of those things at the moment I’m having a bit of time off social media it’s really helping and uh if you do leave a negative comment why I find that really challenging to what is what makes you write a negative comment if if that per you know someone is leaving a negative comment negative as well depends on you if someone says I’m not a fan of this video as much recently Rick or I don’t like the music in this video that’s like a constructive comment potentially it’s their opinion it’s fine like you know you can do that of course but when people leave just absolute nonsense comments it does say more about them like imagine you now with your three kids having a busy weekend logging on to YouTube or Instagram and and commented on somebody’s profile or whatever it might be something really like nasty it’s quite sad well it’s not even quite sad it’s really sad yeah um yeah yeah no it’s it’s a weird place at the moment and social media gets it everywhere the only thing I’m not the biggest fan of when people say oh well you put yourself out there you deserve this criticism not not really did I put myself out here to to yeah I I don’t think you deser I think deserving criticism is different to its part it comes with the territory I kind of feel like I’m not saying your but you’d be quite naive to think that you can you know get so many followers and fans without a small percentage being idiots that’s just that’s human nature now it’d be nice if that’s not what humans were like but we are unfortunately if you if a million people know who you are there’s going to be at least 10 who think you’re an absolute tosser that’s just life unfortunately soy just well yeah but it’s it’s it’s the deserving is different cuz deserving hate when someone’s like a criminal and done something terrible you deserve to be hated and get negativity but if it’s because what you do it’s kind of like it’s just it is just part of it unfortunately yeah but that’s life that’s life um and when you’re hacking it around um world TR like I may have done you’re having a great time if one person comments and says guy is a feret who ruins this video hate everything about him I wish he just bger off I go yeah but I’m playing TR may not happen maybe it will um how far in are we Matthew 25 how many 42 okay well should last you another question okay um right this is a simple one from Joshua Meadows or is it simple do you think ludvig obber wins his first major before Rory gets his next I do I really do there you go I think oberg’s been absolutely incredible his mentality swing I mean he just looks the full deal I mean he could have could have won the Masters he could have won the US Open um he’s only played in three major tournaments so far and he he’s knocking on the door a lot so whether he wins it in the next few years I’m not sure but the same questions with Rory when’s When’s potenti I mean I actually can’t wait for the open because I don’t think we’re going to see Rory like I say Scottish I think he’s doing Scottish defending which is obviously the week before so like we’ll see him at the Scottish open but you know he’s got a lot of things to prove um Bryson’s obviously playing so well um yeah I think there’s a lot of very good golfers coming into form ready for the uh ready for the open you know what I sometimes think about golf that he’s he’s kind of weird as a sport and it it doesn’t really happen this very often but like if you think about someone that is well a football team I know it’s different you’ve got 11 players in the field but man city will get beaten occasionally but then over a season as he’s been proved the last four season I think is they’ve they’ve won the league is that Four Seasons then yeah um but like with golf Rory is amazing at golf that goes out saying and you know I would bet a lot of money with another event again but when you think of winning of the major he might well do I’m sure deep down he probably will wouldn’t bet against it but but Willie that’s the thing there’s four a year now he’s not going to play well in every one let’s be honest every year he can’t do and as said before there’s going to be some weeks where someone random has a hot week and we’ve seent it with the open before with a yeah and you know when you look at um oh my days Todd Hamilton and Ben Curtis complete randomers you know that might happen again this year it might not do but RS actually win one of the four majors and each year you’d think it’s going to get harder potentially heting no not getting any younger still a young man he not getting any younger it makes me think that like oh nothing nothing for granted is there willly win I think that’s why so many people ask the question because it’s like like we’ve said for the last 10 years he’ll win one and will one and 10 years have flown by yes he’s been close yes he should have won the US Open recently but he hasn’t and will another 10 years if another 10 years fly by suddenly mid 40s but but it’s oh it’s like 40 tournaments isn’t a lot of tournaments really no it’s not like you know it’s not if it was a major every single week yes Rory will win one right say it’s four weeks of year the field if it was 40 games against Scotty Sheffer might win half of them but you’ve got Scotty Sheffer in every event you’ve got Brook kka you’ve got the guys we don’t even know of yet who in the next four or five years old Bert onto the scene you’ve got your guys at ludvig who’ve come from kind of what well not nowhere because they massive the to seeing but nowhere in terms of professional golf you’ve got your Tony fenel Tommy fleers who’ never won one who were banging at the door pretty much every event You’ got your Cameron um Davis’s Cameron Young’s all guys it’s mad when you think about it you start to genuinely think like and I guess that’s what he’s thinking you know he’s had this for the last 10 years that pressure he’s came so close and it’s not happened for him but then you then you add the pressure on him as well every single year there’s more pressure being put on him there he’s all he’s at a level of golf that almost can’t be good because somebody like a Tommy Fleetwood and or Tony feno I think are the best two examples I can think of should really win a major in their career and if they don’t do they will go down some of the best guys never to have won a major so that’s a level of pressure but equally it’s not other the point for them yet where every major is like it has to be this time it has to be this time if it comes it comes kind of just whenever but for Rory every MJ that goes by it’s like you going to do it now you going to do it now that must be difficult to deal with yeah it’s really really really tough um somebody has asked about Liv being at JCB uh what’s your thoughts will you be attending certainly would it be almost your second home course are you excited to see those guys do around there I’m excited to see what they shoot around there too um whether we’re going to go we would talk about potentially just going as a bit of a team and a bit of a jolly day so uh not sure just yet on what day or if I’m going yet um I I can’t wait to see him play 17 obviously 17’s an unbelievable hole I want him to play off the back of the back of the backs I’ve actually a question for about that though what is it is there a risk that’re playing off the back of the back of the backs it could all become a bit of a meal because they’re going to be hitting longish shy in heart the green and two putting where for am it’s so much fun do you think they level should make it look not easy but just quite Bland uh do you get what I mean you think if you got 100 well how many of guys are there on live 54 might be somebody put in the water but like Elite ball Strikers let’s be honest does that hole lose its off that back back te does it lose its kind of or or does it not still do you think I don’t it’s certainly not guaranteed par no not even it’s not is it for those guys do you remember when when played with Tommy he put in the bunk along the bunker on the other side make made an unbelievable up and down for a four yeah no that’s true I don’t think it’s easy at all with the elevation change the wind and also I think each one of those holes I mean I think JCB certainly that 17th really um he teed up for for a regulation tournament as in not a shotgun and what I mean by that cuz it’s the 17th true you get what I mean yeah that’s the first hole yeah you’re not through you’re not through the challenge yet until you’ve played 17 yeah I suppose for me I wasn’t was an easy hole it’s probably one of those holes though where the disparity between amateur golfers and pro is so big because for most amateur off that back te they can’t reach the green or it’s just so daunting whereas for a lot of those guys yeah they might have the a blow up but it’s like much more it’s a fivey in heart the green what what’s fascinating like when the seniors open’s been there a couple of times like this guy’s going out there shooting like eight or nine under yeah I can’t we joked at the start of this this podcast about dreaming a 65 I can’t dream a nine under around JCB I just don’t see it happening I must admit that for me is what personally I’m looking forward to most seeing live golf at JCB it’s the course that I’m very lucky to have played a number of times and it’s one of the few courses I know every single ho of my head I could go through every hole now and tell you which is which and I know how tough it can be so when I do see one of those guys inevitably shooting mid to low well low 60s and you look at the score card you go how have they done that whereas when you see on the PJ tour for me I know these CLS are solid but I’ve not played any of them so I can’t doesn’t resonate maybe I should play and play I can be the real real life golfer I’ll play the abute lights out sh 86 86 today and then Bryson’s like I shot 62 imagine Bryson around there I just some hles I think he’s going to be too long on yeah he’s not going to be driver on the first yeah you know what though I’ll tell you what regardless of people’s opinions on live good bad or indifferent if you are in the UK it’s right in the middle of the UK pretty much I I imagine that will be an amazing couple of days because the I don’t think the tickets are like ridiculous um the golf course as we’ve said many a time is phenomenal the event is a great place it’s it’s a great host I think it’s a very very very good venue to watch golf having a look now how much the tickets are it’s like 20 odd quid 25 30 quid for a ground pass which for the level of golfers that you’re going to see there obviously and the golf course itself and easy to get to it’s right in the heart of the country I think the Friday is the cheapest ticket which you kind of Imagine about 30 liid if you got the day off work I think if you were to park yourself on 16 back of six back a 16 17th t-shot you would see some incredible golf um and and you get to watch the iconic 17th hole I even if I said this when the seniors open even if you just went to go and look at the golf course cuz it is spectacular it’s it’s a gorgeous we’re very very fortunate to have it in the UK and um we don’t get many courses like that in the UK so even if even if you just pay 30 quids to go have a walk around it’s exclusive to play that’s how its model is is set up but if you might never never get a chance to play it at least you can get get to walk around it and and pretend you shoot a 65 I wonder what the crowds would be like at this event for live compared to others like will it be a big turnout you you’d think it would be the other thing is I don’t know if it’ll be a Rowdy one I don’t think it will be because it’s like it’s hard to get is easy to get to but it’s also it’s not next door to a major city on the Lash is it like when when went to Centurion I can imagine a lot of people getting booed up because you literally 20 minutes taxi from London where this isn’t this is right in the middle of the center which is great for loads of people to get to but I can imagine most people have to drive yeah I’m excited I think yeah I think we should definitely go for a day and see it um do you fancy a quick Clubhouse speci after this one we’ll release it on Friday as always all right guys thanks for listening thanks for watching be sure to subscribe and we shall see you next time


  1. I worked at a golf course while finishing up uni. I quickly stopped asking, “How’d you play” and only ever asked, “Did you have fun out there?” Everyone answered the former, “Not great,” and the latter, “We had a great time!”

  2. Everyone should have to start on the front tee's and then graduate back, it would speed up the game and improve most players enjoyment of the game.

  3. If there were to be a license for a public course, or some form of restriction to the lesser skilled players, it should only be enforced during prime time hours (Saturday, Sunday, Holiday mornings, 1st tee time through around 1:30. However, in the area I live there are MANY courses, so certain greens fees along will deter first timers. With the popularity of golf now, a beginner should be able to reach out to SOMEONE to take them out for their first time… just for the etiquette alone.

  4. Playing with a beginner or kid is the same, play best ball up to the green, then let them chip and putt.
    They will get to hit lots of shots, and will enjoy themselves much more then struggling along and feeling like they suck and are holding everyone up.

  5. Interesting that Rick and Guy seemed seriously surprised about the “crazy” golf license in Germany. It seems like they thought it was something unique for Germany, when in fact most European countries have a similar system. I was quite surprised to learn that apparently anyone in the UK can just book a tee time and go play golf on any course? I had no idea that was the case in the UK.

    In Sweden we have two types of courses, pay and play courses and green card courses. To play at green card courses you need to be a member of a golf club and have a green card, which means you need to pass a simple written test and be able to play at around hcp 56 level. The pay and play courses are usually shorter, easier, and cheaper than green card courses. They are perfect for beginners, and anyone can play. Many golf clubs have a normal 18-hole course and a short 6/9-hole pay and play course that is usually very cheap to play. This a win-win situation since it makes it easier for people to try golf, and it’s good for the club since the new golfer who plays at their pay and play course is probably pretty likely to book lessons with the local pro and join the club in the future.

    I think this is a very good system, as it’s easy for anyone to try golf on the simpler courses. If you like it and get hooked, you immediately have a goal to strive for – getting that green card. I enjoyed playing at our local pay and play course for a summer or two, but then I really wanted that green card. So, the green card system wasn’t a barrier at all for me, instead it served as a motivation to become better at golf. I also think the green card system is good because it means that everyone who plays on the green card courses have a decent grasp on rules and etiquette, and even new green card holders won’t shoot 150+.

  6. The game of golf is played on the course, but golf is learned at the range. Do not "play" golf until you learn the basics and the rules and etiquette.

  7. Had a pretty good year of golf won some money this year, had a lot of fun, but wow was it hard to get in 30s on 9 holes extremely hard to break 80, thankfully I'm breaking 75 pretty constantly but have worked extremely hard to get here. I can't beyond 6400 yards yet but course I play most days is right at it. I'm not a long hitter but good short game and don't miss many fairways and usually on green or very close in regulation. Shot my best 9 holes recently, 32 par 36.

  8. Played golf for 15 years in Australia. Moved to Europe and played golf in Germany for another 15 years. Came back to Australia and realized what a nightmare it is to play on courses where a fair amount of people a) have zero idea about etiquette (repair divots, pitch marks, rake bunkers, etc), and b) have no concern or are completely ignorant of those playing in the group behind them (slow play). Bring on the licence – minimum competency of shooting 120 average for example, and short instructional guidance regarding keeping the course in great condition, appropriate behaviour and pace of play.

  9. I wish more people would take to heart your excellent point. Since I don't earn a living playing golf, my priorities, in order, are 1) have fun, 2) spend time with friends, 3) play well. I can accomplish the top 2 goals no matter what my score is. My wife constantly reminds me to have real expectations based on my limited play/practice time.

  10. I love playing golf, and some would say that I'm obsessed. I've been playing for about 25 years, stopped playing when I started having kids, and started up again about 3 years ago. My handicap is heading downward. I have good days and bad. There is one hole on my course that I will hit my "perfect" tee shot on, 95% of the time. Seeing the ball fly over the trees in the direction of OB, but with enough speed to fly it and land in the middle of the fairway. That kind of shot, no matter where is it on the course, that is hit as well as I can. That's what I strive to do more often and if I get some exercise along the way then that's just a bonus.

  11. Most courses aren’t so strict with getting a license. I think like Rick says etiquette is more important than the golf and the etiquette is after a certain amount of shots pick your ball up 😂

  12. I've always said that mental health has 90% come to life since the start of social media we never had any of this before it and life in general since computers started it's a dangerous thing. Your out the Rick there will be stuppid comment but that's from people who hide behind social media you keep doing what you do enjoy life and we will watch with interest. 👍

  13. Anyone can play social golf, but you need to be able to play to the max handicap to play in a comp. Most times when you start golf you have a mate for guidance. I remember as a junior you had to prove you knew the rules, etiquette and be able to play to 27 handicap before you could play a Sunday comp. Understanding your own ability is important. Lots of options Range, par 3 courses. By the way I think you blokes are alright 👍

  14. Quite an interesting point from the EAL video in Germany, is that when he asked people if they would rather scrap the license so you can just go straight out on the course and play, it blew their minds. They wondered why you wouldn’t do the license. They want people to have a level of competency before going out and playing.

  15. So I've always noticed that there are two main categories of sports: some sports can be played casually by anyone, but mastered by few; and others truly have a 'minimum' level of skill to even participate. My typical example is US Volleyball (especially the 'old' 15-point rules)– it is possible for both teams to be so bad, that the game doesn't happen. You must be some minimum level of 'good' to even score, and if neither team meets that minimum, then there is no game, and neither team can win. Golf strikes me as that sort of sport. It is possible to be 'not good enough' to actually "play" golf. On a 350 yard par 4, if you can't hit more than 80-100 yards inside a 90-yard-wide target bubble, you can't really 'play' that hole. You just aren't 'good enough' to participate, and it sucks. Golf is an interesting sport because people who can 'play' must necessarily be better than a pure beginner. Consider the alternative like football (us soccer) where it's possible to be terrible but still run around with others and kick a ball. In Golf, if you can't do some minimum level of hitting a fairway, finding a green, and putting, you literally can't 'do' the sport– and this is before we even consider pace of play. I mean literally for some some folks stuck in the 30+ hcp range, there are courses that they CANNOT participate at. They would card max for every hole because it's too long, too narrow, and too fast for their best play.

    I don't know the answer, I just think golf is one of those sports (like US volleyball, and unlike football/soccer) where there is a 'minimum' skill required to even participate at all, let alone be 'good'.

  16. I started playing golf this summer I’ve been to the range a bit and I’ve played about 7 rounds now and have a best score of 111 on my local course which is par 70. For practice I tend to go early in the morning on my own (I’m often the first person to tee off) so as I’m not slowing anybody down. If there is somebody behind me I’ll wait and let them play through. I’m playing tomorrow with some friends one is off 12 and one is off 18 and I’m hoping I don’t slow play down; that’s my only goal . I think the process of a golf licence would’ve put me off starting initially, but then again I had the common sense to not negatively interrupt anybody else’s enjoyment whereas others might not 🤷‍♂️

  17. I usually play to around 10, so a decent golfer and have just started playing with 4 new golfers. We play off yellows, never take 3 of the tee, just drop one roughly at the entry point of any hazard, don't currently play out of bunkers because they are dog shit at my local course anyway so they wouldn't get any value from taking 5 shots to get the ball out, and ensure we play at a reasonable pace. Usually takes 4 hours for a round.

  18. we have some older guys play with us when we go away on a syndicate weekend we always play a 9 shots and pick up as a max score . just to keep things moving.

  19. when i was a youth every golf club asked for a proof of handicap before releasing a tee time to get a handicap card you had to be a member of a club so to play private clubs you had to be a member at one. We had to play at municipals luckily we had 2 very good courses locally. Now if you can afford you can play almost any course without them asking and you can get an official handicap without being a member somewhere.

  20. Hi there, usully in Germany for beginners almost every club requets a proof of HCP confirmed by the club pro. there is a practical test where the player usually plays 9 holes with a scroting average of triple bougy per hole. The theoretical test consists of ettiquette and rules to en sure a) safety and adequat behaviour on the course and b) enough knowledge that you can play in a comp. This HCP of 54 is usually good enough that you can keep pace of play as a guest in other clubs. it might be a hurdle to golf but it eases the pain for others you may play with…

  21. Maybe somebody could start a YouTube video with lessons and rules and etiquette for golf for people who want to improve 🤔😁

  22. Mad that the guy who shot 278 took the same amount of time that it can take the pros on rounds 1 and 2, shows how much waiting around they do

  23. Jeez Every week guy says something negative about competitive golf or keeping score.
    Why can’t you appreciate that some people enjoy competition, striving to improve and having something to focus on.
    For some, just playing off the yellows in a bounce game and having a wee scone and a cup of tea after isn’t their idea of golf.
    Each to their own, why the constant negativity.

  24. It is accurate that you need a “platzreife” but it is not accurate that you have to score at least 108… It’s just about the etiquette and rules. We just do it for the insurances, when u hit something or someone u are not covered by the insurance of the golf course with that license.

  25. Easy to solve this problem is to force people who are playing the course for the first time to play with a caddy/guide who will explain rules , etiquette and tips as they play …

  26. 5 or 6 etiquette questions and double par Max on a hole. You do not need to use r&a rules to play social golf, but you still need to know etiquette.

  27. Guys a lot of what the email said was wrong. You don’t have to shoot 108, they never play medal in Germany, it’s all stableford. You have to get at least 12 points over 9 holes off 54 handicap. You also do have to a do rules test but it’s not necessarily 30 questions, I personally do 10 and most of it is etiquette and playing a provisional, shouting fore etc.

    The system works ok in Germany however it can be quite restrictive getting people started but does work to a certain extent in Germany but would never work in the UK because golf has been played too long and if one club enforced it you could simply drive 5 minutes further and find a club that let you straight on. Germany has 790 spread all over and England alone has 1900 so in Germany you aren’t exactly spoilt for choice. I’d rather they got rid of it but there’s no chance unfortunately

    And Guy the standard is definitely not better it’s way behind the uk. Personally I put this down to people obsessing with technique from day 1 and not just learning to get the ball in the hole.

  28. When i first learned the junior "tournaments" i played in had a double par rule. Once you got double par pick up the ball and when your partners get to the green you can putt and thats a good rule keeps pace up and doesnt make people feel as bad when theyre learning

  29. I`ve gone through the golf license process in Germany. It`s not only there by the way, Switzerland and Austria have the same process.

    Typically, clubs will offer a "Platzreife" course, which will include 3 to 5 days of instruction followed by the test. Each day there is a different focus (driver, putter, bunkers, etiquette, rules, iron shots, scoring etc). The test itself is 2 part. There is a multiple choice based on rules of golf as well as etiquette, followed by playing 9 holes, sometimes more, sometimes less. The PGA pro is looking to see you can execute on the theory you`ve learned.

    Why do it?
    Everyone knows the etiquette, knows how to score, can actually hit their clubs as they get one on one lessons for a week. So even new players are not really holding things up on the course.
    For me, it was invaluable. My swing improved, understanding on putting, short game and bunkers was fantastic.

    Why not do it?
    It can be expensive, although it`s not as expensive as joining a private country club. My course cost me around 450 €

    Should the UK do it? I think, something like it can be used on a volunteer basis, but then offer benefits for those who do it?
    Otherwise you need someone who knows the game really well and can teach you the etiquette and rules for scoring.

  30. Maybe a little difficult to manage, but what would happen if, say, the starter gave a quick once over the way they do if you’re new to the course.
    “You played here before?”
    “No, first time”
    “Excellent, welcome. What do you normally play off of?”
    “Oh, this is our first time”
    “Amazing! I’m going to recommend a few things: 1-play from forward tees. 2-we keep a 3 1/2 hour pace, so if you take more than 9 shots per hole, pick up your ball and head to the next tee. 3- if someone is catching up to you/waiting consistently for you, let them through.
    You guys are going to have a great time

    How long did that take, 3-4 mins? But….education is key.

  31. 1st off Rick – massive thank you for taking the time to drive over to Longley Park on Sunday – I thought Jamie was yanking my chain when he said you'd been there in person to sign a ball for him, I believe your girls gave him some cheers, as well as a 'strike' from yourself when he hit an iron shot on a par 3.
    We've got tickets for both JCB and Troon – gonna be an epic few weeks of watching golf – how cool is it to have these choices to watch world class golfers.
    So we got Jamie on a par 3 course when he was 3 – just let them slowly learn the basic rules of the game – it's not that important at that age – gotta just let them have fun. I think it's more important for golfers to know where to look for the rules, than actually have a concise knowledge of the rules themselves. Having a golf license is a typically German thing – not sure I'd be a fan to be honest, and very much doubt it would help encourage people into the game.

  32. Hi guy and rick,
    I live in France and there is a licence here as well. It is not the same as in germany. The licence is made to found in part anyway the french golf federation. And include an insurance in case of accident on a course. It cost around 60€ for the all year. On the side each club has a school where beginners are encourage to go to pass the "carte verte" (green card) usually sold with some lessons and in which you have an exam on the basics rules and the exam is writen for the rules and there's one as well on the course with an score objective. But probably not as low as in germany. If you haven't got an handicap, you are required to have that green card to be allowed on a course.

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