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Atlanta Hawks SHOULD BLOW UP THE TEAM? | Hawks Draft Night will be BIG!

Smitty, Terry, Marq and Chris give their thoughts on Hot Atlanta Falcons topics!

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and and we are live ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen welcome to for my ATL Sports one we have Mr Chris A1 Mo Mr Mark Cheney and I think we may have Smitty coming to join us in a sec let me add him to the stage all right Smitty oh Smitty well he’ll join us when hey what’s up I’m here hey Smitty how you doing buddy hey what’s good man all right man all right we are live we got Mr Smitty 10K from 95 uh North Sports Machine and of course Smitty has his own uh podcast as well as you know Chris A1 Chris is also part of the 95 North team he has his own podcast as well and we got Mr Mark Cheney excuse me Mr 1,000 subscribers Mark Cheney welc let’s do it let’s do it Chris I think you aren’t aren’t you at 1,000 subscribers Chris are you close not yet not yet man not yet I’m um trying to cross the 850 Mark right now yeah you you’re close brother you’re close yeah been spining my wheels for a few days now but it’s all amen I’m at a whole 13 you’re doing so much better than me hey man all all it takes is the right the right the right videos to hit the algorithm man you’ll be just like Mark and and and that’s what we do so guys uh today you know uh I believe the draft is coming up on Wednesday right and so you know most of the time with ATL Sports we talk Braves we talk Falcons today we’re gonna get into some Hawks gentlemen cause uh I’m from the ATL I’ve been here for about 50 years and I am a homer so that means I love my Braves I love my Falcons I love my Hawks I love my dogs I love my Atlanta United and when when we get a hockey team I want to love them too so without further Ado let’s get into it right and here’s what I want to talk about today the Hawks obviously have the number one pick right and for a long time the obvious the obvious pick has been Alex SAR ah French player and I’m hearing rumors from a lot of sources that say not only does he not want to come to the Hawks but he’s refusing to come and work out with us which kind of offends me but my first question and I’ll throw it out to the panel and Mark we’ll start with you uh Mark is also uh Bleacher Report Team Member and he covers the Hawks and other other teams Mark what are your thoughts on this like I’m I’m hearing this from multiple sources so to a certain extent it has to be true what are your thoughts on this yeah I mean hey for months you know we well I guess a month we thought it was a good chance the Hawks were going to draft alexar then yeah said man this past week you know it’s looking like he made that right turn so man I don’t know how to feel man I I’m not taking it personal I’m looking at it probably the same way his agents looking at it there’s not really a clear position for alexar and when you look at the Atlanta Hawks there’s not a clear role for him when you look at our current roster you got Clint capella and yeka you got Jaylen Johnson DeAndre Hunter you know you got a lot of moving pieces so I can see how him and his team they said you know what this’s just tell Atlanta don’t even come this way don’t even think about drafting us because we want to put our guy in the best position possible so that that’s what I’m trying to tell myself or these past couple of days man you know it’s not it’s not Atlanta it’s not the city of Atlanta it’s just the hulks roster that’s making him and his team say don’t don’t even do it fam don’t even do it okay all right that that’s that’s an interesting point uh brother Chris you and I talked about this last night tell me your thoughts on this why do you think Alex SAR is is reluctant to come to the ATL so to speak amen it’s like I was saying yesterday and I’ll say today it’s the ghost of Hawk’s past still affecting his present and future one name and one name is just connected to this whole thing and that is Mr Bill Duffy Bill Duffy is the agent of Alex SAR who is also the agent of Luca donic who was who was the agent back in 2015 for Al Horford who is also the agent of Trent Forest right now you guys remember om Omari Spelman for the Hawks yeah he was his agent too so it’s a lot of that that one name is surrounded around Atlanta and I believe he is telling his clients Atlanta the organization because we’ve had different regimes we’ve had different ownerships different front offices he has a issue with Atlanta the organization as a whole and I believe he’s in the ear of his clients telling them hey Atlanta’s not serious Atlanta doesn’t want to win this that and the third anything but something positive uh in regards to Atlanta and and I believe that’s exactly what’s going on it’s not it’s supposed to be business everything is supposed to be business but just laying out those names that I just gave you and just different reports of what you’ve heard and you can even find it that bill duy does not have a great relationship with Atlanta you you bottle all that up shake it up and you got combustible elements and I believe that’s what’s going on for Atlanta right now not to mention you got schlank over there in Washington yeah don’t forget about that too so Atlanta is stuck in between the Rock and the hard place with the rock being Bill Duffy and the hard place being Washington and really you want SAR but you but but SAR is hearing so many bad things from both sides of the paint both sides of the uh the the argument so it just it’s tough for Atlanta y’all it’s tough for us like right now I mean I see that we’re still willing to u to draft SAR anyway and I believe you can’t be afraid to do that if you feel like he’s going to be the best uh situation for your organization so one could draw the appar the comparison I’m sorry as Mike is it Mike Florio the guy that hates the Falcons the journalist or whatever so Bill what’s his name Bill what’s his last name Duffy Bill Duffy is the Mike Florio of the NBA as far as the Hawks are concerned like he has a major and I’m just kind of paraphrasing what you’re saying he has a major act to grind with us and he’s doing so this is it it sounds like this is personal with him would you would you agree this is personal with him or is it just he’s looking out for his client because at this point it it feels a little personal I mean he it feels personal you know and in his mind he could make it be like no it’s business because I am looking out for my client looking out for his best interest and at the end of the day man the thing that that makes it sad is the fact that when people people say what they say about Atlanta and their front office not W to win blah blah blah they can pull up they can pull up receipts and they can pull up you know examples of that you know saying if you just start from 2015 on up you can find something that you be like that’s odd that’s odd why are they’re doing that why they do this what that’s a questionable move and it’s just different things different examples that you can give a client and say hey look at this move does this make sense to you hey let me break this down to you does this make sense to you you know do you want to be a part of that and it’s just so many damaging things that you can uh do and you know examples that you can use against Atlanta I hate it I really do but it’s but it’s out there and it’s the truth okay Smitty are you out there yeah I’m still here man just listening that’s all and been talking about this for about a week now well let’s get into it love to hear what you have to say Smitty what do you think number one and and I’m going to kind of expound upon this number one what do you think about the narrative that the Hawks don’t would do not want to win and number two um do you think that Alex sar’s agent has an ax to grind with the Hawks oh no doubt about it um and it started with Al Horford like Chris said years ago and that’s one of the reason why he’s not in Atlanta and reason why he’s in Boston uh and went to Philadelphia as well um but it’s not that the organization does not want to win it’s just that the front office doesn’t know how to put a winning team in place and what I mean by that you’ve got to spend money and me and Chris and you’ve talked about and me and Mark even talked about it you got to spend to win and that is probably what that’s probably what his agent Pretty much telling him man um they’re not going to spend the necessary money to build a championship team around you uh and like I said on the podcast I think it was last night or the night before think about it if you want to build a championship team you got to start somewhere and right now they’re in the perfect position because you have three solid players young players that you can build around jayen Johnson Trey young and de jonte Murray forever how long he’s going to stay here yeah and you add a Alex s to that and add a couple of [ __ ] players you already have AJ Griffin um you have bogey you have uh DeAndre Huna so you have a nice couple of pieces on the bench so he could be the missing piece and if I’m him I would start thinking and I know he’s young so his his mind is not you know developed enough to think far ahead like older guys like myself right uh but being an honorary member shout out to the old dudes I’m could he could easily get into the mindset well if they’re not a winning franchise how can I help make this franchise better how can they how can I bring something to this franchise to help them get off on the right foot to build a championship contending team and as I tell y’all every point guard needs a big man so your point guard is in place so if I’m him I would definitely try to look for another agent because I think in the long run his agent is going to cost him money and cost himself money so uh Alex are trust me were listening to this yeah you were listen to this when you get 10 15 years down the road and you have to talk to your younger self you might slap yourself cause um yeah this this is beginning to be laughable now because and me like I said me and Chris talked about this last week uh we pretty much seen this coming after the reports came out last week um what thing can’t do with a kid is uh dim is light and that’s exactly what the agent is doing uh because if he don’t have a confidence to come to one team what make you think gonna have confidence in another team that’s just as bad it just doesn’t make sense to me and actually the Hawks have a better roster than the Wizards I would you know I I would think so right I I I I because when they say well he’s going to the Wizards I’m like they’re at least three four years away like they’re not they’re not you know what I mean and and so so right I guess okay so number one guys Le let’s take a step back fair or not fair The Narrative out there that the Hawks can’t win we just went to the uh Eastern Conference Finals a couple of years ago right what happened where where where does this Narrative of you know like we just hey hey that’s a great question I mean what what happened you know we we started pay paying and trading everybody and shoot that that’s for starters shoot man yeah I mean is that the result of a GM like did we pay the wrong people like let let’s get into it right because this I look I’m ATL down I’m ATL all day I really want to fix my Hawks not that they care what I think or should care but just for the S of discussion just for the shake sake of discussion what the hell happened like did we pay the wrong guys did were we wrong in paying uh Hunter were we wrong in playing John who’ we trade to Utah John umns was was that a bad deal like have we deal I I didn’t I didn’t agree with trading Kevin herder but did you got did you guys agree with the contract that we got like like let’s get into that because Smitty talked about you got to spend the money but you also have to spend the money in the right way you some payers some players oh my God I can’t talk some players you pay some you let go right we jumped the gun brother we jumped the this is just my personal opinion on what should have happened okay what should have happen all right so all right boom so we get eliminated by the books yeah every everybody should have been on the trade block except for Trey young everybody should have been open for it but instead what we did was we paid everybody a lot of those guys like okay like Kevin herder okay I understand you know what get got Kevin herder paid though that game seven against Philly I’m telling you if he does not have that game I don’t think he gets paid but he had that game and he Contin and honestly he had a decent playoffs period like like period that now where he’s gone since then I mean I guess he’s fell off a cliff because I haven’t heard too much about him you know out there in s Sacramento this year so I don’t know what happened with that but for me I just wouldn’t have paid everybody a lot of these guys you know we were seeing how the team clicked together in this kind of run I think the front office just jumped the gun and was like Hey we’re here this is the the team that that can compete instead of going to see if they can run it back to just see if this was just a mirage or you know just Foods gold they they pay we heard that story before Chris yeah that story before with the Atlanta Falcons yeah bro come on now so I mean that just some I don’t know what it is uh sometimes you know sometime you can just overthink things and most of the time that’s what the Hawks do because I told people do not pay John Collins try to get rid of him I don’t care if you have to trade it for a sixpack of Coke and a pack of funion let him go because he just not that dude and you pay him $25 million a year it was it was a bad deal I wouldn’t have gave him the contract I’m sorry I just wouldn’t have done it I just wouldn’t have done it just because the long-term solution we’ve already seen that it’s times where John Collins you know doesn’t show up for you for for the contract that you give him he still didn’t show up the next thing you know he had the finger and honestly after that finger after that finger got all swo up in what it is and started affecting his shot I feel like it really started affecting his shot I feel like he started making he was knocking down more threes more jump shots period before he got that um um I forgot what it was exactly called but you know how how swollen his finger was when he had the fracture and everything and after that and uh I think if I’m not mistaken his finger is still a little swollen a little bit from that so it hasn’t even fully healed properly and I feel like that affected his shot which made his percentages go down as well but ultimately I’ll come back to it again Trey was on fire he did his thing he led us of course he should be uh there but it’s other guys that you know you prioritize and the other guys that you paid then you ship them off because you’re trying to stay up underneath the cap if if you’re trying to stay underneath the cap from the get-go and why are you paying all these guys anyway instead of just seeing what they have you know and then you also gotta question their moves anyway just because of what’s going on in the facility talking about State Farm Arena guys it feels more like a club scene in there than actual basketball environment you know you can I’ve seen couples I’ve seen groups of people come and celebrate in the State Farm Arena and not even be paying the any attention just because it is that club environment there not even sitting down some would say Chris not to cut you off if you if if you put a winning franchise in front of them they they’ll they’ll pay attention right if if you start to win like if if you build a day will come if you start to win right but I hear you and I and I and I I think that is a byproduct of we’re not winning so we’re going to let you do this please come because we still need to sell tickets right but and I’m not saying right that’s why that X also feeds the narrative though about Trey young being a a meal ticket in a way just an entertainment piece and anything that comes down here to you just doing it for entertainment just to get butts in the seat but you’re not necessarily trying to win which could go back to what Bill Duffy could possibly be saying to his client Alex s hey man you’re just gonna be a part of that circus we don’t want you part of that we want you part of some real development yeah the Wizards may be further down the road than where the Hawks are but if you go to Atlanta it’s going to be a lot of pressure on you uh to to compete to Aid this team that’s uh uh desperately trying to get back to the playoffs desperately trying to get back to being relevant it’s GNA be more pressure on you if you come to our Wizards it won’t be as much pressure you get the proper development and you won’t be rushed but to me all all that is is just still running from the grind if you don’t come to it if you let somebody else run you off from Atlanta he’ be running from the grind okay um Mark what what are what are your thoughts on it yeah I mean definitely agree I think we had some um man we just gave out some bad contracts you know they came up at at at bad times the the guys perform well during their contract year they got their bag and then they forgot how to dribble you know they forgot how to play um so I think that’s kind of what we saw but kind of going to a1’s Point uh I think there’s an understanding and people are are hearing around the league of how our ownership works I don’t think we have a bad owner but I think how he operates can scare people off we gota remember Travis slank quit I mean he built a solid team and quit and so kind of like uh I think Chris said this you know traps is probably letting people know around the league people are probably calling hey what’s going on in Atlanta like was your last work experience like how was it working you know in Atlanta and Travis probably kept it real like hey you know it a good opportunity but they got a teenager you know they got a young man running the team you know they got they got the owner son running the team yeah didn’t didn’t his son make the suggestion to trade herder while while uh link was still there where clink whatever his name is um well you know he he definitely pushed the narrative well he it it’s rumored that Trey wanted deante and it’s rumored that he like made sure that it happened you know like oh schlank was like no let’s not give up this draft Capital yes he’s an allar yes he’s a great player but let’s just look elsewhere and try to see what other deals we can make nah n it’s okay Travis and as a matter of fact uh while you at it you can go ahead and uh head on out the door if you want to because we gonna go ahead and make this trade we know don’t like it we don’t want any kind of bad blood between us and you so we’re going to give you your Walking Papers you can go about your business sir and we’re gonna go ahead and uh make this trade and you’re still not gonna never get that value back regardless yeah no no you you said we traded five second round picks for him right no that’s for Sadi Bon yeah that was for b b we traded three first rounds for uh dejonte muray okay damn we don’t have damn right wow I think a lot of it too was um the Luca trade I think that’s kind of when it starts you know we’ve all worked somewhere where your manager might do something but you know you kind of brush it to the side or you might say okay well you’re you’re my boss and uh you know Mark cuman he’s made it very clear that the trade wasn’t going to happen until he called the owner himself said yo let’s do a deal together and that’s how the Luca trade happened so I’m sure Travis a lot of people know like how he felt about that it don’t make it any better that I think it’s safe to say that Luca was probably the better player even though we did get Trey young and a pick um that can’t be forgotten in the trade but again when you combine all these things I think it does go back into um you know what Chris was saying with you know Bill Duffy like I think there’s there’s you know a big narrative around our ownership and how we operate and if I can pick somewhere else and kind of like I think Chris said this or maybe U Smitty said this you know you got less pressure in Washington yeah in Washington yeah you know for a year and they’ll let you figure it out they let you figure it out Atlanta you could bring him on slowly in a way compared to in a way like we would kind of need him to kind of develop a little bit more quickly just because we would need his perimeter defense his you know his allaround abilities his attributes we would need it on the court and we would need it soon so you know I can understand why raset or kingan can now be the favorite because it’s a lot of stuff that’s going on and I don’t know if our front office namely Landry Fields necessarily has the ga the stones the coones to just still take SAR anyway me I’m taking SAR and we gonna figure it out from there but one they do one thing I feel like they could do to turn this thing around um make a trade with Washington see what they’ll give you for the number one pick you just move down one spot if you’re not gonna trade s get something out of it here they they want Jordan P gone KY kman wants out if you can get one of those veteran players along with that number two pick I said he’ll go for it because at the end of the day you still need veterans I’m just saying they want him out you could trade for him and then send them off somewhere else and get more draft picks even second round picks so it’s a way to work around is if s doesn’t want to come here hey use it to your advantage move down one spot get some players and some picks and try to recoup some of that what you lost for the jont Murray and sadique Bay so that would be another way I would look at it but I and see what but I think I think that’s what they’re trying to do Smitty I think they’re trying to save face because there’s been reports that okay well you know he hasn’t worked out here but you know we still like him you know we still watch this film we still seen him up close we still like him and they’re they’re trying to throw that out there so they could still trade the pick because as of now people are saying well we know stting going to Atlanta so that’s how people feeling so that’s what I’m saying the best thing you could do as an organization now if I’m the is still entertain hey we will still draft this guy you know we still want to you know get him if you want him you got to come up and get him you know because otherwise he won’t be available at two I think that’s the best thing we can do but but the reality is we can’t draft him at this point we cannot draft him honestly I feel like every team knows this now I think team around they like y’all not draft him y’all bluffing he’s in Atlanta right now and he refuses he has not worked out with the team Mark he he’s been here the last two years right and still haven’t done anything with the Hawks he without talking to Duffy he’s probably actually he’s actually probably played pickup ball some of the Hawks players just think about that so if you’ve been around this city for two years and you don’t want to play here that’s that can only be the agent because what do you really know about the city outside of the financial ramifications yeah you know about moving around the city you know where everything is but you don’t want to play here oh yeah somebody’s in if it isn’t his agent it’s his parents or somebody or his friend or somebody so um yeah yeah just use it to your advantage and if you think cinton can fall down to number four he go get the two picks from the Spurs and just rebuild from that point and there actually three centers in this draft another kid from Serbia that nobody’s talking about um that probably end up in the middle to the bottom of the first round so um yeah use it to your advantage so guys um you know we we we brought up some topics and and and and especially what Mark alluded to like it it’s really got me thinking it feels like the Hawks are kind of run like the Cowboys in that you have a coach and a GM but we ultimately know where the power rest and you know if a Coach or a GM pisses off the player well I’m just gonna go to Daddy I’m just gonna tell Daddy and and and so so guys here here’s my question right the Cowboys have not won a championships since Jimmy Johnson we all know that he and Jerry Jones fell out they’ve buried the hatchet since then if what we’ve alluded to which is owners and owner sons making deals above and over the head of GMS is this a healthy franchise C can we can we continue to operate this way this bro I think the Cowboys are too good for the Atlanta Hawks and I hate that that pains my heart to even say that but I’m gonna edit that out of the way Cowboys and yeah I’m gonna edit that comment I’m I’m gonna I’m just hey man I’m just saying from the things that’s been going on first of all first of all at least they got some championships the last thing that I heard of about the Atlanta Hawks happening in St Louis it didn’t even happen in Atlanta for us damn so that’s so let’s start there wow then on top of that I feel like Atlanta Atlanta more feels like almost like aew o over over the Dallas Cowboys for those who watch aew and knows what’s going on with them and how the Sun is running that and all stuff like that I would feel more more going that way than than the Cowboys because damn oh boy yeah yeah my bad y’all I don’t mean to be like God damn I don’t trust me I ain’t trying to give no credit to the Cowboys nobody nothing 15 yard penalty on Chris I’m telling you bro that’s just how I’m just letting you know that’s just how bad the bad thing about it Clippers in the Minnesota timber wvs have been more relevant than the Hawks the last five years yeah think about that yeah listen to that yeah listen to that you remember the last time that uh that they that the that the um the Timberwolves made it as far as they did was like 2002 was like 20 years ago yeah that was with K right with them yeah well I mean look we we made an Eastern Conference Final Four whatever years ago I mean it’s not like it’s been 20 years we just kind of fell off we made it with the 60 win team yeah but one thing about it is bro we itching for a finals man regardless of what it is I don’t care what nobody say when Tryon Ste stepped on that referee ankle I I don’t know man I feel like I had I had to go have a good talk with God because I ain’t gonna lie I just felt some things in me that I shouldn’t have felt because we’re just so itching just to get back to the finals we we’re itching to get to a finals I’m sorry y’all two of finals agreed Agreed 100% I I felt look I felt the same way you felt when that happened with Trey I felt that way when that idiot uh delova played football and basically took out Kyle corver and another player and ended out like that pissed me I was never the same after that well no it ended Kyle’s career but the point is why was he not ejected like you could you could clearly see it was intentional like it was you know whatever I’m not bringing up old stuff but but the point is guys how do we fix this how do we fix this how do we as a franchise fix this and do you think this is going to go on with Quinn and and to somebody brought up our our GM I I feel like he’s cute and cuddly and I I don’t I don’t feel like he’s I do I don’t think he has the stones to do it bro I don’t think he’s a push back guy and no disrespect to him he just comes off as a yes man you guys agree or no like what what do you think man the thing about is that’s immediately what I thought as soon as he was hired I was like Landry feels I said you went from Travy to Landry I said yeah you just wanted somebody who wasn’t going to combat you that’s all you wanted that’s exactly what I said and then and um at the same time is just like I as far as like team the team wise and everything like that like I I’m a fan I care about the team I I’m not looking to burn any Bridges but I’m just we’re just having the conversation we’re just pulling out we’re pulling out stuff that anybody pull out you know so everybody on here loves the Hawks everybody on here is from that ATL from day one I I you know we wouldn’t be on the show if we wouldn’t so it’s we obviously we love our team and we’re not being negative but you know sometimes you gotta be a little honest yeah and if he wasn’t a yes man um he would not be here because Bud would have never left he was building the team the way he wanted to and when Bud tried to build the team his way he got ran out of town schlink did the same thing when he tried to build a team the way that he wanted that he felt was the best he got ran out of town so what do you do you go find somebody that’s going to follow every instruction that you get him just like you said like the Dallas Cowboys when Jarry Jones pull a string you go along with it or guess what you ain’t got a job are you gone right so I get my my question is guys do we blow up the team right let’s let’s let’s let’s just put our card no do we blow upow everybody right I don’t even think we as fans to even just go through a rebild right now can you imagine them coming out on draft nut and saying yeah we’re GNA blow this thing up and uh we can expect to not be in the playoffs for at least the next three to four years um y’all come on out and support us now because we’re going to do the best we can what we got for the next three four years you know season tickets uh they’re going up because we’re doing renovations to the stadium though and uh come on bro I don’t want to hear that I don’t want to hear that go ahead Mark I’m sorry go ahead Mark go ahead I GNA say the reality of situation is I mean because I clearly disagree with the Fells at the bottom of the screen I think it is time to blow it up but we’re not in a position we can’t blow it up because we don’t have any pick the next couple Seasons right so we can’t blow it up like again it goes back into how we got into this problem while giving all those bad contracts that’s just where we’re at now it’s like the timing we just been very unfortunate unlucky with injuries with timings with the contracts again think about this thing about how ironic this is we had a 3% chance to get the number one pick we went Against All Odds to get the number one pick in the worst draft class right can we can I save this number one pick for next year flag supposed to be coming out next year and I want to use again the timing you know we’re just very again even when we’re lucky we’re still unlucky like you know even going back to the Easter carus finals run you know I was I was at the game um I guess I had to be what game three when Giannis got hurt and it’s like it’s like here’s our chance and then Trey gets hurt it’s like what the hell like so again man like I think we should blow it up because I think we’re we’re you know we’re approaching that dead end man we got a yeah but but the thing about blowing it up Mark who’s gonna become the face of this team if you blow it up I mean that mean you gotta go out and find another Superstar player that mean you got to go out and spend more money to try to bring another star player here which you can’t do without a star player that’s already here and what you going to do tank like 76 did 10 years ago five five you can’t even do that no more trust the process trust the tanking is not like how it used to be though yeah and and it it look it’s it’s a conundrum because to Mark’s point we don’t have any number one picks for the next what three years that’s what I’m saying two years we don’t have any number two picks so the is there even the third round in the NBA am I no we need we need them to add one so we can get draft we don’t have any right so we can’t we’re we’re literally Chris we talked about this last night we are literally between a rock and a hard place but I think that rock is the bad decision that we made with those contracts yeah and the hard place is we don’t have any picks so if we can’t blow it up guys what can we do can we sign a player that is maybe a three and D that’s a superstar that can help us because our main issue is on the nights we score 130 we give up 140 I we’ve already painted the picture and this is not gonna make y’all feel any better but okay so we have no future draft picks right right nothing worth it so okay we have really no no no real moves to really make in between then you got to think about this okay we want to so now we may need to trade d uh maybe the number one to try to get more picks right but here’s the thing about that here’s the thing about that we still have the same front office in place which means the rest of the league may not even still be a dance partner with you or or give you the value you’re looking for just off of your front office and your face card your face card ain’t solidified and it ain’t good so therefore I may try to lowball you I give you maybe like a first round and maybe like a second round five years from now or something you know just to try you because you you’re you’re you’re not stable you not solidified this really your first time you’ve had a top 10 talking about Landry fields this is your first uh experience of having a top 10 pick you know so let’s see how you do it you’re not an experienced GM you’re not fully respected around the league from what it seems I could be totally wrong I’m just from what from the outside looking in okay so I’m just that’s another problem you have to find what dance partner is gonna give value you want yeah yeah um so we have multiple problems no no no no we got multiple problems I I agree with you 100% I I guess my question is like um Mark let let me ask you this and and I this is for the panel Chris so Chris and I talked last night for about an hour and a half and let me tell you something about this guy Chris is brilliant and now I’m not gonna share everything we talk about we but Chris came up with was some scenarios that I was like damn and one of the things he said that I completely agree with and I’m like why the hell didn’t I think about this is that positive or negative this is a pivotal moment for Atlanta because the world is watching maybe not to the extent that the NFL draft is but the world is watching the Hawks as an organization and to the extent that they get this wrong or poo poo it changes will Happ to be made right so so either way if they get it right if they get it totally wrong where when they were talking about the Falcons and how they were completely yahoos for draft and pennic I think that you had credentials and Personnel in house that said no they know what you know that they’re on the right path I don’t know that we have that as a as as a franchise right so I’m gonna open it up to the com down to trust too Terry right but if if we poo poo this and really look bad right and it’s just a question right I’m not predicting either way we could get it right we could hit a home run if we poooo this do you guys think that changes will be made and when I say changes I just don’t mean GMS I mean do you think ownership will take a look at theirself and say guys we we got to do something our entire to do it if they bring in somebody in this draft that Trey don’t want to play with he’s going to already it’s going to already be a hell on order because guess what he’s seen the Pinnacle of getting all way to the Eastern Conference F and just three years later you mean tell me you can’t put a winning product on the floor your star play is not gonna be happy with that point blank period so if he’s not happy then guess what he asked for a trade you g to blow it up anyway so okay it’s all it’s all in their hands about what Next Step going to be so what you do you go down and they probably already undone it sit down with Trey see which player best fits his style and I know it sound a little selfish from a player perspective but at the same time he Us’s the star player he used to gu his sales tickets so guess what you got to make him happen before you make anybody happen and one thing you better not do you got a superstar in the Megan and jayen Johnson make sure he’s a no trade commodity because if you if somebody talk you out of jayen Johnson the fans gonna be pissed the NBA gonna be laughing and we all gonna be sitting here the next five to 10 years talking about what it could have been is there any scenario any scenario out there that Jaylen Johnson has traded this off season I hope not because you don’t because you don’t have this Hur me out because you don’t have picks you don’t have assets you just don’t don’t don’t and I don’t want to trade Jaylen Johnson okay never in life do I want to I’m put like this Chris I’mma put it like this the only way that would be a thing that crossed my mind if this team was only one play away which is is not it’s not one player away so you do not think about it yeah there definitely no way you move JJ I mean if you ask me the player you move is Trey young man you know I I think oh this chat getting ready to go stupid go ahead Mark I I you you took it there go ahead know I think that’s our out man you know that’s our out and it goes kind of to smit’s point when you sit down with somebody you try to figure out the next move I think you sit down with Quin Snider he’s a guy that’s respected around the league you know Trey Young’s not respected around the league so why would you sit down with a 61 point guard and try to build around continue to build around him versus hey we just got this coach you know we pay him all this money you know sit down with him and figure out you know which direction you want to go um without having Trey Young’s input without having dejonte Murray’s input you know because we saw it last season when Trey young did not play you know we had a solid product on the floor you know so to me that that shows me that Quin Snider is more valuable than Trey Young when it comes to winning in 2024 and and to me like that’s our out you know I’ve been saying it I think if we can come away with some unprotected picks um maybe a role player you know that’s not a bad position to be it but like I think we all agree man we in a funky place man and sometimes when you down bad you got to do things you don’t want to do but okay it’s only temporary and I just don’t see a world again I love me Trey young man I I was on his bandwagon early I don’t see a world where Trey young is the best player on a championship team can y’all really say that confidently that try young will be so good in the playoffs ever again that he would just he’ll be the difference in every series he plays in and again we saw him get exposing against Miami we saw him get exposed um against uh Chicago even though he was injured um but to me he’s not a playoff point guard so this idea that he’s a superstar okay he is a great player but are we confident he’s gonna be a great player in the playoffs do we think he’ll be able to to play defense in the playoffs I I don’t I mean his performances in the playoffs have been think about is every body has off games and everything but if you look at his playoff when he has been in the playoffs even shoot going against Boston the last time you faced them in the playoffs that was Trey young that wasn’t de jonte Murray yeah he helped but that was Trey young you go back to that Milwaukee series before we even got de jante who was that you go back to the the Sixers series even though Trey had a terrible game seven absolutely a atrocious game seven he kept us in that series he ended the Knicks you know I’m saying he had he is the focal point and he is the reason why Miami homed in on him and said if we stop this guy he they have nobody else that we are worried about yeah we get 35 from DeAndre Hunter one game right but you look at the whole makeup Trey is the centerpiece you stop him you stop the Hawks that has just been the the end all and Beall you stopped Trey stop the Hawks how about get some Jokers around him that can do something when he is stopped that’s what they tried to do when they bringing in jeante I mean of course that sounds good but it’s either said than done if if if you had to build a perfect team around Trey young to have success in the playoffs let another team do it is how I see it and with our situation we look at the cap you look at our our picks you know the money coming in money going out to to me it just makes more sense to go on to bite that bullet now because I’mma tell you now try young ain’t gonna play here forever so there’s gonna be a day when Trey young is not here yes so and that’s okay so right again that’s just where I’m at because I think we all agree we go out there and we look like you know we look like would you say Terry boooo then to be traded in and and that’s been my argument with this team over the past couple Seasons not only have we given bad contracts but we waited too long to trade players have this connection to him yes cins yes Kevin herder Kevin herder NE not necessarily but we had to trade Kevin because of the money you know I’m ask this I’mma ask this real quick how many point guards in the league right now that you would say are two-way players or or is like good on defense not point guards not not many I’m just saying outside of Drew holiday outside of Drew holiday name we’re talking about point guards not guys that handle the ball strictly point guard Jimmy’s not a point Jimmy’s a two Jimmy’s always been a two or a three depending Ono decent when it come to two-way play but he’s not a guy that’s going to lock down other yeah lock anybody down so when you when you talk about what they think about is scor and that’s every play on the court that’s why it’s position is a positioning sport now so when you talk about what you gonna get in today’s game if you end up with a guy like DJ on the same in the same back court with Trey a guy who doesn’t play defense you gotta keep them and I agree with Mark if you going to blow it up blow it up now get something for Trey why you can cuz he’s still young cuz guess what when it’s time for that next contract to come you’re not going to be able to afford it and if you do you’re not gonna be able to build around so I agree with Mar blow it up right now that’s that’s the best bet to Chris’s question I think that’s a great question and I think that’s why the Hawks are for are in a position to trade Trey young because you do have a two-way point guard already on your team so it’s not like you have to trade Trey young for someone that could be better than Trey young or someone that could play defense better than him no you trade him for someone that could potentially fit next to DJ right go get you go get you go get your uh you key Wing player or you big man exactly and then and then we we have to consider this more so than anything because we all value Jaylen Johnson we all see his potential now is there not a world where we move Trey young and that can help Propel Jaylen Johnson like are we goingon to sit here and act it’s not like jayen Johnson’s John Collins where he’s dependent off of Trey young J Jaylen Johnson can create himself so I just don’t want to overlook that because we saw it with trayon was hurt yeah guys stepped up guys play better without him yeah now Clint capella okay yeah Clint capella may need a Treyon he does or a playmaker but I’m just saying you look at our roster a lot of guys really don’t need Trey young you know but Trey young needs them you know so that’s kind you know well you know Trey as a offensive player Trey doesn’t need any of them Trey can generate his off he doesn’t and it’s probably only 20% in the league Max that can legit stay in front of Trey one on-one gam getting stats guys agree with you both even winning games I I agree with you both but here’s where and I’m trying to be fair uh Mark to Chris’s Point playoff tray is phenomenal or was phenomenal playoff trade was phenomenal but it seems like here lately because the thing about Troff playoff Trey playoff Trey ignited others so when Trey started to started to play that way they did meaning his counterparts his teammates they raise their their their play but here lately it’s like I’m not seeing that as a unit on the Hawks Trey will come out and go off but the team does not raise their energy right I I think we can agree on that also to me it seems like Trey’s three-point shooting has declined in recent years it if we’re being fair about it if we’re also being fair Chris you and I talked about this and Mark you and I talked about this I think the Hawks were right at 500 without Trey last year right they were without we did not have a winning record without him regardless we we were 12 11 without him yeah we were 12 and 11 without him we had a losing record I’m I’m not laying it at his I’m not laying it as his At His Feet I love Trey but I’m I’m being honest I’m being honest something is off with the chemistry let’s not forget Jaylen Johnson missed what 20 games was it two games he did that’s what I’m saying like it’s we have to also factor that fact that we’re not having our guys all the time I know what that offi is with Terry is talking about that off is exactly what I said earlier not another Superstar player sometime when you have a superstar player you need that Superstar tiing around you look at uh Penny Hardway and Shaq well let’s put it like this look at Shaq in both of the situation that he was in in Orlando he had Penny Hardway he had to have another Superstar but they put a solid role players like Nick Anderson Dennis Scott hell even um horris Grant when he got there uh you look at the Lakers Kobe and Sh was the one of the best Duos of all time and that 2001 team had good great players on it but a lot of them were way past their Prime so what you will have to do is go out for trade go get another Superstar player like I’ve been saying and you have to go out and get solid veteran role players because one thing about it we’ve seen it and you said it it was a perfect example last year they played better with our Trey young so what is tell you I don’t know he’s not a quen SN guy he’s not a quen Snider guy okay I mean but this is what his third head coach now yeah it’s like all right come on now right what’s the common denominator what what’s the common denominator here Tre young is yeah and look I love Trey let me tell you something Trey is electric and Trey wants to win but guys and I’m I’m I’m gonna be real with you I’m about to pull up my old man you know what I mean and put on my Spenders you know my daddy would turn over in his grave you know if you said well let’s go to the player and and there’s nothing wrong with getting input but when you make a decision based on a player as opposed to the coach I don’t know that and I know it happens but I juste it does right with the LeBron but the LeBron is where it started right there right but LeBron has earned that has Trey young earned that to be honest with you to start it all to start it all uh when it all started I wouldn’t say Braun earned that I just feel like he just kind of just invoked his will he was out of the contract he went where he wanted to go and he started that from there his situation was different from Trey young it’s it’s different when you kind of cajo and manipulate a team then when a coach comes to you and says we’re going to make this decision based over you bump the coach that’s a little different right yeah so so and and in order to do that in my humble opinion you need to have at least a couple of rings you need to be well on your way to the hall of fame you need to be Shifting the American culture if you going to make a decision like that right let’s go to the 91 Bulls are you GNA go ask horis grant that question hell no you might ask Michael Jordan you’re not gonna ask har and haris Grant is a great player but he does not have ter in they situation they had a great GM that didn’t give a damn with nobody said agreed had input agreed Jordan had input but but that second time around when they went and got Dennis Rodman Jordan did not have really any input Jerry cross know that team needed a guy a spark plug type of guy on the Dennis Rob that could also get into the mind of the other team um and just be a game changer and I saw an interview not too long ago when uh someone said it wasn’t Jordan that took us out it was robman that took us out I think it was Sean Kim say robman was the key Drive behind that 72 and 10 team so sometime you just need guys with a little Scrooge loose and that’s for I’m say you think about that run for 20121 think of the some of the guys that we did have like The Gallows and the and the Solomon Hills you know guys who would you know fight for you and R and getting rough up for you and all that stuff like we don’t have guys like that either no more you know some of those guys who will get in there and get in the face of others and uh you know say just just do just do uh Dirty Work we don’t have dirty work we had guys like that on that 98 team we had guys like Allan Henderson we had guys like Tyrone Corbin Y tyone when you get guys like that man that’s what boost the team’s um ego that helps you know drive a team get some guys who has that wacko me mental and it’ll push your team but we don’t have nobody on this team like that and to be honest those guys really don’t exist no more except for Patrick Beverly that’s and after throwing the ball at that fan he might be on his way out you guys see what uh the Dixon way said the comic denominator is this horrible ownership I’m gonna leave that right there I didn’t say it I’m but I I leave it right there hor man we all know that though that that that’s a giv what you say Mark I don’t know if it’s horrible man like I said I feel we’ve had some bad timing um you know granted is it are they operating you know how a basketball team should be operated maybe not I don’t think we have horrible ownership I mean you know Chris talked about Atlanta being the Atlanta Hawks games being a clut atmosphere well that was something I appreciated like I remember when I was living in Atlanta I used to tell people all the time the best ticket in Atlanta is a Hawks game wonder they cheaper but it’s a great experience I used to beat that horse so much in that same season the Hawks came out or the NBA came out and they ranked the Hawks the number number one team with Fan Experience so again like they’re doing some positive things you know they talk we talk about they’re not spending the money well they they they gave Kevin the bag they gave JC the bag you know we can’t forget we we we continue to praise Trey young for the 2021 run but then we don’t give any praise to ownership for the 2021 run that’s a good point that’s a good point I’m not I’m not taking away from what happened in 2020 I’m saying after the playoff run if you notice that’s where I started I started after we were eliminated and it just went down here from there for me and for me brother I’m I’m not trying to be like that because I love the environment of State Farm Arena as well but I I can give two two two red sents about having the number one player Fan Experience and all that stuff like that because at the end of the day I still don’t have no no no trophy no no no Hardware nothing of that where does that get us by having the number one fan experience where does that get us please tell me that I mean you again it’s just it’s just to touch on Larry’s topic um as far as it being a horrible manage horrible ownership being a common denominator I I I just feel like it’s it’s a little bad luck here and there at the end of the day only one team wins a championship um and I think again we this is the year I think you said this Terry this is the year where all eyes are on us we have the opportunity to kill every narrative and I think that’s probably the solution is that we got to just hit a home run with this number one pick whether we trade it we pick a player if we do that we should that H should help us move in the right direction but agre I mean again there’s so many moving Parts when we look at this um ownership and to hire a Travis slank to hire a qu Snider you have Trey Young on your roster you got DJ on your roster there’s pieces here and when you look at Detroit I you gotta think about Detroit Detroit set the record well no they tied the record for most consecutive losses in a season and they still didn’t end up with the first pick they lost what like 30 games in a row 21 some some crazy number in a row and they still didn’t end it with the number one pick so imagine how they fans feel you know like it could be worse is all I’m saying it could be worse you got a point you got you got a point um I I guess look I’m I’m not gonna first off you know my my basketball Acumen is is not what any of you illustrious guests are on this panel I watch it I enjoy it but I couldn’t tell you a horrible ownership group from a not so so I’m I’m I don’t know that have the Creole to say they’re horrible what I will say is maybe they made some youthful mistakes being too enthusiastic and trying to make something happen right I’ve owned businesses before I own a business when I was younger I made some mistakes that I wouldn’t make now because I’ve matured and there’s no substitute for experience so maybe in some of their youthful exuberance and when I say youth I mean youth as an ownership group of the h maybe they owned other businesses but this ownership group is what five 10 years no more than 10 years right I think they coming up about it’s a great question I’m G look it up what it was like 2017 was it was it 17 18 I I don’t even know that they’re 10 years old but they’re they’re relatively young yeah because I believe it switched when we remember we was Philips Arena and I believe when we switched everything to State form I believe was all yeah yeah so so so you and again guys you don’t know what you don’t know you know let let’s be real there’s no substitute for experience and maybe some of these mistakes were just I I really want to get this because I I I feel like this group wants to win I’ve I’ve to to to to be respectful and compare I grew up in the Rankin Smith time with the Falcons Ranken didn’t want to win he just wanted to put butts in seats and I think anybody that was alive during that time can say that I think this group wants to win I think they’re just going through Growing Pains now will they ultimately get there don’t know right but I I I do think they want to win and I think a part of being a good ownership team is you got to want to win now you need to listen you need if if you’re gonna hire somebody to do a job you need to listen to them and trust them to do it and get out of the way but as an owner you have to mature to that point because a part of what makes them a part of the reason they got to be owners anyway guess what guys they got their hands in the mud right so now you you you collect all these billions of dollars or however you did it you purchased this franchise and now you’re telling me hands off you get what I’m saying and I’m not excusing it it is what it is I’m not I’m not excusing it I I’m I’m simply saying that you know a as an ownership group people need time to mature now guys with that being said I’m with Smitty you know I’m with Chris I don’t want to wait five years I don’t and maybe I’m maybe I’m spoiled I want to keep doing that bro like I don’t want hey man you hired a guy to help with the salary cap he better a salary cap that’s all I’m saying bro you just hired a guy from Golden State he better be able to salary cap then because right I’m not trying tring to start over and at the end of the day I still have the little just a little bit of ounce of hope that we somehow some way can can stick to this and come out on the other side like Boston just did Tatum and brownan have been in the leag longer than Trey young and just now realizing this how do we do it sh man we gotta start making we gotta start making better moves I’m telling you man after 20 21 playoffs it started there and some people can say it started at the Trey young Luca donic trade if that’s where you want to start from okay fine you know but for me um it started after that 2021 playoffs started to pay people you start to move people you start to uh instead of building the team kind of try to see what all the players wanted to do and making people happy at the end of the day whatever it is I still have to bring it back around to front office because even if you are listening to the players that’s still a decision you decided to make you know because they to day I mean what what the player gonna do say no I don’t want that I don’t wantan I don’t want my input you know a player’s not gonna say that right so for the ownership you still gotta bring everything right back to the ownership right back to the front office these are decisions that y’all are making if you would have came out and said hey y’all we trading Trey young because he is not U aligning with what we want to do and make this a winning franchise I have nothing to say because at the end of the day it’s about the logo but yeah you’re not coming out we can look at our Atlanta falgon and take a book from their page from when they had that $80 million in cap space right sometimes you just got to take it on the chin and try to get up off the campus what I mean by that that’s true you trade Trey young you get at least one solid player back and a number one pick hey that could be putting you in the right direction and you use two picks from this draft to build around Jaylen Johnson and dejonte Murray because you gonna still have those two key pieces to build around so um and de jante is actually cheaper than Trey it gonna always be cheaper than Trey so yeah sometimes you got to cut not a sexy name Shante is not and and I think what we can do ownership included is I think we we need to forget about 202 we need forget about the second half of the 2021 season the faster we do that the faster we can learn and we can grow we gotta remember the first half of that season we were playing like [ __ ] we fired Larry Drew um I not Larry Drew um um Lloyd Pierce yes we we F I don’t know why I mix him up um because Larry Drew was not it but we we fired Lloyd Pierce and then that somehow ignited the team you know we try Rondo we get Lou Will and we had an amazing second half of the season bogy was shooting lights out Trey was playing good we get matched up with the Knicks they was a fluke we get matched up with um the 76ers Ben Simmons forgot how to play basketball and then we get matched up with the Bucks and they just they they kept you know staying in that drop coverage and that’s how Trey got D near 50 game one if we can forget about that little thre Monon period I think we can build this team correctly but our fans ownership they keep going back to that 2021 run and it’s we seen it though Mark we seen it though it’d be different if we didn’t see it we’ seen it I was there I was there I was there a couple games too I I was there matter of fact I bought season tickets for That season before the run so I was optimistic about the team so I get it but what I’m not going to do is continue toh hang on to that one run and say oh Trey young is good in the playoffs because of that one run when we’ve seen evident sense that teams are gonna attack him teams are goingon to run every action towards him they’re gonna probably full court press and again so where’s the rest of the team so where’s the rest of the team but but it’s not but we got to understand it’s conflicting because Trey young is only effective with the ball in his hands so throughout the whole season it’s the Trey young show so when it’s when when it’s the playoffs and it’s time to you know defer and let other guys get in their bag well they don’t know what to do because the whole season they watch Tryon do the pick and roll you know the whole season they watch Tryon shoot 30 35 foot threes so again that’s why it’s conflicting and I think as a Trey young fan it’s probably in his best interest to get a fresh start matter of fact send him to San Antonio send him to a coach that he will respect and that he will have to play assist him because again when we think about Michael Jordan they won a championship not because of Michael Jordan’s greatness it was because of the triangle it was because of the system look look at these names look at these names right here that he just saying we don’t have anything like that you can even forget about the Skyla m in the cam let’s just start with the Chris Dunn Chris Dunn I already know is he five no but he will rough you he’s always into a fight he’s always into something you know say with somebody then you also had um Tony Schnell you also had uh solo you had guys who do dirty work man we don’t have of those Tony I’m talking about guys that’s doing Dirty Work dirty but let’s remember Tony Snell people forget he was shooting what like 55% from three he was he didn’t have to play much he really have to play mucht significant minutes that would not have been like that well no he got hurt he got because I remember a couple of games he won and his playing time was stared to increase and then he got he went out for the season right remember he hit a game winner he did he did from way I’ve always wanted to say that from way down but yeah he did he hit a gamewin after that it was over with then remember we had Rondo to start the season too before we made the trade to get Lou Williams that’s what I’m saying like it was moves that we made you feel me yeah the moves that we made that helped us and catapulted us catapult us to that to that run we haven’t done anything like that lately we we’re not continually making moves the move moves that we’re making are not good moves like outside of okay can we agree to this outside of Trey Young Who earned their contract earned I think JJ probably earned his well I I I projected I’m talk no no no no no no 2021 at the end of that 2021 outside of Trey Young Who earned that their contract like really truly earned it well total body work well we gotta remember Trey young I mean go going into the playoffs he had he had already earned his contract I mean we weren’t gonna let him walk um but no I mean only person I mean JC definitely earned his oh and then Kevin being the longest the longest Tinder maybe at the time Tinder uh Hulk you know maybe maybe JC for that and and and let’s just be be real in the beginning uh JC did average 20 and 10 but when Trey got there we already know that that changed but at the end of the day man who earned it who earned it I mean nobody I mean I mean I like I’m not gonna even say Trey young earned his I mean he he was the number one pick he was traded for Luca so off top he already had equity in the 10 he was always going to get his next contract I mean not always but I’m just saying say no you can’t say that because just said million no no no I’m talking about the the number they got I’m not talking about did they earn the next contract I’m talking about you think Tryon worth 50 million do I think he’s worth oh he’s talking about his next contract that’s coming up is he worth that no talking about now this season he makes what 45 this season or he’s gonna be like 42 but that’s what I’m saying is Tryon worth that much money who just got a contract somebody got a contract the other day four years it was seum and I think SE 47 million because we talked about that last night I think it’s 47 million a year right so in in terms of seum making 47 Trey at 50 what do we think Smith what what do you think they comparable you think Trey’s worth 50 million oh and my and yes my mistake about that too yeah Jon’s numbers definitely changed when compella got here for sure John was just the number one guy before Trey got here and that and that and that was the crazy part if you got a guy that you think can take over at the five and John Collins why go out and get a Clint compeller who cannot shoot uh M range shots he can only put back tip backs and rebound and dunk that’s about all he’s a transition player if he’s not in transition he’s he’s a lost cause so you wasting $22 million this year so that’s another person you could trade this year to get those second round picks back so Trey young at 50 million I said no hell no times 10 I’mma agree with Mark and I’mma keep agreeing with markk uh you got to get rid of him right now because in the long run it’s going to help your bottom line and we know how cheap this on is I wouldn’t trust him to buy me uh a laugh taic stick at the candy lady he just that cheat hey man my man if you blow it up if you blow it up all I’m saying is you better have a plan in place because if you don’t get ready for the next but they don’t have to completely blow up everything just get rid of that Trey young contract keep um deante keep yep keep deante keep Jaylen build around those two guys and you get off DeAndre Hunter contract try to do that as well I’d love to do that let me ask yall this what would you rather trade the number one pick or Trey young uh Wednesday on on Wednesday so we ain’t made no other moves what would you if someone called what would you rather do back for Tre it depend on what we get back for Trey if they don’t give us a a a trade package that’s going to move the team in another Direction um and I don’t think no player in this draft can do that um you got to keep trade but at the same time if you can whip some up where you get multiple picks and a solid player return I would definitely think about trade and trade right because you might lose them anyway thing about it too though these contracts are only going to keep getting bigger and bigger too though yeah so much more more TV deals and everything we’re talking about tradem 42 this year just imagine what it’s going to look like in five years this is go you’re gonna be wishing you were paying a player 42 million you know what I’m saying you got guys that’s about to be averaging 55 million you know 60 million 70 million you know said eventually you’re going to have a guy that’s gonna making straight up 100 million that’s not named LeBron KD or etc etc just because of the how the contracts are going and how the deals are getting done now but I mean I guess to me it’s less about the number it’s more about the percentage so Trey young is making next season he’ll make 29% of our available cat space yeah because like you said the numbers are gonna go up so you think Trey young is worth a third of our salary capap no no I don’t because because with the team that we have in place now we’re not going to do it anyway you know what I mean I’m not looking at the money I’m looking at the structure of the team right exactly I don’t care nothing about the money because like y’all said you gonna get paid anyway and like Uncle Steve said you gonna get paid anyway it’s about to structure this team is there anybody outside of Trey Young on this team that can help carry this team to a deep playoff run I say no no and the only way the only way you can fix that is probably send off your top player and I hate to say that because I remember so uh it’s not our fault it’s not our fault you got man that salary cap better start salary capping bro that’s all I me you that’s all I got say I right and I think Mark is on to something right guys and I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna put on my nerd hat here for a second uh excuse me but I think what he’s saying is if you’re gonna take up 29% of the salary cap you better damn well be impactful we better lose like hell without you we need more of and I’m not putting it on him per se but I’m saying if we’re gonna pay you at that rate and you’re taking up 29% of our salary cap we need more we need more we need morees we need more we need and we’re not getting that because in my humble opinion I think Trey’s on the decline if you if if you look at his three-point shooting specifically it’s about at a 10% clip lower than it was three four years ago Terry 10% I’m just being honest man that’s you you mean a tenth I mean look at look okay look at his three-point percentage from 18 to 21 and then look at his three-point percentage from 22 to 24 I’m gonna at least say it’s it’s five to seven per it might not be 10 okay no no no I got it for you right here 3% I think he got for you right here in 2019 he was at 32% 2020 36 21 he was at 34 20 uh no uh 2021 then the 2021 22 season he was at 38% um the following year he was at 33 last year he went back up to 37 damn so I mean now I know now the beginning of that year he was pretty pretty bad but by the end of the year he ended with 37.3% from the three that’s not bad but he’s he’s streak you know what then I’m wrong but he’s to me it’s like he’s very streaky number one he can go on high streaks he can go on cold streaks but number two it’s like the team just stopped responding to him he doesn’t he he does not Elevate the play of his teammates and again if I’m paying you 29% it’s not enough for you to just go out there and shoot it’s not enough for you to just go out and score you need to elevate the play of those around you if I’m going to pay you at that rate and that’s just me right right that’s just me because I’m telling you it doesn’t look like getting any better you say what no I just say and I just want to put out there in all fairness Trey only played 54 games last year but he still averaged 37.3 from the three just wanted to be fair about that as well yeah yeah that’s not bad yeah yeah cuz yeah I feel like he had a career year for the most part like numbers wise he did steals steals 1.3 assist 10.8 um let me see no not in rebounds field goal percentage 43% which is the highest since uh the that uh playoff run that we’re that we’re hanging on to when he had 46% for that year uh because the you know so uh what it is his point total did go down 25.7 compared to 6.2 the previous year and of course that playoff run he had he was averaging 28.4 still about right the same amount of minutes honestly he’s played more minutes than he’s ever has in his career last year Dam Uncle Steve made my point for me though just like I said earlier he’s got to have a star player beside him because who else is out there scoring jacking up buckets outside the tree that’s why he needs a superstar big man not just a superstar guy Superstar big man to man the middle and you know protect the rim if he don’t get that he what good is he can’t do it by itself so is there a world where y’all think we could draft SAR or draft whoever oh go ahead sorry or draft whoever but but well I guess I was saying Sor mainly because you you you pick him to them maybe you pack it well I guess we can’t trade SAR and Clint in the same package but I guess I’m just trying I’m trying to figure out a world where we could get back that Center that we we all agree he needs you know is there a center available is there a star available and I just don’t see one available I know Paul George is a free agent but he ain’t coming to no damn Atlanta we all know that does he stay healthy does he stay healthy enough to sign at this point that’s that’s the other problem though guys the available Avail the available free agents and the availability of those free agents that’s what I’m trying to get out yeah so yeah that that’s the problem who’s available you look at the free agent list that Smitty had brought up yesterday um you look at the free agent list it’s not a sexy list you know and some of those guys are probably going to go back or go to other teams I mean you got o have already right you gotta got OG and noi the starting bid for him is rumored to be 35 Mill that’s a two-way player but you’re gonna have to pay him Brandon Ingram 52 million that’s what saying I pay OG before I pay Brandon my personal opinion nobody shoot okay um so if if we were to go out and get OG what what’s it going to take and who do we have to get rid of cuz obviously we G have to move some contracts who would we have to get rid of and then could we get rid figure out who I’m trying to figure out if you do that I’m trying to figure out who can I bribe to take some of these contracts good gotta find dance partner I think somebody but that’s the thing with Clint we probably got a Dan near trade a pick with Clint for got it we ain’t got it Mark I’m glad you said that because I was about to go to that point next you can but they G at least the team gonna want a pick or something back for it we got man we we all know you know Atlanta is a city of finesse but one thing’s for sure is for us to get better Landry is gonna have to get finessed like he’s gonna he’s and he’s a a young uh JM he’s gonna have to get same thing with John Collins trade I think that’s this is the only way we’ll move forward and I don’t know if Landry or ownership or fan base is ready to accept that we’re going to have to dump salaries we’re gonna have to do stuff we don’t like to get better that’s just the reality and crazy crazy side note they tried to trade John Collins for Lauren marketing two years ago and fell through at the end so um that would have been a nice move because um I love the way ginar fit in his offense when he was here a 16 and guy that can uh shoot from the wing and open up the middle of the floor for the uh for a compellor yeah he was he marketing would have done the same thing so they tried to make that trade two years ago but it fell through all right guys so do do we do we trade so I guess the general consensus is we don’t trade Trey or we have no choice like where are we I don’t think you trade them but if you do I understand why you do I guess because you’re you’re working toward trying to uh not necessarily blow it up but move into a different direction I still think um I still think Trey even if he’s not your best player I still think you know his capabilities and abilities will help you win a championship as long as you build things correctly uh things just haven’t been built correctly um to be honest with you I don’t think we should blow it up a lot of this a lot of people on this team I believe are still going to be on this team um for chemistry purposes and because you know when you start moving people around you do have to worry about the chemistry something that’s very underrated in sports so you start moving all these pieces around moving guys around getting rid of guys for whatever reason uh you still may be hurt on the back end anyway um Jaylen Johnson Trey young I definitely believe you can build around those two pieces if DJ can come along and help out uh along with that then so be it but I I just cannot go through the start and over process because guys I’m telling you I feel like if we mess around and blow this up to start over I feel like we’re gonna go through the same years that we were going through trying to figure it out after Lenny Wilkins left that’s just how I feel bro I just how I feel long look I what do history like to do though family I agree thing about is if you got Jack legs not doing the right things what’s history going to do oh agree yeah I agree and and and to Dixon W guys first thing I said my my basketball acument is not great so I apologize for the error he still seems like he’s declining but apparently I need to check the STA before I do that so I apologize you know we got you back we got apologize right hey look I just I wanted to have the conversation I’m a fan I I don’t have the basketball knowhow that all of you guys do apparently so hey I don’t either I don’t either I ain’t football all the way that’s why I have this panel of stars so go ahead but Terry to your point okay statistically okay trayon had a career year he’s out there in the passing Lane he’s getting steals statistically he had a better year but we still aren’t winning so I can I can I can see from uh um a Atlanta sports fans perspective when you’re just observing from afar how you can say oh Trey young is not having a good season because we’re we’re literally losing more games every season whether it’s his fault or not so to your point I mean he’s not he his statistics haven’t declined but I will go on a limb I’ll go against Larry I’ll go against I’ll go against anybody that his play style is declining because in 2021 when he was most effective he was most effective he was so deadly in the playoffs because he kept getting a foot in the paint that floater was deadly then it was so deadly that you didn’t know if he was doing a floater or or Aly and he still has it in his bag but I’m just saying I mean you put the statistics his his uh his field goal percentage is at 43% and to me it should not be that low when you were at 46% three years ago if anything you should be hovering right at 46 getting poos to yeah so we gonna forget that DJ came to the team too no I don’t Chris the team’s getting better I’mma go through the attempts for you then I’m g go through the attempts hold on I got but but if if if s is not your if SAR is not your guy anymore um and like I said I’m not a clinging fan and I understand if they took him but then my my thought shift to Rich sh and that’s because you talk about a guy uh that’s a talent who can uh he can he’s a three- level guy he can play decent defense he can bring the ball up to court and he can rebound pretty good so that should be your focus and then after that you go out and get a veteran big man until you go out and find a younger big guy uh you probably can get a James wisman down the road you probably could uh go out and get a vich or um valent chunis veteran big man yeah to uh cover that until you get somebody younger but there is always way and I think like I said with these three key guys add another piece to those uh three guys and whatever you gonna do with Hunter You Gonna Do With It uh but just make sure you don’t trade JJ make sure you don’t um fumble young because that’s exactly what’s going to happen down the road Bo I think yeah I don’t you so what yeah I’m doing all that right now okay okay doing all that right now they got it going by season by season it just seems like they stopped responding right it it’s and and and and hey again and I don’t know what it is but there’s something missing there’s a big difference between 2024 and the 2021 Hawks and I don’t know what that is okay but even the way that they play it’s not as passionate they just don’t respond go ahead Chris what you got I’m sorry oh no no I just but I was waiting for you to finish and then I just go and say about the attempts all right so the playoff run from uh from 2021 Trey young had over, 1500 and to be exact he had 1,544 attempts from the field that entire year at 46% right all right let’s go to the year let’s go to uh last year last year he had 1,8 attempts 1,8 attempts now mind you he the only played 54 games I know he played more games in that uh like about 73 or something like that in that 2021 season but that’s significant bro that’s a lot of attempts that you’re not getting anymore 1,544 to cut and getting it cut down to just 1,8 but that was in 20 games that that was in 20 less games right that was in 20 less games so he played 73 he played 73 right um because 21 that was a short in season wasn’t it no no no no no no no uhuh not not that not that playoff we were back we were back fans he getting spit on and everything we had fans again well well yeah we had fans like the second half of the season but I’m just saying that 2021 season that wasn’t a 72 Game season to you right now dang it hold on make sure I got but but either way I mean he played less games excuse me it was uh he played he played 76 total games that year he played 54 last year and he play I’m yeah 54 this previous year and the year when we first got DJ it was 73 and even I I’ll go back to the attempts for uh for that one for that one for just for that year let’s see it just seems like I I think his efficiency is is something that hasn’t improved over since he had less shots this year and was more efficient than he was when DJ first got here well it looks like I totally read that wrong so I’m not gonna make any more try suggestions because it looks like hey looks like I totally got that wrong but still guys so so what’s the disconnect like what’s the difference you know 2021 we go to the playoffs we go on this miraculous run what’s the difference between that team and the fact that we can’t we got get in on the play in like what did the league adjust to us like what happened what what are we missing Terry this is what happened as a as a as a Hawks fan but an observer of the NBA team slept on us Man team slept on us like that was it and then we saw it the next season when we faced against Miami they were like we’re not gonna play with y’all we couldn’t do nothing try young couldn’t get the ball across half court so I think that’s what it was man we were a young hungry team um you know like Chris was saying we were starting to let fans back into the building so there was a lot of excitement closer we got to April closer we got to uh the playoffs and then you gota think it was Co like that like that was just like a very unique Sports year for a lot of teams that a couple months before the Lakers won the championship in the bubble and then we didn’t see the same Lakers team you know the Hawks make a a run in the Easter confus finals we haven’t seen nothing since so I think that’s what it was man we caught a lot of a lot of teams took us for granted a lot of teams underestimated Trey young we gotta remember the New York Nick fan base they under underestimated Trey young and man we just caught team sleeping man and Kevin herder came out of nowhere you know John Collins and Y like it it was just a magical year man yeah it was very nice year yeah man uh not even gon to lie to y’all fellas this has been great right here but I have to uh I have to depart have to depart man gotta got some other things gota get ready for and also we also have a show tonight man um uh me Smitty and gonna be sitting down with Mr Glenn Willis of peach tree hoops and ATL and 29 gonna have some interesting HW conversation with him man we’re going to bring up some of these topics and pick his brain and uh you follow Glenn on Twitter you know that Glenn normally likes to keep it real about the Atlanta Hawks so it’s going to be interesting conversation make sure to join us around 8 o’clock pm for that conversation this evening okay all right well gentlemen before I get out of here man I gotta say thank you Terry for having me on man uh oh yeah really I really appreciate it man and uh Mark be have you thinking boy because uh my brain over here straining but uh the best way to turn around man is uh to make make make this make this make Wednesday this draft make it your turnaround point I I mean by that I hope so if you can’t go get the guy that you want go get a guy that’s gonna make a difference because if you don’t get a guy that makes a difference you just wasting your time just that simple that’s it all right well guys man this was a healthy conversation though man I enjoyed this thing talking with I hope so I hope so and and look guys maybe we can do it again on another topic I just I felt like when I saw that comment about s not W to come into the Hawks I love my Hawks and it it offended the hell out of me and I’m like we got to talk about that oh yeah we got we we gota you know this is ATL this is Atlanta this is my home what the hell do you mean you don’t want to you know I I felt some kind of way about it so I want to talk about you know you know how young people live man they got to go with the flow that’s all I I get I I get it I look I just I wanted my friends uh my colleagues my respected colleagues to come on here and just just talk about it man and um I think we did that I think it was a productive conversation so guys uh you know we we’re the shout outs part of it if you guys can just say where you are where folks can find you that’d be great uh Chris my brother will start with you go right ahead shout out oh man well well you can come on to uh YouTube and find me at A1 forever Sports um we’re now we are trying to cross the 850 subscribers Mark um you know on the road to 1K and Beyond so come on over man we believed in being generational because it’s always time to be and there’s no point in selling for Less when you can always have more with the vision and I encourage you if you haven’t already done it make sure you find your piece today because positive energy always creates elevation that’s how you find your peace today you dig so um anytime that you guys can man come on over to A1 forever Sports love to chop it over with each and every one of you um it’s all love for Hawks fans Falcons fans bravs fans dogs fans shoot I’m originally from Georgia so I’m everything Georgia including even Georgia State and Georgia Southern so hey man it’s just I love I love my city I love I love the A and that’s just what it is and that’s what it comes down to it I’ll talk about other subjects but first and foremost is always going to be Atlanta all right hey man look I can’t follow behind with Chris said but me man uh Smitty Sports machine on YouTube uh and Fatboy slam _ 21 on Twitter man I love to blow Twitter up and trust me we have a blast on Twitter because uh we always up there cooking up some and that’s how we come up with a lot of our ideas but um tonight like Chris said catches at 8 o00 man we’re GNA talk some more hot basketball and trust me um Glenn not gonna hold back and that’s what you love about him oh yeah oh yeah we definitely gonna get his thoughts man we gonna let him kind of you know saying come in we gonna shoot some things at him and see what he thinks and hopefully all you guys can join us and uh you already know if we see some comments that that looking good hey we may even put it up there for for Glenn to answer or one of us may even answer it so just make sure you just come on by man and fellowship with us and hey would love to have you all right Marcus I’m sorry Mark tell us where we can find you man and again congratulations a th Subs man you are doing it big sir you are doing it very big and I just gotta give first off me and Mark had a conversation about a month ago I see he took it to heart hey I got F he growing I got to watch out for him he might catch me hey watch it watch out 10K I just need y’all to not forget about your your you know your little older brother you know down here struggling so you know hey whatever what what whatever we can do man no I’m kidding go ahead Mark yeah no I mean I appreciate y’all man you know obviously I couldn’t have got there without you all you know you know it helps when I I could pop out you know on on Smitty T K’s channel here and there so you know you know you know you got to keep it real so appreciate you all man appreciate you Terry and I just want to throw this out there for Terry I know the guys at the bottom don’t got to go I’m in no rush I don’t know if you have more questions you want to continue with okay that’ll be great that’ll be great I’ll keep it streaming on my channel you know I ain’t I ain’t tripping all right yeah it’ll stay on my channel too so you’ll get my uh views still get my viewers here gentlemen I thank you I appreciate that thank you for your time and guys you know we we’ll do this again right this won’t be the last time oh so and maybe matter of fact look next week we can talk about what they did you know off talk about how they drafted whether we agree or disagree and still where we going you know what I mean matter of fact hey what next that’s the 31st next next uh Monday we can make an appointment right now man let’s go ahead and do it we’ll talk about it I’ll leave that to you guys but guys thank you so much oh yeah no problem man be with y’all in a minute yes sir peace all right so Mark um you know we we talked about a lot of topics and we covered a lot of topics you know I gotta be honest I really don’t want to blow this thing up I I I just I I don’t want to trust the process I don’t want to sit there for like six or seven years while we suck and you know maybe next year maybe next year I watched the Braves go through that right and I can admit I’m a I’m a little spoiled right the Braves were great from 91 to 2014 then they sucked for four years and then they were great again right so I’m very spoiled I just don’t want to sit through a six-year rebuilding process you know what are we doing where are we going you know what are your thoughts do you think we should blow it up completely or do you think maybe we trade a couple of players and retool instead of rebuild and if that’s the case who do you trade who do you keep who do you pay who do you let go your thoughts hey I’m with you man you know I don’t want to rebuild either man especially man you know like I’ve invested into the team man so obviously it’s only so much but you know I really do like watching good Hawks basketball so you know I don’t want to watch you know don’t just go out there every night and basically try to lose def don’t want to watch some tank um so I think man you know you got you got a couple options right and it’s going to be you going to look at that number one pick you obvious gonna draft the guy you’re gonna trade the pick or you’re gonna trade a player I would just if I was Landry fils and owners show I would entertain every option man okay and I would go from there so it’s easy for us to say right just sitting here but I would I would be very active in the market I would be talking around trying to get an idea of like who’s available okay what would you give me for this pick I’ll just have I’ll be having a lot of conversations I’ll be building Report with a lot of people and I would go from there man like I wish I wish I had one way to do it I know a lot of people may think I want to trade trade I don’t want to trade him but I just think that’s the like he’s the most valuable asset we have right now so um so yeah man like I think I think the word he used was great was retool if we can find a way to retour with either this rookie or by flipping a guy like Clint I would entertain that more than try and Trey young man like that’s not something I’m excited to do that’s not something I want to do yeah all right uh ladies and gentlemen we just had Ron to join our chat Ron how you doing what’s up all right man good good to hear from you so hey I just threw the question out there Ron tell us your thoughts would you would you trade trade do you want to just blow this thing up or you know what are your thoughts would you rather blow it up or would you rather maybe trade a few guys retool this thing have a go at it pay some guys let some guys go what are your thoughts on that my my first thing I would first what can you get for try right we got the thing about that first if I’m a GM I calling everybody around the NBA right now and say what will you give me for trade or or M right and yes we do need pcks but we need players too so if you give me a all star or if you give me two pcks and a allar we did talk oh yeah for sure all right so when you when you say an allar give me an are you talking about a guard are you talking about a big um and and two picks are are these well we only have two rounds right so are these two first are these two first round picks yes of course okay okay so two first round picks and an Allstar um Mark how you feeling about that oh yeah now allar we might have to pull the allstar list cause who are you thinking Ron yeah we to get um Paul George he’s out there we either get be and Brandon Ingram I like Brandon Ingram I like him Paul George to me doesn’t stay healthy enough like he just it’s always something with him but hear me up yeah they both cannot stay healthy right Brandon in been injured a few times at the r injured though huh has Brandon Ingram like missed entire Seasons not a entire season like maybe 20 games 10 games you know what I’m saying we need shots we do need size we do need size and I said it start with the GM it start with the ownership okay that’s first of all okay if you bring me in to be a GM let me cook baby yeah let me cook I agree let me do my job I agree the same thing with Atlanta FS we brought him Terry to be the so he been cooking ever since till he got the title again yeah but he been cooking ever since so M if I’m the HX you bought me in to be the GM let me do my job I agree look I I can’t and I and I think that’s a large part of the issue with the Hawks is you got to trust the people you bring in I I think we can we can all agree to that and I agree with that wholeheartedly now will they do it I don’t know but I think that you have a solid Point Ron and that if we’re going to get anywhere first off we got to have trust in the organization right if if if let let’s say you know Mark is the president and uh Ron you’re the salary cap guy and uh no Mark’s the owner uh you’re the salary cap guy and I’m the GM and if Mark keeps undercutting me going behind my back that’s going to piss me off right and it’s and it’s going to breed a certain amount of distrust so I agree we we that’s that’s definitely the first step now will they do that huh will they do that they need to agree need to agree they need to because if you’re the GM I’m the owner and I keep on going behind your back why you gave me the g spot right hold on gentlemen we got another guest join us Dixon way what’s up how we doing brother uping I’m glad to have you on the show am I coming in laggy guys you were I can I can hear you now I can hear you now I can hear you now yeah kind of laggy start with the front office Mark hey Mark check this out send me someone send me a link on a um DM on Twitter so I can try on my laptop this seem kind of laggy right now okay all right the hulks don’t keep don’t go after the bad guy they got that bring that Pitbull mentality we don’t go after them in free agent we go after the last you know what I’m saying nice guys we don’t go after the guy that if you put Trey Young on his butt we gonna be in your face we don’t go after those do uh at the top of the draft do you do you like any of those guys do you think any of those guys got that got that energy I think s got that energy I’ve been running s forever I’m sorry I that kind of talent you can’t find nowhere that height you you can’t find nowhere and 50% of our game we lost last year defense defense we cannot stop nobody in the paint last year if you look at all the bit centers around the NBA they had their way with us in the m in the uh mid of the paint everybody need help in the NBA somebody lacking on something they’re not perfect but you as a GM you get them the help that they need okay so might need help with this uh call aloan hey aloan we got the number one pick I want you to trade that man help him a call sh sh how much it take for you to um help so uh knowledge and power yeah not agreed agreed a agree 100% but and I and I I hear you as far as the organizational structure and how we need to do processes and I agree with that 100% But at the end of the day we still got some contracts we got to move we got some guys we got to get up out of here we got some guys that are killing us uh Larry is is back here we go here we go you there much better much better all right okay all right y all right yeah something going on with my phone we can hear you real janky all right cool cool cool what’s going on fellas hey man what’s going on how you doing first off we’re glad to have you welcome thank you guys for having me on um blowing up y’all chat and stuff like that I can convey what I’m saying better if I’m speaking you know I’m 200 200 characters right right and and and Larry let me first say this bro yeah I don’t take offense to any of this look this is I put this together just because I heard that statement about my Hawks everybody knows I’m Falcons and Braves I follow my Hawks but my knowledge is not what you guys is so I apologize for the error but I don’t take offense to that at all I want y’all to keep me right you get what I’m saying so I I don’t have an issue with that at all and I’m glad you’re on the show so go ahead sir what were you gonna say uh what I will say is um if you want to say that Trey young okay you know DJ coming here or o Quinn coming here not saying that he chose the players or chose a coach but no one’s no one’s going to sit here and be like tra was like this I don’t know what you’re gonna do uh no no one’s saying that okay so I’m not saying that um Team growth I just personally feel that our ownership had two chances since he’s on the team to to improve the team all right um what’s that 200 what was that 15 we got swept by the um by LeBron yeah yeah we had a chance to improve the team then but we did not um best coaching job ever in Hawks history coach Bud shout out to coach bud uh all we did was just resign everyone now that’s a cardinal sin where you’re in in the NBA my example is the Boston Celtics the Boston Celtics went to four out of six uh Eastern conference championships in this run with Tatum and brown while they are the core they’re also always changing their lineup you had Marcus SM who was a defensive player a year always a great defender and they say you know what we got to upgrade for him offensively while still having a defensive presence once they got Derek white and they looked they was like well Derek white can possibly be our you know what I’m saying our diet Markus smart but way better offensively let’s go out and pair him with possibly the best teammate he could have got with Drew holiday defensively now that pressure cuz me I don’t think t is really a good Defender but he’s athletic he moves his feet he’s not horrible at defense but he’s not Jaylen Brown in defense you know what I’m saying so for me personally when I look at the halts I feel like 2021 was a Wast of opportunity just like what Smitty said we had an opportunity no rumors an opportunity to get Lori marketing for Dre Hunter probably um JC and a draft pick or two you know what I’m saying right now the asking price is four P four picks at least four first rounders and a starter for Lor marketing so again we didn’t take advantage of what we had to improve just like SMY said if we could put a person on our team D Mitchell was you know unhappy where he was he ended up going to Cleveland you know what I’m saying they ended up getting Lori marke Lori marketing was on the Bulls we had a chance to get him but we didn’t take the chance see all of these things or the Atlanta hwks make moves in my opinion they make moves to shed money they don’t make moves to get better okay that’s why I blame the ownership if you look at John Collins they traded him away because he was going to cost too much even though he has a favorable contract with this roster our owner is always saying I’ll pay the tax when it’s feasible when it looks like we’re a championship T well you’re never going to play the tax that’s a I mean that’s just a cop out that that’s literally saying look unless you’re the Boston Celtics I ain’t never going into the uh tier two TX you know what I’m saying or even getting close to it now we are in tier one right now regardless if we don’t make any moves we’re in tier one close to tier two so something has to happen I personally like the jante I feel like it’s a coach’s job to get those guys to be able to mesh I don’t think coach Quinn at Leisa right now don’t know how to make that mess together kind of like Jason kid when you look on look at Luke and Kyrie they’re not supposed to work but some way he figured out now it’s unfair because you can’t just say okay you can’t those two Hall of Famers and then you got Trey who has that path but still and then DJ is a good player but he’s not on the level or of a Kyrie or a Luca whichever one you want to say trade equal to you know what I’m saying so so I understand why Terry was upset about hey man rookie is shunning us like he don’t even want to come to the hulks but when you think about it he don’t think that he can beat s plant JJ JJ has already been said like hey Trey and JJ the only ones that’s safe on this team you know what I’m saying so if that’s what you’re going off of and you don’t want to play the five he wants to play the four right so you have you have JJ who’s G to be the starter all right you have um Mo who has similar skills to you maybe not as talented but in that same mode you know I’m saying 611 long can dribble you know I’m saying got a lot of little skill can shoot the jumper and stuff like that so if you’re looking at it man I got a long way and I was talking to Matt um Ron Ron I was talking to Matt and uh you know he got mad at me because I was like you know they you know they replace buffkin right if if you draft Zachary rich you’re replacing Kobe buffkin like where is he going to play is he going to play over bogy no is he going to play over D you see what I mean what even if they move DJ say they move DJ for uh for bi the rumors you know what I’m saying rumors rumors Zach’s probably gonna play the two where does Kobe buffin play um Mark where Mark where does Kobe buff play hey hey me and Terry were having this conversation before the stream he’s a guard yeah point guard does he have Avenue to ever start here as long as they keep Trey young does he have an Avenue to start here ever no no was that a wasted piit yes in my opinion because you basically got two Deon Deonte Murray’s right can he come off the bench can he come off the bench Larry but yes can he can he absolutely can so did share um so did uh what’s the kid Shar Cooper same thing he could come up the bench but he was him playing off ball though that’s the thing with him well here’s the thing he’s really a two guard but they you know they had him playing point guard but he barely played this season last season you know what I’m saying and then they held him out of the um play in so my thing is is it’s like okay we drafted KOB buffkin we was really high on him we spent a lot of development I was told he was in um over there the Skyhawks in College Park but de development they didn’t want to rush him here even though we had all those injuries so my whole thing is we had all those injuries even when Trey or dejonte was down or B down by Don we were starting Wesley Matthews and and um Garrison Matthews yeah in the same lineup of Vic KY Kobe couldn’t get on the court so my thing is this and Matt got mad at me he was like why are you saying I was like I remember that I was like dude if you draft and I’m not saying that Rish is not better than uh Kobe even if he’s a taller Kobe that’s that’s an improvement but we need it defensively but you’re effectively saying that you wasted the last year right and regardless if he’s a good backup he’s out of here he’s a part of trade piece to make us better in actuality because he’s never gonna have a path to start here R Shay is the future shooting guard I can see if they draft him to replace like if we were keeping DJ and we were replacing DeAndre Hunter I understand it DeAndre Hunter with his injuries history his up and down play you know what I’m saying his lack of rebounding um and just not being able to be on the on the court I understand you’re trying to replace him but if you’re literally going to presumably trade DJ away to get a bi you know what I’m saying to possibly go and try if you make a last second trade with Washington and get um kosman get kma to play the three you know what I’m saying like if you’re gonna things like that you know what I’m saying like if they want to move up just to make sure they get their guy you know so it’s things like that that make you wonder like do we really have a plan to make our team better or we just trying to make them good enough to be entertaining to get people in there to go get a haircut at um at state for Marina to drink at the Hulk shaped bar you know what I’m saying the swag serf with the owner like all that yo you don’t know how triggered I was when you talking about the entertainment part of the Hawks I’m want know why because that’s amenities bro that’s like hey man I put some I put some speakers in my ride I got 24 inch rims but my engine is missing right right I care about the engine bro I ride in the exactly you w to get there exactly and I want to get to the promised land you know what I’m saying so if I got a owner that said okay you know what I’mma do buy Landry get my son out of the front office for meding uh buy Cal corver unless you want to be a shooting coach that’s fine I’m gonna go out and throw the bank at Bob Meyers get off of that TV set in um ESPN you help build okay I had your Lackey with Travis slink I want the Mastermind I’m giving you all the money I’m going to make you the president of basketball operations you’re going to hire a gym of your choice and I’m G to sit up in my booth and I’m a swag surf or sit down on the on the uh in uh what Gucci row and swager I’m not going to worry about anymore because if I if I’m a billionaire and I can own a team I’m going to hire a president of operations that I’m not going to go behind his back that’s him to get see he did it with Dwight Howard over Al Horford they held off from giving Al Horford his contract that offered Dwight Howard that that deal he came you know what I’m saying Al Horford got mad excepted less money to go to um Boston okay on his way out his daddy was saying everything that he felt okay so so again when you look at the totality of this ownership oh yeah I mean like oh yeah all the bells and whistles oh that’s cool hey we got everyone beat we got everyone be and as as you know paired up with Trey young entertainment value you got Caesar tickets up but again or you trying to really win or and I love what Chris said he was like this is why uh when you have that new capologist that came over over from um Golden State he better capologist you know what I’m saying he better he better make that cap work bro because if you if you’re really serious about winning check out every team that’s a top five team in the NBA ain’t nobody under the tax you can’t win being cheap you can’t you just can’t so if it ends like this and a lot of people saying like I hear people who don’t like d Jon they say what trade him for picks and a a random um like defender or something like that like Jeremy Grant somebody said Portland gonna give us the whatever they pick they two picks plus Jeremy Grant and and Malcolm BR I said oh is BR gonna play n we gonna ship him off with another day I was like well why are we doing this you gonna look Trey young in the face and say I got you Jeremy Grant and took away the John T Murray the best player you ever played with and say that with a straight face like we’re we improved no he’s going to be like okay I’m gonna officially say I want out of here and he’s GNA demand where he wants to go now you’re really screwed now you have to trade him to San Antonio just to get your pics back because that’s the only Avenue to actually be you know save face so you traded de jonte to basically trade Trey young back for PS right I mean look that’s the Avenue we’re on now either you’re going to try to really win and spin correctly now don’t spin on the wrong thing but either you’re going to try to win now but you can’t half ass win you know what I’m saying you either got to go all the way in or you just got to say guess what San Antonio here you go we we we messed up hopefully you know what I’m saying you guys you him and Wendy can get it at give me all my pcks plus this year’s pick uh plus this year both picks uh yeah all right I don’t feel so that’s five first rounders yeah that’s five that’s five first round well four in a swap so yeah and then I would have to move DJ because if you try to be good like I see a lot of people say well I could trade Trey young get pieces and then get the JN why you trying to get the pics back if they not gonna Cony if Jon still here and help you be a playing team again you see what I’m saying so again if you trade Trey young you have to trade DJ to make every pick that you get in compound be good well excuse me because you can be the Pistons and still not get you know what I’m saying number one pick I’m just saying the average the aage to get those pcks to convey well hey son yeah yeah listen to samiam rap uh but yeah if you want those speak to convey then yeah you would have to do a full tank you know so it’s either or I prefer us trying to properly do it do I trust ler Fields no I do not I just don’t I don’t Ron you had a question yeah my question is do we TR trust our front office that’s a easy note okay run they say they gonna make all the moves Ryan then they say that well I said I F hit the L today I did not hit the lot so how can I you my boy Le how can I depend on this front office but you won’t let the man cook you brought me in to do a job but I can’t do my job you bought me you told me I do per the cook the ribs on the grill I bought Meat barbecue but you won’t let me get on the grill he said yo he said barbecue run and then handed you some fish right didn’t even give you no grease oh man oh man you told me I do cook on the grill so it might I F jump up that could under G but you like uhuh player n player they not going to fly so my ho what we going to do in free agent every year teams get better and better we get r i i i know the solution what’s that da and da welcome to the show first of all for those that don’t know man I’m da man this uh I know some of y’all I know most of y’all through A1 forever Sports you know SM them at 95 Sports crew uh they kind of uh taught me in start my own channel so that what I’m doing up but man like I said I want to talk to y’all appreciate y’all guys for let me come on too man I just want to say man I’m gonna be honest like I agree with everything y’all saying for a long time that seem like the Atlanta Hawks are just complacent with being able to sell enough tickets to generate some type of Revenue and you understand that but when we we talk about as being F because I’ve been a Hawks fan going our way back to share Jason Terry day Joe Johnson Josh Smith Josh the old days when you know Al H was here and it’s like for the Atlanta hws man you know when are you guys gonna take the next step and I hear y’all talking about all the free agent targets and stuff like that and I agree with Y I don’t I wouldn’t like to see Paul George here like I said I would love to have Paul George but we hate to have him because he is injury prone but what do you guys before I what do y’all think about the hwks going out the contav is cwell pop I would love it I yeah I don’t have an issue with the mo I don’t have ISS with the move I I I love it primarily for the Hawks man they have to become better defensively like think about it y’all it’s like the Atlanta Hawks are an excited team to watch and it’s like there there’s always that that Gap in between the space where they can’t see if they want to go up or down the problem is how many times have we seen this team blow 20 point half time lead right and they would do this consistently maybe 15 out of the 82 games a year and you take that and add them 15 to the final record we talking about a team that’s a top seed you see what I’m saying but I’m G be honest with y’all in terms of the draft and and my man up top in the middle I forgot your name I know we was on with Smitty them yesterday you know I had came on and stuff like that but uh uh I know you said you I think you the one that said you no you weren’t the one that said you ever seen clinging it was the one with the Atlanta Hawks background on this uh thing but I’m going be honest with y’all man if I’m the Atlanta Hawks I wouldn’t trade the number one overall pick because when you look at the NBA the history of the number one overall pick in the NBA has been been pretty fair you know when you look at the number one picks over the last 20 years A lot of them have won championships some of them still dominating the NBA and uh I think you always take that gamble of knowing we had the number one overall pi hit and if SAR is the best player to meet and we know his numbers were low I think he Aver like nine points a game maybe about four or five four or five rebound he but he I’m gonna tell y’all this though but his tape his his his stats don’t match what you see on the tape right like I mean when you look at this guy this guy can block shots he can rebound and the difference between him and Clin this guy can actually bring the ball down the floor from the half court so and I’m G be honest like and a lot of folks saying we trade Murray but this is why I wouldn’t trade Deon Murray when Trey young was hurt I think Deon Murray stepped and I’ll be honest with y’all I think the Hawks were beginning to establish what they had in other players when Trey young young was out see what I’m saying agree yeah and the reason why I wouldn’t trade de jante am truth be told Des and a lot of folks may not agree but in my personal opinion in the last two seasons with he’s been the most consistent Hulk over the whole franchise I’m be honest you know know we gonna get from him in the point margin we know he ain’t gonna pass the ball a lot right but the jeon Murray and Trey young is what I call the base right and they will be they will be fools at this point the Hawks can’t afford to trade the jeante Murray or Trey young right now they can’t afford to start over the Bost and Celtics they didn’t I mean if you look at the form they put together we’re not going to trade the core We’re Gonna Keep adding piece by piece by piece by piece and they realize damn we got an opportunity to get Drew holiday and Chris o por zingas and now they now they the reigning NBA champions you see what I’m saying so if I’m the Atlanta Hawks you go ahead and take so everybody say we want LeBron only way that’s possible is if they draft his son but at this point I don’t want LeBron James here right now love LeBron and Dev don’t want him here but to me if you add a Alex star or a Donovan kingan and my personal favorite is clinging cuz I watched him play the last two seasons at Yukon the guy averaged about 14 and a half career points about what seven eight rebounds a game what about uh three four blocks a game the guy has he has a assist that’s in a 40 minute game with him taking breaks imagine if you have a Donovan Clingan a guy who’s a big guy a very big post presence that dominates around the real when you look at this new uhh trend of them Caucasian boys into the league doing their thing you know what I’m saying man jump on the bandwagon man jump on the bandwagon con 2.0 baby here we go Hey listen I’m tell hey man this caucasian boy coming in the league and they went they get they going to the NBA finals man you see what I’m saying that’s no disrespect to my Caucasian brothers and sisters I love y’all to death man but uh real talk though I think when you look at this Atlanta Hawks team the situation that that they in I’m looking at a cavius Cardwell POA Demar D rozan guys Cardwell is going to cost a little bit he’s two-time Champion you know one with the uh nuggets one with the leg he’s gonna cost a little bit of money but cwell Pope is that missing week now I would love to see Brandon Ingam too but if you take a guy like kabius Cardwell pop that can shoot the three that can attack the basket that can rebound block shots get still he’s not gonna cost you as much as Brandon too so that’s the other thing to remember exactly exactly you talking about giving up half the roster you see you only giving up two two Shooters maybe one post guy because TR be told the Nuggets don’t need much they just need to upgrade at those positions so and like you said man like uh uh you look at KI CW hope he’s much cheaper and this is a proven veteran that you can win with you can win with this guy this guy can hit the big shot you talking about a guy that can be an anchor when Trey young get to jante Murray and or clinging and and like I said guys The X Factor to me the reason why I believe that Alex saw would be a great move because I think that that would generate Jaylen Johnson in a way that we have not seen to me Jaylen Johnson is the most important guy on this roster when we can I’m gonna be honest the Hawks actually won some games when Trey was down but when jayen Johnson was out of the lineup everything went downhill so yeah like I said with the Hawks when this my last thing I a g try to talk too much with the Hawks either you trade away this first round this first overall picking which I feel like will be a mistake and I know a lot of fans probably want to trade the pick but anytime you get to pick number one in the NBA draft you cannot trade that pick away you can’t do it so because think about the best two players the best three players are going to be gone before if they trade to pick with San Antonio and go to four SARS off the board clinging is off the board you see what I’m saying so to me those two guys are should be the main focus me personally I would like to see Donovan clinging I’m just gonna be straight up with y’all I mean to me I watch a lot of basketball and this guy is solid around the rim this guy huge da da not to cut you off question question so you’re you’re the GM right I’m gonna put this out to the panel you’re you’re you’re you’re the GM you you you make your pick on Wednesday night but give me the total right from a roster perspective who do you keep and who’s gotta go and Mark I don’t know if you can look this up but where are we as far as the salary cap are we under are we over where are we right so what I what what I need is what I because I understand hey it’s great if we could go and get D Ro and D Ro gonna cost some money yep about over 40 and I don’t and I don’t know that we necessarily have the resources right now to do that so that means we’re gonna have to get rid of we don’t we don’t say this number one if if I’m the Atlanta Hawks right now right and here’s my deal here’s my deal right here’s my take we know that I love Bon bonov with all my heart you know we know this guy three D to the bast be that backup guard but if I’m the Atlanta H and I get a chance to get R that’s the mid-range my stroke and attack the basket I’m giving up DeAndre Hunter I’m giving up Buck Don buckanovich I’m giving up uh I probably give I I would probably TR be I would give up Bruno Fernando too right okay AE AG yeah but if he’s a free AG like I said I would I would let I would let Huna go I would probably get Bo we know when it come to postseason play B ain’t going to show up I’m willing to let those two guys go to free up some cap space for uh Demar de ro well the only problem about that is once you trade you gotta when you trade you got to get within what 8% of yeah of the value so you just can’t dump players ain’t like baseball you just can’t dump players so so what we have to do is it would have to be a signing trade like dear would have to sign back with the uh Char the Bulls and then to be a signning TR something like that and then so what would they have to give up since he’s a free agent since he’s a free agent like what what what move like I I’m not big on the salary cap for for the NBA I I can give you everything on the on the NFL weed so there’s nothing what moves here’s the thing he’s unrestricted we’re already in the um in the tier one salary cap that’s why they’re talking about moving to Jon um because of that and get like either movable assets or um or people on a expiring contract so you can have them play for half the year and then trade them off so you don’t so it won’t hit your salary cap as much you feel me like yes sir yes sir so and we have the uh we have the player trade exception and the mid level exception so that’s why we go for people it has to be people that’s on a team that we can trade for that’s what they talking about bs so we can use that trade exception so it won’t hit us as much you feel me yeah that’s that’s why it’s like that all right well like I said y’all just talk me something because like I said I’m I’m big on the NFL when it comes to the NBA I can tell you about the players but the salary cap I’m still trying to educate myself on that me too all right I gotta yes sir all right so couble well first up welcome to the panel hello hello give me your thoughts on what you would do if you’re you’re so guys we’re going to play a game you’re and and I think Dixon way kind of alluded to it but I’m going to give him another opportunity to go crazy so um couble you’re the Hawks GM for a day everything is at your disposal you can do what you want to do like the seat right there you go it is hold on hold on first thing I do I super kick the sun wrestler I throw his butt out of my office I tell wrestler if you try to make phone calls I’m going to make you look like your son I’m going to break you down that’s the bottom line cuz I said so and then I walk down the aisle and then I look in the podium and I just grab that microphone myself I don’t even want the commissioner to do it because I already know when it comes with the HW there’s a lot of shady stuff that happens and I will pick SAR I ain’t playing no games I want the best player I have always said that my problem see that’s what couble will do we’ve already got a history of our owner even if we made the pick for SAR he might make a phone call to Greg papovich trade him for the picks behind my back and then I gotta break his back and then throw him out the window because why because our owner’s an idiot this owner only cares about keeping his money lying just right because you’re right we are over the cap we we are over the cap hold on we are over the cap but what do have y’all noticed every year we’ve done we make a big trade but it’s to dump the money it’s to get rid of a guy we never get equal balance back we just try to get rid of a guy and then we tell everybody well Jaylen Johnson’s gonna play better now watch how he developed dude you had Jaylen on the bench all you had to do is give him playing time and yeah you could have trade John how many years this team is the most stupidest franchise I’ve ever seen and I was going to do a live on my own and ran about this because when it comes to the owners they just care about their wallets Landry Fields is the big puppet because he’s like hi guys we’re gonna result we’re we’re about resulting I swear to God if I ever hear a man tell me we’re resulting some and no one in the media says isn’t a a loss of result because if they don’t I want to slap the media because that just tells me they’re they’re the biggest phonies also it’s about wins it’s about championships how do you get better you develop from the inside out if you are a Turn Style going to the paint and you got no one stopping how are you ever going to get better I mean we got Clint with athritis basically that can’t ever uh get a bunny down so I mean you know I don’t want to hear about well you know Clint’s more uh stable his analytics tell me no throw those papers and put them in the recycle bin because I don’t want to hear about analytics I want actual proof can you grab the basketball and dunk it no get out of my team I don’t care about your money you never make all defensive team you the only thing you’re known for is trying to do your little finger wag and mbbo did it better than you so so you’re you’re you’re drafting SAR right oh I’m drafting SAR now you were asking about who I’m getting rid of right right correct oh oh I got The Hit List ready for you all right boy’s gone cause I need a guy and the guy talking about kcp that would actually be really good if somehow we were able to switch for kcp I’m I’m just saying that’s just my thought because I would love to have kcp in Georgia he could play defense like we were talking about but also he’s won championships DeAndre Hunter he’s gone how many he is the John Collins of this roster he they just passed it down to each other you drafted this man fourth overall and the best thing I heard somebody say was he could be a really dynamic bench player for us I swear to God if I if I’m drafting top five and you tell me your watermark is the best bench player you’re fired you’re you know that window I threw the owner out you’re going through it too I’m I’m it’s gonna be a Battle Royal over in my office because I I’m I’m swinging but yeah the only guys I’ll keep is um double O okay but but I’m keep double O just in case cuz that extension that they signed him for is very fair so I don’t see like that being a big issue now I also would like to obviously we’re keeping jayen all right I I need to see I want to know is Jaylen able to play the small forward because I feel he can and I feel like that’s where he needs to be playing and all right so that’s just my thought all right and I’ll put SAR in D pal forward spot if I had to but again this is just we’re we’re talking now the big question Trey young or DJ well one part of me says I can’t let go of a superstar Trey young especially when you put all the stuff together and you did what you did but now the other part is this remember that part I said about the front office we drafted Luca donic we didn’t draft Trey so now that shifts my look at everything and what I would do is basically I put them both up and I go best bidder let me see what you got and that’s where I’m going I’m not gonna deliver Trey young to the Lakers but I sure will take Trey young to the Brooklyn Nets and get some draft picks that I was talking about the other day and I would try to get miles Bridges somehow if I can’t get him okay well I don’t do a deal with that team that’s what I’m looking at I’m looking at a way to get because here’s the thing if we try to say that we’re going to rebuild you know this question I said about the results right resulting how do you rebuild if you don’t have a draft pick for next year you don’t and and I agree with that 100% Ron uh what say you sir so you’re the GM for a day and thank you for that by the way no no problem I’m gonna hang with y’all so don’t worry you’re good all good Ron you’re the GM for for a day who do you draft right who do you draft and who are you getting rid of well since Clint capella cannot jump over a Kit Kat uhuh he gone I TI looking at him okay you’re not doing nothing okay what what you doing right you cannot even jump over a Niel okay what you doing how how you helping out us and you let every big man from the NBA do what they want to do on you okay all right that that’s fair who else are you getting rid of who who else you getting rid of if it were up to me I I hate and I might y’all might cuss me out about this but the head coach wow wow already you just hired Quinn you just all right so then if you’re gonna do that he out the window me who are you gonna who are you gonna hire as a head coach Mark Jackson wow wow that I can’t argue with that now Ron a Mark Jackson guy you know why he put the Warriors together he did do that he know how to DFT he know how this scout plays you bring in Mark Jackson hey Mark Jackson baby on you okay fair enough we do whatever you want to do okay fair enough fair enough Mark your GM for the day it’s Wednesday it’s Draft Day right you’re pulling up to the uh State Farm Arena in your land Co in here Maserati whatever who you who are you drafting who are you getting rid of ah man I’m drafting clinging I’m drafting clinging man I want to solidify the defense especially considering all you know you know I can’t even get s in the building you know I can’t I can’t get Zar to sit down and have lunch with me so I’m I’m a draft clinging and like Ron said Clint you gotta go you know you gotta go especially with that contract your time’s up bro you know we appreciate your services but your time’s up okay but um the one thing I disagree with Ron was I feel like Mark Jackson is similar too similar to uh Nate McMillan and that scares me I would like a Mark Jackson but with Trey young I don’t know I don’t know if that would work can’t can I on that yeah ahead Mar Jackson tell Trey young you’re okay but you could do better he would challenge but the but the question here’s here’s the question though Ron and and it’s it’s that’s fair but has that worked before Trey’s on his third coach but problem Trey’s on his right but if you got ownership that’s going to allow who’s going to win in that scenario but why you brought me in let me cook let me do my job right but but Mark’s the gym now Ron you can’t you can’t be the gym that’s Mark’s turn I get what you’re saying I I get what you’re say I get what you’re say I get what you’re saying uh yeah we’re in the world of Mark now Ron we can’t we’re not going back to ours right nowry and and and after we do this fellas un I got to close this out but um your GM for the day Larry and you you you had some good points you alluded to some stuff what do you do if it’s you you’re the GM for the Hawks what are you [Laughter] doing it’s the day oh see he’s got the GM hat on he ready now he ready if I’m the GM at Atlanta Hawks uh I’m probably draing Clingan also re shade kind of intrigues me now but I I don’t want to depend on a rookie a 19y old rookie to play defense on some of the better Wing players in the NBA I don’t want to have to have Rich Shay have to guard um Jaylen brown or someone like that you know I think that’s a losing proposition so um I think we had the opportunity to flourish with Trey um pick and roll center on way better than Clint capella already and he has room to gr if if those practice three-pointers or in the combine three-pointers actually translate to actual games because he didn’t shoot him in in college but if they actually translate like kind of like how John Collins did he didn’t shoot any threes in college either but came to the pros and develop a three-point shot so if that would actually translate to the NBA then you cooking with grease then you can pick and roll up pick and pop you know what I’m saying in the mold of a Brook Lopez Brook Lopez wasn’t shooting threes when he first came in he was a low post presence Okay so kind of in that vein um also Brook Lopez is going to be un is going to be in the open market so they could be also someone we look towards to get in free agency I think the draft is secondary to the free agent moves we make either trades you know what I’m saying or whatever free agents we bring in uh if if it’s a um you know what I’m saying whoever it is kcp or whoever it is I think that’s more important because to be honest this is one of the weakest drafts in the past 25 years yes there are a lot of good role players in this but no superstar in this there’s no clearcut uh number one and for that reason there’s no way I would draft start because he’s in Atlanta right now working out at overtime um Elite right now he’s in the city right now but the hwks can’t get workout with the disrespect just like yeah that’s disrespectful so n miss me with that yeah agree you know I was and I was on the SAR draft SAR train so you know but yeah uh thank you guys for having me on I’m trying to set up my stream now because I got um braid stream coming up soon hey Larry let me tell you something you come on anytime you want brother you come on anytime you want okay you matter of fact everybody on this panel anytime you want you can come on so all right now you don’t have to say that twice now we’ll show up now hey guys with that being said uh please when you do your shout outs just let me know where we can find you so uh couble we’re gonna start with you where can we find you all right well just go to my Channel couble 28 that’s where I’m at I’ve been uh posting uh wrestling stuff we’re going to do a live stream on Wednesday afternoon we’re going to talk about Raw SmackDown the debut of Jacob f 2 as well as basically the numbers that aew and NXT produced and uh what’s missing an a was is going to be one of our highlight points um and I’m thinking of doing a reaction um about SAR but if it or not SAR but about the NBA D draft and depending on what we do we’ll find out if it’s censored or not censored uh it’s just uh how that goes but no but find me on socials uh type in couble you’ll find me um you know I got the microphone and the the black cap so it’s all good good deal uh Larry I’m Gonna Save you for last because everybody knows where to find you Ron where can we find you uh you can find me on talk your is on Facebook YouTube Instagram Twitter U and you the find me on the eye test um on what Saturday nights uh see the we’re either Saturday night and Wednesday nights usually is when John usually fires up the old chicken wing and you find me on pops and the he Brothers on Saturday nights all right goodal and eight okay thank you thank you both uh Mark tell everybody we can find you yeah Terry appreciate you having me on man definitely a dope stream dope conversation everybody everybody can find me at Mark Cheney on YouTube Instagram Twitter wherever you want to find me and I also have a couple live streams on bleach report coming up we got one tomorrow morning we gonna be talking about the Hawks man basically try to continue this conversation so y’all have no idea how much I appreciate you all I feel like I’m in tune you know I’m ready it’s it’s always good you know to hear different perspectives so like I said I appreciate you all but even if you don’t go to blort like I said if you follow my channel um uh Terry do you mind taking this comment down real quick I do not sir uh where did Ariel go Jesus I am so L I’m sorry but yeah just follow my my new YouTube channel I’ll be streaming the bleach report stream live at the same time all right yeah so I’m G start doing that I’m trying to get Berto to do that too I know Berto got a show Friday so we trying to make it easy for everybody to you know support the bleach report streams hey man y’all man and like I said right there Mark Cheney y find my new Channel all right more CH I’m G I’ll find you brother me too all right uh Larry shout outs oh uh shout out to all y’all everybody on the panel uh yeah guys um my name is Larry one half of the Dixon way my beautiful wife Shan is the other half and we try to provide a different type of um stream for you know Atlanta Sports content we do live commentary all our favorite sports me great the h b Bulldogs even the Gators you know so yeah and um if you guys want to sit there and you know watch it also get a different perspective and just like you just sitting there with people your friends at the bar or in the house you know chilling you know then yeah that’s what we do man so uh thank everybody for coming on and uh appreciate you appreciate you having me on with yeah um we got the bravs versus Cardinals coming up at about 7:30 so gotta trying to get ready to set this up but thank you for having me on you guys have a blessed rest of your evening Larry you do the same thank you for joining us uh everybody I can be reached at for my ATL Sports One on YouTube please like And subscribe and guys we can do this again next week once the draft is over enjoyed all of you guys really did thank you all for joining the show hey it was an educational experience for me it’s going to continue to be so Larry if you will join us next Monday hey man y’all can keep me straight educate me some more and let’s build this thing up so you know because I I really I really want to see my Hawks do better you know what I mean I think all of us do I think all that let me tell you something that offended the hell out of me when s like that it really did I I can’t explain it to you but it’s like he says something about my mom it’s like wait what you don’t want to no you don’t that go ahead we don’t know that Terry we don’t we don’t know the man that said that that’s true you’re right you’re right you’re right we don’t go he on speed you know what I’m saying that’s true still piss me off though let’s be honest when you really think of it this way when we heard oh we’re I’m not coming i’ rather be at Washington we all were like mother really what hey ain’t no need for me to say anything else you said it for me c because that was my exact response mother you know what so he man enjoyed it guys really enjoyed you guys hey hopefully we’ll see you next Monday you guys have a great week and uh Hey man go Hawks thanks everybody yeah good Hawks take care bye


  1. The hawks said Klingon is not on the table, which we knew😂😂😂😂 so it's a spot up shooter vs a versatile 7'2" big 😂😂😂😂

  2. If Travis schlenk and Bill Duffy think they're getting SARR with fake news and gaslighting they're delusional they better put a trade package together or they're Sol 😂😂😂

  3. I wanna know this master trade Trae and everybody plan that gone for sure make us great again, or great ever???
    We’ve all seen this franchise be dumb as rocks so let’s see them fuck this up as usual

  4. And I disagree with Terry bc Trae does more than just score and he’s one of the top assists players in the league and they just need to keep what they have and add more talent to the team.

  5. Florio not an agent. This guy is an agent and knows how his clients feel, I can respect that

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