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The OHIO Podcast LIVE Call-In Show

The OHIO Podcast is back with another LIVE Call-In Show, beginning at 8 pm est. tonight. Eric and Chris will field your phone calls.

e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] oh Ohio Ohio Ohio oh oh oh oh oh Ohio Ohio Ohio oh [Music] Ohio and welcome back to the Ohio podcast everybody I’m your host Bucky Bo Z man over there is the wild man Chris wilds and you are you and we’re thankful to have you with us tonight here on another Thursday Night Live call and show we think uh literally minutes before we went on the air Eric’s cell phone decided to do an update and then it wouldn’t connect and now I’m hoping we are connected but we’re about to find out so uh it is what it is we’ll do our best and hopefully everything is good because I’m not the world’s most Savvy person when it comes to technology but I do know how to get myself into trouble which is clearly what we’ve done tonight that being said we have an interesting show for all of you but do me a big favor hit the Thumbs Up Button everybody if you haven’t already we do appreciate that if you’re here for the first time welcome if you’re watching this and it’s not live you’re watching it on replay thank you for taking the time to watch this show we appreciate that uh do understand that you’re about to watch watch a 2hour show someone said we’re we’re too long and I was like you can hit pause you can go do what you want and come back and watch the rest if you like who said we’re too long we’re not forever who said that ah some guy wanted to complain he also complained on on uh juck’s show as well I saw he made a comment at Juck too and I was like obviously this is a troll this is a this is a troll and he is I I did a little digging found out that um he’s probably good friends with the blue Wolverine who’s in the chat good to see you tonight my friend all right uh Chris is too loud Sarah says because I was yelling Sarah you’re too loud Chris tone it down I Haven begun to get loud Eric can you up the volume a little for you sure I can and he can even turn down mine we’ve discovered yes I can so how’s that is that better we’ll get this straight out so like I said we had we had some technical difficulties when we tried to go do this here let me turn you down a little bit there we go and I’m is that better and tell us in the chat let let us know i’ I’ve got my mic going way up here because I can tell you’re up you can tell I’m up is that better everybody all right let us know we’ll continue to make adjustments if I need to but uh it is what what it is we’ll do our best all right tonight’s show we got something interesting for you all but before we get to the main topic I do want you all to know the phone lines are open I hope we’ll see give us a call 567 4831 1999 and uh we’ll see hopefully everything is all well because when my phone updated everything changed and then it wouldn’t connect and that’s why we were a couple minutes late but we’ll do our best here’s my story I realized what’s going on Chris this off seon and why things feel the way they do and like like I said please let us know if my mic’s not loud enough too loud now Larry says much better thank you let let us know if Chris is all right I can adjust him a little bit as well I can’t make him any louder but I can make him softer okay I realize what’s going on Chris with that program up north and and what we’re experiencing would you like to hear it I would love to hear this all right there used to be a show that was very funny um called Mari poic and Mari poic talk show yep who’s your dad exactly exactly right so he’d have he got very famous of bringing two people in and and figuring out what’s going on here’s what’s going on so that team up north was literally the cousin that you would see at your family reunion who was for a lack of better term the trash of the family does that explain kind of what you have a picture in your head of who they are and year after year that person would come to the family reunion and after they would leave you know your your aunt would say you something like bless his little heart he’s never going to get it together uh he is who he is uh your your parents would say pray for him pray for your cousin you know things like that right he’s the guy who doesn’t washes his hands after he goes the bathroom and then and then is using his hands in the chip Bowl right and everybody knows it and then no one wants to eat after him so anyways that’s the that that’s who they are so all of a sudden you come back to the next family reunion and Chris somehow he has a smoking hot wife he won the lottery and you’re like how did this happen like dude you you are like a two and she’s a nine and a half like this is this ain’t right and after a couple years they have a baby and that baby’s called the national championship well guess what she leaves said cousin said cousin thinks I still have the baby and right now we’re all sitting on the Mari Povich Show waiting for Mari Povich which is the NCAA to open up the envelope and let everybody know that they are not the father if that little baby is or is not his father and they are saying well of course it’s my child that you know I was married to her I think I slept with her once so of course it’s my child but you’re not quite sure if it’s your baby or not that my friends is what’s happening this offseason in Ann Arbor they are on the Mari poic show they have no idea that everybody’s laughing at them you’re embarrassed because that’s your cousin that’s our rival we’re embarrassed by it and here we are sitting and waiting for Mari Povich the NCAA to it is or is not your child Chris your thoughts well I mean I guess it could be worse they could be on Springer and the two cousins could be let’s just leave that alone Eric it is I’m telling you right now I’ll save everybody all the confusion that scum up north is not the father no there is no way that scum up north is the father they let me tell you that that smoking hot wife stepped out and cheated just like Conor stallions just got it you got it you picked up what I was putting down well done Chris uh I hope you enjoyed that little story any I’m just I was just sitting here thinking about it and I’m like oh my gosh this whole thing is a is aari Povich Show and he and they don’t realize everybody’s looking and pointing and laughing and they have no clue that it very well could be taken all from them you know the funny thing is Eric they like to brag about their academic prowess yeah and it’s amazing to me how people who are supposedly so smart can be that damn stupid family friendly family friendly sry that darn stupid so yeah makes you wonder right um help us out with that blue Wolverine seriously help us out with that um what if it comes out that they are the father you know what at this point they get to keep it but everything else gets taken away like all the wins for the two previous Seasons then you know what they they won nothing because they didn’t deserve to be there all right okay so okay you know what I think this is kind of an all or nothing you got to take it all or you got to let them keep it all it’s that simple they’re not going to let them keep it all there’s no way did you see the letter that came out from the yesterday and that’s why I said you’ve got to take it all you can’t anybody with half a brain working brain would realize you cannot under any circumstances let them keep that hoax of a title it is a embarrassment to college football it’s an embarrassment to all of us as as college football fans Not Just Ohio State fans but as college football fans it is an embarrassment for them to to allow them to keep that title but you do know what if they do when they come into Columbus and Ryan Day kicks shiron more in the mouth and knocks his teeth down his throat give another reason to cry it’s just going to make things that much sweeter so um that’s my first opening we will get to the topic at hand Ohio State’s nightmare scenario in just a minute but Chris next month is a one it’s my favorite month of the year by the way July is isn’t July July’s got to outside of maybe a week in December that’s pretty cool um July July is the best month by far right do you agree no no I’m I’m I’m a Christmas person I love December right Christmas and July right that’s what we’re about to celebrate here in the oh podcast that’s true right so I guess I guess July is not a bad month just to that on hot for me Eric July’s a great month so this month in July if you are a member of the Ohio podcast and there’s 24 of you who are who are three 99 month is all it costs if you’re not you’re going to want to sign up to be a member of the Ohio podcast for several reasons number one you appreciate our content and it’s your way of saying thank you it costs less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks to say thank you for for what we do once a month now on top of that you get perks what are the perks this morning and thank you thank you Devon I haven’t put up any comments yet because I haven’t I was uh concentrating on my story you get be you get content made just for you right now on our YouTube channel Chris is a video that you and I recorded about um Cade Cade Stover that is awesome okay and you guys you 24 people along with Chris and I and of course those who are involved are the only ones who know this story and it’s worth it’s that $3.99 is just worth that let alone before that we got the cat out of the bag about uh Jean Smith and Luke fickle so those videos alone are worth it so you get that number two you will get free shipping on anything purchased from the store which is right behind Chris including that beautiful Ohio podcast mug if you want to order so if you want uh thank you thank you great uh Kade great guy great video thank you um if you want to order anything from the store let Chris know hey I’m a member Boom Bada Boom Bada Bing free shipping on anything from the store here check this out but on top of all that we want to do things for you guys as members of our wave saying thank you so in July once a week so four we are four giveaways one a week we’re going going to do a drawing with our members and we have signed autographed rally towels as well as tumblers just for you guys so if you can see that these are autographed by Garrett Stover Gabe powers and who’s the court Williams Court Williams we have two rally towels and we have two very special autograph tumblers these tumblers are worth $45 guys you’re gonna get that was before we had them signed that was before they were autographed there’s Court Williams Garrett Stover and Gabe Powers autograph Tumblr there you go and then we have another one signed by Jimmy um bell bell Jimmy Bell and uh Mike Wargo Mike Wargo man I’m having a rough rough time if you don’t remember Wargo you’re having a bad night yeah I’m I’m a little razzled dazzled by how this all went down here before we went before we got started so make sure you sign up before we get started in July become a member 3.99 a month Plus I even forgot to mention after you’ve been a member a month you get one of these just ship to you just for saying thanks can I just tell you that in August thanks to you sending me the logo we’ve got some new Ohio merch that’ll be coming out on the store as well sweet fantastic awesome so really excited about all of that uh so we want to say thank you to all of you guys all right Ohio State’s nightmare scenario Chris we’ve been doing previews we’ve been going through rosters we’ve been going over scheduling there is a scenario out there guys that quite frankly is keeping me up at night it is scaring me to death and I know it’s not what you all think but it very well could happen does this involve the potential third best team in the Big 10 Eric yes it absolutely does I don’t think they’re the third best team in the Big 10 but let me explain the third best record let me explain what this nightmare scenario is here real fast and uh 419 I see you uh on there so we’re going to go to you here shortly after I talk about this nightmare scenario and hopefully the phone lines will be working that’s Shan on the line so thank you Sean for calling in we’ll come to you here shortly Ohio state has does not have an easy conference schedule we go to Eugene Oregon in this nightmare scenario let’s say we lose a close game to the Ducks and Oregon runs the table goes 12 and0 during the regular season even if we Beat the Wolverines at the end of the year okay and we’re 11- one and 8- one in the Big 10 there’s another potential 12 and0 team I want you all to look at the schedule with me I didn’t get to this last week when I broke this up broke broke this out and everybody laughed at me this is Rucker’s schedule this season as I go through this schedule Chris I want you to tell me how many Auto WS are on here Howard Yes akan Yes Virginia Tech I think yes Washington at home likely at Nebraska that one could be a tough one depending on how Dylan Ry was playing verse Wisconsin at home that one at I I really love Wisconsin but that is not going to be an easy trip for the Badgers UCLA when at USC I think a lot of it depends on the kind of play we see out of the quarterback and what their offensive line can do I think this is a Friday night game by the way yeah this is a US no defense that that’s the thing they have no defense and you’re facing one of the best running backs in the Big 10 and a team that’s got a quarterback that can actually put the ball in the air now all right if they make it through the Nebraska Wisconsin USC games which I think they very well could here’s how their schedule ends home against Minnesota Chris home against Minnesota is a win I’m sorry at Maryland who’s God awful year they’re not going to be good that’s a win home against Illinois I’ll tell you I wish that was on the road because I think birdie could give them a run on the road but I don’t think they can go into record and win at Michigan State that’s a win I I’ll tell you right now if they get [Music] through Nebraska Wisconsin and USC this team’s undefeated and we talked about that scenario the other night a little bit the potential for it I think it’s likely that he takes one loss somewhere in there but I you know just and I say that strictly because it is so hard to run the table in the Big 10 at the these days um I think you have to have an exceptional except group and a lot of luck to run the table however I will say this a very soft schedule and a pretty good group and a little bit of luck could go a long way Troy Troy does bring up a good I have thought about this Troy Illinois is an oddball team they win games they shouldn’t and lose to teams they they got blown out by Purdue last year and then I mean look at what they’ve done against the team up North so um I’m just I’m just straight up telling you guys this is this is this is something um oh I’m seeing new colors in the chat Eric yeah what is up with that that is cool I’m excited about was gifted these are people being gifted memberships from another person Sean Rollins is a member already and he gifted five people memberships that’s awesome Sean someone explain to me what this is I don’t know what this is he gave them a membership he purchased their membership for them doozy was gifted a membership by Sha Rollins okay Quantum duck was gifted a membership by Sha Rollins Mr Ohio was gifted of membership by Shawn Rollins okay I get it I see what’s happening here he’s paying forwarded a membership by Sean Rollins so here’s my question with this Sean is this a one month and then they have to pick up from there is that how this works surely you’re not paying for everybody’s membersip for him every single month are you I don’t know how this works please explain this to me well by the way Sean that was fantastic of you man that is awesome brother that’s embracing the spirit of paying it forward right there Eric yes it is my gosh Sean that is fantastic thank you so much brother I’m not I’ll have to look into this and see how this works because that is really cool Troy Troy’s really concerned for me Eric there’s enough stuff in the world to keep you up at night don’t let Ruckers be your Boogeyman it’s Ruckers did you see the picture that I all made of the boogeyman though that’s a pretty good Boogeyman picture okay and blue Wolverine says it’s for a single month okay okay very cool that’s okay they can try it out yeah absolutely absolutely Ryan day’s beard all right speak to me Ryan day beard if Ruckers wins 11 or 12 games I’ll roll if it’s Ohio State and Ruckers for the Big 10 title I did think of that scenario right like if they go into Eugene and win that’s a possibility as well yeah yeah Sean Rollins just said it’s one month for five members very cool and then you get to pick who those people are I didn’t know that this was a thing I am I’m kind of flabbergasted by that Sean you’re a great dude man by the way Sean I think you need to email me your T-shirt size and your uh address so I can get you your T-shirt and if you if any of you haven’t done yet done that yet it’s the Ohio podcast the because we’re Ohio State the ohop podcast email me your address your mailing address and your T-shirt size and I will get those out to you some of you already have I appreciate that and uh like uh uh like uh Caris Washington here is it chis or Caris or cariss I need to know I need to know your first name pronunciation my friend I’ve been questioning that I think it’s cariss just one more thing for you to question yourself about and keep you up at night Eric exactly I know I know okay let me let me show you all the picture again that was playing before we got started that I created because I think it’s I think it’s hilarious that’s Greg so that was Greg shano in case you couldn’t hear me um and then we just got a super chat from Blue Wolverine who said $4 $4.99 $4.99 Super Chat salute to Shawn Rollins yes very cool very cool so appreciate that um all right Greg shano I don’t I don’t know what he did here to to get this um okay thank you he gives me a Super Chat and you didn’t have to Super Chat to explain me explain it to me but I got it thank you Caris Caris Caris is car is car is car is got it car is Washington okay I’ll remember that now got it what do you think do you think I’m do you think I’m it’s Ruckers and you should just chill out Eric or do you think like I am and you see it Chris like it’s this is like that that is that is a schedule listen they avoid Penn State team up North US Oregon they avoid all four of us the traditional and the new top four teams in the conference they avoid all of them yeah really I mean you you look at that schedule I think the toughest game on that schedule is got to be at USC that has got to be the toughest game on that schedule and I don’t know how tough that schedule is because like you said Eric they don’t play defense I know they don’t play defense and they lost some things last year I’m not sure how good the offense is going to be I got a lot of conf in that Young quarterback I think that young quarterback’s going to be a decent baller but he’s got to have the tools around him he’s got to be able to stay upright uh you know I just it’s Ryan D Beer’s feeling it now listen to this just when we thought we would get away from the uh get we would get the Intriguing matchup and get away from the Iowa of the world Here Comes Ruckers trying to throw in a monkey wrench and you know what’s I’m gonna put on your foil hat here Eric yeah I wonder if that that wasn’t the big 10’s intention in that schedule they see I’m just saying you know just get somebody different in there but they don’t want somebody who’s gonna that can you imagine that imagine being you you guys are funny man imagine being you know one of these teams that catches Ruckers in the first round of the playoffs yeah col better yet what if you’re the team that has to come in face wreckers in the first round of the playoffs didn’t didn’t didn’t they get a Minnesota transfer yeah which my point they can actually throw the football this year like they almost beat us last year and they couldn’t even throw the football and this is a team that’s going to have a very very solid defense you know we talked about it they got one of the best linebackers in the Big 10 uh I mean just what if a good offense here just think about this for a minute let’s let’s say the NCAA doesn’t come down on the team up north before the season starts but Ruckers gets in the playoffs and they don’t in the first year I will be rollag I will be rolling on the ground laughing I might I was gonna say I might celebrate that more but I don’t think how about how about this scenario Ruckers gets a home buy and let’s say Notre Dame goes 10 and two but gets in the playoffs and they gotta go scataway New Jersey to take on Ruckers in the first first round of the playoffs oh I want I was say I want to be listening to Kennedy when that one comes out oh my gosh I can’t believe it all right let’s get to the phone calls let’s see if this works I’m hoping it does man I’m a little worried Sean can you hear us hey Sean you there he can’t he’s there he can’t hold on Sean hold on that’s what I was afraid of I was say I didn’t hear us dial in like normal I know that’s what I was afraid of so do you need to Redial the phone lines I I don’t know okay well you you handle that and I’ll just go on and say hey guys in the chat let me know what team scares you guys the most this season as that Underdog team that could sneak in from the Big 10 hold on SE I’m brother so I mean for me I really do I agree with Eric I think Ruckers is a legitimate potential uh playoff team definitely one that I think can go I think they could easily go 10 and two if not go undefeated with that schedule I think the key to that is uh can they beat Wisconsin and can they beat um USC on the road but but who is your next choice if you are uh have anybody else you could Nebraska Colton I think that’s an excellent one um yeah I could see Nebraska going out now I was originally higher on him than I originally thought um you know I don’t want to get ahead of our game here as far as our preview shows go um I can see Ariz or Nebraska is a solid eight and four maybe a nine and three team try it now Sean can you give me a give me a okay Larry uh you know I could see you know you know me I’m a huge Fick fan so uh I could definitely understand uh people saying watch out for uh Wisconsin uh I do think that they’ve got some good things going on there I don’t know if fix got that team there quite yet I’m looking at maybe one more year for fickle but I’ll tell you um I really think he’s going to have them being a Powerhouse uh Oregon guys I’m seeing some Oregon in the chat and you’re right Oregon should definitely be in that mix I really think that Oregon and Ohio State are the two best in the Big 10 I kind of feel like uh Oregon is very potential we could have the potential to see Oregon three times this year obviously we’ll see him in Eugene I think we could see him again in the Big 10 title game uh if as long as Ruckers falters um I think we see Oregon in the Big 10 title game and then it’s very possible we could see them in one of the playoff rounds as well um if all’s decent Penn State maybe and here’s my biggest problem my biggest problem um isn’t so much Penn State itself um as far as the talent goes I really kind of feel like Penn State’s biggest issue is James Franklin I think sometimes this guy just can’t get out of his own way I think sometimes he’s overwhelmed by what’s going on uh in the game and he seems very confused at times uh Buckeye Chuck I’m with you man shano just makes me very nervous this guy is a great defensive coach and he does he will throw the kitchen sink at you we saw that a few years ago so that’s definitely a big reason to uh you know kind of be weary of try it now Sean Ruckers I hear you a lot better now hey there we go we got some success uh Deon I want to come back to your SEC sleepers question after we get off the phone with Sean but uh right now we’ll go ahead and go over to Eric and Sean and Sean hey buddy how’s it going good hey I just want to give bogy big big props way to represent us the other night on that Clemson show you did you killed it absolutely you did us proud buddy thank you uh appreciate that um you know there’s an old saying even a blind squirrel can find a nut every now and then that’s what just happened um thank you for the uh thank you for all those who are like way to go um so I’m not sure what all happened there like we said before we went on before we got on the phone Sean my phone decided to do an update and it it messed everything up but um Brian is a great host over at the Clemson football live show and a good good just a good dude and I I knew he was going to bring some really good question questions and then he’d ask the question and then he’d step away and then let me answer it and um you guys thank you so much Sean and all of you who uh showed up in the in the chat um here’s what I found out though the Clemson people didn’t want anything to do with it isn’t that weird I know they didn’t want to say nothing did they no we kind of took it we kind of took it over they were well and they didn’t really they didn’t even show up usually Brian gets 30 40 people in his live shows at least Clemson fans and they were like nope we we they were in fact he told me they were a little upset that he even brought me on and I was like that’s just weird dude like that I don’t know man so let me ask you this Sean speaking of Clemson there’s a lot of news coming out that them and Florida State are going to come to the Big 10 that it’s almost a done deal do you like that or not that’s probably going to kill the ACC but I like to have th I wish those two and Notre Dame would come in if we’re going to add more teams let me ask you this if you could have your choice between Clemson and Florida State or Notre Dame in North Carolina who would you choose did we lose Shawn we may have lost Shawn says he’s still there are you there Sean well I’ll tell you what Eric I don’t think there’s any question about that I mean how would you pass Up Notre Dame and the North Carolina basketball every year and their football team’s not bad I don’t know where Shawn went he was there he was here he was here do we have another caller on maybe I don’t I don’t want to hang up on Sean until I know for sure that he’s not there he was there a second and then he’s gone Sean might try Sean might want to try calling back in I hope that I don’t have to my phone says it’s all good so we’ll have to go to our yeah he uh he terminated the call so we’ll have to see maybe what was going on there uh here I think this is Devon up let’s bring Devon on hopefully this works out Devon are you with us oh no oh no we are having technical difficulties I thought I had it fixed brother so let me hold on Devon stay right there let me try to fix this again you work on that and I will go back in I believe was Devon asked earlier about potential SEC sleepers uh you know everybody of course talking about Georgia Bama as always down in the SEC uh I’ll tell you for me man I like that Missouri team I really like that Missouri team a lot uh as far as the potential they have I like that Missouri team I really like that whoa what we got we got I can hear myself so Eric you had me hearing myself man I know Devin are you on yeah can you hear me yes yeah okay we’ll try this again something something’s up tonight so I’m not sure what’s going on but Devin how you doing tonight brother I’m doing good how you fell doing well other than the technical difficulties we’re great man so what’s on your mind so uh I called in for one question but it doesn’t really follow the vibe of the show right now that’s fine there is no vibe on the show right now all right so it’s it’s about fry and his offensive line recruiting so I just got one question so obviously we see what’s going on with all these all these uh prospects we’ve offered coming off the board and it’s looking like David sandard is about the only one that’s left but even if fry signs David Sanders where does that put him in y’all’s book as far as being the offensive line coach for Ohio State on Shaky Ground very shaky ground um I will say this Devin and I don’t know it might have been Kirk that was talking about it I can’t remember now um the new NCAA rule that allows basically as many coaches as you want to be on the field and at practice could be a godsend for us when it comes to the offensive line do you agree oh 100% when I saw that I was stoked now you know it’s like I said obviously I say that the class is not over yet right so this is a projection thing that we’re doing so you know maybe there’s still hopeing in my mind even if he F uh signs Sanders Sanders I still you know I have my own opinion and I just I just don’t think he’s got it but yeah definitely with the ncaaa did is g to open up I mean a lot of avenues for a lot of different coaches I mean even Larry Johnson I mean he can coach longer now you know what I mean having help I mean that’s just I love they signed that rule yes I yeah there’s a lot of good things you can do with that and again I think it was Kirk that said it it’s only going to benefit the teams that have the money to do it um who are willing to spend the money to do it uh you’re basically you’re basically not only paying for all of your coaches but you’re paying for the development of possible Replacements as well so you got all these developing coaches or and or coaches who are really good who for one reason or another got fired to let go and you’re bringing them in you know we used to bring them in to basically watch film but now we’re bringing them in and we basically coaching oh you’re doing better than this guy you replace that guy like coaching just got a whole lot more competitive too yeah so as far as fry goes for me I think this is going to be a very telling year he’s get the point where he’s got some recruits that he’s brought in who are going to start getting some playing time so now it’s time to see how his development skills are not just the you know not just the recruiting but now we got to see how that development goes I mean I think we’re gonna see a lot of Luke Montgomery um he’s I don’t think he starts but I think we see a lot of them um Tegra shaba we should see some of this year uh you know there there’s a lot of guys who I really feel like um you know if we don’t see significant growth out of these guys who are now in their second and third years in the program man it’s it’s time to move on yeah is Devon still with us or did you lose him it it might have happened again all right we have a serious issue going on that’s that’s okay why Eric’s working on the uh technical stuff just shoot us keep shooting us stuff in the chat that we can talk about I think what I’m going to try to do here is in the in the call and re and restart it absolutely go for it so I’m I’m going to drop the whole drop the whole call and then recall in and see if that’ll help so let me give me a second to to work on that guys Chris yep you in the chat go at it all right all right guys so who’s who’s got another topic for us in the chat what you got what you got on your mind what do we think about uh our new tight end pickup that we got today any opinions any opinions your opinion Chris uh you know I think it was obviously you know he’s a guy we stole from Kentucky it’s nice to actually have that go the other way for a CH a change uh rather than Kentucky coming up into Ohio and stealing all our picks um yeah you know I think he’s going to be a serviceable tied in um I think he’s got some ability I think he’s going to have to be coached up a bit I think he’s got some development to do but you know I I think that he’s going to be somebody who can contribute thank you for calling Colin studios’s host and call screener line please enter your show or meeting number in press pound I feel like this is gonna help guys I feel like uh this enter your six digigit pin number welcome host you are now in the host room and can manage your callers the call-in Studio web interface I think so Buckeye Chuck let me tell you something right now if Kentucky really starts hating us if we keep taking their recruits good good I hope they hate us if they got a recruit we want that recruit we should have that recruit we are the Ohio State University we do not you know come in second place to Kentucky or that team up north or anybody else right um all right Devin or Sean either one of you call back in and let’s try this again uh thank you Brian King Brian King’s on tonight good to see you brother $10 holler from Brian King and that’ll go to trying to fix these issues [Laughter] tonight um that that’s a good point Chuck too Carris you’re right John Kennedy would be losing his ever loving mind right now oh if his phone line was down yeah this is this is happened to him before and he went berserk it was it was it was gold it was gold so yeah um we are gonna we’re GNA hope that this fixes it all right Devin I see you all right Devon let’s try this again can you hear me b y I got you I got you so I think what happened was with my phone updating We Didn’t Start the We Didn’t Start the call off right Chris if you remember so I’m hoping fingers crossed we got it this time this takes me back to week one yeah no kidding so what were you going to talk about uh Sean tonight before uh before the Gremlins got us or the Goblins well I just first I wanted to give a shout out to you and I want to give a shout out to Jr because a while back he predicted that Zion Grady would come to Ohio State and he was the first person to do it so I want to give I want to give Jr the credit yeah do you guys remember you remember last Sunday when Jr the round table yeah he knew he did it before I mean he did a while but a while back when he said he heard he was a silent recruit uhuh I know and then Sunday he said he was gonna be the next one to sign yeah he uh y he knew something he knew something now listen I don’t know J I’ve I’ve bugged him I’ve tried to twist his arm nicely about who his Insider is not give up the s he will not tell me but he’s got somebody now I do know a little bit but it he’s got someone he just will not share with me I think he’s got multiple sources he’s got I think so yeah he’s connected what what else you got Sean what else is on your mind I want you to keep talking did you guys oh sorry B didn’t mean to interrupt you but uh did you guys see the T the video going around of London Merritt at that camp destroying Avery G yeah who is a is who is a recruit for the team up north yep and then we have our recruit from Ohio State get used to that young man and they were going at it weren’t they oh it was awesome and I was curious did you guys happen to see there’s a video going around with Jordan Davidson at a camp and he looks what according what Juck was saying is he looks barely out of shape he looks like he could be to see that he looks like he could be the third member of the oh podcast is that what you’re saying no no no no you guys are you guys aren’t out of shape we just husky we’re in shape looks like Zeke after that big money contract yeah yeah when Zeke was doing this too much that’s not that’s not what he meant when he used to say feed me right well you do get the munchies you know what I mean but but shout but shout out to Z he’s back with them Cowboys Buckey Chu Davidson going to end up being a full Buck at this rate what was the line in that old Brendan Frasier movie about Fernando Valenzuela started out a pitcher ended up a truck shoot oh Sean yeah yeah I saw both those things and ju Juck showed the video it’s really good um yeah of the of the recruits going at it at the the what what camp was I forget what camp that was 247 maybe we’ll just call it the C now C Rivals it was the Rivals Camp yes you got it um yeah so my gosh all right I gotta ask you Sean what do you think of my like nightmare scenario here could you imagine going 11 and one your only loss being to Oregon and you get left out of the Big 10 championship game cuz Ruckers goes 12 and0 you know what though it might not be such a bad thing send that extra week out to go into the playoffs okay I mean okay positive way to look at it I thought of this too what if you go 11 and one and you get that peted fifth spot okay and you get a buy okay so you don’t basically a buy because you’re not playing in the in the Big 10 championship game you get the home game against let’s just say it’s it’s a G5 School pick pick pick your pick your school right Memphis me I I’ve heard people talking about Memphis all right Memphis has got to come to the shoe in that first round then you get the fourth seed in a bowl game who could be a two lost Big 12 Champion like a Utah or a Kansas State that’s not it’s not terrible Sean you’re almost better off you know what I mean a question for you guys do you think in the future that the the championship games are going to die no there’s too much money in it there’s just too much money in it Sean the networks won’t let them die um this is a great question Ryan D beard brings up what’s the worst record that you that will be put in the playoffs I’ll tell you right now it’s two losses except it’s a if it’s a thre loss Georgia or B they will find a way somehow to put a three loss Georgia or B in there well what if you have a big 12 that just eats each other up you could see a three lost Big 12 but they’d have to be the champion though is the thing and that would be the only Big 12 team to get in yes you agree Sean I think it would depend on this the year in college football because that might be a down year where there’s a lot of three loss teams you know I mean could a crappy year but I if there is a three loss B team they a lot definely find a way so you know I’ve got one for you let’s say you’ve got a three loss Georgia team and you’ve got a three loss Michigan team whose only losses are D Texas who let’s say is the SEC Champion Ohio State and Oregon who finished one and two in the Big 10 which of those teams do you take go by strength of schedule wouldn’t it you would think you’d probably could you would think but I think they would probably take the SEC team do you want because it’s ESPN truthful do you want the truthful answer yeah go ahead be the team probably wouldn’t it because they get the more money they draw more ratings who brings in the most money there’s an argument for me Michigan brings in more money but there’s also the whole thing that ESPN who is in League with the SEC forces their hand because well ESPN has the tournament games now now have they put out what the tie Breakers are it’s because I heard there’s no such tibre committe selection it’s committee selection it’s a it’s a beauty pageant you go like for okay let me this is a popularity contest again yes yes let me explain this to you um Sean you ever watch like Miss America or whatever oh yeah okay he says oh yeah oh yeah how many times did the prettiest how many times did the prettiest woman not get the award it’s happened right I didn’t watch every year but probably never right like the sometimes the prettiest woman you’re just like how they what are they looking at right like you know yeah sometimes I I I feel like that’s really what like they put people on this committee that have no business being on the committee and here’s the other thing you you know who’s in charge of the playoff committee this year it’s not Ward manual is it yes yes it’s Ward Ward manual so you figured they would have made him step down here’s gosh I love my wife here’s my thing with this totally not football but there’s a chick from Dublin Ohio running in the 200 meters in the Olympic trials you tell what she’s watching but but you know you talk about this whole thing Eric and you talk about it being a popularity contest again at this point you know where we’re at right we have come full circle we’re back at the AP just with instead of writers it’s the committee we are back to the days of the Associated Press poll basically setting setting it I’m not I’m not mad at that that’s better than that’s better than this committee like if in all honesty if they had did the BCS almost have this thing right yes they really did I mean as much as we we complained about it did the BCS almost have this thing right if you could run the BCS points system and apply it to this 12 team tournament I think you’d be on to something I would have liked to see stay I thought Jeremiah Yoder was talking about me for a minute why is job of the Hut still I was thinking about on on my screen but then he say on that committee and I was like oh he’s not talking about me because until they decide to actually do something about it he’s done nothing wrong we know he’s done something wrong he knows he’s done something wrong heck the NCAA knows he’s done something wrong but until they actually come out and do something about it he’s done nothing wrong I’ll tell you what guys the other night I was bored so I got on YouTube and I watched a replay of the 1987 Ohio State Michigan game and Ward Manuel was playing defense defensive tackle and he actually had a decent game that day but I just wanted to watch all Bruce’s last game and watch the Buckey beat him yeah what let me ask this real quick for you and then we got we got to go we got two more people waiting in the queue here so Sean what’s your go-to game like if if you only had hey you’re on a stranded Island and it’s like you only get to watch one Ohio State game for the rest of your life which one you picking I’m picking the the national championship game Miami Ohio State 2002 that’s mine too that’s mine that’s hands down either that or holy Buck guy just just for the play just for the play I love yep well I don’t know that Alabama semifinal game was awful good too yeah yeah all right Sean thanks for thanks for calling thanks for being brother thanks Sean later bye bye all right let’s bring them back on Devin you’re back with us brother hey what’s up fellas better than ever I think I think we got her fixed this time amen amen I gotta finish my Justin fry rant is that all right please do brother get it get it off your chest my man what the amount of offensive linemen do y’all think we should be signing every year no less than five yep yeah I mean because teams like Alabama and Georgia I mean so they sign no less than four like every year right I mean and I correct me if I’m wrong but hasn’t fry signed three every year he’s been here was there only three last year you had the twins twins Luke yeah you got Ian Moore and both the Armstrong twins was there somebody else Ian not Luke it was Ian um I can’t remember let me look it up real fast but that’s the only I thought there was a fourth one let me look it up real fast for you there might have been one like at the end but anyway you know you got that right so there’s the recruiting thing and then so we got a coach that you know and I mean in 2022 he sh signed Tegra chabola he was pretty good sixth in his position and 2023 was Montgomery Fifth in his position so it’s not like he’s signing he’s only signing three and then he’s not signing kids at the top of class and that’s like that can be okay if you develop them we did get four back we did get four last year Van Sickle remember the the Northwestern decommit that we picked up the one at the very end yeah Van Sickle yeah yeah where we were scurrying around trying to find a fourth one hey and and hopefully he develops but that’s not that’s not the best way to do it yeah but and then you go to the development side and in 2022 right do you guys think our offensive line played good in 2022 too I do like we you know didn’t we average like four 5.4 yards per carry or something it was decent there were there were they I think they did a really good job of pass blocking that year yeah um I want to say that at times we did well but you also got to remember we had a first round Draft pick on the outside Paris out there we had we had you know uh DW on the other side but we still didn’t get an interior push if I remember if I correctly I’m saying that to make the point that I mean that was his that was his first year right so kind of like some of their were developed already if you ask you know some of them already in the process so I’m not even if we do say they play good how much credit does fry get for the 2022 line play not much no that basically would go to Kevin Wilson and Coach stud coach yeah mostly mostly Wilson because coach stud pretty much obsolete the year before because of his back injury listen I’m not going to lie to you Devin I’m not going to lie to these people I’m a coach stud fan because I knew him yeah it it’s it’s hard when you when you know somebody it’s hard to remove yourself from that fandom of that person when you know them you know um but you know I I’m I’m as honest as the day is long and so there were times that coach stud I felt like he’d have he’d he would get one big recruit but he was I felt like he was missing out on the the Jake cook Ohio type of kid like you know what I mean like he just he was overlooking that that person who ignor their ranking and look at the dude look at the kid like what could you make that kid he’s got he’s got the ingredients there you know what I mean trust your instincts as a coach to develop that kid if he’s got grit toughness and and a give a darn and he just needs a little bit of technique and and some time in the wait room that’s who you want right he’d ignore that person to be honest with you but he could go out and get the five star he did it multiple times oh yeah I I mean I don’t know what sorry to interrupt but this just came to me Devin I don’t know what Fri like what what’s he hang his hat on he hasn’t developed and he hasn’t really recruited I mean right now he hangs his hat on I’m Ryan day’s friend right yeah and you get all these guys so you can so the defenses that you can have for fry is he hasn’t been here long right I mean what other defense is there okay so let’s say we’re on Fry’s team what would you guys say about him I think that’s what you’re saying right yeah what is he hanging his hat on yeah yeah so I don’t know I mean because it’s like you said you go to recruiting this is what got me fired up about it today is I was honestly watching juck’s show and he and he has this list he brings up of all the offensive line targets okay they’re all cross off the list now except for David Sanders and in my mind I’m thinking this is Ohio State right this is the Ohio state okay we look at our look at all the other positions look what Larry Johnson’s doing look what heartline look what Lauren ntis is doing his first year he’s about to sign Pon and and even if he doesn’t look what he did his first year so I just get fired up about man like it’s just like dude recruiting is not there um we saw the line last year but then everybody’s G to say we just got here give him time let’s see what he does this year I mean we’re stuck on that train so that’s the train I’m on okay come on F you can do it but I don’t know man so Devon this fires me up definitely see what’s happening for me this is the year because this is the year like I was saying when I think you actually got cut off this is is the year that his recruits should be seeing playing time they may not start but they should be seeing considerable playing time this season um between a blowout games which we should have and you know God forg you know forbid injuries but you know these guys should be seeing significant playing time uh as well as getting them prepped up for next season obviously in any kind of a bowl game we have or champion ship run uh so if his guys that he recruited are not developed if Tegra shaba and Luke Montgomery these guys aren’t going out there and making some kind of an impact aren’t showing some kind of growth then we’ve got a serious problem at the offensive line coaches position and he needs to be gone yeah and and I will say it’s you know after all that venning that I have I mean we’ll see what he does this year right so we can say all that he comes out h i I think we have to just because offensive line isn’t something that typically you get a one-year impact on it usually takes at least two years to develop an offensive line so yeah for sure well one last thing um I know I’m big on the Ohio guys um D we got eight Ohio kids in the class right like 40% of our class is Ohio recruits I freaking love it it’s about dang time yeah again all right here it is again hear me out get you got a tinf foil hat you can put on Devin all right I said this months ago Jim Trestle is influencing Ryan day just this is just another example of their conversation where Jim Trestle probably said to Ryan day Ryan if you really want to beat those boogers up there you need more kids from the state of Ohio can I tell you that there was some unsaid verification on that today go ahead Devon I’m sorry I’m almost thinking you could take the 10f foil hat off for that statement that sounds like that’s right right what were you saying Chris Devin did you happen to catch uh do do you watch or listen to 97 when the fan out of Columbus by chance all okay well James gittis uh was actually on there today with um it was the Common Man and and T-Bone show well T-Bone was off off the air today so James G I filled in he had actually mentioned some certain things that Jim Trestle had done um as far as speaking with Ryan day including talking about the way day coached a little bit last year versus Michigan and some of the things even then where trussle had seemed to have some influence and I as as I think back I wanted to rewatch the game before this podcast to see if I could see the things that James was talking about but that again he didn’t come right out and say hey Tres is is in Daisy or hey Tres has been you know telling telling us this telling us that but he kind of mentioned that there’s been some tress influence going on and I think that’s a good thing I think it’s GNA be a very good thing for Ryan day oh yeah that’s exciting to hear of course depends who you ask but I’m one of those fans I love hearing that trying to figure out if Ken was joking or if he’s real and then he threw in this part of the quote with the end and I was like okay he’s joking um is he though yeah let me let me say this Devin um the thing that Trestle did better than anyone and we had this conversation before we hit our two-hour limit with Alex last week Trestle was always the good cop right and but the thing about it is those players would run through a brick wall for that man like he earned their respect um he just had a different way of doing it where Urban coached out of fear a lot you know you you feared the man yes Chris go ahead no I was just gonna say what you’re talking about is basically Tres earned their respect whereas Urban demanded their respect yes yes um that being said the one one thing trust did better than anybody that I know of was galvanized the entire state in a singular focus of beating that team up north from the University all the way down the elementary school man nobody capsu just just gathered it up the literally the entire state was one giant uh pep rally the week before nobody has done it you know now Urban Meyer continued it you know seven and0 that’s nothing to nothing to uh complain about but if I was going to pick one I would say the way Trestle did it is is it’s going to last longer it’s more it’s going to it’s going to have more of effect than the way Urban did it Urban works but it’s it’s quick and then it has its shelf life and that’s the way he coaches dude he has a shelf life man because of who he is as a person trust can last for a long time so if Ryan day is like hey I want to be here for 15 20 years and build a legacy that Rivals uh you literally name me one other coach other than Woody Hayes who’s won more than one National Championship in Ohio State out wait in football the answer is no one there’s none if he could win two he could if he could just win two he becomes the second greatest head coach in this this University ever and I think he looks at Trestle and says if I could use his model more and Implement more of his model I have a better chance of doing that that’s just my take what do you think de yeah as an Ohio State fan like where do you rank the Rivalry on reasons you love Ohio State football right I I know mine’s the the Rivalry makes me love Ohio State football I mean you know it’s top three for me it’s yes I agree um if the Rivalry wasn’t there with them I could easily see the Rivalry being there with Penn State or the Rivalry now being with Oregon and US loving that maybe not as much because the history is not there but it would trust me if we go back and forth with Oregon over the next decade like I think we’re what very well could happen uh that’s going to be a great rivalry right regardless of geographic uh you know GE geography here so um but it definitely helps having the greatest rivalry in sports be a part of the team you cheer for absolutely yeah sure I would have to agree and you know Eric touch on your Oregon rivalry thing if what you predicted this year happens book it that that will be the Rivalry for the next decade yeah oh yeah Oregon’s doing it too it’s right now and recruiting they’re already becoming our rivalry the first six months sounds like mcnut leaning to Oregon is what I’m hearing so they’re they’re going to come into the state of Ohio we might have went into Oregon and grabbed their running backs coach but they came in the state of Ohio and got one of the best recruits out of the state is what it’s sounding like now I still think there’s a chance mcnut ends up being a buckeye but yeah I personally don’t think anybody any Insider anybody but nut and his mom have any idea where he’s going to go but that’s just my opinion I don’t know that he knows where he’s going to go yet that’s good point yeah all right fellas hey I appreciate the call don’t want to stay on here forever even though I could but y’all are awesome keep doing what you’re doing dude I’m stoked for this year uh dude it’s Natty all the way for real most talented team in the country Chip Kelly’s got me pumped up the Chip Kelly Ryan Day putting their heads together hopefully it’s a little bit of blend to both exd to see what this offense does we know the defense will be the best but this offense has the potential to do the same thing the defense does and uh I remind myself that daily I’m pumped yeah I’m I’m right there with you brother I’m right there with you Nat your bus let’s do it all right fellas take care go Bucks you too all right Dylan [ __ ] enough of this bug guye talk what is this Ohio State show last time I checked yeah it was I thought after talking last night you wouldn’t want to talk to me tonight I thought you’d be so mad at me why would I be mad because I told you I could never be mad at you boxy Chris maybe but you no Eric he don’t even remember last night’s shows with those predictions he’s probably eating the special brownies I keep it b a little spicy all right listen what’s on your mind tonight Dylan did you you you want to talk more Ohio State or or you want to talk High State since you we talked Purdue all night last night by the way good job last night you and Russ killed it man I I I did some research like let it be known I did come with some information uh for one of the few times of my podcasting career I noticed you went to your cell phone a couple times and I was like oh he put his notes that’s where my notes were what I’m not I’m not that big of a pro you know I can’t don’t expect me to remember stuff what do we GE although although Dylan when we got to the recruiting part of the show dude you checked out yeah that’s that’s Russ’s bread and butter is is recruiting yeah he he he killed it dude he killed it I know the story of today a big story today is bronnie going to the Lakers but people forget LeBron is coming to Purdue uh to play football so that’s a big deal too he is LeBron LeBron committed to Purdue yesterday you’re right did LeBron Hall but it’s weird that like we’re now at the time in in history where people are naming their kids after LeBron James like I’m sure there’s a bunch of Michaels out there for Jordan or Jordan but the fact that we’ve reached the the time where there’s LeBron’s named after LeBron was pretty wild when I thought about it yeah I’m getting old I’m knocking on the door 30 boys yeah right well you know you know we Dylan we love having you call in you’re you’re awesome but somehow I knew a Purdue guy would find a way to turn this into a basketball chat because they got nothing to say when it comes to football okay it’s all we got so since Zack eded is basic basically the spokesperson for KFC how many times have you gone and picked yourself up a bucket of chicken every night since uh we we the night uh or the the night of when I first saw the commercial Jr had Kent from casual big tened eye on the Huddle and I was like oh I gotta stop by KFC on my way home uh so I can have a bucket on the podcast and Jr brought up how he just had KFC for lunch and I was like buddy I got an eight piece right here with me [Laughter] I got I gotta PL I gotta plug it for my boy big Z in Memphis now big Memphis I’m gonna call him wait a minute Zach Eed went to Memphis he he’s a Grizzly eighth pick wait a minute or was it the ninth when was the when was the NBA draft was it it’s going on now it was last night it was last night no it was last night the first time I had no idea dude that’s because the NBA doesn’t matter I it doesn’t to me does I’ll watch a the only reason I car was because of Z that’s the only reason I watched it other than that I don’t know any of the guys they’re all from overseas now of the G League I don’t pay attention to that so you know if uh Zack Edy keeps eating that chicken he’s gonna end up looking more like tractor trailer Big Country remember that guy big country Bryant Reeves yeah Oklahoma State country what a nickname that was a great Nick that was a great nickname that they call it my nickname wasn’t high no I’m kid what what’s been the best nickname for Purdue has there been anybody from Purdue had a great nickname I mean there’s Glenn Big Dog Robinson that’s that’s classname uh big dog and it’s not dog it’s D AWG it was not it was not dawg no no no you are not not gonna steal that one from my Browns DWG belongs one place and one place who cares about the brown are they still playing geez no oh they got jamus Winston sorry I forgot Ohio States had some pretty good nicknames Big Daddy Dan guys were talking about the other night and his last name was mcnut yeah how does that kid not go to Ohio State right and his dad played at Ohio State you’re talking and nowadays you’re talking nil that’s nil he could be M got the last name mcnut big mcnut mcnut the big nut they they you know they could do a collab on a commercial for MC I don’t know Germaine cars whatever McDonald’s companies up there hey M hey McDonald McDonald’s gave us a sponsorship last year for one show really yeah we they sent us these giant uh High State koozies that you would put that would fit on a on a large McDonald’s drink and uh and they said would you be willing to uh promote these for show and we’ll send you a pair and I was like yeah we gave them out as gifts and and then I turned around and big nut was doing the same thing he had one too and I was like the oh podcast and big nut I got I gotta meet him when I come to town on he’s a great he’s a great guy he’s a great man I gotta I gotta meet the big nut I’ve seen him around since I was a kid I gotta meet the big the big homie yeah he’s a good dude so when you guys start out like one or five one and five one and six whatever it’s going to be D are you guys still going to come over listen when we when The Undefeated boiler makers I can’t even say without laughing come in the sh you’ll be sorry listen like I said on last night’s podcast I’m hoping for six wins and a Chee it bowl a chicken bowl a poptart Bowl give me the poptart Bowl going the toilet bowl the KF SE Bowl that’s got to be a thing right I’m so I’m shocked that I don’t think that like not that I can remember that’s been a bowl game from KFC um I mean we’ve won Little Caesar pizza bowls out the Wazoo we’ve won a lot of food bowls Dylan the offer stands despite how bad your record’s going to be when you roll in the SE bus you guys come in the night before dinner and drinks are on me brother for for all for the entire gang oh I’m I’m coming in the night before I don’t know when the other guys are coming up but I’m coming up the night before that’s for sure all right Chris you going to be there we gotta we got got that right oh by the way Chris Chris we added something to the name of the of our rivalry trophy yeah yeah I talked about it we we did this the big banter Chris Wild’s Memorial trophy we had to add banter on that because we killed banter that’s compete we did I’m not gonna lie we did I think I think that was a collaborative effort between uh the boiler Express the Ohio podcast and uh our boy in the no Jr man oh abely was now it’s been long enough we can say we pulled the plug we kind of said sayara so so we gotta come up listen the common fan podcast out of Nebraska is quickly becoming a close second to the boiler Express podcast for me those guysare those guys are awesome by the way when you guys collaborate with them you’re going to love them like they are the coolest dudes okay they’re just like you guys by the way um oh my God there’s two of them yeah we’re gonna come up with another we’re gonna come up with another rivalry trophy with Nebraska and I was trying to think of something that we you got to help me create something the heart hat just works perfect because you know Purdue Purdue Pete right why not a why not like a suuck a corn we both thinking about going both have corn getting some corn and getting it bronzed bronze here of cour put some enamel on it and gold spray paint and boom you’ll be you’ll be good go take it the golden ear it’d be better than stupid iluk that’s the dumbest trophy in the world we’ve seen the best trophy in the world Eric the iluk did you know Ohio State and Illinois arrivals did do you even know that since when like listen 1902 yeah listen to how dumb this listen to how dumb this trophy is so the the original trophy was a live turtle and they would write the score of the game on its shell and then the turtle died that sounds not good and the turtle died and so they made a wooden sculpture of the turtle so there’s a dumb wooden Turtle named the iluk and gosh darn it I hate hate it it’s like so embarrassing when was the last time that left Columbus it here’s the thing we hate the thing so much we’re embarrassed by it so much we don’t we don’t even show it in our trophy it like it probably sits in like the cheerleaders like locker room or something like we don’t care about like the players could care less about it the you know it’s some frat like yeah we got the iluk and everybody’s like gives a darn like see I that’s one of my favorite things about college football specifically are the tro the Rivalry trophies because Us in Indiana play for a small wooden bucket a literal wooden bucket and it’s the most cherished thing with the program don’t you guys have a have like a mini who’s the one who has the mini cannon we have that with Illinois that’s with Illinois see Illinois has to have so many trophies to make themselves feel special if you’re a program we have this I think we have the chal with Notre d what a chal a chal what’s a say it what’s a chal chele uh do you even know you’re the teacher don’t you know something you don’t know do you Dylan I I it’s some sort of is it like the leprechaun’s cane is that what oh it’s that little thing he uses to beat people with yeah yeah like you know the Celtics logo he has that little cane I think that’s a chal well you know why Indiana you know why Indiana Purdue have the golden bucket right because bucket not the golden bucket whatever the O and bucket there you because something has to make him feel good about being a two- win team listen listen listen all right Chris you’re coming in real hot tonight okay I don’t expect anything less but my goodness gracious I’d hate for I’d hate for Purdue to come in and ruin some you’ll be happy you you’ll be happy to know I actually villain from the bottom of my heart I really think I gave Purdue the benefit of the doubt this season I actually did give him four wins wow that’s big of you I gave you five I know that takes a lot for you to do I gave you five I actually picked J Jr only gave you three well Jr’s Jr okay listen if it’s not Ruckers or Ohio state they’re not winning who was it that he had gave the wins to the was it Indiana Indiana like eight wins or something he’s got Indiana with like a crazy Jr does yeah Jr is predicting Indiana with eight wins and you guys with three I oh my I’m about to text him that is that is just downright r a chal is a wooden walking stick and club typ right typically made from a stout naughty Black Thorn stick with a large knob at the top it’s so it’s the thing that so if family friendly if if so if you guys win does the leprechaun have to hand you his little beaten stick what wait a minute I don’t know it’s been a while since we won it I could did did you just say if they won versus Notre Dame yeah if the Box my uh my mug in yeah so I’m gonna sell that on eBay the Box oh you didn’t get to see the Box ER send me a picture of the Bo he wrote me a night’s note and he and he signed it he autographed it send send me a picture of the box so you need to help me out here so so far the only winning vote is for a golden uh golden corn cob which I don’t know how I’m going to fix that up to make it last best rivalry I thought about doing a cushion seat I I thought about doing a cushion seat one with our logo on one side and one with their logo on the other side okay J.R says he has Indiana with five wins I don’t think so J.R let me look it up you sent it to me I’m pretty sure it wasr here imagine that you son of a gun golly J Jr might be having to send me a different uh maybe he did it backwards maybe or maybe you okay I would he’s right he’s right right he does have him with only five wins I mean the fact alone he still has them with more does he wins than us that we were both like what was in Illinois oh it’s Michigan State oh that’s what it was yeah Jr’s got Jr you got all right Jr you need to do some you need to call in Jr because we need to know where Michigan State’s gonna get eight wins yeah he’s got Michigan State with eight wins J.R you need to help me with this one you got you got you got to answer to this one call in brother but Jr’s the one eating brownies is what I’m picking up you still didn’t put something in all right here’s the deal here’s the deal this year this year we’re playing for the I can’t even say it without laughing big banter Chris Chris Wilds Memorial trophy which I have here hold on beauty all right here it is everybody so it’s it’s Ohio State on one side it’s Purdue on the other side that’s the that’s the big banter Chris Wilds Memorial Trophy and we’re gonna have to we’re going to come up with another one with the for the common fan so we gotta come we got to do the big the big banter Chris Wildman Memorial trophy presented by the college [Laughter] hudle and Jr gives out the trophy at the end of the game well it’s not it’s not going anywhere but right here in fact it’s going to end up on that shelf behind Chris is where it’s going to end up it might as well because there’s no chance Purdue ever taking it again I mean the Jo the Joe tiller years are over yeah they’ve been over the guy’s dead gez Louise geez Chris so was your football program wow all right I can’t wait till Walter’s uh in Walters I try oh if you heard that that was a gunshot I’m sitting out here in my truck with my DOD just took my dog on a walk and some redneck guy here in Southern Ohio is having him a time with a new gun apparently hey man it’s all good brother I know if I can on Easter you have to bleep that out hey it’s live Dylan we can’t bleep it out well I’ll pay a fine I I have to pay well I said the dreaded mission Mig word last night on the podcast a few times and apparently when you say Michigan you have to pay a fine so Michigan causes me some some money loss here look who it is everybody that’s Mr Jr here to explain himself he’s Frozen though he’s Frozen in time they are I got a bone to pick with you a KFC sounds like he’s Frozen in the dantonio years is what it sounds like I the I don’t know where you are J.R but it froze right away let’s see see if it works he’s back I think I’m gonna have to call in yep call in brother he’s got internet I’ll call him all right is that’s Aaron all right boys as always boiler up hammer down hill Purdue get out of IO get out of here Dylan oh no all right boiler up Michigan Michigan oh no you’ll be saying Michigan Michigan all right boys oh Dylan Dylan Dylan but Eric you left out the best rivalry trophy of all and that’s the fan trophy between Ohio State and Iowa that we probably can’t even mention on this familyfriendly show we will have if we’re going to talk about that it’s gonna I tell you what we’ll make that story our M only story our MERS only story uh Jr seriously Jr what’s the phone number you it’s scrolling across the bottom rolling at the bottom of the screen with a phone number on a Jr you’re in the no but you don’t know oh my gosh oh Jr yeah Sarah yuck definitely not familyfriendly at all no it was not it was not no I have it I my eyes in fact when I went back to the eye doctor she’s like what happened your eyesight’s eyesight’s 10 times worse I was like the Iowa Ohio State trophy happened doc you don’t understand what I’ve seen the things the horrible horrible things I’ve seen it was so bad so bad Jr’s having trouble now he probably can’t find his phone oh gosh this will have to be our last phone call tonight guys this has been a this has been a crazy night an absolute wild crazy night tonight I don’t even I like don’t we are two wild and crazy guys yeah yeah absolutely Jr what’s up all right Hey listen okay I can’t see the number scrolling across the bottom with my little like third view Player thing because it’s so tiny so I can’t type on the phone so I bring it up on the TV just so that way I could see the number big enough so sorry I have bad Vision it’s okay that’s why I couldn’t see it for we forgive you but I cannot I remember 10 numbers that’s a lot to remember I cannot forgive you however eight wins for eight wins for Michigan State really okay hold on let’s revisit that all right all right let’s do it you think they’re out of conference schedule right yes it’s terrible all right Florida Atlantic prair view Boston College kill Florida Atlantic they better kill prair view Boston College is at Boston College I I I think they can possibly that game in fact I think I think I gave him a win for that yeah I did yeah I did too who Michigan State yeah Michigan state will win that one okay so there’s three where are the five more wins in their on their schedule so Indiana Illinois and Purdue are three and then they’ll either beat Iowa or Maryland one of those two and then they beat the cheater I mean I wasn’t going to pick the cheaters have any more than eight wins so so that eighth win is because you don’t you don’t want to give it to the their our our mutual rival yeah my heart cannot do it okay they they will not score on the Iowa defense if they do it’ll be field goals just throw that out there who Michigan State World Michigan State’s off will struggle Iowa every in Iowa way too much Iowa I believe in Iowa’s defense go the Iowa has only ever benefited from the Big 10 West you put them somewhere other than the Big 10 West they [ __ ] I don’t disagree with that but I think you’re putting way too much stock in that just because Michigan State’s no longer in the Big 10 East they’re automatic going to get more wins well I didn’t say that they’re going to automatically get more wins because they’re not in the Big 10 East I’m talking more about Iowa in the Big 10 West I have Iowa at eight and four right which is I think legit I just I just don’t see Michigan state with the same amount of wins I just okay like I can I can I can listen to the argument about beating Maryland because I think Maryland’s trash y I can listen to the argument about being in beating Indiana I can even give you even I even though I don’t think they will I think I can give you the argument of beating Purdue at Illinois really dude Illinois is garbage their only good player they have is aari Franklin the offensive line is going to be bad again the defense isn’t going to be great I mean that was the whole reason why they were good before is because they had a good defense and they were playing in the Big 10 wi yeah you’ve got child is is going to kill it you got Illinois with four wins so you really do think they’re garbage um oh yeah they are garbage I them Northwestern and I don’t necessarily think Purdue is garbage Purdue just has a really really tough schedule yeah they do monster they do unlike unlike Ruckers which has got I gave I gave Purdue three wins and I had them beating Oregon State I just like they’re playing they’re out of conference is Indiana State which you know they’ll win that Notre Dame and Oregon State like and they play like all the good teams they play Ohio State Penn State Oregan Wisconsin Nebraska like Michigan State they it sucks for produc he just put Michigan State better he just put Michigan Stadium with the good teams Eric I know I know well yeah because they’re gonna win eight games Chris all right so so we’ve gotta have a bet on this one because there’s no way Michigan State’s winning eight games yeah you guys could be more memorabilia Chris if they win eight games we could probably figure something out he’s he’s gonna want a matching robe for his wife honey we got matching podcast robes baby he’s like I’m styling and profiling the women love me that’s what it is he’s got that he he’s got himself some Nature Boy you know delusional thing going on there you know he’s probably running around flashing people with the all right little finger down there all right so here’s here’s the thing what the BR the Ruckers is legitimate a threat yes legitimately yeah nine and three they’re good team who do you have them losing to USC I I don’t know why I have you I have it right in front of me uh you have Ruckers losing to Nebraska wiconsin USC which literally Chris said those are the three toughest games on their on their schedule they’re the only three games on the I don’t know that USC is as good as I mean I think they’re they’re good offensively maybe but I don’t know what they’re going to be defensively and Ruckers is going to have a pretty good defense too um they get USC I was just banking on it’s going to be a long stretch leading up to that buy and then they’re gonna have to go all the way out to California like that’s just that’s a tough road at the end of a long stretch and it’s a Friday night game I get you yeah they get Wisconsin at home and the Nebraska game is at Lincoln and I legitimate think that might be the toughest game on their schedule in all honesty uh yeah I mean you can make a case if Virginia Tech is better this year it could be Virginia Tech but yeah I agree I think Nebraska right now starting the season that looks like the toughest game you know or Michigan State they’re gonna win eight games so at Michigan State at the end of the year let’s remember that’s a Virginia Tech team that lost to Purdue last year didn’t they at home in the rain they they returning like 80% of their production though so they’re they’re returning a ton of guys I think it’s veget Tech I don’t think it’s 80% of squat is still squat it’s like it’s like yeah I mean like you could be I don’t know I I just I I I don’t I’m not as against the Michigan State thing now that I’ve talked to you but I still don’t think they got eight wins like I that’s a real reach Jr like that that’s some serious money I cannot give Michigan nine wins it’s it’s just against my religion okay so I I had to figure out a way and I said who was going to beat him the team that you know they’re frustrating because they keep talking about 49 to nothing against and stuff like that have Jonathan Smith go in there into the big house take them apart and win that one I mean all right all right hey by the way was was it Tucker’s first year with the uh the fumbled punt when uh Michigan B against Michigan State was it I think that was Tucker’s first year I don’t know Tucker’s first year or not can’t remember um Jr uh Sean wanted uh to give you credit he gave you credit on tonight’s show that you you called the uh the recruit that committed Zion Grady so he wanted to give you he wanted to give you credit for that and I immediately said Jr has has some insiders who are your insiders um I know a guy in the nil uh the foundation he’s not super high up but he’s high up enough that he knows some people um and then I also know a guy that’s in the creative department for Ohio State so not like the highest set people it’s not like I know staff or anything like that but I know people who know who have a idea of what’s going on that’s more than you’ve shared with me before you just said that out loud wow thank you I know people who know people I and I also know I also know you know other people and you’re not telling me everybody so I I know a few other people too I know you do all right but those are my main people for like recruiting and stuff like that okay all right so who’s next uh to commit yeah we’re gonna get Tran odm tomorrow um he called the staff and told them that he plans to commit tomorrow I think it’s at noon uh eastern time he’s even got time and then Maxwell Roy Maxwell Roy told Michigan no um so all indications there that he’s going to commit sometime the beginning of July sometime between July 1st and July 4th um was he the one that was committing on July 3rd wasn’t there somebody committing on July 3rd I thought Justin Hill yeah that one I have no idea think it’s in Ohio State lean but that’s we gotta get him dude that’s my that was like one of my that’s one of my big gets like we got to get them that’s huge for me like if you said hey you have Justin Hill or mcnut who would you rather have I’d say Justin Hill yeah Justin Hill for sure yeah Ryan day’s been calling Justin Hill a lot he really doesn’t have like a designated position coach because he’s the Jack yeah so it’s been kind of like Jim n’s deal but as we know Jim NES isn’t the best recruiter in the world so Ryan day is kind of like taking Justin Hill under his wing and has Ryan day also taken the offensive line recruiting and made that part of his daily occurrence as well because we need we need Davis right uh yeah it this offensive line class will be a disaster we don’t David Sanders yes I’m making we’re making fun really liking Jake cook and really liking Carter low but yeah Justin fry needs needs to land David Sanders yeah absolutely all right brother see came out earlier today and said that he would pick Ohio State um so he obviously has been hearing something good there yeah Steve wilfong’s also been swinging and missing a ton since he left 247 Sports dude eight yeah he puts a lot of stuff out there he got puku wrong um got a who else did he got wrong he got another guy wrong that was Notre Dame I think or something like that um yeah he’s not been great you know who doesn’t get I think they push him more to get predictions out there at on three so he’s kind of like forced to do that stuff I think at 247 they just kind of let him do it when he did it but you know who doesn’t get stuff wrong that’s Jr and he’s in the no J.R thanks for calling brother except for eight and five hey I will have to amend one I did get one guy wrong I got Jordan Davidson wrong he will not be a buckeye don’t get your hopes up Jordan Davidson is going to Oregon but I don’t know that we won him after the talk about him being so out of shape he he could have committed they gave him a shot and he didn’t and they said okay that’s fine with us I’m not I’m they were either way I’m not mad NOP yeah I’m not mad either I think it’ll be okay yep they got another plan we got bow yeah we got Bo that’s all matters and Bo knows football Bo yes he does bo bo b knows a lot and we’re gonna have a lot of t-shirts sold because of it all right J.R have a good night brother we’re gonna we’re GNA wrap this thing up later guys have a good night bye but does B know the Ohio podcast Eric I mean hopefully soon soon right hopefully soon oh man I just ended that this was this has been a wild and crazy night if you stayed for this entire the circus that was the Thursday night College show patch yourself on the back you are a super fan like there’s no doubt about it we had trouble with the phones we had broken up phone calls because of it uh per don’t calls we had Dylan call in we had Jr arguing about Michigan State winning eight games so wild I’m telling you they’ve both got some special brownies that’s all I’m saying yeah no kidding ah don’t you worry about that man you you don’t have to apologize man there’s always next week my friend there’s always next week and and soon we’ll be doing a Tuesday and Friday night phone call we’re going to do twice because I won’t be here for a Thursday so we’re going to make it up uh make it up to you all by doing two all right that’s it for tonight guys thank you so much everybody who uh has uh been here and and uh participated in the chat and the donations wow what a great donation we were given tonight by donating for five people to join this week uh this month man that was that was really cool and go on and check out out that special content guys I’ll tell you you’re going to find that once you’re a member you’re not going to want to let that membership run out because we have so many great things going on for our members yep we have giveaways coming in July um looking at the calendar Chris next Thursday is July 4th it is yeah so we’ll have to figure out what we’re going to do because I have a feeling the call-in show on the 4th is probably not a good idea um see I’m thinking maybe the fifth might be a better way to go yeah it is my birthday we want to have a birthday show with Eric I think we should have a birthday show with we’ll have a little birthday birthday celebration with Eric I kind of like that idea I have to work I have to work both days anyways I think that’s a great idea yeah I have to work I have to work the next two weekends because I’m taking a vacation the week after that so all right guys this has been a lot of fun remember be kind to one another iio someone’s o in Carmen Ohio with with all your heart till next time oh I good bucks


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