This live stream features testing of the best players distance irons of 2024. The best players irons of 2024 featured in this live stream include the PING i530, Titleist T200, Mizuno Pro 245, TaylorMade P790, Srixon ZX5 MK II, Cobra KING Forged Tec, and more.

2nd Swing’s Drew Mahowald is joined by master club fitters Kevin Kraft and Tyler Fitzel to test and review the best players irons of 2024 with the help of Trackman technology.

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e e e e hey golfers and welcome back to the second swing YouTube channel we are back for another weekly live stream here uh make sure if you’re subscribed to the channel you remember Tuesdays at noon Central time we’ll be live um in here testing clubs answering your questions um joined by Tyler fitzell as usual Tyler’s entering in all our information here for track man today because we have a special guest with us today uh and that is Mr Kevin Craft Kevin’s with us he just finished up playing at the US Senior Open up at Newport Country Club and he is now with us today we’ve got bunch of content coming with Kevin uh on the channel so stay tuned for that uh a couple podcasts couple of on course things as well so stay tuned for that um but as we let people filter in here uh we’ll kind of introduce today’s main topic which is players distance irons and so last week we did players irons we found some interesting things there we had some yeah uh well you did you were the one swinging well we both yeah that’s true I mean I I’m back here trying to keep you on check I know I know which isn’t the easiest thing I know sometimes that’s for sure yeah but uh today we got players distance irons we got seven I think seven irons six irons built right here so um I guess I’ll get both the opinion from both of you here as we you know get some viewers logging in here um I’ll start with you Tyler on the players distance category it’s almost like you know what 10 12 years ago this wasn’t even a thing and now it’s like there’s so many options in this category yeah it is and I think one of the things that really um is attractive about that player’s distance iron is can we get something that still is maybe a little bit Slimmer a little bit thinner one of the things I mentioned last week too is um in in conversation was this idea that someone needs ball speed but they don’t necessarily need something with a giant Soul so the game improvement that can maybe get us the ball speed um isn’t necessarily great because of turf turf interaction whereas now all of a sudden we have maybe a little bit better Turf interaction so we can accomplish a lot more things for uh a player that’s maybe not necessarily in into something on the on the the thinner the blade side or even the just like cavity back or someone that’s really not into getting something bigger like that that that game improvement style either yeah yeah I mean I think you know that player resistance category I know you even have one in your bag yeah it’s it has evolved into this you know there are a lot of these irons that have truly The Best of Both Worlds where you have a soft feel you have a forge face um but then it also gives you a bunch of distance and forgiveness I mean it’s just such a it’s such a versatile you know category for us you get the guys that maybe they’re they’re slowing down and they want a little more little more speed than they they’re getting out of their players clubs but they don’t want to look at something that’s really big you know there’s there’s this nice new category that’s attractive little more compact little less offset it’s not a huge jump but it’s going to help them get that distance that they’re that they’re looking for will still being able to control their shots and you know there’s just there’s so much we can do with them and there’s so many people we can fit into them and you get that guy that just doesn’t want the look of that thick Top Line right and all the sensitive people can go into the into the player distance iron and find something that really works for him so yeah exactly so we’ve got several here today with me I’ll kind of call out each model but we’ve got you know ping I 530 we’ve got mzo Pro 245 we’ve got the Shon zx5 Mark I we’ve got the CRA Forge Tech we’ve got the tius T200 and then also we thrown in the Callaway Paradigm AI smoke um so I think we’re going to see a lot of distance out of these irons today uh as we get started here is there any that you want to start with in particular or I’m an open book you can just throw me an iron and I’ll hit it all right I’ll do eyes closed trixon zx5 Mark two starting out with something that I absolutely love love the look of should we clear out all that data of uh before or should we leave it up there cuz we could also leave it up there that’s be oh it’s all good um in terms of the data that we’ve already got up uh you just go ahead and fire away I’ve got a new club tags ready to go beautiful I like it yeah no he didn’t hit a seven iron 240 by the way no goodness no that was uh we did have a guy in in the Columbia store that hit 7 iron 230 he had 116 M hour Club head speed with the seven iron oh my yeah uh he came in he came in for a for he had a gap at 300 so he he ended up with a three hybrid that flew 300 but that’s no that’s that’s that’s not me that is amazing I don’t have that I saw your face as he was telling you this he’s like that was my that was my face as well when I looked over and it was James Park doing the fitting and I just you know you could hear the sound right I looked over and and James you know maled to me seven iron yeah not driver I’m just like holy not driver seven iron yeah seven iron all right how many of these you want me to hit yeah four or five each four or five each yeah just like a fitting cool you already got a couple of comments in here uh someone to ask about the next series of Muno irons I don’t think we have any further info on those um but obviously it’s it’s kind of I think it’s the jpx year for rotation wise so um I’m sure that’ll be fantastic um and then also PA said no new tour tour Ed Exotics this year but I love my c723 irons um so that would have been potentially one we could actually throw in here today but certainly those are really good we did some initial testing on those and those were fantastic something to point out about distance irons or we call it players distance irons is we are getting some of the distance um in Loft some of the things that happen as the ball’s moving a little faster it can climb a little higher it can spin a little bit more so we see more launch more spin what a lot of the engineers have done in is reduced a little bit of the lofting to that to kind of do some more trajectory control uh what ends up happening though is you know we kind of sit here and say wow man my seven iron’s going so much farther yeah it is but you kind of start comparing that take the seven off of it and start looking at it as yeah in terms well what club does that doof by so now all of a sudden if my eight iron is doing what my old iron did it’s climbing higher it’s spinning more it’s stopping I’ve got forgiveness I don’t care if it says seven or eight on it so that’s that’s where we have to have the conversation with the with the customer right because each each Club in the bag is a tool right and it’s got a certain purpose right our job is to find something that they really like the look The feel and the sound of and then maximize it for them and we make sure that we’ve got the right height we got the right spin we got the right Landing angle and then if they want more yardage right we’re probably going to be able to find that for them if they don’t want more yardage there’s ways that we can we can manipulate that as well so um I tell people not to get caught up in the numbers either because it’s it’s whether it covers the spot that it needs to cover and whether we want that at 150 or 160 or 170 that’s up to the customer and we can we can make that happen for them so um you know as long as we’re getting good height we’re getting good spin we’re getting that Landing angle that we’re looking for I don’t care what the number is on the bottom if I had my brothers my my seven iron would say you hit this 174 there’s five in terms of the shrick on we got the zx5 mark i y um we got some numbers to look at here so uh what do we think first of all Kevin just kind of go through what you thought in terms of feel um you know and then also maybe the sound of it I mean what did you think of that so far it’s awesome yeah I’m I’m a big fan of this golf club yeah um from a from an aesthetic standpoint this does what I want it to you know looks like what I want it to look like feels really good auditory response is good it’s nice and consistent yeah um one things yeah we you just made that comment too and I’m going to kind of crunch the numbers a little bit up here so we can see that I like for me personally one of the things I kind of mention is the idea of three things get uh three things happen to the ball at impact you have a ball speed a launch and a spin then three things happen after impact and that that we look for is that what is that Peak heite of that particular shot what’s the landing angle of the shot what’s the carry distance of that shot total is absolutely important to this I look at it as a stopping power agent when you have something that has stopping power and it comes down over 45 degrees you’re going to have yourself a lot better chance at over the bunker maybe over the water maybe it’s over something and get it to stop front hole location even with a false front you know you don’t want to go you don’t want to be too short on it you don’t also don’t want to be too deep you want it to get to stop um really nice also uh the the dispersion in terms of plus minus you’ve got a a yard and a half that’s awesome yeah consistency is so important everybody asks for consistency what are you looking for I need consistency okay well that’s something we have to look at when we’re when we’re doing this is you know how how consistent 174 to and 175 on four out of the five shots the other one was 17.9 so um I don’t know what you were doing on that shot where you hit it 170 yeah talking to us yeah is distracted clearly but what is that what is your typical 7 iron distance had someone in the chat was asking about your what your gamer is and um 170 to 174 is you know I’m not going to try and hit a seven iron more than 174 okay stock is going to be right in that 170 number okay so should go a little further than just a little bit I mean that’s that’s right in the yard yeah that’s right in the right in the right area okay we should talk about the build real quick um standard length um uh for everything here at a seven iron this is a modus 105 stiff yep um very close to what you have it’s not what you play but we also want to be consistent as we test all of this course so um and then um everything’s in a flat whether it’s a one or a two degree flat setting except for the Cobra except for the Cobra is the only one we couldn’t on that but that’s okay so now we’ve got ping i530 so this is a one of the newest I guess in this category here here this is a 2024 release been doing a lot with this one lately yeah yep you Tyler yeah and the 525 the previous model to this was really good I find this to be um a little less uh ping sounding there’s a little less sound uh metal sound uh more muted I think we find ourselves with maybe a little bit better SPO spin control which is really good I agree with that yeah uh and then we still have options with it ping is really good about um three different lofting options so there’s their standard Loft set they have a retro which they can add some Loft and maybe introduce some trajectory and I love that I love going into that retro because if you’ve got that guy that’s at 47 4800 yes and and getting you know easily the distance he wants y but maybe we’re not quite getting that Landing angle or we’re not quite getting that Peak height just softening that up a little bit we see those numbers change he’s not going to sacrifice a lot in distance but he’s going to gain that control yeah that’s such a big deal agreed that’s a lot to live up to right there jeez yeah those are five really good Swings with the shcks on a that one didn’t turn over little open on the face I think yeah how’s this one feel compared to the strickson similar similar similar all right straighten your back out that’s a little better I’m looking at that plus minus on the carry yeah and like cuz it was 1.5 with the tricks on okay then we got to two there yeah I don’t know why everything’s hanging out to the right on this one this it’s kind of interesting well you said flat yeah oh you got a little extra ball speed with that one yep did it turn over no interesting how many was that was that four that was I think that was five was that five okay either or um right I like to say let’s get up kind of a flavor let’s see what’s going on okay um we look at that that obviously very similar results in terms of the numbers mhm uh we see about 173 173 182 182 dispersion for for this one a little off yeah that’s it right and even for that it is it just one push it’s kind of just that first swing one push maybe a little bit I will say the spin consistency is phenomenal on that I mean it has almost the same spin number like every time and I really don’t mind seeing that right side creeping I don’t want to see the left side creeping I don’t want I don’t want to turn it too much left no and um I don’t have um club path and face angle up here um you know we can get a little bit more in depth with it I think I think it’s it’s important for customers to know the most important thing that a trackman can do for us is tell us what the ball’s doing yep the ball is really the agent in this that we’re we’re talking about it’s what we hit it’s what we go chase it’s it’s it’s really what we’re trying to to figure out with this track band’s great at giving us an idea about what’s happening at imp but I also like to tell people at impact not what you did before not what you did after you know there’s a lot of things that happen it’s not a cause and effect relationship just because I’m inside that that happened because I did something so um but but for you generally speaking a little inside out yep yeah and that that produces that draw yeah yeah really good yeah I uh I’m going to refer to a comment in the chat someone was interested in seeing MP or miso Pro 245 so that’s where we’re going to go next all right so I’m curious I mean you know we obviously we talk so much about Mizuno feel that the and and what you’ve done with your testing on these and then we can obvious get a few shots but the the feel of these lives up to the hype in the sense that it’s a players distance Club but it feels like you know a forged kind of butter knife type of iron almost yeah I mean it’s one of the more aggressively styled ones right you look at it look down it and it really looks very much like a play yeah uh you put the 22 or sorry 24 one up against it and it’s a little bit smaller but you know it’s uh this is one that you know if you’re if you’re looking for that mauno feel you can definitely have it with this yeah yeah and all the and all the performance performance benefits too that felt fast I also think something um to note with players distance irons uh we’ve seen companies um and engineers get a lot more Progressive in what they do individualizing each Club it’s kind of like with this set as an example we have we have a solid grain flow foraging in um the gap wedge the pitch and the nine that’s right we get into a hollow construction as you get into the eight seven and on its way up into longer irons then even more specifically is all of these companies are engineering each iron more specifically for its waiting where the waiting is uh the shaping The Styling there they’re being Progressive with it they’re not just giving us okay this looks like a blade go play it and I think the the Next Generation and the next the the the iterations that they’re going through by Generations have started to continue to fine-tune they don’t just kind of rest on it and go well we’re just going to move a little bit here and make this this logo a little different now they’re actually really trying to fine-tune these right you know to an Nth Degree yeah top lines offset it’s all incrementally different up the set yeah yeah I mean you don’t as a consumer you don’t want just a rebadged version of of what’s already out there tweak The Loft a little bit you you want to know that there’s a difference right so as an example I’m excited to uh see the new GT Titleist Fairway woods and metals when they come into play I can’t say anything beyond that um but I will say uh really really cool um so there’s some technology involved in it and uh we we’re actually going to see it pretty shortly in a few weeks here MH something else I go back to in in my own game many years ago and and I’m pretty sure Kevin would agree with this too is he remembers like um padri was uh padri Harrington was winning um yeah he won like three majors in a couple years he did it with a with a Wilson Staff iron called the uh the fi5 was it the FI five I believe it was a blade it was a blade that became Progressive so it was a more blade in the lower irons became a cavity back um and I played a couple different sets of those I really liked it what it did is it offered me a bit more of the launch the spin the control in a pitch a nine and an eight and then into the seven it gets to a real true cavity back another set that I played for a long time that had success was the S3 um combo by Cobra was another one where again they were almost kind of H off the off the the face like they had some ball speed to them but uh with a a true blade a lot of spin height control um we see a lot of companies trying to continue to be Progressive with their sets uh that’s kind of what this this is doing in the the 245 by mauno um another one I think we kind of hear a lot about is you see Titus tries to do that between T 100s and 150s it’s kind of what 100 150 is from TY a sort of just you know they it is a progressive set in itself you know that the 150 has that little muscle channel in there and kind of can uh you know add a little more ball speed there too that’s exactly what they’re doing and it’s just they have the they have for the two models but like in a fitting it’s you have all these pieces you can build in one set you know you could have four different irons if you wanted to when you consider that 90% of pink or sorry Titleist staffers have Blended sets correct I mean look it’s it’s not all about blades anymore it’s hey they can use some forgiveness too everybody can use something that’s it’s a little more helpful I think will zot Taurus is using a t350 I like three iron four iron or something like that why would you not want to have something with a little bit of meat on it when you’re trying to hit a long Club over water right you know go back to uh kind of the iterations of uh cob IR for Ricky So F Fowler had uh when he won that Phoenix um had a four iron in the bag that was it was their uh game improvement I speed zone at the time yeah and I want to say something like they had what did they have to do they have to like add Loft because it went too far or it like that would I would buy that yeah it’s like so uh it’s it’s really you can really get to um better combinations and that’s really the whole point obviously that’s one of the reasons we talk about fitting is so important because you you’re going to need a look at some of those things yeah for sure let’s look at Theo Pro so there’s there’s one there’s one to throw out of there yeah I did notice that there’s a he had a it was one that carried tiny bit of a hookup and actually 269 this one right here too at 2600 I caught a that one a little bit heavy so probably throw that one out and there we go yeah I saw that one too I human human error Ty was talking so I didn’t mention anything and you didn’t mention anything so but I saw it you can call me out on it you can tell me oh you hit that one really good mhm um but what do we think here I mean this I love how the spin numbers are so close together with every club like we got 516 and 5124 would do those two so all these clubs are designed to do the same thing so when they do the same thing we should not be shocked this is where this is where fitting becomes difficult it’s not difficult for you or me to fit somebody into a golf club it’s difficult to make decisions because everything’s going to look pretty good it’s going to feel pretty good and by golly the numbers are probably going to be pretty similar so it’s harder to get customers to make decisions on things than it is for us to fit them right uh the other thing I would add to that too sometimes we have we have customers maybe where the dispersion isn’t as tight the consistency is not quite there and we say well how do I choose out of that I think sometimes it actually becomes a lot easier when we find something that actually hones this in yeah and a lot of times this is we we hear this all the time people come in well I need to find the right shaft no we need to find the right Club head then we need to find the shaft that actually works with that club head because because the the club heads hitting the ball and it’s going to give us the ball speed to launch and the spin we’re we’re talking about and then we can also start to see hey I like that look I like that feel this is working for me that’s one of the reasons why we’re just using a modus 105 it’s a very common it everyone has it but we start to see that the numbers are stacking up I would argue that it it becomes more important whether you have consistency or not because now we start seeing hey uh as an example that was a little bit straighter too how did you f like you’ve got three three three clubs out of um that we’ve hit so far if you had to pick between those three would would you have one already you like that one probably have this one yeah from from a from an overall perspective though all right so we have some variability right the standards aren’t the same all the way across the board yeah so ping we were at 60° orange dot is going to be 60 stand starting at 62 this one’s 61 and a half y so all right there’s a great display on on Li angle right we’re a little more right side oriented on a club that’s a little bit flatter this is a little bit more upright I play 61 uh in my 7 iron so you know very similar it’s going to be very similar to what we have here what was the trick on at you know uh well it was too flat and I that one should be 60 as well this fasinating how how quickly you know you got to something that’s a little bit more what you’re used to or even actually more upright maybe than your than your gamer and you get a little bit left to Second we’ll talk about that for a second um you know customers will ask uh about Li angle okay what first we talk about well where we would like to be and kind of what we see with that but in changing Li angle uh I’m not a big proponent that the LI angle needs to change dramatically right because it the club is the the constant the golf ball is the constant it’s not changing Li angle as we swing we change Li angle sure so uh how do you work with that the customer says well you know do do I need a different y angle so I use a lot of the the heat map yeah for impact right if we’re in the heel we’re potentially po Al potentially too upright little on the toe potentially too flat um but it’s different too because we work indoors so yeah I’m going to pick a I’m going to pick a number based on what I’m seeing on the club face what the dispersion looks like and then say look I want once you get these in I want you to go out playing for a few weeks get to the range watch where that impact location is right when you’re when you’re working off Turf and seeing that actual Turf interaction let’s make sure we’re getting that centeredness of of cont if we’re not let me know come in hit some shots make some potentially make some tweaks and send you back out and and work it that way because it is different conditions yeah uh and that’s why we we allow for follow-ups and I think it’s an important component I would love to see more people come back uh I only get maybe five 10% of people coming back and I’d love to believe it’s just because I’m that good but legitimately most people don’t pay enough attention you know one one thing to that um we have turf and sometimes people come in and say well you know I I don’t like mats the reality is that mat is nice and even yep nice and flat temperatures great in here no wind no rain it’s raining outside again y uh we we we’re dealing with with ideal conditions which is really really important for fitting that’s not to knock being able to fit yourself Outdoors right but like uh it’s already it’s already windy and it’s cold today totally different fitting than when it’s 75° and and ideal condition so we need we actually need both we need to get out there and find out totally so yeah that’s it’s fascinating I’m this is going to be interesting now CU we’re going a little bit I would I don’t know maybe a more powerful iron I would say Paradigm AI smoke okay and I’m curious to see if these distance numbers still stack up because we’re basically at a point where 182 total is the number and 173 174 is carry number so on average okay right away some ball speed right away he didn’t swingen that much Master did he he just just a little little hotter Club face mhm maybe a tiny bit stronger lofted yeah 27 uh 28 it’s not that strong is it 28 um yeah it is I think it’s pretty sure it’s 28 it might be 27 but I’m pretty sure it’s 28 either or um I don’t think it’s 27 that would be the mizuno’s at um the mauno I believe is at 31 maybe 30 31 oh the Muno is at 30 the i530 the Ping is at at 29 the T T2 200’s at 30 we’re not stting crazily far away I guess no no and then you know we’ll we’ll get into the co cobra in a second as well and that but that is a much lower lofted just a little skinny on that last one but still got 119 in ball speed okay just a little thin on that one okay yeah just a little thin all right so we definitely have some different numbers up there yeah how about the the feel feels good I mean it’s it feels solid at impact uh feels powerful um not a ton difference in the in the feel for me across across these Muno probably felt a little bit softer uh if anything I’d say this feels a little more explosive so maybe just a little tiny bit I want to bring up the the each shot in the spin rates for the Paradigm cuz you said that last one you caught thin yeah look at how different the spin rate is yeah it’s not it’s not right yeah and and you can tell it was thin because you know the launch is lower didn’t get as high and it was obviously Le less efficient you know it was a shest shot you hit um but I mean you lost a couple of carry yards yeah the spin rate stayed the same it’s pretty good to see that off of a thin one consistency was was quite good you know where where does this fit in for for a customer most likely someone that carries maybe a bit more Spin U maybe a bit more launch and we need to gain some ball speed but we don’t necessarily need to do anything with launch and spin yeah yeah that was my question to you Tyler is you know um dropping from 5,000 down to you know 4,800 trajectory is still pretty good still averaging 100 fet in the air Landing angle still pretty good yeah you know how much how much is 200 RPM for you is that are is that a danger zone for you dropping that that is it a red flag or is a yellow flag maybe it’s a green flag I don’t um I think it really depends on the player so if we’re talking about someone that has that launch and spin that we maybe need to to try to reduce a bit because what it does is it spin also with a little bit less spin these aren’t wandering quite as much either correct they are staying maybe a little bit straighter yeah um if you’ve had someone that uh let’s say for instance they’ve got 6,000 Spin and we drop them to 48 totally different ball game that’s probably going to be a a a shock yeah because now we’re not now we’re going to have instead of two or three yards of roll out we’re going to probably see 10 yeah or more and um again it kind of fits where you are so depends on the type of game that you’re playing kind of depends on the condition you’re at Minnesota uh for us anyway I don’t know how it’s been out east for you but really wet not not not super hot so we’ve had kind of unseasonably Co cooler and wet and soft conditions and soft so for me I get away with that right now carry distance is everything y it’s like uh that might be a different story in a month if we dry out the heat cranks up and we normally see a summer that we normally see yeah uh also very different if we’re talking about um regions uh maybe getting down into something like Texas Arizona or even in a desert region uh might be a different conversation I mean we play in I call it combination conditions we’re going to have the softs we’re going to have the firms right yeah we’re going to have hot we’re going to have cold right exactly out in Arizona you’re going to have firm most of the time yeah Texas you’re going to have firm you know a little bit more of the time so yeah I I I worry a little bit when the spin drops um yep and if I might lead a customer a slightly different direction if the numbers are very similar but hey we can have that little bit better control I want all the control I can get you know so you know that could be a conversation about the golf ball sure yeah because you know we might be able to induce a little bit of launch1 versus prov1x we’re hitting Prov v1s right now that’s the ball I play um and then I also you know thinking economically uh we talk a little bit about the price points this is a a less price point but what we’re seeing is we’re not necessarily uh seeing a difference in technology yeah right so we’re we’re also we can talk about that as hey uh maybe that one of those other sets is a a little bit more than we want to spend on something yeah well then all of a sudden we have a conversation about this yeah absolutely true yeah I think uh I mean again I was just fascinated by how forgiving we’ve talked about smart face before with AI smoke um pretty consistent there despite I’m just looking at that that thin one you have it’s the same thing I lost you know you know like 10 of height but yeah didn’t lose much in distance at all so really good let’s go to COBRA here okay Forge Tech I know this is one that you’ve actually have the five iron in the B I do indeed I don’t have it at two degrees upright but I do have this yeah so th this one is um actually the outlier for a couple of reasons um first of all I didn’t have a modus 105 stiff so I got went to a dynamic gold 105 stiff in this and I didn’t have anything in the flat Li angle um so we’re going to well do it I’ll just I’ll just aim right it’s okay well you you you already know what it looks like so you you can adapt sure he’s a good enough player to do so most people aren’t uh no most people are pretty good oh yeah most people are really good at what they do it’s um I think sometimes it becomes expectation boy this feels like my five iron it’s funny how that works it is yeah so this is what the fifth iron we hit so far um yeah is there do you have a favorite in terms of feel that one is it this one I mean I certainly like this one um I don’t know maybe maybe the mauno okay I I definitely like the feel of the Muno it definitely I felt like that one was the softest and I’m not gonna say this couldn’t change from day to day either but talking the wrong person that is true Club Fitters I mean that is true uh I would say that in my time having been a club fitter testing um I do I do help in evaluation stuff um on the side um shout out for uh independent golf reviews that I’ve been able to play practice hit try just about everything on the market yeah um obviously here um working here I have you know the everything yeah essentially literally everything it really it really doesn’t vary for me and I would I’m I’m only projecting that I think this is very similar to you is if something looks good if it feels good and it’s doing what you want I don’t care what it is yeah yeah yeah I I completely agree yeah um I like the vast majority of the products that are released these days there’s you know aesthetically I have some issues with with some things because I’m psycho in terms of of looks he is but yeah I am um but overall everything’s good right it’s it’s all the products now are so good you know I was I was going to mention something on Muno and you’ve probably heard this too uh when the engineers were talking with the engineers and they bring something new out to the line and this was the Muno Pro a you few years ago uh they wanted to put the copper underlay which they had for many many many years well they went back out on tour and they basically handed two different seven irons with a blank and said hey hit a couple of these hit a couple which would you prefer 100% wanted that copper underlay they said I’ll take that one if I’m going to do if I had without knowing which one was which without knowing and as that blind test on it with that copper underlay that’s a sound it’s a harmonics M if becomes a feel mhm and it’s not that the other companies aren’t doing this we saw we’ve seen this um other companies are spending a lot of their their research and Technology monies on harmonics on sound um on trying to make things sound a certain way versus another yeah so players have spoken and said that I mean it’s spoken by buying certain things and and not buying other things that that stuff matters the other thing is sound and feel are very intrinsically linked right so if something sounds harsh it’s gonna feel harsher right so my first I’d say dip into that was the um I remember now uh the the Ping nickel irons the copper copper nickel yeah when they had a copper nicker uh nickel uh layer MH way back when gosh were those isi they were isi that’s College days we have we had a few back there that’s College days um yes it was College days but man they they were so much softer yeah and it was like wow this is different and so this sort of uh you know harmonics has been around for a long time we still hear about that I I have the conversation about wedges because I’m not necessarily I love forged wedges I like the sound of it right but I still do also play uh vogi wedges which aren’t forged correct right and so what it what it took for me is and I I hadn’t played him until this year so uh it took a while for me to get used to the sound yeah of the non forged of the yes and once I got used to that we had no no issues yeah I mean takes a while does yeah I know you know that oh yeah um what we got so was that was Cobra that was Cobra Forge Tech we should look at those those numbers what it so kind of looking initially it looks like we got a very good distance consistency there yep yeah once again we’re back into that 173 and 182 window it’s that’s where we’ve been and I handled the upright very well with this you did you did you very good job there interesting a little lower ball flight I mean again we’re talking about a fractional difference but um it’s so funny how we went from we went to Paradigm which was a little bit hotter iron we quickly went up to 179 carry 188 or 189 total but everything else everything else has been 173 to 174 carry then a 182 total so we know we know Kevin’s numbers with players distance iron 173 carry 182 total you know and and so someone might say well I really like that iron but you know I need to change that slightly well we talked about golf ball a little there there is something to shaft the hard part with shaft is that the shaft is not going to make something happen we have to make it it’s our swing it’s our technique so we talk about technique and Technology all the time but I would also say that lofting is very important and the one thing that we can talk talk about with that is hey maybe I Chang The Loft a little bit let’s let’s maybe add this then maybe take this away another thing to that too is being very specialized in it we talked about how the Bryson has different Lofts on his irons um personally I have different lofting spreads and lie angle spreads um on my irons do you do you do that much where you might have say that like for me I basically have an 8 n pitch and all my wedges at about 63° of a li angle okay even up to the eight iron because the one thing I don’t want with any of those clubes is going left and then um I I carry a five is a long one with some hybrids but I go 5 six s and they actually are a little bit more upright yeah because I don’t necessarily want to go right with them sure so the longer the club is the harder it is to square up yeah there’s a lot of people that will benefit from a little more upright in the longer in the longer clubs um my set actually doesn’t I’m pretty well you know I go 62 and a half from pitching wedge Gap sand lob okay um but I’m two degrees flat everywhere else so and for me it’s just it’s just hitting shots and and seeing where it is in the center of the club pH like if I’m yeah I don’t I don’t care what the number is as long as it’s in the middle if it’s in the middle and it goes left or right that’s me so you know it’s I’m I’m All About variability in terms of you know what’s going to make things go the where it needs to go I heard a story once uh real quick um that nichelson had uh one degree of Loft difference between his seven and his eight iron and this is a set and this is way back when he was with Callaway but they were talking about like it hit his flight window and it didn’t matter what the number was but it hit the flight window that he wanted his seven iron and his eight iron and it could have been maybe one or maybe two degrees of Loft difference yeah but it just kind of which is yeah you we typically we see a lot what is it 3 four degrees typically typically yes right one is a little bit uh yeah unique got one more okay yeah what that’s T200 very good um so we got to you have to find one of our reps and they’ll uh work on that here on scan it yeah there go all right it’s a pretty decent looking rainbow of fruit flavors up there I like that it’s a very nice attract painting oh I must not hit that one very good it didn’t feel bad interesting yeah just wasn’t wasn’t ball speed yeah ball speed was a little off on that H it’s more better yep like that launch and spin too yeah I like that spin number I feel like the Titleist irons over the years have not been at least in the in the players to players distance category have not been maybe the furthest they have buned a little bit higher trajectory and a little bit more spin they have tended to spin more I I called the old stuff kind of spin monsters yeah they really really spin a lot which in a lot of in again a lot of respects that’s a really good thing it’s it’s a great thing right if you’re going to go with KN Loft you’re going to add ball speed you’re going to want to maintain a little bit of that spin we might finally have a club that does not carry 173 and total 182 I think Titus did an awesome job too with the I know they had they did they when they released this lineup they said that they wanted to improve the sound and feel the T200 model versus the previous generation and I think they did a really good job job with it I’m going to hit a six just so we can throw out that first one which I’m going to call a practice swing definitely see more spin here oh left it out ah okay still better than that first swing though well I don’t know I don’t know or maybe not okay fine throw throw out the last one throw out the last one yeah throw out the last one too yeah there we go there go oh I hit seven I didn’t even realize hit that many okay cool hit seven yeah all right Kevin hit seven well this is good uh we finally see some difference here we’ve got a little bit higher Loft uh or launch as an average higher spin as an average our Landing angle might be the steepest on that I think it is and uh we’re not seeing now this is total so let’s go let’s go back in here and look at this from a carry perspective as well um so dispersion is not our problem with this uh we’re just seeing a bit more launch and a bit more spin than some of the other ones with that well that that becomes a benefit yeah you know we’re the ball the the ball gets moving faster we we want to maintain spin um that initial ball velocity is very important we don’t want to lose spin necessarily I now you can uh comment on this the idea is like I I like to say you’re either climbing or diving in terms of spin right because you’re going to be able to that Ball’s going to be able to stay in the air or it’s going to help that stay in the air or it’s not enough and it’s falling and that really kind of is what we see is you start looking at shot shapes where you see something that moves left left and we go oh that that’s a hook well sometimes no it’s not necessarily it’s pretty straight it just drops off quickly cuz there’s not enough spin to to maintain Loft on it yeah you know um I’m just because we always I know we always have that discussion about dispersions and which oval we like best here right I know that’s we’ve talked about that before um so I know this isn’t a fitting but if this was a fitting is there a setup here Kevin that you would like or Tyler maybe you would like out of out of what we’re looking at here because I’m seeing there’s obviously some I think there’s some things showing through here a little bit um number one I think Paradigm is going to be the hottest we knew that hottest and longest of the irons um and it also we should note is the biggest dis dispersion oval up there yeah um and again we’re talking I mean that’s still a really really good dispersion it’s just Kevin is that good with everything else um but it’s like we have some that are you know east to west tyght dispersion we have the T200 which was very consistent distance– wise um so what are you seeing out of these that you like the most so from from for me personally from my perspective I would probably throw out the the AI smoke yeah um because it is the outlier in this yeah um you also don’t need more distance with correct correct um the rest of these I mean goodness gracious they’re right on top of each other look feel and sound you know what what am I most excited to pull out of the bag and look at we know already that this that the head shaft combinations work really well okay so shafting wise go a little lighter go a little heavier see if there’s a difference in the feel in terms of how it loads where that club head is is the efficiency better do we actually see a jump up in in Smash factor is is that combination more consistent um and then we’ll get into the we’ll get into the the minutia of it you know the the variances and see if there’s anything in there that that really jumps out um I see one we talked about the ping spin rate we talked about I think was it the Cobra or maybe it was the last Club the T200 the yeah the carry distance consistency was very very good yeah so when we’re talking about four yards of difference between you know the ones that are that are the longest and then the one that’s the shortest okay from a numbers perspective I’m most excited about this because I got more height and I got more spin so inherently I’m going to get more control yep right so so that excites me from a you know how does it perform and and how does it look and feel I today I absolutely love that mauno it felt great and the numbers are good um so then you know you get it down to those two and man it’s it really does come down to just the the minutia of it all and some of the things that we talk about in fittings as an example we used the same shaft so that we had a constant we didn’t change that variable but the head weights are variable yeah these companies make different head weights um as an example I feel like the cen’s a little lighter in the head I feel like the mauno is a little heavier in the head and the way that they build them and the way that they they’re making them and the way that each company Engineers they balance them that is also something to kind of keep in mind sure uh you know we we do have swing weight machines so that we can actually look at what that swing weight is uh another thing that that’s important to note as you start looking at lies and Lofts and swing weights every company has proprietary ways of measuring their product against their product that we get inhouse and say all right well this is uh this isn’t the right law yeah but that actually is the way that ping did it P is very particular about what they do on their machine I don’t have that machine yeah right I don’t have their swing weight machine I don’t have their Loft life machine I can’t measure for them but I can definitely measure against all of them in a set yeah and talk about that um and that’s where again we talk about follow-up visits in terms of tweaking where those irons are is May I personally I feel like P ping I got um some of the wedges the new wedges and they’re too upright even in the black Li code the standard Li code it’s like I’d probably flatten I’d flatten them like two degrees maybe something like that maybe two degrees right and I it’s it’s not against ping yeah they’re just like that’s what I have to do with my equipment when I get it in is personalize it yeah it’s amazing how much that stuff matters sometimes too players you know they take for granted and so many times right we you know have people come in they go grab a set of used IRS or used wedges and bring out to the course and then they might think well why am I hanging out to the right so much compared to my old set well it’s because is three degrees flatter than you’re used to playing that’s also a really good point you know when when someone comes in and and I hear this question bit is like okay so I’m going to buy some used clubs you know uh uh are they fit for me well we have to look at the measurables so we find out some of the measurables we look at at uh length and strength you know is it the proper length do we have the LI angles do I have the right type of shaft with that uh if I’ve got those those intangibles to it you know we might find something that fits you and I don’t have to change it it’s a good fit but that’s what we’re looking for it’s more the selection process that we get into with any of these clubs too right right um yeah I think you know based on what I’m seeing here I obviously all of these are awesome yeah they’re all good you there’s there’s no you know weak links here in the group of of irons um even the par you know we you kind of unchecked the Paradigm but that thing still has a purpose too that could fit a lot of players you know it’s the longest if someone’s out there with maybe maybe they’re like generating a lot of spin but they’re not you know getting it as far as they want to Paradigm could be a really really good option um what we could do there we go that’s a good idea actually is kind of look at look at the look of all the irons Kevin and get your feedback on on that because there are some variables or variability I should say variance in the the look of the iron the build of the iron I will say the Paradigm actually does look a lot like a player assistance iron doesn’t it yeah one of the reasons I went that way was actually AI smoke sorry um yeah the AI smoke well it’s a I believe it’s a paradig as but too many words um the reason I went that way versus the Apex Pro in their new mod model um was based on the weighting right so um we have to kind of change up the weights um there I don’t have different weights for it so to kind of put that as a fair test against it uh what what I have is um is uh way too light whereas that has more of the beef it’s got it it’s got a little bit more of the weight to it want you want to grab all of them and give your thoughts on the looks here I’ll give you give you two more and and uh question Kevin is there is there something about uh the so of the club and turf interaction that you look for or feel for um when I’m doing my own stuff not really okay um you know the the only one here that’s really got a specifically I need bigger hands trying to hold all these the only one that’s got a really specifically different soul is is really the visole and the ston I’m not very steep I’m I’m pretty shallow so there ‘s a question mark as to whether this is the right kind of soul for me somebody that gets a little steeper yeah you know I like this a lot um you know from a from a a purely aesthetic standpoint these are not that different across the board yeah um one area in which they are different is the area which I am obsessed about and that’s right here okay I call it the crotch yeah okay how the the hle transitions into the head how deep this is and then how it raises up to the to the toe yeah and I’m absolutely obsessed with it so there’s a couple of these that look better than better than the others um I know P personally I well obviously I’m a wedge guy I like my wedges that’s a different conversation yeah yeah you like wedges uh yeah you can follow me at the wedge Magician on Instagram but uh if you look at the um the the the Leading Edge I prefer something that’s a bit more rounded that looks so for me anyway uh I like the look of something that looks more like a wedge okay just from an aesthetic side okay so I’m okay with something that maybe isn’t super bulky might have more rounded might be on the toe might be on the sole might like the rounded edges for me um I like that and and that’s again if becomes personal preferences I’ve seen uh you know customers come in and it’s like this looks too squar okay all right that great that’s the whole point we got you know all these options to it all right so you’ve picked you said you’ve picked a winner on you know the playability for you you get the T200 with the extra height and spin yeah you said overall performance you really like the Mizuno Pro 245 and also the feel that one how about look give us a favorite that you like to look down at so my favorite one to look at strix on that’s okay easy I mean it’s it’s the it’s the deepest crotch it’s got the great and a really nice climb to the toe um it is a little thicker on the top line than some of these but from a shape perspective this just makes me happy this is what you like okay it’s good um numbers wise how was the uh what were the numbers like on this on the oh phenomenal yeah they were good right out of the gate in fact we were kind of talking about is like how are you going to get better than that I could go so I me I don’t know if he did I suppose at this point I would I would say these three are out just based on Aesthetics and that is Ping and that’s the ping ping Callaway and Callaway and the Cobra okay which is funny because I I play the Cobra Well you do but in a five iron yes that’s that’s not your yourself I’m looking for something that’s a little bit bigger than the other clubs so that I feel happy when I’m trying to hit a shot over over water um so from these three um you know I could really go any direction what would you put me in O wow now I’m testing you the fitter as we wrap up here that’s what would you put me in mauno mauno yeah okay here’s why one of the things at least from a customer’s perspective is we don’t have up charges in terms of all the shaft options and grip options sure now I like that the economical side of it I also like it be just based on the technology behind it the engineering there’s nothing about any of these that I would slight but I look at that and say hey we’ve got a lot of really really good options to it um I like the progressiveness of the set I like how we’ve got actual solid forged clubs down in the lower irons up to specific waiting where the waiting is how they’re specifically engineering each one every company does this I think mauno in that realm because the first thing you said was you love the way that felt yep and you know we you’re you’re at a I think it’s about feedback I think it’s about when you caught it a little on the toe you went ah that was a little on the toe some of the other clubs may be a little bit more click clicky maybe a little louder maybe we don’t know where we hit that yeah that’s a good point would you make any changes any adjustments uh maybe a little bit flatter you know might go another half degree kind of you know where you are and where’s your seven iron now CU I was at 61 and this one’s 61 I’m at 61 right now1 so that that’s a half yeah um you know dynamically you hit it pretty much in the center so that’s okay maybe a little half brings that even more to the center y um you know shaft wise we’d have to talk about shafts I know you play you play a steel fiber it’s an option in Muno as well uh that that’s a really consistent shaft it’s uh that is one where there is an upch charge in terms of that of course um I I look at it as a whole I I don’t know that we’re going to lose on any of these yeah I just say from the initial Impressions you had when you hit it and said wow this looks good this feels good that’s what I would pick would you change the Loft at all try to get any more spin any more any more height um was that was second that was the second most spin of all the irons you hit I think so it was yeah yeah we could yeah we could I’m I I don’t have an issue with that I suppose you probably would Kevin just because I know you’re well you’re used to your 7 iron carrying 170 and so you could you could drop it drop the Loft up or I guess move the Loft up a little bit if you yeah I mean might might start at a half just to just to tweak it a tiny bit but yeah I I don’t think it’s it’s certainly not one that I think maybe it would be let’s let’s get them in let’s take them out let’s play them let’s see what the numbers look like on the golf course and then if you feel like you’re getting a little too much out of it and you don’t want that where you want a little more height then let’s let’s you know incrementally make a couple little tweaks and see what happens so that’s uh that’s kind of what the fitting process is I know you said what 5 to 10% actually come back for the followup but you know there there could be a lot more if uh players go out in the course play their new irons and maybe see some differences that they didn’t want to so do you uh do you have a law fly machine at home at home no okay I I say that I do I’m I’m at work five days a week know they’re scattered about there’s there’s like four right behind I have only one that I use okay that’s it that’s what I do I have one at home I’ve had it for a long time it’s the only one that I use so that I’m consistent about my equipment that’s all that it’s not a you know it’s not you don’t have to judge me because I have one um but but I think oh we’re going to judge you but I also think it’s important I also think it’s important that like we talk about that that’s one of the things I would say to a customer Hey listen let’s take this over to this one remind me if you do come back we’re on this one I’m the one putting it in I’m the one lining it up you try to consistent with some of those factors absolutely any any variabilities that we can take out of the the equation better that’s for sure that’s all about and a second swing tour van iron fitting right so um we’ll start to wrap there um we thank everybody for joining um in the chat participating leaving your comments uh watching once again uh Tuesday at noon our live stream today thanks to Kevin for joining and and coming in this week after the major appearance this was a uh it was a fun wind down to a uh to a pretty good stretch of golf so yeah for sure and then of course Tyler thank you as well for your insights and stuff we’ll be back next week Tuesday at noon with another live stream it’ll be Tyler and myself back in here yeah and uh otherwise golfer make sure you subscribe to the channel ring the bell for the notification for when we’re live and we’ll see you next week at second swing we know it’s not you it’s your clubs that’s why we offer over a 100,000 new and used golf clubs and a team of experts who help you find the perfect option for both your swing and your budget customize your bag with a tour level fitting then trade in your current clubs to save even more on your upgrades change your game in store or online at second


  1. Good video. Lots of good choices out there. I am a fan of the built-in blended sets that Mizuno has out with their Pro 243 and Pro 245. I'm playing the Pro 223 and have them bent 1 degree strong (thx 2nd Swing). It's nit picking but I do like the Pro 243 loft progression the best out of their Pro line up and the feel of the 223 is terrific. I find them better feeling than any of the hollow body irons I've hit. I should probably stop watching these and stay monogamous to the 223 irons for a couple of seasons or until the 243 goes on sale.

  2. I might have missed it but I didn't see the results for the Taylormade P790 irons. They are one of the iron sets that I would like to try out. Thanks

  3. I hate to be negative, but as soon as I heard Wilson Dynapwr Forged we’re not included in this test I decided not to keep watching ☹️

  4. Wouldn't the apex pro fit better in that category than the AI Smoke? Im in this market at the moment and not even considering AI.. Maybe should I?

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