Golf Players



In the latest golf news, Sergio Garcia narrowly missed qualifying for his second consecutive Open Championship at Valhalla Golf Club. Despite shooting 3 under par with rounds of 71 and 70, Garcia struggled with crowd control issues at West Lancashire in England, leading to frustrations and delays. The golfer, a major champion, expressed his disappointment over the lack of ropes and marshals, which forced him to rush his shots, ultimately costing him crucial strokes.

This breaking news from the PGA Tour golf news and NBC Sports Golf Channel highlights the challenges faced by players in high-stakes tournaments. While Garcia didn’t advance, fellow LIV Golf player Sam Horsfield made the cut. For more on this story and other pro golf updates, including Rory Golf News and Scottie Scheffler News, stay tuned to Golf Central and Golf Channel News.


well friends let’s dive into a recent story from the World of Golf that’s sure to spark some conversation our subject today is none other than Sergio Garcia the 44-year-old major champion who recently missed qualifying for his second consecutive Open championship by just a couple of shots picture this Garcia after finishing his rounds found himself surrounded by a sea of young fans eager for autographs quite the scene right at least a thousand people turned up to watch him at West Lancashire in England it’s no surprise it affected his play and Sergio himself admitted as much Garcia managed to shoot three under par with rounds of 71 and 70 but the drama didn’t stop there during his opening round he was caught on video having a bit of a spat with someone off camera shouting you’re right we’re always wrong clearly frustrations were running High according to Ben Parsons from bunard who was on site Garcia was pretty unhappy with the lack of crowd control his group was put on the clock which was a bit unfair given they had to constantly wait for the crowds to clear before taking their shots Parsons also noted that the RNA upped the number of Marshals for Garcia’s second round to 15 in an interview with Parsons Garcia explained the situation it’s very simple when you have 2,000 people following us with no ropes nothing the marshals were trying to do the best job they could do but obviously we had to stop pretty much on every te for 2 3 minutes to hit our t- shots because people were walking in front of the tea and on The Fairway unless we wanted to start hitting people we couldn’t hit I don’t think they took that into account and that was unfortunate it made us Rush on a day like today when the conditions are so tricky and you might need a little bit of extra time here and there it doesn’t help out because of that I made a couple of bogeys that might cost me getting to trun unfortunately despite his efforts Garcia didn’t Advance however his fellow livv player Sam horsefield was among the four who did make it don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and leave a like if you like the content so there you have it folks a tough day on the course for Sergio Garcia marked by crowds controversy and just missing the cut it’s moments like these that remind us how unpredictable and thrilling the game of golf can be thanks for watching don’t forget to check out the next news story that will pop up on your screen and as always remember to subscribe and leave a like see you next time

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