Golf Players

Who do Kane and Kingy have IN THEIR SIGHTS ahead of Round 14? – SEN

David King and Kane Cornes go head-to-head on all the pressing AFL issues, only on SEN’s Fireball Friday!

0:00 The Dig
5:00 In The Gun
10:03 The Friday Agenda


um if I was if I was coaching the Western Bulldogs I wouldn’t have dropped Garcia KY his last three weeks the youngster he’s averaging 20 a goal and five and a half score involvements per match I think he’s given them something at the dog I I really like him and he’s been left out of the side this week against freem manal so just just maybe a little dig at um at my man B for leaving Garcia out not a move that I would have made who are you having a dig at well I’ve got two digs today first dig is for the hacker that got into Tommy Morris’s Twitter account now it did some damage for some running around for Tommy yeah but the question I would like to ask to our uh our trusty listeners this morning is if you could hack into can account and put one line to air what would that one line read dangerous feel free to send them through we we will read the ones we feel appropriate dangerous but my real dig is is at the AF fell I think when you know they they’ve ticked off that they are comfortable with the process on Monday afternoon from the from the Melbourne football club and what happened behind the scenes I just want to know why we aren’t being transparent with that with that information and what went on there’s only a couple of reasons one one I think we need to do it to Future proof from it happening again and two let us decide like it’s our game too the fans need to to be a bit more respected on this occasion it show us what happened and let us decide whether we think that that’s appropriate or not and see if we’re comfortable as a as a a supporter base as a lover of the game as a lover of the players and generally when you hide things it’s generally because there’s something to hide so I I would like to I’d like to make our own conclusions we we have the same uh opt opportunity when the Port Adelaide concussion discussion around Li Le that was that was front and center for all to to make their own uh views I would like the same I don’t understand why we we’re it is strange that the the the sanction as you said for Port Adelaide was the biggest sanction ever 100 grand um after it breached the concussion protocols 50 was included in the football Department soft cap and that I think that was fair in the end I think they were all pretty to use the word comfortable with that yet we don’t take internal injuries as serious how how is that in any way different I know the head is is clearly the topic at the moment and rightly so but how’s how’s a spleen or a punched lung or the seriousness of that any less significant than a head injury and the treat that even if that was unforeseeable just educate us on the process this is what happened this is these are the steps we took and we we couldn’t predict this and we couldn’t predict that and in the end this this decision was made by a or C I think we’re all comfortable to live with that but but give us the facts present us the evidence and let us make our own mind yep and then off the back of that putter they won they reviewed all their processes and you you wonder whether Melbourne and not just Melbourne and other clubs are are doing the same as well if you want to have a dig at someone or something 043 98116 before your next job search Before You Dig every time and never dig blind the text machine crazy with want to put on your Twitter I can’t keep up with them this is the problem and it doesn’t make for great radio cuz yes it does it will it will after the break when our we have to censor some of them you have to read them before you can’t just look at the text and read it out because you don’t know where it’s going no don’t do that on what I’m reading I wouldn’t be doing that Scott said corns would say please help I want a car for my son I will pay $500 how’s the car going have we got rid of it yet the car’s gone hang on yes the lemon is gone it is it is out I’ve shifted it I took a loss I took a l what we get what we get for it what do we get I don’t like taking a loss what do we get but I took what did we get for it between no what did we get we shipped it off what did we get between no 500 and 3,000 now that’s too big a scope do don’t tell me you got 500 between 500 and 2,000 no give me the number I want the number give me the number how much do we get for it I’m just relieved that the car gone from my driveway are we able to look this stuff up somewhere we a to look up what a car it’s going to a better home and it’s going going to a well was tra it was traded in traded in I traded it in and thank goodness there’s no oil left in my driveway no and it is gone for Australia’s leading online auction Marketplace if you want to load it up let us know who’s in your site so for 398 1116 kingy stormed in this morning with his chest puffed out he said I got a good one I got a good one that was me NS that was just naps I just finished recording um May so last week we went Tommy green who who’s going okay but hasn’t ripped a game to shreds I’m gonna stay on that theme with the with the guys that have good enough to dominate the competition and we just want a little bit more so I’m looking at Luke Jackson in a game that is critical to freem manal’s Chances he’s kicked 11 goals this season five of those five games has been a multiple goal scorer so he’s kicked four four doubles and a triple but they’ve been against teams ranked on the AFL table 10th 11th 13th 16th and 18th on the road Western Bulldogs come over and dominate now he’ll get an opponent if he plays forward in kasas or odonnell undersized inexperienced he should be able to capitalize and when he goes into The Ruck he’ll get a Tim English who’s just an average hit out Ruckman and just an average hit out to Advantage Ruckman so I think he could dominate in both facets of the game this week it’s it’s he’s had some big clearance games at Marvel against North M and K I want to see him rip this game shs this is sitting here on the tea ready to be smashed out of the park ready to be smack I like it setting the agenda uh just on your last uh week’s one with Tom Green asked Adam Kingsley about that yesterday he said going okay but what he did say he said I went back this is Kingsley and watched the Port Adelaide Caron game and I saw what Patrick Crips did in that last quarter and he said there’s no reason Tom Green can’t do that for us that’s what that’s what we’re good call isn’t it it’s I thought it was a really good call I thought yeah why couldn’t he do that against Port adade uh this week we’ll get to that game a little bit later on this is just a little this is a little bit left filled like little I am watching with significant interest the contract negotiations between Tyson stingle and the jalong football club oh because for whatever reason and say whatever you like um there needs to be some loyalty from the stingle camp towards jalong now there’s a balance of course I’m not suggesting that stangle stays at jalong for 400 when the saints are offering him 850 that is too big a gap and I can understand why he would leave at that rate but I think you have to factor in and I don’t think the golf will be that big what the jalong football club has done for Tyson stingle and if he leaves it’ll be a fourth club and sometimes you have to look internally at the reason as to why we’re looking at Rory lob fourth Club there’s a reason why and you’ve got to look internally but what you long have done for stingle to get him from the sandall after Adelaide sacked him when no one else wanted him and turned him into an all Australian and a Premiership player and of course a lot of that hard work was done by stangle in turning his life around but I don’t really want to see him hold out and fight over50 to $100,000 and then leave jalong who have been so good to him he’s in ripping form I think he’s as good of any small forward in the game so you have to be rewarded for that but sometimes sometimes that loyalty and what the jalong footy Club have done for him means just a little bit more than money so it’s just a just one that I’m watching uh with interest that’s a good call I like this one unlike you to go to contracts that should go the other way that fa that should favor the club rather than the player lateral you did start by saying this will be lateral he’s almost 26 years of age at what point do you have to see it like a business and that this is the contract that could set up the rest of his life yeah so so so there there’s definitely a a balance there I’m not suggesting that as I said you take $400,000 less but I don’t think it’ll be that I don’t think it’ll be that much and I think they’ll come to a situation that is fair but sometimes you stay at good clubs and you’re rewarded after footy as well like what is a what is a premise ship worth for the kill a players that missed you know think think about that and think about what could go on after footy as well and the way that you can set yourself up after footy if you if you stick around at the I think it would be beneficial in an ideal world for him to stay at jalong is what I’m saying what worth my numbers have been distorted with the new with the new with the new celery C your numers he’s worth he’s worth a lot he’s he’s worth a lot give me a number I think he’s wor not like you 650 to 700,000 well if he gets 700 from jalong he stays I hope so Australia’s leading online auction it’s easy to buy and sell with gra KY I got no idea what’s on your agenda today I got a series of questions for you today all right I just been listening to a lot of the current players in the media this year and I just thought I’d ask you who do you find the most interesting of the current player crop Scott pendlebury Scotty P is a good one is a player who when he speaks I am listen in um yeah coach written all over him I think he gives terrific insights not so the ones that I love that you get the great insights from their club and what’s going on and and all of that but then they can speak broader about the issues in the game and there’s probably no one that I would like to listen to more than Scott about those issues that are facing the players and the game itself and the way that the game is played what about what about you I tell you I’m warming too Toby green I’m finding him really interesting just so honest and he can he can sort of not go with the party line or or tow the line if you like he’s prepared to say no this is what I think and if you want to challenge me that’s fine but doesn’t always favor the Giants he’s just he’s just happy to say what he thinks I think you could May pay a bit more attention to him if you can we do that i43 9 out 1116 who do you enjoy listening to of the current players when they speak in the media got another question yeah I have which ladder position shocks you the most this season and and the easy answer is to say Sydney on top and by so far no I won’t be saying that but of the rest which one shocks you the most but can be positive or give me one of each a positive and a negative I have to work you into the positive I’m uh yes I’ll start with the negative I’m shocked by laade I just was big on them um in the pre-season really respected and admired the way that they played last year and the emergence of some of their young players along with their Stars so to see them in 15th right now with only four wins is a shock to me um and up the top end probably the bombers really I I didn’t wouldn’t have had them in my eight to start the year so they would be from a positive point of view the resilience that they’ve shown um would be the shocks for me what is it you got a different different one I’m probably shocked on the Giants I thought that they would be entrenched in the top two to three teams all year and to see them you know they’re still seven and five so it’s just they’re in front of 50/50 but I just would have thought that would have been a bit more dominant uh across the start of the season so probably the Giants for me all right I got a question for you who is the best athlete playing at the moment because we’ve got some athletic freaks Warner mcandrew Lea Leia Charlie KERO and my four the Olympics is coming up yeah who would have the most SU ESS of our footballers at the Olympics with their athletic abilities I’m going with a tiee going with a tie in the Olympic equal gold medalist to see Charlie Warner explode like he did we put this on the radar weeks ago you call him Charlie sorry Chad Warner Sorry Charlie who’s Charlie Warner Charlie Comin we spoke to Charli Charlie Warner Chad Warner to see him explode the way he did through the middle of the ground last week was frightening and we went up there I know everyone says you don’t travel you don’t do this to see him do it live you think there’s not many uh one have The Bravery to run like that and potentially not get reward and I still think Nick deos I still think the the volume of highend spree as Sprint efforts that he does is hard to match that’s a good one the lizard Blakey is another one just thinking out loud at the moment but send your thoughts through who would have success at the Olympics it’s an Olympic year we’re going to Paris we got some freak athletes playing football at the moment just on Warner we had I had 23 players ranked ahead of I that ranking about three weeks ago half the comp yeah I I just want to just want to replay this and see just if you’ve adjusted where you you’ve got him sitting Chad Warner Nick Blakey Chad Warner’s not you can speak after I’ve given you my 23 is he now is he in the ranking Camp yet good Save By Me good work a few weeks back just disappointed Isaac got injured he was just looming large wasn’t he you were going to have to eat humble that hring has saved you so badly ranking ahead of Warner got in the league of Warner he ripped Collingwood and new us and I thought here we go this is happening he’s not in the same category as Warner went to the MCG and nearly beat Collingwood singlehandedly after I said that snuck into the corporate box MCG took my lad in there and we were watching that game and then he pinged the hamstring unfortunately I think that was the other time you snuck in the corporate boxing a coup had a couple too many in there um who’s the old Australian coach Sydney can I give it to John lmar all Australian coach who there’s there’s a you’ve just given me a half volly outside off stump CU I thought about saying Sam Mitchell but I won’t Michael Voss Michael Voss Michael Voss is clearly in the running for coach of the year and if you take John longm out he’s the obvious one for me what about what about you I was thinking Craig McCrae given the injuries they’ve had I mean to still be a float seven and four is a great return with the with the trauma they’ had with the list I still think Damen hari’s done a good job to get him on the on the edges of the eth away from home that’d be good y yep they they travel like a like Guinness they do um and I think if Freeman will do get on a bit of a run we are going to have to go positive on Justin longm he’s he’s wethered the storm just wanted to play a little bit more with more freedom but uh he can’t beat winning who’s the next coach F oh next coach fired jez that’s a that’s Robert between the eyes cuz we don’t go this is the brutal reality of football is we don’t go many seasons where a coach isn’t usually I think you’d have to be well short of expectation to be fired so you’d have to start with aspirations so that would lead me to well I think I think logic says Adam Simpson would at the end of the year have a minimum a discussion with the board are we still trending and tracking the right way that would I think would be at minimum a discussion you would think they’re not going to sack Luke beverage but there would be a discussion if they would have finished 12th or 13th I think Ken hinley would have a discussion if they didn’t finish top four and improve on last year outside of that I think that’s probably three they’re probably the three that uh would be under pressure unfortunately just with the with the we’re not barracking for that at all clearly but it’s a topic and it always is at least at some point throughout the year all right we’re going to continue with the agenda I want give you one to think about during the break okay Brisbane are on five and a half wins played 12 games what’s their lad position at The Season’s end good question this is an extended agenda a bit of a different theme this morning just random questions that none of us have any knowledge of what the question will be and we just have to answer it on the Run Josh wed getting some love as the best athlete playing football at the moment and keep those text throughou the people are bringing up the fact that you mentioned Toby Green in that discussion as well which discussion the well two discussions one this our little discussion I love him in the media he’s he’s battling to get a uh he’s battling to get the pr oh with the ranking one yeah yeah yeah and he mentioned in the Australian chat the other day too in the Australian meeting no did you bring him up no bucks brought him up and said I can’t believe that um he’s getting some discussion is essentially what he said he said bucks I think his words were he’s played two really good games were usually that’s six so I think you’ve got to you’ve got to discuss all the meeting went for three hours by the way and they showed half an hour of it so there was a lot in there that uh that wasn’t they just show all of bucks’s good bits is that what you’re saying no everyone’s good bits uh Brisbane you asked the question our 13th with five wins six losses and a draw was the question where they finish at the end of the Home and Away season Home and Away yep uh I reckon they’ll get in I reckon they position seventh or eightth so you got them seventh or eighth okay you all right just writing that down I think I think they’ll have a shock loss in finished ninth oh a shot loss and finished ninth okay let’s wait and see can I play you this audio from the Giants coach Adam Kingsley who joined us on sports day last night and we asked him what’s frustrating him the most about their game at the moment well what’s the one area that you’re a bit frustrated about at the moment uh offense yeah we’re just not moving the ball quite the same way that we were in the early part of the season and you know there’s been a couple of reasons for that but um you know we’re trying to rectify that and feel like we made some progress last week although we were far from perfect and um you know as we know when you when you’re really focus on something and you’re trying to address it it does I Reon there is a bit of a lag effect to to fixing it so again I thought we improved last week and hopefully we take another step this week are we sensing a shootout on Sunday cuz we know that’s what port ad want to play that way I think too fast at times and too aggressive at times the Giants have clearly worked on that it’s frustrating the coach will the tsunami be back and who wins a genuine gun fight at NG Stadium on Sunday the tsunami is the Surfs out on the tsunami my friend it’s uh only the north meln football club are least likely to score when they take position in the last six weeks really yep that that they they’ve stopped all walk show some Vision last night on our first crack preview which you haven’t mentioned but it was I mentioned that early I mentioned that earlier I said you’ve had a busy week You’ flown to Sydney you doing double first cracks you’ve missed meetings crackings yeah I did miss a small one yeah matter only missed one answer from Andy M um yeah we show that that’s not working they’re just not running and gunning like they were I just think that the man with the football that goes in possession of the ball’s only got one or two options where when they’re flying there’s five or six options with the footy and that that’s that’s a big shift isn’t it to change that I think’s a big shift do you agree with that or you think it’s a subtle change I think it’s I wonder often you can over corre correct as well so the risk associated with that is do you cor overc correct too far and take options that you probably wouldn’t and that exposes you which so that’s why I think this game is interesting CU Port want to play the same way and at its best it looks great but when you deliver what you delivered against Caron you become really vulnerable in scores off turnover which was a giant strength last last year so this is why I think it’s the game of the round I think it’s sets up the rest of the season for both sides as you highlighted on 360 during the week I think the upside for the winner is just huge and I think the downside for the L so the the the game with the most ramifications on it is clearly this one on Sunday um well how do you see it I think the Giants will win I think the I wouldn’t back against the Giants at home in a game that um is really difficult to to pick like P have dropped Dixon they’ve dropped fin L OE Lord comes in for for his first game uh the the Midfield battle will be interesting but I if you’re asking me who I would tip I would tip the Giants but not with a whole heap of confidence with what they’ve delivered recently who plays in their first final Ole Lord or Charlie Dixon a a probably go you probably go Dixon or be it safe safe you went safe well you were going to go Lord I was because I had the I had the game at the gabber last year ringing in my mom where he was excellent Oly Lord but he’s coming from a fairway back um in terms of his preparation for the season so we’ll see how problem to have I’ll ask you the same question a different way do they need to go past Dixon that the well I thought they should have gone past boat last year which was which was what I said as much as we love Travis boat we all but I think it becomes a bit of a problem when you do go with these players because they’re on your list you got to play them you don’t want Travis Bo playing in the S it was the same discussion we had around Rory Sloan so um yeah I think I think I think they have um but there’s probably just a tiny lack of depth there at the moment


  1. Baffled by the Garcia call, genuinely thought bevo had left the confusing selection decisions behind for the season but he's back on his shit.

  2. Goodwin will be the next coach to go I think especially if they drop well below the 8 by the end of the year, has made the demons play the same way from 2022 onwards and they’ve now been completely worked out with no willingness to change the game plan

  3. This is just a great segment all-round. Regardless of differences of opinions, the chemistry and banter between these two makes for an entertaining listen. Nice work gents.

  4. Good list of athletic players there boys. Blicavs (in his prime) is an obvious answer given his background. I'd also add in Jackson, Heeney and Rankine.

  5. What I’m confused about is how port get the biggest fine ever and Geelong do the same thing/ worse twice in one match and get ticked and Melbourne also like where’s the consistency.

  6. Boak has still been good for them this season, hardly been the problem. Solid contributor. Yes they need to phase him out at some point, but who's knocking the door down instead?

  7. Max Holmes is the best athlete in the AFL. He won the grand final sprint last year with daylight second. He's a back handicapper. He's in the final of the 200 metres at Paris next month. Mark Blicavs is also Olympic standard notwithstanding his age. No one in the comp can faster a faster 3,000 metres than this man.

  8. Before rankine got injured he was better than warner. Warner had two insane BOG ceiling games back to back which definitely puts him ahead now. Both are locks for AA if they hold form.

  9. I'm not a doctor, but as a patient … i would NEVER go to a MFC doctor for an evaluation. But if I was a football club who wants doctors to toe the clubs line… MFC have the best doctors. Especially after the terrible whistle blowing doctors of the past.

  10. The Olympic answers are ridiculous…. it's so obviously Weddle. He's 195cm, wins the time trial by daylight and has a huge leap on him.

  11. Fagan & Beveridge won’t be sacked but they would pull the pin. Buckley next coach of the Dogs

  12. The one line for Kane is a completely different take from the week before! Rinse and repeat for Kingy.- Plus thousands of dollars in their bank accounts for their unparalleled expertise.

  13. For athletic ability? Josh Weddle as smokey. Plays half back like Andrew McLeod, plays on monsters at CHB and in the ruck for 3 quarters against GWS, toweling up their number 1 ruckman. And then galivants forward and slots bombs from 60m out!

  14. I watched Mathew Lloyd talk about this, he said it doesn't become apparent right away, even he didn't feel the pain right away. Doctors were saying the only way to tell immediately tell is an x-ray, and ultrasound, so it created a discussion about fitting stadiums with better medical facilities.

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