Golf Babe

2v2 Matchplay Each Team Gets A Professional Golfer.. $1,000 On The Line! | Golf Girl Games

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In this video we played a 2v2 Combined score match play! How this works is both teammates have to add their score together. The team with the lowest total score wins the hole. The winning team after 9 holes wins $1,000.

In this video we have:

I feel like you guys are like the calm moms and then kayin and I are like the sugared 5-year-olds like I want to hit driver too let me play what’s up guys welcome back to the golf girl games we’re out at stonebrier Country Club here in Frisco Texas fun match today what are we doing we’re doing a 2v2 combined score match play we’re a team and they’re a team what are we playing for Kaylin this big stack of cash ,000 which is like a lot of money so [Music] me and Marissa both play on the Epson tour Sabrina and chendo here don’t play on the so me and Marissa are kind of be battling it out and we’re each going to give our partners like a few tips day do some good Pro advice hi guys my name is Marissa winsler I played at the University of Kentucky I just recently graduated I am now playing professional golf on the Epson tour so I’m a rookie this year I’m from Dayton Ohio and I’m very excited to be a part of the golf pro games it’s a pretty tight match you know one two three us oh you guys are us okay nice Par Four I think 352 yds dog leg to the left ooh nice oh Carrie carry carry wao good ball insane nice shot can I that so good okay so I’m doing this thing the whole day where I have a te te in my mouth because it helps me not get my head so stuck behind the golf ball so I’m doing this the whole day cuz I’ve never had a good first tea shot on G ever o nice yeah good okay nice I just I just realized that you had a tea in your mouth really we have a we have a full crowd pan to the CR all right guys shout out Addison okay so these people are a bunch of moms that are out at this club made birdies and they’re randomly out here for a mom’s birthday wearing all pink and white this is like a huge crowd I get really nervous that’s my girl really good good ball in the middle of the Fairway down she liked it you stare at the balls dead in the middle of Fairway the ones that go this way and that way you’re like I think it’s fine all right right down the middle let’s go baby beautiful beautiful ni guys I love all the what’s up guys please do not forget to subscribe to our Channel because once we reach 50,000 subscribers we are flying out two of you guys to one of our golf Go Games trips so that means some good golf some good food and you get to hang out with some cool girls so please subscribe wait why was I so nervous were you so well I know isn’t that the best when you’re nervous and you hit it good I feel so good I literally saw you go to your basing and I was like she has a tea I didn’t think you were actually going to do it but I’m like I love it I am the whole day cuz I just I’m a visual learning I need a visual yeah I know what you mean combined score is like lowkey really intense yeah cuz every shot counts no literally every shot counts I guess we really never knew each other growing up but I’ve always heard of you and seen you on the Range or something like that at tournaments same and then when when I told Sabrina I’m like we need to get Marissa on and then explain your call Sabrina calls me and she she’s like so like how do you know kin and or like where did you meet kin and I was like uh we actually never met before our only interaction was like her screaming out the window at an open qual fire was like Marissa like literally like is literally did we all just like actually stripe it right down the Fairway where the heck am I back pin I have 113 yards I want to land it at like 110 I’m going to take a 50° and do a half swing he says head with my golf ball the down way okay it’s a little shorter than I thought it’s fine is it kind it’s fluffy it’s super fluffy rough it’s 110 do you think I should hit a little pitching wedge or a full 52 hit something that goes 105 okay cuz it’s a little downwind right yeah and it’s going to roll a no it’s good yes 90 yd down wind just going to be kind of a full 58° want it to land short come on be right on it baby sit sit sit nice 75 Ys I’m just going to play it 75 y standard wedge shot come on get left get left a little stay right there okay it’s fine you can make birdie from there great start Sabrina that was a great wedge thanks I it no but it was like a good th there’s a difference like I used to like hate pressure so much like it made me like want to just like shell up and be like but like it’s nice when you have the pressure but then you still pull off the shot cuz I feel like when it’s combined score you really have to focus cuz nor from back there I’m just like oh two whatever my goal is just to get it within a twoot circle so they give me the putt settle down puppy it’s like so grainy you could hear it it’s like literally when you hit the putt it’s like see how that that grain is lighter mhm that means that’s Dow grain so you could just like hit it up there it’s going go fast up there it’s going to get fast and it’s a little bit left to right right okay yeah I see like a cup out left okay that was really hard no it’s a good cut go in no my goodness that scared is that good I’ll give that’s too are you serious he that’s good I I just puted it in I don’t need the little like mind games thank you though okay let’s go baby that was really that was it’s kind of up the hill downhill down grain and then it’s kind of right to left so I’m just going to go a feel on this one oh oh that’s good okay left to right putt left to right grain I hate Bermuda but I love it today yes baby thank you down okay one up Ear I saw this Tik Tok of this girl who was like I’m so overwhelmed and she started going like this that was like the way it was like on Epson what’s kind of like their average par three I know it varies a bit I’ve played one of it and like two of the parries were like nine iron eight iron and then the other two were like four iron five iron that’s what they do they play them long and short D there’s like two that are long two that are short we got 158 to the pin downwind pins a little bit on the right so I’m actually going to aim at Lenny full oh that looks really good I’m in h my 150 club which I’m going okay you you can look that’s fine what let them look at your number we gauge nothing from kayin mid- grip probably five iron from here I actually am though I’m going to do a mid grip uh 3/4 shot with it with the te I feel I’m it is legit all this oh hey that’s me that’s who I am I’m going to hit full L could be a little short but long as no bueno good that’s so nice wow what w let’s go I have an eight I think you should hit seven but if you like it no I’m hitting it if you like eight hit eight I like eight okay F baby wow that was bad you think I just didn’t hit that good or you think I should have just hit six I think you should have almost hit six because I was going to hit seven I think you and I actually have a little rivalry with them because like you’re always rivaling with Serena and like I’m always rivaling with life I’m also rivaling with Alexis because we grew up since we were 7 years old playing golf together that’s true I remember in high school her and I were like always like this and then she took like a step above when we went to the next level all right I feel like it’s really it’s just a chill P up the hill I think it’s turning hard right at the end yeah let me just I I’ll walk up there I’m going to take a little bit more time yes you got this oh that was like not close at all a little slow up the hill that’s a tricky second putt the putt looks like it’s going left but the grain is right so I’m just going to play it straight all it’s good are you going to give your partner any help no I feel like she would do worse yeah there we go nice started out birdie birdy high five right Edge I think right Edge is really good so if they don’t make this we TI okay I like that I love it all right I’ll back to all square good they thought this match was over yeah they thought they did but I’m telling you we’re out for [Music] blood all right so what do you think was like the issue there you didn’t it seven I feel confident when I play with good players that tell me what to do and instill confidence in me I feel a lot better you feel good M I agree par five 470 yards dog leg left should be good right yeah I think so you hit it well sorry ice I like went through the Fairway did it yeah so you definitely need to go more left okay interesting hole looks a lot further than it is wa is that in the water yeah I never miss left it’s the tea at least you’re getting to your left when you hit it good it’s the tea and when you hit it bad it’s also the tea all right yeah that’s a pro Miss right there really I don’t know yeah in the bunker you’re in the bunker yeah it’s fine going to take a more left line I’m going to cover the trees that’s the one that’s perfect partner defitely perfect yeah wow oh my go go we all got so wrong my did you not shoot the tree oh I did oh okay what’s the game plan I don’t even know where to wrong so you’re basically on one of the most elite women’s tours what would you say the difference between a pro and an amateur golfer is I think the biggest difference is just the miss a pro sometimes right a really bad swing is going to miss it like left in the water like I have like it’s not like I’m playing well oh snap the water’s like that though no right but like you can like when I said you had a PR Miss there like okay you hit it in play like it’s in the bunker probably you’re going to hit it out and make par just chip it out right there and you’re going to have a probably a five iron onto the green like chip it out with what me personally I would take an eight iron and just hit the ball first and like chip it down there okay yes that’s okay that’s okay but you’re just going to punch it up there not get up and down for five we were thinking that that was going to be so good I was like so locked in of course it had to do that bound that’s okay okay here we go that’s all I wanted to do I was going to hit the that was good punch game on fleek that is a good decision you’re being good Sabrina thanks Mom okay so as you can see we’re really close to this wall but it’s a par five so I’m just going to punch it on out and get it back in play okay good out St back in play back in business okay I just had to take a drop because I went in the hazard right here so I’m going to take a five iron and just hit a low Runner yeah is it right there okay just in the r it’s fine fine you’re just taking more left what do you think you’re the strongest part of your game is I would say like usually I I love putting like even when I’m not putting well yeah it takes a lot of bad for me to like not have confidence in my putting mhm this has been a rough hole for me no it hasn’t don’t say that my God wait why is this the worst myal game has ever been are you kidding this is the best I’ve ever seen you start really yeah you usually start with hit hooking it okay 170 down win Sabrina we’re a team get a kick girl oh yes oh yeah that’s so good ha my nine iron is my 145 pup full so I feel like it’s something with that but like a half one love it like a one I think a 135 is really good I I thought I hit that perfect and it’s really short I would hit my eight from right here I like a full seven it’s a front pin you could be in the back are we rolling in up and down for par no yeah up and down for par but like just get it on it’s like a far shot you know what I mean like you’re talking like it’s 10 yard pitch like stop you’re making me laugh no laugh yes Sabrina bro bro nice stupid I could have hit eight oh my god get in the car and don’t say another thing what do you mean just go that’s a two put six we’re going to beat them on the hole now it’s about winning the match it’s not about playing the golf okay it’s 117 yards downwind honestly like a 115 shot because it’s a front pen I just need to get it on the green and get it close oh good Marissa yeah good wow Alexis is really helping me out today this Li is awful to me this actually isn’t as bad as it looks really got it so what what should I do look at how thick this is my whole hand kind of can go down there it’s for par oh so close to being good wait where is the tea oh that’s why go go out holy moly that was close she didn’t give you that one no it’s for double it w’t matter I’m just going to go now okay for par oh yeah slow down go in go in go in go in go in yes good PT that’s good good good I’ll take my bogey I’ll take my double even if I to I win oops that was so good nice bird for confidence for yeah I like that actually there you go Marilyn Monroe we had a birdie yeah and a a double guys we made another person all right so one up now hi seren will never leave you hanging on a gremlin face do you do it too you do it yeah I can confidently say I’m like a 76 player right yeah okay you’re better than 76 okay good okay Weir guys or girls girls girls girls are like she said they were doing Gremlin things mimicking Us in the car I did it to you yeah we have a par 4 410 yards straight down the middle that’s like a longer par 4 yeah on EPS it’s pretty normal oh God yeah pick up your teth and walk off and and it was good it good are you sure yeah really awful k no it’s fine worst kicks I’ve seen no it’s not bad can I is it gone no it’s that it’s kind of bright that’s perfect you’re good it’s literally chilling you’re probably good over there beautiful that was pounded that was actually I love your driver margerie on the track Margarita o Margarita what do you like better Margarita or Marlin marar Marg so Marlin it is oh that’s ridiculous so she’s going to have a wedge in okay George said I I wasn’t like going after my last drive so I’m just going to be confident oh no she gave the same kick as you better ohot you pounded that too doesn’t that pool look nice very close though I would hate it yeah cuz I feel the pools you need privacy oh you’re right here hey both up here baby is this you yeah I know that one even better right now kayin and I are having a wedge off I have a little more tree trouble I kind of want to just flight a 52 to like right of the pin and yeah just let it I’m just thinking leex decide to just get it 90 yard oh no that wasn’t flighted where is this on go the bunker yes got it’s tight let’s go BR it literally didn’t hit with little Le so many well my Pro also told me to hit 90 yards so I’m going to take a 54 just a little swing with it that’s hard to believe thought wow Mine feel closer but that’s good no I think I’m closer short we’re like both on cloes no you are what are you talking about I have 103 yards this tree is in play so I’m going to just come on baby hopefully roll up like a pitching wedge or something that’s perfect let’s go yes Baby Woo all right how did you like that girl how did you like them app sauce all right we’re 83 yards we’re hitting at 80 [Music] yards did you like it I don’t know sit down yeah okay you’re good you’re good that’s that’s a good shot yeah it was good I H it solid I was like please sit D those were all hard shots like the fact that you guys both hit it tight back b b it up what’s that song bro I swear okay like you know when it’s like about to start going well you know what I didn’t know is they have like the little things there that you could see where it’s going to go off oh really yeah what yeah yeah I agree W slippery grass I feel like our team name should be like delusional confidence come here so Sabrina doesn’t hear this the grain is pushing left so I think you got to aim like a foot out to the foot wow okay sh y I feel like if it had more P that’s good okay this is for bird here we go got it oh that pulled it hard the brain oh no I didn’t think about the comebacker good feel like Alexis is making this all day yeah it’ll probably go in this is for four no wow oh is that good no solid good solid it’s good Alexis oh yeah bro you’re actually kind of Swag like you’re pretty do like I I find it really cool when like a girl is just like bro sport Vibes like I feel like you like know like you can just like be with pro golfers and be like cool I am a pro no I know like I don’t know how to explain like it’s just like it’s just dope you know thank you okay I have to make this so I’m going to hit it harder like I don’t like that I think it’s dumb yeah because honestly when you hit it harder feel like you you have a very confident stroke and normally you go like just like a little but that’s how you should fight yeah sometimes every every once in a while of course like that’s going to happen yeah all right we’ve got a par 4 350 y dog leg right am my like so lame putting through it no nice that’s like really l no it’s not you’re good perfect that’s F that’s why use that if you hit driver right there it would be obes no that’s what I’m saying so I think it’s probably fine but like did you just say that’s what I’m saying all right I’m literally going over all of these bunkers is that good yeah it’s probably good should be good I feel like you guys are like the calm moms and then kayin and I are like the sugared 5-year-olds who like I want to hit driver too let me play okay we’re going to go a little bit more right than Alexis there’s like a chimney that’s perfect line in my [Music] opinion okay good when I’m conservative I don’t do well I don’t think at all that was so piped perfect that was so piped that’s the best Drive of the G throw some sugar so Kayla and I grew up like in Indiana junior golf together like playing our tournament against each other it was always Marissa is also from the Midwest yeah Marissa’s from Ohio I didn’t honestly know we’re growing up I don’t think like we just didn’t do the same event me and Marissa both did play in the Big 10 so we like kind of knew each other yeah okay wait 157 it’s kind of a front pin right you’re out of the rough seven that’s good I like a full seven right at the water [Music] tower oh God hook oh that was a big hook that’s okay all right I’ve got 108 Ys going to try to bump a six iron hopefully it rolls onto the green that was solid that was solid you’re on nice 95 I’m just going to hit like 54° there’s like a yellow sign to the right of the pin and I’m just going to hit it 3/4 to full came out so dead yeah Fairway finder time yeah I’m the only one in the Fairway nice okay so I have 86 yards pins tucked left I’m going to take 54 and just do a nice half swing with it aim a little bit right at the pin so pretty thank you is just this that was good than I felt like you though because your wedges I don’t know when you follow through you’re so far left and yeah the no there’s zero flipping yeah not that one tight lie Bermuda into the grain I’m going to do a toe down like 50° just to keep it low and runny wow look at that s yeah that’s the shot nice that good thank you Alexa said the best thing to do is just get it on that’s honestly what you want to do like I’m not going to think about up and up and down I just want to get this on the Green all right like this want out uh yeah I’m putting for three it doesn’t really matter sadle sadle it’s okay I got a far okay they won the hole so now we’re actually back to all square it’s a pretty tight match you know okay we’ve got a very baby short part three 91 yds playing 86 with the slow and it’s an island green I think this is harder than like a 170 shop I probably shouldn’t say that actually it feels good do you agree with that no yeah well cuz their wedges are so good well maybe it’s not is it fine no I thought it was good I’m going to do the same shot I just did on the last hole with my 54 like a little half one okay come on Sabrina okay I’m locking in right now I need to like chill out I’m chill I mean if you think it’s just an 80 yard shot 80 it’s not it’s like 90 95 yard shot and the wind’s picking up so full fling yeah yes Queen yeah that’s all over the hole good oh look at that zipper that’s good bang bang that’s my partner right there that’s my pride and joy he that’s perfect that looks great nice all right here we go here we go satellite radio y’all get hit with the boom boom hit so big I’m stepping on leprechaun y getting hit with the boom boom that actually irritates me yeah not because they hit it good like I don’t care about that I just hate hitting bad in W shots and I didn’t even hit it bad so that’s why I’m like what did I do wrong gosh that makes me so angry this just thick okay I actually feel kind of good about this though 58 you’re just going to pop it out there have the herad it’s not terrible that’s honestly really good it’s not bad ooh chip in chip in that’s good okay not good enough okay so if one of you guys three putts that’s our only hope yeah yeah pretty much all right let me just close this out go go okay we have an opening I’m going to just knock this in cuz you can do the same thing right there it’s a little bit fast once it gets down there we definitely need one of them to mess up because we messed up a lot on the t- shot that’s good night okay so I’m going for par I just got to try and knock it in all right one up now it keeps flopping back and [Music] forth I don’t feel very happy right now that was really bad that was just dumb that was dumb like we said here guys we’re one up only three to play three to play okay we have a very short par 4 here it’s uphill but it’s 300 Y and it’s not a driver hole so I’m going to take my three hybrid cuz that’s what Marissa told me course management oh okay take the tea out of your mouth I’m going to do the same thing but I’m going to aim in the fair in the Fairway you want to try the tea thing no I’m good it’s good drill I tried it this morning but not for me my partner and I are not you got it not doing very well on thisle yeah go Three Wood just like the last hole all righty everyone I’m just going to make a nice smooth swing up there to the trees my sister witch yes Sabrina no you’re fine I’ll be good yeah you’re fine yeah you’re good right five wood on the track come on Alexis I’m being cheered on oh yeah yeah it’s perfect shot Alex good shot all right we cannot let up okay no we need little $500 paycheck yeah that would actually be sick oh I’m so glad I finally got lucky screaming mid grip low 116 okay so my pitching wedge is my 130 Club but I’m just going to take a bunch off of it the greens are soft so that’s going to be good that’s should be fine right yeah like it’s going to be good think it’s fine I think fine hit it well Sabrina has had this this is a new Bott like randomly you’ll see it and it’ll be like a tint of yellow and I’m like she’s like oh I just filled it up please be okay we be a little mad oh amazing oh okay good how far do you have 100 yards and I’m going to hit it 100 yards okay okay I see it that’s fine do have to be in the the Fairway you have to be in the Fairway and honestly I don’t even know here okay 65 I’m just hitting it left to the pin that’s perfect no locking back in 63 yards to the pin what do you think 60 or 56 well what type of shot do you like to hit more I would hit my 60 actually like 56 okay sorry oh God I’m really sorry no it’s okay like let’s just actually go hit the ball okay we’re really leaning on each other I think I need to land it like literally right here you know wow that was ay shot I mean I just needed a foot I have actually worked really hard on my bunker game and I feel very confident over this 58 open the face and I’m going to wait left stay left de all right come back but they’re getting better they really are okay guys I really want to make this money I don’t know what I’m doing like I’m just not like clicked so I just need to click it on right here like this isn’t too bad of a shot 60 in my hand I’m so sorry Alexis oh my goodness like were you joking it’s called the Sabrina chunk perfect just going to roll it in and the hole okay come on just one Putt in your life just one sit down all good Alexis is going to kill me because she’s playing really good and I’m playing really mediocre right now we’re all put in for par okay come you got this is it done oh I have to make I mean I like the line that you gave me it was too hard a little too hard you think so bad make it Sabrina make it for your own part that’s a great up and down all right it’s a good bogy like stuff no you [Music] don’t great so we’re two down we’re dormy but I am actually pretty annoying too one hole away from $500 okay I feel like you and I are both kind of down right now I’m very I don’t like losing either I don’t I I really don’t and I don’t like losing when I’m playing stupid that’s what I can’t see yeah okay guys par five we’re two up so this is technically door meat Y and so straight down the middle ring driver we’re door me buing that’s why I said door meat good job good job where’s that might be right side of the bunker oh no flew it oh perfect okay all right we’re going to let them put let’s go Sabrina Sabrina put one down the middle let’s go all right Alexis o baby yeah that’s good all right all right back here come on Marissa let’s get some we’re going to get some pep in our step we need some pep in our step okay stra down the Fairway that was good but combin St Long yeah I know good okay good kick good kick good yep nice just trying to hit a good ball just a good old drive yeah I’m not going to think about them really good wow that was really good ni okay nice thank you all we need all right guys I’m just going to hit a five iron usually I would just rip three wood but Alexis raises a good point I’m going to lay up to a yardage I like not have the last yardage from the last fall so here we go that to left no it’s is five iron perfect that’s fine good job have a nice I that’s a good good we 240 240 I’m going to hit three-wood put it on the green and end the match I don’t think you can get there honestly but oo oh my gosh that was really good nice shot well thank you three-wood could run up there that’s the thing I do hit better 3-woods from a downhill L but I want us to get close give ourselves a good opportunity we have to go for yeah we’re down man this is a rough back fine yeah so it’s like 2:43 playing 230 I’m going for it come on that looks really good come on go go go okay just in front you’re good okay that’s fine you hit it really well nice and you’re in a really good spot for birdie M I think I’m going to I’m fine over there somewhere and just chip it down to where our balls are it rolls up it rolls up and if not you get up and down okay guys I’m going to do exactly that perect it off oh my God it’s over the green bro what are you talking about it’s literally an amazing shot it’s fine it’s amazing shot you’re green side oh okay 45 y over a bunker not a whole lot of green to work with I’m going to take my 58 slightly open weight left So Good Nice Nice Shot yay yes yes Sabrina yes Sabrina great all right that’s F nice I think about getting it that’s so good yeah that’s good good okay okay we really needed that so that’s bogey do you just want you just want me to do your thing oh wait so if Alexis makes this we win I think oh good nice that was y really good job good with thank you wow picked the right team today go Gremlin that was Terri thanks for helping me out there bu no no all right guys me and Sabrina won the match we’re on top that was the easiest 500 bucks I’ve ever made in my life that is like no no not easy not easy as in you guys are bad easy as I played we gave you that I played bad we gave just like I was just there like making bogeys and somehow we still won so I was like this is great a win is a win but we will take the money now I feel bad there there you are thanks there was $500 I was going to say l no I would that was fun if you guys enjoyed this make sure to like And subscribe follow Marissa on Instagram me if you want and kin and the golf gr of course yes once we get the 50,000 subscribers we’re going to fly two subscribers to play in a GGG event all expenses will be paid it’s actually going to be the best Tri ever hang yeah we can just all chill so fun we kind of chill with us subscribe bye a


  1. I love how Sabrina started off with the rival energy with Allison, and now its happening with Chendo. The competitive fires are great!

  2. Sabrina: "So what do you think was the issue there" Alexis:(dead stare) You didn't hit 7, aka DO WHAT I TELL YOU!

  3. Found your channel from all the hours I spend watching bob does sports…soooooo glad you were recommended, love the content. You ladies are awesome keep reppin for us!! ⛳ 🚺 ❤

  4. Before I forget: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, Drive a golf cart ('Rina) with golf clubs in your lap. (I know it will never happen until it does) If there is an accident, you are basically carrying a SPEAR in your lap!!!

  5. Sabrina don't be such a hard head. Listen to your coach!

    Great job Alexis!! You deserve a back massage after carrying the team today.

  6. Happy to see Alexis stuck around for another round and this was a great format to add in Marisa to get the coaching on each team. I think I repeat every time I see her how solid Alexis is…. She is waaay better than that! Damn.

  7. Another great one!!! @Cailyn don't know if it's so but it looks like you take a shorter backswing than usual. If so, is that a conscious decision? And welcome marissa!!! 😄👍❤

  8. Goodness me, Alexis was just incredibly straight with all her shots! She was easily the star of the day whereas Sabrina should thank her lucky stars (as she counted her money)! 😂 Chendo and Marissa were certainly worthy opponents but on this occasion just outplayed by Alexis (and the girl who thanked her lucky stars). 😂 A most entertaining video as always chaps! Oh, and let me just add: you were ALL looking just beautiful today! 😍 Looking forward to the next video. Cheers from South Africa! 🇿🇦

  9. I have been enjoying this channel. I look forward to watching the games and banter between all of you. Its good to see womens golfing this way. We dont see enough of this type videos. Just a enjoyable watch! Hell I dont even golf but they are hillarious. Thanks

  10. Go team Gremlins. Alexis is perfect for Sabrina’s game. She keeping her grounded. And trying to keep her positive. It’s working!!! Love watching you girls. Great match❤️

  11. Love this channel! But I’m more fascinated by Sweet Sabrina’s complete inability to judge what a good golf shot actually is.

  12. Absolutely wonderful match. You had Cailyn, one of the nicest women ever, out for blood, you had Alexis coaching The Emotional Golfer Sabrina with positive thoughts, up half the time yelling them, and Marissa, the newbie, relaxed and focused. The vibes of this channel are incredible. Golf Girl Games rule!

  13. Hi Marissa! What is your favorite course to play in Ohio? I like Manikiki, Shawnee, or Briardale for public courses. Painseville Country club or Tanglewood for private.

  14. Best match yet !!! OMG Gremlins !!!
    Boom Boom Beats so big I'm stepping on leprechauns Boom Boom !!

  15. Alexis is awesome and really kept Sabrina in check. Alexis' comments were hilarious!!! Cailyn is so graceful when it comes to losing, other than the look on her face. Great vids!!! We need more!!

  16. You are putting together a very compelling format for success. I personally like the personalities you have chosen for these matches and it's very entertaining. Keep it up. My heartfelt support for Sabrina, Kailyn, Alexis and Marissa in all your golfing adventures. Thanks for a fun video.

  17. Congrats to Team Gremlins on winning the $1000!!!! Thought we would have to wait awhile to see Alexis again. Glad she is back!!!! Marissa seems pretty cool and look forward to watching her in future videos. Can't help but cheer for her as my sister lives in Dayton!!!

  18. Woo hoo, a Texas course. I spend my time identifying trees like Cottonwood and Post Oaks, maybe even Live Oaks. It looked hot in north Texas. I hope you had some fun!

  19. I love Cailyn. Unfortunately I don’t think she benefited at all from partnering with Marissa. Just my opinion but Alexis definitely did a better job.

  20. If Mei Brennan isn't in a video, Marissa Wenzler‬ is my favorite.
    Both of those ladies are hotties! 🔥😍

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