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Is Aaron Rodgers the best quarterback in ACF East? ft. Phil and Matt Simms RanK AFC East

Phil and Matt Simms power ranked AFC East quarterbacks. They analyzed Aaron Rodgers, Tua Tagovailoa, Josh Allen, and Jacoby Brissett/ Drake Maye. They give insights into the impact the offensive coordinators can have on the AFC East QBs.


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welcome back everybody another episode of Sims complete and we got Phil Sims alongside myself Matt Sims wow that was a terrible introduction wasn’t it it sure was you want me you want me to tell the truth or lie so it was terrible and before we came on you know I tell the people all the time right you know that my son is uh what’s the word for sometimes he could be a jerk you should hear the things he says about me before we come on hey you dumbass put your screen you know ra oh okay well I will say that from the comment section on the Believe YouTube page that a lot of people are definitely confused why I don’t call you Dad on the show uh they’re like why are you call why are you calling your your dad by his first name you’re so weird uh but I don’t know like I feel like I haven’t called you Dad in I don’t know if you ever did that’s not true you called me a lot of names over the years I can’t remember them all but a lot of them I can’t repeat here I don’t know that’s not true that’s not true at all come on son honesty is is the best thing so I definitely coined the nickname Big Phil though that’s for sure but I did not call you these other names that uh maybe Christ Christopher has recreated since then well yeah well I think you’re were a part of that too you recreated into something see it was okay big Phil but now it’s you know now it’s now it’s morphed into something else something evil the big the big effer you know the big eer yeah yeah okay okay one day I’m going write a book I’m GNA tell the truth about my boys yeah go ahead go ahead my chapter is definitely going to be way shorter than Christopher’s I know that but uh I don’t know about that we had a lot more to deal with maybe with you than we did him oh yeah that’s true okay I don’t okay yeah yeah not really actually not really I know so well listen I was coming back from the doctor this morning skin doctor as usual you know I go in the skin doctor and she’s always the same bill we got a lot of work to do no kidding that’s why I’m here whatever so I’m listened to the radio I I think it was um I’m not sure which channel I was listened to Seri XM probably and uh they were doing ranking the quarterbacks in each division so I thought wow okay how interesting we’re gonna do that today too for our last two divisions what division were they talking about though just out of curiosity we’re well I had they hadn’t gotten to it they were talking about all the drafted rookie quarterbacks they want to kind of who’s in the best situation yeah and you know oh my God you know so we’re these quarterbacks it’s just it’s non-stop that’s the way it is it is everywhere I go everything I do I can throw over here in the field with you some nights and the first thing well which quarterback you like in the NFL I mean it’s it’s everybody talks about it really in our area obviously because we’re in this New Jersey New York area the first question is so so what do you think about Daniel Jones and then it’s and then it’s all the other quarterbacks after that but you you you believe in Daniel Jones I’m like time don’t you get a lot of Aaron Rogers stuff too I do you know uh yeah sometimes definitely I don’t know I guess I’m surrounding myself with more Giants fans these days so that’s that seems to be the discussion more often me too and then you know I meet a lot of Jet fans too you know especially when I go out to New York City whatever meet a lot of Jet fans and when they try to get smart I go yeah hey how’s that working out for you it’s really going well so of course you can say think about the Giants too but the Giants too have four Super Bowl winning teams that’s right so that’s that’s pretty good stuff right there remind them Phil remind them yeah oh not me I wouldn’t do things like that yeah that’s right it’s all good hey all right let’s get going we’re gonna do the afcs we’re going to go with these quarterbacks uh so we’re gonna start with number four and I’ll let you go first today since you’re younger than me okay all right so at number four I think we’re going to have the same one so let’s go yeah I mean I think our list will be actually identical today what what movie is that from Phil um how did I know it come on you should know this down south Fred GW the two the two youths yeah yeah he’s Joe pesy come on man and of course my favorite actress I love her um let’s see oh come on I can’t think of the name my cousin Vinnie my cousin Vinnie yes you should know this man that’s a I know I’ve watched it 20 times I know every time I watch I laugh because it is funny it is very and Fred Gwyn the judge he’s awesome in in the movie when you just kind of just watch him so and of course they all were they were all good and what’s the girl’s name the OG Herman Monster too right that’s where he really kind of started his career yeah I was watching him after school Herman moner the monsters and all those kind of I guess I don’t know what you call them um sitcoms whatever they were they were very funny who was the girl and my cousin Vinnie uh why am I blanking on this right now I’m looking it up right now actually because I can’t Marissa to there you go yeah unbelievable she is great in she’s good in everything yeah she’s a good actress and she looked on what was the word I hate to be this way but just how did she look at my cousin B she looked great [Music] okay I’m telling my mother you know you know what Diana would say Your mother she’d go oh he’s right she did look good that’s she wouldn’t even disagree so all right go ahead give me number four NFC East quarterback rankings what is your number four you did it again man the AFC East oh I said well no I said NFC yeah oh okay we started with AFC then you said NFC now we’re going with the AFC I got right look see this right here I got it AFC AFC it says it right on the top all right so at number four yeah goby pret SL Drake may I don’t expect Drake May to be the day one starter but I do expect to see you know Drake Maya at some point in this season uh I I think you know we kind of have to put really if we did any list at any position or any standing I feel like with the AFC East we are going to have the Patriots at the bottom of that list right now because they just have the most to prove I feel like out of everyone in the division I I do believe that jacobe Bret is a really solid NFL quarterback a tough football player uh has played a lot of football is really just your your quintessential solid number two but then can also hold his own for a long duration of time being in that starting lineup we’ve seen that throughout his career uh big dude strong dude throws the ball pretty well down the football field every now and then the ball gets away from him as far as uh you know his fundamentals go but good leader great guy for the locker room and I think a really good influence too for the young QBs including Joe Milton and also Drake May in that in that QB room uh so at number four jacobe pret of course that’s who I have too jacobe peret he’s better than just a backup yeah he’s a 1B to me okay and last year why I put my glasses on I looked he’s down in Washington and you know backing up there and the game he did play he only went 18 of 23 three touchdowns completed 78% of his passes he’s thrown for over 10,000 his career and I think what I like about him let’s see he’s big he can take the hits y he has a I think a really solid big not maybe big time but close to it NFL arm I think he’s pretty accurate throwing the football he’s tough I’ll never forget this I was doing a Thursday night game up in New England and they were playing the Houston Texans Jimmy garoo had a shoulder but problem and they thought well he’s still going to be good to play in the game well he comes in that night and says I can’t go my arm a shoulder not doing it jacobe peret if I remember remember right had a torn ligament in his thumb he couldn’t grip the football and he went in there and played threw a couple passes ran the ball whatever and I knew England was much better than Houston at the time and they won but it just told me about him right he didn’t even hesitate hey I’m ready to go right and I think he’s a couple things Alex Van Pelt the offensive coordinator now in New England love his offense I love it a lot deep throws downfield play actions we saw what Joe flacko did this fits Jobe Bret and Drake May perfectly right that’s what I think when I watch him that’s what I look at them is how would they succeed what kind of offense and this is exactly what Alex vanel does and you said it and it’s real jacobe brassette is truly the quarterback that will worry as much about Drake may as he will himself right and that’s what they want that’s what they got and man I I don’t know what to say I really like him a lot lot in his play his body type his arm but his personality and who he is is just great for a football team mat yeah it definitely is and I think this this football team needs that right I mean just you know first time head coach first time you know offensive Court in this new environment with this firsttime head coach you know there’s just a lot of new pieces I feel like to the Outlook of of this organization from all those years with Bill bich and the Tom Brady years to now this you know this trying to re-identify exactly who it is they are right and creating their new identity going forward but you’re right though too I think Alex vell’s offense kind of fits the mold of that area right of of the weather and the stadium and kind of how you need to win in New England especially late in the year right is is being able to run the ball effectively still have great play action passing still be under the center for the majority of your offense because you want to win at the line of scrimmage so I think all those really play into like you said all the quarterback’s favors for sure and yeah you know Kendrick Bourne very good receiver I feel like someone that uh you know is probably better than what we think because of the fact that we just haven’t seen enough of it really the past few years with their you know offensive blunders they signed KJ o Osborne this offseason from Minnesota I think that’s a big one I think he is another solid football player and they get Jaylen pul from Washington uh he was kind of the you know one B receiver there to romad Dun with Michael Penning and that football team with the Washington H Huskies so I think uh they’re doing the best they can to make those slow improvements and build for the future with this football team yeah last thing I’ll say about this Patriots uh quarterback situation all that uh you know jacobe peret good leader for you know as we said Drake may but also Joe Milton yeah and you know what they want to do is one day they want to get Joe Milton to a point where we think he’s good enough now and we trust him to be the backup right and so here’s the thing you said at New England or trade him or trade him for you know future you know Investments maybe that could happen it it depends on how he shows himself right but I think you said something that is really true New England I did many games up there on a great game a day for a quarterback is a 20 M hour win and I mean it’s it’s come on it’s it can get rough up there so you need you need a quarterback with strong arm and all three of these quarterbacks were just we’ve talked about all three have really good arms where they can they can still succeed even if it’s windy cold whatever right and that was not the case really for New England last year I don’t mean to I’m Not Gon to be mean or anything but they had quarterbacks that didn’t have the physical capabilities to have great sustained big- time success right and uh that’s why they went out and they changed that whole roster so we’ll see how it goes yeah all right so is that good number that was number four number four we’re both in agreement yeah now we get into some good stuff here all right go ahead you lead the way yeah okay I’m gonna go at number three yeah I’m going to a tongue of aloa number three in the division I know everybody’s gonna say oh he should he should be number one whatever all these but no I think if we were drafted them just for this season how would we draft them I mean there’s many ways to look at this and Tua did a great job you you talked about it Mike McDaniel did a it’s a tremendous offense then they went out got obj to be the third receiver now love it how would you like to have that with with Mike McDaniel and he made a great com comment once in a press conference that I I I don’t think I’ll ever forget he goes if our quarterback has to look at one receiver then find the next one we did a bad job because we got to design plays where the one he’s supposed to look at is g to be open and I went wow what a what an endorsement just what a thing to say but it does explain them a lot a lot of window dressing a lot of stuff TOA took advantage of it no doubt last year I thought it did slow down at times as the year went on right you know it got a little tougher sometimes and you know you and I have talked about this on these podcast and to each other the thing that makes me come up with Tua late in the year Jets you know going there uh going to Buffalo and playing these going to New England they can all be bad well Kansas City which we saw in the playoffs and uh you know that kind of sticks with me the Buffalo game at the end of the year I did not think he played well at all and then of course in Kansas City just watching the game as a fan I just early in the game I went oh my God that they’re not gonna be able to throw the ball I know he threw a touchdown to Tyreek Hill but it wasn’t like he was wide open and he made a great throw right he underthrew it Tyreek Hill made an adjustment whatever so hey I got great confidence in what they do on the offensive side and um to I just see some of those liabilities that’s why he’s number three in this this division for me but because of some of the things I just said of course and a lot of the big discussions surrounding two of this offseason really has been the fact that he’s kind of slimmed up he’s lost weight you know the year before he’s coming back from the concussions and all those things he bulks up he gets bigger he gets stronger now he’s kind of reverting back to I want to be lighter I want to be faster I want to be a little quicker in the pocket moving all those things how do you feel about that change or kind of like his player uh you know how he’s kind of morphed into this NFL player do you like the changes that he’s made going into this season being a little bit lighter and Slimmer to his frame I like the lighter and uh Slimmer much better than I do let’s bulk up and do that to protect himself okay um you know his bulking up to me was I I think he um naturally can be a big guy a thick guy all that right but I like what he’s done trimming up he’s going to be looser more agile and no matter what even if he’s not training to get quicker and faster he will be because he’s moving around less weight on his body right and I think too sometimes you recover that’s you know faster whatever and I want to just see you know I think one thing I do want to see from Tua yes he’s a great passer is he a great thrower and that answer is no and I want to see if it being trimmer a little more Dynamic and all that is going to give him a little more pep on the football if it does then it’s just going to push that offense higher up than it already is right and we know the scheme the talent around him all those things are really good abut and let’s see if he can improve to not to match it because he showed that he could last year he was in the MVP race almost to the end but to be the driving force behind it to make sure or to make us believe that they are a true Super Bowl Contender right right and I feel like they are you know they are kind of on that edge of you know do we consider them a contender are they still you know kind of that that are they a wild card team that maybe can win that first round and really that’s about it and I think a lot of that has to go to Just Mike McDaniel and really how he develops as a head coach uh we discussed this multiple times like you said earlier just how creative he is even the comment that you made from his interview how he does a great job of getting number one open right but the one thing that I think comes up most often right you see tua’s lack of physical ability to really be physically dynamic as a thrower in important games but then also to the offense itself being able to kind of impose their will on defenses at times if the you know the gizmos and gadgets and the smoke mirrors of our offense aren’t just firing on all cylinders and we saw that with the Kansas City Chiefs you know they were a great team that just got up in the face of the Miami Dolphins really were aggressive at the line of scrimmage didn’t get all those free releases or let all these trick plays get all this open space and that really I feel like uh you know it it kind of strangled them in their offense and how they find their Rhythm so that is something I think Mike McDaniels as a whole along with Tua they need to continue to develop that you know for their future progress or just so damn dominant you know in the regular season that they just get home field advantage yeah well that’s true that’s that’s one way to eliminate some of those problems right but you you know again there’s quite a few cities when you start talking about the hierarchy Baltimore Buffalo the Jets New England Kansas City wow right away that’s that’s a pretty big group of teams if you go play in those situations no matter what time of year it is you can run up against something that’s tough on quarterback’s physical abilities performing it and Cincinnati can be too yeah so Pittsburgh I mean oh Cleveland might be the hell ho of all whether wise I come yeah that’s unbelievable but you’re right it really is all right that’s pretty good so he we got Tu so we’ll get a lot of feedback and people are going to hate on you uh for us picking him number three and uh well but you know as we go along okay let’s let’s just go ahead number two number two I think we’re both the AFC East okay I said it right did it I know because you’re still making fun of me for last week when I was talking about one thing and did the other Division I don’t know what the hell I mean Phil we were like 20 minutes into the show and you talked about a whole another division all of a sudden so I was trying really trying to see if you were alert and staying with me so okay is it me this time at number two yeah it’s my turn go ahead go ahead yeah number two who you got player number two is going to be Aaron Rogers Aaron Rogers yeah Aaron roggers yeah and you know I think other thing I’m just say it real quick they got Tyrod Taylor backing him up this year which I love I do too yeah you know he’s G he can fit any system he’s great for the starting quarterback he’s good for the team you you name it it’s just check check check all the way down that’s right he can be a great backup no doubt Aaron Rogers yeah listen I still do believe in that arm um he’s going to run an offense that Nate Hackett runs which he knows knows extremely well and Hell Hees he’s teaching them he teaches other players on the team that because he’s been in it so long yeah and know so much and no matter what we say a couple things Aaron Rogers is very smart uh football I’m just talking about football football smart and then the talent just when I watch him on TV all the time they’re always talking about it that ball comes out of his hand the right way uh when you see him in person you you you can make you a believer that he is still a a great thrower of the football and can be a great passer too right and you know the one thing I think he’ll do is I don’t expect Aaron Rogers you tell me what you think about the year I don’t see him putting up these big numbers every week I think he’s going to be great and I’ve said this many times in the past he is a really really good game manager right and he can manage games by throwing the ball four yards and five yards is about as well as anybody I know he’s never I’m I’m serious I know he is not scared of you know it’s second and eight and getting three yards all right third and five right in my wheelhouse again get rid of the ball quick throw a dart to somebody that’s just barely open and he makes it happen I’ll never forget and I know I’ve said this too he’s out in Arizona and they’re playing and they’re getting kind of manhandled uh he’s in Green Bay they’re getting manhandled but he is going get rid of the football so quick and just massaging theame game and making it work and I think we’re going to see a lot of that when we look at the New York Jets their receiving core how they run their team with a great defense I think that pulls an offense back sometimes and I think that’s the right thing too so that’s why I got Aaron Rogers there at number two yeah he’s number two in this Division and listen two is great you know but Aaron Rogers still has the ability to be an MVP like caliber football player along with to along with you know the the man who is yet to be named on our list and you know that’s what’s exciting about this division that if you know these guys can stay healthy this is really going to be a super fun race in this division that that really will be that much more of a battle compared to what we saw last year because of Aaron Rogers injury so that’ll be the big question mark just you know how confident how healthy he feels you know obviously coming off the Achilles injury uh you know he is getting up there in age so just being confident and and being strong in the pocket that way are we going to see a little bit more of a uh Payton Manning aspect to the game at times where it’s a little bit like Chuck and Duck and let’s not take any unnecessary hits when we have to uh but the skill group itself though if Mike Williams can stay healthy we know how good Garrett Wilson could be we hope to see more of what Garrett Wilson is really capable of Alan Lazard big strong physical guy you know and then really it kind of comes down to just Bree Hall brillan Allen the rookie from Wisconsin you know I think this team is built like you’re saying a little bit more on an old school thought process of just let’s just uh matriculate the ball down the field and then let Aaron make the two or three throws in the low Red Zone area with oneon-one throws that he does so great right his his quintessential you know Phil Sims back shoulder throw right to Mark Bavaro and things like that so uh that’s really where this team is built the great thing for them too and I think for jets fans the the bulking the offensive line with just depth right so Morgan Moses Tyron Smith Elijah verit Tucker now moves back into guard where he is more familiar and comfortable with and being more consistent so I think overall this team is built for you know long-term success for the throughout the season through the playoffs and now really just let’s piece it all together and I like the fact that it seems to be a quiet offseason too for the New York Jets yeah it well it was until somebody missed mini camp but yeah yeah I know over it yeah who cares I don’t even care about it to be honest I don’t talk about it I will say this I would be shocked if Aaron Rogers is in the MVP race because of how we describe the football team he’s not going to put up the gy numbers now if he takes the team and all of a sudden late in the year we look at him and they’re 12 and three or you know something like that you go well he’s a just he might be the huge part of that would get him in the MVP race even without the numbers see that I agree I don’t think the numbers necessarily have to match MVP like stuff because if he has everybody judges man if he has that 28- to5 touchdown to interception ratio and you’re right the Jets are a 12 and three football team I think the New York media will take care of that for him alone okay that’s interesting but it you know but you you know come on we’re we’re talking about TV and you know hey let’s talk about it I know Mike Greenberg will sell it I know if that’s if that’s the stat line and the and the Jets are doing it I know Mike Greener will make sure that he is how can we not consider my friend Aaron Rogers I mean what he is doing you know just love when he gets so excited about the Jets yes he does here’s the other side though well you know look at his C quarterback rating and you know this and you know they’ll get into all these numbers and yeah you know oh my God that that’s why well whatever I don’t want to get into that story either but it it is an interesting team this season I think they’re they all understand that this really is like uh we got to put it together this year or we’re all out you know and I think that’s why other than the mini camp snafu why it has been relatively quiet you know on the home front for the New York Jets because they really are just trying to like batten down the hatches and and get back to work after last year’s such exciting buildup to the season with hard knocks and all those things so it’s it’s it’s really exciting I look forward to it as a as a New York fan in general of just seeing the Jets and Giants kind of take that next step forward well for the Jets it’s going to be big news always it’s either going to be good or bad you know so if it falls if it falls apart that it’s still going to be a big story if it’s great it’ll be a big story all right you’re you got to give the next one we it was hard to figure out who we were gonna put at one I know but I did it I I studied it I looked at all the numbers and all the stuff and I it was tough it was really hard yep and you know who it is it’s Josh Allen and and how could it not be Josh Allen right I mean he’s he’s arguably a top five quarterback in the NFL uh where you put him in that top five that’s that’s totally up to you but he’s absolutely in that top five there’s no doubt about it uh and really I really am excited for them as well and even Joe Brady offensive coordinator who who assumes the role halfway through the year last year after the the Ken dorsy debacle and firing uh which is you know unprecedent I feel like for us to see that you know especially for a team that’s potentially contending for a Super Bowl but it seemed like those two really meshed extremely well uh despite what maybe Buffalo Bills fans think you know I still have faith in Shawn mcder I think that he is a phenomenal football coach you know defense only gave up I think like 18 points per game last year which is fourth in the NFL so like dude knows how to coach this team’s just got to figure out how to win some of those gritty tough games against you know one of the greatest dynasties that we’ve seen in the game recently with the Kansas City Chiefs and a few other really good football teams like we’ve mentioned in the AFC so um you know my question to you is like because we know how great Josh Allen is right and his talent and what he brings to the table for this football team he’s he’s really a oneman show it seems like a lot of the weeks are you concerned with Josh Allen and the Buffalo Bills skill group going into the season uh obviously with Stefan Diggs dep party for Houston no I’m not I’m not as concerned about that as I am with their defense can it hold up and be what we expect from them and John mcder can Von Miller who’s saying some nice things during the off season can he have one more rebound where he is a factor in games and can you know affect it with pressure on the quarterback sacks whatever comes about so I think what we saw from Joe Brady last year I have extreme confidence in what he’s gonna do and I look at the skill group you know what as we talk about skill groups will we put them in the top 10 in the NFL no I don’t think we would even think about that but it’s it is Josh Allen his movement his incredible power throws yeah all that stuff that is going to help this offense so much and then what they did at the end of the year I mean here let’s get into this too I the Josh Allen hate has definitely calmed down a lot let’s look at the playoff games look at his playoff performances yeah they lose because of the coaches in that great game out in Kansas City the player had nothing to do with that that was a win you got to be standing on the sideline Go the game is over but the coaches lost the game and then of course everybody goes into the playoff game last year which I have griped and bitched about so much it’s over yeah but he played great not good not really good he was great in that game yeah with doing everything and they missed the field goal just like when they played the Denver Broncos they win the game oh sorry we had 12 guys on the field try again right and they kicked the field goal and make it so you know Matt yeah I think I’ll let you talk about the skill groups Keon Coleman they did a really good job of picking up stuff moving they had him marked as the guy they got him he’s I liked him a lot at Florida State big perfect for Buffalo and I think you got an added added element there too he’s a funny dude I don’t know if he tries to be funny but damn he’s funny so why don’t you talk about the skill group though as you this I think Keon Coleman really good football player one of my favorite receivers in this draft and I I like exactly what you’re saying just you know the physical presence that he brings to the field you know he’s big he’s strong he plays aggressive over the middle uh the amount of tough catches that he made in traffic last year for Jordan Travis and the Florida state seminal was was absolutely amazing and he makes them with relative ease very consistently it seemed like each and every football game so excited for his development as being that receiver one for this group they got in Curtis Samuel khil Shakir Marcos Valdez scantling uh you know even ma Holland guys that I think are you know tough gritty proven NFL football players that you know maybe singled out one by one you’re thinking all right you know he’s he’s not maybe in the top of the totem pole but I think as a group they can mesh very well with each other with a stud like Keon Coleman and then the focus outside of Keon Coleman goes to James Cook and dton cancade right those three guys making sure that they really are just the the foundation in which your team is built on offensively and then of course like you’re were saying Josh Allen’s just physical ability to make the five or six throws every game that maybe him and I don’t know two or three other quarterbacks in the league can make Patrick Mahomes uh you know maybe Justin Herbert uh and that’s really about it after that you know that that’s like he’s he’s in the class and maybe Matt St Stafford too you know as far as those power throws those Dynamic throws down the field so um overall yeah is the skill group like you’re saying fantastic you know or uh one of the best in but I think they do all kind of play into each other extremely well you know and Marcos V Del scatland I think is a guy that like super good football player everyone got on him for the drop uh during the regular season I think against the Philadelphia Eagles but made a lot of big catches late in the year for that football team a lot of contested catches you know and that’s really what they’ll need for a player like Josh Allen who does like to throw those passes into tight coverage you know the back shoulders the aggressive throws down the field where the defense thinks they’re covered and he makes their guys uh open by his his power throwing well here look we got Josh Allen we got Dalton can Kade if he can even play like he did last year that’s great we got Keon Coleman who we expect so you take those three that’s all you need we got cooking the bik whatever the rest can they fill in the blanks right and that’s what happens you don’t have to have three number one receivers you know when you have one or two then you’re there’s going to be plays out there for other guys because of the other the skill the guys that we look at right and that’s that’s what I saw from Buffalo last year at the end of the year they quit focusing completely on Stefon Diggs and moved it all around and I thought we saw an offense that kind of kept you know as a fan I’m watched the game well this got to be Josh Allen throwing oh it’s a run oh it’s a screen to this guy oh how did this other guy who I don’t even know he was on a damn team yeah he caught a pass he was wide open it’s because of the other skill guys right so but there gonna be exciting to see this whole division how it plays out with the quarterbacks their offenses and just everything we talk talked about so that was that was some good stuff and we agreed on every piece right we did is that right we agreed on every single pick in this division so I look forward we have one more division to go that’s the NFC East right so tune in to the next episode we’ll go through that I doubt we’ll agree on this division uh you know because big Phil is a huge giants homer so we’ll see but uh you know it’s gonna be interesting and uh this has been fun so I I look forward to doing that last episode of the NFC e for sure yeah see my your mother is listenting see what I told you I told you he took another shot at me she is I’m AIG hom yeah she’s right here whatever she won’t even she’s so mad at you she don’t even want to talk to your ass so let’s just let’s move on all right hey that was pretty good Matt that’s all we got yep Sims complete on believe Sims complete YouTube page as well uh like comment subscribe ask some questions talk some smack uh you’ve been very good at that too uh and just so you know if anyone answers in the comment section it’s not big Phil it’s me so uh you know just just so you know just to just to not get any more hate for big Phil and some of the comments he makes oh really people don’t like some of the things I’m saying no it’s mainly just me they just want me to shut up I’m just G you know what I’m just giving them the truth you know no you’re doing great they just don’t want to hear from me oh that’s that’s a lie too so all right well good stuff man let’s um have a good day and I’ll talk to you later hey you man and we’ll be back with the next episode for the nsec East breakdown Sims complete we’ll be back see you

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