Golf Players

Albin Ouschan vs Dawid Brzezinski | Round One | 2023 European Open Pool Championship

Defending champion Albin Ouschan takes on Dawid Brzezinski in his opening match as European Open champion at the 2023 European Open Pool Championship in Fulda, Germany.

#nineball #EuropeanOpenPool #matchroompool #pool

I think svb is another big Contender this week yeah so many contenders for the title in the $30,000 first prize it’s a 200,000 total prize fund and of course it’s not just about prize money it’s also about invaluable world nine ball tour ranking points as well and if you look at the Moscone Cub standings for Europe surprisingly Alvin aen isn’t that H yeah and I tell you some you know unfortunate things that have happened we talked about it just a little while ago with eklan Kachi uh sustaining an injury and now out of play for a bit and I believe he was in the third spot in the rankings for the points uh for team Europe so Alvin of course who’s been a a Mainstay on that team pretty much every year since he started making the team and definitely looking to get back on that 30th Anniversary come December successful breakoff here tough shot on the two especially to open Pretty Natural position on the three so he’s going to attack [Music] really solid opener there from mvin and we’re going to see a really nice one here on the three having to screw the QQ ball back for the pink four that’s up on the top of the table [Music] and on table two Morris neous taking on Ma van Burl and I tell you morritz can’t let that that youngster get started could have his hands [Music] full what I’ve noticed in our open Event so far this year Jeremy and I think you might well agree with this over the first 4 days there is no shot clock then the shot clock is instituted from day five onwards 302 shot clock now when we’re in a situation like this where the shot clock is not in operation I think on occasions Albin ocean plays a little too slowly for his own good it doesn’t help with his own Rhythm he was involved in a number of marathons wasn’t he particularly at the Spanish open and I think he played one at the UK open as well I think he needs to obviously take his time and respect his opponent all that kind of stuff but I also think it’s important for him to play with a certain amount of Freedom yeah absolutely I mean the one thing about Albin he’s never going to be a fast player so he doesn’t have to worry about you know playing to fast or or something that’s going to be really uncomfortable but I think he just knows so much about the game you know he kind of picks it apart a little too much whenever the shot clock’s not enforced in the early rounds and I I think what also happens is you don’t really develop that gut that gut instinct that you can go with with the when the shot clock is in in place now looking at the eight I think the eight is playable [Music] [Music] [Applause] I tell you what though so far he looked pretty perfect really a nice opener on the two nice shot on on the three to draw back for the pink four and really has picked his first rack apart still some work left [Applause] though you might have heard some Applause there it’s a large Arena this housing no less than 26 [Music] tables okay it looks like he’s going to attack and go back and forth I don’t think he catches a piece of the [Music] nine and the timing’s been really about perfect with the swing so far for Alvin a tester here on this nine ball down the rail though [Music] [Applause] if he carries on playing like that this could be a successful title defense that was a very good start you couldn’t have much better from Albin aan who leads David binski by one rack to zero his performances this year by his standards have not been what we normally expect it’s not been a disastrous year that would be egging the situation got to the quarterfinals of the world nine ball championship in Poland in February lost out to the Brilliance and one has to say in that particular match the luck also of Mohamed Sufi he made the quarterfinals of the lublana city May’s nine ball open as well and I think he’s best run in match room events came with partner Mario he in the World Cup of pool they got to the semi-finals so it’s been bubbling under the surface if you like the Excellence he normally produces and maybe this is the time where he’s going to show his best yeah he rarely has a year that you know doesn’t have a a real big highlight in it and still a lot of pool left in this year that’s what’s so great about what’s going on with nine ball pool right now it’s been an incredible year so far and we still have some of the biggest events still coming so we get to see brazinski the scratch on the break yeah and I kind of look back to that quarterfinal in Poland uh you know it was an odd match playing Sufi kind of an unknown and a very kind of awkward cist and I don’t know if you remember Phil but the push out that Alvin made I think it was the first game it kind of challenged ing Sufi in a spot he would never challenge another player I don’t think in a quarterfinal anyways and he just kind of played an odd match there as a big favorite and and really I don’t know if it set him back but maybe something he’s thought about a little bit I think it’s a really good point you’ve got to see it evaluate and say the truth and basically what happened there was three things played below his best Sufi poted some incredible balls but he was also really lucky at times that’s just a a matter of fact yeah I think so and you know Alvin would say he had his chances and he did but you know Sufi got rolling and once he gets rolling you know it’s it’s the way he plays some things are going to appear a little more fortunate at times as well all right one not one of the big names from Poland but you know for his first time at the table in a big match and a big scene he’s he’s uh he’s getting some balls down here the elbow of the qarm is very high yeah he’s a tall long man and I wouldn’t say super tall but pretty long overall [Music] the lines are actually quite good aren’t they he qes under the chin so that means he doesn’t have a dominant eye yeah that was a nice stroke there on the six I know wasn’t a tough shot but just real complete with stroke and not knowing him whenever he was warming up I could kind of tell he was nervous um you know warming up you want to knock balls in right but uh he missed a few and but now he seems pretty settled here of course ball in hand always [Music] helps who wouldn’t be nervous taking on the defending champion in front of the cameras but that was a real nerve settler David brazinski is back on level terms with Alin aen at 1-1 so let’s give you some of the other scores so far very early stages of day one here Franchesco gar he leads Eric orer from here in Germany 1- nil same thing for Tim deer over panagiotis s pattis of [Music] Greece Eric ker he’s one nil up on Daniel massel loser very good player from Poland and talking of which vek schev has taken the first rack from THU Hanan who of course won the junior event the Francisco Sanchez Ruiz Junior event in Lugo Spain quite recently even Arts from Netherlands one0 upon Thomas kersch by the way 57 Nations represented here and that includes 60 players from Germany yeah it was about that number last year or somewhere around 60 represented from the home country and that may be an all-time high as far as 57 countes involved our first drive break of the match [Music] [Music] definitely one situation that Alvin gets in no hurry and really a situ ation he shouldn’t the push out [Music] [Music] or a camera would tell tell us that maybe he gave up a look at this one ball but I’m sure he got the snooker here and it’s going to be some type of real first shot [Music] he’s queuing kind of low oh he could see this wow so bit of a mistake there well Ashen because the CU B’s disappeared behind the seven has got away with that fancy leaving the one like that what a push out yeah and it’s funny that I think it was in Spain we talked about a push out from Alvin that was very suspect maybe I think it was the World Cup of pool but I always considered him as one of the best push out players there is and someone who really uses it as a craft but that one there Got [Applause] Away indirectly Jeremy it’s work in his favor although the five going next to the eight could be the salvation for Pinsky a little later on yeah and alin’s got options though with ball in hand he can shoot the two leave an angle could come off the three and go into the five and the eight he could shoot the two and get straight on the three to play an angle off the pink to go into the five and eight so [Music] oh that’s put those two balls up nice shot there don’t [Music] [Music] it’s a high tarff shot added to by the fact it’s awkward King well the green six is causing problems but the problem now is all binsky yeah Alvin with the experience there realizing he really couldn’t get position from the 4 to to five so just laid up for the safety pretty doable one rail kick he’s looking at a two rail kick up the table thought he could just kind of follow the path of the five that Alvin kind of shot it on and he can certainly hit before the side and drag down on top of this purple five one rail off the left long rail but he’s going to go two cushions difficult to judge and it looks like he’s going to go just a little left of the five like that you could hear Albin telling him that’s your second foul consecutive second foul and that is the three foul Rule and nine ball pull if one player makes three consecutive fouls that’s a loss of game should just kill the ball here bre [Music] no fireworks all business but early indications are that Alvin aen is here not for fun for one thing alone the silver we as’s the kind of player who is motivated by a challenge and repeating in one of these major matchroom nine ball ranking events repeating as the champion would really appeal to him he’s two one ahead same score for coping ye over on table 14 against Raphael Val from here in Germany although val did win the first rack Matt Shatner from Norway off to a flyer against Chan o leading 3-0 good to see Omar Al Shaheen back in tournament action he’s two n up on sour stack of that stako viak of Poland mattius snot 3-1 up Armen mudi Marcel price of Wales 2-0 upon Max Schneider Alex melier who’s played for France in the World Cup of pool on several occasions he’s leading 2-n against Kristoff ryers who’s claimed to Fame is winning the World Cup alongside Joshua filler a few years ago the core Jesters in town nuko he’s two nil up on Ruben Alves of Portugal the Portuguese contingent in general made such a positive impression at the recent Spanish open langang Duan of Vietnam one- one with hassin Alman and Petri mckinin of Finland 1-1 with Saki cantia of turkey a great break off there and almost a golden break our first on the main table but nearly missing it in the side long shot on the two not too difficult potting the two Ball but position on the three is going to be pretty tricky especially a big pink four kind of covering up something easy from the center of the table I think he can go with a high ball here feel maybe two rails just a little left of the seven if you’re a viewer looking at the screen the brown s in terms of short selection in terms of what he feels right in terms of the percentage game that he employs so well no stone will be left unturned that’s the thing with aan all right looks like he’s queuing downward just a hair so he’s going to try and force it one rail I think anyways little raise of the hand for the bump on the seven but well that’s just part of it anytime you have to put that much speed into a shot with not much angle you’re not going to have total control of the QQ ball yeah it’s a gentlemanly thing to do but I think the way he was playing the shot it would have been more bad luck had he dropped behind the seven than good luck that he didn’t yeah it would have been his opponent really raising the hand more out of the chair and one thing that you know Alvin’s such a good position player that we don’t get to see enough of sometimes is how great is shot maker he is when when needed just once he gets control that QQ ball he just rarely turns it [Music] [Applause] [Music] loose the son of course of a multiple Austrian pool champion in Albin aen [Music] senior actually did not know that of course the family his sister one of the best players in the female game in the females game Bo he’s having to make one heck of an out here if he does go on to do it difficult shot on the two a tricky one on the three definitely tough on the pink four now long distance one on the purple five so one thing that suits him well is I’ve really haven’t seen much problem with the stroke so far and early in the tournament is whenever some of the better players can still be a little struggling to find their [Music] timing now given what we’ve seen over the course of the year there’s no doubt that the pockets play easier on day one maybe towards the end of the week this one would have been [Music] repelled yeah and I think what happened there is just the type of shot you overcut so often he’s just aware of it especially on the new conditions these tables break in quickly though shouldn’t be a problem here drawing draw the ball getting above the eight with no contact on the black eight wants to avoid that ni missed a pretty easy one [Music] there that qualifies as a real surprise and it’s amazing how often and not just pool Just Sports in general you make all the tough ones right and you just get one that’s a little awkward so important Jeremy for binski to make his presence felt here and to take this chance well really besides you know kind of getting unluckily snooker shot on the one he’s done pretty well with his opportunity so far [Music] sometimes in these early round matches we see a vast Gulf in experience and talent that’s not the case here clearly it is quite literally David against Goliath right now though it’s 2-2 and anyone’s match the from Poland did well there to seize on the opportunity from that missed six ball by Albin Asen who’s not displaying any emotion but inside he must be very annoyed because basically 3-1 was there for the taking when you look at as’s record over the years it really is extraordinary he was runner up in the world nine ball Championship way back in 2014 but since then he’s won it twice 2016 beat Shane Van boning in the final 1 146 and a couple of years ago overcoming Omar al-shaheen 139 he’s also won pool’s championship league in 2021 he won the the Chinese open in 2015 so many other big events as well but as we’ve said 2023 so far has not been a banner year for Alvin aen [Music] and there’s nothing worse Jeremy when you’re a top player to miss a ball of that Simplicity yeah and it’s uh especially if you can’t figure out why that’s what I kind of feel from Alvin usually great players can recognize where the shot went wrong one way or another just don’t see that from Alvin but an opportunity right back at the table it’s two dry breaks for his opponent so that’s got to change a little bit if he figures to contend here in this [Applause] opener we must stress of course this isn’t a oneand done deal at the start of the tournament it is double elimination but of course you don’t go want to go on to the one loss side of the draw then Things become a lot more stressful now this is a big mistake that may go unpunished but Miss is marked by a good foot and A2 2 feet there with the blue two going in the left middle and the lower left corner how much he over hit this ball getting right up on the blue two may still have a a shootable ball here [Applause] [Music] is [Music] looks like he’s going to take this on in the corner come one rail out to the center get a little cut shot on the three in the same Corner the red three [Applause] in lights of how the previous rack was resolved I think this is a very important one for aan if he can run out that mistake well it won’t be forgotten but it will be eased yeah absolutely especially after making a mistake on the one and getting really awkward on the blue two and to get through this out I tell you what though it’s an important one mentally for him and his opponent has had two dry breaks but other than that you know David has played pretty well so Alvin doesn’t want to let this get out of hand lose a lead here and let his opponent gain any more [Applause] confidence speaking of confidence on table two it looks like MAA van burkel’s got a 3-2 lead over Morris neous Mor of course one of Germany’s big hopes this week Josh filler in the event I heard Oliver ortman’s in the event pretty awesome yeah all now yesterday he’s really looking forward to seeing Oliver Play Always back in the day one of my favorites to watch always just an aggressive Force at the table and an aggressive player really a guy had all the shots so from talking about a veteran in Ortman to a view of M van burkel very much a junior and your suspicions are confirmed three to ahead over Mor neous getting away with that missed two ball as for Alber aen well that was much better by and large he’s played nicely in this match the missed six ball in the fourth rack obviously the ction to that rule but in general I think he’s looking pretty sharp anyway he leads by three racks to two now also playing this morning on table 25 Pier filler the wife of Joshua filler now later on in the week we’re going to have the fillers Junior open the first ever event named for Paul’s leading couple and Pier is doing very nicely this morning she’s 3-0 up on Clemens abar Daniel masal after losing the first rack against Eric ker he’s 4-1 up vek shevchik 3-0 up on fuan Evo Arts of the Netherlands now 3-2 over Thomas kersch coping ye been a struggle so far slow going two1 up on rafhael VAR a dry break in return from Alban ocean almost that same golden break kissing back into the nine and then banking it cross side this one a little closer than the last but I believe a pretty nice opener here one of score to give you a laer Shar from Singapore always a factor in any tournament former US Open runner up he’s 31 up on heor soda from here in Germany that’s the wonderful thing about nineball pool and the the world n balll tour at the moment Jeremy there are so many potential winners look at the Spanish open who would have thought that champion would emerge dangin who yeah and it’s it’s just a game you know that the better players are better but it’s just percentage points for the most part from one level to the next and you get a little confidence going you have a few rolls uh you know put heat on your opponent you can make things happen and this may get right in the gap between the six and the eight it did for a nice little cut shot on the blue two but you brought up a name a moment ago and it made me think that you know Yap a Lo Yap just a few years ago it looked like you couldn’t keep him out of any semi-final or final that he played in as far as a tournament he just made those deep runs and been a little quiet the last year and a half you know and that’s just how the sport is you kind of run in trends asan being a prime example yeah absolutely and the opponents are just getting tougher and tougher so and the players know it the top guys know it well brinsky was very fortunate to find the Gap to drop on the two but he didn’t capitalize on that fortune now has he been lucky again and blocked asan’s path to the potting angle yeah we’ll see it look like the two may have dressed up to where yeah it’s pretty jumpable ball I was going to say is is it kind of a dead kiss off the pink four but I don’t think so so Alvin like most of the great players these days a pretty big favorite here on this type of jump shot the thing that may cause the Miss is trying to gain position on the red three hard to just stop your QQ ball from here and take on the long one I was reading a superb article in billiard’s digest recently about the history of the jump shot in how it’s become so popular in nine ball and I didn’t realize just how much of a relatively recent Edition it is yeah somewhat anyways um the jump queue itself I think has been around since about the late 80s early 90s of course they weren’t for every player and then some thought it was kind of a fad kind of thing and it just grew and grew of course we used to have to jump with the full Q feel which uh was an art in itself and you could see a bit more shots at times just because the power you can get into the ball with a full que but now the technology and the ability of the players that combination has just made the jump shot uh a very very big weapon in our [Music] Sport and as if to prove what you’re saying Jeremy yeah I was was working along that timeline as well late ‘ 80s early ’90s and for me that’s in a sporting context a relatively recent addition yeah absolutely especially because like I said when it first came out it wasn’t like oh this is the best thing since you know sliced bread or whatever you want to call it but um you know it was a kind of few in between players that really took on to the jump Q most still jump the ball with their full q and I’ll tell you Alin made one of the most difficult jumps there uh with the ball being very close but the object ball being very far away that’s the one that’s most often missed for [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] routine 8 n here to get a little separation and speaking of a little separation mik van burkel has opened up a two- game lead on Morris neous at the same score line of 4-2 what will be the same score line here shortly indeed you know we have music in the arena maybe now it should be The Pointer Sisters jump jump for my love or in this case for RX six that was a that was a catchy tune too I remember that one yeah that was around maybe the same time as the jump Q right right just coming into the game that’s oldies Jeremy that was a pretty golden rack for Alin aan just what he needed I think that’s the kind of INSP Qui pull it might get him going the first jump was good this one over the very close six ball that was the best yeah on this type of jump shot why it’s so difficult is any M hit of the QQ ball at all by the time the Q ball gets to the three it will swerve a little bit just react a little funny so everything has to be on point with this type of jump obviously couldn’t play any kind of position so the next part from distance was also a good one and now he’s doubling up on binski at 4-2 Anthony Braven who made such an impression on us at the UK open the man from Cyprus 4-3 up on Boris ivanovski from here in Germany he rid about M van burel Jeremy is 42 upon morit neous I think that’s one of the things you get when a a sport is growing in popularity rapidly a lot of Junior Talent comes through and Van Burl is at the the head of that yeah definitely one of the best juniors in the world and you know it’s the type of sport we always talk about ladies being able to keep up with the men and whatnot um just because the physical side of the game isn’t totally necessary it is helpful and it definitely going to travel and play your best pool the healthier you are but know we talk about van burkel being young Morris new house is pretty young himself what is he 20 I think now maybe even still 19 such an impressive character he plays really well always smart professional articulate in several languages could be a big star [Applause] asan not the only world class Austrian in play at the moment over on table 24 Max lner has made a lightning start against GJ orian leading 70 yeah and I’m not sure anyone plays better early in the tournament of course not taking it the wrong way but Max gets through those early matches it seems like uh as well as any of the players still looking for that first really big title runner up last year at our US Open he’ll be back there in late September in l City [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the biggest crowd in the arena at the moment and it’s a very big crowd just watching rapael Val on table 14 against copen ye and one of the reasons you’re hearing so much Applause V leads 4-2 well it’s rare but cop has you know had some score lines early in a few of these events that haven’t gone his way but well Co was out very early wasn’t he at the UK open last year yeah ever since that match though it’s been pretty on point for him in his nine ball game [Applause] speaking of copi has there have been any player that has been involved in more matches to remember in the last year than copi right he’s been some that haven’t gone his way but have been incredible performances world pool Masters champion involved in some incredible matches the last 12 months I wouldn’t say Albin asen’s performance here has been incredible but certainly it’s been eye-catching and I think encouraging he’s five to up now on David binski and you have to say rack six really was quite literally a jump start more fight to Victory excuse me Phil I was going to say he’s taking care of really all the difficult shots he’s had many of them in this match so far and really just one kind of I wouldn’t say easy six ball but somewhat routine got away from him and HIDs off to his opponent his opponent has played pretty well also so limited mistakes here in this opener in the race to record the first victory of the tournament nauk Ki is involved he’s 70 up on Ruben Alves of Portugal Alex monel 5-1 up on Kristoff rches and mattius snot 6-4 up on AR Mak Moody [Music] [Applause] the one refusing to drop caught both Jaws but didn’t find gravity and a look from Alvin ocean that we’ve seen quite a few times in his career very thin one ball here for David and really not a lot of future with the Q ball Q ball heading towards the red three the black eight and all that ingestion not sure if he can really afford to take this on hard not to though [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I was trying to think where I’d heard the name brazinski before and of course it was Bev binski who was a big part of the The Carter Administration in in the USA in the 70s yeah Carter was about the first President I really [Music] remembered was of course alive for just born for Nixon and then name’s eluding me all of a sudden his vice president who went on it Gerald Ford yeah Ford Ford Gerald Ford that’s right he actually toured my home Hometown during uh that election with Carter well you could say dogged it there hfield missing a jump shot finally what’s happening [Music] Nice Shot here on the one the two goes in the upper corner look at the five the purple five and the green six locked together but the red three is near so you got to figure can maybe stay aggressive trying to open the balls off the three ball [Music] could still win this match of course we’re not writing his chances off yet but if he does lose I think he could be a a player to avoid on the one loss side the why he’s performing so far yeah not knowing a whole lot about him I mean does go the one loss you got to figure probably draws to be a favorite for a match or two the way he’s played so far Morts neous and this tied it at four piece with mik Van burkel I think he’s gotten enough angle here to get into the green six a bit yeah try to put a bit much speed did fluke the green six missed the three so I don’t know if he can go offensive here could be some kind of containing shot if you’re going to shoot with a lot of speed into these small Pockets you have to be very very accurate [Music] [Music] on the winner side the player who comes through this will take on either Tim deer or seates from Greece right now the Reuters three to up [Music] notice he’s got his players wristband on there to identify him to security and all of that kind of stuff but it doesn’t seem to be on very well must be a an hindrance an annoyance the way it’s been applied you see there The Wristband of the more experienced aan has been put on entirely correctly yeah he’s put a few more of those on than his opponent all right almost every ball on the table move there so didn’t get the contact on the red three desired and left an awkward shot here a little funny queuing over the pink four and a very funny angle trying to get back on the pink four so funny of an angle to the lower right he’s going to take on the right middle and run the QQ ball couple rails so early in the morning on day one the CRP around table 14 is immense I can only assume that rapael Val is a local from this part of the world he’s got plenty of support into the lions den for cop ye there yeah and of course we have fortunate to have the US Open the UK open now the Spanish open but as far as the local players probably none as impressed more than here in Germany or let’s say the locals we don’t know that much about [Applause] [Applause] I guess he’s going to try and catch the top right side of the red three watch out for the upper right corner with the Q ball okay Alvin aen your assignment for today is to pot this three and gain shape on the four well he’s come with most all these so far in this Opening match good thing about Albin is he’s just you know he’s so complete as a player and immediately recognizes that just need to get past the side here you don’t have to get all the way back p pass the headring or anything like that just get that that nice look at the pink four to cut it in you need to come down table for the purple five anyways so an angle on the pink four is ideal almost but that could be loss of rack yeah and if we do get another look at it you’ll notice he just cut the three a little thin to the pocket to the left side of the pocket that’s why he caught that that Q ball a little thin coming towards this middle and didn’t get past that side really wasn’t poorly struck at all just a difficult shot binski won the second rack what scratched on the break making the most of another scratch [Music] [Applause] oh you cannot do that against someone like Alvin as that was meat and drink it was elementary no great positional thought either to it and yet the seven b ball goes a stray yeah and I don’t really didn’t really see like nerves or anything maybe just kind of overlooking it taking it for granted a bit [Applause] that was as big a Miss as you’ll ever see from two-time World n ball Champion Albin ocean well that was quite clearly a deceleration wasn’t it that’s why he missed it by such a way and that’s why he missed it on that side of the pocket well that’s the same thing I saw not quite as obvious I think on that six ball but if he goes back and looks at it he’ll notice a little little bit of a hiccup in the back swing and we saw a little bit of it there yeah you hit it nail you know the nail right on the head feel definitely a little bit of a let up on the downswing I’m sure brazinski can’t believe he’s look [Applause] in pool there are mistakes and there are blunders the latter on the eight ball from Albin asan cost him the rack when he should have won it so 53 yes for the most part his pool is positive but there have been a few weaknesses in there as Jeremy said the missed six ball but the most glaring error undoubtedly the eight we’ve just seen I know Jeremy Ys keep an eye on the American participation in these tournaments Hunter Lombardo is on table three right now against flavian glant from Romania 54 up here Franchesco garia of Italy 62 up on Eric rer Pier filler is having a great time against Clemens e 51 now Pier leads Daniel marel on the hill against Eric ker at 82 already with a win under his belt vek shevek 9 nil over fuan of Hong Kong evil Arts 73 upon Thomas [Applause] Kush well the only ball he’s made on the break so far in this match is that Q ball right there it’s been three dry breaks and now serving up ball in hand in game number nine and I’ll tell you Alvin’s been able to let go of that mistake pretty quickly back the six and the eight and one other I think uh just because of these Drive breaks and now again like I said surrendering ball in hand wasn’t not unlucky scratched ke ball got below the rack really went kind of straight off in that corner by the way if you’re noticing a lack of Applause from table 14 that’s because copen after being 4-2 down against rapael Val now leads 5-4 so his rack wins Jeremy are being received less enthusiastic imagine that pH but I tell you he seems to always gain fans everywhere he goes and up against one of the locals so not a fan favorite at the moment talking of big fan favorites nauki has completed a 9-0 whitewash of Ruben Alves I think O’s been our our player to win the first match a couple times this year in these big events gets really rolling and fun to watch well I’d love to see him have a a run to a final wouldn’t it be great for him for the sport for Japan yeah absolutely and you know no one puts in as much any more effort I guess and time traveling the world trying to get those big titles than Nook oy and seems like he’s everywhere looks like a quick win coming for Albin ocean on maybe a 59 combination sizing that up now [Applause] and got a big win at that world pool Masters this year copi but he’s been knocking on the door in some of these other bigger events as well wouldn’t be surprised if he took on this European open who’s your pick this week Phil have you made that decision yet yes I have actually and I’ve been thinking about this a lot on the plane over yesterday even when he loses you very rarely see Shane Van boning play a bad match I think he’s Jew well I tell you you know I always go with the Americans and or seemed to anyways and Shane’s definitely a guy of course Skylar’s been been trending really well to some semifinals in the last two big events here in the matchroom stage and but Shane’s been playing quality for some time he’s running six seven miles a day you can see he’s physically lost some weight he’s very dedicated and kind of rekindled his pool Spirits you might say uh even more so but I’ll tell you another one that I think you might get a little surprise from and it would be no surprise if he won it but just what’s been going on with him of late is just Jason Shaw just kind of feels something about Jason’s going to have a heck of a week here in in Fida well the upside of Shaw is phenomenal when he plays well he looks unbeatable I suppose that applies to quite a few of them including Joshua filler as well who will be highly motivated to lift the trophy on home soil and what about the recent winner of the Sharks International open in the Philippines coping Chung yeah absolutely I think ever since not this this year’s but last year’s World Cup of pool he really struggled I was really shocked to see him struggle saw him actually struggle in another match or two after that but for some reason ever since I don’t know May of last year maybe he’s been really on form and really had a chance to get to that US Open final last year as well and took down a big event in the Philippines here just uh some week and a half ago [Applause] so the 59 combination from Asen means he’s doubling up on David binski at three three more racks required to clear his first hurdle in defense of the title yeah didn’t seem too happy this is a pretty good starter after the break you’re near the rail you may not be able to get that close to the three but should be able to come up the table and get the cut shot you can see a very left ey dominant player right-handed left eyy dominant in snooker we’ve had plenty of those over the years including the only undefeated world champion in snooker history Joe Davis he was left-eyed won the first World Championship in 1927 and remained undefeated in that tournament until his retirement from the event in 1946 wow and he was the man that had a brother that played as well well his brother was getting very close to him and in the 46 Final in London Fred Davis nearly be Joe and that’s why I think he retired because he wanted to retire undefeated and that was entirely his prerogative so in the 50s then Fred the younger brother went on to win the World Championship on numerous occasions Fred Davis played until competitively on the professional circuit until he was 78 years old wow and you know the amazing thing was when he started out as a teenager he had this particular queue and when he finished his career at the age of 78 he still using exactly the same [Applause] que what year was that he retired Phil I’m sure you probably early ’90s oh wow I wouldn’t have guessed that late all right going for the Jump rare Miss got over the nine but fan the three Fred Davis was the only player I never refer to by his first name when I was talking to him I always used to call him Mr Davis great old guy he was well in 1978 at The Crucible the second year the world championship was played in Sheffield he got to the semi-finals and almost got to the final at the age of 64 yeah he must have stayed healthy that guy I tell you kept his eyes a long time lot of congestion here near this left side pocket and I’m not sure what he’s going to play next don’t think he’ll play the three off the purple five maybe of course if you could do that moving the purple five may open up to six and all that so we’ll see he’s just going to lay up knowing this is a crucial game right 64 is a a dangerous score line for a big favorite here early so not want to take any chances just going to play the safety here on the pink now does he try to get a little tricky here trying to bump the purple purple open just a little bit off the rail now I decided to keep it simple that would have been scary to me though leaving the pink four near the nine even on a kick shot he could see from his reaction there he wanted the QQ ball a little closer to the six although I think he has done the main job yes he has still contact two cushions on this pink four you never know it’s a difficult purple five near the rail [Music] anyways oh he hit [Music] [Music] it another result for you Norway’s mattz Shatner has defeated Chan o 92 [Music] very nicely done again he would have preferred an extra centimeter on the cuq ball but even so maybe not ceneter just millimeters yeah nice contact there on the pink again with the purple sitting so difficult any contact keeping ball in hand not an offer on for Alvin really helps things Morris neous’s pulled out to a 75 lead now over ma van burkel yeah just a reminder on table two today at least six matches over there and it’s all on the match room multisport YouTube [Applause] channel all right he’s attacking here looking like he’s trying to Canon the CU ball into the green six having the green six kind of open the purple five so a lot of speed required really nice well that’s the perfect pull shot accuracy well conceived well executed and again the amazing thing you’ll hear me say this I say it a lot about the pool players is so many shots you can never set up to practice and you just have to go with you know what you built in your game and a little gut instinct and kind of what you see and go with it it’s amazing how intuitive these players are looks like he can go forward to short side whether for the corner or for the side pocket seven the brown seven doesn’t play past the nine certainly didn’t want to shoot a combination For the First Time The Gap is four racks Albin aan seven David binski three aan needs two more for victory on the hill on table 18 Alex melier from France 83 up on Kristoff ranches 64 for the Welshman Marcel price over Max Schneider also on the hill matius snot 86 up on armed M moody copen in a real battle with rapael Val it’s now 65 in favor of the star from Chinese taipe you always get one big name struggling in the early stages of these tournaments maybe two but certainly always one and maybe cop is going to be set player yeah well I tell you what he Phils talking about as one top player as a big favorite our next match features two great players that are going to you know one of them’s probably going to have a struggle come down the end you never know but both players could play Perfect be unfortunate that one of them has to lose but tell you what we almost had a golden break then there in the end look how it’s finished up I got kissed multiple times there four or five times the nine ball so from potential golden break to dry break yeah that’s his third right Alin get a little action on the nine in the corner here playing the one off the nine I think that will hold him for the two as the nine went towards the pocket brinsky was hoping for a rapid conclusion yeah definitely trying to give the nine its best chance and again that you know those don’t look to me like nerves those kind of Misses like that seven ball earlier he missed it just looks like maybe you know kind of overlooking it you know maybe paying attention to the key ball a bit too much yes and the the link between the seven ball and that one they were both slowly [Applause] rolled yeah and one thing with the new conditions especially the the streaming tables the TV tables they’re going to have a bit more lighting which heats the table up makes the balls cut a little easier than maybe some of the players anticipate [Applause] all right nice high ball here with a real follow through stroke trying to straighten out the Q ball coming up the left side of the table he’s going to be a little upset about that just because he’s a little short of his Mark six doesn’t pass the nine wanted to be a little straighter on the purple five but shouldn’t be a problem [Music] he went ahead and came up for the combination not a certainty this but a very high percentage to knock it in as easy as you like and so with that Alin Asen moves onto the hill he leads by eight racks to three pulling away from 53 Daniel mol has defeated Eric Cola 92 Evo Arts a winner 93 over Thomas kers how B Pier filler 71 up on Clemens abar fellow [Applause] German when you got 26 tables in operation there’s always so much going on a match that began in the 11:30 time slot Dennis Grabber from Estonia he’s 2-0 upon Kevin dyra of Holland presumably no relation to Lenny dyra yeah the famous the infamous ball player from the New York metch in the Philadelphia Phillies yeah he’s he caught headlines the last 30 years or so one way or another but I know Kevin dyster actually from the Netherlands a really good dude big pool fan been to many mcone CBS both in England uh you know in the Europe side and on the American side just uh really good guy hunter Lombardo on the hill against flavian glunt 85 and Pier Franchesco garia on the hill against Eric orer at 82 [Applause] sounded like another rapael V here from table 14 thought we’d see Alvin kick between the 78 here and comeing to the backside of the blue two it’s one of the best ever really kicking two rails at the ball and creating the right type of Separation but with all that congestion there I don’t know cut kicking two rails across the two ball here he may not get a rail just in case the two catches the eight maybe runs into the seven CU ball didn’t catch a rail coming up the table I Ain got it super thin so the rail wasn’t a problem and looks like he’s going to get a nice return snooker the clear path to the two only blocked by four balls pretty easy rail first shot here to get a safety trying to go to left side rail kind of come across the two bank it back up that left side rail and just come across with the Q ball mik van URL with a difficult nine to stay in this match he’s overcut it he’s left nothing easy for morren but a game-winning ball here nice effort there that’s the shot I was talking about just a cute seems the blue two’s gotten right in that Gap feel let’s go over to table two this is the potentially winning ball Safety First from neous and just overdone [Applause] slightly the youngster not out of it yet 86 and here brinsky not out of this just yet no a little surprising on the safety from morren that decision and then surprised he didn’t really hit his Mark as well but thing about that type of shot you know that shows a lot of respect I think for his young opponent mik van Burkle right he wants to leave it tough but also at the same time you’re not going to get the queue ball on the rail with that type of shot you’re always going to be queuing the ball pretty nicely so even if he lays the nine on the rail I kind of feel like ma had a good shot to to make a long rail bank and stay in that match so little surprised morson shoot at the pocket there to win the match this environment for vinski I think this is his first appearance on the main table at one of these big events he’s made his mistakes of course he has but I think he’s acquitted himself reasonably well don’t you yeah absolutely uh you know everything wasn’t perfect but he’s up against one of the best players on the planet the big sit big moment big situation for him and I think he’s played just fine really again never really got going on the breaking end of things and that you know no matter what player you are what stature what status the breakshot is a big one to win any match we’ve seen some debutants on the main stage who’ve been like rabbits in headlights do that’s been the case with him I think there’s things to work on another scratch and truely loss of rack is [Applause] Staying [Applause] Alive 84 Alber Asen not over the line just yet the winner of this match will play either iotis seatis of Greece or Tim deer 73 at the moment to the Greek 85 still Hunter Lombardo over flavian glant Pier Franchesco garia from Italy is beaten Eric riter 92 Pier filler now 72 upon Clemen a six6 copen and Rafael Val 75 for Marcus Martin over yunas Sasa on the hill Omar Al shahim former World Championship runner up funly enough to Alin aen he’s A3 up on [Music] sambour stuck stuck Oak matius nooty has beaten Armen M Moody 97 and also win for Alex melier over Kristoff rers at 93 [Applause] well the key ball was heading towards the pocket Jeremy but it kissed another ball in and his first balls on the break of the entire match besides the Q ball had one scratch earlier was going to get lost again as Phils said there but the pink four had no wanted no part of that so both the the players oh nice shot there coming two RS between the N9 and three not sure that was necessary really I thought he could go around it but he’s at the table and sees the table best M van burkel still hanging around so both these players with their opponent on the heel hanging tough and we’ll mention this repeatedly over the course of the next six days as we always do but I think the winner breaks format does give hope for a possible fight back and that’s got to be a good thing in terms of entertainment value well we see it at every tournament and we’re seeing it more and more I think a match here there that you know as a comeback starts to happen you don’t want to take your eyes off of it the more I look at binski is pretty young player right I don’t we don’t have the bio on them or we might actually but it’s got to be some 19 years old or something like that to me the just guessing maybe 20 yeah there’s definitely a solid foundation took that a little close to the pocket for Comfort had to be very precise with the pace of the object ball [Applause] and I don’t see Alvin going for this probably plays off the right side of the purple five he’s going to bank it back down in between the 89 and kill the Q ball a little left side spin coule more results for you theong doen of Vietnam he’s beating Hassan Osman 93 and Petri mckinin from Finland I think very underrated player has come through 94 against saki cantia of [Applause] turkey and I suspected Max lner threw in no time at at all with a 9-n whitewash of GJ orian from Great Britain so a handful of players clearing their first hurdle by whitewash not the case for aan this is turning into something of a workout yeah absolutely and I think it could have been even closer had the break not really been much of a f friend for binski now I have been wanting to get the purple all the way the rail that’s what cost him the Q ball trying to secure both the Q ball and the object ball [Applause] one more big name scrolling through AA shap 91 poate soda I think for Yap we’re going to see some of those results that we saw a lot not long ago I think he’s one of the players though that has struggled with the break shot the new break rule at times it seems like which is probably the best thing about that rule is most every player has struggled at some time with it or not watch out nine ball wow and got the snooker well if he does go on to lose this match that will be the closest he’s ever been to Victory without achieving it this is hanging on the lip yeah the time in table with the deep shelves and Morris neous in a great match on table two there to open it looks like he’s going to take it down with a very routine nine ball yes there’s the Applause to confirm what Jeremy was saying Mor neous defeats mik van burel by nine racks to seven that’s the first match over for the day one table too but plenty more pool to come on the matchroom multisport YouTube channel I thought he could see a little piece of this to maybe Edge it but again the camera can fool us at times so yeah I think that’s the way the direction he’s shooting and that’s all you can do here wow a little unlucky to catch the scratch I think he made a pretty good effort there it’s been such a feature of this contest and it might well be the decisive moment surely it will be this 69 combination any contact will do there it is Albin aen at times he was given something of a headache by David binski bear in mind at one point his lead was only 5-3 but in the end


  1. Hi, you misspelled my name in the title. It's Brzeziński, not Brzezinki. I'd appreciate if you change it, thanks

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