Fact-Check: Investigating Biden and Trump’s Golf Swing Claims from the Debate!

In this video analysis, we first listen to the debate argument of Joe Biden and Donald Trumps golf game comparison. I then do a swing analysis of both Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s golf swings to see if each others claims during the debate was true, or false. We are fact checking the golf claims! Who has the better accuracy? Who commands the distance? Find out as we predict the outcome of a potential golf match between these political titans. Join us as we delve into the world of golf politics, swing mechanics, and competitive spirit to determine who would emerge victorious on the fairways.

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00:00 Introduction – Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump Golf Debate
01:50 Joe Biden Golf Swing
05:19 Donald Trump Golf Swing

H we had to do this in case you didn’t see that debacle of the presidential debate a few nights ago we had Trump making fun of Biden that he can hited 50 yards Biden saying Trump can’t play can’t keep up can’t carry his own bag Trump making fun of Biden that he didn’t have a six to eight handicap Biden saying that he’ll beat him from a head-to-head match but let’s just take a quick little Gander to hear their own words I just won two Club championships not even senior two regular Club championships to do that you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way and I do it he doesn’t do it he can’t hit a ball 50 yards he challenged me to a golf match he can’t hit a ball 50 yards look I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him the re I got my handicap which when I was vice president down to a six and but by the way I told you before I’m happy to play golf if you carry your own bag think you can do it that’s the biggest lie that he’s a six- handicap of all I was an eight handicap yeah eight but I have you know how many I’ve seen you swing I know you swing not like President Trump we’re going to let’s not act like children I just won you know the furthest thing from my mind at that time when I was watching this that this golf channel is going to be doing a swing evaluation to see if we can prove some of these falsehoods or back their words up today we’re going to be taking a look at 50 yard Joe Versus two in the pocket Trump and see if they’re lying or if they’re telling the truth before we get started thanks for those in this clip that support this channel if you want to support this channel we start memberships in that in that sense that go straight to the Hiller Hood children in South Africa to get golf into the lives we also do online golf lessons but let’s get to the video first on the screen we have Joe Biden now some of the things we have to look for is is this person capable of hitting at more than 50 yards is claimed by Mr the two in the pocket Trump he can’t hit a ball 50 yards and let’s take a look and see if we see some basic motions now we do see a lot of flipping going on now keep in mind this video was recorded some years ago I believe he was vice president then but we do see some lack of rotation this is a tough angle to look at we have one more angle but look at even the Secret Service face was like Hey Joe I think they went about 40 yards to the right side but let’s look at the down the line over here and we can kind of draw some lines like we usually do and what video would this be without our usual Barney purple so we’re going to put Barney purple right through Biden’s back and I’m sure that some of your dreams who are watching this and some of your nightmares who are watching this but let’s look at some plain lines here and let’s look at that back brace line cuz that back brace line I believe has some issues now we don’t have many videos of Joe Biden maybe he’s trying to hide them in some sort of laptop but H that’s not up to me to decide but let’s just take a look and see what’s going on with the planes we do see an increase of arm rotation right away and when you do rotate those arms Ladi and gentlemen what you’re doing is you’re moving that club head for your body turn so typically this is either due to a lack of body turn or the arm rotation causes lack of body turn I’m going to guess for Joe Biden it is the first one it is lack of body turn so he has to get that club up somehow back there and we can see he does a decent job of keeping his hands in between that plane line we see some turn though we can see that left foot kind of bracing the knee buckling in he’s doing a decent job staying the spine angle but we can also see that shoulder tilt so let’s do a yellow line shoulder tilt should be perpendicular to that spine angle line and we see that he is a little bit flat so his left shoulder is definitely getting much higher now when you have a higher left shoulder tilt that can cause some plain issues that can really cause over thee toop motions as you either try to compensate that on the way down by tipping the other way and that’ll cause outside in or you can actually stay back there and it could also help him drop in the slot but let’s take a look at what happens let’s move this a little bit frame by frame that’s that’s it ladies and gentlemen that’s his back swing now we come on through we can see it is definitely coming inside to out and he’s holding that plane pretty well so so far looking good but we don’t see a lot of turn we do see the body raising up and pushing through and this is quite a normal swing for somebody in their 70s and obviously we’re not trying to make fun of people in the 70s cuz we’re all going to get to one day but this is definitely a motion where you trying to push your hands up through not a lot of body turn so so all in all I think it’s a decent swing I don’t know how consistent it is because there’s not a lot of footage of him hitting golf balls but we do see that lack of rotation on the way through again and we see the new spine angle it is just completely upright at this point shoulders are Level to that spine angle so he did a decent job of keeping that ratio the same uh we do see some body turn at least the whole body’s facing the target we see a club head that looks like it is fairly neutral at this point so we don’t see a lot of manipulation I see a lot of scooping going on I don’t see a lot of throwing so I don’t see the rightand throwing if we saw the rightand throwing we would see that club more in this position and maybe the club had closed so good sign here for Joe I would say that yes he can probably hit this further than 5050 yards so Trump’s claim of C50 yards unfortunately is a lie we have two in the pocket Trump and let’s see what two in the pocket can do we see a lot of rotation and he has been known to hit the ball pretty decently I don’t know about his scorekeeping capabilities I hear he has use of the Eraser a lot more than his pencil but there is definitely a lot more rotation a lot more athleticism than 50 yard Joe but we can still see a little bit of the hand manipulation but let’s just take a look it seems like he does a pretty decent job and we’re going to do the same lines here and again this could be somebody’s dream to put Barney purple line right through Trump or it could be somebody’s nightmare that is up to you to decide and there’s the lower plane line upper plane line now this is a better view than what we had with 50 yard Joe because we are actually down the line and we can see from the center of these arches up it looks pretty stable I’m going to put a back brace line there now let’s take a look as we initially take that club back so we do see a lot of rotation with his body now when we see this typically we see that left shoulder coming up so just like 50 yard Joe we’re starting to see the left shoulder rising up higher now this could definitely help you turn more and I really recommend this to my seniors out there and to those that do want to get some more body rotation because if that left shoulder goes down it is hard to stay in your spine angle and it puts a lot of pressure on your left flat and that locks you so usually that’s reserved for Tor players who can still get that body turn the elasticity of the muscles because they stretch and work out every day but we get to the top of the Swing here we see that his shoulders do kind of level out a little bit better so we’re going to redraw that yellow tilt line and see yes it is closer to being perpendicular to that Barney purple line but it’s still left shoulder high so whenever that left shoulder gets high it does lower your hand position and we saw that in 50 yard Joe but the key is with the drivers to get behind your Center Line which is that blue line so now we can swing from the inside and we see if we do a triangle check here with two in the pocket we can see that we have there’s the triangle and we can see that that triangle should pull down to that lower plane line and does he do it a little rerouting there did you see that that little rerouting so that rerouting Maybe would cause some pulls but he is still doing a pretty good job there let’s actually clean up all these lines let’s take a look if we extend that shaft down it is on the lower side of the golf ball which is great that means he might actually swing up and we come on through look at that shaft is going right through the right forearm looks pretty good he is shaft humping a little bit he’s moved his body weight towards the golf ball but look at this turn that’s a pretty good motion get the whole body to the Target and we have that nice release hands finished nice and high all he is doing is basically swinging up which is really good so in terms of can he win a Club Championship with this it’s not that he can’t win a Club Championship with the swing it looks pretty repetitive I’ve seen enough videos of him and I’ve heard enough from the great fine that his scorekeeping is a little bit awkward I think he needs to revisit the Cookie Monster counting school because this swing is capable of it but we will call his claim true with a little star and the star means yes it’s possible but probably not likely so the question comes down to this is if they were in a match who would win well if Biden challenges him and says we are carrying our own bags obviously Biden’s going to lose that because Biden had a hard time walking to the stage and off the stage now if they were playing with golf carts As Long As Trump has the faster carts I think he’s going to win meaning that he might fluff up his lies and forget a few shots here or there so they’re both a little crooked they’re both a little bit Liars but they also both telling a little bit of the truth it’s hard to say my vote would have to go for Trump oneon-one hope that helps you this is not a political Channel but I just could not help myself after seeing that debate debacle I’ll see you guys next time feris and greens happy to play golf if you carry your own bag


  1. Two very sad old men. They are in my age range, ive seen the swings of both and unless Trump cheated neither would take money from me in a legit contest. If Biden was ever a legitimate 8 he was light years better than now and i saw nothing that would indicate that. I doubt he had the time to develop a short game. I make his swing a 15 on a good day at 40.
    Trump has power and a workable move but he wouldn't qualify for my club championship and we only have a couple of touring members.
    I will limit myself to their golf but God i hope i dont come across like either. Pathetic.
    BTW Biden would lose badly.

  2. I want to see this match televised. I want to see Joe carry his clubs. This match will have the biggest ratings ever. The bets will be for how many times Biden falls. I bet Joe can’t keep it below 160 for 18 holes. Joe doesn’t have a swing, it is a swat. He swats the ball and it goes anywhere.

  3. You'd have to be just as delusional to vote for Biden as you would to believe he could beat Trump at anything golf related 🤣

  4. Seriously? The question was can Joe hit a ball 50 yards NOW, not 15 years ago. How democratic of you.

  5. Biden can’t even carry a beach chair! That was an older clip of him and today he probably can’t hit the ball. John Daly was asks of all the presidents he played with Trump was true to his score while the others couldn’t pull a mulligan out their pocket fast enough. 🤭

  6. I disagree the other newer video of Joe golfing while president he hits the ball backwards 35 yards so there is that 😂 joe got that Barkley lift and flip

  7. Nobody carries their own golf bag any more. When was the last time Joe played? 1960? All we've seen Joe doing in his free time is lay on a lawn chair and eat ice cream.

  8. Trump has played golf way more than Biden. Of course Trump woukd win. Plus Biden can't stand up by himself. He certainly couldn't swing a club! He couldn't pick up a golf bag. He could possible use one on the green as a cane or walking stick though.

  9. lol I’d say Trump is correct. He can’t hit it 50 yards! (Obviously was an exaggeration to insult, so being literal ruins the fun of it) Biden claimed to be a 6 handicap with that swing ! That’s the lie. He has never ever been a 6 handicap with a reverse pivot, his left elbow bends and he picks up his head in a hop during impact. That swing has DUFFER written all over it! Club championship is full handicap dude if Trump lied about his scores regularly it would be a true handicap playing against sandbaggers and can’t lie during tournament as someone else is usually keeping your score. Do you even play golf dude ? Cuz you would know this. Generally during a club championship the opponents keep the score and or are breathing over your shoulder and would take note of a cheater and complain. – assistant head pro here. Ur welcome but this guy making this video is obviously biased cuz he loves the libs. If Trump was to sandbag then that would mean he was lieing by adding strokes to his normal rounds to get a higher handicap to easily win on tournament day and trump would not do that his ego is to big and you claim he is a cheater (lies to say he shot better than he did) well that wouldn’t help anyone win a club championship. So you can’t be a cheater and a sandbagger at the same time. And sandbaggers are covert cheaters and Trump is anything but covert

  10. Joe beat Kim Jong Il in a playoff in the 1925 North Korean Masters while looking at his watch before being eaten by cannibals. His cat and corvette survived.

  11. I doubt Biden has ever played to 6 or 8 handicap. Carrying your own clubs? They invented golf bags that fit onto wheels so that doesn't happen much these days. Weird suggestion by Joe. He is floundering and when he flounders he makes stuff up, always has. Trump's swing is quite ugly but he does seem to get the ball away. He could be single figures but double club champion – no way. There are so many good golfers out there that would have no trouble beating him. Both are exagerating their golf abilities.

  12. A (poor) golfer myself, I would have to say from what I have seen in this video that I could easily beat Biden and would probably lose to Trump. Any person who thinks Biden could beat Trump in golf clearly does not know the game. I'm surprised that Biden mentioning carrying his bag since it doesn't seem he can even carry a conversation. Great video!

  13. Biden said while VP he had an 8-hanicap, the same as many of today’s top professional players. Now with a 6-hanicap….Tiger Wood in is prime was a 5.

  14. "I'd beat Sleepy Joe like nobody's ever seen. I've got the greatest golf swing – and I have the best balls. You've never seen such balls!"

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