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uh folks what how is that so loud uh welcome back to the channel it is June 30th halfway point of the year uh hottest day of the year it was 100° up where I live down here it’s 90° uh summer is in full effect it’s really hot there’s a bunch of stuff going on in the city everybody’s outside it seems like there’s a few different events we’re going to check out we’re mainly just going to go down towards South Central see what’s going on and uh do some free riding San lightbe out today 60 days left if you haven’t entered to win I’m giving away a brand new one of these bikes a suron lightbe and $1,000 to One winner top Link in the descript if you want to get involved every dollar spend on the website gives you one entry uh get in folks I don’t want to hear anybody else say oh I missed it when’s the next one now’s your chance you can get in for as little as $10 fun fact the person who won the ultra be had a $10 entry included in their order so get in but other than that it’s hot uh 4th of July is right around the corner oh dude I thought I I I I thought I just witnessed a car accident they they barely missed each other we’re probably going to hear some fireworks and see Shenanigans all over the city that’s uh my guess let’s see what happens make sure you watch to the end if I had to guess one video that’s going to be a little wilder than the rest this year it’s going to be today’s uh so stay tuned let’s see what happens let’s go oh we got a blocked off road this is where we usually start why is this road blocked off wa is that a that’s not a canopy is it no I think this is like an event I didn’t know there was an event going on today interesting we could definitely go down this way if we wanted to Let’s uh this is oh okay yeah this is a one way hello looks like it’s actually getting used for once no one ever comes down this road this is uh this is the street if you know you know looks like it’s a little more developed now than it has been in the uh in the past all right folks we’re back at it this um last time we tuned in from the lightbe I mentioned I got a new tire setup I’m still kind of on the fence about it honestly oh look they tagged up the uh the building again it’s always uh you know it’s either completely freshly painted or fresh tagged and today it’s she edit out that curse word we just saw fun fact that I recently learned if you film a curse word that has been graffitied on a building uh you’ll get in trouble for it via YouTube didn’t know that now I do looks like he didn’t really care so it’s not a crime scene whatever it is if it was a crime scene they’d probably be like uh telling me to get out there’s a cop right here blocking this road off too can I go straight through here can I go through that little tuck that road back there that goes through uh LA Live got to go down LA Live though yeah yeah yeah okay go LA Live yeah yeah yeah that’s where I’m going oh I got maximum security what’s the event I had no idea uh fun fact I could just wrap around right here who okay uh interesting something’s going something’s going on I must be out of the loop today there’s detectives what uh what exactly is happening oh yeah so anyways uh my bike feels a little wobbly I don’t know the front the front end is very very heavy now and it’s kind of like uh this tire is manipulating oh this has got to be something for the BET Awards or maybe this is literally it and I’m just like in the middle of it I think I’m just like randomly riding through uh the BET Awards I think that’s uh what’s going on if I had to guess interesting okay I I knew that was like sometime this month I didn’t know it was today uh well I guess that makes sense we probably were going down the road where like actual celebrity Talent is coming through uh BET Awards is uh you know how do you put this it’s the time where uh I would say the more risque outfits come out if there’s ever time in downtown specifically LA Live area will you see uh uh you know just those to um yeah what’s the word I’m looking for right I don’t know but uh you probably get what I’m trying to say yeah there’s uh things that probably maybe can’t even show on YouTube you know if I had to guess maybe just even barely out of the uh the uh abill that’s a nice suit that’s actually sick that’s a clean outfit looks like we’re stopped right here I don’t know if we can go through to the left but we’re probably just going to turn around yeah we’re just going to turn around okay we’re just going to turn around there’s there a lot going on right here this is not on the agenda I just noticed this was going on uh and the police presence is high just say the least it’s a oh my yeah see there we go exactly what I was talking about those were booty cheeks just out in just in okay interesting yeah well uh you know that’s uh kind of what I was getting at I couldn’t figure out the right way to put it but you know uh you know what they say a picture’s worth a th000 words right and uh yeah that that right there was worth a least a th000 that pretty much it per perfectly sums up what I was trying to say so anyways that’s all going on right here it’s probably media junk it fun fact this is what I did in my life before YouTube so on the other side of this is probably like a red carpet and then it’s junk it so it’s these little booths and then talet walks down down the red carpet and you stop at all these media outlets and everyone gets their own little interview right so you got like U Entertainment Tonight and uh you know I don’t know whatever I don’t even I’m out of the loop so much I don’t even know what they’re oh what they’re called anymore but um the one I worked for is holy dude okay these tires are really good for for free ride though they make the bike feel like clunky but they definitely Inspire confidence when riding over things that typically would give you a flat tire oh yeah as I was saying uh Talent stops you give an interview no one cares about you you’re pretty much just like uh uh reduced to a talking camera oh there’s a bunch of kids on what is scraping up against my foot I was about to say did I just snap my belt no we’re good that would be uh that’ be bad wait did I oh we’re good I think I mean yeah we couldn’t even do that if we had snapped the belt so all right well we’re going to go ahead and get back on out of here so guys yeah really demeaning job it’s uh it’s cool oh what did I say here we go let’s see if they got another one just I told you it’s a bingo card for today fireworks we’re going to see a crazy crime scene maybe a structure fire and we’re going to go see Figaro Street so let’s see how many of those we actually see we just saw fireworks so that’s technically one out of four at least we heard it didn’t necessarily see it yep smell of gunpowder in the air starting off our day in downtown folks it’s going to be a long one so strap up uh where exactly are we going today you might ask we got the R8 first off wait a second I got a flat tire that’s what’s going on no it’s not I just don’t know what’s going on I think I’m just what is happening like I thought I had a flat it’s definitely not flat but my rear end is just like slip and sliding maybe it’s my SP folks fun fact about these bikes you do need to dude what is going on something doesn’t feel right I think I just moved my back wheel that’s what it is remember how I mentioned on my first ride when I was picking this thing up I was trying to like do small wheelies on it the back wheel felt unaligned that’s what it is let’s take a look I bet that’s exactly what’s going on I mean no it looks good I I’m stucked I don’t know I don’t know I think this tire is uh is causing a few problems with the uh with the bike but honestly I don’t know I don’t know hey how you doing I I really don’t know I think it’s I mean first off these tires were they’re made for the for the suron right they’re Sur on specific tires but like I don’t know like right now I feel something in my left foot it’s like a vibration transmitting through the left pedal and uh it’s coming from the wheel rubbing against this fender rear shock Fender thing maybe I just take this off honestly that’s what’s going on though this is rubbing and I’m feeling it in the pedal for some reason weird uh okay it’s bet weekend uh my bike feels squirly and and not very good but hey we’re out here folks I have a brand new siron and I am not riding it because that’s for one of you guys but trust me if I would really I would really love to I’d love to just to get out and rip on that thing and it’s still not off the table I just might that one is it tempts me every day man it’s like it’s just it’s literally brand new knew it it’s just sitting in my place and it’s like I could I could I could just take this you know obviously we are written into contract by law the winner will receive a lightbe in like new condition so that’s going to happen but you know I can’t just buy another one it’s this one is so CLA dude but I still got to ask do any of you guys want this bike you know if we do like another giveaway maybe we do like a double bike giveaway maybe we give like a brand new one and this one this one has been through some Journeys this is my this has been my bike this whole year that is seen some right it’s seeing some real so I think uh I think it might be cool to give this one away too even though it’s uh you know it’s not I would say it’s in bad condition honestly with these bikes as long as the battery has life which this one does it’s only been through like I want to say less than 100 charge cycles for sure like I haven’t even charged it 100 times that’s the real metric of uh of wear on a battery the motor’s still fine obviously and the frame is still good so it’s like the rest of the things are just Parts if you put stock tires like brand new stock tires on this bike it’s honestly like it would be just fine right so so that’s still on a table for for the record I don’t know if you guys are interested in getting two bikes for the next one uh we could possibly figure something out but right now uh this is still my baby it’s it is beat up but I do love riding it it’s uh it’s totally clapped out but but it gets the job done look at all the trash just strewn out on this intersection I don’t even want to ride through it I’ve had enough bad experiences also shout out to Dan man uh he he recently messaged me saying he was doing a bike ride in Downtown LA on his bicycle and he stepped in C poop you know that hey that doesn’t surprise me whether you step in it or ride through it uh it is everywhere you know it’s all over the place out here and the odds of you encountering it are high they’re higher than zero you know there’s a lot of things that are really horrible that could happen to you in La that have a higher than zero percentage of happening wait a second this guy let he on that just hallucinating oh yeah he is interesting you got a Taria heyy is a Taria yeah yeah yeah man those are nice what’s good bro what’s up I watch your YouTube were you at the uh at critical mass yeah I thought I saw you there I was like oh that guy’s got some swag to him that’s cool nice to meet you bro what’s your name malcol man John John nice to meet you pleasure man hey ride safe hey cool yeah I thought I saw that cat there is a bunch of so we did this bike ride called uh critical mass which is a bicycle ride but there’s been a lot more suron cat’s coming also shout out to LV he was out there on his e- Rod but there was like I want to say between 15 and 20 people on Sur and I thought I recognized him from that ride you know I thought I saw him but right now he was just cruising man hey so is this guy look at this thing on Titans Okay that guy had like a I thought it was like a Dragon Ball Z Goku hair but it was it was something else I don’t really know what the guy was what he was but uh interesting to say the least anyways you know sights and sounds of the edge of downtown the edge of society is what I like to call here by the freeway if you know you know I’ve said it a million times south of the 10 freeway gets a little crazy out here in downtown we’re about to go even further south right now as we go this way we start to go into historic South Central we got artwork we got glass on the ground we got views I don’t know what else to say this is a special part of La you just got to ride through here to really feel it and uh and know what it’s like interesting to say the least that’s one way you can put it going Southbound past Washington this is where things start to get a little tricky you know this is where we start praying for no bike problems today cuz uh if we do have a bike problem well it’s going to be a long day it’s going to be a long day that’s an understatement it’s going to be longer than a long day it’s going to be uh yeah not a good day either a long and not good day yeah yeah it’s a little hectic over here man this is where we um I think it was this Treet we went right down there’s a lot of things going on in this little Nook of town we’re going to spend a little bit of time exploring over here right now before we go back North by the uh freeway we weren’t done checking out what’s going on over there by uh the 10 got a bus big old gang taging right there that’s uh that’s some La sites for you right there we’re actually going to go back down the street we’re on Trinity uh last time I was over here we went South on Trinity until we ran into a like a standoff it was like police standoff or it was the end of a Pursuit sorry yeah it was like an end of a police pursuit that it just uh ended and some dude in the middle of the pursuit in the middle of the ending of the standoff was like hey it’s the YouTube guy and then all the cops stopped and stared at me I was like uh hi yeah it was kind of awkward anyone remember that video I was on my BMX yeah or sorry my dirt jumper that’s one of the last bicycle videos I did you I still get messages people asking why I don’t do like bicycle videos anymore and answer is man it’s just too hot in La man and I don’t mean hot literally is in today it’s hot but it’s also like I just don’t like moving around that slow there’s plenty of times where I ride my bicycle uh outside of filming but you know the places that I film is not like uh a bunch of tires anyone need a tire we’re dude we’re in a very uh a very interesting part of town There’s an alley right there I really want to check out there just a bunch of trash right here big taggin right there that’s like a those are like making a statement tags right there man we’re we’re kind of uh we’re out here let me put it that way damn look at that the street parked damn looking looking sick too it was a little dirty but it was looking good all right we’re going to cross here we’re going to check out that alley we just passed it actually looked kind of fire I do want to take a look down it uh Warren uh yeah so anyways especially like prime example is where I’m at right now it may not even look that crazy on camera but trust me you do not want to get pinched here you do not want cuz here’s how it happens you get pinched right you get someone pulls a drop on you and they is that a dog no it’s a little cat dude this little alley right here it’s crazy interesting dude that was like a little slice of another of another uh it didn’t feel like La let me put it that way it was like we’re somewhere else for a second that was cool hey we got one of these you know what to do if you know what to do you know what to do so yeah anyways there’s just there’s an advantage of being able to do this right here even though this bike is slow it’s actually it’s actually significantly slow lower than I thought it would be with these tires and I think another problem is that with the tires it’s made the back wheel get out of true even faster so now it feels just like the back end is just like wobbling all over the place that’s not really good but I think we’ll survive today got the DU Street parked so many weird cool cars you can see Street parked out here look he’s got a ra for rims on it that kind of goes hard I can’t even lie he’s got rims on it R four that’s the same car I have but his got rims on it yeah this corner right here we we got to keep it moving let me put it that way we got to keep it moving we’re at right here we’re on uh oh there’s an alley we got to take though we got to take this alley we’re on 25th in San Pedro this is just man if you don’t know then don’t come over here it’s kind of crazy in this in this little pocket town right here they don’t mess around over here I’ll uh I’ll leave it at that we are going to rip down this alley though it’s got a little bit of Crash let’s go ahead and pin it from one end to the other let’s see what uh see what’s going on a little bit of trash right there too trying to have a perfect mix of uh going slow enough for you guys to see what’s going on but also going quick enough to uh just keep it moving damn look at the sidewalk right here the sidewalk straight up got lifted up by a tree what the hell damn you cannot look at this dude when was the last time this sidewalk has been accessible that is crazy so many medel boxes there’s Melo boxes everywhere right here okay we’re not going to not going to be hovering around any one spot too long I just wanted to show you guys that interesting okay man South Central so Central’s got some stuff to see today to say the least there’s there’s a lot of alleys over here that I’ve never been down we’re on Adams and Stanford uh firmly in historic South Central we’re just going to keep hovering around for a little bit you know just we’re just kind of in wander mode eventually we’ll end up on fig and we’re going to take fig North cuz you already know it’s summertime so we’re going to see something on fig that’s that’s a guarantee I don’t know which one of these alley dead ends this one doesn’t look like it does it’s got the gate enclosure though that usually means that it’s usually closed and that you shouldn’t be going up it but and now we’re on the Hicks Chanel we just go sometimes sometimes you just got to go sometimes you just got to go go ahead and just warp speed through this one look at that gates open on both sides that’s rare usually see those Gates and they’re closed got the fox body we love that damn yep nice no this was the street yeah this was the street where we saw that standoff I think actually I don’t know it was either this one or Trinity we on Griffith could have been either one and we’re just going to keep going folks that’s the name of the game in case you haven’t picked up yet you got to keep going we’re going to check out some more of these alleys though dude there’s so many of them oh look that’s a pretty kitty now my my girlfriend’s cat is is in shambles right now man we’re not sure how much longer he’s going to make it pray for my girl’s cat in the comments man if you hear this leave a cat emoji and a praying hands Emoji in the comments for my girl’s cat he’s uh he’s not doing too hot so we’re we’re praying for him look at all this back here damn I just gave up on cleaning that up oh dude I thought we were dead ended this is not alley you want a dead end in that’s for sure holy yeah we’re uh we’re risking it for the biscuit right now folks that’s one way you can put it I’ve been through here a few times though like I know where this uh where this turns out to there’s a school right here and then this turns into a dead end and we can go through an alley to the left and um yeah I think it’s this little alley right here yep and then we go back to more neighborhoods I think we’re coming up towards uh we’re coming up towards Hooper soon if this is not Hooper right here dude this Spike feels crazy I got to check it one more time I’m a little paranoid about it performance honestly it’s just it’s vibrating and and it just doesn’t feel that good but it is solid everything’s tightened up I do a pre-ride check almost every time I go filming I can’t say every time cuz there’s definitely times uh-oh we got we got a small pack of stray dogs let’s see if they come after me nope a he looks injured he looks happy yeah don’t mind me me hey don’t mind me they’re giving me that look like yeah we’re we’re cool but just don’t come any closer buddy yep you never know what dogs in the hood I know it’s it’s it’s it’s easy to watch the video and be like come on that dog’s friendly but trust me they probably are not friendly even though they’re small and they look harmless uh small dogs still bite I don’t know if uh if everybody knows that but uh I do I got I’ve been bit I got bit by a tiny dog on a bike ride like this time last year yeah D Man remembers that too Dand man got two shout outs today in this video yeah yeah yeah he remembers when we were on a bicycle ride out and this lady’s tiny dog bit me yeah he bit the hell out of me too luckily didn’t break the skin or nothing but I was genuinely concerned for a short while anyways keeping it moving got a little bit of artwork right there God what kind of car is even this dodge is this a Dodge Dart that’s the only old school Dodge that I know oh okay never mind we’re not going in the street right here I know where we’re at though we’re going to keep going we’re about to tuck back into some more neighborhoods a Dodge Dart can someone fill us in in the comments I can’t tell I think my belt is about to snap it doesn’t feel right like the first the first feet I travel like there’s this weird vibration in the pedal and the left pedal specifically the one next to the Belt too that doesn’t sound uh it does feel good to say the least so I don’t know anyways yeah we’re uh we’re about to tug back into some more neighborhoods so we’re uh we’re taking a very unique route some of y’all remember some of these places we’ve uh we were going down so far but there’s definitely some new ones we’re we’re hidden up right now this uh this street is like a movie scene man it’s so empty and Barren what’s up man pumping that the baby I don’t know if he called at me or if that was his music got a Porsche going through South Central yes sir ain’t mad at that yeah it is a beautiful day though beautiful day to be out on a bike ride I did um so fun fact after today I’m going to do a lot more videos on that LMX bike I really enjoy riding that I’ve ridden it twice not making videos just kind of like getting a feel for it today I did like a full-on battery test which I will include the results of on the next video but the results better than I thought better than we got from the first time we rode it I didn’t use a throttle at all though it was all pedal assist but what I learned is that that bike is kind of insane when you’re just using it as pedal assist it’s actually like uh it works really well yall hear that firework if we didn’t get the first one that that’s definitely number two on a bingo card uh locked in there’s going to be a lot of fireworks between now and next week Fourth of July is next Thursday I believe so we’re going to hear a lot of things blowing up uh in the meantime between now and then anyhoo bunch of wild teenes out here damn he almost he almost got hit uh okay yeah we’re going to hear stuff blowing up pretty much non-stop these tires are really good for TR riding where you’re just bumping your your front wheel off stuff to get a pop to jump it’s really great for that because they’re so big you kind of just run into stuff damn he was marching right at me he did not look like he was in the right state of mind either La stuff man yeah he’s off one too okay well let’s go ahead and spin the corner what’s going on down here we keep going back straight this way we end up uh kind of back towards like um Broadway where by the La DWP building which is a uh iconic location on the Hicks Channel you know we come by here pretty often but uh SES sounds of South Central folks if you’ve never been here well here’s a little Slice of Life got that Subaru Street parked why is it that every time we come to South Central we see a sick Subaru just parked on a street and today’s no different yeah that’s fire I love it I mean you see all types of crazy cars out here you really got to check left and right cuz if anywhere at any time time you will have people just flying through red lights not stopping one bit it’s out here during the summer yeah this is when uh reckless driving seems to be at an all-time high you could feel it in the air too even when I was driving down here you feel the uh the impatience in the drivers because of how hot it is you know it’s like you can just uh you can just tell everybody does not want to be driving we should not be coming back here but we’re going to take a quick Cruise there’s a laundromat and nothing else to see see this a parking lot actually just a lot of uh lot of big taging over here on houses it’s kind of wild anyways this is maple another street that runs north and south through downtown we’ll eventually get a little bit more downtown I’m interested to go check out a little more of what’s going on at that uh bet thing maybe we’ll hover over there and that’s where we’ll end the video out but for now let’s uh let’s cut over straight to Fig see what’s happening over there if I had to guess um you know there’s probably uh some some interesting things to go see on fig if I just had to guess you know I don’t know that’s kind of like a weird hunch right I don’t know something some weird tingling in the back of my neck is telling me maybe there’s something going on on fig don’t know let’s go see weird right it’s weird how it works anyways last time we were over here there was like a guy who was trying to escape something in his car we’re getting towards that indu industrial area in uh in downtown so let’s creep it any rats definitely a rout or two or some roaches in there this is where we saw that big dog who was chilling it’s probably another big dog chilling just some trash a little bit of tagging nothing too crazy right here on Broadway this is where we just were last week go Ahad and get across right there keeping it moving that’s the name of the game folks honestly I want to pop back up towards um oh they got the low rider show today we came through here I don’t remember when it was it was dude when was the last time we came down here and they had the low riders out that was like a year ago huh I think that was for sure last year well okay I’m going to one tiet right here let’s see how many sit cars we see I’m not even going to try and name any of them cuz you guys know I uh I don’t really know the names some got a a SI truck right there Cadillac andalo yep oh they’re on that side too we’re just going to catch this side yeah yeah yeah this is uh this is summertime in La folks classic cars are out damn what they got them all up on the curb and everything damn yeah that’s cool hey they got their own tow truck now that’s gangster wow they got the road blocked off Yep this is their street today sitting there parked the three wheeel yep La stuff folks oh we might actually have some trouble getting through right here they got the holes they got it they got it sewed up right here yep yep they got it super sewed up right here how this bike how much you got that for uh I got this for 3,000 it’s called a suron you really bought that yeah bought it I bought it yeah when you buy it I got it from China uh Alibaba you bought it from China like they got a warehouse where they build it’s a little bit more but uh but yeah a these are brand new tires I don’t want to mess up anybody’s car so hey yall have a good [Music] one holy crap that went from Zer to 100 so fast yeah everybody wants to know about the sirons man I love it I love it dude this is insane this is crazy they got the whole street completely shut down look at this duy whoa yeah I’m just trying to sneak through man don’t mind me don’t mind me yeah oh my God of all the streets I could have gone down maybe I shouldn’t have came all the way through right here we’re kind of locked in yeah yeah yeah hey yeah we’re kind of we’re kind of stuck we’re going to try and maneuver yeah yeah don’t mind me let me just get out of here hey man yeah I don’t really fit in with the motorcycle crowd I’m just here all right I just came to see the cars man they got every Bud out today though what the heck damn that was pretty sick huh that’s probably that’s for sure the coolest thing we’re going to see today I’m sure it’s even uh it’s even bigger because of um you know what’s it called bet weekend going on it’s probably like even larger than they usually do cuz last time we came by it was a little later in the day but I don’t think it was that big of a turnout they had everybody they knew out there today it look like holy crap what’s going on right here which is what I assume but it’s hard to [Music] tell wow okay so far so good and we didn’t even have to try and pop a wheelie on this bike cuz I don’t even think I can yeah not to mention the fact that uh YouTube doesn’t want me to all right we’re going to hit the freeway like how many times have I got y’all with that that turn don’t lie at least a few oh man all right nice little tear through the city we saw Figaroa for a quick second we didn’t spend that much time on fig today we did see some fake things but uh we had to get up out of there quick it’s just too hot today man that uh that’s not really the place you want to be today we will get at least a couple more cruises down there uh before the Summer’s over but man it’s just uh it’s uh yeah it’s uh it’s you know it’s it’s hotter than ever that’s one way I’ll put it it’s uh it’s it’s very hot and I mean that in every possible way that you could interpret it o he may or may not have run that red light but they’re Hing at me they’re Hing at the moped guy all right so now we’re going up fig we just saw everything the Fig has to see for today or at least a sneak peek of it trust me there’s more there’s more there’s more but uh you guys are going to have to stay tuned to the channel to see everything that we saw today got some low riders lined up love that all right what’s next we got a little bit of everything today we saw the colleges I didn’t really even want to go by the college I mean that was cool though uh we saw that low rider stuff we saw a little bit of fig we heard some fireworks we didn’t see a structure fire no structure fires and what was the other Bingo thing I had uh just like an overall crime scene I guess we didn’t see anything like that either you know we’re two for four that ain’t bad oh there’s trains coming you guys remember when that girl was like crossing the street and through all the traffic and in front of the train that was right there and it was kind of the exact same scenario that I’m in right now I don’t think she wants to jwalk though I don’t blame her all right so we’re going to hit a little sneak route and then we’re going to get back up to by the 10 freeway we meant to do a little more exploring up there but when I saw think I already forgot his name the that cool cat on the Taria if you see this man shout out to you we ran into him and I totally lost track of what I was doing so we’re going to go back up oh my God we barely cleared that that could have actually probably hurt my hand anyone remember those big bulky gloves that I had I’ve want to start wearing those again uh they have a lot of really good protection on them but they’re just so bulky I think if we go right right here we go back to that low rider sh yeah that’s the street it was on um we’ll just keep going this way I’ve never actually taken this way all the way back up to the city it’s kind of fun cuz you can like go alongside the train if we wait for it let’s actually see if we can Pace it with the train I think the train has a special way to stop or to change the lights maybe okay never mind cuz he’s stopping right here okay I would think that they would have a way to you know change the lights if no traffic was around they have like a special way to know that there’s no cars but I guess not huh interesting someone up there screaming all right let’s see if we can keep up with these tires dang what the hell is this is this glass oh this is a lot of glass oh no it’s over dud this is all glass we’re going to get off the bike and kind of jog through it so we don’t get a flat or at least right we don’t all right now we’re going to try to keep up with the train I don’t know what do you guys think oh we’re beating the train actually we’re catching up dude this Spike does not feel that stable at speed anymore the tire is really like have a mind of their own imagine sending this jump straight into traffic now this is the most iconic GTA 5 location if you uh a dude it’s so hard to cross right here we have to do some weird [ __ ] let’s do this and this this is the most iconic GTA 5 location this is where you go in game from the hood to the city anyone recognizing this right here anyone anyone at all we’re back in a city of downtown what’s going on out here what’s going on we’re going to go straight back up to the Staple Center and see if there’s anything interesting to see because if there is anything interesting it’s probably up there there’s two things that make uh downtown kind of like very active one is BET Awards I think it’s in downtown LA every year right if I’m not mistaken the second is when the Lakers are in the finals and they have games at home those are the two main times except for when there’s Riots of course when there’s when uh when downtown is like especially you know active and then there’s a Fourth of July but that’s not really you know fun fact for the 4th of July if you want to be involved in the action don’t go to downtown cuz almost no one is really doing that craziest stuff out here the two places you want to go are either South Central anywhere in South Central Compton Etc maybe Compton is pushing it but South Central for sure or West Lake West Lake is um is pretty much complete chaos when the Fourth of July comes around it sounds like an actual Call of Duty war zone everything’s blowing up uh those are two places if you’re in La if you want to see action and you don’t want to go to like a fireworks show you want to see like ground level stuff blowing up everywhere those are my two recommendations I will be one of those two places for sure uh come Fourth of July Okay so so far so good out here in uh in downtown hello let’s see if anything else is going on over here at uh Staple Center yes a so-called Staple Center even though it’s a crypto Arena technically I think it’s still Staple Center let’s see if we see any uh sights and sounds everybody’s dressed up like going to the nightclub hello yeah I figure most of the uh the most insane outfits are going to be behind the uh you know where you have to you probably have to buy a ticket or something to even get past all the security and whatnot we’re not doing that to say the least what’s in there honestly not much going on up here everything is like gated you know you have to get behind Gates and and have tickets and be wearing special outfits and look a certain way and I am literally on a suron with a full face on so stest to say I don’t really have the uh the designated clearance to get into any of these places I should have probably came in like a suit or something like that still cool though what is the BET Awards anyway can someone in the comments fill me in like what is being awarded is it for music or is it just like overall like uh I truly don’t know I I’ve never how do I say this without sound like an uncultured swine I just don’t know what they’re for right I just don’t I don’t know if they’re a music thing if it’s an acting thing or what so uh maybe someone can fill me in one for sure uh the outfits are impressive one way you to put it yeah impressive is uh is the word of what we’re seeing yeah okay anyways off we go back the way we came this is like the famous uh the famous area this is where famous people are coming they got hot and ready Little Caesars for the [Laughter] Stars yeah we love that that’s funny we couldn’t even get Domino’s man come on dude yeah at least get Domino’s not even Papa John’s all right cool well we came we saw folks we came we saw that’s uh what we do every day all righty folks that’s a full lap huh that was fun you guys enjoyed make sure you get in the comments subscribe if you’re new and make sure you like the video also first link in the description if you want to win one of these bikes same one I rode all day today but basically knew it’s got like 5 mil on it and 1,000 bucks for one winner every spend on the website gives you one entry to win but that’s it as always thanks for watching I will catch you in the next video very soon peace out


  1. I actually had to do a Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct and pause the video to see the lass with the booty cheeks getting into the car after you turned around lol

  2. I would love to have your clapped out bike , sheesh. I can't even think of getting one. But maybe I could buy it from you

  3. Check the spoke tension. I saw this happen to Sam Pilgram the other day. It feels like too low tire pressure tire on corners.

  4. Hi John,

    When you record do you use just the go pro mic, or do you have a different one.

    I'm about to get a surron and want to do something similar around my area UK, but some people have poor audio but your videos are top quality

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