Movement and Rhythm in the Golf Swing | Achieving a Single Figure Handicap | Padraig Harrington

In this lesson from my “Achieving a Single Figure Handicap” series, I outline how to identify the correct motion and setup in your golf swing, to achieve natural movement and a consistent rhythm.

For this first Paddy’s Golf Tip lesson in the series on helping every golfer achieve a single figure handicap, I discuss movement and rhythm in the golf swing. It includes some basic drills to help develop motion in the swing whilst using a relaxed posture and how to swing the club on the correct plane.


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Produced by Viral Nation

okay welcome back to Patty’s golf tips I said recently that uh I felt this site YouTube was all about trying to get every single golfer in the world the single figure handicap so that’s my aspiration I want to help you all out but I realized after I said it I went back to my Patty’s golf tips that all the tips I’ve kind of been given are one off in certain areas of the game and leaving it for you guys to put together so I’ve decided now in my next set of Patty golf tips to do a plan for you a set progression of what I would do if you came to me as a beginner or if you came to me as a golfer who’s playing for a number of years but is stuck say at a 18 handicap and wants to get down to ni stuck at a 15 handicap what I would say to you this is especially relevant for somebody who wants to reset whether you’re starting and you’re want to go fresh or whether you’re playing for a while and you want to reset things and get back to a position that you can play off single figure handicap the winner of the gold medal and the champion golfer of the year is Podrick Harrington [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so what will I say now I’m going to keep it simple I don’t mean simple as in what I’m saying I mean simple as what we’re going to do okay so the first thing I would say if you came to me is we want to just get a bit of motion in our golf swing so we’re trying to get away from being static still head down feet planted anything like that so the number one thing I would ask anybody with starting off to is to swing the club back and forth just back and forth now as you can see as I’m swinging back and forth my feet are coming off the ground my head is swaying not swaying turning back and forth and I’m going just gently you should be able to swing back and forth at least 5 to 10 times okay if you can do that motion there you’ve covered nearly all the golf swing right there every shot inside 150 yards we need no more than swinging to your shoulder height so when you’re doing this think shoulder to shoulder okay back and forth shoulder to so you’re comfortably going to play every shot mod inside 150 yards with that length of back swing that intensity in the back swing see I’m nice and relaxed that’s exactly the tensity you want in the back swing I haven’t thought about anything bars swinging the club back and forth and you will see my knees hips torso were turning enough I’m not thinking about turning they’re following that club head my arms are all following okay back and forth shoulder to shoulder okay shoulder to shoulder you don’t want to be going up here CU it’s hard to keep the Rhythm we’re just going shoulder to shoulder we’re going to add a little progression into that we want to actually have a little pause at this shoulder so a little pause here and a longer pause here little pause longer pause little pause longer pause little pause long pause okay still we’re keeping that nice rhythm going back and forth everything’s moving my head’s moving as you can see body’s moving feet are moving okay next progression as you can see I don’t know if this is a progression cuz you’re probably already doing it as you can see you always start up here okay when I go back I naturally step back okay so that’s kind of our back swing always shoulder height we never make practice we’re not going to use a golf ball for a while a lot of these drills are going to be able to be done at home if you have a backyard where you have a bit of grass this is going to be ideal okay so we’re not going to hit golf shot for a beginner I don’t even see us hitting golf shots for full shots for a while a month maybe three months maybe if you were that disciplined we’re going to keep working on back forth shoulder height so we’re step step now if you’re doing this probably correctly you’ll find that you keep nudging a little bit forward as you might be going out a shot there cuz the step forward so your step back is kind of within this area and your step forward is always a little longer so you end up gradually going four five inches forward every time you do this okay shoulder to shoulder pause pause pause longer pause again shoulder height that covers all the Simplicity in the game we don’t need any more than that length of back swing that Rhythm to hit it 150 yards okay so shoulder to shoulder okay that’s kind of Ideal outside of that right there’s things we’re going to have to find we want to make sure this is probably going to be the first bit of technical stuff we want to make sure that your wrists are active in this golf swing cuz we’re going to need that speed we’re going to need that’s how you get a good strike okay now to do that you’re going to have to have a good setup okay and what I mean by a good setup is actually a good grip so let’s look at this I didn’t say to you when you were starting off there I never once mentioned anything about your posture okay never talked about my legs or my spine angle anything like that because I want you to have a nice relaxed posture as you can see as I’m doing this the one thing you never want to do don’t bend your knees of course you don’t lock them out that would be unathletic okay don’t bend your knees just have them nice and relaxed and as I said if you’re moving back and forth they’ll find a nice place of balance you won’t be going up in your heels or your toes they’ll just find a nice place okay so that’s your leg posture you don’t stick your bum out you don’t arch your back you don’t get straight you’re actually quite relaxed your arms hang down again because I didn’t mention it at the start I’m hoping that you just routinely just swung back and forth so right now we got a bit of rhythm going we’ve got a little bit of Step action going step back step forward we got a little bit of pause and you can do those steps you can pause and do with a good a good high step if you want okay M it just nice and little getting used to that okay so posture nice and relax don’t you don’t have to worry about your posture to be honest as long as you don’t try and get into golf posture you’ll be okay as long as you just stand nice and relax because in a relaxed position we can then get into our golf posture but that’s another that’s day we’re not getting that far yet at this moment we’re swinging back and forth look you can do it one- handed again you can see everything is moving nice and relaxed same with my right hand always shoulder height in my head mentally shoulder height somebody these swings are going to there but in my head I’m swinging to my shoulder with my hands and I’m swinging to my shoulder with my hands okay that swing you need no more than that to hit a shot from inside 150 y if you’re swinging away Edge from 120 and you’re going like this with a big turn you’re doing it wrong the club is being inefficient this swing will make the club stay on plane when you’re swinging back and forth okay as long as you swing from up here backwards you tend to keep the club on plane okay so as long as the swing you see a lot of Pros will start their practice swing on a t from they’ll go this way to take a practice way so as long as you start forward you tend to keep it on plane and for somebody out there who has a chronic problem keeping the club on plane why not play by starting the club forward you have no problem starting the club forward and hitting a golf ball okay but for us we’re going to start forward back and forth


  1. Great stuff. As always, nice and simple and yet jam-packed full of brilliant information……and what's more – I am now on my way to a single figure handicap 😄Thanks Paddy 👍👍👍

  2. Excited for this series. I have been doing this first drill in my backyard for a few years now and it has helped me tremendously, especially as he says from 150 and in. I have a few clubs by the back door and do 9 to 3 practice swings while letting the dogs out or cooking food on the grill.

  3. Seriously, how good is Paddy?
    Looking forward to watching this series.
    He did use an important word…. Discipline

  4. YES! i’m a 12 hcp and plateauing… thank you for this series and video… so far loving how it’s about “my” natural body movement and not some kind of technical analysis of “points” of where my swing is “supposed” to be

  5. Paddy I know you know this game is not just about the swing. the mental game is a very big part and I know you have some experience in that department 😂 would love to know if you have any techniques or advice under the gun?

  6. I am very much looking forward to this teaching series. Thanks for taking the time to educate us Padraig ⛳ 👍🏻

  7. As a single figure golfer I can vouch for this triple major winners views on how to get your handicap down! 😂

  8. Great video Mr Harrington to spend the time going from beginners start and explaining it in a simple way. Look forward to rest of training videos. Loved watching your career. Well done on another victory to add to list

  9. This is pure gold, can’t thank you enough. Can’t wait to have lots of myths debunked and a real swing explained. You’re a gent. Kudos

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