Incredibly Simple Golf Tips for Average to High Handicap Golfers!

In this video, Steve shows you 5 very simple golf tips that will help you hit longer, straighter, and cut strokes off your score!

Follow these tips and drills to increase clubhead speed, smash factor, driver distance, shoot lower scores, and have more FUN!
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hey you know a lot of the students that I teach in person are not good golfers on the contrary quite a few of them are what you might put in the category of either beginners or hackers and when I say hackers I mean let’s define hackers as someone who consistently is above bogy golf so if you’re in the ’90s hundreds and0 now I think this population is very underserved for tips on YouTube so right after this I want to give you just a few tips that are going to help your score get under a hundred and maybe after that break 92 stay tuned hey this is Steve with hit it longer. comom if you get some value out of this video I hope you’ll hit like And subscribe so probably the very first skill that we should learn as golfers and what golfers that are shooting above 90 above 100 above 110 are often poor at is the skill of what we would call controlling the low point and that means you tend to hit the ground before you hit the ball so the object engulf in order to Pop the ball up in the air and therefore get distance get the ball to get high and not roll over the green going to have to control the low point or where your divot is taken very easy to drill drill you can do at home is just to practice I’ve got a nineiron here and I would just practice you can put a ball in the center of your stance for reference but all I’d be trying to do here is just take little chip swings and watch what I’m going to do I’m purposely going to try to sweep the ground or even thump the ground hear that thump sound I’m trying to do that at the left InStep or the left heel it’s a really good rule of thumb that every Club in your bag should bottom out pretty close to your left heel or just inside your left heel so what you do is you’re just practicing sweeping back and forth and try to find that spot consistently until you can really control it within an inch or so and this way what your divot is in front of the ball your low point is in front of the ball the ground therefore becomes your friend and not your enemy so when you’re you’re hitting behind it here the ground becomes your enemy you chunk the ball you top the ball don’t get it Airborne don’t get any distance don’t get any accuracy just brush in front and then later on you can start adding a little more length and keep learning you going to need to do that drill look how many times I just did that 20 30 times 50 100 times a day just little swings keep an old Club somewhere nearby in your house or your backyard and just practice brushing off the left foot the second most important skill that there is in learning how to play better golf is controlling the club face what most hackers or beginners they don’t have this sensation of what the club face feels like nor do they have a method that causes the club face to come through Square time after time so they’re hooking it they’re slicing it a but after low point this is the number two thing I want you to pretend got the nine iron again that you’re holding setting a club down on a counter in front of you like it’s on your kitchen counter and just swinging around you in about 180 Dees notice I have the toe of the club straight up in the air I bring it around about 90 the toe is still up in the air I bring it back around here the toe is still up in the air this is really exercise it’s giving you the feel of the curve the the curving of the Ark and The Sensation of the club face going around that Arc Square to that Arc so we’re going to control our club face we’re going to control our plane and path don’t even need to know those two things all you need to know is it’s a really good feeling drill to help you control the club face once you’ve done some of those of course once you add some bow to this no no longer bowing remember it’s going around a a record player a Maro round when you’re tall you’re not going to try to repeat the Maro round now that you’re bending yes it moves around your navl the same way but now there’s going to be some verticality to that Arc because it’s still swinging horizontally or parallel around your waist and so you’ll have some elevation where you can get down to the ground so you’re taking that same feel and you can just hit some soft shots at the range feeling the toe staying up throughout the swing that ball is dead at the tree in the middle of my Fairway here I think that concept will help you quite a bit in keeping the ball straight down the middle most of the holes so the number one complaint that hackers and beginners have is I’m too in consistent I doing things different on every swing and every shot once you can get those first two ideas down the control of that and the sensation of that club face staying Square to the arc and bottoming out in the correct low Point think of it as a baseball analogy you’ve got your home run hitters and you got your singles hitters in golf especially when you’re a beginner or a hacker you want to make yourself a singles hitter so you’re just looking for a motion without trying to swing your hardest at all you might even swing 50 or 60% of your harest try to make identical swings in both Tempo keeping your balance keeping it consistent feeling we’re looking for base hits golf is rewarded your score is rewarded from stringing multiple singles together a home run followed by three strikeouts is not good for the score so you want to be a singles hitter got our two drills to begin with here here’s just a single swing a stroke in it [Music] it may not be my longest drive but it’s out there in play you’d be shocked at how low your speed and power and distance need to be in order for you to break your greatest score keep in mind that the average distance that about an 18 handicap golfer hits it is only about 205 typically so anything after that you don’t really need in fact you can play a good game of golf even at 190 if you’re really following the next couple of tips as well all right now let’s say that I’ve hit my drive and I hit a single right up the Middle with my drive around 200 yards and now it’s a fairly long par 4 I’ve got 175 yards left and typically for you you might be pulling out a hybrid or a three-wood something like that and you’re in what I would call the Red Zone this is pretty much for in most cases this is going to be the uhuh don’t do it again going back to you don’t need home runs you need singles so I can hit the hybrid I might be able to cover the distance some of the time so be honest with yourself how often at of 10 do you actually hit your hybrid 175 or 180 yards how many times do you roll it or slice it into the the bushes or do something odd with it well what if there’s any trouble up by the green what if you’re the world’s worst bunker player and there’s three bunkers up by the green that you could randomly go in any of the three that’s why I call this the Red Zone you’re more likely to lose Strokes to par when you try to cover the distance with a long Club at this handicap so instead of covering the 175 in one stroke I’ve got my nine iron again and be hard for you to really screw up a nine iron as bad and just going to try to hit this soft again with those two rules and let’s say you can hit a nine iron out there 120 yards including you got five or six yards of roll when it landed so very typical distance for this handicap about 120 what’s that going to leave me with it’s going to leave me with about 55 yards I have already avoided all the trouble around the green I’ve eliminated most of the trouble around the green now I can come in with a pitch shot and I can just be very safe and aim it for the middle of the green and try my best to two putt from there and that brings us to the last tip for hackers beginner golfers golfers that shoot over 90 you’re looking to eliminate sevens and Eights again being a singles hitter don’t go for it in the Red Zone all these things what you’d like to do is have your pars and bogeys outnumber your doubles and triples eliminate all the other ones if you can only have a double bogey your highest score you can do this fairly easily if you plan it but instead of planting it from the tea I want you to plan it from the hole back I want you to play the hole backwards in your mind and you’re going to come up with with kind of a battle plan for that hole now let’s we have that same 375 yard hole and that’s if you’re getting holes longer than that at your handicap you’re probably on the wrong te’s I know occasionally off the white te’s you can see a hole that’s 400 yd par 4 pretty tough uh I wouldn’t mind if you made a six on that hole that’s probably going to be your personal par so a bogey would be like your personal birdie consider a bogey a birdie and play it backwards so we got five shots on this 375 yard hole let’s start with a tap in for bogey so we’re going to be inside 2 feet we’re going to Define that as our tap in yeah I know we can miss that but inside two feet is the distance that your percentage of pulling off as close to the pros as you’re going to get on any shot so very little loss in Strokes between you and a PGA Pro from less than 2 ft so that’s your first shot now what would the next shot back look like if you had a tap in from two feet oh you’d have a putt from say 5T out to 15 feet maybe even 20 feet can you roll it up inside 2 feet from 20 feet most of the time maybe that’s the outer limit but let’s say 10 15 ft what’s the next stroke before that probably some kind of Chip Shot or some kind of short pitch out to say 30 40 or maybe 50 yards now if you could go 50 yards to 20 ft you’re ahead of the game hopefully you can still make it up to 2 feet from there and tap it in now what’s the next shot just like we played these holes in our Red Zone game the next shot would be a shot from say 160 to 180 yards out I would take out well if I had 180 yards and I need to get it to 50 or 40 or 30 I need a shot of 130 to 150 yards so that might be a anywhere from a nine iron eight iron seven iron six iron for you remember you even get a little bit of roll in the Fairway so not hard to cover that distance you don’t even have to swing your hardest you just have to swing your single swing and knock it up there 30 to 50 maybe it gets lucky and it rolls up to 10 yards short of the green that just makes the last part of the hole easier now how are we going to get that shot from there 160 180 out we need a 180 to 200 yard drive it doesn’t even have to be in the Fairway it just has to be enough in play to where we can get that seven eight iron on it for the next shot so you can have a little bit of rough you can even have a little tree trouble you’ve got the whole Fairway to work with and that’s how you play a hole backwards now your Advanced strategy there once you get a feel for it is play for some angles so if you see the opening to the green or the flag is on the left and the opening is on the right you could go down the right hand side so you have the easiest uh chip or pitch up to the flag the other thing you could do is make sure that your ball stays under the hole so purposely try to Chip and Putt so that the next shot is uphill now this takes more execution of course but I think that’s what you should strive for once you get this basic strategy so a hole like this you would typically get two strokes on that would mean that a bogey would be a net birdie and that would be great because this also builds in I know you’re going to ask about this is screw-ups well Steve what if I screw up I’m going to screw something up in the on the way to this perfect battle plan right okay you completely screw up a shot you whiff it top it it’s still going to net you a par even if you had one complete screw up that gets you no fur closer to the green or Worse you’re still going to make a net par off of this battle plan so you just suck it up you continue on with the plan you could even screw up two shots that would be a net bogey which at least you can still make up and even out on the next hole with a net birdie and so you play that game of net birdie net par net bogey try not to get anything above that hopefully you’re going to be down and breaking 100 for the first time okay so with these simple Concepts drills and strategies that I’ve covered in this video I’m hoping that some of you out there will be able to dramatically cut your handicap and your average score hopefully from this somebody will break a 100 for the first time hopefully somebody out there will break 90 for the first time and that’s what this video is all about hey thanks so much for watching I hope this helps I’m Steve check out my website hit longer. comom for even more videos and articles that I’m sure are going to help your game and if I don’t see you in the next video I’ll see you longer and straighter down the Fairway Everybody Take Good Care [Music]

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