Golf Players

Live from the Kill House: U.S. OPEN (SAT)

No Laying Up recap of Day 3 at the 2024 U.S. Open. Presented by High Noon.

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[Music] be the right Club be the right club today joh me that’s better than most how about in that is better than most better than [Applause] most expect anything different [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the no lay up live show Saturday US Open Edition we have got a lot of golf to talk about we got a big golfer to talk about s here TC is here hello Mr TC go ah H very excited we got tequila flowing over here big Randy is here on a Saturday night hello Mr Big hello guys you can bring the fiesta anywhere you go with the allnew High Noon tequila Seltzer Fiesta pack this variety eight pack features two new Tequila flavors it’s got blood orange and prickly pear alongside two tequila favorites grapefruit and lime I got my favorite the strawberry tonight what do you got TC I got the prickly peir I actually went and I wanted a strawberry one and I bought the wrong case uh you could find the high noon tequila Seltzer Fiesta pack nearest you at high nosp of course they’re made with real tequila real juice they are perfect for any Fiesta including a ball striking Fiesta which is what we witnessed uh this afternoon at Pinehurst High Noon Sun’s up they got some TV spots rolling in there today made me quite thirsty uh during the coverage today but shout out to high noon for sponsoring all of our live show content uh shout out to the thousands of you joining us here live on Saturday night absolutely amped to talk about some things TC what was the highlight of the day for you oh uh highlight of the day that’s complicated uh I think it was NBC just completely getting hit by a freight train of Karma and just just melting down losing their sound losing their Graphics all of it uh you know I’m turning a negative into a positive here right it was like not the thing that we’re mad at them about like technical difficulties happen right I mean that’s it’s really like not been their problem but you’ve lost all your Goodwill uh you know I’ve heard it was a power out of some kind that happened and uh but when you’ve pissed people off for this long and you mess it up during the US Open week it’s just it’s just tough no uh you know that happened and we we’ll we’ll save some Hamsterdam but Randy you’re in a good mood tonight you’re in a feisty mood tonight where where you at tonight I I won’t I won’t be Grudge uh the setup whatever people know where I stand on that I’d say my the highlight of my day though was um the two triples we got to watch late in the day on 13 you know on a day where i’m looking at the core stats there were eight others the dreaded others we saw two of those happen on 13 uh of course your boy suly big tone and then TC sorry our guy ludig but that was that was bigone too that was good stuff uh well listen the story of the day is Bryon Des Shambo we’re gonna get in some some highlights of the day some a little bit of play byplay here in recap just in case you get to watch everything we’re going to check in we’ll do some lingering and loitering how far back is too far back kvv is going to pop in at some point he’s got a great story to share which we got to hear uh right before we came out the air so stick around for that one we’ll get to some questions we’ll do some FanDuel picks all that but Bryson Shambo early on um gets it up there stuffs it in there tight on the third hole with has a great look for birdie but misses that and then goes on to Bogey the fourth hole but Birdie the fifth Birdie the seventh Hole uh gets up and down from the bunker on 10 then gets physio work done uh on the other side of a fence he uh he asked the cameras I I as soon as they said his physio was on the way I got the screenshot tools ready I was like oh God here we go we’re about to get some memes out of this Bryson asked the cameras not to follow him but the Drone got a shot of him on the other side of this fence look like they’re bearing a body back there uh it was a a very very very normal sport shout to Kyle Porter was like some shots of uh of Rockingham back in 94 you know you know Randy uh then he of course steps up and pumps one down 11 uh rolls in a bird he hits 192 ball speed then off the 12th Hole uh made a couple pars on absolutely stuffed one on 13 after he was tempted to go for it uh turns to the crowd and says don’t boo me laid it up into a bunker then stuffed it and then Mi actually missed the putt then drove it way right on 14 made the birdie on 14 makes double on 16 after hitting the green ball rolls all the way back uh his chip rolls back to his feet he makes the mistake you can’t make makes double uh then steps up and absolutely stuffs one into 17 makes birdie pounds of drive down 18 two putts uh makes par on 18 shoots 67 takes a thre shot lead into this is a great pickup on the screen from kbv uh who was out following him uh takes a three shot lead just everybody pulling for him we got a question in from David Parks 33 he said if it’s Rory Bryson and they’re not paired together tomorrow but but when he sent this in if it’s Roy Bryson who is the crowd behind who’s the crowd behind tomorrow if those two are the top of the leaderboard not a wild question yeah so my initial impulse is I think the I think vocally what will come through the TV is Bryson but I got to think there are more people at Pinehurst and probably around the world pulling for Rory it’s a true roatch test but I I think Bryson I think Bryson draws some some loud Knuckleheads I mean guys that was that was just fantastic golf fantastic there’s a knucklehead behind him right there in that picture KBB had an eye on him here on 16 as uh he you know he’s the content King he had a four shot lead threw it right back with a double to get a little interest back in there and then that shot him to 17 was the one that just was like dude what are you doing here man like that was not the US Open shot but hits a wedge from like I don’t know 2,000 yards away uh what was what was 17 measuring today 180 hits a wedge I know his irons have you know are different whatever it’s a wedge and name only but uh bar he lands it like a yard over the bunker it rolls out to 11 feet eight inches and he pours in the putt like it was just it was theater man three shot lead I’m surprised he’s only minus 110 to as of when we started the show to win tomorrow because uh he certainly looks like he’s about to win the US Open the shot into 13 oh from the Native was was I just started laughing I mean like that that was one of the best rounds of golf I’ve ever seen even even including 16 just how how uh the iron play was unbelievable the putting has improved so drastically uh him leaning the put in and then Neil Neil keeps calling him not a ventriloquist but a uh a just like one of those silent actors who just just overd dramatizes everything and he gets so emotive like everything is just turned up to a thousand and uh yeah it was um I don’t know it was pretty jarring to watch like even like the drive on the drive on 16 was just outrageous around the corner there you know you s you mentioned the one after the physio session but even you know some of the ones on the front line he just he just played great golf today you gotta you got to take your hat off to him it’s a it’s a it was a big time performance and uh the bounceback on 17 was truly truly something like couple good bounce backs because because ludvig birdied the the hole after he tripled as well he birdied 14 and um but yeah just great play I just hope they get the stopwatches out tomorrow well we can get to that I promise but can can I just can can I just say watching the whole scene on the t-box on 13 Holly you you mentioned it he was he was one to hit driver for a little thought he could maybe get an angle to get up over the tree and get close to the green I mean it’s crazy for a competitor to I mean one just think that right but but two the the interactions with the crowd and he recognizes you know they want him to go for it he’s like don’t boo me I’m I’m going to pick this up and then he like fake goes back like honestly that was that was awesome entertainment like that’s good [ __ ] I I texted uh the other biggest Phil mikkelson fan I know Jim Hartzel or tweeted at him I was like Bryson’s gonna be the new Phil he he is stepping into those shoes he’s he’s an Entertainer out on the golf course and for him to do it back nine in the lead at a Us open on a Saturday afternoon is incredible I I really I love seeing that so kudos to Bryson I thought that was a wonderful moment he said after in his thing he’s like I’m focused on being present in the moment present like that that to me suggests maximum presence of just bantering back and forth with the fans and being yeah comfortable in your own skin whoever’s working with Bryson on his PR oh kind of like kind of like Julie ellon the uh the uh you know psych the uh sports psychologist that was working with Max and others she was kind of flavor of the month q1 into Q2 whoever’s working with Bryson on his PR is is a miracle worker because this is a different human being well and he he keeps like he keeps teetering he has his press conference afterwards and it was like three four years ago that press conference he keeps like walking up to the edge and and three or four years ago he would have taken it over the edge into something just with caked in such [ __ ] and it’s like the the Family Guy me was like oh oh is he about to do it oh he does it because he and the pressor afterwards he was like I think back to three years ago the landscape has changed I tried to show everyone who I was I didn’t do it the right way and like the old version of him would have just gone off on some tangent there but he stopped it right there to like reflect on like yeah like whatever I was doing was not resonating with people like it was kind of like who I was I was being myself but I just was like not presenting myself in the right way and he seems to be without being like overly brand conscious and like whitewashing everything he seems to be more aware of like a better way to present himself and like I’m pretty swept up in it dude I mean and we’ve had we have a history with him he you know he’s made some you know he he’s done some things to towards us that have not been the most uh professional if you will we’ve tried to bite our tongue on a lot of that stuff and I’m I’m willing to look the other way on that as of right now because it’s just that entertaining and it’s that impressive to watch I’m so much more impressed with this golf on this golf course three shot lead at Pinehurst than anything he did at Wingfoot I mean Wingfoot left me with such a bad taste in my mouth both from a setup standpoint the direction of the game and like the reasons that he won that and this is like no dude this is a different golfer a different test he’s passing the test and I I I think he’s gonna win going away tomorrow I still think there’s a lot of [ __ ] totally but he’s not but he’s not pres he’s not like giving it to us harder to tell yeah you know there’s gotten harder it’s almost like he’s gotten either he’s putting on an act or he’s gotten harder or like better at hiding yes the the the downside of who he truly is because because part of it felt he was trying to show up trying to show up all of his colleagues and tell everybody how smart he was and all that s it sounds like you’re you’re turning into a Crushers fan I might have to be man I might have to be B Charles’s my guy yeah that’s that’s I might have to be I was trying to become a smash fan Brooks just makes it pretty tough to be a smash fan but uh listen again none of his his past ends are forgiven I mean in terms of what he’s done to the golf world what he’s contributed to and uh you know he sued the PGA tour he said he was suing them out of Spike because they didn’t give his pit money like we haven’t forgotten about all that still hate everything that Liv has done to the professional golf world but like compl [ __ ] clown but he’s he’s entertaining as hell this is entertaining man it’s so good and it’s so impressive and I can’t wait to watch tomorrow i’ like the guy I’m I’m taking the opposite tact i’ I got no problems with him wi the Slate clean with Bryson I I’ve heard so many like firstperson anecdotes of all of the like truly horrendous [ __ ] that he’s done to people I know but you hear that stuff about literally every single person position power everywhere no no everywhere you can always find people that have a beef with not like this not like this Randy no no but that doesn’t matter to me as somebody that just watches I could care less I could care less at the top uh well why don’t we bring in our guy who uh I believe got to follow him for a fair amount of the day he’s got a story he’s going to uh share to us about something that happened after the round I believe with Bryson Kevin Van volberg has been at the United States open all week long and now he joins the show hello Kev how are you buddy boys I’m doing great uh what a fun day uh sweated a little bit but absolutely enjoyed my my face off today you we enjoyed seeing your face on the television as well on the 16th hole just L lingering and loitering uh behind Bryson there on 16 but I mean tell us a little bit about the scene out there I mean how how much of Bryson did you get to watch today and kind of what was the the the vibe and everything came through on television I think think we have a pretty good idea what you’re going to say but I’m just curious what you felt uh actually being there in person I walked all 18 with Bryson and it was super fun I think he spoke a little bit about this in the press conference but like you know five years ago I could not have imagined a scenario where people were going just AP [ __ ] for him like really rooting him on screaming his name after everything him you know goting them on I mean it was it was fun theater I thought after seven eight holes I was like all right I might go in watch some of the coverage on TV and then he just starts egging on the crowd like after a drive and thought man this I gotta stay out for this this is too good this is a lot of fun is it a pro if you had to decide between the two if Rory and Bryson are dueling tomorrow who does the crowd want to win I think Bryson and I can’t believe that I’m saying that but I really do think that that is the case I I really think that for whatever reason the general public has decided they’re all in on Bryon and he has leaned into that I mean just the simple acknowledgement of like he signed an autograph in the middle of round I don’t know if that was on TV but like every single opportunity he got he was bumping fists with kids he was throwing balls into the stands he was you know just whooping it up it was uh it was really interesting which Honestly made what happened right after the round kind of even more fascinating which was uh Bryson’s agent uh Brett fof and Damon hack got into a big shouting match right behind 18 green as Bryson was wrapping up and the gist of it was to say essentially you’ve been talking a lot interviewed Damon interviewed and the gist of it which we could all over here as all the media were sort of gathered there this is not like a private conversation this was the two of them being very heated and it’s continued into the parking lot saying you know you guys have talked a lot of [ __ ] about Bryson and you think now you can get whatever you want I want to give him the option to decline uh the opportunity Bryson was not involved in any of this I think Bryson to be honest would have just been like hey Damon like happy to sort of chat with you but morning Damon um Bryson’s team did not appreciate that Damon was the person to uh sort of get up there they had a this continued into the parking lot it was got quite heated uh it was really kind of interesting I think Damon was was very respectful very you know pushing back I think Brad Brett was mostly pretty respectful trying to get his point of view across which is like you guys don’t deserve to have him as an interview if you’re gonna sort of have [ __ ] on him for several years and Damon’s point was like I am not like the entire Golf Channel like I I don’t represent the views of everyone I’ve been pretty fair to him and I point was like he that didn’t matter you know aon’s been very hard on Bryson and he sits next to Aon at the desk and we were all kind of like whoa this is really this is some tea uh here and I you know Bryson was not involved in any of this so I don’t think like it’s not something that like he should have to answer for but it is clear that his team around him is very protective of him and is uh willing to sort of of settle scores is the right word but basically say like if you have been talking some [ __ ] then your your bills are coming due in the sense of he’s you know he’s the best man in the game and you’re not going to get any time with him you’re not going to get what you want with him so fov’s also also Lexi Thompson’s agent that is correct made all sorts of to your point TC maybe he’s not getting the pr lessons imagine that imagine he’s not getting them from fov that’s want to set everything back everything we just talked about leading up into this of like all the Goodwill of Bryson’s got back to have walked off and been like nope you’re mean to me about live I’m not doing an interview like they would have gone right back to square one immediately for Bryson which would have been really really unfortunate that good kudos to Bryson for stay up there I guess taking questions while you’re leading the US Open I mean what a very reasonable request that is it’s kind of ridiculous but I mean look Bryson’s honestly been super gracious and super like willing to answer the media you know I think you guys right as I was getting on I heard you talking about how his is him saying like I was I didn’t do the right things three years ago I I wish you know I’m not gonna say it was a mistake because nothing in life is mistake you learned from your your lessons from your stuff but I I could have done it differently and I didn’t show people the the true me and I think I’m a better person now and I’m learning from all this stuff so you know a lot of self-help positive kind of uh thinking and I asked him a question the pressor just basically like does it ever surprise you that nobody else seems to want to use your equipment if all this stuff is super revelatory and he was like you know I’m always here if they want to like it’s not up to me to sort of influence them anymore which I you know thought was interesting because it used to be like these the irons are going to change the game these are the ones that that the moment that golf changed you know he was famously wrote on the wall uh at ping uh I think you know he seems happier more at peace he seems to love the role that he’s playing I think Kyle Porter and I were talking about and Kyle was like maybe his nickname should be the big thesbian like he just loves the sort of antics and loves the theater that sort of seems to give him energy he’s pounding if this is a live shot right now yeah it is a live looking he’s pounding range balls uh right now with the he’s got the GC quad out and he’s just hammering balls I mean you do you do have to give him a ton of credit in terms of like we’ve talked about this for 10 years now or however long he’s been in our gol in our in our golf lives of like the the paths he’s gone down have led him to this like you know we have the single length iron and the plane of the swing and the 10:30 take it to here and all this EPs and salt and all this stuff that like you know some of it worked and some didn’t and he’s had to adjust things driver sucks and you know uh try out long he’s using a something called a crank driver he’s got 3D printed irons that have a curv face to them and it just seems to have like he’s he’s LED himself down a path to it being like this is like Primo golf this is premium golf this is as good of a test as I think we’ve any of us have seen and I’m up by three at the US Open and I Scotty sheffler’s nowhere to be seen and I’m I’m the dude right now it’s like you just have to tip your cap to that there’s a there’s a fine line between Madness and greatness right yeah he didn’t ever ever seem to lose his cool you know even when the double like he comes back and birdies he did not hit his irons really very well at the beginning of the day there were stretches when he was like on fire but you know in the middle of the round he was below low average and strokes uh Strokes gained and and then he threw some darts in there but he just kind of kept coming and he was sort of Relentless I I missed the part where he was getting treatment in the uh in the woods I wish I had had a a more of a first-person report on that I didn’t realize that was going on I thought maybe it’s was just like in the bathroom but he was he was swinging it so freaking hard at the ball on some of those drives I mean just couldn’t believe where some of them were like on eight the drive on eight was ridiculous you to have whatever gap wedge I think into that hole was just absurd uh what about ludvig uh we haven’t we haven’t really gone through his round uh just yet but you must have seen a lot of him up close today you know he made a birdie uh on the third hole but then came back it looked like it was him early he had a couple shot lead he he turned around made a bogey on the fourth hole um and then he would P you know he was playing very good golf made a bogey on nine put it in the left bunker that was a tough shot but made a decent actually made a decent bo uh bogey after missing the green with his bunker shot an incredible seven wood into 10 if you real quick uh two puted for a birdie had a great look for eagle and then the triple on on 133 is kind of what uh you know was was the moment what what what did what did you see out of leig you know he was my pick to kind of end up leading at the end of the day I just thought like solid solid iron play solid uh he he hit some really good the first two greens like he hits some Bryson misses both greens and gets up and down and uh that third you know hit it over I was right there in the where the grand stands get this Tio relief sorry TC he he took a proper drop you know was looking a proper lad there I was appreciative of that and hit hit a decent shot that was a hard hard shot you couldn’t really flirt with that PIN made a great putt I thought man like he is coming uh and then it just sort of like slowly was kind of leaking it was hard to you Bryson was a little slow and they had to kind of wait on a few times I think that might have undid him I I love how fast he plays man it is so great to just watch him up the ball no practice swings just an absolute missile uh that that is aspirational pace of play TC it was it was killing me earlier like when when they got put on the clock or or they didn’t even get put on the clock but like triples take time right like that’s the thing but that’s that you know they’re they’re in that position because Bryson’s one of the slower players out there in the first place yeah they they definitely fell behind like they it was not really other than the triple it was were they behind before the triple like how like they were starting to fall behind they were kind of I mean it you know it’s not like kentley uh and right are you going to be like speedsters but it was it was just sort of taking a little bit too much time I think and then when they got to I think it was on 15 that they got put on the clock I mean they were they were not ready to hit when those guys were off the green like uh so they had sort of fallen out of out of the Pres Group which I believe as you’ve taught me S is actually what means to be face to play problems yes and uh yeah they weren’t actually put on the clock they clarify they were just they were warned um because I think they gotten to 16t in time they were still on 16 green the the the hole wasn’t cleared when they got to 16t I don’t think which I think I bet L would have been like hey put us on the clock please totally like happily right like that’s the thing I think they should pre put him on the clock tomorrow Craig winers bad day between the blow Pig getting getting a get out of jail free card on his little thing and then the rule change that’s not he didn’t have a bad he came in and said the rule of change that’s not his faial rule it’s a behavioral rule come on I did not know that early what did Bryson’s Drive look like on 18 when it like ricocheted off the uh we couldn’t see it Ric andet Ricochet you could see so it was like the green monster over there like you from from the back of the te it was like he’ hit a double off the green monster you could see the the bang off of the green tenting there the ball got very lucky to end up where it did uh because if that like you know obviously the Tio is there but if it if it wasn’t there that ball is going way way way left into nowhereville and uh it you know it just happened to kick right and end up in a pretty good lie people getting all com TC any comment on that on a ball going left that may have gone farther left uh that hit you know got relief from a grand stand so Bryson’s benefited from it twice this week ludvig benefited from it once I I’ve said they should change the rule but like suly you’re all about applying the rule consistently regardless of who is who is getting it so I’m fine that lvic got it just like Rah got it at the US Open at at uh Tory PS right it’s it is it is what it is all right and it’s I I [ __ ] hate it you guys know I hate it more than anybody but like you think I I like oh you know what everybody else is getting this relief but you know what ludvig he is he is Windom do it on that hole and you get all pissy and call it a disgrace and L does it it’s like well of course he should take say it was a disgrace I just said there’s a Tio apocalypse or Armageddon waiting on this hole today and sure enough there was hated seeing ly take advantage of it though kvv let me ask you from being on the ground how did the course play today versus your expectations uh I think it kind of met my expectations I thought it was it was very fair uh I thought that it wasn’t you know there was no something that I never felt like it was across the line the mistakes that people made seem to be more like their own doing I don’t remember a single time where I was like oh that’s a good shot that didn’t feel feel like it was reported so uh will you stick uh do not leave us just yet kbv but I want to give a shout out to our friends mizuo americaas they’re part of mizuo Financial Group the 15th largest bank in the world they’re a corporate and investment Banks serving corporate and institutional clients I’m still working on my transition in the mizuo stuff I’m still working on it guys I by by the next by the next time that they’re in in a pot I’ll get there they advise they fund businesses looking to go public raise money expand operations or connect with large investors they also help Finance large infrastructure projects that promote Civic Improvement you may not know the name muho hopefully you do if you’re a listener to this show you probably heard it by now but it is a name worth knowing and they have probably helped a lot of uh name name brand companies that you do know with projects they have along the way title sponsor of the mizuo America’s open one of the best run events on the LPGA Tor great purse great player accommodations uh and they they’ve done a lot of support of our LPGA content and supporting a lot of support in the women’s game as well so I want to give them a shout out as well um for more information you go to that’s truly truly thanks you all thanks for all you do for the game so uh going in tomorrow Kev three shot lead uh do you have any any any gut feel just from what you’ve seen in person on what’s gonna happen tomorrow I think ryson’s gonna win I don’t I I think it would be really fun if Rory was in that final group uh missing out on that uh with the late bogey there is a real killer for I think his chances it would be a lot more fun I think a lot more I mean same thing happened uh Lac doesn’t end up in the final group can’t sort of stare down the the leader and I just think Bryson’s just playing too good I mean he honestly you know he didn’t hit his irons that great to he missed a couple Fairways with irons and off the tea it just seems like if Bryson plays a little bit better with the you know approach it’s he’s going to be really really hard to beat tomorrow but R should look at this like I got nothing to lose I mean he Rory hit it great today he hit some absolute darts we’re standing right there on 14 when he hit it to about two feet Andy Johnson and I that was that was pretty fun but the crowd isin gonna be with him you know it is it really I don’t know that they will I think they’re gonna be P for Bryson I want to leave you s with one take I don’t know if you’re gonna like it but man here in the USA chance today I couldn’t help but think like maybe Bryson should have been on the freaking rer Cup team it certainly would have been better than Sam burs wouldn’t even proba would have been better than pick up the phone yeah you know I look it the way that he played today you’re talking about truly one of the best players in the game I get it yeah you Su the PJ tour yeah the guys don’t like you did you like losing over there in Paris because I bet that maybe like you know putting him together with with Scotty instead of Sam Burns would have probably played a little better over there on that course that’s all it’s all kind of 2020 in hindsight but and here in the the USA CH chance sure made me think like this was uh and he’s not gonna be in the Olympics he’s not even like eligible for the Olympics and and brandle thought the the time to have that not the time to bring that up on the 16 green brand didn’t bring it up T brought it up T brought it up but brand yeah why does that bother you so much I I thought it was like he I thought was like exactly right like if we’re gonna talk about the owgr then like that’s the context too was trying to shoot Taro is my guy but he was trying to shoehorn Olympic stuff into this and NBC as and brand just he he he squashed that right then in there I had no problem with that no but I thought brandle kept going on and on about it about you know they haven’t acceded to owgr stuff and all this it’s like let’s not have that conversation while Bryson’s making a double on one of the most important holes of the golf tournament here and and and Kev I’m gonna go to you next Randy but just a follow up on that Kevin maybe this is part of the huge fallaw maybe it is but like I prom I don’t know if I I can’t promise you like 10 out of 12 11 out of 12 12 out of 12 guys like asked them like hey even knowing all this would you what Bry on that team right back [ __ ] no man like that’s you know what though like maybe JT and Jordan were two of those guys who didn’t want him on the team I think he could have easily taken their spot uh because they didn’t play pretty particularly well I I just think it’s it’s hard to justify now especially with Brooks if you’re GNA say hey no live guys like did once you cross that line of saying Brooks could be on this team I don’t know it’s it’s tough he wasn’t playing quite like this right so that’s I think a fair thing to say is like this version of Bryson maybe isn’t what we were looking at back in you know September or whatever but man he should be a Beth Page if you want to you know make sure that if you if they go in there and say hey we got a home field advantage we don’t need like some of these guys that we don’t get along with we’re gonna stick with what we’re doing and and tigers’s Captain says I don’t I don’t think I really want Bryson in the squad good luck man because I think Europe might win this version of Bryson directly on the team like no without a doubt like you you see you showed this level of play Randy I think you were you were gonna say something out of the break I think I cut you off and got distracted no I didn’t I oh sorry I’m I’m I thought you want to talk golf course just digesting my Bryson takes no NOP he’s winning you over big like he’s I’ve kind of I you know I’ve always sof on Bryson than these guys listen kbv I’m to the point where after the last couple years like I just want to have a good time watching Golf and I think Bryson’s a ton of fun to watch and he’s never done anything to me personally I I I don’t care like we can dig into so many of these guys backgrounds it it it truly I’m not going to let him bother me if we’re not going to let all these other guys bother me that’s kind of where I net out where I net out there though is like there’s a difference between guys making mistakes or guys doing bad stuff in their personal lives and guys treating people like [ __ ] week to week day to day in their everyday dealings like I mean Bri Bryson went out of his way to throw the the Bridgestone people under the bus or the you know the Puma guys under the but like like like people that are that are actively trying to help him and are quote unquote on his team people that are on his team now too he almost got suspended twice from his conduct for for yeah interesting it’s interesting no doubt that contributes to not being liked though has he done mean stuff but everybody does like this is where I’m like dude everybody has pissed people off and we just don’t hear about it not this scale not this there’s a difference between pissing people like tiger is like Tiger’s treated a lot of people like [ __ ] and allegedly is like one of the worst tippers on the planet but he’s not like like you know treating people like [ __ ] when he goes to the golf course every day in the locker room or doing like you know like maybe he need a mentor maybe the fact that no one would sort of take him under their wing and be like this is the way that you ought to sort of be a professional was limiting to him in that sense I mean I I think we need to have room for people to like grow and have some Grace for them to kind of to be different people think Dad passing away like he does seem like he’s matured and grown and all of that Against All Odds because he’s surrounded by some pretty shitty people I think on his management team too but like I you know I just in but going back to the Olympics thing too like all that to say Randy like the reason like too was talking about him being like hey Olympic golfs does like it doesn’t mean [ __ ] right it’s an entertainment product why wouldn’t you want Bryson and like brandle is basically arguing that Bryson shouldn’t be on the US Olympic team and it’s like it’s it’s unserious to begin with why shouldn’t he be on because you set up these these asinine arbitrary qualification metrics yeah I agree with he was just giving context to why he’s not in the conversation I like I think that was it it also doned me today of like just how much if Bryson is gonna be this big of a needle mover be that big of a crowd favorite there in person maybe outdrawing Rory in terms of fan support for how big of a failure Liv is that 148,000 people watch the final round of Liv Houston despite H like having this this big of a needle mover on it it was that was a jarring thing today as well is like dude people just truly don’t care about this live thing get them back together they care about the people and they care to watch them in the same places that’s a well the take I think that’s interesting is is Bryson four times a year the perfect amount of Bryon exactly absolutely he makes you long for it you know it’s he’s going to be fun to see him deal with the elements at the Open Championship and then like you get to see him get the Masters you’re like man this guy what an exciting thing I haven’t seen this guy in eight months totally I’ll tell you this he’s brought out more pass yeah he’s brought out more passion here than so many other fun the 15 millionth Rory debate that we’ve had over I’m glad he’s back like I’m I said it at the Masters I’m like I think Bryson’s back and I’m I think we’re all better for it right that doesn’t mean I have to like him or I’m not saying you have to like him it’s fun when he’s polarizing it’s fun when you can hate MTC it’s all you can be like he’s still a dick Randy and I can be like it’s fun like look I was there this the time you almost attacked a fan at the BMW like that was interesting I’ve Loved Phil for 30 years and people used to tell me how big of a cheese dick and how awful he was and that and that I’m like I don’t care he’s interesting he’s he’s he’s endlessly entertaining and honestly Bryson’s approaching that and I think that’s wonderful for the game of gol that’s what I’m saying Randy I’m I’m on the same side as you of this I just don’t want to whitewash like hey let’s not make it out like he’s this great saintly figure because he’s not either but I also don’t care right moving on moving on to Rory um but but but hold on sorry if we’re gonna kill Bryson for some of this like he’s done this and then I I feel like it’s a little unfair not to kill other guys if if we you know chatter and whatnot I mean we get a lot of stuff TC we we don’t I mean it just I I feel like we we say some stuff about certain guys and and don’t about certain guys sometimes I think that’s fair Randy I think that’s it’s fun to at least have that debate like are we Fair are we being fair we can choose who we want to like and not like but we probably owe fairness to the I don’t think there’s anybody else that’s even remotely approaching the levels of what we’ve got with Bryson that like I’m not fine in that okay we’re moving on we’re moving on I I I looking at Rory’s Rory’s day he uh drove it fantastic led the field and driving said 1th approach 26th around the green 30th putting fourth overall and Str the fourth best round of the day I that that feels better that sounds better than it felt um I I was a touch disappointed with the way Rory finished his round his poor approaches in 15 16 17 um I I’m I don’t know what I feel right now with Rory it doesn’t fit into any narrative right now it wasn’t incredible and here we go Rory and it wasn’t bad like typical you know weekend Rory at a major right now um I don’t I’d be surprised if he hunted Bryson down right now but I’m I I also got to say I’m impressed that Rory is sitting here at T2 through 54 holes because he was not a guy I was screaming about leading end of this week I I would agree I think he’s been hitting it great you can it feels like I know there’s some exceptions obviously over the course of you know 54 holes that we’ve seen but he’s hitting re a lot of really good shots and he’s driving the absolute [ __ ] out of it and so it’s going to give him a chance like he’s not going to be just I think a non-factor tomorrow there’ll be a moment in the round tomorrow where he has a chance to make a birdie here make a birdie here you know make an eagle at some point and is he going to grasp that like the old the Rory of old used to do that like we talk about Miss hitting a shot into Valhalla you know and he makes that eagle like he might need a little bit of luck like that to sort of make this a contest it would be really fun if they were in the final group but he’ll be able to see him you know one group ahead and kind of understand what’s going on it could be great theater I mean it’s this is so much more fun than Lac in the of the crowd interaction and stuff it just it feels like an energy is in the air and I you know maybe it it should piss Rory off like hopefully that he’s you know not being cheered for for the first time in probably a long time that he can remember that he’s not going to be the crowd favorite I mean they’ll he’ll have some support but I think that it’s gonna be very Pro Bryson tomorrow and and that could be really work in his favor and he’s gotta play with no hat Pat does that could also work in his favor and Joe the show Joe Joe the show laava do you do you guys think Rory I I’m a little scared I feel like Rory’s best strategy and take this from an eight handicapper but I feel like Rory’s best served tomorrow just going out and making a ton of pars and and seeing if Bryson kind of cracks and comes back to him a little bit because if I’m Ro I’m not I’m not worried about pavon I’m really not worried about can’t lay I’m too clear of Hideki and L viot to under I I I I just don’t want Rory I I feel like it would be a bad strategy for Rory to go pin hunting early yeah and make some bogeys and all of a sudden Bryson could have a four five shot lead uh at the turn I I really feel like Rory’s got to show some patience tomorrow it feels like when Bryson goes pin H pin hunting that it’s like uh it feels like that’s what he should be doing and when Rory does it it just is like dude you that didn’t feel right even if he stuffs it like that did not feel right he had a bunch of really shaky approaches coming down the stretch today 17 pissed me off it’s like yeah yeah dude you’re not you can’t hit it there you know you can’t hit it there that’s such a tough birdie to try to make you got to stay disciplined there still 18 holes to go in the US Open anything can happen you cannot do that and it he got away with it on 13 he he spun it off the green on 13 and it it he made par and it could have got a lot worse but just that still it’s still that shot that I’m like I did not think he was going to pull that off on 13 I thought that ball was coming back to his feet no matter what he was going to do there and that maybe it changes tomorrow maybe it all changes but again there’s a reason why there’s been 36 straight of these where it hasn’t worked out I think Rory yeah I mean Rory had like three three Bogies on par threes today yeah Bogi six Bogi 15 bid 17 that that to me you know that that’s that’s troubling I think but also I struggled at like I don’t know if Rory has multiple speeds right it’s either like Rory’s trying to play conservative golf or Rory’s trying to pin his ears back and just go get it I don’t know if he can switch gears within the round like that as well as other guys I think you know I think if Rory wins this thing he’s going to have to just go go out and play with abandoned tomorrow and you know not play recklessly but play play Green Light golf for the most part one thing that putting together that lengthy thing of last 10 year majors made me kind of understand fully and he said this at some point is that it just not really physical with me it it’s mental and I think that it helps him that the narrative tomorrow is not like can Rory do this it’s like hey is Bryson about to win a second US Open I don’t think there’s a lot of talk tonight about like man Rory’s going to has another chance it’s just like yeah whatever like he’s there and he you know has to do something special to win but that that to me should allow him to play sort of fearless get him get him pissed off and let’s have a contest you know at least at least make Bryson earn it tomorrow I think Rory should go back and like watch a replay of St Andrews when he lost to cam CU like I think back to certain shots middle of that round and then even into like the 14th hole like the the par five like Rory hitting into that bank and knowing that and you know cam hitting the shot that it required at that moment and I think I think ferror it’s absolutely mental and making the right decisions more than it is executing the shots it’s a very different test than than final round of the old course right that was pin your ears back and like go get some birdies and like I don’t I don’t know if I want the coming out and doing that tomorrow right I think I’m not saying pin your ears back but I’m saying I felt like at the old course he was playing not to lose or he was playing to like cam Cam went and got it and and played Fearless Golf and I think I don’t know there’s just something there with Rory that like like he just seems stuck in the middle of two two different you know approaches and didn’t uh tiger kind of mislead him like gave him the game plan or whatever about like hit middle of the greens get B the par fivs you’ll be fine you know when catch you or was that you got Joe scin face in the background like K Smith going nuts but oh [ __ ] I didn’t know about that I didn’t have anybody in my a that would do that that’s crazy 12 shots ahead don’t you think it’s ridiculous that the usgaa owning this Championship C can we just put Rory and Bryson together like I I cannot believe the golf governing bodies haven’t created a rule where hey we’re going to make the final pairings it uh it makes no sense to me me of just like well he was first in Randy what do you want me to do he was first in he’s got to go last out that makes total sense right or you just go by like hey world rank goes yes later in the in the tourn crgr yeah US Open titles if you if you got a US Open title later anything you know you can have your tie Breakers but to be there in that four under group and not be playing in the final group when like why why this is this is an known goal that we’ve all created used to do at the Masters So and I’ve uncovered that in our deep Dives like they would just mix things up however they wanted they would send Arnold Palmer out last when he was in 50th place they would send him out after the leaders own your own your event i’ love it should do a shotgun kimer and Fitzgerald out last for like a US Open you know alumni group her winners group kimer and Fitzgerald like what excuse me Matt Fitzpatrick sorry I thought talking about Larry Fitzgerald like that would be sick if Larry Fitzgerald was playing should send somebody out last tomorrow just to keep the pressure keep the pace yeah yeah I do think it’s a good thing for Rory that uh he’s not in the final group but we’ll see we’ll see Kev anything else before we send you on your way uh no just super fun day I mean it really cool to uh a lot of lot of people uh teasing me saying that they had shouted at Max to set your fantasy lineup do not tease Max about his terrible fantasy play getting better I don’t think doesn’t need to be harassed and that’s a lot of block party talk out today a lot of people letting me know that they’re coming to the block party so I don’t know I’m not I’m not even on that bit you guys are going to have to work that out how many how many guests are allowed in or not block parties right now I think we covered that one last night but uh thank you for that wonderful story and for joining us as well Kev we’ll look forward to reading and watching tomorrow as well cheers uh quick shout out to our friends at Travelers you can witness insurmountable deficits turning into Unforgettable victories at The Travelers Championship the Northeast one and only PJ tour signature event Scotty Sheffer Roy maroy Victor hin Patrick Klay and Keegan Bradley and other PGA Tour Stars will be there all four days of competition thanks to the signature event model uh at close by TPC River Highlands the excitement teas off June 9th through 23rd for tickets and information visit Travelers championship. comom The Travelers Championship there is only one uh Cody you have a video uh for us I believe that uh that DJ has sent in I I I I believe uh I just I’m just now getting word of that if you can go ahead and play that what’s going on guys DJ ply here thank you to everyone who came through today uh had a great time great weather good to see some familiar faces what a day golf uh would struggle to think of a better US Open round than what we just saw from Bryson uh just psychotic lines that he’s taking at pins right now I I don’t know how you make a double Bogey and then you come up on 17 and you just aim directly at that flag step up and make a birdie it it’s insane insane insane like transcendental stuff going on from him uh couple questions for the boys I’m sure everybody’s going to waffle and they’re going to say like oh Rory’s definitely not out of it but he’s definitely not going to win so I I’ll make the case against Bryson we’re going to need a case of the lefts you know Cody mentioned this on Thursday I think like when Bryson gets squirly it’s when the driver goes left you know and and that’s where a lot of the trouble is on Pinehurst so miss left a couple times today by and large is’s in total control of his golf ball but we could see that pop up tomorrow so three shot lead out there you know I easy for that to disappear here’s what I want to know from those guys if if let’s say Rory doesn’t do it tomorrow what’s going to be the undoing get specific please what’s going to let him down what’s going to fail him don’t just be like oh he sucks he sucks he can’t do it he can’t win these oh classic Ro around get specific what what’s going to let Rory down tomorrow if he’s not going to win and if you do think he’s going to win what’s going to be the key to Victory guys thanks for taking my question uh a couple more Burgers couple more people coming through so many people coming through still plenty of room if anybody need anything uh you know obviously looks a little looks a little dicey tomorrow I think we’re going to maybe clear some fish out of the walk-in uh we’ve got a couple things we might be putting on special tomorrow uh to to get ready for for trun but uh you know just still a lot of good times to be had so uh thank you to everybody who’s come through and uh I’ll look forward to the rest of the show terrible impress I got I got three three observations there that Grill wasn’t on those burgers were unseasoned and and if the grill was bu on close the damn lid and let the let the burgers cook my man what kind of party they’re running over here D there’s been no waffling or pointing out of what the problem has been with Rory it’s the short irons wedges like the Precision on those required shots it’s going after pins like he did on the second hole at o Hill when he was in compet In Contention what he did on 13 today what he did on 15 16 and 17 today like that’s what’s going to be the undoing I was the undoing from him being maybe a shot behind Bryson going into tomorrow and that’s probably going to be what what does it tomorrow that’s the specific thing if it doesn’t go good for Rory tomorrow that’s what it’ll be and I that’s what I think is going to happen that video of DJ that reminded me of Zuck smoking he probably had a team of 20 20 20 of his analysts out there just you know helping him create this grilling scene but uh you know really wasn’t wasn’t actually grilling so he did have a good point about Bryson with the left Miss uh I thought brandle brandle today said these these greens don’t like draws well Bryson hits like exclusively draws almost so he seems to be doing all right with the draws here maybe that makes it even more impressive that it’s like a course fit for him I don’t disagree with that I don’t disagree with him but Bryson is doing it right like I right I I wouldn’t trust anyone else except for his descent angle into these greens to be able to hold withdrawals I it’s still a fair point but I do think you know couple of big left misses tomorrow and we’re I mean one big left Miss and we’re really looking at at a different Championship come you know come fifth or sixth hole so I guess I don’t fear the left Miss as much as I do just an iron going into a totally boned place right he had some tough misses off the tea today and was able to recover and um I don’t know I guess I don’t fear that left Miss more than I do something like Rory or or what I don’t know I said Bry I did not have Bryson as my pick leading into it but Thursday night I pic I said he’s going to win Friday night I drafted him in our our thing last night it was after seeing play one round and Scotty being out of it I was like I think Bryson’s going to win I’m still on that pick yeah I so I’m worried about Rory feeling like he’s got to go hang a 66 or 67 which which he might have to do but I I don’t like Rory’s chances to do that I I think his undoing will be over aggressiveness and just making too many bogeys you know Bryson is the only guy to put three rounds in the 60s together I feel comfortable saying like if Bryson plays well you’re not going to catch him so I I really do feel like I go this goes against like the no laying up ethos but I I really if I was in that four under group Klay pavon Rory like if I could get in the house with a 69 even 70 like let me see where it shakes out because Bryson it can get squirely for Bryson I don’t totally trust some of his short game if he’s hitting little chips and sand shots and and all of that stuff so um I I don’t think Rory is going to win but I I I would like to see him play a patient game tomorrow is minus two too far back I think so I think so I I I mean I’m not waffling off my Bryson’s still doing it but I would say minus is not too far back I would not I think L can still win it tomorrow well I just want the course to be really hard we like maybe we don’t have anybody under par tomorrow I I don’t think we’re going to get there but you know we we had what seven or eight scores in the 60s today I don’t know you’re not buying buing her still no I’m not I’m buying it so I truly believe this is like they have threaded the needle that you’ve always asked for between fair and difficult and and I recognize that and I’m not going to fight you on that I I just was hoping for a bit more unfairness and and I will be apologetic about that um I listen I think this is all on Bryson if he plays halfway decent I I think he’s gonna win just because he’s driving the [ __ ] out of it and he’s putting it well so I don’t know I I don’t think Rory gets it done to answer DJ’s question thank you great question he’s got torn ligaments in both his his left and his right hip but yet he’s still out on the Range just randoms I’m gonna ask you about lvic here shortly TC I know we want to talk about him but random question just thought of this if if you take the 2005 field and equipment and all of those guys and and drop them in with their 2005 equipment and that whole field and drop them into this week what do you think the scores look like extreme like overpar yeah definitely right which I think is kind of my point of like I think this is really freaking hard like really really really really freaking hard and I I’m seeing so many of these balls raining on some shots are like dude it’s an unrealistic ask of where where you need to land this on like 15 green to hold this green six green it’s unrealistic of me and I don’t care I’m gonna send you back down the hill and you better try to get up and down and I’m just I’m amazed that this dude Bryson 7even under par like it’s so these guys I they never cease to amaze me this happens all the time I said the score was goingon to be under five and a half uh under par uh but it’s just remarkable the the talent and the technology and all all they have going for him I wish the Fairway were more Brown I think that’s my biggest beef I I wish the I wish the fairways were like dead like 2014 yeah uh TC what how you feeling about your guy lvic it was a a tough moment there on 13 was that the time to push your chips in uh and go for that up and down what what do you think happened there I mean that’s the exact moment like not like I I’m sad I said this on Thursday but I felt it at the time and I still feel it like it’s the reason I didn’t pick him was because this feels like the kind of course where you need exper experience discipline patience and a little bit of that scar tissue to remind you not to do certain things and you know it just seemed like that that spot on 13 he got a little overaggressive with the Chip And you know you saw it on the second chip from almost that same spot where he goes farther left and you know I’m sure he and scabby talked about it at the time and everything but you know he’s like his chippings radically improved over the last 12 to 18 months uh but I think overall like he just didn’t have his aame today at all I don’t even think he had his b game and I would point to the the like lace the drive on four after the birdie on three the the egregious Birdie on three and laces a drive on four and then just hits a really strange just kind of chunks one hit two days in a row same hole dead chunked it yeah and then bizarre you know doesn’t get Birdie on five steadies himself a little bit 6 seven8 and you’re like you’re thinking all right this is good and then you know and then nine Mr short in the bunker uh over there on the left and then it’sit that shot on 10 and it’s like all right like we can build on that and and it just 13 just felt I mean looking at his stats like he Saturdays he’s struggled a little bit as far as you know just career-wise he’s backed up on Saturdays he had an issue with that last year as well uh today he was 27th Strokes games off the T sixth Strokes gained approach which I’m sure a lot of that is is probably coming down to that 10th hole there 71st in Strokes gain short game a lot of that’s just the 13th hole debacle and 24th in putting and for the week I mean he’s he’s playing great golf for the week he’s fourth off the T seventh approach he’s fourth in putting and he’s he’s you know he’s lost a shot to the field Strokes gain short game but he’s playing exceptionally good golf I just think he needs a little bit more seasoning on a course like this that’s do you know that’s the bottom line so so going to 13 sorry do you think that was a decision air or like just an execution air because it looked like he didn’t quite hit the chip like that that chip landed pretty far yeah back it almost seemed like an execution air a little bit I also wonder how much playing with brys and trying to like keep up with the pace Bryson was setting played into that as well I think the biggest thing was just him him hitting four iron off that t and missing the Fairway by yeah 20 yards to the left you know on and on the wrong side of the Fairway too like that’s that’s where it’s just like that’s the stuff you really don’t see from him very often he’s just out of sorts and then yeah and then I think Randy was probably you know it’s it’s definitely a decision error because I just don’t think you take on that risk like you’re bringing triple into play just just try to make a 12 or 15f footer and get the hell out there with par and if you don’t you drop one shot so I think at its heart it was a decision eror that you know then he didn’t execute on it but yeah yeah it it’s it’s it’s weird a weird class that ludvig’s got himself in I was trying to think of like a comp for him in another Sport and I I came up with uh he’s like a he’s like a Yamamoto like he’s like a pitcher a Japanese pitcher that’s like a Season Pro that’s we’re just now seeing in the major leagues but like he you know first time going through a lot of these lineups first time going through a lot of these events but like is clearly A A step above a rookie I know he’s not technically a rookie but it’s just like a a premium player but it’s seeing all this for the first time it’s just a weird we don’t see that a lot in golf right and we’re gonna talk about him and nitpick his his day today we’re not gonna spend a lot of time talking about Sanders round today we’re not gonna spend time talking about Scotty’s round like guys that have already played themselves out of it don’t get the the um the the the compliment I guess of getting nitpicked on your performance on a Saturday night but the question for him is now I was saying this last night like his floor is so high like his game is so good it’s so good off the tea it’s going to be hard for him not to be involved in these tournaments I know PGA missed a cut but he was coming off an injury and like he’s runner up at the Masters he’s goingon to be in a lot of these now the only question question is not gonna be whether he gets himself into contention the only question is going to be like do you have what it takes to to win win some of these he’s got a ton of time to answer that but he’s quickly lofting himself into that conversation like okay dude now it’s time when are we going to see the next the next gear of that benefit of the doubt goes beyond your first year playing Majors that’s the disclaimer there but uh it’s it’s amazing how fast he’s launched himself into that conversation but it’s like I you know I I was not we had the opportunity to bid on them last night it was a great game to play of how much dollar how much dollars you want to spend on them and I I did not want him for over 50% of my budget uh W with with 36 holes to play yeah I think there’s there’s something there I mean again like you said this is his third major yeah right and we’re not forgetting that we’re not forgetting thatu is nosing I thought you were going to make an age joke with Yamamoto earlier because he’s 25 uh I would never TC there I mean really otherwise when you look at this board there’s a ton of experience right Klay matuyama Hatton Rory Bryson you know pavan’s kind of the the the the other exception there um Colin I mean Colin shot 66 today uh Tom Kim got to give him credit he he was even it like got to do it TC got it shot 71 even part for the tournament T9 but I just think overall like ludvig’s raw ceiling is covering up for the lack of experience and for some decision errors along the way and for some but I think he’s also a very quick learner and I think he likes the moment too so I think like seeing that bounceback Birdie on 14 then he bogied 15 but seeing that bounceback Birdie on 14 was like all right you know what like he’s not melting away he wants he’s he’s right back at it and I think you know judging by the way that he won his two tournaments last year judging by the way that he played down the stretch at Augusta outside of 11 I you know I just feel like he he he wants the ball in the big moment and he just needs a little bit bigger sample size and if we get to the end of next year and he hasn’t won one of these things yet I’ll be shocked all right I I agree with you I I my only contribution was to say he absolutely looks like he belongs in contention when golf is at its biggest events and the best places and that’s total eye test but it’s also the biggest compliment I could pay him like he he just looks like he belongs there his body language he seems unfazed and that’s I I think that’s massive I even though he shot 73 I I actually am really impressed like he shot 73 with his C game today in a tough US Open setting and I think he’s going to rise to the occasion tomorrow and stick his nose right back in it and I think the 13th hold today will be one of the most valuable experience of his entire career like he’s going to internalize all of that and you know use it to get better it’s also worth zooming in like that that shot that hole especially the approach shot and then the pitch shot from down there are like they’re such Do or Die shots right I mean he got exposed three shot penalty for all that is such a harsh punishment the punishment is just outsized for the size of the Mist which I’m fine with it’s awesome like that’s what this tournament is but like that was just bad luck to have a shot be slightly off a couple times in a row him and and big tone but a good for yeah yeah but hav yeah I mean I guess but havin I think I think lv’s a little bit more polished than havland yeah if that makes sense or he’s just a little bit more in control and yeah he’s just more of a you know cool customer I think jain’s hin runs you know just his swing just feels a lot more kind of speed speed related whereas like lvic never feels out of control it’s robotic yeah you know uh and I I pushed back a little bit on Faxon saying like him him hitting that chip on 13 was was a sign of not enough confidence in his short game I think it was a sign of like overconfidence yeah right where like I think if you’re not confident in your short game you’re playing out to the left 10 times out of 10 or you’re putting it like big tonist into the back oh my God yeah we gotta talk we’ll get to Big tone here that was the highlight that was the highlight the let’s get to our our FanDuel picks of the day of Saturday night we love to do this on Saturday nights look at the FanDuel odds and which of course subject to change uh and you know make a play as of this point what uh Randy I’m throw to you first what’s uh if you’re sitting here Saturday night what’s what’s your play for tomorrow what do you think is gonna happen yeah I not the sexiest play TC you’ll like this one but uh Tommy Fleetwood to finish top 20 you can currently get that at plus 260 or at at the time I sent that to Cody so as always the odds are subject to change but listen you take out the 75 in round two Tommy’s you can almost penil in him for a 68 69 70 and I just feel like that’s going to rise up into the top 20 tomorrow uh I am sticking with what I said Thurs night I I’m surprised it’s not more of a price to pay here uh for Bryson to go ahead and win it’s only minus 110 right now it’s it’s essentially Bryson versus the field uh right now and it would take a a shockingly bad day for him tomorrow I’d be stunned if he got run down uh I would not I wouldn’t be stunned if he went you know and blew up and shot 76 tomorrow like that might happen that happens at us opens all the time uh I’d be stunned if he got run down and uh so I I think it’s I think it’s Bryson and uh I think he’s it might be six like Wing foot it might be kind of easy so are you go hold on can I ask are you all just saying this as like a reverse like I really hope Rory wins so I’m gonna downplay it not at all because I’m shocked I mean I want Rory to win right I’m just I’m just going it’s an IT test thing Randy come on I’m trusting I’m trusting my eyes right now I mean Roy shoots 68 Bryson shoots 72 come on oh that could happen I know I would be surprised that’s not what I’m betting on Curious see what they do with this setup tomorrow a lot of that was aggressive today I know I don’t know what like I’m not sure what else they have in their in their chamber yeah you got a pick for tomorrow TC yeah I got two for you and they’re both kind of of course you do of course I asked for one of course you got two well one of them is kind of piggybacking off of Randy uh I’ve got I’ve got big or I’ve got Tommy top 10 instead of top 20 20 20 to one I didn’t want to get that greedy TC we’re trending and I know you know Dead Heat rules and all that [ __ ] but uh I think he could track this thing down I’ve been a little bit shocked at just how little some of these guys like you you you post a good round and you’re not really moving up the board I think that changes tomorrow I think looking at that 18th green when they were finishing up today things pretty baked out like they’re pretty there’s not a lot there’s not a lot of life in these greens anymore which which is good to see I think that that really starts to go downhill tomorrow the other one I likeed to big tone top five I mean he’s that’s that’s a that’s a vintage big tone play he’s currently plus 280 for top five and uh you know he’s he’s sitting at t7 right now with uh you know he’s three shots out of T2 so tell me I I I truly don’t know what your big tone stance is as of right now I don’t either brother as a friend I I think I need some clarification just as a friend of yours I’m getting [ __ ] talked about big tone I’m I like I truly am confused by this I get confused by a lot of your guys’ bits but this one truly has me perplexed I think big tone I did feel like all right this is a course fit for him like I think he’s gonna play well around here but then also just knowing that like the guy is incapable of stepping up in like the biggest moments and it always happens like early on that back nine where and I’m like all right you know what there’s no there’s no water at Pinehurst for him to just chunk one into or for him to hit an egregiously bad shot into but 13 popped up today and you want to talk about decision error what the [ __ ] was that was going so fast crazy yeah you want to talk about a lack of confidence in your short game like that’s a lack of confidence in your short game that pen was awesome you play that big I was like play that big Flop Shop imagine you got a big wall in front of you like a big break rock the B right doesn’t he have that shot what are we doing God damn it Randy I tried to talk myself into big tone like for like the last three days and I’m just you know and I’m like yeah like when the chips are down I still don’t believe in him though it was so bizarre cu the whole thing is that he doesn’t close these things I was getting taunting messages in slack today from TC halfway through a Saturday round about now closing this out I was like what the hell guys like trying to will it into existence you don’t understand how many more painful close calls we need to go through before he’s going to get one of these because it’s years and years and years uh I don’t think it’s gonna happen before Randy actually grows out his mutton shops which he still owes from a bed about three years ago legitimately I can’t grow out someday I will someday I someday s someday I will ah I hope big toad you know again he shot two over today and Ling shot three over those the only guys in the top uh 10 that shot or top eight that shot overp par today and it’s all all thanks to one pin and one hole uh but it was the mid it looks like that midcap challenge the commercial with him and anuka where they take away the middle of your bag and he has to use Woods Putters out of the bunker I was tweeting about that today like it legitimately looks like that if You’ have puted it on the bunker that would have been that would have been suspicious uh the of the midcap challeng what do you think they do on 13 tomorrow do you think they moov the te’s up Garrett Morrison was on Twitter saying saying like lobbying against it just saying hey it’s such a good I mean it’s it’s probably my favorite hole in the course it’s such a good you know midlength like that awkward 350 yard par 4 um do you think they move it up or do you think they they let it let it R honestly weirdly enough this course I like three moving up today didn’t do a whole lot for me you know it didn’t it didn’t invite a lot of decision making almost everyone was say except for big tone because he didn’t have his middle clubs uh he was the only one that uh that I saw that didn’t send it but the the challenge of all the approach shots is so interesting as it is that I just I don’t I don’t know if that really adds a whole lot of intrigue because there’s not like it’s so hard to hold the greens with a with a long you know a three-wood or a driver that it doesn’t doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense but I’m say not it doesn’t make sense it makes sense to just send it up there and figure it out from there because you might roll off the green with your second shot anyways you might as well get it up there but no I think 13 awesome I’ll say one that I think they should they should move up a little bit tomorrow is five I think like make five into like a four and a half or tempt guys but but but make the pin [ __ ] diabolical well TC today uh the scoring average on number five was 4.5 so I think I think it was a par four and a half today what was the scoring average yesterday on five yesterday on five it was almost five so do that you know move it up but then diabolical pin put that pin back that pin was tough today I mean it was there’s not an easy pin on five I think John hugan called it a [ __ ] up that was sick he called it the wrong hole and called it a [ __ ] up which was that was that was special that it was the wrong hole Yeah he thought it was 14 it was back because I kept watching for 14 thinking like oh my God this is going to be good I didn’t realize he had screwed up the oh my God that explains so much because I watch play 14 I’m like what is the big deal here Cody’s saying they do have the option to move up seven as well which I think seven I think that would that would be a really interesting shot especially if you want to play a big big kind of swooping cut around there try to avoid that little bunker there not to rehash everything Randy on on course setup but how far back would you have to go to find like a better US Open setup for you for what you want like how far back would you have to go uh I think the shinny and Oakmont opens are my gold standard shiny and Oakmont like 04 if we’re not yeah I mean 04 even last time like if we’re not getting a couple like clown moments what what the big rig called clown golf then I think it’s a failure for the week I I want to see guys broken I want to see mikkelson hitting that putt while the ball’s moving I I just I want to see some clown golf like that’s what I’m dying to see uh for those that were you know touting the the Valhalla leaderboard as a as a you know an endorsement of the course I just want to say the data golf rankings for everyone in the top 10 go 11 137 with uh p uh Corey pavon uh three 15 10 5 16 24 4 13 and 40 so basically uh that’s five six seven guys in the top 10 inside the top 16 in the world that are in in in the top 10 of this of this tournament right now we have not t Randy you did not want you drafted a ton of guys a ton of guys last night and refused to take pavon who uh shot one under par today he’s gonna be in the final Parry with Bryson bar we haven’t talked about him yet he might win the US Open tomorrow for all we know I still can’t believe it we can’t have a french guy winning the United States open I mean if pavan’s not shooting the Jason Gore retif gusen like 8081 tomorrow I simply don’t know what we’re doing he he’s got to be the guy that goes out and shoots 79 which I think is going to be tough on Bryson too I think I think that’s a interesting subplot that’s very interesting had not thought of that then if Bryson’s playing slow and this guy’s playing bad that would be a lot of people a lot of people are still mad as hell about uh pavon mashing his lies down on the rough out at Tory on his way to Victory out there a lot of people or are you mad TC no I I honestly I didn’t even watch that we were in Australia I think I just remember I tweeted that today and I God 15 different replies of like yeah but there’s no rough out there to mash down TC uh do we I I thought so do we need to talk about Hideki at all does he have a I mean right there at five under I I don’t think he’s got a great chance but can Hideki win he could shoot a 67 tomorrow the guy hits the [ __ ] out of his irons I think I think before we get there we have to talk about hideki’s shirt was it bad was it was it bad I mean all bad all week they’ve been awful like they were they were playing Optical illusions that make it that made him look like a great big fat person for a little bit there there was a couple spots where I’m like is he put on 30 pounds it’s crazy I have I have nothing to add on Hideki I really I wish I did but I don’t it’s it’s him and lvic tomorrow right uh yes yes tea times are out it Matthew pavon and Bryson are at 221 Klay and Rory are at 210 uh ludvig and Hideki 159 big tone and TL Hatton 148 Corey Connors and Colin moraler 137 Aaron Ryan Tom Kim 126 Sergio and Taylor pendrith 110 Davis Thompson and Xander uh I’m just looking real look at the two AMS paired together that’s a match Place yeah I love that uh Randy was mad as hell this morning uh mess message this morning said Clinton just s six 9 what are we doing we’ve got an amateur shooting 69 and I said back Clinton won the north south at this at this very venue Randy and he’s a stud I think Clinton’s a stud Shipley’s great too like I between Augusta and here Shipley’s had a c like he’s pissed away a few shots this week and he’s still he’s still right there in he had the penalty today he had a crazy three putt yesterday or Thursday um he looked looks like if Trevor Lawrence and Zack Blair had had a love child I don’t think he does TC I don’t I don’t see that I’m just not I’m just see I don’t see I don’t see that guys do we have to talk about Klay winning the US Open tomorrow potentially he was that was a really impressive round today like wow that’s so big of you didn’t really have it uh he was 42nd Strokes GED off the te 50th in Strokes gained approach 43rd in Strokes gained short game and second in ches G putting he was just pouring him in from everywhere his his his uh his little scalpel he had the right tool for the job that was a good uh that was a good private message Cody sent uh when he got up and down on seven uh he said I did not know he had that in his tool bag I was like ah that that was a good one should have tweet that one Cody that was good number one in in in putting this week so um I think he could win right I’d be very surprised again I’d be very surprised but I mean [ __ ] if Xander is going to win one let’s just give one to Pat and we can all move on with our lives I mean can you imag like I feel like Bryson winning is probably the best thing for golf Bryson or Rory and I think the worst thing for golf even worse than than pavon winning because you know NBC will find a way to spin it into some Paris Olympics promo is uh is Klay and Xander going back to back in Majors if Rory wins tomorrow uh number one in the world won the first major number two in the world won the second major number three in the world uh won the third major that’d be pretty uh be pretty I don’t know I don’t know what that means but that’d be pretty pretty big for getting everybody all together all once to play golf I think but Randy what do you think of Collins 66 today uh I didn’t watch all of it I caught his last five six holes maybe um super impressive do you guys want to iiz for calling him a dome golfer I mean there there wasn’t much wind out there but that’s setting that’s a tough setup now you’re saying it’s a tough I’m hearing it’s tough I’m hearing it’s tough I’m I’m not it’s not unfair that’s my problem I I I concede it’s difficult absolutely concede it’s difficult I’m uh I’m impressed with Colin man I I it was a top 10 pick for me before the week he made a huge climb today I I hope I’m all in I bought all I’m I’m all in post around I bought all my stock back bought it as high as possible anymore Bud yeah take the take the over 72 and a half tomorrow for calling Thomas dri um you know you were [ __ ] on me last night TC for [ __ ] on him last night uh shot 76 today I said if he you know if he balls out tomorrow we’ll talk about him I was [ __ ] on I was [ __ ] on I wasn’t even on the Pod last night just via text I’m sure you weren’t Slack I lost track of it but uh uh dri exited the premises he’s uh he shot 76 and you had a big disappointments today um no I was impressed with with pu uh he was he was wearing the Fireballs stuff just like just like Sergio the Fireballs wearing wearing matching stuff each day and and it being like the most hideous horrendous stuff you could ever ever dream up really really like that that might be my moment of joy for the week uh it’s you know otherwise I think as far as big disappointments Randy I I do pick up what you’re saying there’s not there weren’t a whole lot of big ass numbers out there Tim Ving shot 76 uh Frankie sappin 76 Adam Scott 70 76 but uh Sam Bennett really lit himself on fire coming down the stretch he was he was right in the mix uh you know he was more than in the mix uh after five holes today and then shot 42 on his back nine uh with with a birdie on 10 too so 77 for him I would say that was that was the biggest kind of ejection today don’t forget I mean we not only skipped over pavon yesterday but sh Kim too uh I think he shot 83 today I I was personally disappointed ZB shot 75 but can’t say I’m like shocked just yeah I was texting with him about he was like I was like was just hard as [ __ ] he was like he’s just a little off couple near misses said uh wish he could have had five back and then uh you know just a bad 14 and hit a good shot on 17 and he’s got no margin of error so yeah you know he’s just like yeah I’m on like a razer’s edge so yeah yeah it is stunning to be at this point and and not mention Scotty at this point in the tournament I mean he’s 74th maybe dead last I I’ve checked close to dead last in putting so far this week third in approach Zen play has been as good as it as it always is and uh the putters totally let him down driven it like [ __ ] he’s been all over the place uh just looks very very frustrated he’s lost five and a half shots on the greens and he is plus six so with neutral putting he’d be around plus one or even which still wouldn’t be in a great position to win the tournament but um not pretty uncharacteristic week for him what’s going on there because watching midday today it doesn’t look like he can read putts and it it looks very off I mean it’s it’s it’s kind of like uh it’s one of those it feels like I’m not there obviously but it feels like when you get to like 13 and a half 14 even for these guys when it gets so glassy it it can be like it could be such a throw off like if you’re off it’s just going to expose you so fast if you don’t have the feel for it if you don’t have to feel for the breaks if you don’t have the feel for how far outside the hole you need to be playing putts and he’s just felt you know it it looks like he’s reverted back to preet Days his lack of comfort on the greens right and uh that’s not an excuse like the whole kind of point of being you know in major championships is you got to adapt to conditions that are right in front of you and that’s kind of the the the the big test is you know moving these things around and and different playing Styles and it’s not a formula you could follow and it’s exposed something in him this week he was not prepared for these greens this week so yeah it seems like too that I don’t know I mean I’ve always felt like I don’t consider myself a great putter but putt better on Fast greens because I have a shorter stroke with Scotty it truly just seems like he he’s not a good green reader but I was wondering why uh Ted isn’t like like he just kept looking over at Ted and Ted Ted wasn’t reading it ex all Scotty reading stuff like why aren’t why isn’t Ted reading stuff he got [ __ ] pretty quick it’s it’s it’s it’s kind of resorted back into the the winter version of Scotty this week that’s just not that fun to watch but um I know but it can’t be like it can’t be like you can’t be [ __ ] you know if you’re going to win 50% of the time the 50% that you don’t win it can’t be if it gets [ __ ] that’s that’s not going to sit well with people right it’s not been fun to watch he just doesn’t play well in the summer right right he won last week cat uh you you you asked you put this question in earlier in the week T see we haven’t gotten to it but now but I’ve been thinking about it all week and I don’t have an answer I’m gonna wing it when we get yeah if you had to par any hole at Pinehurst which would you choose to tournament T tournament T Like Us open t you have to make a par on one hole what are you s I was I was I’ve been grinding on this and I think it’s very dependent upon where the pin is too I agree because all these holes so should we do it tomorrow based on setup on Sunday or can we do it today based on the setup today I would say assume every Green has a hard but not impossible pin like not not the 13th whole pin today right so not the hardest pin on every hole call it like the second most realistic hard pin on every hole Yeah uh so the op like five is the shortest part five it’s low scoring average for these guys but the most wicked green on the entire course and some truly death spots anywhere around that green even if you lay up you’re you’re probably going to spin it off the front or go over the back you so many things can go wrong 10 is over 600 yards and around a corner I was looking at 10 there so many there’s so many speed bumps to get you into trouble there especially with how we hit it of like those those hazards those cross hazards on the second shot are G it’s not 10 for me I know that Crush you I think it’s three because listen you can make seven on three very easily but it’s probably the hole if I play a 100 time if I play it every hole 100 times I’m probably making par there the most four iron two iron into the Fairway wedge to the center of the green and two put it is my best chance to make a park three would I was down to three and seven as well I felt like seven I could hit one hard up that left side get something at the middle of the green a lot of people are saying one in the comments one green is skin I don’t want anything to do with one green especially as a it just distance control wise there it’s like such an inviting Fairway though I was thinking one myself basically you you are just hit one are trying to just cut it down to like having one good shot right I wouldn’t choose 17 because even you can hit a good shot in a 17 and have it have it you know spy drone wants number he wants number six 17’s interesting 17 is you know eight iron something like that but it’s a great question usually there’s like one hole it’s like oh yeah give me that one I could easily make part on that one but I think I agree with 3 Sol just because you’re gonna have a wedge in your hand you’re gonna have like it’s it’s an easy T shot it’s and you just got to hit a really good first putt too yeah yeah you got to hit a smart shot with with the wedge or the short iron and then you got to hit hit the right the right putt now it’s all depending upon where the pin is to it though because you could easily miss a three or four footer on that green uh anything else you guys want uh before we wrap anything uh previewing tomorrow I just want to say sorry homeless hubs T20 after finishing t26 but was up there in the PGA Championship like by far his best back-to-back major performances good good on him Randy hasn’t missed a cut yet on the PJ tour this year did you know that how he still homeless I don’t know Harry let me down I I had a hubard and and Harry top 20 parlay was one of my was my uh Twisted mind play this week uh and let me down um do we need any more Hamsterdam we need to fit in real quick I want to shout out foxy s you’re gonna be furious to me with this foxy made his seventh cut in a row at a major seven in a row he what are we doing TC he shot 76 today what are we what are we doing here what what are we what is this segment for he’s a proper player it’s for it’s for shouting out random [ __ ] that we wanted to shout out I didn’t even get to go on the leaderboard today so we went any any Scuttle from asks about cam Smith what’s is he just not sharp enough he an investor in a golf course yeah this should have been a great great set up he has a lot going on in his life I think they brought in Jim furick to to redesign the golf course which is really that concerns me more than his Pinehurst performance this week um I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on with Cam all right he’s you know I’m not sure what’s going on with Ripper GC just generally speaking so gonna have to you know gonna have to see that we can unpack that offline any other Hamsterdam bits you want to get in yeah that’s yeah that’s the thing we’re missing here yeah I mean just bad [ __ ] they they came out with a press release mid round like 12 or 13 today put the wrong date on it it was 2023 instead of 2024 bragging about how how big their ratings were from Friday and uh I just I I don’t think I’ve ever seen a a group of of people so happy to Pat themselves on the back for pitiful pitiful performances uh I think I was I was in on the the whole four wide thing I’m out on that now it’s cluttered it’s kind of clumsy it’s kind of cluttered uh nobody can get a you know a word in you got obviously the whole de the whole technology debacle today as we understand they’ve they’ve put all their resources towards towards us open Major coverage uh Ju Just just give it up guys you’re you’re not interested just just give it up um it it’s just felt they’re they’re abusing the hell out of playing through it’s bad I mean you know cutting to it with without warning at random times F now was mid meltdown in the middle of the tournament his like his fourth third shot around the green they cut to play playing through for it I was like oh my God cutting away after Bryson’s ball rolling away on 16 on 16 that was so tough and they’re never shy about like showing stuff on tape so just wait on klay’s putt a little bit longer and stick with Bryson’s thing they uh the peacock app is so bad although they had sky on peacock today that was what I was gonna say which was which was appreciated is that an accident I don’t know I don’t know I was in I was watching that until they brought in falo and then I was like I’ll go back to the regular coverage then they they just they they seem incapable of like like people that were watching on peacock yesterday their stream ended and they had to go to a different stream on peacock when the coverage went to Peacock that was so rude um there’s just it’s just such a half-ass sloppy unprofessional organization I know morale is terrible like I I know there’s a bunch of probably associate producers and grunt level people that are they’re working their tails off underpaid have moved from Orlando to Stamford or or wherever the hell they are up there and so I feel bad for you all because you have the most pitiful leadership in all of sports and all of media and it’s it’s it’s a shame and if I have to watch another like Law and Order themed Paris Olympics commercial with the dramatic voice and the Olympic trials promos and all that take it all away it’s it’s pitiful and and one more I’ll direct this at the USGA like we don’t need the USGA commercials right I mean you they cut back on those there’s a lot C there’s still a lot um it’s a lot of I don’t know it’s a lot of commercials hope we get a Comm have not heard a tease for getting a commercial free hour tomorrow but feels like we could be good for a very good back n tomorrow but we’ll see they’ll probably do the commercial free hour at the wrong time like they it was there was four guys in the golf course late today and they’re missing shot they dropped L they dropped lvic from coverage on 16 that was tough they did not show his tshot on 16 with yeah that was tough six guys out there it’s crazy um I’m just like I’m at wit’s end with it guys it’s so bad all right laughing because I’m already broken TC I’ve been broken for a while I think you guys touch it all I hate to see my guy Luke Colmes I’m a big Luke Colmes fan but way too much Luke Colmes could have hired somebody else in there uh outside of the the summer of golf on peacock guy too just overseeing the same things over and over and over but guys excellent show uh we’re we’ve come to this point you need to pick somebody who’s it gonna be tomorrow same guys Thursday night same guys Friday night Saturday night Bryson big who do you got uh I guess a smart money Bryson that’s really boring guys I’m I’m gonna go off the board here don’t do it I hate to do this I hate it don’t do it he’s gonna gonna say Pat he’s gonna say kley no hat Pat I knew it I [ __ ] knew it I knew [Laughter] [Music] it nobody picked or Cody what’s your pick of course come on gotta ride for it Rory got to have hope there boys just the way the way can’t stuck around there I thought he was going to sneak into that last group for a few moments there way that he he stuck around there and lingered really left a a bad taste in my mouth that I think he’s gonna linger again tomorrow can I change mine I’m gonna I’m gonna switch off of Bryson that’s no fun I’ll I’ll take uh I I’ll take one of the guys at minus two so lety or you got to pick one of them I know I just don’t know which one of them going to shoot the 67 I I’ll take Hideki okay can’t wait to see the sh tomorrow that’ be that’d be sweet Hideki comes out and wins yeah with the definitive answer from Randy on the question can Hideki win that’s gonna wrap Saturday Chaser tomorrow yeah sorry sorry s that is gonna wrap tonight’s show thank you everyone for tuning in a lot of people in the chat tonight A lot of people watching live we greatly appreciate that you can subscribe to our YouTube channel uh and catch all these shows live you can subscribe to our podcast feed catch them all uh we greatly appreciate High Noon mizuho Travelers Cody running the ones and twos Cody is putting a finger up for me well I do have one thing we talk about this all the time we hear this we do these live shows every single day of Majors everything guys that are listening on YouTube right now please give a thumbs up on your way out if you’re listening in your car in the podcast go ahead and rate the podcast subscribe if you want a review go ahead and write that review unless your name Navy Kip enough of that guy I see him every single time I I hate reading your reviews okay let’s get our guy back in there P Gil wherever you’re at fill it up boys I don’t care I promise you there’s 6,000 people watching live right now I promise you you’re not all subscribed hit that subscribe button smash it as Neil would say it helps us out a lot we greatly appreciate that so all right that’s it thank you everyone good night happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there tomorrow and we’ll be back here shortly after play WPS on Sunday evening to recap the week uh one of our favorite weeks of the year great thanks you so much cheers


  1. @28:30 Brandel was NOT "going on and on" about the OWGR thing. TC's being ridiculous. Good on Brandel for putting that info in there. And Brandel literally said that he wished Bryson was in the Olympics.

  2. This complete flip on Bryson is crazy.
    In one of the post round Masters nlu pods this year there was a conversation about how much louder the cheers for Homa were than the cheers for Bryson when they were paired together.
    Literally 2 months ago!
    Now the discussion is ‘is the crowd going to cheer louder for Rory or Bryson’
    It’s so weird how quickly public opinion has changed.
    “He makes YouTube videos now! What a great guy”

  3. I think I'm with Randy on this one! Bryson's got a clean slate with me. Dude is just flat out entertaining and fucking great at golf.

  4. TC is the man. He’s a curmudgeon. It’s funny. He has hilarious takes. Don’t take it too seriously. Enjoy it.

  5. TC just hates that Bryson is a true generational driver of the ball. He is our millennial Arnold Palmer. He has that army behind him. Go win that F**ker Bryson!

  6. I think you guys are just missing the impact of YouTube golf. All my sons golf friends, anyone under 18 watches so much more YouTube golf than golf channel. They don’t even have the golf channel. Bryson has shown himself on YouTube and quickly because the favorite golfer of most kids. So he will be the fan favorite for as long as he is the only pro on the future of golf platform YouTube.

  7. Tuned in to this garbage to witness you guys squirm with Bryson being top of the pile and you not getting to arrogantly dismiss it. “He has just got better at hiding who he truly is” BAHAHAHA. You guys handled it in the insufferable douchebag way I knew you would. Great watch. Glad I stopped by hahaha.

  8. Shoutout my dog TC for not bending over for Bryson on a Saturday. TC says it’s one of the best rounds he’s ever seen and that’s not enough for the ppl in this comment section because he still thinks Brysons an asshole? You really need TC to like the guy you also like? You are lame.

    Haters in the comments can get bent, there is plenty of Bryson slurping everywhere else. Phil and Bryson are two of the biggest sociopaths in the history of sports. 1 week of tolerable behavior isn’t going to change that.

  9. Time for you boys to dish on the “first person accounts” you have on what Bryson has done to people 🔥

  10. Team Randy. If we’re willing to forgive other people’s shortcomings (which we all have), Bryson shouldn’t be forever dismissed as a jerk

  11. Big Randy is the Jimmy Stewart of the podcast … "can I just say … can I just say." I'm literally thinking all the time, let Big talk. Such a great contract to the other guys. Who are you cheering for in a match with Big, Soly and TC? No brainer. Big all day.

  12. bryson is so fake, it is so cynical and these weird christians are eating up his “redemption” farce (yes he is killing it on the course)

  13. A lot of you soy boys have a hard time with someone having fun playing golf at such a high level. If Rory was leading the US Open the eyeballs on the screen wouldn't be close to what they're going to be tomorrow for Bryson

  14. Bryson will always be a douche in my eyes. He just has to open his mouth about politics or vaccines and people will remember.

  15. Bryson is entertaining, but whenever I hear him interviewed, it is 100% clear that he's still insufferable. Golf needs characters, but him being a beloved crowd favorite all of a sudden is wild.

  16. I enjoyed how the broadcast said "this guy changed his personality" and we are supposed to view that as a good thing and not sociopathic behavior

  17. NBC glazing Bryson for being a man of the people was way overdone. But that's what they do. They focus on one thing and beat it into the ground for 6 hours. Damn I wish Fox would have kept the US Open. They were so much better than this crap.

  18. If you cant share them on the pod, please stop citing private stories as reasons you hate a guy. I have no doubt theyre valid and would probably sway my opinion too but I can only listen to so much "trust me if you heard what ive heard about bryson youd hate him too"

  19. Soly, we need answers from you. You claim you have have thought Bryson was going to win every night this week. But on the Thursday live show you were 100% confident Scottie was still going to win?

  20. Idk how anyone cant see right through Bryson's bullshit. He knows how to act when the camera is on, but behind closed doors hes clearly still a cheesedick. You can tell when he speaks and the fact that he's so overly demonstrative and gregarious the last couple days

  21. No comment on all the jingoist chants from the crowd??? The big golfer deserves to have them chant Sa – ou – di. not U-S-A! or maybe L-I-V.

  22. Many people gave up on Cat Stevens when he became a more public Moslem. However, you cant take his music away from our lives. Same thing with Bryson. Yes I wished he hadnt done the LIV thing but he is still a very good golfer and guy.

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