Golf Players

Ep. 86 – 2024 U.S. Open Recap

Adam Hawk and Ryan Engle celebrate one year of iPod broadcasting and recap the 2024 U.S Open at Pinehurst!

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I forgot to say it in the episode so I’ll say it at the top the fellowship podcast is now on Golf and we encourage you to listen to it over there on YouTube because we get paid YouTube is monetized for the good guys at Nation golf so if you don’t mind switching your podcast platform over to YouTube that would be great greatly appreciated love you all God bless see in church see in [Music] church ladies and gentlemen welcome to the one year anniversary episode of the fellowship podcast presented by the nation golf company and hosted by Yours Truly Adam Hawk and my now longtime iPod broadcasting partner Ryan goal this exact time last year the Monday after the US Open at the Los Angeles country club we were just bloated with takes like stomach over belt uncomfortable when sitting down stomach over belt bloated with takes yeah we just had to belch them out so you know what we did we took two Dirt Cheap clipon lavier Bluetooth microphone is that how you pronounce it lavier pinched them between our fingers held them up to our traps and recorded audio directly into the voice memos application on my cellular telephone device just some good oldfashioned jaw jacking some horse hockey you love to speak it it was not great but 57 episodes and some major audio equipment upgrades later here we are right back where we started to recap another playing of the United States Open Championship but before we do pars what do you remember about that first day of iPod broadcasting 363 days ago not much please refresh this idiot’s memory I remember a few things I remember thinking how liberating it was to be able to do an audio only podcast instead of a three camera YouTube show which we had been doing which required a producer a guest Lots of editing and that resulted in our YouTube shows airing a week after we made them which meant we could never discuss anything topical because it would already be dated by the time it got on the worldwide web correct so I loved the immediacy aspect of the podcast and the fact that we didn’t need a producer or a guest and we could just track some audio and get it out there the same morning and I really love the fact that we didn’t have to cut a big old check at the end of each episode to a camera operator yeah it’s sure nice not having to spend money you don’t have you love it well said yeah you love to you love to save it but I honestly remember the first show being the day that I fell back in love with radio wow most of you know that I worked in radio for 15 years at a pretty high level and I absolutely loved it it was without a doubt my passion and it has been most of my life I remember as a kid loving that my parents were AM radio listeners because I was so enamored as a young kid in the back seat of the car with the idea of EAS dropping into a one-way conversation and listening to the host carefully craft his or her words to draw the audience in and work his or her magic to keep that audience and I just thought that was the coolest thing but in 2021 after 25 years of loving radio and 15 years of working in the business I was completely and totally burned out so you know what I did I quit K wi T quit you told the guy on the driveway who owned the lemonade stand to go take his produce elsewhere right is that what you did Hawk one day we’ll tell that story are you going to cut that out no okay great thanks it was very inside I’m sure Rome’s one of our biggest listeners easy easy Rod easy Rod Easy Ride easy Rod easy Rod did you sign an NDA or something why you being such a little [ __ ] about it now at the time that I quit I was convinced that I didn’t like radio anymore and I was sick of running the race every day to be creative and stay locked into a 24/7 news cycle and the fire which I thought would burn forever had gone out and that’s a strange place to be with something you’ve spent most of your entire life loving it’s not like quitting a job I’ve quit jobs before and most of the time you can’t wait to get the hell out of there have you ever been fired I have how many times I have been fired once you never that’s good yeah yeah I’ve been fired once I had it coming yeah I think I know which one it was yeah yeah good for you continue on I’ve quit jobs before and quitting radio wasn’t like quitting a normal job this was like divorce forcing your childhood Crush after a damn good 15-year marriage I never wanted to burn out on radio it just happened and it kind of upended my life my career and my future trajectory but here’s the thing Ryan you and I did this incredibly amateur show 363 days ago into incredibly amateur equipment for an incredibly small audience and that was 2 years since I had done anything at all that resembled radio and I fre freaking loved it loved it loved doing the podcast with you even after that first episode I felt like a house that just got its power back on after a long outage you were so excited yeah that you were buying alien tape off of infomercials another great inside joke it was so cool but so strange to fall in love so quickly with something that I went without for 2 years but then it hit me on the way back home from Nation golf that day a year ago and I even called you on my drive back to talk about it I never stopped loving radio I just stopped loving my particular job at the time in radio radio didn’t burn me out the job I had in radio burned me out but I didn’t know that until that day a year ago when we were just [ __ ] around doing a show for nobody on $15 worth of equipment but it was really important for me to figure that out and I don’t know that I ever would have without us doing the show and part of the reason it was so important for me personally to have had that discovered and figured out through this show is because this show is my absolute favorite thing in the world to do and it’s not even close favorite thing yeah and I’m talking about hobbies and creative Outlets I’m not talking about spending time with my family or going to church I’m talking about I think you are I’m I think part of you is a little bit I’m talking about outlets and interests nothing I do anywhere in life is more fun than this I love prepping the show writing the show doing the show editing the show uploading the show promoting the show and talking to people who listen to the show he loves to do it I really do this really was like rekindling an old flame that I thought had gone out and I think you can relate to this a little bit you’ve surfed your entire life it’s arguably the biggest part of your life that isn’t Golf and you worked in the industry and you’ve had to segregate in your mind the difference between surfing standing up on a wave and being out in the ocean versus working in the industry dealing with the business side that you don’t like and trying not to let what burns you out on that side burn you out when you’re actually in the water right I mean you can relate to this a little bit yeah I mean what gets everyone together and into it is the act of riding waves riding waves is the best it’s just like our favorite movie it’ll change your life surfing’s The Source it’ll change your life swear to God Point Break baby yeah no riding waves is the best I’ll always love that but when talking about surfing as in everything else that comes with it the tribe the Antics the industry the characters the way in which Surfers are surfing sucks have you met a more critical selfish group of people than a committed tribalistic Surfer I mean they just don’t exist that along with the politics and being around the industry and being burnt on it you’re around anything that much and living and breathing in it had enough and you know what thank God for the game of golf what’s great about golf is there’s an etiquette we can take turns we can schedule a time to play I think I’d like surfing more if I could do that yeah hey we’re all going at 10:00 us four everyone’s going to get the [ __ ] out of our way and we’re actually going to follow some etiquette hold each other accountable to that and take turns instead of trying to take your best friend’s waves folks Billy eish has a song called Everything I wanted and I have to ask did we the fellowship just get everything we wanted this 124th Us open at Pinehurst number too hard golf course yes pars at a premium yes bogey lurking on every hole yes irons off the tea yes long approach shots yes Windam Clark nowhere to be seen yes drama on a Sunday with massive names trading spots at the top yes choke jobs and clutch moments yes came down to the 72nd hole yes so how come I love the US Open and Ryan Engle didn’t I did not like it you didn’t love it it was above average that’s fair to say nowadays you say anything that’s not shaking your pom poms with the masses you’re a hater we’ll get to that but I cannot bury the lead any further Bryson dambo is your winner Six underpar Beats Rory maroy by one single shot this is Bryson’s second major both of them are us opens and he joins B Jones Jack Nicholas and Tiger Woods as the only four golfers ever to win the US amateur and multiple us opens Ryan Engel after finishing T6 at the Masters and just one shot short of the PGA Championship Bryson D Shambo wins the US Open it has been a hell of a major season for the 30-year-old Texan your thoughts on BDC after his performance at Pinehurst I mean guy has it going on you don’t have to like the style of it but he looks comfortable in his own skin and he is not afraid of the big moments he wants the big moments this guy’s a show Pony I don’t agree with a lot of the [ __ ] in his bag the way he approaches the game but the guy and the aura and the shots he hits Under Pressure great for the game entertainment wise if Bryson isn’t in that tournament yesterday and Rory wins by two over saliva hands or whatever the [ __ ] his name is Matthew pavon yeah I mean how boring is that major with three Bogies coming in and he still wins Bryson brought the electricity to the event and I think he’s on a little run where he found something there there’s there’s something that’s clicking for him and it’s exciting to watch I don’t think anyone watched this weekend going wow Bryson is not exciting you might not like him and not like what he’s doing or how he’s doing it but you can’t say it’s not exciting I think it might be the greatest character redemption in the history of boards interesting I’ve got some thoughts on that that I’ll get to in just a sec but off the top this dude played an incredible golf tournament and yes he got away with serial murder hitting his driver off the planet and never really having to pay the price for it but he scrambled his nads off my nads and that run of par saves on the front nine incredible when he was on in three and one putting everything was classic US Open golf and acquires nerves of Steal he is a very deserving Champion he slept on a big lead Saturday night he played with that lead and that pressure most of Sunday and when Rory came up and snatched it from him Bryson didn’t Panic he didn’t press he just held it steady because that’s what US opens require they require you to not [ __ ] down your leg when you’ve got a stomach full of coffee and chipotle and he didn’t and what he did did on 18 was special special stuff and it will be remembered forever and I don’t care what you Ryan or Tony bardi have to say about that 55 Yard bunker shot and how easy it might have been because Johnson Wagner hit it closer on his second try here comes the emotional response ladies and gentlemen after Johnson Wagner bladed one through a clubhouse window and then Bryson told him to try it again and coached him through it calm down give me a break give me a break cut me a break you going to cut me a break yeah honestly are you and Tony trolling me or just really really stupid if you haven’t seen it folks there’s a video going around of golf channels Johnson Wagner hitting that same shot Bryson had on the 72nd hole and because Johnson Wagner pulled it off on his second try in front of no one for no Stakes whatsoever a bunch of idiots like Ryan and Tony Mardi are trying to tell me that it’s a quote unquote easy shot here’s the thing before you jump in here no no here’s the thing every golf shot is remarkably easier when you’re hitting it for a second time especially when no one is watching no one cares and Bryson is coaching you first of all no one said it was an easy shot secondly you’re missing the whole point of that video the point of that video isn’t the fact that look he can do it too and look this shot’s easy the point of that video was Bryson coached him into the shot Wagner was asking him where his mind was at how he approached the shot what he was thinking and Bryson was explaining to him that no it’s an explosion shot with a less lofted club and I knew that hitting behind the ball like that if anything I was going to miss short so the point of that video wasn’t to show that the shot was easy it was to show what went through Bryson’s thought process and prep to hit that shot and the result of hearing that it was a chunk can run explosion shot with all the trickle in the world and the worst thing you’re going to do in that is leave it a little bit short and you have a 15-footer instead of a four-footer the shot wasn’t as hard as the pressure was so guys like you with emotional response oh my God it was the greatest up and down in US Open history it was not was it special and was it electrifying that he got up and down and fist pump made the putt absolutely but if we’re talking about degree of difficulty to those shots PGA Pros are a lot different than Joe’s and schmo’s and where that difference comes is around the greens these guys with wedges they’re magical they’re so much better than the average golfer especially out of bunkers regular golfers not PGA Pros when it comes to sand and water they get the hives they have this thing where you see water on a t-shot you’re like oh my God don’t hit it in the water you get in a bunker and you’re like [ __ ] just get it out PGA Pros they get in a bunker and they’re like I can make this they’re extremely good at Bunker shots that ball was a perfect lie level almost into an UPS slope which is ripe for the picking for a PGA Pro when you have something where the blade is open and you don’t have to be precise on where the club is entering the sand in this case it’s way easier for these guys he had a free run at it he didn’t have to hit it solid he just had to give it enough inertia to get it on the green and Chase up and he pulled it off it wasn’t that [ __ ] difficult he could sit there with a bucket of balls and put that thing in a hula hoop just about every time so was there pressure to it yes does the pressure add to it yes did he do it under pressure yes was that incredible yes was the shot difficult it was not end a story Hawk anyway thank you for that just filling you in cuz you know I don’t know I know a little more about golf than you do and that’s okay you’ll get there someday Bud for Bryson to pull that shot off a 50 yard explosion chunk and run with the tournament on the line whether that’s an easy shot or a hard shot doesn’t matter they are all hard in that spot and he made the shot and then he rolled in the Putt and he snatched Rory’s soul and quite literally put that soul on a flight back to Palm Beach did you see Rory in the car how fast he drove out of the lot I’d like to have a with him about driving fast and parking lot I was going to tell you that that was not parade speed no it was not there were people around there were kids around kids around Rory what did I say to you the beginning of the day via text message what did I label Rory as douchebag he was an extreme douche you can say it you can agree to it you can still like him I’m just saying you got to start getting along with reality here in there okay can I finish my thoughts on Bryson and then we’ll get to Rory just tell me you thought that was a douche move at the end to leave and to drive that fast yes thank you yes it was thank you very much you’re welcome what I love about Bryson in a time where golf is completely devoid of characters Bryson D Shambo is unapologetically exactly that he’s a character he a character for sure he’s different he knows it he doesn’t shy away from that and whether you like him or not golf needs that if he’s your hero he’s a great hero if he’s your villain he’s equally as good at playing that role without even really trying what I do not love about Bryson allow me to finish this thought and then I would love to hear your feedback on it because you have great intuition and a knack for sniffing out in authenticity is that a word it would be in my vocabulary but I’d probably get roasted over the coals if I used it in a text to you yeah inauthenticity I don’t know what I don’t love about Bryson I do think that this guy has has overshot his Landing in terms of the 180 we can all agree he’s turned no one can pinpoint when it happened or why it’s almost like we all took the exact same drug at the exact same time but brys and Des Shambo went from Public Enemy Number One to everyone’s favorite golfer sometime around Saturday at the PGA Championship last month everyone clicked into the exact same wavelength at the exact same time I’m telling you it’s the biggest character turnaround in Sports history I don’t disagree and the fact that it happened for everyone at the exact same time it’s incredible without any real explanation you can’t pinpoint it you can’t even say why or when where how it just happened exactly I felt the gravitational pole and I was big into brys and to Shambo right up until yesterday’s final round at the US Open I knew this okay go ahead one too many Winks at the camera literally and figuratively I love that this guy plays to the crowd but there’s a line when it becomes gratuitous and he laid it on pretty thick yesterday especially during the award ceremony when he told the crowd how they were the best fans of all time and a huge reason why he won and then he doubled back at the end to invite them all to somehow find a way to touch the trophy so they could feel what he felt because they were a huge part of it that was a little much you don’t think that was him being genuine I do not you don’t I do not you think this is a contrived thing I don’t necessarily think it’s 100% contrived I just think that this guy doesn’t know anything in moderation so when he starts hearing and feeling that he’s loved he’s going to start doing anything to increase that feeling of love you’re telling me that a quirky guy who has serious social things going on he puts his heart and all of his attention effort into engaging in the crowd to propel himself over the Finish Line that’s what he did that was clear that that’s what he was doing whether you think that was genuine or not he did that to use it to his Advantage cuz he found that this is working for him right you don’t think that there’s a celebratory response and feeling from that to just ride that high and just go extra with it I mean you think he’s just faking it up there I don’t think he’s smart enough to fake it dude I’m hesitant to call it faking it but here’s the thing after he laid it on real thick with the crowd and invited them to come touch the trophy he went back to the Fairway bunker where he had taken his third shot and he started raking it on live TV I loved it I loved it I feel like this guy is so weird just keep going bro go just keep doing it look we get it dude you love the people like you now but raking the bunker with a rake in one hand and the trophy in the other is like being super Super Rich standing up in church and telling everyone to watch you drop a few single dollar bills in the collection bin and Beyond standing up as a rich guy and dropping a few single dollar bills in the collection bin You’re Expecting Applause for it instead of realizing how awkward and tryhard it is for those that think it was a nice touch it wasn’t no one is going in that bunker no one thinks it’s a nice touch no one this guy is a weirdo dude what do you expect listen he is literally off the leash in the biggest moment of his career and he’s finally been accepted his whole life he hasn’t been accepted and he’s finally of course he’s going to act like a weirdo hold on no one is going in that bunker after the final group of the final round of a major except Johnson Wagner to buzz the tower and skull one into the grill room but no one is going in that bunker no one is going in for quite some time probably weeks the USGA has an infrastructure tear down that probably won’t end for a number of days and then Pinehurst has to clean everything up get the course back to regular shape for regular play and then weeks from now somebody will be in that bunker this guy going back after the trophy ceremony to rake the bunker on live TV was for no other reason and then it was on live TV I am too aware of how too aware Bryson is of the cameras I am watching a guy that clearly goes to bed every night reading every tweet every thread every comment every post and every article about himself and this guy has been a really happy reader the last 3 weeks but instead of realizing he was in The Sweet Spot he’s overdone it he wanted to keep sand from that shot because it was the greatest shot of his career and he put sand from his shot into the cup and on his way out from doing that he did the gentleman thing which didn’t mean anything it was just a sign of respect to rake his way out of it that’s why he was in there raking they just didn’t catch why he went in there he explained it afterwards and instead of stomping out like a Rory mroy would have he raked his way out of it how do you have a problem with that now that you know the story do you want to change your tun about that last little hot take you had if Tiger Woods oh my go would have won that tournament with that bunker shot and stayed for the fans you would have been parading down Hollywood Boulevard telling everyone at the top of your lungs what a great guy he was I wouldn’t be caught dead on Hollywood polard I hate La listen I don’t dislike Bryson I still really like the guy it’s okay you took an L on that one there’s wins and learns and you just learned a little lesson and that’s okay I still like the guy just not as much as I did 24 hours ago I am way too locked into the idea that he is manufacturing this super likable character and that he’s not doing a great job of hiding how fake some of it is really shall we talk about Rory mroy oh yeah number of angles we can take but let’s start here did Bryson win this or did Rory choke I mean if you’re writing segments for First Take This is what you’re starting with today how is ESPN still in business for every one of us there are 50 Anthony bardis yeah I have a real hard time using the word choke especially when Rory outplayed Bryson yesterday and beat him by Two Strokes if you zoom out it’s hard to look at a guy who came in three shots back and then ultimately lost by just a single stroke and call that person a choker but the fact of the matter is Rory choked I know it you know it and most importantly Rory knows it it doesn’t matter that Bryson had him by three shots to start yesterday’s final round what matters is that at one point on the back nine Rory had a two-shot lead if anything it was looking like Bryson was going to be the choker and then out of nowhere Rory took both hands off the club and put them around his own throat throat the bogey on 15 was because of a really really dumb t- shot where he carried the ball pin high and flew off the back into the [ __ ] 16 is where the nightmare fuel lives this is the hole that will haunt Rory’s dreams for the rest of his life alltime choke job material a helpless beg for the Heim lick maneuver Rory maroy was a perfect 496 for 400 96 putting inside of 3 ft this season hadn’t missed one 100% on nearly 500 putts inside 36 in and then it happened a yippy towy pole on a dead straight layup for par yank City USA party of one Rory is on the bogey train he’s now at the par three two holes left he hits a pole hook 9 iron right into the bunker and short sides himself the wheels are coming off and they’re coming off quick lug nuts are bouncing down the highway and the pit crew is running on foot trying to hit this guy with an impact wrench before it’s too late somehow someway Rory gets up and down heads off to 18 tied with BDC overcooks his Drive left bludgeons one out of The Wire Grass back into the Fairway chips his third shot 3′ 9 in above the hole and when he needs a par more than he’s ever needed a par in 10 years he hits a downhill Snapper with die speed grabs the low side of the lip and Windam Clark at the Players Championship will tell you they lip in on the high side they lip out on the low side bogey five for Rory mroy three Bogies in his last four holes two misses from inside four feet and that is all she wrote so to the question of did Bryson win it or did Rory choke the answer is yes and yes yeah two things can be right at the same time it’s not always Us Versus Them ladies and gentlemen it’s not always black and white winning golf tournaments especially a tournament as big as this one with all the pressure in the world does take solid play does take good golf but the X Factor and no I’m not talking about Zander lipping one in for birdie to win I’m talking about the true X Factor in golf it’s Moxy it’s brass it’s kones the announcers on 18 going back and forth with whoever was reporting from the Fairway what they were both agreeing on what that putt had in it in amount of break where it should be they said something like it’s probably left Edge but with speed it’s still inside the hole so I mean dead straight with speed’s going to get in there so it was a Moxy putt it was Matt Gillis at San Clin mun it was a poop stainer you either get up and hit that one or you feed it and bring Miss into play and you want to win that tournament you got to hit that putt you don’t feed it and when he lined up for it he was lining up well left and I said out loud I wasn’t going to text you because you were like peacock’s 10 seconds behind don’t [ __ ] ruin this text threat so I kept it to myself when I saw him line up for that way left I was like oh he’s feeding it he could miss this and he missed it unbelievable I’m gutted for the guy I like Rory a lot can’t really explain why I just like him and I root for him I want to see him do well and win tournaments I especially want to see him win Majors I just told you I can’t explain it and these close calls are getting more and more brutal not because time keeps extending and the drought gets bigger but because of the way he’s losing at St Andrews a few years back when cam Smith won the Open Championship Rory was in the final group with the lead and he just threw it in neutral absolute neutral shot an even par round with 36 putts he could do that again if he tried 18 Greens in regulation 18 T putts that was tough because it was his to win and he couldn’t get the lawnmower chain pulled at Lac last year for the US Open he was on Windam Clark’s heels the entire final round posted his number and watched Windam two putt from 80 ft on the final hole to win by one shot yesterday at the US Open he decides to actually put some gas in the tank birdies the very first hole then birdies four times in five holes between 9 and 13 hooping it from all over the state bouncing around like a head bobbing rooster all stoked taking a strangle hold on the thing about to break a 10-year drought and then he puts the strangle hold on himself out of nowhere epic collapse and a particularly painful one given the drought the circumstances the pressure the opportunity how well he played yesterday for 14 holes the fact that he has finally dialed in his wedge game he has finally made some putts on Sunday and the fact that Scotty Sheffer seemed to take the week off it was all there for Rory until it was it this one has to hurt especially bad Rory is a four-time major winner there are tens of thousands of guys who have played professional golf only 29 of them have won four or more majors and half the guys on that list won their four or more majors in the late 1800s when six people played golf four is a lot especially by today’s standards but it somehow seems like a criminal underachievement for Rory and beyond that I feel like he’s becoming more known for the ones he’s not winning instead of the ones that he did couldn’t have happened to a worse guy your thoughts on Rory leaving Pinehurst without doing any Media or sh shaking Bryson’s hand especially coming off of the PGA Championship when Bryson left the driving range where he was warming up for a playoff with the zman Zander and then went over to shake Zander’s hand after Zander beat him by one shot your thoughts on Rory High tailing it out of Pinehurst part for the course for him very much on brand with his character that’s him that’s the real Rory he’s a front runner he’s whiny when it doesn’t go his way you can’t do that you got to swallow it man if you’re going to be the face of all this stuff and squawk to the golf world relentlessly for 2 years and fold like a beach chair in the moment in front of everyone storm off driving too fast in the parking lot give me a [ __ ] break dude what a CH guy’s such a Chach dude it behooves me to watch people like you continue to to stand up for this guy that is not at all the correct usage of the word behooves put it this way HW I said does it Beman you Beman sure I said via text message earlier in the day yesterday I said Rory mroy is caffeine-free Diet Coke Tiger Woods and he proved it yesterday he couldn’t get it done by coming from behind which tiger doesn’t do either and then to show that he wasn’t on Tiger’s level he missed those short putts which tiger always hit those putts but then when it didn’t go his way and he stormed off he tucks and rolls and avoids the media just like tiger does when it doesn’t go his way and he bailes the scene here’s what I don’t like about it last year after Lac he stuck around to shake Windam Clark’s hand after Windam Clark gutted him and then he told the media at LACC quote will go through a hundred more Sundays just like this if it means getting one major so now you go through one of those 100 Sundays and you can’t go and talk to the media again you said you were willing to go through a hundred of those it doesn’t look like you were willing to go through one of them and as the face of the PGA Tour you do have to go and face the media 100% you do our winners and losers we do this after every and Adam loves this podcast we do it it’s rekindled his passion for radio we do this after every major folks we give our five winners it’s Tradition now it’s tradition our five winners and our five losers and we will volley this segment back and forth so we will start with Ryan Ryan who is your first winner of the week from Pinehurst hold I got to pull it up hor HW how far away could this thing be is it an our text just very you couldn’t put that you couldn’t copy that over notes my God all right would it kill you to prepare for this thing ever then I’d lose the magic all right bring on the magic you know there’s some people here for you hawk but there’s a lot of people here for me they’re waiting on the magic those people are waiting for the magic winers you want my five winners I just told you we would volley this segment back and forth you give me one I’ll give you one you want number one or number five I don’t care I’ll just take something at this point so we’re not numbering them we’re just in no in no numerical order particular order particular behooves me to say this okay I’m going obviously Bryson clearly the biggest winner and I’m not just talking about hoisting the trophy there is a laundry list of things that he has conquered and accomplished in this victory that quite frankly made made this event from a h Championship to something a little above average but to Fanboys like yourself made it a great US Open a minus big winner for me starting out my list of five Rory mroy I KN I knew you’d have some stupid quirky list and T what Rory maroy a big winner yes indeed good sir Rory maroy who filed for divorce from his wife just ahead head of the PGA Championship withdrew those papers just ahead of the US Open and quite frankly folks you love to hear it I am an Unapologetic fan of The Unbroken home and whenever a married couple decides to give it another go especially when there are children involved I can’t help but think that is a huge win and since Rory withdrew the divorce papers during pinhurst he is a big winner from Pinehurst cheaper to keeper okay your turn AUST National big winner this week and quite frankly they’ll be a big winner every major championship week because they just keep proving time and time again that they’ve got it right and everyone’s fighting for second place my second winner from the week at Pinehurst the house who is the house you may ask the house is the collective Global sports book made up of casinos online websites and Street bookies who according to ES PN took in 75% of their US Open bets on Scotty Sheffer to win what that means is that at least 75% of all money wagered on the US Open is going right back to the house because Scotty finished t41 after making only four birdies all week four birdies all week Rory made five on Sunday alone so the house absolutely cleaned up this week thanks to Scotty Sheffer throwing up this week your third winner going dads Across America acrossed or across Across America whether the US Open doesn’t quite reach the levels that Augusta National reaches the fact that it coincides with Father’s Day every year is pretty rad dads are important so it’s nice to see the good heartfelt stuff over the weekend the clips of dads and their kids walking the grounds and sharing the US Open and and even if you’re a dad that doesn’t like to hang out with their kids and just sit in a chair all weekend and watch golf and have them get out of the house and go somewhere else at least you get to have that for yourself too and it it’s nice that Father’s Day has a major championship tied to it so I do love that about the US Open big win for the dads Across America my third winner Tiger Woods Tiger Woods big winner from Pinehurst this week here we go 48 years old doesn’t play golf anymore five back surgeries one near leg amputation more rods and screws in him than an Erector Set shoots seven over at an extremely difficult Golf Course misses the cut by just two out plays half the field including Eric Van ruin Tom hogi Wills out torus Jason day Justin Thomas Ricky Fowler Dustin Johnson and Gary Woodland when my expectations are zero which they are for Tiger Woods and he goes out and acquits him himself extremely well especially after how embarrassing the Masters in the PGA Championship were Tiger Woods is a big winner this week you tiger Fanboys have more glaze than a crispy cream doughnut Factory with the hot and fresh light on your fourth winner from this week Golf Club technology it’s creating a watered down test for the caliber of players in professional golf the golf courses the way in which they have to set it up the history behind some of these sacred grounds it’s all in Jeopardy because we’ve allowed these manufacturers to get away with murder and put absolutely easy clubs to hit in these Pros hands big winner this week is Golf Club technology and you hate to see it my fourth winner from this week brandelle shamble he was doing play byplay yeah I’ve never seen that felt like Johnny Miller was back in the booth this guy love him or hate him he’s unafraid he tells it like it is even at one point he jokingly asked if there was a metric for strokes gained good breaks and he was referencing Bryson Des Shambo missing 15 Fairways yesterday and having a lucky break break every time he pulled up into the native area and had a very playable shot brandle shamble taking the piss out of data analytics and Bryson dambo at the same time and calling out the fact that Pinehurst didn’t have nearly the teeth that everyone was giving a credit for and doing that in one line on a national television broadcast with everything to lose NBC has partnered with the USGA the USGA has partnered with Pinehurst and for him to say that on the broadcast to essentially say that the guy leading the tournament is getting lucky over and over and over again I don’t care if you love this guy or hate this guy we need people to say that because it’s what we’re thinking and what we’re texting right and brandle shamble said that over the air he wanted the Carnage he wanted the teeth and he makes me miss golf announcers like Johnny Miller and even Pablo ainger who aren’t afraid to call the golf event so brandle sham big winner for me this week gets a lot of hate and I get why but the reality is he knows the game I like the fact that he’s willing to put himself out there and look he’s not just spouting out nonsense the guy does his research he’s prepared you can appreciate that he does know what he’s talking about whether you like it or not that’s a personal thing we need guys like that I think he’s good for it all you got to have both sides you got to have a push and pull and I I back that choice thank you your fifth and final winner from Pinehurst this week Fifth and final winner from Pinehurst this week live [Music] golf do you want me to come over the table right now I’m telling you H look we don’t watch it we know it’s laughable just the graphic designs alone for the teams for live golf make it a joke just that right take the 54 holes out the shot start all this stuff those are all things that you can nitpick as far as creating a reason why you hate the thing take that all aside just the logos itself are worth calling it a joke that being said we watch the PGA Tour week in and week out do we not we do every major that comes now for quite some time since this whole division without the live Guys these tournaments would be a shell of themselves M and and the fact that it takes one of those live guys to create the excitement in each one of these Majors also exploits and exposes the fact that the regular tour stops week in and week out are absolute Library parties whether you like them or not whether you’re going to watch live or not or whether live succeeds or not the fact that their guys come in and make a big change keeps them in the conversation on the map so they’re a big winner this week and they’re making a bigger impact on these Majors than the entire PGA tour field yeah and it’s settling a couple of debates at the same time it is objectively settling a couple of debates can the live golfers hang with the PGA guys in major championships absolutely they can Brook Kea and Phil Mickelson nearly won the Masters two years ago Brooks Kea then went on to win the PGA Championship a couple of weeks later Bryson D Shambo after almost winning the PGA Championship this year went on to win the US Open yesterday can the live golfers hang with the PGA Tour guys at Majors yes objectively factually yes does any of that change the live golf product week in and week out does it help the ratings does it make you want to flip over there and check it out objectively no yeah it’s a win lose it is it is a win lose and it just screams how badly golf needs to unify and come back together my final winner from the week Neil Shipley low amateur at Augusta low amateur at pinhurst first player since Victor hin to win low am at the Masters and the US Open in the same year I will say that NBC missed an incredible storytelling opportunity and it’s pretty inexcusable Neil Shipley was paired with Luke Clanton in the final round both of these guys are college amateurs and both of them were tied coming into the final round on Su that was a match play both of them had the only realistic shot at low am for the week so essentially these guys are playing their own major inside a major and yeah it’s stroke blade but it pretty much was a match and NBC shows the last putting green that was like the entirety of their coverage of it and you’re like where the [ __ ] were you guys seriously we haven’t seen two AMS in Sunday pairing together since 2008 and through 13 holes these guys were tied and then they swapped the lead a few times and it came down to 18 where Shipley eventually won but come on NBC you checked in on that twice all day yeah dude NBC was horrible all week horrible NBC you have to show that golf you have to show those guys playing those holes there was so much broadcasting of the leaders walking from shot to shot or green to teabox or talking with their caddies over what they were going to do NBC could have easily shown this low amateur duel and they should have because the USGA is primarily an amateur Association the usgaa hosts 17 championships every year 13 of them are for amateurs the way the PGA celebrates the teaching pro is the way the usgaa celebr Ates the amateur it’s their entire business so if two guys are going for low am and they’re in the same group and they’re tied and it’s the final round on a Sunday and one of them is going to get a bunch of TV time and a medal and it means the world to them show every shot of that and tell the audience why it’s important big Miss big Miss but it sounded like I was giving a loser there I’m actually giving a winner Neil Shipley what a year yeah what a year you think he’s got the Moxy to take it to the pro level we’ll see I think he he’s definitely marketable because you see this guy once and you never forget who he is he is got the biggest face of all time have you ever seen a bigger face his face is huge yeah he’s got Max Fisher Vibes right now with his new hair do by the way you’re now three for three on inside jokes no one’s going to get besides us let’s see if you can hit for the cycle moving on to the losers you want me to go yeah I’m going to go number one The Biggest Loser of the week the quote unquote Natural Area Biggest Loser all right well let me quickly correct your verbiage so people know what you’re talking about you’re talking about the native area whatever maybe effective in being jail maybe 20% of the time more often than not those guys were hitting the Green from it which made driving and precision off the te not a premium which clearly made it a two- horse race and they were both bomb and gougers and to me that’s just not US Open golf second biggest loser of the week no rough look you see it at Bay Hill number of places when you have thick Bermuda rough these guys have a very very hard time and those Fairways were way too wide I think the way to combat that is the native areas need to be even more penalizing and you need to narrow the fairways just for this tournament by creating a rough on both sides leading into the native areas so I think the fact that there was no rough was a big loser this week it took away what historically usually is a shot making tournament and it turned it back into a bomb and gouge Fest and I just didn’t like seeing that you’re going to get your ideal US Open next year at Oakmont as long as they do it right cuz oakmont’s known to have super fast greens if they grow that rough out keep those Fairways narrow it’s going to be real Us opening you’re going to get that and the last time the US Open was at Oakmont I was there wow I’ve got the pin flag to show for it I do actually it’s here I brought it here I know dude right on the other side of the wall I’ll give you two losers Roy mroy he was on my winners list he’s on my losers list goes without saying choke job even if he wins another major there’s still this one that obviously got away so right now he should have five he doesn’t he has four and if he gets five he should have six you see how this works for the rest of his life he’s always going to have the one major that he left on the table two really talking about the Masters back in 2014 yeah yeah so you’re right he actually should have six right now but he’s at four which is ironic because it’d be one behind Mr Palmer still and as you know Mr Palmer was known when he was still alive if you were a professional golfer and you did anything out of the character of gentleman sportsmanship within the game of golf you would receive a letter from Mr Palmer a personal letter and fun fact about Mr mroy he’s received a couple of letters from Mr Palmer for his actions which is why Rory’s on my biggest losers list as well folks and it’s not for his play it’s not for his choke job it’s for his lack of sportsmanship and just so you know Rory if letters could come from Heaven Mr Palmer be giving you one right now this is incredible folks this might be my favorite part of the podcast in the one year that we’ve done it I told you I was going to give you two losers you Barrel into my first one give an Arnold Palmer take and then go and here’s my second loser so I still owe the folks at home too that is what you call the magic of being unprepared the magic of being unprepared golf Instagram oh the stupid losers on golf Instagram Golf Channel posted Rory’s second shot into five green the par five on the front nine that we all saw where dude hit a five iron that rolled up to the middle of the green then it took a sharp left and fell off the front rolled some 30 yards back down towards where Patrick HL ball was skirts the bunker and then winds up in a footprint in the Wiregrass native area totally ridiculous gimmicky hole not a quote unquote golf test just stupid I get playing golf on a razer’s edge and I like that and I’m all for the ball rolling off a false front if you miss your spot but I am not fine with it turning into a two to three shot penalty that’s not fair that’s not good golf this guy went from having a look at Eagle to grinding for bogey that’s [ __ ] and we called it out on Instagram and everyone wrote back you probably liked the 2100 PGA Championship go watch the corn fairy where they fill it up with birdies this is a US Open who the hell are you talking to we are the biggest Defenders of grind fests and we did an entire episode called slap dick major making fun of the PGA Championship correct we barely acknowledge the PGA Championship as a major again we say it all the time two things can be true at the same time there’s Nuance here you can love love us opens and love a hard test and think that a ball that is almost pin High rolling off the front 30 yards back and winding up in a footprint is [ __ ] hitting a five iron 240 Under Pressure right to the spot and coming up just a half a yard short and having that trickle all the way off the green into a depression in the native area that’s not golf that should have rolled into the rough you put that rough around the course and around the greens especially now instead of forcing the only shot that you can hit out of that native area you’re gaining the shot making creativity because if you have the Bermuda Ruff surrounding the greens now you’re giving the player different options of how he plays that shot which in my opinion makes it more entertaining that’s one of the reasons why I was saying that this US Open wasn’t as entertaining because when they did get in trouble there was only one Play 4 days of that from everyone in the field it just became so monotonous dude and we lost the magic of shot making so I’m with you on that golf Instagram big loser people are idiots we all know that that shot was an amazing shot it had no business being 50 yards left of where it landed in a footprint in the [ __ ] sand you know how I know we’ve done this podcast for a year I just saw some broadcasting 101 by Mr Engle here what’ I do great use of the word monotonous and then an immediate bow tying back to the original point which is golf Instagram was the biggest loser I mean that was great vocabulary and a wonderful Wrap Up All In One wow it’s like I’m watching a broadcaster flourish right before my eyes imagine if I did a little prep yeah okay so I’m going two in a row let’s do it USA chants they are the worst they are nonsensical they have no place in golf how dumb are they the USA Golf Chan is dumb on a new level because it just doesn’t make any sense why are you chanting USA during individual stroke play in an Open championship format this isn’t the Ryder Cup it’s not team play I really don’t like that the USA chant comes out when a non USA player messes up that’s why they’re doing it that’s not Sports ship that’s a letter from Arnold Palmer right there I agree to chant USA at Rory maroy when he missed on 18 borderline xenophobic why are you chanting USA at an Irishman playing an individual game in an Open championship format an Irishman that lives in Florida and pays taxes to this country who does that especially after he misses the most important put of his life you’re going to hit him with the USA chance go to hell go to hell you’re making the country look bad number one rule of golf you don’t roote against anyone at least not out loud it’s the worst thing in all of sports the USA chant I hate it these clowns at pineh her did it at ludvig Oar on Saturday when I like that kid I do too they chanted USA at ludvig on Saturday when he was playing with Bryson and the idiots at harbort toown did it last year when Matt Fitzpatrick was in a playoff against Jordan spe it’s not a team game and it’s certainly not a nationality Team game it just feels gross weird rude and borderline xenophobic to chant a country’s name at someone who isn’t from here playing an individual golf tournament in a gentleman’s format at the very very least it is taunting and taunting in golf is like farting in church you just don’t do it so here’s my suggestion if you at a golf tournament you’re kicked out period full stop you’re kicked out if you chant USA at a foreigner you were banned for life and kicked out of this country your thoughts Rory is a US citizen isn’t he maybe a dual citizen yeah he’s a US citizen I think so he’s American I think I mean he’s not like flying back every 6 months to Northern Ireland because his Visa is up I don’t know he lives in Florida right I know he lives in Florida so he’s American which makes it even more silly it’s just so dumb it’s low brow it’s stupid it doesn’t make a lot of sense you’re right about that but the crocodile tears because of it are kind of ridiculous is that me yeah you it’s stupid yeah it’s a trickle down from the Ridder cup I get why they’re doing it doesn’t make it right I don’t care much about it because it’s obvious that’s just where we’re at in this golf space in this grow the game lower the levels of decorum and let all the people from their shanties in people go back to your shanties that’s just where it is of course they’re chanting that I would never chant those words it’s ridiculous especially considering that Rory is an American and the Ryder Cup is kind of a sham it’s not really US versus them guys they all live over here they’ve all got US passports They’re all playing in the Jupiter members guest you know flying into their tea times and their helicopters and [ __ ] and their Yachts it’s all a big joke they don’t live over there there’s maybe like two guys on the European team that actually live in Europe the rest of them are all [ __ ] Americans dude Ryder Cup’s a big sham but anyways that’s a whole another topic of conversation do I have more to give I think I do how many more losers do you have on your list I have two I think I have one more okay so let me give one and then we’ll each give our life last on the PJ Championship is a big loser this week after we watched what happened at a real major because guess what happened at the US Open no one died no one was arrested and seven under won the golf tournament it was entertaining it was real golf it was fun as hell to watch like you said with Augusta the more you see all the other Majors the better Augusta gets for you the more I see all the other Majors the worst the PGA the worst the PGA gets that’s so true the PGA needs to go away and the PLAYERS Championship needs to be the legitimate fourth major in fact the PGA can be hosted at Saw Grass every year you’re final loser it’s another Golf Course criticism and that’s nothing against Pinehurst the usgaa is the one that comes in there and puts their thumb print and their John Hancock all over the place and it’s the firm Fairways letting these guys hit Fades that fly 315 yard and then getting 60 yards of roll out out of them what’s the point how much further back can you build a t boox what are they going to start doing is this going to be like the Jetson they’re just going to like put some platform back there and make it 700 yard par fives what a joke hey guys it’s sandy soil water it you’re not going to get mud balls there’s no mud there water it bring the mower up just a touch and make that ball sit then you’ll have longer irons in but you let these guys get all that roll it’s stupid and then you get to the ball and it’s just like hitting off a m you’re getting 10 extra yards from the trampoline effect it’s dumb 315 fade great shot if it sits there that’s maybe three more clubs longer coming into the green now we’re talking so firm Fairways big loser you’re adding yardage to make it look long and hard on paper but you’re giving them the gift of run out makes no sense great take my final loser of this week at Pinehurst Dustin Johnson where did he go my statement to Justin Johnson is quit quit the game take your money run or walk I don’t care but just go away I think he did he’s just this is just all like appearances you Dustin Johnson are such a waste of space on the golf course waste of talent because like him or not he was part of the mix oh yeah for every tournament every big tournament he is a two-time major winner should be three or four time major winner for sure and a 20time PGA Tour winner he is in such an elite class that if he were to quit today like I think he should they would call him tomorrow and say when can you come on down we got a jacket for you yeah when can you get to the Hall of Fame because you’re going in yeah he’s that good or was that good but this year missed cut at 13 overp par at the Masters he looks uninterested tied for 43rd 15 shots off the lead at the PGA Championship and again a missed cut at 9 over at the US Open I hate that I had to give them the Click by looking it up but he has not had a top 10 over on the live tour since March a top 10 there aren’t even 10 good players over there wow that’s that’s emotional I’m sorry that’s emotional let me walk that back there aren’t 11 good players over there he’s an emotional take artist folks he can’t help it look Dustin Johnson I don’t want to see you again yeah I heard he’s got a nice boat yeah I heard he should stay on that boat yesterday was Father’s Day Ryan and I are both dads and we are both sons obviously that’s how we got here we love our dads and we got this message yesterday and by we I do mean Ryan got this message I will read it and Ryan will respond to it and I’m not going to say who sent it because it’s a pretty personal message and I don’t want to embarrass this person or put their name out there so I’ll just read it and Ryan can respond to it it goes like this Ryan first and foremost Happy Father’s Day to you I don’t don’t want to intrude on your father’s day but I just saw a post on your Instagram stories about your late father my wife and I are expecting our first son I just tragically lost my father to a heart attack Saturday before Father’s Day we had a 7 in the morning tea time this morning with my younger brother my dad died at home at just 60 years old just about a month away from being a grandpa in instead of that happening we just wrapped up funeral arrangements for the coming days I talk to my dad every day he was my golf partner we played against each other in tight matches and we were great in two and fourman scrambles we knew each other’s game better than anyone else’s I learned everything about golf from my dad he was a great player in his own right and maintained a three handicap this year until he passed and he just made his seventh Ace this past Saturday a week before he died my question to you as a member of the fellowship how did you navigate through that first month six months year of losing your father and what were the family gatherings like what helped you get through your daily life and your work and what mindset helped keep you focused on life instead of dwelling on the loss um I wrote him back some some stuff cuz I had to think about that if I read it I’ll probably lose my uh emotion so I’m just going to shoot from the hip um obviously it’s extremely difficult and you can the only way you can describe it is you you’re you’re getting your ass kicked and when you’re getting your ass kicked you can mistakenly take the beating yourself or you can call your boys for help and uh you know who those people are could be brothers sisters friends we all have at least a small amount of people who we can rely on and and you know what you got to you got to lean on them and they want you to and you got to have the brass to to do so and open up because you got to get it out and you need help you can’t take this beating alone you got to get it out basically the way I got through it was I wrote a lot of [ __ ] down and it was hard and I probably won’t go back and read much of it because it’s just it’s like a it’s like a fire sprinkler going off you know but it helps you cement those memories and helps an idiot like me remember a lot of those those key things so I I would suggest doing that and you just got to buckle up because as much as it sucks to lose that Father Figure in your life and especially in this case your friend your golf partner your person as much as that sucks and yeah leaving too early sucks even more what an absolute blessing it is to have a dad like that and uh you you uh you have to love them more than you miss them and what they are doing is looking down on you and expecting you to be better than them so you have a job to do it’s going to be hard but this type of [ __ ] makes you so much bigger and better and stronger and now you have your own and you’ve learned from someone that did everything he could to leave behind an opportunity to do better than him and then now you have an opportunity to be an even better Dad than he was to your new son what an incredible opportunity and heartbreaking but incredible timing to do so because man if you can come out on top through this timeline of Unfortunate Events just imagine watching your new son a hole in one on your future Sunday 7: a.m. tea time


  1. 2nd episode this year, where I begin by laughing my ass off and end with Ryan making me tear up. Rat bastard! Dogs, kids, and dads just bring the waterworks!

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