Fact-Check: Joe Biden’s Golf Swing – Can He Really Not Hit It 50 Yards?!

Today, I am diving into a hot topic that’s been making waves: President Joe Biden’s golf swing. During the presidential debate, golf came up and some allegations to each other were made. One of these allegations were from President Donald Trump claiming that Joe Biden cannot hit the golf ball more than 50 yards. Rumors have been swirling about whether he can hit the ball 50 yards or not. Join us as we dig deep into the facts and separate truth from fiction.

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00:00 Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump Golf Swing Debate Claims

[Music] huh Chad how far can Joe Biden hit a golf ball Joe Biden is an avid golfer but details about his driving distance aren’t widely publicized like many amateur golfers his distance would depend on his technique strength and age most amateur golfers typically Drive the ball between 200 to 250 yard do you play golf too no chat what club head speed would you need to be able to hit a golf ball further than 50 yard to hit a golf ball further than 50 yard you generally need a club head speed of at least 50 mph this can vary depending on factors like the type of Club the ball used and your swing technique are you working on improving your golf game no before we get started thanks for those in this clip that support this channel if you want to support this channel we start memberships in 9 sense that go straight to the Hiller Hood children in South Africa to get golf into the lives we also do online golf lessons but let’s get to the video what’s up L Golf Academy members and guests and based on the comments from yesterday’s video about the debate debacle and the golf true or false if you have not seen it the video link is down below but I heard some of your feedback and this is true I used a video that was 17 years old or so and after I communicated with chat GPT it got me thinking how much is a 50 mph clubhead speed I did what any other golf professional would do I hopped in the car in 120° weather drove all the way down to the PJ Superstore got in the nice air condition units and started swinging so I’m warming up I found a driver which I believe the president would be using it had an 11° Loft and a very whippy senior shaft so this is something I would think that he would want to use so I’m just warming up my body as if you didn’t know I was out for about a month and a half this is actually the first time I’ve swung a club in a month and a half and it was feeling okay so I decided okay you know what enough of this let’s get started so we just took these baby swings to see what yardages we would get and I was surprised you can see the yardage there it said 48 yards so figured well let’s see if we can do this again so I went into the full Biden mode got the fall and everything another easy baby swing and guess what this one rolled out a lot more but it was at 47 yards again we try one more time trying to duplicate that see how little effort it does take to get this under 50 yards and again guess what this number was 47 yards and the final one I tried guess what this this number was 47 yard so I don’t know what it is but I was able to hit it 47 yard but I had to finish off with a lashing just so I can tell people hey that’s not Mr Biden swinging that is me but where does this all leave us let’s try and figure out what 50 mph means for Club head speed chat if I’m playing golf and I have a ball speed of 50 m an hour what is my club head speed if you have a ball speed of 50 mph and use a smash factor of 1.5 your Club head speed would be around 33 mph chat what is the average Club head speed for an 85y old man on average an 85-year-old man might have a club head speed ranging from about 60 to 70 mph when Swing Golf Club chat what is the average Club head speed if I were lucky to live to 120 years old if you were fortunate to live to 120 years old your average Club head speed might typically range from 45 to 55 miles per hour chat what is the average Club head speed in golf for a 5-year-old typically a 5-year-old might have an average Club head speed of around 15 to 25 mph when swinging a golf club well what does all that say basically says that if you’re lucky to live to 120 years old you can still probably hit it further than 50 yards but if you’re young as five you’re going to struggle to hit at 50 yards so do you think that Biden is not capable of of hitting it like a [Music] 5-year-old yeah I going say no Trump’s right


  1. Great follow up video🤣A lot would come down to quality of strike which would require a reasonable degree of coordination, proprioception, and mental processing speed, areas where Biden may be found wanting.

  2. To me this is confusing. I am 78 and much shorter but my speed is about 97 at its best and 92 functionally. This is down but i work to slow the loss. Figure about 1 yd. For each mph on a wede so maybe i should play Joe with a lob wedge. I have no love for the small fingered vulgarian but he would wipe the floor with Joe.

  3. I was just playing behind an older man who I joked he moved like Biden. This old fella could hit it at least 180 yards off the tee so…

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