The WORST Golf Ball Callaway Have EVER MADE!?

The WORST Golf Ball Callaway Have EVER MADE!?

I’m not sure I could ever use these Callaway golf balls in today’s video we’re going to discuss why and we’re going to see are these potentially the worst golf balls Callaway have ever made over to you good hands sir Chris how are you I’m the divot catcher normally yep wi out so Chris we’ve got the Calla Chrome soft not just any Chrome soft and they’re not just any yellow chrom soft they are true track yellow Chrome soft well I can’t say I’ve ever heard of them no there’s a lot going on here isn’t it so guys if we have a look at these golf balls these are obviously Callaway’s premium threepiece urethan golf ball so you’re going to pay big money for them I’d never seen anything like this before in my life and they are very very vibrant for this early on a Monday morning but if you struggle visually if you struggle finding your golf balls like Gary Martin does he’s often said he uses vibrant golf balls like this to help him but is that the only reason you’d use these because we saw uh who was it golf WRX we S no my golf SP my golf spy did a test sorry my golf spy did a test where yellow golf balls actually don’t perform as as well especially in Prov ons or uine cover in general as the white ones so would you sacrifice distance for these let’s test them in secret we’ll have a bit of a match we will cracking alignment Aid on them so far yeah very very good very handy how do it feel looking down at that I don’t mind it actually again there’s a lot of things going on with everything on there I mean it’s a great one to start the day off and you could really see that in the air against that white Sky can’t you yeah and I’ve got terrible eyesight so it could help me to be honest a little bit lower than I would anticipate you hitting it though yes I mean yeah I would say it was actually that’s certainly lower than I’d expect it wasn’t my best strike but I think it’s up there to be fair we’ll take that as I said early Monday and they fell over then I fell over as well I’ll tell you what guys my bad hit there has done EX exceptionally well um I didn’t really fall over there balance was all over the shop but just behind chrisen you can see how these are very vibrantly popping up out the roof as well we keep using the word vibrant because that’s exactly what these are we have left ourselves with 180 yards in up the hill does that give you a little bit more depth perception help potentially Chris you know like it looks like it’s almost perched up a little bit more than the potentially it is I mean surprised how well yours did I mean I didn’t think it mine too bad and it still got up there hasn’t it and that’s the thing with a Callaway claim this is a Tor proven golf ball with soft field do you expect to get a little bit more forgiveness from a tour golf ball do you expect it maybe to maintain its ball speed potentially I don’t know is that thing someone did comment saying does it get does it lose less ball speed than maybe a two-piece golf ball or something like an ion am a cover poli police testing out well that fell lovely good ball get a low ball fly yeah and throughout the rof can I can I can visual I can see that really well all the way so much so I couldn’t get my words out and that’s the pressure on cuz we’re on the green oh nice that Mr Dennis extremely low I feel like say if you had a hole in one with one of these you you wouldn’t really want a mantle piece would you you know like I mean you you two would never know would you Bobby and Chris have never had a holding one but Bobby you certain don’t want that like let’s have a look you don’t want this in the cabinet do you or do you would you be bothered is that just me being a little bit finicky I don’t know high performance T urethene cover consistently de delivers outstanding green side control with soft feeli that’s what Callaway Claim about it let’s go there and test it around the greens where these balls could potentially come into own or would you just get them realistically like they’re the OG aren’t they or just the standard ground right so we’ve got mine flag High Chris’s just short Chris is going to be able to test these balls for green side spin with his wedges and I’ve got a little bit of a downhill put so I think the big thing here with this ball obviously with the the true track technology it’s about the feedback you get on the ball so I’m a huge fan of the tailor made pcks balls I’m a huge fan of the tailor made strip balls and of course the chrom soft triple track balls as well this is a little bit different it’s to give you that feedback a lot of people could potentially use these balls just in practi practice to see exactly what kind of role they’re getting I know Chris has used balls like this in in the past with people for lessons let’s see how this comes out can certainly see the spin on it yeah you can you can see it’s skid couldn’t you skid on the surface guys would you use these would you spend your money on them well like for 50 Quid aren’t they the they’re premium ball Callaway have released a new Chrome t ball haven’t they but chrom soft does stay in the lineup chrom soft X as well that lineup Aid is fantastic isn’t it it is nice and big and bold I know someone nice and big and bold I tell you what I got on the scales this morning bigger than I thought and Bolder than you thought as well trimmed it last night fresh short back in size for a Monday right so see again very visual and that’s exactly why more people could look at that role Chris has sent back as well why people could potentially use these balls I know there that’s a confidence building put for me even though it hasn’t gone in I know the read was good I know the roll was good and the same with Chris there it probably makes you go through your processes just a little bit more to give you that feedback to give you that extrinsic feedback and visual aid big words them aren’t they they are he’s had his breakfast this morning I but I’ve got a lot of different options of these in the bag actually today you have I’ll show you some different golf balls come have a look in my bag ladies and gentlemen step into my office also what we’ve got which bobb’s really excited about is bobb’s new driver ready to do a video on so subscribe if you want to see that guys right the invoice is in there as well Bobby the blue one oh yeah that it’s whole different alignment a these days I’m not I’m not buying that as an line Aid I’m like I’ve tested them and it’s just literally you can’t see it well true yeah I mean the alignment a on the side’s pretty good but again it all things for feedback but which one would you go for cuz different price points there got some some teap pegs and some Tang fastic if that helps have you got a uh I’ve not oh I’ve got this is my favorite well I’ve got a fake one of those look at what we’ve got here we’ve got a plethora of golf balls again that the tour response are a bit cheaper aren’t they yeah if I was spending the money though I’d definitely go with them I think I don’t know why like it’s a very similar idea where you line up and you get the feedback although I will say that’s a clear feedback on the Callaway yeah I think so you want Oh another they’re on the floor you want one of these Bob do you want those 5c roll 168 yards playing 174 with slope I’ve got seven iron is this a distance ball or is it a tall ball is there a difference can we flight it cuz here it’s a little bit into the breeze you’d say it’s a six Aon really you don’t want it going too high how good is that it’s a great flly no not there not there that’s shorted in the bunker I thought I struck that quite nicely as well to be fair so maybe that’s just me not having a warmup and not having the club head speed this morning I wouldn’t have thought it’s the ball cuz no I wouldn’t like to say it was the ball although we do like to buy anything this will be the same must be that tank pting oh that sounded good is that going to kick in nicely now go a bit Yeah lovely one thing I’m liking about that with both of them to be fair they didn’t just pop up in the air the both launched a little bit low and then rose with the spin which is ex exactly what you would expect from a urethene covered golf ball pricewise were they exactly the same as the white yeah which one would you go for the visual yeah if you’ve been a yellow golf ball user all your life then you’re going to be pleased that they’ve done them in them I can’t imagine them make them on mass as much as the white on no true so I imagine the harder to get hold of right mine wasn’t even close I was half hoping that it maybe hit the top of the bank but it wasn’t it was bang smack in the middle of the bunker so um I’ll put that down to me just not having enough club didn’t really do as I wanted in the wind how can we get this to react it spin not my best stuff yeah especially out of the bunker right left to rer yeah wasn’t perfectly struck so it’s a little bit short but you see there we didn’t lose too much distance on a Miss strike with it St oh slid by wasn’t lined up perfect that was one of those that I knew over it I didn’t line it up perfectly and I didn’t change it we’ll have a look at the cover on it as well after this hole cuz that was bit of a thin one out of the bunker usually that can destroy the cover a check I’ll stop it a you know what really enjoyable feedback on there as well like I don’t know how good Bob’s camera where was there but was it yeah I need put well I could put you out of your misery again I’ve that’s all miles away nice bit of check on that yeah delightful but a check yeah one up part five to come guys let’s keep testing this golf ball and let’s see if potentially to be honest I’ve been surprised I’ve really enjoyed using it scuff check I don’t know if I would want to no marks on there’s a little bit of one there that’s probably where I’ve hit it there doesn’t really doesn’t give you that feel of urethene does it no scuffs on mine it’s surprising me I’m really enjoying it would I would I use it full time I don’t know it’s just a bit weird looking isn’t it certainly not the worst ball we’ve tested I mean for the price you would anticipate to be a very good performing golf ball anyway and on this series we do kind of test your budget golf balls such as your Kirklands your inner sissors your Icarus SS SNS we had IUS didn’t we Bobby we had ancus well we had one left crocodile that’s with now or alligator alligator be Florida apologize Y what a ball he wers why we don’t let him have a go m you’re using the lineup a are you Chris off the T yeah I like it nice and uh very very visual that’s gone High there was a high fade yeah was down past that Treeway was that the sh you were trying to BL um no see I don’t use the alignment aid for me it’s just a little bit there’s a lot going on he making me forget my pre-shot routine carbon copy I’m going to say as well I think it feels a bit firmer than the white one would I thought it felt good off the face be I’m not saying it feels bad I’m saying it feels a little bit firmer that’s not necessarily a bad thing no remember this is a chrome soft not a chrome soft X so it should be a a soft one yeah two good drives though we have it no wonder we couldn’t see it it sat down a bit that must have hit that tree it wasn’t this wide I didn’t think but Chris is in the center of the Fairway we’ll let him go first and then I don’t I I can’t get on there in two on the par five so always letting me go first just hack a 7 out try and get down there and try and rescue this match of talking balls it’s a n and it’s just a hack out out of the roof it does look like a flower sat there doesn’t it I’ll do yeah it’ll do nicely it does feel good like that’s going a long way as well out the roof so position a for the layup is Chris going for it no don’t want to risk losing one not on a Monday morning at 4 pound a ball I’ve tried L one oh well I’ve seen it down though four IR for safety you got the pressure is on the pressure is well and truly on flush that I tell you what with how far that 99 went on the layup I bet I could have nearly got there you know right this is the moment can we fly one in get a bit of check you know I’m going to get a yardage this means a lot this I sound like Gaz 90 playing 88 I thought it was 80 so it’s a good I checked that drop and stop oh that’s Titus trademark technology isn’t it he’s still looking over there though I just leaked it a bit distance is good I think go on not very attacking is what I’ll say there poor really well the dream lives on it is in the roof again a terrible line in there to be honest but rough’s thick at the minute and this is where normally sometimes you might see a white one again drop down to the bottom that one sat pretty good but you wouldn’t be able to see it maybe you’ve got a plane partner who’s got your on the clock might don’t find it like James see it soft it’ll be good oh delightful outstanding oh bad there so again got the launch out of the roof there which was all right but that I mean that is with a 60° but then also stopped pretty quick out of the roof is that because it is that premium cover that was a great shot wasn’t it great shot you don’t mind losing to shots like that but when this goes in just show them closeup Bobby how like it’s not just the line those things it makes it like brutally obvious don’t it where you’re aiming and if you’re not aiming correctly just wasn’t enough roll wasn’t enough break great roll Chris has two puts for the victory guys would you use these golf balls again in the comments below and let me know the one thing I will say is when we look at the budget balls yes Kirkland have made them in yellow now haven’t they I think you got some of those to test but realistically those to test we don’t see many visual aids on budget balls is that now what you’re paying for have the realized that they have to up the game with that Chris finish off with a birdie just been lied it see you tomorrow goodbye


  1. I'm using the tour response stripe at minute. Great ball. I do like the yellow balls tho and the z star or qstar in yellow is good too.

  2. Been using the bright yellow golf balls for a while now , definitely think I can focus better on them and follow them after hit easier

  3. I play the Chrome Soft triple track, great ball and works well with my 2-ball blade putter, I’m putting better than I ever have and its working well with the other parts of my game.

  4. I’d be really thrilled if I could hit the ball consistently enough to notice the difference.
    I play a 2 piece TM SpeedSoft. It plays fine and it doesn’t cost $50+.

  5. I like them and much prefer yellow balls as I can pick them out better in flight. Would wait for enough people to put them in the lake and buy them as lake balls! 😮

  6. Have had a love/hate relationship with Truvis balls for years. Love the yellow/black soccer ball optic. Suits my eye, and ball looks bigger than average. About 5, 6 years ago I played a round in which the first ball out of the box provided astonishing performance. 30 to 50 yards over my average drive. This lasted four holes until I lost the ball. Drives were a low of 304, to a high of 323 measured with a laser. People playing with me thought I was a pro. Pulled another ball from the same sleeve and never hit one over 240 for the rest of the year. Subsequent boxes had the same lack of distance. Then Golf Spy does their ball test and it's a horror show. So Callaway was dead to me. A couple years later after Callaway spent millions on their ball plant to 'fix' the problem, tried them again. No performance improvements, it became a 'you get what you get' ball. Again Golf Spy tests, and again the balls have quality issues. So dumped them again. Spent the last couple years playing ProV1x and have been happy. Bought some Truvis as a backup ball, BUT only buy refurbished ones now.

  7. Mr. Short Game, tested the pro v white and yellow and found that the yellow went a little farther. Don't know myself I cannot hit the ball constantly enough.

  8. I'll stick with my TM Tour Response Align balls .. I've used the Tour Response yellow balls in the fall and winter just to be able to see and find them better when the grass color changes. As far as alignment aids on those, nothing a Sharpie can't handle! lol

  9. Being sight impaired, I use different colored balls. Biggest issue I see is alot of the colored ones feel slightly different. Just enough to be distracting.

  10. In the past i never really enjoyed callaway golf balls, just didn’t seem to fly that far 😕…currently using Taylormade Ink balls …. which do fly high and far and are also very reasonable priced 👍👍

  11. Not really! I like a ball with a focal point! If I find them I use them! I may buy a sleeve here and there! Thanks guys

  12. Would rather buy the Vice drip for that price. I can spot them and they have great performance.

  13. Hi James , there is a budget ball with an alignment aid and it’s on a version of the Temu ball you reviewed in a previous video. Would be good to get your thoughts on it 👍👍

  14. Yellow balls from all manufacturers are often on offer at a cheaper price, i suspect an old stock sale? As much as £10 per dozen cheaper, doesn’t make sense

  15. I game chrome soft yellow and white and for me the truvis design is not for me. I do seem to play better with the yellow chrome soft only because I can visually see it better. I’ve tried all the top tour balls and the worst for me was the Pro V1.

  16. Been gaming the taylor made tour response strip for couple months now and it to me is easier to see in the air ….seems to be easier to focus on when hitting shots but the real gains i have seen are in my putting …its instant feed back if you roll it end over end and much easier to set up and get on line because i feel when you only have a small sharpie sized alignment line its much harder to get it lined up …the wide line on the tour response i have found i can get on line much easier …..and i am a very big pro v 1x fan …

  17. Callaway and you said the hexagons are an alignment aid. Rubbish. Trying to align the 1/4" sides of 2 hexagons an inch apart on a small round surface where only 1 is visible at a time as the ball rotates and trying to incorporate a 2nd offset pair 1/2" away is humanly impossible. Watching 1 or 3 long straight lines is 100 times easier. Triple track is good. Remove the hexagons and I'll draw my own line. That would be better than this rubbish.

  18. How the hell can the colour of a ball effect the distance it goes,what a load of rubbish.I would put any hole in one ball on my mantle piece no matter what the colour.

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