He FINALLY Felt What It’s Like to Hit Pro Golf Shots!

It was so different from anything he ever learned about the golf swing. He struggled with inconsistent contact for a long time (fat – thin – pulled shots) but after this lesson he was hitting straight and ripping the ball pure.




Traditional golf swing techniques have left golfers frustrated and stuck. With millions of conflicting golf tips and “experts” all teaching something different, there’s so much confusion on what needs to be done to play great golf. This problem makes golf extremely difficult and unenjoyable.

At SagutoGolf, we believe golf is life – and life should be enjoyed.

To play your best golf ever, you need a roadmap that gets you there. SagutoGolf helps you build a powerful swing that’s easy on your body and produces addicting contact with the golf ball shot-after-shot.

Because life is too short to play bad golf.

#golf #golftips #golfswing


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► Real Feel 3’x5′ Golf Mat (the BEST, most realistic, golf practice mat out there) – use code SAGUTOGOLF for 10% OFF your order. Visit

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Get Your MEVO for 15% OFF Using Code SAGUTOGOLF

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► LagShot Swing Trainer –trains you to feel the correct golf swing – get 15% off with this link

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that’s a real shot send me some bacon that’s a real shot that’s good and then then you release boom all right I like that okay I I really feel like I can actually attack it [Music] now if I’m swinging and I start my right shoulder just stays here yeah I’m swinging an impact it’s just going to drop down and the club is going to come into the ground behind the ball every single time or I’m going to have that right elbow kick in and do that type of move so that you just you’re just trying to avoid chunking it yeah yeah right but you’re that little pattern we saw earlier was chunk thin chunk thin chunk thin and then like a crisp one so there really is that tendency to hit a lot of thin and fat shots but the Crispies kind of happen like one out of every five type thing yeah it’s because of this right shoulder always dropping so what we’re going to do is take the right shoulder and we’re going to get it under your chin in the down swing so that way you can take this bent arm that you’ve already got this beautiful tucked in arm you’re going to get it here more out in front of you instead of so far behind you got it yeah because if this slows down then it has to you have to release it oh you do way to do it you can’t even keep your tilt to the ground cuz this drops you go up yeah you’re stuck we’re going to do a little arm tweak cuz if you notice here your right arm is higher yeah that would be an open shoulder line there you go right arms in yep push your butt out there you go and that’s going to get you bending from your from your waist to the ball then you readjust your body so you’re going to step back yeah yeah there you go now you got a lot more room to swing the club around your body you see a little bit of your left arm when I’m looking down the line just a sliver just a little bit outside you might feel like you’re a mile away from the ball what I just what I just did though is I got the hands under the chin so they’re not so much in here you don’t have any room to swing the club on your body then yeah cuz I got to let this arm come around the body we come back to here now one thing we’re start doing is get the shoulders moving the club so you got this unit between the shoulder arm and hands for both arms here when you get these arm set like this right I’m just kiding you’re a little less connected okay we’re just going to move the club on the body with the shoulders so you nice how your right shoulder stopping here yeah I want it to keep moving like you’re throwing a baseball like this retract that right shoulder oh got it got it got it see the AR the arm’s getting close but the shoulder’s not moving yeah we’re going to change this a little take the club out maybe it’s years of working in the office maybe just years of not playing good golf this right shoulder that’s retracting yeah so what you’re getting to about here and when this shoulder stops in the back swing you’re just going to use your arms so the body stops working oh okay so we’re kind of hitting both fronts here I’m getting your shoulders to work in the back swing and then in the down SW got it yeah got it so it’s it’s really just more active in total for the right shoulder yeah that looks awesome both directions o yeah and then comeing through this one that’s why you know if you’re in the office and you got one of those conference calls yeah just sit there I do this all day long back I’ve got I’ve already got a full shoulder turn and then through there you go yeah okay and then I like to do that with tilt so I’ll just be yeah yeah tilt it over right shoulder higher on left yep and then down swing boom that looks awesome now we’re going to add a little secret sauce to this drop your right foot back oh you had me do this last time I did I’m so mean you are and I tried to do it at at the range and you look me like had a stroke most people will if they see this because they’re like I I’ve never seen this before Area 51 this knee though I want it to stay back when you do that so go ahead and you can move it up a little bit there just keep it on your toe and then this kneecap stays back send it through there you go okay when you drop that right shoulder yeah you’re doing the surfboard dude thing yeah okay yeah but if you kept it back the shoulders allowed to go through right you see how fast I move that without why just play like that why don’t I just play like that why not all right so so yeah we’re just building up the feels you need for this cuz yeah yeah that’s good cuz I saw your arms do it this yeah well that’s cuz I’m like really trying to tuck it cuz I don’t want to lose it again I feel like it gets lost uh-huh that’s that’s the feel and maybe it’s just rotation that’ll that’ll keep it in well I like the idea of setting it and forgetting it so we’ve got it in right now right Y and you’re connected in the upper PEC but now it’s remember that feeling with the right shoulder just do that with this feeling there so that’s very different than correct that but it comes back in at the same spot it does oh cool yeah so now this is like this is like the gold this is like the Fountain of Youth piece now when you start down don’t turn the hips so fast rip the shoulder first there you go yeah this you should actually feel like you’re doing nothing with the hips keep it back some more actually if I if I had if I I’m going to hold your belt buggle back so you don’t have just feel the upper half yeah there you go now send it through there you go oh wow okay okay got it got it got it yeah okay that’s cool it’s tempting to drop that shoulder it is you’re going to want to drop it but I’m not going to do it you’re not going to do it not going to Happ of course not no I’ve got I’ve got an electric shock therapy already set for you I’ve tazed at a golf lesson man let’s see what you can do without the club yeah it’s a good setup much better yeah but you you see this right arm slide on you yeah yeah yeah yeah I don’t want it sliding I want it folding but not sliding so this left arm is getting too far across your chest needs to be out here oh okay okay yeah so that that whole unit you have right here go back to set up yep I’m just going to move you around with this keep it keep it keep it that’s moving around your body keeping this intact you’re not when you when you fold it it’s like you’re just like doing that that right right right versus coming back there you go much better there some tilt to it there you go that’s much better okay yeah so I’m trying to get the hands from being like behind your your hands get really close to your head we have to keep them like this got it this unit doesn’t change see the distance of my hands from my head yeah right first we’re just focusing on shoulders you get that right shoulder moving more back behind you okay that looks a lot better but we’re going to give you more tilt and I need to pull These Arms out farther there okay got it it probably feels like it’s stiffer than a board there you go yeah do right shoulder only just pull that right shoulder back okay good now take your left arm yep or just keep that straight swing it to the top that’s where it should be okay I’ll try it it’s moving it’s moving too much in I want you to imagine imagine that this arm’s like on a on a it’s like a wrecking ball it’s just hanging from okay yep you know it’s like it just hangs from here there you go okay then you got that left shoulder moving with that arm there you go yep that’s nice and straight and then okay so the right arm then the same thing it’s just it just Main maintaining that parallel triangle maintaining this yeah this unit it’s your best friend there you go then through that’s S I broke down my arm now you got a great shoulder turn so now your right shoulders is behind your neck okay good I think I have more space in here that’s great no yeah we need that space cuz I thought I was getting compressed up in here you’re basically doing the whole Rocky four with your okay let’s try with the club and see if it’ll do the same thing give me some more tilt there you go you got some good space it’s much better see now your right shoulder behind you just a couple of swings how you feeling good I feel good putting you to work no no no this feel great we’re just going to do a couple swings at this pretend the ball’s like on this line go to the top stop now I want you to bring your right shoulder under your chin on the way through that’s it that’s it it’s going more towards the target got it nice better that felt okay go to the top and stop just bring the let’s just start bringing the right shoulder down slowly keep going and then more around that way yep okay just try and think never down more around right shoulder moving around right shoulder right shoulder right shoulder see how you’re vertical here that’s good and then then you release boom Oh God so you you’re bringing this into here and then got it o that sounds good yeah oh I see man that’s like okay that’s like an order of operations thing it is yeah I see okay you are swinging that thing fast that’s awesome yeah good feel like I can I can explode to it where before it just felt like I was going to get stuck it’s not the right words but yeah I feel like everything’s more open now and flowing your body is actually working through the ball boom ooh that’s toasty let’s hit one that’s toasty is Toasty the right right word right shoulder through okay slight push with a little baby draw not a pull though no and you actually hit that one off the sand so got to give you props o how was that Dave that’s a good shot that was a push draw Beauty all right I like that okay I I really feel like I can actually attack ja it now yeah o that’s good you see when you finish the the shoulders have outraced your hips boom that’s good that’s what you want yeah check that out your shoulders have turned so much through the ball yeah instead of stopping I love it only thing we need to do is find the ground yeah that’s okay that’s that’s just relationship to the ball exactly let’s send another one send it home bags are packed M contact is great that’s a good shot that’s a real SHOT show me some bacon that’s a real shot tin but serviceable what you’re going to find is your M hits are going to go pretty darn long compared to before you’re no longer going to be flipping through it oh okay like you’re you’re going to you hit a thin one it’s still going to be like on the Green not in the bunker short yeah you got a lot more speed through the hit nice the pole is gone like that BB King song The Thrill Is Gone is all a little behind it but check your follow through watch look you see that leg notice how it’s not like you’re kissing them together that’s like the old school philosophy you got to kiss your knees no you got it rotating this it’s going more inward like your right foot’s rolling that’s good like when you when you do the whole collapsing move yeah you’re wasting all that motion right and then this whipping the club through good strike how was that one I like it and honestly it’s I I’ve become as I’ve gotten older more concerned with efficient movement and that feels a lot more efficient little chunky monkey let’s talk about the right shoulder again it’s behind yep okay all right at least I know what my diagnosis is to to fix it I mean I I know so practice and for you that’s going to be every single Chunk in every thin for now really send that right shoulder higher around your body so that’s on the downswing so that’s it going around it’s like it’s like it’s gone this on this type of string oh yeah yeah okay yeah I I like to Envision there’s an arrow and it’s going yeah just doing this yes yes got it everybody likes to drop the shoulder because it’s like a fake way to fake way to shallow the club see how how high that is I’m being really high with it cuz you need to feel it high if oh yeah if you if you decide to go it’s over I mean it’s over and like the shots over yeah yeah yeah I know what you mean keep it high yeah yeah when I practice that way I need to see the shoulder and my arm stay in the in the plane like when I go back I come back and I see my shoulder and the arm in the same plane yes yes instead of the ball plane that instead of dropping below the ball plane exactly it’s in the ball plane yeah now Just for kicks and Giggles like if you kept the just take your right arm only now you want to swing it above this club slowly do it slowly cuz want to yeah yeah yeah don’t want to get you injured but yeah that’s it that’s at the plane yeah okay that makes sense that’s helpful there’s there’s so many great ways to feel it cuz I like you know think more it’s counterintuitive cuz it’s like okay we’re going higher I thought we’re supposed to keep our relationship to the ground that’s where oh I’m keeping it no not really exactly M that was much better I love the height can also feel the the shaft work so you’re not working right that’s what it’s supposed to do to work not me yeah really if I was going to sum up two the two fields for you it’s like right shoulder around but then also lower body is not allowed to do anything lower body’s dead dead H I didn’t see where it went but looked good it’s Square oh sweet it’s great that eliminated the chunk shot eliminates the chunks eliminates the thins life is going to be good right M that’s sounded good I’m just going to hold hold this out here you’re probably going to hit the stick and it’s going to cause a little bit of a shock but no worries it’s not electrocuting yeah now see this this leg wanted to go dropped on me yeah so we’re going to keep it better back longer keep the right leg I mean when you’re coming through right leg is going to be more extended not so bent cuz that’s shifting your contact point back there yeah yeah yeah you did it again but you can see it now right like back it’s almost like your right leg and right shoulder want to work together but I I want to like the old days you know yeah 35 years ago I just I learned that it was like okay you want to get your shoulder and your knee at the ball at impact but that’s too compressive I want to see the shoulder move independently of the leg there you go okay o that was that was that was scary good there you go now the low point points right there here yeah that sound that’s ripped being able to separate that lower body and shoulder movement just just send the shoulder do it or just like if you’re standing up straight yep yeah I mean it makes sense and I was like saying okay you can’t move your hips and even then you’re still moving so I’m your lower body is still moving so go ahead and do it again send up send up there you go you want this to beat everything else if it doesn’t you lost I like that I can totally go very nice one thing I really like about your ball flight is it has been a push draw this entire time oh it has actually been pretty consistent we didn’t see a single pole no okay A little hookie it’s way behind the club needs to go on a path right to the ball but you’re going to see the club go low underneath the lower it gets that’s really just saying more gear you have to put your body wants to put on it yeah that’s your swing path right there right so you’re hit that high push draw or the hook yeah so the fix is still right shoulder higher more round it might feel over the top but it won’t never be cuz you’re okay it won’t be over the top cuz your right arm’s in this is the path you need to have into the ball see how it’s more more around you not so much out got it okay that’s it good Dave that’s hit the guy hit the thing not the guy hit the guy back actually you did and that was that was more of a straight yeah fun push draw correct that was [Music] nice that’s so much straighter that’s good let’s call it a day on that yeah I think that’s a great one thanks so much nice job [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Applause]


  1. I think I struggle with that shoulder up cue you gave and I'm not sure I fully understand it, do you have any previous videos on that?

  2. Live lessons rock! Putting your golf instructions into play always requires some tweaking or fine tuning…something in the swing generally needs an insightful swing thought to have more consistency as we play golf.
    Just a tweak here or there can make a world of difference.
    And that puts a smile on my face.

  3. I see you've started up lessons again. Are we ever going to see you in Kentucky, home of colonel's crispy chicken?

  4. Great lesson Tom with your student Dave! I have been working a lot with my shoulder, and I think I have been dropping it instead of moving it under the chin as you pointed out in this video! A change is about to happen for me! Well Done Tom and Dave!!

  5. I'm in your online golf school, and I would love to see more of these in-person lessons!

  6. Really helpful to see these kind of lessons
    Would be really amazing to see more about trail shoulder and shoulder turn. I feel like every second s&t golfer had or has this kind of Problem.

  7. Another great video!! Keep the coaching videos coming. Been through the online program and it's so awesome to see it be implemented in real time.

  8. Tom — I'm a believer in your method, but often when I use it on the course, guys tell me I'm all arms. What's with this? I concentrate on shoulder turn. If I try to use hips, it gets me twisty and rushed.

  9. Most students play better with a double-overlap grip (takes right hand dominance out) …….and because they are never going to be a pro they shouldn't take left arm back past 10 o'clock on back swing (but should hinge wrists at top/back of back swing)….don't poo-poo this advice because that shorter backswing pays BIG dividends especially with the shorter clubs…..yup…thanks for listening to an old man who was at one time known

  10. This is great 👍🏻
    … eye opening 😳
    Everyone (including you) says “TILT”
    … on the backswing.
    I always thought that also meant TILT on the downswing too 🙅🏼‍♂️

    But “more AROUND, less DOWN” on the downswing makes so much more sense 🤦🏼‍♂️

    A friend of mine talks about taking huge divots. Why?
    … more AROUND, less DOWN ☝🏻

    Thanks (again), Tom 🙏🏻
    Keep it crispy
    “Saguto Master” 😂
    (in the Comments)
    … I love it

  11. Fantastic content. Will you come to Lansing Michigan or can come to your course ? Great truth!!!

  12. Great lesson! When I set up to hit a shot my right elbow is close to my body and my left arm is straight. I learned that from a previous lesson. Works great to keep the right arm close on back swing. Great stuff!

  13. I couldn’t put it (Stack n Tilt) all together until I saw the previous lesson; straighter trail leg. This lesson honed in on that too, where I could see the actual difference when traditional swings take over this portion. The other great moment of this video is “around and not down”. Unbelievable distance, trajectory, and direction.
    I’m not only sold on S & T but on Tom Saguto!
    If you are not subscribed to his channel, I have one question for you. Why not!?

  14. I wish I could find a local tactile instructor. The one I had mainly used the method of hit under this noodle to encourage the proper movements. That does have merit but the problem can be that one can still make incorrect adjustments to do that.

  15. One of the best lessons I have seen. My right arm was not being activated correctly. Can't wait to try it out on the course.

  16. I like feeling my lead shoulder drop at the start of the downswing and then keeping the trail shoulder high for as long as possible during the rest of the downswing in order to counteract my tendency to drop the trail shoulder too far too soon.


  17. Crispy golf slacks Tom. But have you thought about Sansabelts? Jack Nicholas and I are trying to bring them back.

  18. I wish I could do this but I’m trying to copy this but can’t lol I’m also left handed so which hand do I pull down with or I just need help lol

  19. I've spent a mint in private classes, training gadgets (remember the Straight Stick?) and it doesn't come close to how my game has improved by simply watching your FREE lessons. Part of my day now consists of watching your videos and IMMEDIATELY going to the range to apply what I've learned. I was dedicating a seemingly eternity practicing the wrong technique with frustrating results and now I'm actually using the time to improve and to have the knowledge to self-correct. Many, many thanks!

  20. I’m playing at Willbrook this morning. I’ll try to catch you guys at The Pit tonight.

  21. Just did a video lesson with Tom……amazing how bad my swing looked! Tom gave me some very useful things to work on in order to get crispy. Now how do we get an in person lesson! Keep it crispy people.

  22. Great Lesson Thomas!! This is why I have always said I need physical teaching, videos are great, but after watching this one, I saw you adjust him so much!!

  23. hi Tom i am a saguto golfer – these lessons are great reinforcement of swing principles you teach. keep up the great work !

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