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Tvesa Malik finishes runner-up | VP Bank Swiss Ladies Open

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TOA very very well played came so close to picking up your first Victory on the L but so much good golf out there what’s your reaction thank you yeah I mean it was a great week and a really nice day today so I’m happy with that um it was unfortunate my uh on the last hole in the playoff and I think that’s going to sting for a little bit but I’m I’m really proud of the way I played yeah yeah I mean you had pretty much everything in your game which was working well great iron shots and good pots and of course a brilliant chipping from the bunker as well wasn’t there yeah I mean I’ve worked really hard on all of this and um I’ve got a really great team who’s helped me every step of the way even when I didn’t really believe that I could do it so um yeah this is a great step up from where I’ve been and I think I’ll just take the positives from it yeah cuz of course I think you lost your car didn’t you but this must give you so much belief that you are good enough to compete for titles again absolutely yeah um I’ve worked so hard on my game and uh my entire team has worked really hard with me so it’s nice to see the results and get the results that I’ve been working that hard for well done thank you very much thank you

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