Golf Players

Top PGA professionals coming to Blaine in July for 3M Open

The 3M Open is now in its sixth year at TPC Twin Cities in Blaine.

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day here on media day but just uh is it hard to believe now I think you’re in your sixth year with this tournament just what’s it all like uh it’s honestly it’s a dream every day I mean you know we as you can see out there today we’re right in the throws of the build um weather’s been a little challenging because it’s been wet but the last few days been a little bit drier which makes the golf course tough and and uh the condition that we want but I think again if you’re a fan you are going to be in for a treat this year whether it’s anything that we have from sponsor activation standpoint um of our Landing zones this party deck it’s going to be something for everybody this year what have what have you guys done course-wise to keep conditions the way they are with how much rain you guys have had or at least the Metro has had I mean in great shape the uh the the the TPC staff here has been really diligent around C path only which I know and we just are so appreciative of the members really adhering to that uh and then like today when we do allow cards on the course having the you know the the 90° rule just making sure that the fairways and the rough stays really true because again that’s you know the rough is and the water is the defense here and if that’s down that’s going to hurt us from a scoring standpoint we want to make sure that this course is a challenging for folks like Lee Hodes as can be and so it’s been um a really good job by TPC Joe and Chris and the entire staff to make sure that this thing is playable in a few weeks pretty pretty cool to have your defending champ back and obviously it brings back a lot of memories for him how great was he I mean just awesome guy really Embraces the role of champion spoke to you know all of you from the media spent a lot of time with our partners today commented on how wonderful the courses and the memories that he had here and so that’s what you want from defending Champion somebody that truly values that experience comes back year over-year to defend and if he’s not defending speaks highly of what he’s trying to accomplish for that year you talked a little bit in the in the in the news conference about the depth of the field and some of the big names that you’ve already locked up I mean I know there circumstances with the FX Cup playoffs and it’s towards the end of the season just what have you guys done to try and ensure that that you know the big names in the field that come in here yeah I think you know uh pring Sports our company that we work for that we manage this one wellar championship and the Wells Fargo Championship you know our our folks Hollis and Tracy have phenomenal relationships with players in their agents so they’re in constant communication around hey the three I’m open and you know uh I think that they all know that we are the tournament in this part of the schedule that takes care of players players families and caddies to that next level and that sometimes is a differentiator for them to play or not and then of course you factor in the whole 70 5030 as far as what you get for your card as where you are and signature by guaranteeing that and finishing the top 50 top 30 gets you into the T Championship being the second to last tournament you know there’s not a lot of room after that for air right so they know that they need to be here so I think it’s just constant communication making sure that the experience for the players their families their caddies are elevated when they get here it’s just year-over year making sure that they Circle the state and so we feel like you know we’re getting to a point where that is and it’s evidence through again 31 of our field already that have won a tour uh Tour event in the last two years it’s a crazy number for us right now three weeks to go so we’re super excited about all of that you’ve been here since day one what’s it like to see this tournament Groll like it has uh it’s been awesome I mean our Revenue climbs every year which is a really good marker um the fans uh and the fan count increases year-over-year our volunteer retention is really good um those are all markers that show that we’re doing things the right way you know of course there’s challenges I mean our economy is in a in a in a in a different state than maybe was 2 years ago but we’re not seeing that in our numbers right now and so I think that’s another marker that shows that our staff is doing an incredible job around that so you know there’s a number of things that I think point to that but those are probably the markers that make the most sense and and speak for us yeah it’s um it’s pretty wild uh driving in just came back with all those emotions last year I really know how I feel but yeah just super happy to be back I guess yeah good memory is one you’ll have forever because we only get the first one 100 once yeah no doubt yeah uh it seems like every hole out here we driving around seeing people today every hole something from last year come back in my mind really special place how do you plan to kind of Channel I mean I know you haven’t won since channel the domination winning by that much I’ve been trying every week uh but no I mean I’m just going to stick to what I’ve been doing I’ve been playing so well just haven’t really be getting results I’d like having you know not bad results but just you know not what i’ like to be but yeah hopefully hope this this play Springs it out good finish at the DJ Championship how did you play there yeah know I played great um I was a super bright spot of the year um cool to be I was only like three back nine holes left [Music] had something about this course that fit your game you think your strengths that maybe part of why you dominated yeah I think it’s a ball strike course for sure especially off the team uh I hit my driver pretty straight I would say I’m pretty far there in driv i a lot ofs on this golf course that’s H you may not H the the drop is pretty tough I think you a beli two once you had success at a place comes the right you just feel better about yeah I mean I don’t know if yeah e out the right word but I’ll definitely feel confident 3 weeks we what are your takeaways of bla the Twin Cities and how your family liked it here last year no I love it here this place is awesome um seems like every time I come the weather is unbelievable I don’t know I’m sure it’s not sometimes in the year but every time I come here it is sunshine and it is warm so uh it’s not like that all the time we what you took away austa uh probably just more than anything it just gave g a new meaning to the master for me you know like I had my whole family there um so I think when I look back on it I’ll as equal part of playing the golf course and playing the golf tournament I just think about all the good times me and my family had um you know we had a house and had to just be around each other for the whole week so I think that I’ll take that as much else


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