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Gary & Alan’s Premier League Awards | EP 122

Who makes it into Gary and Alan’s team of the season? Who was the ‘Rookie of the Year’? Who was the surprise package of this season?

After the conclusion of the 2023/24 Premier League season, Gary and Alan pick the winners of the hugely prestigious The Rest Is Football awards.
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[Music] hello and welcome to the rest is football with Alan sheir and me gica uh there’s no Micah Richard with us today uh unfortunately uh he’s abroad filming A League of Their Own for a couple of weeks I think I don’t know my worst nightmare that would be anyway we heard on Sunday evening how he was traveling straight from the EAD after Manchester City’s celebrations to DOA for the trip so we’re looking forward to hearing all about his adventures uh when he gets back uh we’re going to do something a little bit different today from the usual Wednesday question and answer episode as it’s the end of the season uh with a premier league closing and um at the weekend we’re going to have a little awards ceremony of our own Allan and myself are going to pick our Premier League teams of the season and they were also going to choose a few individual Awards like Player of the Year signing of the Season surprise the season Etc so let’s get straight onto it and we’ll start with our team of the season and we’ll start with the goalkeeper uh first can can we say um don’t take this too much to heart at home don’t get too angry no don’t get too angry if we we miss your favorite player out it doesn’t it really doesn’t matter that much cuz there’s actually no prizes at stake but Allan you do you do a team of the week don’t you every single thing and I I always see it on your Instagram feed and and always underneath it someone goes yeah what about s I get absolutely bloody SM I just press send and then don’t look for another two or three hours because I know everyone’s just if their players not in there then you just get absolutely bad what about him what about him it’s like I suspect that’s about to start to both of us now um we’ve let ourselves in for this um right we’ve done it we’ve done a little bit of um pre-work and and again if if one of your favorites is is missing out um sorry you can disagree and you can do your own team you can perhaps send it into us um whatever you want to do uh I’ve got five names um for us to go at uh Jordan pford David rer Edison Allison and burn Leno um so I tell you you can start with the goalkeepers Alan because you’ve you’ve you’ve knocked a few goals past them in you time in the Prem uh for for me uh there was there was two I was debating with um and those two were Pigford and uh and re I think this this season that uh that both of them of of had been outstanding um Ry was under huge pressure because artetta put his neck on the line really didn’t he when uh when he sort of brought him in um well he did didn’t he with work really well yeah it’s worked really well kept loads what 16 clean sheets best defensive record um obviously that’s helped with the with the players in and around him but um for this one I’m going to go for pford are you I am yeah I thought I mean I’m going for pford oh really yes okay um and I thought I’m yes I’m very surprised we agreed on that one cuz I thought you won’t go for that um for a variety of reasons I think he’s been unbelievable he’s a lot busier obviously than than someone like um reyer um I think Edison and Alice I mean Edison and Allison are great great goalkeepers aren’t they but they’ both made one or two mistakes um this season David Riot I think made one or two mistakes early on um but I think bounced back well whereas pford obviously a lot busier he’s he’s he’s made 121 saves uh compared with reyes’s 46 uh Edison’s 57 and Allison’s 83 which is which is quite a lot um and he has conceded more goals than than most of the others um but I think he’s been brilliant this season one of the reasons that Everton have managed to stay up despite getting their point deduction and it’s hard to think of you know one or two mistakes but not not many I think he’s calmed himself down a fraction still gets a little bit over excited a bit exuberant at times um but yeah I I agree with you on that well that’s something very rare that we can agree on that’s a good start isn’t it we might we might agree on everything um we might but but yeah I think um I mean the chances are if you’re near the bottom of the league goalkeepers get a bit more practice don’t they yeah I I think it’s been a really tough season for Everton as you know I think with the points deduction and uh with everything else and I think he’s I think he’s been excellent I think he’s more than played his part and and doing what Everton have done um he’s pulled off some vital saves in in in really important moments which you have to do and I I agree he has calmed down a little bit I mean cuz there are times when he gets stupidly excited doesn’t he when he’s run and Raves and goes what for whatever reason but not seen as much of that this season and I think that’s that’s that’s helped him in his performances so yeah Jordan pford for me yeah well well we’re agreed on that he’s made some unbelievable saves this season there’s no question about that um yeah okay let’s move on to um right back um shall I go there we’ll alternate I’ll go you can go I’m not I’m not I’m not into this play you have to play a certain system I’s going to be as you said it’s not too serious we don’t have to go I’m just going to mess around with my system so yeah I’m not going to have a right back I’m going to have three Center halfes but one of them has played right back for most of this season yeah you can have three Center halfes okay no fullbacks at all or Wing backs no fullbacks I’m not having any fullbacks or Wing backs now I’m just going all out Harry next to me going to write these these teams down in in in kind of for order is is now he’s starting to sweat um right I am going to have a full back in my team and I’m going to go with Carl Walker all right because I think he’s I think he’s so important to Manchester City’s way of playing um that because they play so high and and so many players up the pitch that that he’s the one who has to get back and I think he’s remarkable consistent um and I you know one-on one’s with anyone you they can’t beat him it was between him and Ben White for me um between the two and I think Ben White’s had an absolutely brilliant season and he’s superb player I just hope and wish there was a way that Gareth Southgate could make his peace with him and get him out there because obviously with the injuries that England have got at the moment particularly in fullback positions and I I suspect he could play Anywhere across the back for cuz he was a central Defender Of course um I think it’d be um a really good addition um you know I understand it’s some kind of Fallout with the number two or possibly that but I mean come on such a shame we’re ad hell man you’re going into a you got a Euros tournament you’ve had a season like Ben White has had and he’s not going to be in that England squad it’s just I mean it’s such a shame come on guys I mean get who whatever it is is whatever the Reason God you have to you got to sit down and clear the air and say let’s just sort this out for the sake of our playing for our country they’ve got an unbelievable chance of winning the Euros yet he’s not going to play a part in that after the season he’s had what what a mess what a shame I totally agree let’s sit down round a table and just you know things happen don’t they things happen in football camps you have fallouts but you know come on we’re all grown-ups here aren’t we couldn’t agree more yeah I’m going to so all right well you go with one of of yours or shall I go M you’ve confused me now now you’ve changed your system what’s your so your formation what’s your formation first I’m going for I’m going with three Center halfes yeah and the first center half is Ben White oh okay playing on the right hand side of a thr yeah all right gotcha yeah yeah okay so we’re sort of the same I’ve got car Walker you got Ben White but I’ve got I had really thought about my bloody formation too much I just knew you I just knew when I put my players down you’re going to take the piss out of the formation but as we said I don’t care it’s fine yeah these are players that deserve to be in my team in the SE that it’s a way of getting all the players you want in correct all right you see you’re an experienced cookie on this because you do it week in week out and I don’t I’ve just gone I don’t know I’ve gone 433 but but it doesn’t matter I don’t really doesn’t matter so yeah I I must agree Ben White’s been fabulous this season uh and very consistent isn’t he good footballer yeah great sunb performance been superb I mean I wouldn’t I wouldn’t argue against yours Kyle Walker I think he’s played a huge part again um yeah I mean the trip here hasn’t reached the heights for Newcastle as he did last season um I know he’s had injuries um made made a few errors recently so I think poto is worth a shout just a shout out I think he’s done really well come in obviously season for I think he’s made a lot of progress agreed this season totally agreed yeah I think I think uh I think those I mean could you could you couldn’t I mean Trent’s had injuries as well hasn’t he so yeah you put could you put him as a right back now I mean it’s I suppose that’s his his but yeah I mean but he play he’s still playing right back for for Liverpool isn’t he and he occasionally he played him in in Midfield but he’s he’s kind of the inverted fullback isn’t he goes and does what he wants but yeah exactly um yeah I I hope the new manager when he comes in plays Trent in Midfield at Liverpool um I think that’s his position I really do I always have I always have love see yeah play there regularly um so go on who’s your second Central Defender uh Gabrielle yeah yeah I understand that absolutely right um I’ve got I’ve got uh I’ve in fact I’ve got the Arsenal Duo of you cra and Gabrielle I’ve gone for a full arsenal back three yeah of white celba and Gabrielle yeah and I don’t think anyone can argue with that with the record that theyve yes they will Alan people will argue with that but I well that’s fine I’ll just come back and say look at the number of goals are conceded they’ve been outstanding all three of them this uh this season two months ago I think I’d have had Jon stones in there because the remarkable way he was playing but then pep being pep suddenly I mean he had a bit of an injury and then he’s he’s not really got himself back into the side of late yeah um but yeah Gabrielle and CA that partnership I mean they don’t give many goals away at all do they they haven’t they’ve been have mean as they come they’ve got they you know they’ve got Pier reliability um they’ve they’ve just been superb they very very rarely put put a foot wrong this season and they’ve had to be they’ve had to be magnificent and to keep going and put in the performance week after week after week uh against some top quality players then um yeah I’ve I’ve been huge you can not be anything other than hugely impressive him yeah I I totally concur with that I think that also there’s a goal threats and the the other end from Corners they a real threat both of them I think particularly Gabrielle um he’s he’s kind of the determined hard man isn’t he in the way they they play and and Cel is the the kind of rollsroyce type isn’t he I mean he’s such an athlete Cela and he reads the game so beautifully and he times his tackles he’s one of those a little bit like Virgil Van djk um who you know probably two months ago he’d have probably been in as well but obviously Liverpool went off the ball a little bit but but C is a little bit like that you don’t see him on his backside very often um he’s got great balance he’s he’s quick he’s good on the ball yeah he’s got’s he’s got it so um so we agree with that now I’ve gone with obviously a left back whereas you’ve gone with a three so I’m actually going to go with Destiny udogie now I know he’s been injured over the last month or so but I think out of all the left backs I think um because a lot of teams don’t play as you said they might play your kind of way um but I think I think you dog is going to I think he’s probably the best Italian player around at the moment and in that system he’s done well in that system cuz it’s I mean Posta cogo’s come in hasn’t he and changed the the system around made them far more easy on the eye and attacking and he’s um he asks big things of his of his of both his fullbacks when they’ve got the ball to get into that Midfield again so yeah he’s had a good season yeah I think he’s one of the reasons that that that Spurs kind of tailed off a little bit that that injury that he got and it’s a real shame that he won’t be at the Euros as well um but I’m sure he’ll take massive consolation at the fact that he’s in my team no one shout out for for for josco um gardial vardal yeah because I I was close to him but I yeah I just don’t think he quite I don’t know I thought he he didn’t play left back all the time he’s kind of he kind of plays anywhere across that back four but I mean I was very close to selecting him but I SC some important goals came in he scored one of two crucial goals at the end of the season so he he nearly sneaked in but um you can’t have just Man City and Arsenal players so there you go um right so have you got um trying to work out you Midfield you got two Midfield this is thrown because two different got I’ve got two sitting midfielders yeah two okay who are they I’ve got who are they who are they who are they I’ve got race and rodri yeah I think I’ve got both those in as well I don’t know what kind bloody system I’m going to play no clear whatever system just put 11 it doesn’t matter you just got to put 11 players out yeah no I’m going to play rice and rodri and then like a 10 and then three or so if that’s all right with you that’s fine with me it’s we’re looking remarkably similar in our games um Dean rice what a season he’s had um it’s not always easy going to a new club it’s especially when you’re carrying a price tag like his over 100 million uh pounds which seems mad for a holding Midfield player but out of all those there were a few of them weren’t there that went for about 100 million last summer and he’s by far been the most impressive I I saw him last pre-season in a restaurant in uh in Portugal and um he was with a couple of his piles and he come over and had a chat and um I was saying to him about uh season ahead and how much is the price tag and and it’s like but he was just like so relaxed he was so looking forward to it I mean he was on the he was on a on the break he had loads of energy he was going back the following morning to uh to sign for uh to sign for for Arsenal and like I could you know I could I just had a feeling like he’s going to smash it this season and I think that’s exactly what he’s what he’s done he’s been superb in whether he’s had to protect win that ball drive forward um he’s just he I think he’s had the complete season that that you that you’d hop for him because yeah it’s not it’s not easy when you’ve got a massive although it’s no fault of your own when you’ve got a massive price tag around you that everyone’s always looking for something but he’s not given them anything to have a pop with him I think he’s just been superb and everything he’s done he’s I think he’s also it’s like you said he didn’t phase him when you met him that day and it’s not phased him since he’s he’s incredibly likable yeah um he’s got I I think probably real leadership qualities you can see why how important he’ll be for Gareth in the summer um and and he can play as well I mean he he keeps the ball he looks forward he’s he’s very good I think one of his great strengths is running with the ball because he he can burst through the lines and and he moves really quickly with the ball at his feet and yeah I think he’s going to be hugely important um in the summer um for England and he’s been hugely important for Arsenal this season um he’ll be like all the Arsenal Players He’ll Be choked to have missed out on actually winning something but but but what a performance um this season he’s also chipped in with one or two more goals because towards the latter stage of the Season he played in slightly more um forward more of a perhaps an eight than a yeah in in in some ways than a six um and he chipped in what seven goals eight assists yeah seven goals which is I think it’s uh I think it’s a really good return um for a for a midfielder that’s expected to do a bit of everything um so yeah I he’s just had he’s had a brilliant season I I don’t think anyone would have a team of the season without rodri in it um what a player rodri is I mean he is yeah he’s I mean they’re not they’re not the same they’re not the same without him are they um well it’s I think it nothing to do without him very very often but yeah it’s like I think it was 1986 the last time man Manchester City um lost a game with rodri [Laughter] playing I mean I mean 34 games um he played for them in in the Premier League without losing any of them um s 70 tackles eight goals nine assists is the one right I mean we know rice has been has has played every single game this season had 38 games and made 2,227 passes rodri ham many how many say how many did you say for Rice 2,227 2,900 3,633 in four four fewer games I mean that’s 1,000 400 more or less more 406 I think more than deam rice I mean but the thing is as well the vast majority of those passes well pretty much all of them will be accurate um he’s also a bit of a master at the old naughty foul um to stop the play when they break which Spanish players do tend to be all buset Javi Alonzo to name but two and um but he’s he intelligence and he and he always CH it’s vital goals in big games he has exactly we’ just said about rice goals and assists but uh he’s uh what’s he got he’s got eight goals and nine assists so he’s got more than uh more than de rice but he’s integral to everything I mean he’s such a you know what he’s a great reader of the game is that he just anticipates things a lot quicker than uh than than most and and that’s why he’s he can he’s as good as they get when he’s when he can spoil it when the opposition have got the ball um but he bloody reads it so well and knows where the ball’s going to get to I was I was reading a piece the other day about rodri and they were saying that he’s he’s still underrated really underrated play and I thought is he is he I see who underrates him I do I don’t he’s superb man he’s just magnificent yeah it’s actually it’s actually 74 games in all competitions that that he’s gone since Manchester City so I was exaggerating slightly by oh he’s brilliant yeah but AB absolutely absolutely fantastic um I’m trying to work how many players you’ve got left and how many players I’ve got left well my other one in the Midfield is erard erard you got him in you I’ve got him in yeah got I had to had to get him in yeah yeah so you’ve got him playing in front there just in just in front yeah so I’m working out that I’m trying to work out your system here 3 2 one at the minute you’re just going to fit him in anywhere aren’t you Ted Rogers 321 Ted Rogers you got in oh that’s good I’m not sure about his statistics SE was he the dusty bin uh was he dy I think he was 321 wasn’t it what that was it I remember that our youngsters won’t know what the list young listeners won’t know what the hell we’re on about here but I think it was Dusty B Shan our you old fart oh yeah had to get odard in though he’s had a he’s been uh he’s been brilliant hasn’t he yeah you’ve gotone him attacking midfielder sort of thing um one or two other midfielders I think we perhaps should mention uh good that have had good season Douglas Louise I think yeah at Aston Villa I think he’s been really impressive and part of that excellent um Aston Villa side Bruno gz Newcastle gar I thought you might mentioned him he was he’s been uh he’s been really good beat me to it um now when we come to attacking midfielders um you’ve you’ve already gone odard um it’s it’s a tough one because there’s so many aren’t they um so many brilliant players um this season and that’s why I’ve actually gone um where in my attacking Midfield play I’ve gone Cole Palmer because I I think his season is truly extraordinary um he didn’t play he didn’t start a game until the ninth or 10th game of the season um for Chelsea um but he’s he ended up 22 goals 11 assists and he’s created 17 big chances and um and he and the thing the reason I’ve got him in there um and I’m going to play like I’m now inventing a system to because I got to get Phil foden in there as well yeah him and Phil foden because obviously Phil’s got he’ll be in everybody’s team him and Phil foden are going to kind of rotate around a little bit so I’ve got I’m I’m going to do exactly see so yeah you could tell that neither of us would be very good managers yeah but it’s our show we can do what we want and play whatever system we want so yeah we can exactly it doesn’t really matter about the system it’s about putting the players in there so I think Cole Palmer and fil foden but I think I’ve had to put Cole Palmer in purely because not only has he been absolutely outstanding but he’s done it in a side that for most of the Season until the latter stages has really struggled and he’s carried them and that is a very difficult thing to do particularly as a young player particularly coming in as a new signing when the club’s in a little bit of turmoil a little bit of a mess when they’re really struggling on and off the field for a young player to do what he’s done I think is it’s extraordinarily impressive unbelievable you got him in as well yeah he’s he’s he’s in my he’s in my team um I don’t care where he plays but he’s in the team so he’s yeah you’re right I mean again a big price tag everyone’s going to be looking at him because City have sold him what can he do we all knew that he had Talent um but I I didn’t expect him to light up the Premier League like he has done for uh for Chelsea I mean you you you are right when you see it he has single-handedly carried Chelsea this season I mean they’ve had a they’ve had a brilliant end to the season sort of last two months or so but he has been ever since he got in that team I mean he’s pretty much been faultless and you know what else he’s been brave you know like in big games penalties where he’s had to stand up there and and went under huge pressure and he’s made everything look superly easy for someone so young I mean that that in itself is is been uh has been so impressive yeah totally agree on that on every front um Phil foden um 35 games 19 goals eight assists 10 big chances created he’s I mean he’s been I mean he’s he’s come on he’s continued to improve season season season in season out um I think pep guardiola’s nurtured him very well I think he’s not overplayed him in the earlier Seasons but now he’s very much one of his big his big go-to players um he’s turned up in the really big games scored amazing goals at Key moments um this season the way he takes the ball on the half turn he always seems to make the right call on that and it’s he’s and he’s really sharp as well well there are similarities with with Co palmer but he’s he’s kind of’s bit more Dynamic bit sharper in that sense that that Co pal is more of he Glides he’s effortless isn’t he that they they’re similar bit different yeah um he’s been he’s been outstanding I mean he’s a very very good player but I think he’s an he’s an unbelievable player in the 10 role I think he’s he’s excelled in that in that role um even when de bruyne was was Miss he he was the one that they s that he was the go-to guy again um yeah he’s just been I mean like I can’t think of any other words that we can describe his performances Sublime magnificent whatever you want whatever you want to call it goals assists everything as you say taking that ball on the half turn he looks so comfortable in in doing that I mean his goal um his goal at the weekend against West Ham after what was it a minute or two was just typified his uh his season that he’s had the touch the technique and then the Finish wow incredible I mean football of the Year says it all I mean we’ve not yet got the um PFA football of the year have we so um but I i’ I’d be surprised if if he doesn’t get that as well but we’ll see we’ll see yeah um um my other kind of player across I’ve kind of gone a 42 31 I suppose I’ve gone um on the right hand side I’m dard um cuz I’m as I told you or my three are just going to rotate yeah can play where they want um i’ i’ I was wrestling between actually sacka and Gordon um and I could have played Gordon on the left but I’m going to play sacka on the right instead I I think I think his numbers just include he’s remarkably consistent um 35 games 16 goals nine assists created 15 big chances whereas Gordon was 11 goals 10 assists created 16 big chances I have to say that I think Anthony Gordon has been absolutely brilliant in his first season first proper season at Newcastle um he has he’s been he’s been newcastle’s best player this season have you got him in I I haven’t I haven’t got him in no I didn’t I didn’t put him in no um very very close to I was the same I was I mean one minute I had Saka the next I had Gordon then the next I was chucking Harland and Watkins and I’m thinking G I can’t get them I can’t get them all on the team but but without doubt Gordon put odard in i’ forgot about odard odard in and and and I couldn’t I haven’t put I haven’t put sacka in either um so but yeah both of them I mean they’ve been they’ve been brilliant tell tell us about why ard’s in I mean he’s obviously a superb footballer yeah he’s just he’s just so easy on the eye isn’t he I mean he’s got one of these I don’t know he’s just like Cole Palmer actually isn’t he and it’s graceful yeah he just he makes him he makes everything look comfortable and easy and of course it’s not and I just think that his balance and everything else is his uh his technique and and yeah he’s he’s been he’s been a huge part in What Arsenal have done so I just thought I had I had to get him in the team because he’s been superb yeah mentioned for one or two others Kevin De bruyne but I think he he’s only played 18 games in the Premier League this season obviously he was injured for half of it but he still got close to my team despite all that cuz he’s so damn good yeah um I think I think son’s had a decent season at Tottenham um considering he’s lost his his Strip Buddy Harry Kane um moot hasn’t got in the side which is you wouldn’t have thought that at the start of the season but he’s still had a decent decent campaign or tailed off a little bit towards the end didn’t he uh lost his form um any others you considered um no I mean when we get into the forward positions that’s that’s sort of different isn’t it but I don’t no I mean we mentioned isach H we sort of mentioned haven’t we H as well yeah um but I mean yeah de bruyer just hasn’t played enough games although when he has been in he’s been unbelievable Salah as you said I mean what’s he got 18 goals it’s a decent it’s still a decent return but he hasn’t he hasn’t looked as sharp as he as he has done in previous years yeah I think I’m a player you’re a player short on me at the moment somewhere who have you got well I’ve got my my three Center offs as we know we’ve mentioned I’ve got the three in Midfield rice rodri and odard and then um up front I’ve got Palmer and the team how many H what you got for up front well I’ve got odard and I’ve got I’ve got Ard and foron in there doing whatever the hell they want playing anywhere they want so you’ve got like a box have you two and two you know the old box in the Midfield exactly I’m I’m bailing you out here trying toak system out so foden and odard like root and then you behind them behind them rice and rodry I’ve got rice and rodry and I’ve also my front three if you like yeah go on Palmer Watkins Harland Watkins and harand yep and harand yeah who’s playing on the left side they want they can play wherever they want goes you just named 11 players haven’t you basically um well while my Striker is actually I’m I’ve gone I’ve gone with olle Watkins ahead of Harland um and if I had to pick a team to play tomorrow I would put harand in but I just think this season Ole Watkins has been extraordinary and I think harland’s been missing a little bit so so he’s only played 31 games compared with watkins’s uh 37 now I know he scored number of more goals um but goal combinations between them it’s 32 Harland and 32 Watkins Watkins has done it in a few more games but what I’ll say is that Watkins has done it for Aston Villa and Holland’s done it for Manchester City now obviously there’s pressure on Manchester City but the way they play I think you and I could still probably B in of 10 15 goals a season for them and I love erling Harland and he’s amazing but I just think this season oie Watkins for what he’s achieved and what he’s done um and his consistency and the amount he’s played and his effort and his work rate and he all round game I’m just edging him ahead of Harland and I I wrestled with this one because yeah if I had to pick a team tomorrow to play Harlem will be ahead of Watkins I’ll say that but on looking back on this particular season even though they probably going to win the league and cup double Manchester City and he would have played an important part um I’m going to go Watkins anyway can I give an honorable mention for isach without sound AB I was going to do that anyway Alan but yes you can 30 Games 30 Games 21 goals yeah which is an which is a great return um yeah he’s esa’s had a great season as as uh Ole Watkins I’ve been really impressed with him you know he um I think he’s improved in so many areas and unai has obviously helped him in in doing that um he’s uh yeah he’s he’s scored a lot of goals he’ll be in the England squad he’s probably England’s number two Center forward I guess now isn’t he’s played played himself hasn’t he yeah defitely um he’ll he’ll play a part for England because we we know that I mean Harry won’t play in every minute of every game I don’ts ECT so he’ll have to play a part for England this year and he deserves to be there after this season he’s had yeah I think also um worthy of of a mentioned Dominic salanki yes yeah I can you know to do what he’s done at Bournemouth 38 games 19 goals so it’s a goal every other game and um he’s he just he missed an absolute sitter didn’t he the weekend which would have got him to 20 goals and I know it’s when you 20s like a I don’t know what it was I always used to set out every season think right it’s like it’s like if you’re playing Cricket it’s 100 isn’t it and if you get 99 you’re going to be gutted that you don’t make a 100 yeah or if you shoot 70 on a goal of course it’s one short of Bank in 69 and it’s the other way around in golf isn’t it although it’s a long time since you when was the last time you out a 69 at my age I can’t even remember her when was your last time you had a 69ine on a golf course never you’ve never never broken 70 never broken 70 no you’re joking no really my best my uh I shot a 70 uh that’s my 2 was my best was my best ever never 60 no the first time I ever broke 70 I was I know this is Golf and stuff we don’t want to bore you people listening but I was playing at Sunningdale um I only broke 73 times ever and I was at Sunningdale and I needed a four for 69 um playing the last and I hit decent that a 79 but but it pulled it fractionally it ran through the bunker at Sun Andale on the last and I was on a down slope and I’ve got a chip over the bunker and the flag is like just I’ve short sided myself it’s on a down slope and I’m thinking I’ve screwed it I got no chance but I just thought right have a g so the down slope opened up the lob wedge and I thought just swing slow and as as I’m addressing the ball some someone’s on the first te he went good luck with that mate and it was U terrible it was Ernie L’s right and I thought oh for God’s sake this all so I thought I just and I and I hit it and I went slow and it went flopped up in the air landed two inches over the bunker went down went straight in the hole really straight in the hole for 68 and I immediately looked around at Ernie L’s and he he was pretending to do his shoelaces up and and and I went you saw it and he and he turned he went he went [ __ ] do it again mate you South African I know I can’t do any acccident [ __ ] anyway sorry about that I just um trying to make it all about me um mateta as well by the way I think worthy of a mentioned the last two months of the Season he’s ended up with 16 goals I know it’s mad isn’t it yeah that little that partnership I think there Al worthy of a mention as well ezza and Alis now I know they’ve been injured a lot but when they’ve been together and when they’ve been playing they’ve been been fantastic yeah they have absolutely yeah they they’re just a totally different team with those three up front carry a huge threat yeah so I think that’s our team’s completed yeah still haven’t got a clue what system I’m using but I’ve picked 11 players you have right let’s read out our teams I’ll read out your team I’m not even going to go anywhere near your formation Alan um yours is pford yep um white Gabrielle Saliba rice rodri erard foden Palmer Watkins and Harland yep um I’ve got how many how many have we got different let me say you work it out um pford Walker Gabrielle Saliba oogi um at least I’ve got some kind of system rice rodri Palmer foden sacka and Watkins um congratulations to all those players um they probably won’t care but anyway well done you’re in our teams we’re going to Rattle on um and go to player of the season um Phil foden won the football writers we yet to hear the um PFA footballer of the year and um what you what are your thoughts um Allan I think we’ve we’ve got a few contenders here we’ve gone we’ve got Cole Palmer Martin odard Phil foden rodri rice and Ole Watkins and they’ve all had um fabulous Seasons um yeah I would I would have narrowed it down to four I would have was foron Palmer rodri or race for me um yeah same but I think the outstanding player of the season is Phil Fen Phil [ __ ] [Applause] Fen what a great scene it’s going to stick or has already before the nicknames go it’s like a boxers nickname is it you yeah I mean those those who we’ve mentioned have had great Seasons but he’s just I think he tops a lot Phil for and for B he has to have with with everything that he’s done we’ve mentioned his goals his assists and and everything else and um just the way he’s uh he’s stood up this season I think he’s been the outstanding player yeah spectacular goals as well spectacular goals at times um yeah yeah I think we both agree with that one uh Philip foden um yeah rodri’s I mean I know you could easily have given it him as well for what he’s done Dean rice has been amazing as you said again um yeah and okay let’s move on um young player oh we’re making it a proper young player or rookie of the Season we’re going you know pretty young on this not because I think when they do it with the football writers or they do it with the PFA Awards they they tend to go 23 and under which um I think’s too old nowadays I mean f and won six titles and he’s still 23 so he qualifies for that and there but not in our competition he doesn’t qualify we’ve got I’ve got four we’ve come up with four names um your very own Lewis Miley I think who’s who’s done terrifically well um we’ve got Connor Bradley um at Liverpool um Jared branway and Cole Palmer um and I think there’s a clear and obvious clear obvious that dreaded statement um Cole Palmer I think for me 34 games 22 goals 11 assists we we’ve talked about in the when we talked about our teams of the Season absolutely superb performance from him this season yeah just it’s just the way he’s carried Chelsea it’s at times you were thinking is anyone else going to stand up and help this uh help him but at times he didn’t need it because he was he’s been their go-to guy um in times of trouble they had to look to him as I said penalties big goals yeah big performances um for someone so young um in for someone so inexperienced to do what he’s done uh as this season has just been nothing short of miraculous yeah nice to have a mention for these young players um to tell us about lisis Miley how well do you think he’s done because he was thrown in when they team team you had a lot of injuries um but he he kind of I think he ran out of steam a bit in the end but boy oh boy I thought he did remarkably well I mean he’s so young isn’t he yeah I mean he there was there’s there’s always been talk about about him and his potential and yeah it was it was too early for him but he he was chucked into the team and at a really difficult time when there was so many injuries but I thought when he was in there he was outstanding you know his uh his energy um his ability on the uh on the ball and it looked as if nothing nothing phased him in a really difficult period you know when Newcastle weren’t at the best um but uh yeah he can take great pride in in and what’s what’s happened to him this season yeah two from Mery side Conor Bradley I thought um did really well only played 11 games in the end but you you can see the potential he’s got he’s going to be his I think he’s going to be a top player and Jared branway 35 games in a kind of first season is is quite something isn’t it and I think he’s he’s got a lot of potential um definitely yeah you know he’s got terrific attitude I think he’s been superb for Everton this season I think it’s been a great learning experience for him this season as well hasn’t he he’s gone up against the very best in Harland and once or twice was been done but nothing feared him he kept on coming back all the time and and another one who’s um who can be very proud of what he’s achieved yeah and one quick mention actually for a late addition cuz he he was signed by Crystal Palace um from your old Club Blackburn um Adam Warton Warton oh yeah incredible wasn’t it what that looks an unbelievable bargain that you know I think it’s about I don’t know what was about 20 million from uh from from Blackburn but W he’s look so comfortable hasn’t he oh he really has and he’s been one of the differences in in palace’s kind of Renaissance um okay signing of the season um we’ve got here POS Dean Ry cudas at West Ham who’s been really good um Cole Palmer um to Chelsea or Mickey vanen what do you think Alan or he can come up with anyone else vanen was impressive I know he had an injury um had one or two difficult moments when he played Newcastle I remember but he’s had a he’s had a really good season in in what Spurs have done um maybe say Adam Wharton in there as well we just said he could end up being signing of the season I think the outstanding two for me would Palmer and rice aren’t they yeah we’ve we’ve spoken about them spoken about them a lot yeah I those are the two that I came down to and I’m actually going to go to Palmer because rice was 105 million so to say signing of the city you expect to get something a bit special for 105 million and they have got something very special but Cole Palmer uh 42.5 million quid um which at the time we thought blimy that’s a lot of money and but he’s been so staggeringly good that I would I would I agree with you I’m going to say Palmer as well for all of those [Applause] reasons manager of the season it’s it’s always what normally the person that wins it’s so hard to go against Pep Guardiola isn’t it but I think artetta has had a good season unai Emory very very special what he’s done at Aston Villa Shawn D is remarkable efforts in keeping um Everton up despite their points reductions um Gary and and Ira kind of Iola stepped in in Gary O’Neal shoes and they’ve both done well but what do you think ah I mean artetta yeah I think they’ve they’ve improved again um they’ve gone tour to toour with possibly the best team Premier League’s ever seen against the best manager so yeah he’s he’s had a great season emry qualified for the uh for the Champions League Shawn dice with all the [ __ ] that he’s had to go through in the points deductions and everything else I think he’s uh he’s been superb but it’s I think it’s very difficult to to look away from from Pep and and and winning that fourth title no no one’s ever done that so fourth on the spin I would have to go with uh with pep I know he’s got better resources than anyone else and the players that he’s got are unbelievable but it to to keep on going and motivate and get the best out of all those players and get number four have to say [Applause] pep I’m going to have to agree with you um I it’s you can make a case for for all the others but ultimately what he’s done I think unai Emir is I mean very special um to to get into a Champions League spot I don’t think anyone saw that coming but yeah as you said the what pep does and the way he reinvents The Game season season after season in some way he’s tactical Acumen and he’s he’s he’s brilliant thinking and his drive and his energy and and what he gets out of that City I know they’re you know obviously they’ve got great great players but you wait and see the difference to Manchester City when he does call it a day you wait you wait and then we then we’ll realize how good uh he is um so pep wins that one um our goal of the Season well it’s easy isn’t it we well we actually did it on Match of the day didn’t on Saturday night you and righty um and it it couldn’t be anything other than than garnacho but special mentions to Michael Alise’s goal at Luton where he went down the right cut in top Corner that that was that was incredible um Marcus rashford strike I thought Cole Parton’s Cole Palmer’s goal where he the little nutmeg the back flick that would have been in my that didn’t make the top three on Match of the day by the voting but it would have been in my top three and that calm finish cuz it’s a bit different um it’s all very well just smack him on him from from 20 odd yards isn’t it 30 yards yeah I agree agree it was a brilliant goal as was LE says it against against Luton the where he went past the players and and what have you but yeah there’s there’s there’s only one winner in goal of the Season K say on the last day we had to we had to whiz that quickly into to to match of the into the goal of the Season contenders um even before we’d actually shown it in a match yeah it was and ni first ever goal for Chelsea I mean what a way to score it just a yard inside the uh the half wasn’t it so that was a great goal but Garo was his goal of the [Applause] Season yeah and unquestionably yeah one of the greatest overhead kicks we’ve ever seen and he was walking away from goal at the time wasn’t he he was going the other way so to get that technique was ridiculous yeah um we’ve got one here with the surprise of the season um I think it means surprise player rather than you know surprise present or something um so we’ve got um Endo hav stard salanki Palmer Watkins Barkley Barkley’s worthy of a mention I think he’s you know performed really well for Luton um obviously they went down in the end but um we’ve mentioned most of the others um trossard has been very important for Arsenal at times come on htz I think it’s done better than a lot of people thought he possibly would um but Cole Palmer for me I mean he’s again he’s he’s got about three he’s got about three Awards Co [Applause] pal what he should do he’s been superb and everything he’s done yeah let’s hope AB same with England absolutely um so that’s it don’t take these things too serious you can perfect you know you’re perfectly entitled to disagree with us and um and and and and pick your own winners but um hopefully that was um has given you a rough idea of what we think and um it’s it’s been a cracking season though isn’t it it really has it has been an outstanding season I mean Liverpool pushed them all way faded away the last month or so um Arsenal as I said but I think some of the football this year some of the goals we we we’re seeing more and more goals obviously because of the number of minutes that are now being played um high scoring games goals Galore I think it’s been an outstanding season and one I’ve really enjoyed absolutely great it’s been a lot of fun a lot of fun um very enjoyable and it’s um we’ve done a lot of podcasts as well this season that’s been fun hasn’t it it has this has been this has been one of the better ones without Richards has it yeah I mean he’ll disagree with us when he comes in but if he wants to go off and do these you know gallivanting around Europe with these mates um then then then so be it um that’s it for for this episode um we’ll be back on Friday with um special interview that I’ve done with um Casper schmeichel um it’s we did a long interview and honestly it’s it’s really really special I think you’ll really enjoy that um he’s incredibly articulate um obviously he’s been through so much in his career the leester miracle um and also he talks you know with with great gravitas about um the tragic death of the helicopter of the Leicester chairman um of of Christian Erikson and and various other things in his career it’s very Frank very honest very open very emotional so um I think you’ll really enjoy that but for now that’s it goodbye from me goodbye from me [Music]


  1. Are you going to do a review of the pre season predictions? That would be great to see. Love the pod!

  2. Three Two One, You win a ceramic Dusty Bin and a plastic black bin. My school teacher got a Dusty Bin on the show. He never lived it down lol

  3. Palmer scored 9 penalties. Nobody mentions it. Still a great season in a average team but if it wasn't a young English player everyone would be qualifying.

  4. Love the pod… but how on earth can you have Lewis Miley and Connor Bradley in there and not Kobbie Mainoo? Madness

  5. “Can’t choose van Dijk cause they fell off at the end” despite him having statistically the best individual season of any CB in Europe.

    Proceeds to choose Udogie even though he didn’t play at the end and spurs “fell off” as well

    Can’t choose Salah cause they fell off at the end

    Proceeds to choose Saka cause of his numbers when Salah had more goals and assists.

    Truly fantastic logic. Well done.

  6. PICKFORD aster keeper..bwahahahahaaaaaaaaa 🤣😂🤣😂 SEE this is why England will never win anything on the international stage because the Bias runs through the Veins, its inherent.. Pickford will be the reason England does not win the Euros, he's just another Ramsdale.. and as an Arsenal Fan I still rate Emi Martinez above RAYA and PICKFORD by miles…

  7. Guys i have a questions, how can you expect us to believe people who get paid £100k or more a week to train, get tired, if im paying you that much you better be fitter than Mo Farah!
    Oh amd how are we to believe players are tired when Newcastle and Spurs have just gone all the way to Australia to play a friendly 4 days after the prem has finished 🙄

  8. This is the best podcast and you guys started it perfectly you guys went through every week with as much detail and passion everyone wanted!

  9. You boys were tasteless with Man Utd on Saturday from before the game until right after it. We get man United gets you clicks but do yous fancy having a heart for just a moment? Ten Haag had just won the final beating the best team in the world and your angle of questioning towards him was out of order. Same for with dalot. Newcastle have had worse seasons back to back than Man Utd go in on them the same.

  10. Don't think Ben White is outstanding personally and Southgate offered him an olive branch and he went to Dubai on holiday and played Uno instead 😂😂😂 hasn't got the right mentality

  11. Antonee Robinson has to be left back for me. Top of so many stats in a relatively average team. He’ll be at a bigger club within a year

  12. Kobbie mainoo over Lewis Milley all day and twice on Sunday… didn't even mention Bruno fernades.. bit of a joke lads … hmm

  13. I guess Van Dijk died? No Liverpool player despite finishing 9 points off top and relying a lot more individual brilliance than those above them 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

  14. Love this podcast. And haha 69 question by shierer wwas funny ax n loved the golf story. This team yous put up if total flames too!!

  15. Kobie mainoo ???? But miley ??? 🤯 Bradley played 11 games and no mainoo mention. You lot are mental. Emery easily manger of the year. Pep is expected to win where did you think villa would finish. You are a shambles.

  16. Guys have some faith, when Southgate and his team leave after the Euros then Benjamin White will be back in the England squad

  17. Harry Kane spends more time doing link up plays for no reason and never makes a run towards goal, Ollie in 15 minutes had twice the chances, just needs to make the runs, the day he leaves the national England winning a trophy.
    – Can't play high press with Kane, he doesn't run.

  18. I Really Think you guys should have given chris wood a mention, 14 goals in 31 games for forest, his goals are a big reasson we stayed up this seasson, great episode tho guys

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