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The BANNED AEW Matches

AEW has existed for 5 years and 5 is also the number of weekly shows that have existed in AEWs existence. Those of course being dynamite, rampage, collision, dark and dark elevation. And combine those shows with their ppvs and tv specials and we have ourselves a LOT of AEW matches that have been broadcasted. But there are some AEW matches are filmed but make it to air or are heavily edited, all for a variety of reason and today we’re gonna discuss a few of those matches, so like the video, subscribe and join me as we discuss the lost AEW matches.

Video title: AEW Matches That Were BANNED From Airing

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aew has existed for 5 years and five is also the number of weekly shows that aew has in its existence those of course being Dynamite Rampage Collision dark and dark elevation and combine those shows with their pay-per-views and tv specials and we have ourselves a lot of aew matches that have been broadcasted but there are select few aew matches out there that are filmed but never make it to air or are heavily edited or for a variety of reasons and today we’re going to discuss a few of those matches so like the video subscribe and join me as we discuss the Lost aew matches the first match to discuss is the match that took place between luchasaurus and Cesar bononi on the 10th of March 2021 edition of aew dark and now on paper this match seems like the exact kind of match that I would like and the exact kind of match that I would enjoy because it’s two big meaty men and they’re surely going to be slapping some meat soon right well not quite let’s go ahead and watch this match because there is a very key reason as to why this match is very low rated so like I said it’s the March 10th edition 2021 of aew dark aw dark number 80 is luchasaurus versus Cesar Bon it’s during the pandemic era the crowd is still empty I hate looking at the pandemic era shows I just never want to go back to this era of wrestling the match starts off really weird as the two are trying to take each other down and Excalibur and Taz bring on their shenanigan on commentary which lasts for the entire match and is the best part of the match which kind of tells you everything about what was going on in the ring anyway I need to stop foreshadowing but I say that when there’s really nothing to talk about in this match spot wise there was no notable spots nothing special it was just a standard aew dark pandemic era match and if you watched any of dark during the pandemic you know exactly what I mean pretty much any a dark match during this era was just for farming purposes it was just to give people wins and this match was no different luchasaurus dominates throughout the match the only time Caesar bonon is ever really in control is when Peter Avalon at ringside gets involved but it’s also Peter Avalon’s involvement that costs Caesar bononi the match as he gets involved and gets Karma as luchasaurus takes him out and then luchasaurus hits the crater for a nearfall and then he hits the choke slamp and a moonsault for the actual one 123 on Caesar bononi to win this match now that wasn’t too bad just a bit slow just a bit dull but fine for a match that is free on YouTube it isn’t really something to write home about and like I said it’s exactly how you’d expect a dark match from this time to be in aew so why am I talking about it why is it on the list of the worst aew matches of all time and the reason why is because of a botch that got edited out of the match this match is part of an a dark episode that was actually re-uploaded because they edited out of botch which showed a very awkward moment and a miscommunication between the two in the ring as they were both going for a move then they stopped and then reset the spot as Taz and Excalibur and commentary were like oh okay and they just left it in like aw dark is literally a pre-recorded show how do you just let that slide in there like luchasaurus and CES bonon have clearly done that with the with the thought that yeah surely this is going to get edited out they just clearly assumed that but no it went out and the whole world saw it during The Empty Arena era we saw many wrestlers debut and be signed for aew and two of those wrestlers were taon and abdon abdon made their debut in March of 2020 and was signed to the company of June of that same year following their Dynamite debut taon wouldn’t sign for the company until a little bit after as she officially signed for aew in September following a few appearances for the company already and her exit from WWE NXT on October 22nd of that year aew were holding their regular dynamite tapings and during this Empty Arena era they were taping multiple episodes at once and a match set to air on one of those episodes being taped that day was of course tati versus abdon which was set to take place and be air on the 28th of October Dynamite but the next day after these tapings took place rumors began to circulate that abdon had been hospitalized with a serious injury as a result of this match and it wouldn’t be until the next day that more details came out as it was found out that the match had to be stopped as during the course of the match abdon was nailed with a botched elbow to the throat by tati leaving her unable to breathe and having to be rushed to the emergency room this report did also come with some good news though which was that abon’s injury was not as serious as originally thought and they ended up being back in about a month or so this match would obviously never make it to the air and was never shown on Dynamite and since this was during The Empty Arena era there is no fan footage of what took place either so as far as I’m concerned this match can be considered lost media in August of 2021 aew dark officially began taping episodes in Universal Studios Orlando Florida dubbing the venue the all Elite Zone and like they were doing during The Empty Arena pandemic era aew would often take many matches in a single day to air across the coming weeks and one of these dark tapings was taking place on June 12th 2022 and on this taping was a match between aw star Ortiz and Indie Talent Richard King Ortiz at the time was of course a member of proud and Powerful alongside Santana and a former member of the Inner Circle and Richard King was a young Indie Talent based out of Orlando Florida where the tapings were of course taking place and it looked like this was just your typical aew dark match for the time with an aw star taking on a local talent however though I unfortunately can’t tell you whether this match was any good or not because it never came to Air and that’s because 4 days later on the 15th of June aew Dynamite Ortiz took on the former Inner Circle leader Chris Jericho in a hair versus hair match which of course Ortiz would lose Ortiz would lose the match and be forced to shave his own head at the end of the match and he might have just figured out now why this dark match didn’t air that is of course because this dark match was set to air after this dynamite and the problem comes from the fact that he of course had a whole head of hair during that dark match so airing a match which he has hair just after he had it shaved on TV following a hair versus hair match just didn’t make sense didn’t go with aew Cannon and would have kind of broke the aew timeline a bit so yeah this match never made it onto aew dark programming and was a legit aew dark dark match which was rare for the time and there is no fan footage of this match that I’ve been able to find and I have no idea if cameras were even on for it but this match was and only ever will be seen by the people that were there every year the Chris Jericho Rock and wrestling rager takes to the Seas and is a first of its kind cruise that holds wrestling shows on the boat itself aew actually held an episode on the cruise in 2020 and it was pretty awesome stuff but anything that happens on the Jericho cruise that isn’t part of aew programming is pretty much considered non-canon to aw and not a part of aew however there’s always been one match that has always walked the fine line line of whether it is considered Cannon or non-canon and that is a match that took place on January 22nd 2020 on the third night of the cruise and just one day after the aew dynamite taping from the cruise the main event of this night saw a mixed intergender typ team match between Kip savan and Penelope Ford taking on the team of Kenny Omega and reho and this match is a rare sight for aew as like I said it’s an intergender tag team match and during the course of this match we’d see rho and Kip Sabian mix up and then we’d see Kenny Omega and Penelope Ford mixing it up and hitting moves on each other a rare sight to see any aew wrestlers doing as intergender just isn’t a thing on aew TV at all but yeah it’s a decent watch if these kinds of matches are a thing you’re into you can find fan footage on YouTube and this match was also included in one of the aew Dark episodes posted by aew itself on their YouTube channel which is why I say I don’t know if this is considered an aew match or not and after Kenny Omega and rho got the win in this match Kenny got on the mic and says that these kinds of matches are something he wants to do more of in aew and that he’s going to be working on it I’m guessing that that idea got instantly shut down because we’ve never seen an intergender tag like this in aew as we usually just see your regular mixed tag in aw where it’s men on men and women on women Tony khah was vocal when aw first started that he doesn’t want to do intergender wrestling so I doubt we ever will see matches like this on aew programming you can get it in the middle of the ocean however that’s all from me be sure to like this video If you enjoyed it and subscribe with notifications on to be the first to see any future wrestling content I’ll see you all in the next video goodbye and keep on rolling


  1. It’s funny to me that despite knowing Ortiz was gonna get shaved they still filmed a match that would air after. Also most fans already know dark airs late so who cares

  2. Ah, so inter gender matches are allowed in international waters, much like those monkey knife fights.

  3. btw the Jericho cruise episode of Dynamite was actually the first episode the crowd sang "Judas". Then the next crowd did it to try to one up the cruise and eventually it just became tradition till Jericho stopped using Judas as his entrance.

  4. 8:50 See personally I would be interested in intergender matches in AEW/WWE however due to the IRL problem of domestic abuse and men violence towards women in particular I feel like we're never going to see it even though we know its planned and both the man and the woman said okay to it. I feel like its a great heel move esp (man on woman that is) cause I remember the pop that Baron Corbin got when he hit the End of days on Becky Lynch during his feud with Seth Rollins and Lacey Evans but I feel like our society fnds it too uncomfortable even in a wrestling setting.

  5. I'm on the hospital rn and there's like 15 channels, so I watched about 15 minutes of AEW and my god it was bad. The arena was dark to hide the empty seats, the crowd was silent until the match ended….it was awkward to watch. It's a indie show pretending to be big time…kind of made me sad lol

  6. God I fuckin hate Marko Stunt……. Just looking at him in that pic in the ring makes me cringe.

    He fuckin sucks. Get over it.

  7. Why do these morons keep pushing for men vs women matches? Do they not think big sponsors and big television execs are gonna think twice before they put their names on a show that has large men beating up tiny women? It's a fuckin' horrible look

  8. @top10wrestling

    Me: “Ayooo”

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