The Most Game Changing Golf Tip EVER

This is a real life Game Changer to help you play better golf. If you want to fix any golf swing fault whether on the backswing or downswing, do this regardless of the fault. It’s unbelievable how this simple golf tip flattens the left/lead wrist, supports the golf club, controls swing path. Truly a Game Changer of a golf tip which to be honest took a bit of time to decipher.
So take this amazing golf tip to the range regardless of your swing fault and just watch the golf ball fly straight and long every time.

#golf #golflinks #golfswing #golfer

For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING METHOD is now being implemented in 62 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set-up of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Filmed at:
00:00 Introduction
00:20 Quick technical part….it’s important??
01:06 What the wrists do, or should do?
02:32 Get the arm in position
04:24 What else this fixes
09:30 Mind Blowing Bonus TIP

this is probably the most game-changing golf tip ever that is not a lie I’m deadly serious this if you can understand this it’s quite technical it’s not really technical cuz I’m going to make it easy for you if you understand this you’ll see a huge Improvement in ball striking I mean it is a game-changing golf tip so I’ve been studying the golfing machine I’ve got some notes of my own and I’m going to make this as simple as possible let me quickly just read out one part of my notes the reason we want to eliminate any Aller real radial deviation and the right wrist is to keep the right forearm on plane throughout the entire swing this provides maximum Force Through impact and allows the maximum directional control as all the forces are moving in one plane of motion rather than two brilliant when the right wrist deviates in either direction woooo the club shaft and the right forearm will no longer realign through impact additionally this is a source of overswinging so we can overswing from this so This tip hav’t broken this down let’s get into it it’s going to change your game I’m excited so what does all that mean well basically you’ve got Alla radial Palmer flexion dorsy flexion the right wrist only does one thing it only moves this way okay the left wrist only does one thing it only moves that way so everything I’ve just read out to you there from my notes talking about the right wrist staying on plane or the right forearm staying on plane if we can control what the right wrist does it’s amazing the impact that has on the other part of your golf swing which I’ll get to in just a second so let’s let’s hit a golf ball let’s find a Target let’s take that post up there let’s hit a golf ball I want to ask you a question as I’m doing this have you gone to the top of your gol swing before and over swung have you gone too far and over swung have you pushed the shaft off plane so have you come down and push the shaft off plane this way dropped it in this way too much these are all things that happen we we we do this you know that this is the bad motion so we’re trying to take that bad motion out and all we have to do all we have to do is ensure that our Trail wrist our right wrist does not do that okay so our Trail wrist is not going up and down now this is going to support the golf club it’s also going to support the right arm being on plane it’s going to give you maximum Force Through impact and maximum control of Direction who doesn’t want that so watch this at a dress position I take my right arm let’s just put left hand on take my right arm and run it down from my right pocket to the shaft there so now it’s on a plane and this is the plane the right arm is going to go up right forearm is going to go up and down that’s where we’re at okay now you’ll see from face on there that at dress position I have an angle between right forearm and Club shaft and that therefore the right wrist is slightly bent okay not done this we’ve only gone that way so if I take my address position looking at Target with right hand on only and I ensure there’s an angle between Club shaft and Trail forearm there brilliant then apply left hand magic I’m now set now this angle I create from arm to shaft if I was to draw a line from Sweet Spot back up to my elbow you would see that create a plane there’d be a sheet of of material in there that was called a flying wedge so that sheet of material between The Sweet Spot and elbow down the arm down the shaft that’s maintained for the whole swing so there I’m now structured BR up to the top I maintain that and as I come back through impact I’m there as well maintaining that angle between Club shaft forearm elbow and sweet spot so that triangle that Flying Wedge is still there now the byproduct of that I’m going to hit a ball in just a second but let’s hit one so I set myself I’m in there good right arms on plane excellent cool from there I’m maintaining that there brilliant back through hit a good shot to maintain that it encourages the body to turn the body has to turn so if I’d stop my body from turning I’m going to create different angles with the wrists so I’ve set it in there I’ve turned I’ve still got it I’ve turned turn turn turn turn turn turned I’ve still got it and then I’ve come through the byproduct I’m talking about which is mindblowing this is the gamechanging part is if you can control the trail wrist I’m right-handed I do a lot of things right-handed a lot of things I shouldn’t do right-handed a lot of things I do right-handed so I’m I’m right- hand dominant but if I can control my right wrist and my right forearm like that simply like that the gamechanging part is the main the number one imperative of the golf swing is the flat left wrist flat lead wrist now if I control the trail wrist when I get to the top of my swing my lead wrist is going to be flat see that straight line right down there that that’s not CED it’s not bored which is your planter flexion dorsy flexion it’s not cup not bored because I’ve kept the angle between the shaft and my trail forearm so I’ve kept my right wrist there wow and that controls I mean that controls everything in the golf swing as I say it’s the number one imperative of the golf swing is that flat left rest through impact now if I set myself there with the angle I don’t want this angle here I want the angle to be here there it’s set up to the top you can see now that it’s flat at the top then I come back down so left wrist is flat at the top and then I come back down because I’m holding the angle between right arm and Club shaft body turns I’m there and my left wrist is now flat at impact controlling Club face it’s that’s so so important you’ll pure your irons you’ll find it hard with driver first of course we’ll find it hard with driver because getting the control or the power through body turns hard work but you’ll hit laser straight golf shots like laser straight golf shots because the back of the left wrist is flat through impact and you’ve controlled and maintained the angles so I’m there to there there look at that left rest there there face on you’ll see now impact the angle between the forearm and the club shaft is maintained so that triangle beautiful top there because I’ve just kept this bent there you can see bending that controls the lead rest and through impact I’m in a really good place I’m now going to stop talking hit some golf balls in there beautiful that’s class straight shot in there there to there turn back through Straight Shot the got my angle between Club shaft and forearm up to the top and there I know my angle is good for my flat left wrist there I can feel a bit more body turn snatched at it a little bit straight shot though hit a bad shot but it went straight why did it go straight cuz I never messed around with my angles I was going to swear there great again more compression on that got the body going so I impact the club shaft and the trail forarm are now aligned through impact okay they’re no longer out of line what I mean by that is this what I mean by that is at the to to of my swing there I’m good when I come down there my trail arm and my shaft from down the line view are online offline offline online one straight line down there that’s consistency so if I if I was to up there there I can hit that square every time if I you know I’m there which effectively is there there see the angle face on there the flat left at the top down the line there every time the same hitting straight shots does it ever get boring hitting straight shots I wouldn’t think so I wouldn’t think so let me lay myself up now back to my post there good oh yes oh yes I’m just going to hit these last two cuz this is so much fun yeah I mean you could throw a doy over those last ball oh okay I’m going to try and play a little draw here set myself there’s a thing called Sweet Spot rotation wasn’t going to discuss this but I I find this quite easy so if I put my right hand on the grip and just just watch what I do there I go round in front of the golf ball and then rotate The Sweet Spot around but look how it puts my trail 4 I’m on plane there so now it’s on that plane that’s more advanced Sweet Spot rotation there great brings right elbow closer to right side as well much better just feels more comfortable for me wow straight golf shots it’s absolutely gamechanging game changing is used a lot on YouTube but that is game changing you can understand the structure of that I am delighted with that I love it absolutely love it just threw my golf club away if you want to know more about hitting driver better that little video that’s on the screen right now click that Homer Kelly’s golf machine is a book that needs to be read with care do not go wild just try and break little bits out of it I’m trying to break little bits out of it finding it hard but when I do and I get a little nugget like that I’m passing them on you guys click that link there on the screen you’ll hit driver better and I’ll see you in the next video thanks very much subscribe bye-bye


  1. Thank you for always putting across very simple and easy to understand concepts and not over complicating the golf swing. I'm left eye/left hand dominant but I swing right-handed. Any tips to stop my left hand being so strong and using my right hand more? Is it a grip issue?

  2. Steve. Love the latest batch of swing ideas and your deep dive into the classic literature for inspiration from a teaching professional viewpoint. I liked the club back and slightly inside (the line) at address with driver. If you get a chance would welcome your thoughts on reliable shots from various types of rough.

  3. Hi Steve, this is a great instruction video, thanks so much. Great to see you back on YouTube and spending some of your valuable time with us all 👍🏻

  4. Hi Steve, thanks for the new tip. Just a caution to people watching, even though the right wrist angles are intended at impact, they are not actually held past impact, as you can see on your swing if paused just after the ball is hit. I only mentioned this as I had a lot of issues trying to hold onto angles, rather than letting the clubhead release to a point where the butt of the club handle points back at your belt buckle about 3 feet after the ball, and all the angles are gone. You can easily end up dragging the handle otherwise and losing speed etc. Not sure if this needed mentioning too?

  5. THAT is the best setup and swing instruction I have seen anywhere. I am old now but still hit the ball ok. Distance is a problem nowadays . Straight not so much trouble. This though I can see a possible distance improver straight away. NOW can I do it.? of course I can. All I have to do is follow this instruction. thumbed up.

  6. What a fantastic breakdown on the position of the forearm and wrist at address and through impact. Great explanation, Steve. Thanks again for another well delivered instruction on hitting straighter golf shots. 👍🏻

  7. Now that you cracked the golf swing I am sure we can expect to see you on the PGA tour winning one tournament after the other…..

  8. This flat left wrist is interesting cause I don't think I've ever over swung always shorter I think its impossible for my left wrist to bend back too much if that makes sense. I do notice I don't have a shot shape . 🤞👍🏌💯

  9. Technical Steve but well explained. You’re good and you simplified it beautifully. Everyone share like crazy. All your content I enjoy there, there, there, is the way to practice; Love it ❤️

  10. Come over to indianapolis and i will get you a couple brickyard 400 tickets for a lesson,i need that impact.

  11. .. brilliant idea going through The Golfing Machine, so interesting. Well done 👏👏👏

  12. Great video Steve – actually found something similar to this idea by accident, playing around with grips etc (like you do) and been hitting some good shots. Only thing is I'm finding it more difficult to shape shots on demand, but I'll keep persevering with it 👍

  13. Great tip Steve. I imagine this is what the Procendr does, keeping that right wrist in that position through to impact. I have one and will be practising with it today to get that feeling embedded.

  14. Hi Steve, great video. Like a lot of people here, I’ve watched a lot of golf videos but never one as succinct as this one. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and guidance.

    Also, love your apparel, what you wearing big man?

  15. Fantastic video Steve, rotating the club face sweetspot at address you discuss in Eureka. I have plus 4 grips to make my right hand less active and this information is invaluable.

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