Golf Babe

Alice Hewson clinches title after playoff victory | VP Bank Swiss Ladies Open

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dramatic to win in the playoff but really you won it with two good two good finishes over the last two days really tell me what your reaction is um a little bit lost for words really um like huge congrats to tasa as well like she had an unreal finish today um it was honor being out there with her um for that playoff hole but yeah it’s it feels a bit surreal it’s been a while since I’ve been in this uh situation um you know coming from my first ever event on for to now like it’s been a journey there’s been a lot of ups and downs and I mean there’s so many people to thank to get me to this point now but um yeah just a bit lost for words what’s it like when you when you win on your first start like you did and then another victory has obviously been a while coming did you start to lose belief or we did you always have the belief that you were capable of winning a again um there were times when the belief was definitely missing yeah I went through a very rough patch um um two and a bit years ago now and you know couldn’t keep a golf ball on a planet so uh to kind of be back here now today uh yeah just very grateful for everyone around me and for believing in me when I didn’t and you want it in style I mean there was a bit of everything from you out there some great approach shots some good putts and of course that that chipping tell me about that yeah I’d kind of been patient all day I’d given myself so many opportunities and you know just gone past or just left it short in the Jaws so uh yeah to finally see a cple drop coming in was good and then yeah the the bunker shot on 17 in regulation it wasn’t quite how I’d uh anticipated playing it but uh very happy with the result yeah sure you are happy with that result and of course the 18th you played so well and again you played so well in the playoff did you have a particular tactic when you were knocking up on the Range preparing for this that you were going through that I’m going to play it this way or was it just the case of when you went out there sort of came to you naturally yeah we we just kind of tried to play it how it was played so differently every single day um we’ve had 100 yards to a back pin and just then we’ve had 150 yards to a front pin like the wind has been swelling like crazy so we’ve kind of just taken it as it’s come each time um my warmup on the Range just then I went through my standard warmup like I do every morning you know just try to keep everything as as normal as possible and stick to the routines certainly worked and it’s time to get your hand on perhaps the most unusual trophy on the ladies European tour many congratulations well done much thank you thank you


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