Master Golf Grip Technique Easily!

Master Golf Grip Technique Easily!

The golf grip is one of the most basic fundamentals that you need to master! Whether you’re a beginner golfer or an experienced player, having the proper grip on the golf club is essential to getting the club face square at impact!

Watch this video to the end to Master Your Golf Grip Technique Easily!

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in this video I’m going to show you exactly how to grip the golf club whether you’re a beginner in the game or you’re an established player that’s been playing for years having a proper grip on the golf club is a key fundamental that everyone can improve so why is the proper grip so important well what controls the club face position it’s the grip of course having the proper grip on the golf club at setup will help return the club face to the ball at of impact on a more consistent basis simplest way to do this is to make sure first that you have a neutral Club face I prefer to hold the club at a 45 degree angle with my right hand or my trail hand while I place my left hand or lead hand on the club I’m going to place my fingers on the back of the grip first then wrap my hand around so that the heel pad of my left hand rests on the top of the club now the V that’s formed by the thumb and forefinger should point between my trail ear and Trail shoulder then I’m going to place my right hand on the club again making sure the grip is in the finger of my hands wrapping my hand around so that this squishy part of my hand rests on top of my left thumb again with the V pointing between my ear and Trail ear and shoulder now you’ve got three different options to complete your grip you’ve got your 10 finger grip or baseball grip you’ve got your inner locking grip and finally your overlap grip ultimately which grip you use is which one feels more comfortable for you the inner locking grip is usually better for someone with smaller hands because of the way your hands are locked as one they work better together the overlap grip is better for someone with larger hands because they’ll usually grip the golf club too tight and the overlap grip should decrease grip pressure now the 10 finger grip is most used by beginners because it’s usually what feels the most natural so at the end of the day choose which grip that works best for you don’t use a grip just because a tour player grips the club that way if it’s not comfortable for you like I said earlier since the grip is ultimately what controls the position of the club face at impact you’re going to want to make sure you’ve got the right grip in the golf club for you that’s going to help you get the club face Square to the Target and impact much more consistently than using a grip that’s not comfortable for you

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