Callaway Chrome Tour X Golf Ball Review

We know the Chrome Soft is good, and the Chrome Tour didn’t disappoint. How does the X model fair for the average golfer?


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00:00 Intro
2:29 Design
3:22 Chipping and Putting
7:19 50 Yard Pitch
7:55 9 Iron
9:09 7 Iron
10:09 5 Hybrid
11:03 Driver
12:04 Durability
12:57 Conclusion

hey guys what is up welcome back to the channel and we are finally doing the firmer X version of a golf ball I did I think a couple months ago now but uh we are doing the Callaway Chrome tour X brand new for the 2024 season let’s dive in so when I reviewed the Callaway Chrome tour um I was absolutely blown away I the Chrome soft was one of my favorite golf balls I loved how it came off the club and and the numbers I got especially for the average swing crowd it’s actually the best Tour golf ball i’ I’d ever tested for an average swing speed because it just it has a lower compression it’s in the 70s and it just responds really well well the 70s compression works good for average swingers but for the faster swinger crowd there were certain tour players that were like it’s just too soft I mean I I don’t mind playing it but it’s just really too soft so now they’ve come out with the Chrome tour line which firms it up a little bit um and they still have the Chrome soft for now but they also have the Chrome tour and the Chrome tour X to try to get essentially More tour players on board which I don’t mind the Chrome tour still performed phenomenally uh broke some records some of the best numbers I’d seen I would gladly play that ball still this is the firmer X version to be honest with you I doubt it’s going to be for my swing speed I think it’s going to be probably tailored for more of the 105 crowd 110 crowd but we’re still going to give it a shot anyway and test it and see how it is let’s Dive Right In of course to the price point first you know the Chrome tour I’m not a big fan of the price point um $55 a dozen exactly matches the prob1 at this point I liked it a little bit better when they were $47 a dozen last year I don’t understand why the the catway Tour line went this High most of the time when a golf ball increases in price it’s $2 $2 a year $3 a year the fact that we saw an $8 price increase like I’m just I’m trying to figure out what Callaway is trying to cover here like I don’t know what they spent money on I don’t know what they got tied up but they’re trying to get some more money um I’m not a big fan of that $55 price point but I tell you what does kind of save it is that if you do buy three dozen you get a dozen for free they have a four dozen pack that essentially allows you to get one dozen for free it does help it does help for sure so and that’s a deal they’ve been constantly running for the last four or five months so really good there so that there’s at least that but let’s get into the design of the golf ball I love Callaway’s logo they have an excellent logo they have an Old English style font which is great this has the red number because it’s the Tour X model um looks really good there I love The dimple pattern as well you come around on the side here you have the Chrome tour X which this alignment tool this is just the basic golf ball so the alignment tool here is not great but keep in mind that caway offers a variety probably the best in the industry as far as offering different styles different alignment tool AIDS you know there’s a 360 track there’s a just triple track there’s I mean you you name it they have it all they have the picture one now um Callaway has done an amazing job at whatever style you like whether it’s plain or mild or flashy or 360 whatever you want they offer it so I really give Callaway a lot of credit there on the design it’s it’s one of the better designed golf balls I’ve seen period so love to see that without further Ado let’s get out to the chipping and putting green and let’s see how it does around there all right Cowa Chrome tour X interested to see what this does here start out with a nice little chip okay A little bounce to the left which is what I would expect golf balls like this usually have a lot more side spin once you get into this level of golf ball you know the spin becomes a lot less forgiving if you accidentally close the face a little too much or leave it open you’ll see it go right or left I’m going to try to open the face here and see if I can kind of get it to mimic the same thing actually no I hit it pretty decent I actually got too much on it but the Back Spin was pretty good I’m going to try to get a really good one here there we go low spinner yeah see that’s if you’re really good at golf and you can consistently hit it like that it has an amazing amount of spin I wouldn’t know I most of the time I don’t hit them that pure but that was still cool to watch I’m going to try one more here yeah really good spin there I know I didn’t hit it pure but you could tell by the reaction off of the the carpet whatever you want to call it all right it is putter time we’re going to start with the Mallet of course I do expect this golf ball to be a little more firmer than the regular tour you know not by a lot actually really good putt there not by a lot but there is a little more subtle click you hear um it’s not as big of a drastic as some balls are some golf balls you hit the Tour X version and they just absolutely you know it’s it’s Lightyear’s difference between the tour and the X model um I’ve seen golf balls be that way in the past this is not the case there is a difference but it is pretty minor yeah that was actually pretty soft pretty muted yeah I mean actually that’s I’m not going to lie for a Torx golf ball that’s actually really muted um comes off the club really well let’s try the blade putter now and see if there’s any difference with the blade I expect there to be a noticeable click and louder difference a lot of the time with these really thick heavy Mallet Putters everything kind of feels the same which is kind of the case here so let’s try the blade maybe that’ll have a little more feedback for you traditionalists out there let’s give this a little tap here you know no not like I thought not like I thought at all it actually came up way short it wasn’t a perfect strike try that one more time here just really focus on good strike through the ball boy yeah no that’s actually really soft for an X model um which actually is is pretty true to Callaway okay so the Callaway Chrome tour X did pretty much everything I expected it to do it spun a little bit more than the regular tour model did uh it actually had a little bit of control as far as if I wanted to get the ball to bounce left or bounce right I could it’s definitely more of advanced player Ball but really where the Chrome Torx surprised me was with the field now I know in the past the Chrome soft and the chrom soft X didn’t have a lot of difference the chrom soft X was one of the more softer golf balls uh for being in that X model range and it actually continued that here I was expecting this golf ball to be very firmer clicker I know they’re aiming at it more of the Tor crowd uh so I was expecting more of a traditional feel just not the case really soft uh with the wedge really soft with both Putters you know when I did the mount putter I thought okay when I get to the blade it’s going to be nope it’s really soft it’s really it’s actually pretty Pleasant it feels like a normal Tour ball so if you’re someone who’s looking for that really clicky four piece traditional feel you’re not going to get it here but if you’re someone who likes more that modern more squishy type feel not super squishy but just softer feel that’s what this is going to be now one thing that is interesting about the Callaway Chrome tour and t x is that they’re both four piece models which is really interesting it’s it’s most of the time you see three-piece models I think that’s how it’s been in the past uh maybe the X version is usually a four piece but this time both of them are now again I don’t usually have a lot of success with four piece golf balls but the Chrome tour was just amazing now as far as field it does feel a lot firmer than the tour I loved the tour but this one is not bad per se but it’s starting to get into that firmer where I a couple times I’d really M hit it and I got kind of shooken a little bit because I’m like man I’m just not compressing this that well so I do kind of fear for the Forgiveness so without further Ado let’s start with the 50 yard pitch um as you can see there 7,040 that is I think probably one of the lowest I’ve tested it’s the second lowest I’ve tested so far um which isn’t uncommon like I said you know when you get these four piece golf balls that are a lot firmer I just don’t compress them as well and if you’re not compressing it it’s not going to spin it’s that simple so um I did get really low spin numbers there with it um there was a couple times I really hit it clean and I got some good spin numbers but again n nine times out of 10 I’m not going to hit it 100% pure I’m going to hit it 90 95% but this golf ball just isn’t made for that it’s made for a much better crowd so that’s why that number was there but let’s dive into the nine iron now uh 126. 3 which is just slightly above average so compressing pretty well 127.5 not bad at all uh 96.6 on your speed now that is a little less than I’ve been getting uh pretty much with any golf ball now it is actually more than I got with the Chrome tour so that’s kind of interesting so I did get better numbers uh as far as the ball speed just slightly by a mile per hour now looking at the spin there as you can see that is the least amount of spin I have gotten so far again just it’s funny how I’m getting decent numbers with it but I’m just not spinning it as well as I would like to um just not spinning it well as all uh 20.5 that is a low launch that’s an extremely low launch um so yeah that that’s kind of where I’m getting into some concerned factors here although I did like the distance the spin is not going to hold a green very well and then the launch angle is really low so if I’m in an area where I want to keep it out of the wind sure that’s great but most of the time average golfers don’t want a low launching golf ball that’s when you get into a really fast swing speed you’re really good at delofting clubs and what happens is is is your your seven iron is turning into a four iron and you want something that launches a little higher that’s definitely not the case with me but let’s dive into the seven iron now hopefully this does compress a little bit better 152.5 that is slightly below average 154.181 65 again really really really low spin there and then 17.2 launch which is really low as well so that was my fear is that just not compressing it well enough maybe once we get into the five hybrid and the driver maybe I’ll start compressing him a little better but right now I’m not compressing it well enough and if I was to use this on the course it would really eat me alive which again is the importance of playing the right golf ball for you I know a lot of people just pick the the Torx up and hit it and go oh I like the firmer feel and they just play it this is what can happen you can lose a lot of spin you know instead of holding greens you’re now at the back of the greens I mean you can lose seven to 10 Strokes a around easy just by playing the wrong golf ball I mean period you just can and that’s kind of what these numbers show let’s get into the five hybrid though let’s see if we compressed it any better 182.5 now that’s actually a good number 18996 excuse me that’s a great number 123.3mi .8 is a really really really low launch um this golf ball almost reminds me of probably like the AVX like that’s what it’s designed for if you’re someone who needs um a low launching golf ball because you launch it way too high in the air that’s probably what we’re looking at here because 13.8 is way too low for me and then the 3,400 my average is 5,132 spin with my hybrid 3,479 is going to do nothing for me I mean that’s going to hit the front of the green and roll to the back like I’m just not going to be able to hold it so again kind of disappointing just because I don’t think it’s for me but uh let’s see if the driver’s any good we might as well we’re here uh 26.2 uh no that’s abysmal let me you know what I haven’t even looked yet but I guarantee it’s because of the launch angle 229 oh no actually no 138.5 that’s just really bad ball speed which probably comes back to forgiveness uh 2026 really low spin again which that’s not bad on the driver and then yes it did launch extremely low so pair bad for because it’s firmer with low spin paired with a low launch angle yeah you you really need to be my numbers are extremely off from this so what I would probably say is you know I’m swinging 97 mph at this point I would say probably maybe 110 I mean it might be 105 I’d have to see I’d have to have someone test it but 105 110 for sure I think it’s going to be that type of swing speed that gets this ball done because my numbers aren’t even close with this this is not something I would even bring with me and then getting into the durability you know catway has done pretty decent in the past but I’m actually really disappointed with this one with the X model I mean I only hit it maybe 60 70 shots you can see serious roughing around the edges you can see chips gone in the golf ball you can see abrasions you can see I mean at this point this thing’s only lasted half a round well maybe a little more than half a round but you know let’s say 75% of a round and I wouldn’t trust it at this point I mean I don’t trust its roll I don’t trust its flight um this really is a like if I feel it it feels a little sandpapery I mean this is probably like a four out of 10 on durability I’m really disappointed in that regard um especially for a golf ball that cost this much now I don’t think I had that bad of an issue with the tour I’d have to go back and look cuz it’s been a couple months but I’m pretty sure the tour was nowhere near this so anyway without harping on it too much I’ll get into my closing thoughts here this golf ball is not for the average crowd this is for a faster swinger so if you are here and you’re a faster swinger and you’re like hey should I try it I’m a firm believer that if you’re if you’re in the uh tour Market if you’re looking at like the prov1 and the Callaway Chrome tour and the uh Wilson Staff model which is a great golf ball by the way um a lot of these tour level golf balls my advice is just find where you can get a sleeve when you go into Pro Shops and you see them selling them a sleeve just pick up a sleeve pick up a sleeve of them give them a try try three or four of them and figure out what you like best see what responds the best everyone’s a little different everyone swings a little different and just figure that out but as far as the average swing crowd I would say the heck away from the X model now the Chrome soft is amazing I haven’t tested the new 2024 model yet but I’m going to the Chrome tour I had really good results with I think the Chrome tour or the Chrome soft excuse me is still going to be the best out of the three golf balls for the average swing crowd but we won’t know that until 100% until it’s tested but I would stay far away from X model because I didn’t even come close to compressing it right not even so not the golf Ball’s fault just not meant for me um if you are someone who is a faster swinger and you do like this golf ball feel free to share your feedback I’d love to hear it see how it is guys as always keep watching to keep saving and keep learning until next time


  1. Definitely not a ball for any average golfers. Some 2 piece balls in your top 20 more suitable. Without doubt, Callaway make great balls, that's why, following your videos gives us an idea of which ball to try and which ball to steer away from.

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