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41 is the Mic: Key Decisions That Made the Chiefs Dynasty

Nick Jacobs (KSHB 41) and Matt Derrick (Chiefs Digest) break down the key moments and decisions over the past 15 years that have brought the Chiefs to where they are today as they seek an unprecedented third consecutive Super Bowl championship.

it’s time for 41 is the mic a weekly Chiefs podcast with Nick Jacobs of KSHB 41 and Matt Derek of Chief’s digest 41 is the mic starts now yes that’s right everyone you are back with 41 is the mic I am Matt Derek from Chiefs digest alongside podcast content topic Enthusiast Nick Jacobs KB 41 that is the perfect title for this week I thought You’ like that yeah so I mean today as you know last Sunday we let you know what we’re going to do topic-wise as a teaser to get you excited for the upcoming week maybe it help you get through your week give you something to look forward to or maybe you were just curious if you were going to spend part of your Sunday or whenever you’re going to listen to it on that so we did this thing called a teaser but when you put something out there publicly there is a chance that competitors will like your idea too and take it to Market quicker than you will so somebody elected to do that didn’t have the respect for us to let us do uh the topic that we created so Matt and I are pivoting a little bit on that topic and doing it a little bit differently but still doing the topic so at least shows us that people are listening our show and they like our ideas and and it does go to show that we are what I you know I said this earlier this week we are at the peak nater of the NFL calendar because no one has any ideas right now it’s this is generic topic week because nothing is happening so that’s why we had the idea and I say we it was you Nick Nick is Nick I mean 90 I was going to say 95% I was goingon to say 90 but reallya probably 95 95% of the good ideas on this podcast are pretty much all Nick’s ideas see yeah let’s not get Reckless with our okay we we’re collaborative effort we planned out what we’re going to do during the off season cuz guests that we were trying to book were uh were wanting to enjoy their vacation during that time and get some time away nothing happens this time of here so uh we came up with some ideas that we thought would be interesting for people that could you know be something to have during this time of the year and forun an idea that I told you about three or four weeks ago we made public a little bit earlier than we should have and now we get to Pivot a little bit on it so what we’re gonna do today is we’re gonna look back we are going to um do a kind of chronological tour of how the Chiefs got to where they are today with this team with this squad with this organization as it is we’re not going back to the beginning of time we’re just going back to you know when this era of Chiefs football really truly kind of began and some of the important steps along the way kind of revisit because I tell you what Nick when I was going through this you know to me and and looking up some of the things that I remember big events I mean one you know you remember some names that you forget um you sometimes see that there were decisions that were made and the grass wasn’t always greener that hey you made the right decision even if maybe it didn’t seem like it at the time and I also remember that and at least now recall I didn’t remember before but ReDiscover that there were some big moments in Chief’s history that happened back to back like there were big moments that happened one day and then the next day totally changed so um we’re hit some fun stuff today hopefully that you will all enjoy so uh start it off Nick I think we are probably going to start in the same place but uh I’m going to let you kick us off all right so this is from speaking experience of living through this time of covering it um the the franchise this part it was big bigger than people realize the Chiefs hiring Mark doin from the Eagles um he worked for the Eagles from 03 to 09 so he was a part of that Andy Reid era out there saw what that winning did saw what going to conference championships did the way Andy Reid operated how the football or football Side of Everything operated how they went about it how they approached stuff so he got a firsthand look at what a team can look like how it can be run and what Andy Reed brought to the table as one of the heads of the Eagles organization during that time of during that era while Mark Donovan was there so he got to you know he got the firsthand look so then once he comes to the Chiefs and in the 09 range there he got promoted in two th he came as a chief operating officer then got promoted in 2011 to I believe the role he’s essentially in now um I think he played a bigger part in helping set the table for Andy Reid to come here then he’s probably really gotten credit from most people outside of the organization or outside of the NFL because if there’s anybody that knows what Andy brings to the table or what Andy was bringing to the table and what he could do for an organization it was him firsthand and then he also got to see what happens when um Scott pii was in charge and so it was kind of an eagle Eagle style getting to witness how the Patriot Way was going and the right 53 and all those catchphrases back then and he I think if anybody could see from their observations I think if there’s anybody that could see it probably Mark Donovan understanding that like hey here’s another approach you can take when that time became available that the Chiefs chose to go in a different direction and I think they kind of set the set the table yeah I don’t I I I think the exact same I think it’s it’s it’s very easy to draw a line from Mark Donovan to Andy Reid and you know Mark Donovan he spent six years in Philadelphia um he came when he came to Kansas City he was actually at First reporting to to Denny th and then when Denny retired Mark Donan stepped into his role and so Donovan had four years of four seasons of kind of bending the ear of an of of Clark hunt and and getting to know him a little bit so probably even being able to say the right things that when it was time to search for a new coach that donov was into the place to say you know what I know a guy I mean I mean obviously Clark H admit it clear Andy Reid was his first and only choice when they went to go hire a coach he’ never met Andy Reid I mean hadn’t talked to him in any way whatsoever so why was he his first choice I’m pretty sure Mark Donovan played a pretty important role in selling him on on Andy Reid so very for two at his timing I mean if Andy Reid is not available at the time that the Chiefs make a coaching change I mean if the Chiefs had not hired Romeo Corell if they’d hired a different head coach and got in a different direction the year be before after firing Todd Haley we may not be here in this situation I mean almost everything I mean talk about your butterflies wings I mean maybe we I mean and and maybe I should have put that on my list hiring Romeo kenell as your head coach for a year because had you not done that this franchise looks totally different I mean here’s what I’ll say on on that situation before we start moving on to the next on the list Romeo was liked by the players and the player and the players played strong for him at the end and I don’t think Pei was going to really try to go outside the organization unless it was somebody he worked with or was connected with do seemed to be his pattern while he was in Kansas city either they were connected to somebody he knew and they could give a recommendation a referral on that player that coach that person whoever they were or um it was somebody that he had a comfort level with that he could kind of keep in that way I mean you just look at their quarterbacks alone Matt Castle they you know he he was within New England Brady Quinn had connection Charlie Weiss and then when Charlie Weiss and Romeo were to here to kind of help prop up Todd Haley as a head coach and kind of help ease some of that in 2010 when they had their one successful year during that uh during that era then you know like all of it was kind of interconnected to something that either dealt with the Patriots bich parcel or was kind of you know connected in that way and involved in that in that tree in some way from player acquisition all the way to um that so that the Chiefs got to find out that that system and that viewp point and that Vision didn’t work at that time and they were able to Pivot from it and there’s let’s face it I mean there’s there’s no coach in history I mean you know the the ghost of Vince Lombardi wasn’t fixing the 2012 Chiefs so they were going to be the team team they were going to be maybe one of the only people that could have taken them from 2 and4 to three and 13 might have been the guy that they end up hiring and that’s the list on that’s the next big moment on my list January 4th 2013 Andy Reid is introduced as the new head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs and I I mean that is just a pivotal moment I mean just as though the bellich H being hired by the the P rots was watershed moment for them I mean this is Andy re was good in Philadelphia he’s been better in Kansas City and with what they’ve done I mean yeah I mean there’s you’re obviously now you’re just talking about Andy Reid being one of the Mount rushmor of coaches in the NFL I mean it’s him it’s schula it’s belich Lombardi I mean is that pretty much the list now Nick I mean for and for Andy she’s if you look at what he’s done and if you think of all the coaches and what they’ve done how many of those coaches have done it up multiple spots had the same level of success if not more success at the at at the spots and for Andy Reid to have been as many conference championships as he’s been have as many we winning seasons as he’s had and then now he’s got the final piece of the puzzle with the Super Bowls that kind of determine it for a lot of coaches whether they’re with one franchise or another like he I feel like he continues to separate himself in in a whole different ball game each passing year to where you had to you have to be something special to take multiple franchises to sustain success at the level that he did and I mean you know the Eagles fans May disagree during their era of what they had but if the Eagles fans think about it very closely they don’t routinely have that that era like if Andy reads to coach the bottom doesn’t Fallout last year like it did for the Eagles like Andy has a very steady approach in way he goes about things and and just that Philly we’ll see what happens with Philly because Philly’s right now trying to use Vic fangio as their as their Lifesaver and their preserver to kind of help keep that thing afloat and hopefully kind of keep it the bottom from falling out like it did last year but I mean with Andy Reid I also consider that a part of everything else that he brought brought with him I consider that John dorsy being hired after Andy is the general manager because dorsey’s coming here cuz Andy you know Andy’s here and then the coaching staff that he brought with him that they I’m including all of them as well as a part of this so it’s Andy Reid and what he brought here including the like you know like Rick Burk holder and Tom Melvin and David Coley and you know Eric benmy coming here and Brad shers coming here and Doug Peterson and then on the defensive side you know with Bob Sutton and so on and so forth so I consider that all of that collectively the Andy Reed era being brought here primarily with him but also the people that are connected with him and know what type of coaches and what type of system he brings wanting to come with him yeah and you think about just the the number of people from that first staff who are still around for uh with Andy re I mean obviously Matt n’s back for round two but you mentioned Melvin heck um Cory mati still around Mike Fraser you know come Barry ruin came over he just recently retired um but to Tobe thank you almost missed Dave to um but then did so Brad childis and um you know it was an incredible group that that he brought in I mean that that first coaching staff was was impressive and the fact that you know some of those names are still around and you know the guys who haven’t retired I mean some guys that moved on to you know other roles and and whatnot and and I mean and honestly I mean the defensive side of the coaching staff was really good too I mean the message of Bob Sutton and and with the players that they had when they got here it clicked I mean they had some pieces for sure Bob has and had some really good defenses I mean you gotta give the tent credit to the players and hey there was some good Acquisitions you know over the years I mean Tom bahali and Justin Houston good players but Bob set had some good years and and he should have because the amount of pro bowlers he already had inherited on the defense because like you said you had the likes of Justin Houston you had Don Terry Poe who was just in his second year when he got him um then you had tomal like you said you had Derek Johnson and then you have you inherited Brin and flowers initially and then I mean to have to add on to it with Mike DeVito who was a big pickup for him Jay Howard was a big pickup for him um then you know you bring in some of the I mean from a linebacking perspective you’ve got you’ve literally got Justin Houston Tomba Ali and and Derek Johnson as three or four linebackers because then you kind of rotated in Josh MAA and then you know you had that aspect of it um but like yeah no they had they had a lot of pieces available to them including Ron Parker and Quinton dims at one point and um just all the all those guys combined there was there was a lot for Bob Sutton to work with and yet you had all of those pieces in the five previous Seasons the chief’s defense was ranked in points allowed 29th 29th I think it was 12th 15th and 25th and Bob seton’s first year fifth I mean sometimes you know hey at least coach being able to put the guys in the right place as Andy Reid would like to say and also kind of a big deal and also creating a culture where they could quote unquote let their personality Shine versus them having to remember one of the five talking points when they talked to Media about what they had to say to to just say yeah I got to look at tape yeah just got to look at tape you know just gotta you know go back to the drawing board um and then those those talking or those sayings that they had to use over and over and over again in the Lo room they didn’t have to think about that they could just be adults and be free and be who they were that took a lot of weight off their shoulders to just worry about having to learn the system and go out and play Nick and I did not compare our list beforehand so we don’t know I mean this is organic so we’re going to kind of experience and see how how much we both think alike or maybe you know surprise the other one with some things so I’m really curious to see what’s next on your list Nick yeah um next on the list is trading for Alex Smith and so far we’re three for three so but trading for Alex Smith that happened at the combine just a couple months after Andy Reid was there and I remember uh Dave Stewart and and I were and Chris golf I think yeah Chris golf’s camera guy I can’t remember if Eric rash was the camera guy too we went to uh the Chiefs practice facility and we were interviewing uh Andy Reid that day one of his kind of his you know he’d been for been there for a month starting to kind of get a little comfortable do additional media before uh before the combine and the question a lot of people this is this is another thing we’re go a little inside baseball here a lot of people I knew were going to ask about specific quarterbacks to Andy and some of them and’s not going to be able to talk about because under contract with another team and he’s also not going to be able to specifically name you know at the time because gin Smith was the quarterback kind of coming out in the draft that people were asking him about out constantly so whenever Dave and I were talking I said hey if you ask him what characteristics does he need in a starting quarterback and ask him that I said I think we’ll all get the answer that everybody is wanting but you’ve got to ask it in a way where he can freely be able to say it without it being contractually complicated for him so then Dave asked him that and then Andy gave us a phenomenal bite in return about just like the quarterback is an extension of the head coach on the field they you know the drive to win the way he can Elevate his teammates and just that type of stuff and just the way he went on on from a characteristics perspective about what you want in a quarterback so then now as somebody who we’ve talked many times before somebody that enjoys learning things and especially at that time when you’re learning what Andy is about and what he what he believes in what he likes priority wise to win for him to say those things then you now could be able to say okay okay so these are the things who kind of fits that mold but you had more of the criteria of what they needed and then so when the Chiefs go get Alex Smith that made a lot of sense because Alex had to Alex was the guy who had a lot of what Andy Reid valued and what a lot of what Andy Reid needed to execute this offense so they got the first piece of the puzzle in place now unfortunately it did take him a second round pick and so then the chiefs were able to take Eric fiser in the first and Travis Kelce in the third because in all honesty I think if they had that second still I think Travis Kelce is taking the second instead of the third but at least Travis was there in the third so it still worked out for him but yeah with Alex that was one of the first foundational pieces because Alex became a steady people may have not liked his play overall at times but he became a steady presence for this team and could help this team stay at a certain level from a quarterback perspective that constantly allowed them to be able to keep the football safe not force a lot of turnovers but then also be able to help them consistently win games and Alex was a reason that they were always able to stay above 500 because he wasn’t turning the football over and putting the Chiefs in awful posss yeah that that’s the thing to me is that you know hey did Alex Smith take the Chiefs to the promised land no I mean he didn’t accomplish I know what he would have wanted what fans would have wanted I mean winning winning a a big game and getting into the AFC Championship game getting with Super Bowl would have cemented his legacy but at the same time Alex Smith was a foundational piece because you know Chiefs never had a losing record with him I mean he took him to 9 and seven in a year you know where they had a really good defense but think about all the injuries that they had in 2014 that they had to overcome I mean Alex Smith was a steadying presence and you know and I always remember the first game I ever covered for Alex Smith was that 2016 home opener um when they had the big comeback against the Chargers and then there’s still I mean there’s iconic photo for me of Alex Smith is after he you know scored that winning touchdown and takes his helmet off and screaming in the end zone um I mean that’s what I’ll always remember about Alex Smith I mean he was that kind of and and there’s a couple of people on list a couple of moves that the Chiefs have made over the over the last decade that to me are not flashy but their pieces that with which the Chiefs wouldn’t be where they are without them Alex Smith helped make sure that this team learned how to win that everybody in this organization learn how to win because you know if if he’s not able to hand off this franchise in the shape that it’s in to momes Mahomes doesn’t happen I mean if Mahomes has taking over a 500 team or six and six and 10 team and it’s an offense that doesn’t know know what Andy Reid’s offense is and that not doesn’t have somebody to teach them and bring everybody along I mean it’s Tyreek Hill doesn’t become Idol think Tyreek hill without Alex Smith I mean there’s so many pieces probably Travis Kelce doesn’t become Travis Kelce with Al Alex Smith I mean there’s so many little things that his I mean any other quarterback in that spot maybe a bunch of these things don’t happen but he was the right person in the right place at the right time and just as though Patrick was I mean I don’t think there’s any doubt um but his leadership was was incredibly important to me and the other thing too you know you talked about the trade you know and I think Alex Smith is to me a pretty good lesson into the don’t get hung up in draft picks because you you know you give up a couple of of seconds um I went back to look and see what the 49ers got out of th that trade out of out of their picks and and they flipped them around so some of them were were it was kind of hard to crack everything down but essentially you know one that 2013 second the the 49ers flipped um Tennessee took wide receiver Justin Hunter who was a fairly forgettable player they had 1349 yards receiving in six seasons um the 49ers for the bulk of the picks that they got what they got they got defensive tackle tank kadine they got two running backs Carlos Hyde and Mike Davis Carlos Hy was a good player I mean Carlos side played in the Super Bowl so Carlos heid’s was a decent player tank kadine was I mean I mean you can get players like that they also had a defensive end you know in the seventh round it was kind of you know part of that package too um you know I mean it’s not I mean anything to brag about so I mean did the Chiefs win that trade lopsidedly yes for what they became yes yes um we’re we are going chronologically so hopefully I’m not going to jump anything here Nick but um I feel like pretty uh pretty pretty pretty big deal on the next one is the NFL draft of 2013 and you’ve already alluded to a couple of the chief’s picks on that day I mean Eric fiser is obviously an important part of it but I mean I just I only put down drafting Travis Kelce because Travis Kelce getting getting Travis in that draft was was an absolute pivotal piece for this organization um future Hall of Famer there’s no doubt about that um that was just a I mean there was a lot of athleticism there was a lot of upside with Travis Kelce there was also a lot of reasons to be worried about Travis Kelce because Travis was in college who he is today and I think you know he’s probably even said this on his podcast he was a knucklehead so he now he was better his you know he I think he definitely focused more in this last year in college before you know things went South but you know there was no doubt I mean he had some knucklehead qualities you had to have a little bit of leap of faith in that you’re going to be able to coach this guy and get the talent out of him and always kudos to you Nick because I remember I did not know you from well I knew you because we worked together that was the only thing that we had I mean we didn’t work the way together in this sense but we just we we were work acquaintances but the fact that you had Travis Kelce in your mock draft and that draft always stands out to me I think you had like three picks you nailed in that draft um I know for sure I got fiser right and I got Kelsey right but I wasn’t sure if they were going to be able to get Kelsey in the top of the third round but it’s easy it was probably the easiest Mo draft to do early because the chiefs were going to have the first pick in each round so I mean but I only I only I think I only get those two right because I don’t because I think I I got I think I got more of the position I get I think I got the positions right I just didn’t get the players after that so it seemed it seemed to me in my my my memory you nailed like almost the entire draft so in terms of position it was close but in terms of players names it starts to get a little tricky once you get into that fourth round and that took a lot of years of kind of watching over time and the Chiefs having a steady franchise to be able to kind of find more of where they value this you know this in certain times and at the same time I was still learning that dorsy was always going to choose the athlete with a higher rating versus what was showing up on coach’s film specifically so it’s one of those learning points you just learn about the franchise over time but yeah for me Kelsey was the Kelsey is the same thing I knew how important uh a tight end was going to be in Andy Reed system and especially for Alex Smith because that’s where Alex Smith was doing his best work so it combined Both Worlds together with Andy reeden and um and Alex Smith but for somebody to be as athletic as Travis Kelce was going to be I was like look Travis is a different wave of tight end that the Chiefs would definitely I think value a great deal in their system and kind of help Andy bring in kind of like a new era of tight end that fit that Delaney Walker from Central Missouri style that Alex Smith was using in San Francisco along with Vernon Davis at the time I was like Travis is more athletic than Vernon Davis so I was like this this could be a a perfect match for everybody involved so it ended up being so and Travis has been able to be a part of the Chiefs organization ever since yeah um I mean as as my predecessor at Chiefs digest her etiopia used to always say the the Andy Reed offense runs for the tight end it always has and it always will he had good tight ends in in Philadelphia good tight ends never anybody with you know Travis’s skill set I mean there’s not many out there with Travis’s skill set so that’s why it’s taken to a whole new level and certainly with the quarterback play too uh but no I mean you’re right I mean it’s maybe in retrospect you know he was the perfect John dorsy guy and maybe another GM doesn’t take him you know you never know I mean obviously like we said you said I mean anybody could have take him in the second round so could have I mean everybody in the NFL at least passed on Travis Kelce yes yeah um I’ll go do you want to do your next one or you want me to do it well I can tell you the date of my next one if it helps your your chronology it it it probably won’t you go first and then I’ll well mine mine mine is May 18th 2014 okay okay and it’s actually something the Chiefs didn’t do okay Cleveland drafted Johnny Manzel at number 22 in the 2014 NFL draft and I am been convinced by too many people over the years that if Johnny Manzel was at number 23 the chiefs were taking him yeah there were there were pretty heavy rumors back then during that time I know Dy was pretty enamored with him from what I’d heard and I don’t know if it would have been any better I don’t know if Manzel in Kansas city with Andy Reid and his organization his structure would have been different but probably I mean and here’s the thing I mean had it been different 3 years later then you’re not taking Patrick Mahomes so you know and certainly Johnny Manzel would not have been playing in 2014 he would have been you know watching behind Alex Smith so you know some of the things that went South for him so badly early on wouldn’t have happened I mean it’s a fascinating what if I mean could I mean I don’t know what would have happened you don’t know but seeing what happened with Johnny Manzel I mean it does make you think I mean couple of things I mean one you know would would the same drama have happened in Kansas City would it have affected this organization and then two does it affect the fact that you didn’t take Mahomes in 2017 I mean I I I can’t imagine a team that’s making the playoffs you know and has Alex Smith available is then you know going to go back into the pool after because once again I mean what’s when does Johnny get on the field is it 2015 is it 2016 is it never I mean is he Jordan love and you know you’re still waiting in 2017 for him to get out of the field I mean so many things could have happened had the Chiefs ended up with Johnny Manzel and I am convinced that had they not that if Cleveland had not taken him the Chiefs would have I don’t think I don’t think you’re wrong I don’t I don’t think you’re wrong that’s a that’s a good thing that didn’t happen so Kudos do you on that one sir because that didn’t I didn’t think about the things that they didn’t do um so kudos to you I think that’s my only one that I have that the Chiefs didn’t do well because then what you brought up in my mind is them not taking boxon Lynch so yeah we we’ll go to that one in chronological order and that actually ties into what I’m doing on this one if you’re ready for it I’m ready um the Chiefs drafting Chris Jones and Tyreek Hill next on my list as well yeah so that and if I remember correctly that is also the Paxton Lynch draft it is yes so what I’ll add on to this caveat now is if for people that don’t remember during that time um it was interesting because like Paxton Lynch have been heavily rumored to the Chiefs had interest in Paxton Lynch like that have been heavily rumored where that’s accurate or not who the heck knows but that’s what have been heavily rumored and Paxton if I remember correctly was uh represented at the same time by the people who represented Patrick Mahomes um so and it’s funny because I remember correctly think Manzo was represented by the same uh by the same agent that um Gino Smith was I’m pretty sure pretty sure Eric represented both of them at that time but that’s beside the point it’s really more of a a me personal thing than it is uh something like that but so the Broncos jump up and take Paxton Lynch because the rumors out that the Chiefs may may like him and so then the Broncos jump ahead of the Chiefs take Paxton Lynch then the Chiefs trade out the Chiefs trade out of the first round if I remember correctly with the 49ers and then draft nights happened later that night and you know I know dorsey’s getting asked about Paxton he he ain’t happy he’s you can tell by dorsy mannerisms when he was thrilled or irritated with the question he was irritated with the pton ly question wasn’t too thrilled about it and then somebody asked him if he was on the board who he would have taken or who who’s on the board he surprised that isn’t gone yet and he said miles Jack the linebacker that end up going to the Jaguars in the second round and then that begs the question and I remember talking to Res probably I like why would he why would he say miles Jack to us when he’s still on the board if that’s somebody he’s interested in I said unless there’s something medically that they’re not going to not going to be comfortable clearing on cuz the rumor at the time was about his knee that was leaking out to some teams were leaking out about his knee and I’m like like so the medically there’s probably a certain grade and Dorsey knows he’s going to be gone at that point so he can say it because they’re not going to take him because medically he’s either not on the board or he potentially is further down on the board and Dorsey knows he’s going to be gone at that point but what ended up happening is the Chiefs ended up getting Chris Jones with that pick that they traded back uh for and they got Chris Jones in that draft I remember correctly that was also I think that was the same draft that they got uh Tyreek Hill think they’re both 2016 draft yes yes so this is the this is what I want to say about dorsy is dorsy as a GM was always big on how did they test athletically if they were up in the premium level athletically dorsy was willing to take the chance on some guys so during those drafts I think you had a lot of boom and a lot of bust than players more so than I think you you do when we get to Brett V in his era to where I that’s why I think there was times there’s a lot more depth issues for the Chiefs on an overall roster because they would go chase the the Boomer bus guys athletically and then in in doing so if they hit on it you got the you got the Christian the Tyreek Hills the the Travis Kelsey or the Kareem hunts of the world but if you didn’t then you had a lot of the roster that they had overall collectively like and let’s add Marcus Peters into that mix as Marcus Peters had some off the field you know question marks that you overlook some things in taking Marcus Peters yes but he was a turnover machine and set them up in in some good situations and got the ball back to you know to Alex Smith in some situations and everything but like that’s kind of who I felt like dorsy was and but over time that kind of hurts your roster when you don’t have that and then also we’ll get into a little bit more down the road here on some of the other points but the adding of those two guys really helped set some things in motion because Chris is still on the roster one of the defensive leaders and Tyreek Hill is going to lead to a couple other big moves down the road here and let’s face it I mean you know these both these guys are on Hall of Fame tracks doesn’t mean that they’ll both get there I mean injuries can always happen things can pop up but both these games are but both these guys are in Hall of Fame tracks and frankly I mean if Chris Jones gets one more ring he’s in the Hall of Fame I mean I don’t think any of the other numbers will matter I mean you get four rings a lot of guys get into the Hall of Fame getting two potential Hall of Famers in one draft is just Dynamite lightning that just doesn’t strike very often so and I give yeah I give dorsy a ton of credit in that you know he was also I think really good at navigating the board and kind of knowing what other teams were going to do I mean let’s face it Brett V deserves a ton of credit for pounding the table for for Patrick Mahomes and putting him on the radar but but dorsy you know knowing where to go to get him was the a key to the whole thing if not essential to the whole thing the miles Jack comment still you know rattles in my brain too because I don’t remember dorsy ever in a situation like that mentioning a specific player and the the two thing the two things that come after that that always just makes me wonder if he was playing some sort of psychological 3D chess is that you know I had a conversation with Chris a few years ago when I asked him about talked to him about the draft process and everything and asked him you know where he thought he was going to go and you know he mentioned Arizona you know spent a lot of time you know you know talking to him he probably spent more time with Arizona than anybody else so he thought there was a pretty good chance he’d end up there but he said the guy that he worked with this you know the Scout that he dealt with the most and he didn’t tell me who it was so I don’t know if it’s the GM or somebody you know lower on down I mean like like for you know with the Chiefs Brad V was the contact for for from a momes I don’t know who it was but Jacksonville Jaguars guy told him we’re taking you in the second round so don’t worry you know at 36 you’re getting the call so don’t worry about that and then they take miles Jack instead and the Chiefs move up right next to right after that they moved up from the the tra they no that that was where they had ended up they they didn’t have to trade back up I guess that was where they had traded with the 49ers so they just they were there at 37 to take Chris Jones and I’m just wondering if you know dorsy was like I know the Jaguars want Chris Jones maybe if I tell him I’m taking miles Jack they’ll take him instead I don’t know but that worked out extremely well for the Chiefs yeah and that’s and that’s the part where like I I think you bring up a phenomenal point when it comes to John dorsy is like I think he was so interconnected in that scouting Community because of how long he’d been in it like he had a really like you said he had a really good pulse on where he thought guys were going to go and where you could where they could get them at or how to put some stuff out publicly that you know may or may not be accurate and you know and just kind of have fun with the with the draft Ling season part of it and the connections that were there because I I I still remember there was a time where you know people were wondering about Derek Carr potentially the Chiefs and if he was going to be here and the Chiefs end up taking D for that year um but like yeah just like they I will say especially yeah the way that that whole thing sh changes down here and I’ll you I’ll go to our next one if you’re good I’ll go to the next one here I imagine our next one’s the same too yeah it’s drafting Patrick Mahomes we’re getting to the point where it really kind of the thing that’s going to put it over the top is draft and patri homs and here’s what I’ll say about this at the time um it was unique time in my world because I was uh transitioning between jobs and um and so like I was there when Patrick got drafted covering covering that and then kicher and I interviewed him the next day and interviewed his mom and everything and did all that and I mean I I was a big fan of his after chatting with him and impressed with how level-headed he was but how determined he was and then I didn’t uh cover the team that summer and that’s whenever things started kind of happening after the draft Mahomes and so part of it that was interesting to me is just how the chiefs were able to navigate that and like you said with dorsy there to be able to know that we got to get to this spot because Arizona’s interested here New Orleans is interested there and being able to keep it as quiet as the organization did to be able to get their quarterback that’s really helped them get to the level that they’re at and everything so yeah no 100% I agree with you where dorsy knew how to perfectly navigate that and be able to do it at the value that he did because if you look at the Chiefs would have given up a lot more you know what I’m saying like know everybody knowing what they know now ches would have to give up a lot more to get to where they got with Buffalo than what it took for them to get there so like I mean for dorsy the for Sight and be able to get that situated the way he did for Brett V to have been on the Patrick Mahomes train as long as he was and helping you know be a conductor of that and drive that and everything just all that combined that’s the thing and like I was talking with the former NFL player whenever we were talking about the draft coming up that year and they were asking me they’re like who do you think they’re going to draft and I’m like if I were them I would draft a quarterback that’s going to push Alex Smith because I said right now Alex doesn’t have somebody to push him and bring out the best in him and I said that’s what they need and I said if that’s I was like if that’s Patrick Mahomes or Deshawn Watson I don’t I don’t care but I was like it’s one of those guy one of those two guys I think he’s going to have to be the person that does that because I said Alex is going to perform at his best when he feels like he’s having a look over his shoulder and that’s really going to help him become the quarterback was he had and he had one he had one of his best seasons of his career from that and moles being there to push him really took Alex to a whole new level as a quarterback that year and it you know helped the Chiefs in that regard um and here’s the other thing that people don’t people still don’t give credit for Alex Smith was the first quarterback to help him win a playoff game you know back in 2015 when they won their first playoff game as a franchise since 93 yeah and I mean like Alex was involved in that Andy was involved in that all them collectively they they finally won a playoff game in more than two decades and like Alex Smith was a quarterback who helped him do that so like yeah just all that combin that that whole situation and scenario that the Chiefs even though Alex had helped them win the playoff game they were still going to go out there and continue to push the boundary and be able to find that next guy and then not only that but put Patrick Mahomes in a situation to where he can properly grow properly be coached properly do what he needed to do to learn instead of being thrown into the fire like you would have in other organizations and maybe really had some early struggles that he would have had to navigate just like pton Manning had to in Indianapolis early on in his career and and I here’s here’s one thing I really like about this story because I I I I like the dots connecting here because um Brett v i he may have told I mean I I forget sometimes which ended up in some of the great reporting I mean nobody reported about um Patrick and Brett and Chris cbat as agent and everything like that better than terz Paylor did um so I I I I might be I and maybe he told Herz the story too but um but Brett told me a story um about because I asked him once just about when was the first he still remembered the first time that he saw Patrick Mahomes and it really jumped out to him and he said yeah it was at the end of the 20s it was on like I think the Saturday or Sunday of the 2016 NFL draft and it might have been the Sunday but it was immediately after the 2016 draft and he was already watching tape for players in the 2017 draft that tells you a lot about Brett V and who he is that that the drafts of the Year away he’s he’s just the 2016 drafts are already over and instead of taking a break or anything he’s watching film for 2017 and Andy Reid sees that walks by his office knocks on the door and says hey what you working on and Vach says I just found your next quarterback and he was watching tap Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs Drafting momes and getting him and probably also just the fact that was as impressive as he was in those early few months I think can also be connecting the dots to Brett V getting the general manager job when John dorsy is exited Clark hunt decides to make a change and move forward few months later July 10th 2017 the Brett V becomes the new general manager of the Kansas City Chiefs that was a um absolute stunner Nick you know when I remember because that was I think the day after right of after the mandatory mini camp was over that Clark Khan sends out the they send out the press release oh yeah Andy Reed’s been given a contract extension and John dorsy has agreed to part ways with the club um absolutely just mindboggling that you know that you know I mean obviously Clark kind of explains his situation but we don’t really still know what led to that decision but I don’t think there’s any doubt you can draw the dots between the Chiefs and Patrick Mahomes and and that giving Brett V The Edge because you know Brett and and Mike banzi had the exact same job I mean Mike banzi was more experienced with the club he’d been around a lot longer both of them interviewed with the with the with Clark both of them were considered to be the top two candidates and I I’m I’m fairly confident that Patrick Mahomes is probably a big reason that pushed you know Brett Fe over the edge and gave him the job so I’m going to I’m going to tie three things together right here go for it for this one and and and this is the next one on the list and that’s started for us I do have this together but I’m putting this all together the change de Brett be um brt Tillis and Chris Shay both being added now where I’m gonna go in a little order here so with Brett Beach what what Brett does as a general manager in my opinion and he’s continually gotten better year bye is he builds a team it’s not just Boomer bust a athletes he building an overall team and there’s also more of an overall plan financially about what they are going to do cuz for example there was a time when the chiefs were having to decide on Eric Barry’s contract if there you know after he’d been through the whole the whole cancer ordeal and battled through that and came back to play football and was a phenomenal inspiration in that regard um but they had to work on a new contract with with Barry and try to get that done and at the time uh the agent who represented Eric Barry also represented R du T and uh CJ Spiller CJ Spiller got signed one day ldt got a probal level contract that would be the Clin NOA Joe tuni um got on the free agent market and then Eric Barry was signed a couple days later I mean that agent had a really good week a really good week yes he did but the order that the contracts happen and always made me wonder how that went down um but I’m saying like you know like there was just times where I I felt like some some of the contracts that were done weren’t necessarily the value that they they should have been or could have been and so for me like that really stuck out whenever you have the ls of Chris and um brand in in the C aspect of it and really I felt like those two brought more of an a proper value to what you pay for players but then also kind of more of an overall plan of how you get the cap under control and then how you approach yearby year building that cap and especially when you come down the road to Patrick moles massive contract and how you’re going to work around that to build a team that can continually compete so like you said with Brett v i I think he brought an overall team building style to it and I just I feel like the overall Personnel department just seems more in sync and has a lot more continuity collectively about what they want in a player at specific positions and what they value versus like Hey how do they do athletic testing wise this is kind of a bigger priority in that regard so like I feel like there’s just a I don’t know I just feel like they’re more Ive in that regard and then obviously like I said with um with brand and Chris I think they brought more of a financial Outlook down the road that allowed the Chiefs to be able to navigate on a on a longterm plan that for example for Clark hunt he’s able to kind of have a better idea of financially what he’s having to put in an escrow overall and kind of just is a little less I would say chaotic you know but you know what I’m saying I’m not saying mean way I’m just saying like you know when it’s I just know for me whenever I’m planning my own finances at a much smaller level I I prefer not having as many unpredictable costs as I can and there were some there were some chaos to the finances of the Chiefs I mean obviously one of the last moves of the dorsy era that caused a lot of consternation and did precede his own departure by 20 days was the release of Jeremy Macklin that was generally not considered to have been handled great Macklin said he found out he got released because dorsy left him a voicemail I mean there can only be he he said she said aspect of it but um there’s no doubt I mean vich definitely brought some calmness to the organization and you’re right he’s evolved as a GM there’s things that I think he does differently now but I will tell you one of the things that sold him to Clark hun was just his plan and as far as how he thought how he kind of you know strategized the way that he felt you go about building a team and that resonated with Clark and I think you’ve seen him do it and you’re right I mean all those guys Tillis Shay um and he did a he made a really smart decision too that I’ll give him credit for of you know blending old and new I mean certainly he has brought in his own people but he didn’t clean house right he’s like hey wait a minute we got a really good group here it would have been very easy for a young inexperienced GM to just say I need to surround myself with my own people I mean borgonzi was a Scott Pei hire um some of these folks came over you know Brant Tillis was a Pei hire I mean there were some people who had been in the organization before Reed got there there were people who came along with him there are scouts who have been in the organization 20 years 30 years I mean you know he didn’t just say I’m going to go out and get my own guys and I think that has allowed for a much more diverse and organization he’s able to you listen to different viewpoints I mean I think he’s ticking off all the boxes about what makes a great GM and I think he’s just getting better and I don’t I don’t say that to blow smoke up as I’m assuming Brett Fe doesn’t listen to the podcast yet although he should but um I mean I I just think he’s getting better in those resps um 2017 was another pivotal year because Chiefs added a another important piece of the team that I don’t think anybody saw coming um because Chief’s had a pretty good kicker in Cairo Santos very likable guy too um then Cairo gets a hamstring injury looked like oh he’s gonna go on injured reserve you know okay well Chiefs are going to be a kicker for a few weeks and what do they do they release him ins sign Harrison buter off the practice squad of the Carolina Panthers and I mean this is just probably the best exhibit of the why do you have Dave Tob as your special teams guy because I mean that was the total Dave Tob move Dave Tob assured Brad ve and Andy Reid Harrison bucker is the guy and he’s such the guy that you can get rid of the guy that’s pretty good kicker right now and it’s still kicking in the NFL by the way yeah that was that was next on uh next on my list just because I don’t think people give Harrison bucker enough credit for how many clutch kicks he’s had in big franchise moments down the road from that time that they signed him just how many clutch moments he’s had in conference championships to either tie a game or help win a game or in Super Bowls or in playoff moments or things that could push them you know to victory in in close tight games and just how consistent and how accurate he’s been over the years has he had a year where you know you kind of Wonder from a holding perspective that we there was some questions or from when he hurt his leg you know planning in Arizona that one time like and and wasn’t the same for a little bit like just all that other than that other than those hiccups like I mean the the career he’s had how consistent reliable he’s been like that he’s been one of those reliable pillars for this Chiefs team when you genuinely think about what has helped them have the run the run that they have Harrison bucker name is a bigger part of it than people will give credit for yeah um he I mean I can’t remember the last important kick that Harrison buers missed I mean I know there’s been a couple of kicks that he’s missed knock knock I mean there’s been a couple I mean but I I certainly you mean in Kansas City where you know a certain kicker whose name is not allowed to be mentioned uh Harrison bucker never missed a big postseason field goal he’s hit every single one of them I mean so yeah to me that’s that’s he’s he’s Nails there um I have a I’m going to go ahead and jump ahead ni to my next one because uh it’s actually two well three moves technically but it was in a basically a 24-hour period of 2018 yep is that where you are too no go ahead because we’re have to start lightning rounding this thing I know March 14th 2018 Chiefs trade Marcus Peters to the Los Angeles Rams and the next day they introduced Sammy Watkins and Anthony Hitchens as their new free agent editions and I mean I remember how disliked and hated the move that Marcus Peters trade was and I completely get it Marcus Peters was an absolutely incredible player I don’t think that the Chiefs have three Super Bowl rings with Marcus Peters still on the team I just don’t think it was going to happen I mean Marcus Peters was a good player but she’s got two players that drafted in that trade they drafted Armani watts and Juan Thornhill think about this Armani watts and Juan Thornhill have three Super Bowl rings among them combined Marcus Peters still has zero and Marcus Peters has played on good teams he’s been a good player but that doesn’t always mean that you know good players fit in so to me that was a big combination and Sammy Watkins and Anthony Hitchens you know even though both of them hey at tailed off at times and Anthony Hitchens you you know obviously had a rough final season in Kansas City but Chiefs don’t win Super Bowl 54 without either one of those guys I mean they were absolutely made critical absolute plays Anthony Hitchens you know helped solidify that defense and especially under spags in the first year I mean his his his football IQ helped that defense kind of round itself together especially in the second half of the Season he was a he was a leader of that team and I mean obviously Samy Watkins I mean that was Brett V saying we’re always going to have weapons for for for 15 we’re always going to have weapons for momes uh they spent a lot of money to get Sammy didn’t necessarily have the numbers to match that but as I always said Sammy Watkins signing and Frank Clark signings were get measured in one thing Super Bowl ring and you got him so to me I that those that was a pivot pivital 24 hours in Chief’s history that is not on my list but I will comment on it real quickly then move on to our next one um with Marcus Peters I think the trading of him away I know Chiefs fans were bombed about at the time didn’t like the return they got thought they didn’t get the return they should have but really for the most part whenever you were moving on for Marcus Peters he’ had some sideline blowups that had been shown on on camera uh because I don’t think him and Bob Sutton were I don’t think they saw eye to eye on defensive scheme uh personally so I I think that they’re that’s where a lot of that disagreement came from but I think the Chiefs wanted to if I’m in the chief shoes I want to clear the runway for Patrick momes to have his voice be the loudest and most important and so I don’t know if you’re able to do that with how with how vocal Marcus Peters would have potentially been at times but the thing we don’t know dur during that 2018 season when you Bob Sutton still as a defensive coordinator now would Marcus Peters been different if it was Steve spolo and Dave Merritt certainly possible possible we don’t we don’t know I think Dave Merritt would have been a phenomenal Mentor for for Marcus Peters but under the situation at that time what they had going on I think that they decided to just part ways and and give each other Fresh Starts and given Patrick that voice I think was going to be key and as return there was no other team in the league interested in paying for Marcus Peters I mean the best offer I know there were teams that offered the Chiefs a seventh for Marcus Peters because they knew what a headache he was and the only reason that they were willing to take a risk on it would be if they had no downside risk at all yeah so then I’ll go to the next one um this is the number 10 I think for me it is the highing of Steve spagnolo and the additions that be that came with spago at the time it was Brendan dy’s dline coach it was U Matt House’s linebacker coach Chiefs if I remember correctly were trying to get Antonio Pierce at one point but he elected to stay with the Arizona state was the report um then Dave Merritt comes over as the secondary one of the secondary coaches him and Sam Madison if I remember correctly um but Merritt came over because Merritt was originally looking for a job and he was going to be with the Jacksonville Jaguars as on the offensive side of the ball but then they they let him kind of move on in came Kan city and has been a huge huge part of the success the Chiefs have with the secondary but collectively that turned the tide and just like uh Patrick Mahomes taking over for Alex Smith Steve spolo taking over for Bob Sutton raise the level of that side of the football and with Mahomes and spagnolo combined took the Chiefs to their to that first step um is there anything you want to add on Matt and then I’ll move on to the next one completely and totally agree cosign oh across the board yeah and then the other part of it is the remodel of the 2019 defense under Steve spagnolo’s way so that includes signing Ty R Matthew trading for Frank Clark adding Juan Thornhill Mike panel charv Ward all that combined um all those guys and that remade defense helped and helped make the Chiefs who they were and brought a different attitude and just a different different voices different level to what they were trying to do and I think helped mold them into that those key moments against the Texans and then against the Titans and um the victory over the 49ers in the Super Bowl yeah I I’m with you there and you know and I I’ll also add in the tough decisions that the team made at that same time because in March of 2019 they released both Justin Houston and Eric Barry and obviously once again not popular moves but both of them were 30 years old obviously the injuries have been piling up with Eric Barry you know um and and Eric hasn’t played a game hasn’t played since um a year before they released Tomah Hal was 35 he had did not play after that I mean obviously you know with two of those players chiefs made the right move I mean they had to I mean healthwise longevity wise I mean I think Toma and and and EB had had given all that they had Houston obviously had a little bit more in the tank but at the cost and obviously I think locker room chemistry too that was that wasn’t that was something that this team had to do and chemistry to me is a big reason why this team is where it is now and parting ways with some veterans that had been a part around for a long time and were popular players but maybe just didn’t have the same I don’t I mean I I’m not quite sure what how I want to phrase it Nick because I’m not trying to knock any of these guys but they were setting their ways and you know and those ways weren’t always the Andy Reid way so I think that you know hey those were tough decisions but they had to move on and I think they were better for it you could certainly make your argument that Justin Houston’s been a fine player since then and it would be valuable with this team I’m just not sure if it was the right setting anymore for him but when you talk about chemistry there were two other moves that year that the made that were small I mean in in theory were not big moves that look so much bigger than they actually are bigger than they look and big than than you think about because one October 19th they signed Mike panel and that that defense that locker room was fine there was nothing wrong with it Mike panel came in and just dropped into that locker room like he had been there for years and just all of a sudden became the glue guy he was the guy that was getting the basketball games going he was the guy that I mean he was just he could have been elected mayor I think of that defense when he came in in October of 2019 and it was just like how in the world this guy just got cut by the Patriots because you know they didn’t think that he could fit in there and he comes into Kansas City and just was the most popular guy in the locker room and then December 16th they claimed Terrell sugs off Wafers and that might be the one of the biggest moves that that team made because even though they were were they were on a role at that point the defense was playing well they were starting to figure things out they were in the they they were getting on a winning streak they were just at the beginning of it though I mean they had that loss to the Titans they’re getting together they’re kind of starting to gel but they still had the old doubts there was everywhere in town was the old K especially after the year before Chiefs got so close but couldn’t win the big one there was still the doubts in the back of a lot of people’s mind can we can we can we get over the hill can we do it and Terrell Suggs came in there and said you guys don’t know how good you are you guys don’t know that the rest of the league is scared of you you don’t know and don’t realize that you guys are this good and that you should win a Super Bowl and they bought into that and I think Terrell Suggs as much as anybody talked that team into being as good as they were I don’t think they I’m once again I mean you know you can point to maybe 12 different things that the Chiefs don’t win Super Bowl 54 I think Terrell sugs coming in and telling that team how good they were was one of those 12 all right Matt we’re still in Lightning Run mode so what uh you want to add next year list uh next one I have on my list is March 17th just in 2022 signing a Justin Reed you’ve lost Tyron Matthew he’s gone and Justin Reed I mean I don’t think you could have asked for better replacement for um for me next on my list is the O is the o line overhaul Super Bowl loss that’s true that I think that one is why the Chiefs have additional super bows is because the Chiefs in that Buccaneers game the way that oine struggled Mally since they had injuries of both tackle spots and just overall and were just hanging by a thread then whenever Brett V and them go out and make sure they get Creed Humphrey draft Trey Smith and then also sign Joe T and make sure that interior is locked into place overall I think that was a big moment for the Chiefs in making making sure that Patrick Mahomes has what he needs every year to succeed as much as they can and I think that that that loss also I think sticks with some of the guys who were still on the roster and was a driving force for them each and every year forward about how they didn’t want to be in that position ever again to go to Super Bowl and then lose it not capitalize it on the way that they wanted to CU like I tweeted a couple weeks ago if you think about it that one momes is having to chase that ring from Brady like I know and and it may and the Chiefs may have not won the following Super Bowls or whatnot because of it but that keeps Brady from the seven that keeps him at you know potentially at the six doesn’t mean Tom doesn’t retire and keeps chasing it and still playing right now um but at that time that’s the one that people are going to hold over Patrick Mahomes down the road here is that he couldn’t beat Brady in the AFC Championship game and they couldn’t beat Brady in the Super Bowl that’s what people are going to use as an argument when unless Patrick moles has more Super Bowls than Brady does and even then people will still probably use that argument when they were head-to-head so that moment um I think has a lot of different a lot of different points to it overall in terms of what it did for the franchise so we’ve we’ve done that we’ve done Justin Reed where where are you next on Matt um the you kind mentioned the 2021 draft the 2022 draft is absolutely one of the best maybe in this team’s history um you look at it now I mean there might be some games this year the Chiefs have seven starters from that 2022 draft um I mean Darien Canard is the only player from that draft that really doesn’t you know hasn’t been a big part of it isn’t with the team anymore I don’t even think that was a bad pick I mean he was a really good player I think that you know the Chiefs just had a different vision for him I think there was good value with that pick it just didn’t work out the way that you know they wanted maybe you know certainly Canard wanted but that was just that was an incredible draft I mean you get two first round picks and carlus and McDuffy are playing the way they are Leo Chanel’s been incredible you get five rookie defensive backs who are have been have been absolutely critical and starting all over the place you get your starting running back in the seventh round and Isaiah PCO um I mean that thing was just absolutely littered up and down with key pieces that are not only just going to be we’re not a key pieces for the next four or five years but some of them might be you know for a decade um that draft I mean it’s going to be tough for Brett Vach to ever have a better one 2021 was a really good draft 2022 was even more amazing and especially I mean it was quantity and quality I mean it wasn’t just that they had what 10 Selections in that draft but nine of them hit I mean that to me is absolutely amazing so I I have that part of the draft but the part that I have that makes that draft happen is the trading of tyreo to the Dolphins I think that was a big moment that allowed for that draft to happen to have those additional draft picks to be able to get as many guys as they did but the trading Tyreek Hill some debate that it forced momes to play a different way and forced him to evolve um I think he would have evolved either way no matter what because defenses were going to take away that deep pass of Tyreek just by coverages that they were that they were doing if that makes sense um but you know the Chiefs didn’t pay him the 30 million a year that had new become the new market Standard um then it it technically does help Patrick Mahomes evolve and at the same time it also allows the Chiefs to have the draft class they did of 2022 like you mentioned so all that combined you know you you hate that Tyreek Hill isn’t able to play with Patrick Mahomes and be able to continue to watch that and win even more you know been a part of those two Super Bowl runs but the Chiefs got a ton of value from moving on from him allowing him to get the money he went over the Dolphins they get the Super Bowl rings they want and everybody wins yep um can’t argue with that no those were and that’s the thing is that to me I think I I can kind of tie two of those two of those things together the last two that you’ve mentioned I mean between the offensive line overhaul and the Tyreek Hill trade both of them were kind of you know out of failures you know the offensive line overhaul was out of superable 55 loss and the pressure that Mahomes was under the Aging of Eric fiser and and Schwarz I don’t know if Mitch you know would have believed it and knew it at the time when he was released that his back wasn’t going to allow him to play any further I don’t know if he would have admitted that I think he’s I think he’s acknowledged it now that yeah the back was just not going to get it better enough to allow him to play it was a tough move to go away from two veterans but you know what happened to Super Bowl 55 they said no it’s not going to happen again and the Tyreek Hill trade me really comes out of the 2121 AFC Championship game when the chief’s offense just broke down I mean they they just it it broke down in the second half and a lot of the same things you were talking about as far as you know defending Patrick Mahomes I don’t think that Tyreek Hill would have changed any of that I think that obviously those defenses were exactly designed to take away what Tyreek Hill did best and even though the Chiefs didn’t have him defenses still took away the Deep ball and so Chiefs evolved so I mean the Chiefs have learned from the failures incredibly well I think over the last six years all right Matt you got any you got any last ones because I’ve only got one more left on my list I’ve got only one more and I I have it with an asterisk because I still think it’s a little bit too early but I don’t think that the I mean for as much grief as this guy got I don’t think that the Chiefs win the Super Bowl last year unless they signed Jawan Taylor because they were in a world of hurt after losing Orlando Brown losing Andrew Wy did not have a tackle they had to have a tackle and I know it was a lot of money but I tell you what looking at all the other deals that were done I think that that was still the best move that they could have made in retrospect I don’t think I don’t think there was anything that they could have done differently they had to do something and you know what I mean they were fortunate they were able to find Donovan Smith but you know getting Donovan Smith I mean a big part of that is that you sign jwan Taylor first all so final the final one for me and I want to emphasize this is purely based on just a one-year sample so this but it it helped make the move happen and it led up to that point if the Chiefs don’t draft Rashi rice I don’t know if they’re able to win the playoff games they did this past year or win the Super bowl or put themselves in the point to the Super Bowl I think them having Rashid rice as reliable as he did during the second half of the season in the playoff run I think was a huge part in why they were able to win back to back and without him I don’t know if they get to that and that may be a tribute to the coaching staff and the way the Chiefs kind of pivoted and the way they kind of evolved and it may be more of that but right now having having the way I see it having rice a part of that offense last year helped them wear the Rings proud that they got just a couple of weeks ago I can’t disagree with that at all Rashid rice is an absolutely critical piece of the end of the season um we’ve we’ve given you our list of what we think are the most pivotal moments have gotten to the Chiefs to where they are um interested in what you’ve got so hey hit us up in the comments tell us if there’s anything that we’ve missed anything that we’re just out to lunch on be nice no reason to be mean we’re all we’re all here we’re all friends here um but would love to hear your thoughts so hit us up in the comments let us know what if you have any ideas anything that you would have liked to have seen in the list today um obviously we will have our Tuesday Night Live Q&A coming up this week and then next week we’re going to be back I don’t I know Nick you want to even tease the topic next week not doing that anymore that got Ru figured I figured that got ruined so it’s just a mystery and know that Matt and I have well thought out podcast and it’s going to be a fun one yes it’s GNA be a fun forward looking that’s all I’m going to say so and that’s how you can end your fourth of July weekend is with 41 is the mic next Sunday with a mystery podcast just like whenever you’re shooting off fireworks and you don’t know if the fireworks going to be cool or not but just know with 41 of mic podcast it will be cool will be cool we we we come with that money back guarantee so nope no money involved sorry um that is it for us we are glad you joined us don’t forget hit the Bell hit the like hit the retweet whatever it needs to we if there’s nothing else going on right now so wait don’t wait until July 16th when you’re busy and you got Chiefs content all over the place go leave a five-star review for us wherever you can so you can help people find the podcast we appreciate it appreciate all the support and kind words I don’t think I have anything else Nick it’s all up to you that’s fine I bet you do you’ve been listening to 41 is the mic presented by KSHB 41 your home of the Chiefs and Chief’s Digest [Music]


  1. Who's the one who jacked their idea? Somebody else answer since they probably shouldn't be throwing accusations around, deserved or not.

  2. This was fun! Great insight on the moves the Chiefs made with players and staff. It’s amazing how the infinite possibility universe aligned to what we have now. Matt, I was on the Johnny M hype train back then, so glad the Browns took in hindsight.

  3. Your coverage was far superior to the pod that jacked your idea. Rather than criticizing that one, I'll give this one props. Your inside information was encyclopedic and enlightening. The John Dorsey firing certainly was underplayed on the other pod (one of their team considers JD better than Brett Veach). You guys are doing a great job and I really enjoy your show. Keep up the good work!

  4. Secret base has a video titled the god awful play that changed nfl history. Its a must watch on the topic of haley and his downfall, and how the stars aligned for us to end up with big red.

  5. It's a great idea signing Mike Pennel and stashing him for the postseason. How about doing the same for Jet Mckinnon?

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