Have I Discovered the Poor Man’s Mizuno Irons??

Could these irons offer all the performance of a much more expensive Mizuno golf club, at nearly a third of the price??

Check out my on course review of the MacGregor MT Milled:





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is this club in my hand the poor man’s Mauna well when I first unboxed these things it came in a nondescript box to my house I opened it up and the first thing I saw was this cursive M on the side of the club and being that this is middle of summer I figured I know mauno releases golf clubs in August could this be the new Mizuno there was no other badging on it for me to tell any different then I pulled it a little bit further out of the plastic and I revealed the name that I did not expect to see on such a premium looking Club McGregor so could this empty mil set of irons from McGregor at $599 compete with this $1,399 mauno Pro $243 we’re going to take a look and find out on today’s episode first let’s take a closer look at these two clubs well as you can see these are both players cavity back irons down there at the heel you can see their both about the same size at the heel although I’ll note here that the relief is more towards the backside of this sole whereas the relief is actually towards the front side of the sole here on the Mt mil iron all in all though the sole of the club very very similar again looking at the backs side of this club you can see the waiting is all towards the center and towards the lower portion of this club that’s going to help the ball get a little bit higher lift there’s there’s also quite a bit of material there towards the toe on both of these clubs looking down at more of an address view you can see the Top Line very similar in thickness I would say the mauno may be like a millimeter thinner but it’s very very close in terms of the offset I would say about the same amount of offset at least here in the seven iron probably slightly more with the Mt M on my right and on the Muno Club but down at the pitching wedge with the Mt M from McGregor going to get considerably more Loft at a dress as you can see here in terms of the overall size of the face of these clubs again I think it’s just a little bit bigger here with this one on my right the McGregor that’s going to inspire a little bit more confidence now in terms of shafts I do have 120 g stiff shafts on both of these with the McGregor you actually have Dynamic gold as an option but I’ve got the KBS Tour on Muno I am using the dynamic gold so there’s going to be some ever so small differ is in these shafts but again both stiff both 120 g so same weight let’s see how these things perform what I’m going to do first is just hit a couple of seven irons that’s going to be the testing club that you normally test in a golf store but then since I have full sets of these clubs we’ll hit the five iron from each set and we’ll hit the nine iron from each set to see the differences in the Mt mil versus the mauno I got to say after having both of these golf clubs out on course I think their performance is going to be pretty similar now if you check the Loft charts of these clubs the McGregor Club surprisingly for a Player’s Club like this is just about one degree throughout the entire set stronger than the Munos so at this seven iron you’re going to have 32 Dees with the Mizuno 31° here with the McGregor apart from that we’ll see what the differences turn out to be all right first one up is going to be the mauno again 13.99 is the MSRP for a 4 through pitching wedge set going to expect some pretty nice results out of it let’s see what happens woo nice little draw to that one I’ve got my green out there at 170 and we just caught the front edge of the green my carry there was 161 the club head speed was 85 mph I’m going to try to match my club speed throughout this entire session as much as possible ball speed 115 the Back Spin a really nice number at 57 94 for me and uh like I said carry was 162 there total 167 with that roll out all right shot two caught that one just a touch thin both of these irons I have found to be fairly forgiving but you’re going to get a little distance penalty as you saw there it did roll up onto the green but we lost yards in terms of carry it only carried 153 on that thin one clubit speed same 85 ball speed speed was 110 Back Spin 5974 shot three now they say nothing feels like a mauno and I’ve got to say the feeling of these clubs is pretty spectacular that one was off to the left just a little bit carried 160 we did miss the green again Club head speed that’s pretty good for consistency 85 ball speed 113 our spin there 5200 let’s see if we can catch one a little bit cleaner here I think that was one there looking like left side of the green maybe just in front rolling onto the left Fringe Club head speed was 84 ball speed 112 back’s spin a little bit lower there 4904 Fifth and final shot here before we switch over to the McGregor and we ended pretty strong although wo I guess I did pull it huh we got to fix that but it was great contact so if we’re looking purely at Stats it’s going to be a good one there Club speed was 86 ball speed 115 backspin 5,56 RPM carried 165 these things are pure pure butter they feel so good at impact and you can really tell on the club face where you hit the ball which is what I really like and any good golfer wants to know out of their irons where they’re striking the ball we’re going to switch over here now to the McGregor we’ll put a nice red shot tracer on there for this brand blue was of course from auno cuz they’re blue yeah looking down at the face definitely looks a little bit bigger at a dress I would say the offset is just a little bit more than the 243 there down at a dress as well let see what happens will we tell the difference in feel and performance well boy that felt really good hit that one pretty squarely in the center of the club face and just like that first Muno we landed on the green distance looks a little better even though the club head speed there was down 84 milph so 1 m per hour less ball speed 116 the Back Spin 5238 again a good number for me it carried 166 there wow I mean we’re talking about a club that’s onethird of the price we’ll continue to see but so far it doesn’t seem like it’s onethird of the performance another good one there they feel really good surprisingly again for like a club of this price point that is very interesting to see Club head speed was 85 ball speed 116 The Backs spin 5639 where I like to be carried 165 so we’re getting a little bit more distance now of course we do have that extra degree of Loft don’t forget about that now when we talk about you know a budget Club you’re going to have to give up something and I did notice when I opened up this set of clubs that right at the top on the back side of the heel these clubs on every single iron from four all the way to pitching wedge there’s a little indentation it’s imperfection in these clubs these are forged clubs just like the mizunos but of course these are going to be made in a factory most likely in China whereas those are going to be forged in Japan there’s quality control issues when you talk about a Chinese manufacturer versus a Japanese manufacturer of a pretty high-end club and so if you also look down at these there’s a luster to the 243 iron here that just is missing a little bit in the McGregor it’s hard to see but if you look at like the brushing of the steel just lacks a little bit of quality and attention to detail okay it’s not a bad thing and again if you didn’t see these two clubs side by side would you know the difference probably not cuz it’s a good-look club but you know I got to be honest and truthful with everything I see here and it’s just missing that little extra something but boy in terms of performance doesn’t seem to be missing much shot three that one I hit thin like I hit the second or third mauno thin let’s see where this one ends up well it almost carried to The Fringe interestingly so again we’re getting a little bit more distance out of these clubs club and speed there was 84 again down about a mph 1 114 ball speed backspin 5995 we had a little bit more backspin on the thinned mauno as well if you remember carried 160 and rolled out to 172 which was my distance that flag’s at right now is at 170 so if that was the hole I’d be right there shot four oo another good one just in the front Fringe of the green is where that ball landed the total as you can see it rolled out to 174 again which is nice club XP was 83 ball speed 113 backman 5488 carried 160 yeah another good one I think this club speed may be down again another mile per hour let’s find out really good results in terms of dispersion that’s a winner that’s a winner Club head speed 83 like I thought ball speed 112 Back Spin 5500 carried 159 I think it’s only fair since now maybe I’m in a better Groove that we go back to the Muno hit just maybe couple more shots because listen I want as much as you want I’m interested in finding out the truth so far boy I got to say the McGregor’s looking and feeling pretty darn good shot six here for the mauno that was a good strike maybe slightly pushed it looks like I guess yep going to miss the green a [Music] bit bounce right front left and is going to land Oh I thought I was going to land on the left side of the green just went out to the left back Fringe might have done it there another good shot yeah we will find the green interestingly enough I feel like I’m taking very similar swings here very similar strikes I’m not a robot but it’s about as good as you could be without being a robot I think and uh the dispersion as we’ll see in the dispersion map there on the right hand side is is certainly a little wider here with the mauno I’m going to switch back to the McGregor for three more swings little left side of the green [Music] man feels so good landed right on the green there man it’s like I can do no wrong with this McGregor right now except for that shot of course right as I opened my mouth I hit that one Thin it’s going to land in front of the green and it’s going to bounce on into the green how about that let’s take a look a little deeper here at the stats first thing I always like to look at is Club headed speed just to make sure we’re Apples to Apples uh Mauna was up just a little bit cuz those first swings I was around the 85 m per hour mark So on average 84 1/2 to 83.4 so about a mile hour less there with the McGregor irons the ball data is what matters here though ball speed 112. 7 with the mauno 13.8 so there’s the switch you get an extra mile per hour with the uh slightly stronger lofs of the McGregor and that’s on again A minus 1 mph swing speed in terms of like I said peak height is something I’m really interested in here the Mauna was 31 the McGregor was 30 and if we couple that with spin spin about the same 5415 to 5446 stopping power is going to be very similar might be slightly slightly better with the Muno but if you already saw my encourse test with these McGregor Mt mil you’ll know that we are getting just a few inches of roll out with the eight iron through pitching wedge hardly anything at all so stopping power with McGregor I have no problem with even though we’re getting that extra degree again both spin numbers look great we lock if we look at carry you’re going to get the two extra yards there with the McGregor of course again on slightly less swing speed 160 to 162 roll out is not a number that I really care too much about when it comes to simulators but just so you know it’s 171 with the mauno 172 there with the McGregor so I’d say certainly the performance is on par with the Munos very very close in terms of feel I would say we’re really getting down of the nitty-gritty but ever so slightly I might tip the cap here to the Mauna but it’s not by much the mty mil irons feel fantastic again quality control issues that’s something that you’re going to have to consider potentially with an iron that’s a directed consumer brand these days and it’s going to be made in a factory with maybe not the highest quality control standards again can you live with a Nick on the club you’re going to get it with bag chatter in the first couple weeks of using a forge set of irons in the back of your cart anyways clubs are going to get dented but you can avoid quite a few of those dents if you choose to use chipsticks a partner of let’s playr they’ll get your golf clubs to where they’re going safe and sound you don’t have to worry about baggage handlers mistreating your clubs and adding any more extra Nicks to those nice soft Forge clubs of yours I’ve got a discount code down below 20% off for let’s play through you’re going to love the service if you try it recommend you do all right now let’s switch to the five irons with these sets the five irons is going to be a harder Club to hit it’s going to take a little bit more concentration from this Mir mortal again looking at these irons the McGregor is going to be the larger Club face for sure five iron in hand here I’ve got the McGregor first I’ve also set a flag at one 190 for us 185 is kind of the carry I’d be looking for out of a five iron let see what we get decent strike maybe thin but decent again you’re getting really nice Peak height I found with these Mt mil irons distance was 190 exactly where I set the flag but right of the flag oh no it is on the green wow rolled up onto the green didn’t think it would be Club speed 87 ball speed 124 Back Spin 40 8 and it carried 182 pretty nice pretty nice indeed shot two yeah oh felt great little baby draw what I like to see gosh that’s two out of two on the green very close to each other they’re almost side by side club and speed 87 ball speed 124 backs spin 4889 wow that’s a great number carried 182 I’m going to hit one more and then we’re going to switch over to the mauno oh hit it thin again let’s see what the distance penalty is that was thinner even than the first one it’s not horrible not horrible distance penalty Club head speed was 85 ball speed was5 Back Spin 45 so a little bit lower there interestingly on the thin shot with the seven iron we got less spin there with the five iron it carried 168 which is like my seven iron carry so there’s always going to be a distance penal when we talk about a player’s iron like these it’s just part and parcel with this type of Club that’s why you’ve got to be I’d say for both of these clubs you got to be probably a single digit handicap to really get the most out of them all right mauno is up which means we’re going to see those blue shot tracers again and this is interesting looking down at a dress I did not see this with McGregor but with this Muno I actually catch a little of the backside cavity that is really interesting you’d never see that unless you see these two clubs side by side but let’s see how they perform that’s what matters shot one here with the mauno oh it was a good one pushed maybe but again nice and high both these clubs get up in the air so very high it’s a little right side of the green rolled out to 192 Club head speed was 87 ball speed 124 the Back Spin 5197 wow I can’t believe I’m getting that high a spin out of a five iron with either of these clubs shot two that one was a little off the toe as you can see it’s hooking too so now we’re going to miss the green a little left stats wise we’ll probably get decent performance Club speed 88 ball speed 120 Back Spin 3504 carried 177 let’s see if we can end with a real good one here yes we did that’s think that’s the best shot there with the Mauna there’s that nice draw coming in Center just hit get The Fringe rolled into the back right side of the green Club head speed 88 ball speed 121 Back Spin 4351 carried 180 let’s take a look at these five iron stats woo felt good that last one I said with the seven a that I by a hair gave it to the mauno I might give it to the McGregor here they both feel great that’s all I can say I don’t feel like I’m swinging like a cheapo Club when I’m swinging the the McGregor in any way shape or form again let’s look at Club head speed it’s higher again here with the Muno 87.8 to 86.5 so 1.3 m per hour difference ball speed difference uh well that’s a lot less only a half a mile per hour 121 with the McGregor 121 A5 with the mauno in terms of spin 4783 with our McGregor 4416 with the Muno so about 300 RPM more with the McGregor Peak height the same as we saw with the seven iron it’s one yard higher 3 F feet higher 3229 the mauno takes it in terms of distance here the mauno took it 179 to 177 and then in terms of roll out and everything well we missed the green a couple times there especially that hook shot you’re going to get a lot of Top Spin you can see that spin there out the hook shot was 3600 so almost really an outlier but regardless the roll out 194 to 188 very very close in terms of the stats I guess you know in terms of consistency I give it to the McGregor there in terms of you know maybe pure stats probably the Muno just by a touch there’s a case to be made these are the poor man’s Munos I would say all right we’re going to go to the last Club here nine iron hopefully we finish strong I’ve set our flag at 140 I’ve got the mauno in hand first again we’re going to take three shots with each Club I caught that one Groove too low just ever so slightly thin but I’d say a pretty good shot in the middle of the green there CL speed 82 ball speed 102 Back Spin 7638 carried 135 and it finished 138 like I said just 2 yards short 6 ft short of the flag shot two that was a good one oh I love that tight little draw that’s when you know I’ve hit a good shot anyways clubit speed 82 ball speed 102 back SP 7100 carried 135 rolled out to 137 very similar that’s consistency for you third and final shot with the mauno oh yeah oh it felt great it’s actually a little left of Target but it felt fantastic we caught the left part of The Fringe Club head speed 82 ball speed 107 Back Spin 6967 carried 144 yeah I knew I caught that one well all right switching to the nineiron with Mac the offset’s more pronounced the further you go in this bag up to the pitching wedge uh but here with the nine iron it’s a fair amount of offset kind of unexpected with this style of golf club some people will like that some people won’t doesn’t necessarily bother me oh it felt great yeah I’ve got to say the feel the feel’s Fant I almost went in the hole on the Fly the feel is fantastic with these Mt mil I can’t say it’s better but it’s got to be on par Club head speed 81 ball speed 105 6949 is the Back Spin carried 140 about 5 Ys more carry there that was hit in the middle though whereas that first one with the Mauna was hit a little thin wasn’t it all right that looks like our third mauno cuz it’s going to maybe oh miss the green completely I got a lot of Club on that ball though Club head speed 80 ball speed 106 backs spin 6392 carried 143 third and final shot with the Mt mil oh another good one oh yeah I love it I absolutely love it pin High well a little past the pin Club head speed 79 ball speed 104 backs spin 7127 carried 139 I bet it would have stuck on a real green though I got to say like we saw Outdoors let’s take a look at the stats those were some good shots if we look at Club head speed 82.1 to 80 .1 mauno consistently more swing speed with that club for whatever reason maybe it’s the shaft but I don’t think so they’re still the same weight although I will say this in hand the McGregor also just feels a little lighter I think the metal it’s made out of is just a little lighter than the Munos even though the face is bigger it feels lighter in hand ball speed 103.6 to 104.7 so again it made it up the McGregor ball speed made it up with a little less Loft I should say total spin 7283 with the mauno I like that number better than I liked 6899 again we do have an outlier there but you can even see on on a really good strike there 6999 and 7174 we’re getting it when we really hit one good with Muno 76 so you’re getting more spin with the mauno in terms of peak height it holds true once again 31 no I’m sorry there’s a swap here the McGregor actually flew higher interesting 32 to 31 now I will say wasn’t there one kind of thin one there possibly either way very similar carried 138 to 140 with the McGregor the total 140 1 to 146 wow wow wow wow wow I mean for a $600 set of irons 599 even these things perform incredibly well they go head-to-head toe to- Toe with just about anything out on the market in terms of the stats again can you sacrifice the possibility of maybe some QC issues but also be able to save that much money that’s only decision that you can make I’m really impressed with what I’m seeing here from the Mt miled irons from McGregor let me know down in the comments what you think and make sure you hit subscribe so you don’t miss any videos on this channel I’ll catch you back here next time on another edition of let’s play through


  1. The MacGregor Irons most likely coming from a manufacturer forging house in china that companies like New Level Golf use. They are pretty good in tolerance and the feel is pretty amazing for the $$$.

  2. That pitching wedge has waaaay to much offset, why in the world would you design that into this style of club? Big miss there, otherwise very nice!

  3. Dispersion wins it. You were half as close on average with the MacGregor 5 and 7 irons and with more balls hits you could have got the same result with the 9.
    When I bought my last set of clubs I tested Titleist against MIzuno and bought the Titleist clubs. If Mizuno clubs are so much better then more Pro's would use them on tour but this is not the case. So maybe overrated ?

  4. Would be curious to know if fhe McGregors are in-house designed or a factory model like a few of these "resurgent" companies are doing to save costs. They look good but also look kind of generic IMO.

  5. Still looking in top shape bro! Keep'in those extra Lbs off! Nice to see MacGregor making an effort to stay relevant.

  6. They look great value, but the sole is not even remotely similar. The one major thing that can differentiate club sole, relief, is totally opposite. Saying they are the same is absurd.

  7. Interesting option. Could there be 1020 vs 1025 steel differences over the years on the wear and tear? After years of owning and playing Mizuno 800, 850 and now 923 Forged sets those older ones still looked amazing 5+ years later. Wonder what are the long term durability outcomes of any 1020 steel irons? Glad to see some lower cost options.

  8. Those Macs remind me of my Mizuno MX-20s. I played my best golf to date with those clubs. The best thing I loved about them was the sole grind. I haven't been able to find another set that played like those. Ive been thinking about the Srixon ZX-5 but these MacGregor's look like they might be what I'm looking for.

  9. Wow .. the dispersion on mizuno is horrible!!!! .. I would replace it .. might be shaft

  10. I' m playing Pro 223 irons now. I've tried the D2C route with Takomo and find that these sorts of mass produced irons work fine and feel good but look too chunky for my tastes. This is especially the case in the PW and 9 iron. I find the Pro 223 much more refined. In the D2C arena I think that Maltby is the best. My 2nd set is the T1 IM and those look great throughout the set. Just can't stomach those squared off top lines and high hosels on these McGregor's.

  11. Gabe, no you got it all wrong! These MacGregor Irons are knockoffs of the late great TaylorMade 300 forged irons….. That is a big complement. I have three TaylorMade V-Steels fairway woods that are still the best fairway woods ever designed….

  12. Just a Re-make of the Mizuno T-Zoid Forged irons I used many many years ago, they were nice irons , I even played the T- Zoid Forged Driver !

  13. Great review, Gabe. I have to laugh a bit. Feel and sound is important. Knowing where you hit the ball on the club, very important. However, I am trying to remember the last time I've heard a pro after a bad round during the press conference say, "I just notice some very small flaws in my iron blade along with some shading issues on the finish. I am sure that is what cause me to shoot a 75".
    Bottom line, if you are buying a set of irons that retails for less than 500.00, flaws and minor imperfection doesn't mean a hill of beans. The fact that it was more accurate and held its own with a 1400.00 set of clubs, I can live with a little imperfection. My wife does everyday. Lol

  14. I'm loving this Macgregor love Gabe!!! Warms my heart!! Nice to see it stack up every bit as good, if not better, than the Mizuno's. I adore my Macgregor irons inhave right now. Even if they are a little older set.

  15. The Mac has a Taylormade rac tp forged vibe going for me, really really like that look! Taylormade's yet to be released P7CB has that retro rac vibe also.
    Judging just off the seven iron alone the MT's are solid scoring clubs, absolutely smoked the mizzy! Do those two shafts match up, the dynamic gold I'm familiar with not so much with kbs.

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