The SECRET Drill To Stop Shanking The Golf Ball

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In this video, Michael talks about how to stop shanking the golf ball, focusing on a specific drill designed to help improve your game. This drill not only helps with shanking but also promotes consistent contact with the ball.

Michael Mitnick, the face behind ‘That Golf Grind’ is not just an influencer but a dedicated golfer passionate about improving his game. Through his relatable content, he provides a fresh approach to make it enjoyable for golfers of all skill levels.

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hey guys it’s Michael welcome back to scratch Golf Academy today we are going to talk about how to stop shanking the golf ball and talking about mainly a specific drill that’s going to help you out if you’re shanking and even help you if you’re just making inconsistent contact so let’s talk about a shank first of all it’s the dreaded sword in golf you don’t want to do it you don’t want to talk about it but it does happen and a lot of people fall into the Trap where they can’t stop shanking it so we’re going to talk about a drill where it’s going to help us out so let talk about what happens when we shank first of all so we’re set up to the ball here what happens is we get to the top here a shank is when our arms get really far away from our body and we’re making contact right in this pocket of The Golf Club of the club face so something like this where we hit it almost directly in that pocket oh that was a great chank right there right here shoots off right can’t really play golf like that right so what’s happening is on the downswing we are coming down here and then our arms are getting really far away from our body like this so we’re almost using a lot of our arms we are reaching to the golf ball so now if we set up perfectly Square here with the ball in the middle of the club now we get to the top and we come down and our arms are far away now all of a sudden we’re hitting right in that pocket right so we’re getting the top and reaching too far away in our down swing so it can be a lot to think about it can be hard to fix but let’s talk about a drill here so you’re going to get two golf balls here now you’re going to place them right about a couple inches apart so just about a club head apart like this this is what we’re going to do I want you to set up to the outside golf ball like this so we’re going to set up like we’re going to hit this outside golf ball but now we’re going to take the club back and now we’re going to hit the inside golf ball on the way through so let me let me say that again set up like you’re going to hit the outside golf ball you’re going to bring it to the top here and then when you come down and through you’re going to hit the inside one what this is going to do it’s going to help you keep your arms nice and close to your body and not feel like you’re reaching for it cuz if we were just like hey let’s hit this outside golf ball then we would just reach even further away this is over exaggerating the feel of keeping the club nice and close so this is what it’s going to look like setups to the outside golf ball so normal distance we’re not standing extra far away okay now we’re going to hit the inside one just like that it’s a little bit strange especially to wrap your brain around let me show you again we’re going to do it one more time here and you don’t want to really get further than a club head apart but this is going to really really help you find the center of the club face so one more time here set up to the outside golf ball now hit the inside one so you notice how my arms have to shift and force myself to get close to my body and not throw my hands out and way because in order to hit the inside one you got to do that so now when you transition into a full swing with a normal golf ball I want you to imagine that same thing whether it’s a piece on the ground or something like that obviously we’re going to hit the ball that’s on the ground we’re not going to come back and miss it but just have that same feeling whatever you felt there specifically it can be a little bit different for everyone so you get to the top and really feel like though those arms are staying close that way when you come and hit your normal shot you can find center of the club face a lot more often and you’ll just adjust right if you’re going back to a normal shot and you’re still hitting the hosle go back to the drill reinforce reinforce but really focus on keeping those arms straight I like to do these drills instead of trying to position my body in certain ways just because because your brain is pretty powerful and it can tell you hey I’m set up out here but I have to hit this inside golf ball so whatever I have to do to get the club in and hit this inside ball that’s what we’re going to do and it really helps you out so go give that a try if you’re struggling with shanking or just not great contact in general subscribe to scratch golf check out my stuff over on that golf grind and I’ll see you guys out here next time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]


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