Ogio’s Fuse Carry bag is not for everyone, with bold and bright styling that shouts ‘look at me’. But is the Ogio Fuse a decent bag underneath it all. Find out here in yet another ‘laugh a minute’ (on average) bag review from Golf FM’s Fraser Malcolm.

Hi, I am Fraser Malcolm, welcome to my channel. I am the Head Professional at North Berwick’s East Links (Glen Golf Club) in East Lothian, Scotland.
I have been a Professional golfer for over twenty-five years and have a wealth of experience teaching a wide range of players, from three-year-old beginners to elite county players. I have a strong background in junior golf coaching creating an all year round junior programme called Beginnagolf.
I also have a successful club-fitting side to my business and am very interested in equipment technology with a wealth of experience to draw on when reviewing and assessing new products.
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welcome to go FM this is the review on the AIO fuse carry bag for 2024 this is my second AIO review I did the silencer cart bag just recently and I thought that was really good you can have a look at that review if you want there’ll be a link for it up there somewhere this one has just come in and to say it would divide opinion is an understatement now this is way out of my comfort zone in terms of bags I’ve never ordered anything like this in fact I would have just laughed it off normally if i’ seen something like this but there was something about the fact that it’s oio they bag Specialists they suitcase Specialists they’re backpack Specialists they know what they’re doing with bags and I thought you know what let’s just go out on a limb probably live to regret it but let’s get something in that’s a bit wacky a bit different and see what everybody makes of it so it’s coming in about 2.2 kilograms and that’s about the same as a hoofer light ping hoofer light so it’s pretty light I think I’ll talk about it as a bag as it stands and and pretend it’s not got a weird color or in some cases a really nice color for some people might think it’s absolutely amazing let’s just go through it as a bag without bothering about talking about the fashion statement that it is right so as a bag is it good so it’s light the top has 1 2 3 four compartments and I put all my other clubs in the other audio bag that I’ve got it’s all ready to go I put all my clubs in it and it was a breeze to put in the clubs go in really nicely three irons there three irons there all my wedges down the bottom Woods at the top alongside the putter it kind of works naturally and easily as a carry B from that respect this top is a kind of rubberized thing which will protect graphite shafts and is sturdy and hard wearing so it’s not going to fray and wear out like some of the bags do that have got a material based around them which feels softer on the face of it but actually wears away and doesn’t give you longevity so from a top point of view it’s going to last a long long time I don’t mind this clear plastic sort of look it’s got a good solid grab handle there and then you look at the strap the strap itself has got some sort of self adjusting self-leveling mechanism on it the fit disc and it I’ve tried it on this bag and it actually without golf balls and everything in it it was reasonably well balanced so I can imagine that it does it does fit balanced on your back pretty well in terms of the actual strap though it’s not the softest material I’ve ever felt you know there’s padding in there like it’s not Ultra comfy feeling when you put it on it’s a bit hard and S solid and rigid it’s probably a decent strap you know if I put this one on just to show you look at that all right this one’s not as wild as the other one is it it’s still got a bit of wildness but yeah I mean it fits on fits on fine and feels fairly well balanced again this isn’t the most comfortable strap I’ve ever felt in my life sorry Audrey you might come in for a bit of constructive criticism here see it’s constructive criticism you know take and learn from it if there’s anything wrong don’t be depressed and annoyed that I’ve said something’s not right just you know make it better next time take it on the chin back to the bag so we said about the strap not that that’s the most comfy strap in the world first thing I sort of noticed is this ball thing now that to me is unnecessary and also screams higher handicap which isn’t a bad thing if You’ got a higher handicap then fine I think you’re going to have to be careful if you’ve got a higher handicap and you’re walking about with this bag you know it’s like look at me look at my special bag I want to get noticed and then you go and take half the golf course up on your first Iron shot and slice it out of bounds on the next shot you know you’re not so proud of yourself as you’re shouting loudly with your golf bag I don’t know maybe some people don’t mind that it’s all about fun of the game and they don’t care and and they like the wildness and they want to be noticed I don’t know but for me the golf ball thing which is what I was talking about till I got distracted unnecessary in fact they’re quite firm to get in and out it’s not that easy to get in and out there see that that was that was not me putting that on it just wasn’t that easy and it’s just like you’re like preloaded ready to say well I’m going to need golf balls to hand quickly CU I’m going to be smashing them out of bounds left right and Center so I better have them quick release mechanism ready for three off the tea you know it’s a wee bit defeatist get them in the bag so you can’t see them and you’re using one and potentially using one for the whole round look at it like that be positive don’t go think to yourself well I better load this up ready for disaster that’s my feeling on it now after we’ve done that we’re on to there’s a decent handle there obviously we’re on to the pockets now the pocket here which is your quite important teas ball markers things like that pocket you do have other options for that as well but that is generally where I put a lot of the stuff in there really quite shallow and a bit tight to get your hand in you actually back to needing slightly dainty hands to use that without any fear of it getting caught you can get your hands in it it’s like it’s fit for human use unlike some of the bags I reviewed in the past but it is pretty tight and it’s quite shallow it’s a bit it’s a bit meager and a bit measly I’m being honest the zip is good though I have to say this I said this about the silencer bag the waterproof one the best zips on the market by far I would say and these are following in the footsteps of that it’s easier to get the Zips right on a bag that’s not waterproof because they don’t pull so they pull a bit smoother anyway but these are just good they just feel like they’re going to last and last and last and never break so good point there oio this pocket’s got a double zip around there lets you into quite a deep pocket perfectly good it’s not insulated in there so you’re not keeping anything warm or cold I usually say could you keep a roast chicken in there and I came out with it one day because there was a massive pocket that was insulated and I thought could you could keep like not only could you keep a drink hot you could get keep food hot and there is that much space and so now every time I look at a big pocket it’s like I’m judging on whether I can fit a roast chicken in it which is really pretty silly really cuz you’re never going to do that on a golf course let’s be realistic but this you wouldn’t even attempt it because it’s not insulated so you’d be putting in there roast chicken in there getting halfway around it’ be freezing cold which I know you can eat chicken cold but it’s like if you were thinking I’m going to tuck in a nice roast dinner halfway around then you can’t do that so you’d have to buy a different bag so it isn’t insulated is the upshot of that and roundabout way of telling you slightly strange feature here though audio quick release apparently I thought this was like a fault I thought this was there’s a gap here it so clicks open almost like it’s got a magnet on it I think it has got a magnet and that supposedly is quick release getting into here without using the really nice Zips so they built really nice Zips and then they said right we’re going to bypass those Zips and you can get in this way now I don’t know how much time I’m saving time me right okay get your stopwatches out I’m going to try and get into the bag using the Zips to say the Zip’s there and I want to get a ball out cuz I’ve run out of three here cuz I’ve lost them all and I’m getting ready to reload my magazine for future out of bounds excursions and I’m going into this pocket one way and then the other way right so Ready set go finished I don’t know how long that was it didn’t feel a long time right quick release pocket opening Ready Set Go to me it’s slower it felt slower it felt slower it felt like I got slightly caught now again if you’ve got dainty hands you’d probably do that quicker I’m getting slightly stuck but to me that wasn’t quicker and so that pocket is utterly that feature is utterly unnecessary take it out and save money because I tell you one thing it’s not that cheap £195 and it should be about £229 so there you go learn from that a they do have have this feature however on the other pocket and I think it actually works quite well over here so on this pocket it’s got this quick release thing in fact there is no other way into that one it’s just magnets or nothing take it or leave it and that’s quite nice that’s a nice thing to go in there it’s dead easy you know it’s not going to catch you know it’s going to go back that’s really good they’ve obviously thought that maybe they designed that first and then thought where else can we use this I like that cuz I do like that I’d have been want to use it somewhere else but not there doesn’t really work there what about this bit would would have worked in there maybe so anyway that’s a decent pocket it’s got one of these we key holder things does anyone use them put it in the comments if you do CU I uh and then a perfectly good pocket in here you can also get into the bottom of your bag should you drop anything down it and get your hand in there as weas it the hood is decent I have put the hood on and it just sort of fits around V bits around this handle and it’s actually got two poppers there it’s a weave bit tight getting on it’s not the easiest thing in the world but it’s not the hardest one either good that it’s got the same design as this on it it’s nice attention to detail that they did that so yeah no problems with that pocket Little Hook there for various things and another little hook there around this side this final pocket um a little bit tight on Entry but it’s fine it it maybe it still feels like it’s probably going to last but it’s it’s a little bit tighter in there than it would but that is a big pocket it’s fine and then you’ve got an insulated bit here which actually I would just put my range finder in cuz I like to be able to just get out my range finder really quickly and I would be ending up putting bottles in there so and and to me insulation it just it’s just open to the air all the hot air is just getting on the see it’s like you know you’ve got a a bottle of cold drink right it should be the normal thing in there yeah I’m going to keep that insulated well to me there’s like a large percentage of the bottle there is just open to the air Sun getting on it wind air you know you lock it away inside there and you with a fully insulated thing all around it you feel like you’ve got a chance of keeping it a bit colder but that to me is like does it actually it maybe does something but it doesn’t feel like it’s going to be as effective as having it in there so to me that’s just use it for what you want to me it’s a rangefinder pocket padding on here uh is simar sort of feel to that so not particularly comfy it isn’t I’d like it to be cuz I bought it and now I’m not saying it’s very good and what I just need to happen now is for the person that buys this to never come anywhere near YouTube and never come anywhere near this review because they won’t buy it otherwise so I’m just you know fingers crossed they don’t watch it stand what’s the stand like the stand is quite low it goes it’s quite a low angle right that doesn’t maybe look bad at all to you but if you see my ping hoofer it’s a more acute angle it’s sitting at is it fractionally like it’s not a deal breaker but just put it down and it felt like almost the legs were slightly broken you know when you get a stand bag and it gets old and they start doing the splits the legs one of the most annoying things in the world second only to the legs hanging down and slightly flicking you in the back of the leg when you’re walking that almost looks like it’s like preset for well it’s quite old and we splaying the legs out but it isn’t I mean it’s it’s sturdy but it just like the hoofer just it’s got slightly different angles and amazing that you can actually notice that you know the angle’s different it is kind of get them on the table but hopefully you can see that I’ll I’ll put in b-roll if think they call it and show you that again not a deal breaker it’s just it’s just like I’m 5′ 11 and and it feels almost like it’s slightly too low so you know if you’re 6’4 you’re going to be like bent double getting well not quite but anyway so that’s my final slight gripe is the stand goes slight too wide and and it ends up being a little bit low you know that that’s unnecessary that’s unnecessary for moio they shouldn’t you know all these little tiny things like that they shouldn’t have got that wrong they’ll be aring what you talking about there’s nothing wrong with the angle it goes at but I noticed it you know just it’s it’s a small point but I noticed it so can I recommend this bag well yeah I can recommend it because I tell you why you can recommend it because of the way it looks that is the main thing now I’ve had already people come in and see this and think wow that looks amazing and other people that were almost feeling slightly queasy when they saw it and that’s what it’s about this thing that is ultimately what this is about is about it’s a style statement so if you like that that is different that’s unique ping don’t make a bag like that Tor May don’t make a bag like that Callaway don’t make a bag like that they’re all scared that nobody would buy it if they did good on the module for going down this route because they do it and some of the other even that’s a bit funky for some people with all that paint spillage on the side of it there’s a few more people customers could could stomach that cuz it isn’t everywhere this it’s like a I think it’s like a j and tonic or something it’s got on it I don’t know exactly what drink it is is it a pina colada I don’t really know I don’t drink either of those drinks so I don’t know I think it’s quite important what a bag looks like to some people like for instance this bag this pink bag that I got I got cuz I quite like the colors but there was one that I wanted slightly more than this and they were out of stock so I may do with this color but I was bothered about what the color was I wanted it to be the the bag that I thought looked the nicest and okay I needed the pockets to work and everything to work nicely but there was a big part of me thinking I wanted it to look nice I wanted to go I kind of wanted my head covers to kind of match in with it know I had the black K black cob ones this is my stuff here you know so put that in there and it all kind of goes quite nicely you know would have bugged me if had red head covers or something with that it wouldn’t have looked right so it’s not ins significant the style of this it is probably the main reason I mean that sounds obvious now I’m saying it to myself of course that’s the main thing about it when it’s that kind of strong a design of course the design is the main thing about it but I’ve had to look at it objectively and go through the pockets and the design of it and it’s been found wanting a little bit in some areas it could be slightly better there’s some nice features like I like this this magnetic pocket and it’s quite a nice simple hardware and design at the top here it’s quite light but there’s other things which are dragging it back like the softness of the straps not as good as it should be this pocket here at the front’s a little bit tight that’s unnecessary I mean you don’t have to use that but again that’s creating quite a big gap just for rain to to go straight in so even if you don’t use it it’s actually slightly weird that it’s there because okay this isn’t waterproof but you know a fountain of water could go down there it’s not as good as I hoped it would be in terms of bags design but it does look really good the other thing I would have to say if you buy this bear in mind you’re going have to watch what you wear you’re walking around with this see I’ve got black on right so I’ll probably be all right because it’s really plain I’m wearing so imagine so imagine you got this on right and you and you rock up with this B and you think oh God I can’t go out like that I’m going to to change my golf bag changing your shirt it’ be easier to be honest but unless you got a color blind then maybe you think that’s all right I don’t know or maybe you want to look like that well if you do good on you crack on first time I finish the video and different shirt to when I started let’s change it back again there you go was that the position I was in was that right seamless anyway that’s it make your own judgment on that I still think it’s okay to buy if you really like the design it’s not so bad in terms of like the pocket design and everything else that you wish you hadn’t bought it it’s not that bad you know I’m trying to reach for bag Perfection here a lot of the time and this has not reached bag Perfection I don’t know if we’ll ever get there one day will we get there one day with a bag I don’t know it’s got some downsides it’s got a couple upsides but if you like the design just get it just go and get it preferably buy it here you know and then it’s gone and I don’t have to worry about having it for 5 years okay or longer right okay that will do us for today thanks for watching if you’ve got any questions put them in the comments and I’ll get back to you and I’ll see you in the next one he


  1. Great review as always. Frankly, OGIO didn't do a good job here. And that lime green monstrosity needs to end up in a dumpster (and on fire). 😆

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