Golf Players

Jordan Spieth vs Graeme McDowell | 2014 Ryder Cup | Extended Highlights

Despite being three down at the turn, Europe’s Graeme McDowell completed a stunning comeback to defeat the United States’ Jordan Spieth 2&1 at the 2014 Ryder Cup held at Gleneagles, Scotland.

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Every two years, 24 of the best players from Europe and the United States go head-to-head in match play competition. The European Team are the reigning champions after winning at Marco Simone Golf & Country Club in 2023. Drama, tension, incredible golf, camaraderie and sportsmanship are served in equal measure, captivating an audience of millions around the world. It’s an event that transcends sport, yet remains true to the spirit of its founder, Samuel Ryder. The 2025 Ryder Cup is set to take place at Bethpage Black in New York.

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okay gentlemen good morning ladies and gentlemen may I welcome you to the pgsn Tim course Glenn Eagles for the final days play of the 2014 Ryder Cup today’s matches will be singles this is match number one on the te represent United States of America Jordan SPI what an outstanding debut Ridder cup it has been for the 21y old the second youngest American Ridder cup player of all time and what a responsibility he’s been given by his captain Jordan spe the lead out the USA [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on the te representing Europe G [Applause] McDow a man from Northern Ireland to hold the winning pot at Celtic Manor in 2010 first man out for Paul mcginley’s team [Music] [Applause] and two cracking opening drives both catching the down slope at the first what off and running what a day this is going to [Applause] [Music] be it’s a beautiful settler and I think it must be a nice thing to know at the beginning of the week how much confidence a captain has in you certainly won’t won’t be trapped from your performance quite a cauldron out there the noise my goodness yeah I’m not sure because of the the stadium nature of this whole I’ve ever seen anything quite like it’s unbelievable now the Americans often been accused of not being teams in the past but just a little sign here from Jordan Speed often they’ve had their initials on their caps rather than USA in the way that Europe have Europe on that c he’s actually got USA on his ball which has obviously been done specially for today no I don’t just a little sign there maybe of how he’s feeling I’m leading the team you got to 36 behind it a good Sol I agree that all day come on good one here smallish area where the flag is over in the low section back rer from 128 yards he really ought to hit it got [Applause] got well the cad was trying to really pump his man up there now this is not too difficult an up and down for Jordan Speed he’s got a nice line in the bunker enough green to work with nicely played because the hearts will be put to Paton these guys are only human this mean so much to them and despite being amongst the best players in the world they will be feeling the nerves there is no question of that right G mcdal for an opening birdie to give Europe the perfect start [Applause] well would you believe that he thought it was in we thought it was in haven’t seen a horseshoe all week my goodness well hold very important to get one of those in early never a great feeling to lose the first hole mdal a little bit drop but all square it [Applause] is yeah spe t-shot at the par five seconds short is par five 522 yds today that’s gone right that’s not good kick off the C path as well way right was so quick normally his rhythm is so constant that was definitely a bit snatchy from the top up and out of it quickly but he will settle down an incredibly wide t-shot by Jordan Smith now McDow trying to get it down as close to the bunker on the corner of the dog leg as he can without going in them when the yeah I really I got to go problem it’s [Applause] okay speed is laid up from way [Music] right slinging it in from right to left his favored [Music] shape that’s okay loads of green to work with decent [Applause] lie third shot for Jordan SPI could only lay up to hear from the rough on the right very good shot gr mcdal at the second birdie p [Music] no he isn’t there and Jordan speed’s got a very good birdie chance to [Applause] come so this to put the first point on the board well not point on the board win the first hole I should say the first red on the board [Applause] the bunker in the first of the bunker in the third gr mcdal difficult shot got a tier he’s got to carry it then slopes downhill he’s trying to run it up the tier took a lot of sand to get it to reduce the spin and at least he’s giv himself a chance to a pretty good shot from there spe for the win at third he would take two TS though and see what mcdow’s got for the [Music] pter no mcdull for par at three [Applause] great chance here for Jordan spe well done and there’s no miraculous formula here for the Americans they have to get wins early on and what a start from Jordan be two up after three all must be left to ride yeah [Applause] it’s a pretty flat H in terms of elevation I think it might break a fraction right to left very good try [Applause] similar distance little longer for McDow to avoid going three down after four well hold this is McDow normally a very good bunker shot always has great acceleration six out of 10 for him I think he’d agree’s been leading himself a lot of testing Parts missed the first couple on [Applause] [Music] well great start for Jordan spe whose outstanding Rider cup seems to be continuing first time the flag’s been on the front on the six be game first from 189 yds Breeze off the right don’t be left [Music] well be up at least that is a long long way short at least well club and a half out there deep bunker just left of the flag not a good spot to be chances are if you go flight straight in there it’s going to plug anyway be right at the flag there’s a a ridge just beyond it little bit of a back stop ideally want to stop short of that but anything right at flag even if it’s just short of the green it’s not the end of the world started it towards the right side is that going to come back of that Ridge come on come on oh [Applause] on that’s what we call loal [Applause] [Music] Knowledge well looked all the world as if that was going to go in for a two so in terms of lift outs honors [Applause] even Jordan’s P second shot K McDow is already on the [Music] green Splendid [Applause] shot so now he’s got a uphill P that should go a little bit right to left come on knock it K says go and knock it in because it very much looks as though Jordan Smith is going to make a three here potentially this for half or any way to put pressure on speed [Applause] this one for four up not to be and that is a little bit of a gift here three up here middle of the Fairway hit a three would up the team to the Fest part of the Fairway down softly he looked very cool all week very measured this man gr mcdal second shot down the eighth spe in close bit of a flying lie here got to watch this doesn’t jump bunker Beyond if he goes too far oh starting to warm up the engines now gr McDow good shot come on [Music] man for bir3 D still about his [Applause] three second bird of the day for Jordan hey that was pretty straight to Gap gr McDow three down putting to avoid getting four down on the eighth partner must go a little bit right to left he’s had so many of these that haven’t gone in if he misses this one it’s going to be a very very tough match to get back into no mistake this [Applause] time great from [Applause] McDow still many many hes to go [Applause] here a three-w of the T for spe to avoid those left hand Fairway bunkers he’s trying to get it over the Fairway bunkers down the left hand side side here well clear of the water maybe just let the wind gently drifted in left to right might get it somewhere close to the front of the [Music] green it’s a big hit I mean he’s got 313 to the flag he won’t be going for thatg it’s got probably about 290 to find the the front edge of the green over on the left hand side does give it a good clatter [Music] well there is no way should even flirt with the right and bunker we can see in the picture somewhere up the left just where you want to [Applause] be that will create a wonderful angle for the third you’re going to discover see the pin right now back right yeah fairly equidistant yeah just got a yard in it really 53 against 52 for the third shots into the ninth but speed definitely has the easier one he’s just pitching it straight down [Music] the flag’s on a a raise section back right I imagine he’s going to land it quite well short of that just running up but a check and then release fight fight and another first class shot from to [Applause] pit McDow needs to get this in close tougher shot as Julian told us but even better tremendous little pictures from both of those men great answer there from MD three down hit it to a [Applause] foot think mcdows is been conceited see no marker on the surface [Applause] well done and they’re both dired last both of the last two holes this is going to get down to Blood and Guts with these two boys two great players Jordan spe has missed his birdie attempt on the 10th from short of the flag and has run it good three maybe a bit more than 3 ft by mdal downhill initially right to left for birdie in a wind and even even if he doesn’t make it he’s still got half a chance three down at the moment seems to be quite a severe slot around that hole to half the hall and I’m afraid this is the first mistake we’ve seen here by the young georan fit and that will give a little more fuel and energy to gr mdow Europe and USA in very good shape up the 11th is just going to be Europe first with gr McDonald slightly more difficult line probably for him coming in over the bunker with only three or four yards of green to play with so he’s now got to get this to sit down very quickly with a very little spin on landed beond the flag and try and spin it back but that’s probably a more dangerous shot trying just to get it to sit down and he did beautiful execution here no room to work with great distance control downhill right to left for the [Music] [Applause] [Music] birdie and with a very makeable part to get it to just one down right left breaker for the birdie in the [Music] [Music] wi yes and now things are changing here Jordan fistful feel gr McDow Bree into his neck he had so much control over this game Mr short butt the opening game here Jordan spe first to play 173 yards that pin is 15 on 10 on the Left Behind the big shoulder of that bunker we can see and this is okay but not the result he was hoping for I’m sure it sets up quite nicely for gr’s draw here from 162 yds wind off the left he can just turn it gently into that wind get it to sit down softly on the upper level where the flag is don’t go too long SWR down the back speed CL lucky probably not to run down that is it working in off from the right stay there there’s a little bit of a ridge I suppose the likely outcome on the 12th is going to be a half in four but you never know speeds just off the green right to left most of the way it might just straighten at the end just see him to take a little bounce on that bit of Fringe took some Pace off [Applause] it once again gr mcdal has two chances for a win on the 12th in the top match you can leave it Beyond doubt by holding this one it’s uphill it’s got a steepish little slope to go up right to left but spe has still got plenty to do for his power [Music] [Music] another good [Applause] but testing but well well well McDow three down three holes ago all square walking to the 13th team what a turnaround mdow 13th T 484 yards yeah baby two buers up the right he’s throwing it away from those first time he’s had the honor today to Jordan SP I’ve seen a little bit of a anxiety in the young man understandably he’s going to have to try to keep his cool and keep his Temple this seems to be heading left this is not the place to [Applause] be it to the hole problems for Speed here he’s got 188 to the flag 162 to the front and wet grass although it is lying down in the right direction he’s got to get this up very quickly if he’s going to get it on the green or work it right to left tough to [Applause] do got off to such a flying start young Jordan spe but MCD the Street Fighter the number one man for Europe and that’s quite the delivered by Paul McGinley in fact he told him as long ago as Wednesday that he was going out number one in the singles Target and he’s just got better and better as the day is going on he’s found his nice straight driving 172 Ys to the flag you just don’t want to go long here it’s right up at the back on an upper level if you come in from the left it’s coming in over a little Ridge think he’s going to try and work it in from the right there bit of wind helping downhill just right at the flag coming [Music] in I think he might have got that just a smidge and heavy yeah I think you’re right he did just off the down slow didn’t quite get pump could hit it over the back you know what I mean yeah [Applause] really tough bunker shot for Jordan spe it’s caught it heavy he’s beginning to look a little bit [Applause] rled spe has just lost three holes in a row two of them with Bogies and he’s in serious danger of making another bogey here on the 13th starting to look a little punch drunk feel he has to hold this if he’s to have a [Music] [Music] chance gmax really got to concentrate on this one all he needs to do is Lay It dead but it’s a long putt not an easy one this for a birdie Americans already played for some way from the hole [Applause] oh I guess that will do would have been easy to leave that one short coming up the slope conceded and can you believe it Gran mcdal now is one up in the top match Europe wi hole in four Europe one [Applause] up SM out reached the 14th reachable Par Four [Music] ping over on the right side of the green he’s looks as if he’s leaked this away to the right some thick rough over there he’s wide a bit not the place to be but he may have a line into the flag yes this is going to be interesting he’s been a bit rattled the last few holes Jordan Speed three Bogies in the last four no that’s a good shot though that’s a very good t- that’s a real steady air for the American off a down slope a little bit of a birs nest life for McDow this requir has a great touch he has got a bit of green to work with that’s the one thing in his favor got to get it up just hit an extraordinary [Applause] shot that’s absolute genius can’t teach that [Applause] delicate little pitch this from Jordan SP oh beautifully brought round little long [Applause] though probably a couple of balls outside the hole that was well hold good pressure p made there by Jordan Speed stops the [Applause] rot gr MC that is just a remarkable B up and down not the easiest of shots off the down slope and the thick line the rough but up to the pressure McDow one up for the [Applause] play spe mcdal safely down the middle here at 15 long downhill Par Four got to be right off the team oh not that far right lots of danger for Jordan SM if he goes for the flag on the 15th as he’s coming in from that right hand bunker ball on an UPS slope he’s coming in over the greenside bunker flag tuck behind that he must look a little left of the flag it’s softly softer all right getting that up down McDonald has got a great chance to turn the screw here from 159 yds he’s on a Downs slope then and the flag over on the right wind helping off the right it’s pretty difficult to get close to this it’s over a ridge as well on a sort of Gully that runs across the middle of the green but just middle of the green is fine here with spe in trouble swing right go he went straight the FL fited a yard short just grazed the flag I think as it went past that looks very juicy down there for Jordan spe left of 15 third shot got give it enough like that that was very halfhearted my goodness me almost quit on that shot No Ex acceleration into the ball at all was obviously frightened about hitting it too hard and just sending it scuttling across the green cuz it it’s flat where he is now but then it’s downhill to the hole down hill right to [Music] left good cut from where he was but out of position all the way down the hole and looking a little bit dejected now you just cannot take your eyes off the off the screen can you just remarkable mcdal with a luxury of two putts at 15 he only needs one what a comeback by Gram mcdal at one point three down early on he’s now two up with three to [Applause] [Music] play needs it now you can I think probably still reach the bunkers on the right hand side about 260 yards it’s into wind and off the right he’s not the longest driver but I think he’d still get there so he’d be looking to be just left of those draw it off those [Music] decision easy now for Graham it’ll be a layup short of the water all the questions are now being asked of Jordan SP wonderful Rider cup debut sent out number one but he’s lost a big lead to the experienced mcdal yes he was three under at the turn he’s now level par and it’s mcdal who is level at the turn now three under we badly want to find the F here have a chance of going for the Green in two may not be too bad looks like it’s just popped up but it’s difficult to judge from those High camera Towers [Applause] Jordan spe the first rookie since Anthony Kim back in 2008 to go out number one in the the singles for the US it certainly what for Anthony Kim beat AIO five and four on the way to that American win at Valhalla and that’s a good layup from Graham mcdal doesn’t have to do anything spectacular gram two up and three to play just get a good Target up there I agree 100% I think it’s coming out good you know yep see it coming out great here he’s got to go for it and he says it it’ll come out good let’s hope so I’m not sure he’s getting for the green I think he’s getting up the left side just little fade trying to find the apron with a good area to pitch [Music] from oh wow that only just made it just the fact that he had such a big Club in hand going low and hard it managed to bounce forward avoid the water hazard but oh living very dangerously there that was nearly handing the match away that was good 22 play and 30 to pitch at the pin that’s a very little nine just be they don’t take too much of it and leave it in the front bunker this has suddenly become quite a delicate [Music] shot especially with the ball slightly above his [Music] feet he just out thought himself there hard though when you’re right in between probably right in between clubs this Ball’s not lying too badly for Speed it’s just a question really of tries to lob it right onto the level where the flag is or running up the green I think it’s probably going to be easier to landed maybe 10 y onto the Gren try and run it up there all [Music] right playing it with a pretty lofted Club go trying to throw it all the way go oh [Applause] how and this is a difficult part to make it’s actually not a gimme to put it’s going to swing left to right as it goes up the hill it’s quite a steep little tear to go up as you see he having the like T did my K come [Applause] boy what a touch what a touch what a putt it would be to make uphill [Music] here that was a good line he hit it on but just lack Pace McDale two up two to [Applause] play yeah must find the green middle of the green would put an awful lot of pressure on the American needs to draw he’s left it out right it’s all right seems to be on the flat of the bunker you’ll have a quite some space to work with not a bad place to be cameras away please thank you naked green half a chance for the American there is a of bowl at the front there’s a tear you need to get over if you can to have the easy birdie pun get it all the way back there well on the green no easy P for a two this might be the last throw of the dice for Jordan SP on the 17th he’s further away than gr McDon in the bunker so first to go and it’s quite an awkward one cuz he’s he’s got to come up the ridge which it’s almost the sort of point of the ridge could throw it either way but he’s thinking well mcdonal is probably going to get up and down from the sand he’s got a fairly straightforward bunker shot so he’s got to have a run at this [Applause] [Applause] in normal circumstances a fairly easy bunker shot for GR MCD down but this is not normal up and down and he wins [Applause] it lot of hard sand underneath that ball there seemed to come out very hard and low Countryman around the green Vice Captain jeneth [Music] watching this to win two and one [Music] [Applause] so excited on this side here Jon SPI has think could have a premonition he had his hat off already I was just about to say he doesn’t miss too many of those for a winner a rider Cup match to SC McDow but what a tremendous comeback from three three down he looked out of ss at the start he looked as if it wasn’t going to be his day at all but he hung in and there is a big big hug fromy did it you delivered you delivered [Applause] great unbelievable unbelievable good [Applause] i’ take it that was to his wife and little baby I take it it was for all of us sh Gregory ay there Frenchman who’s working for BBC Radio this week chance to see the P again only right in the middle of the hole for Gran mcel and although Jordan SPI would be very disappointed he would have learned a lot first rer 21 years of age so much pressure on the shoulders yeah first time beaten in this Rider cup in the singles match left on his [Applause] own nobody happier the Rory maroy to see his fellow Countryman win [Applause] that to watch another rer cup 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