USA vs CANADA – Which Irons are Better? PXG or Haywood Golf

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Today, our expert Lou is trying to see which emerging golf company produces the best golf irons between Canadian-built Haywood Golf and PXG from the United States. ⛳

Find out which irons performed better and why in this test for the North American golf manufacturers’ supremacy!

For even more details about this comparison, make sure to check out the complete article on our blog:

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0:00 Intro
1:01 Picking up our irons
1:58 Test Parameters
2:21 Pitching Wedges
3:18 7 Irons
4:24 5 Irons
5:43 Pitching Wedge Comparison
6:50 7 Irons Comparison
7:40 5 Irons Comparison
8:16 So, Which One’s Better?

what’s up guys Lou here for golf Avenue the golf Market is dominated by us giants like Taylor May titless talloway and you can even throw ping in there but an emerging company has made its way in the market using its true patriotic marketing and we’re of course talking about pxg you can even find some of their clubs in the bag of peos and Tour all around the world speaking of emerging golf Brands Canada has its very own in the form of Haywood Golf out of Vancouver and BC we’ve got boat clubs in stock right now so we thought what could be a better way of celebrating Canada Day and the 4th of July then put up a Us Golf brand against a Canada golf brand and see who comes out on top we’re going to go pick up our clubs we’re going to go test them out our trackman simulator we’re going to review the performance and then we’ll Crown a winner let’s go pick up our clubs actually hold up right there this old Canada US thing got us thinking and we want to celebrate our beautiful Nations properly stick around till the end of this video to find out how you could get your hands on either a pxg set of irons or Haywood set of iron so that’s right we’re giving away one of the sets we’re going to use in this video all you have to do is stick around till the end to to find out how you can win them all right so usually we’d go digging through our iconic blue bins but since we’re looking for irons today we’re going to look through our racks we find it’s easier and more convenient for us to pick them up and not scuff them as much so let’s go look for what we’re looking for we’re starting with the Haywood hundreds they’re your typical blade irons really thin profile so we’re expecting a lot of feel for the ball but they’re also super mil awood claims that each of these iron gets milled for 200 minutes so I’m really excited to see the feel for the ball and see just how much control I got over the ball but before we do so so and head to the trackman let’s go pick up our clubs from our neighbors from the south so moving on to our pxg set we know that pxg has a mill grind set unfortunately we don’t have one of those in stock so the next best thing we’ll do and we’re talking about a muscle back set in this case is the 0311t and the black finish it’s the third generation from pxg they’re classified as a player distance iron so we’re expecting a good bit of distance out of those but also a little bit of forgiveness which will help us on m strike let’s go to G Avenue headquarters and see how they perform on the simulator all right guys we made it to the Sim it’s time to our clubs First St for all of our clubs the ball we’ll be using the 2024 tp5x from tailor made we’ll also use the same shaft for all of our clubs the Aerotech steel fiber i110 we have the special Black Edition for our pxg irons I’ll try to give you guys as much feedback as I can with everyone of the clubs and also we’ll be testing the pitching wedge from both sets the five iron and the seven iron and let’s get to testing our clubs so the Haywood Club especially the pitching wedge feels great honestly what you would expect from a blade Club a really great feel for the ball you know when you’re hitting good strike when you’re hitting a poor stri strike what I will say is that the control of this club is really up there like what you’re expecting from blade I was able to shavee the draws shavee the Fades really feel the ball and place it wherever I wanted so good on them for that good zip on the ball too I’ll say that the only downside is the ball didn’t travel as far as it would with my personal clubs but I would expect that from blade so far so good for marwood I like the pitching wedge so for the pxg pitching wedge the feel is not as good but the contact of the club face feels amazing you won’t necess see feel where your impact was on the club face but the feel you’ll get of the ball personally I like it much better it’s much more smooth feels better in your hands overall the thing I noticed with this one is the ball flies longer which you can expect out of MB iron with the muscle back but overall great performance really can’t say anything bad about the pitching wedge I’m excited to see how the longer clubs perform just cuz this one’s a little more forgiving than the haywoods time to move on to the seven iron we’re starting with the Haywood again let’s get through it for the awood 7 iron it’s really harder to find personally the center of the club face with this one or produce high quality strikes I’m still able to make good contact with the ball get it flying but I just don’t think I’m getting the full force out of my strike with these iron cuz their blades is got the chassa graphite hard to tell but I would say though that the control of the golf ball is really still at the top of the charts with this one really able to fade it away also draw it inside the way I wanted so good on Haywood for control terms of feel not what I would expect out of a blade but again steel shaft would probably help with this so something to keep in mind let’s take a look at the pxg so with the pxg 7 iron the same qualties that we saw from the pitching wedge in terms of forgiveness with the musle at the back and a little more distance than we got with our Haywood this the seven iron from pxg is closer to what I would personally get with my own clubs which is really encouraging and also really Testament to the fact that blades will probably take a few yards away from you if you don’t have a really strong swing so pxg so far with the seven iron really good I’m really excited to try the five iron just because this one is pretty forgiving already and just see how much of a difference there is between the long five iron of a blade and the long five iron of a muscle back iron so let’s get to it and test those five irons so we’re going to start with the haywoods once again really thin here I don’t know what to expect with these one they’re probably not going to go very far but I’m really excited to test the feel and the control for the ball so let’s get the testing so with the Haywood 5 iron what I really noticed is that distance is not there they’re blade irons I’m never going to get the same distance as I would get with my personal iron set which are thicker a little more forgiving more like the txg what I will say though is that when you hit a pure strike there’s nothing like it your ball is going to fly it’s going to have a nice trajectory personally my natural trajectory is a small little fade which the ball was able to produce overall great feel for the ball nice control of the ball but the big issue is that if you don’t have fast swing speeds you’re really going to struggle with this one and to get it far especially so keep that in mind with the five iron let’s move on to the pxg when it comes to the pxg five iron really better feel for me the blades were a little crisp the feel for the ball was amazing I would say the pxg I felt more forgiveness out of the club head even though it was necessar hitting the best strikes I would still manage to find the Fairway or at least not be too far away from it so what I will say from the pxg 5 iron is that the ball does travel the muscle back help you do feel it but the only downside is you might not be as accurate as you would be with your haywoods which is something to take into consideration so if you’re after forgiveness and distance pxg if you want accuracy with your long irons Heywood might be a solution for you all right guys so that wraps it up for a test here at the Sim we’re going to head back to the FC and take a closer look at the data we gathered see you guys there we’re back at the FC so let’s not waste any more time and take a closer look at the performance of our pitching wedges when you’re looking at the chart you see that the pxg pitching wedge is a clear advantage over the haywoods 100 in terms of distance I kind of expected those numbers considering the 0311 t’s have more of a muscle back profile and the haywoods have more of an actual proper blade profile so that’s not really surprising at all to us but overall I was still impressed by the pxg ball speed considering it never got the best swing speed or best club speed during this whole test despite the slower swing speed the pxg managed to produce higher ball speed which resulted in longer strikes on the other hand we have to acknowledge the stopping power of the Haywood irons there was only 2 yards difference between the total distance and the carry distance when it came to the haywoods such a small discrepancy between your total and carry distance is very encouraging for a pitching wedge since you’re most likely trying to be accurate on your approach shots with it and the 2- yard discrepancy between the carry and total distance of the Haywood is a full yard short in the P exgs which is very impressive considering they have pretty much the same spin rates so overall despite of the impressive stopping power and spin rate of the Haywood I would still go with your pxg in this case just cuz the numbers are so close to what I would tend to generate with my own pitching wedge moving on to our seven irons here again the pxg has the upper hand and the distance department but the discrepancy between the two Brands is not as important as it was with the pitching wedges this was all the more surprising in to me considering that with longer clubs you’d expect the differences to be that more obvious actually there’s only two yards difference between the two Brands when it comes to carry distance which is all the more impressive when we look at the stats of the pitching wedges once again the stopping power of the Haywood is on Full display as there’s less than seven yards between the carry distance and the total distance and the low spin rates are probably the only knock that would give to pxg seven iron overall it performed great but the roll out between the carry and total distance is a bit too much for a sron in my opinion and one more thing with the seven iron the haywoods did benefit from faster swing speed and Club speed but it did also produce the higher ball speed between the two seven irons which was very impressive considering what we saw with the pitching wedges finally let’s take a look at the data from our five irons here again the pxg shines but the difference in body tip between the two Club heads really shows itself here as there’s almost 5 yards difference between the carry distance of both clubs and it’s even more striking when you’re looking at total distance as we’re talking about 9 yard difference there that’s a full Club when you’re out in the course the difference in clubit profile really has to be taken into account here especially when you consider the fact that the Haywood benefited from the fastest swing speed but couldn’t generate the fastest ball speed there’s no doubt about it though the haywoods iron were designed for accuracy but at 10 yards shorter than my personal gamer it would be hard for me to justify the transition to blades irons so rounding out this test I think we can all agree that pxg were probably the best irons for me they did feel better and they did produce stats that were closer to my own personal irons but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider Haywood irons I can easily imagine a skilled player with high swing speed putting them in the bag on top of looking amazing they’ll provide you with great feel for the ball they’ll allow you to be more accurate with your irons but now that we know which one perform best for me let us know down in the comments which one was your favorite we’re not done just yet we told you guys to stick around and for a good reason we’re going to tell you guys how to win the clubs right now so all you have to do is comment down below which iron set you would prefer between the pxg or the Haywood set also make sure you leave a like on this video and one more thing you have to be subscribed to Golf ad’s Channel thank you guys for subscribing to the channel it really helps us and it helps make the channel bigger and grow every single day and don’t worry we’re going to be checking so make sure to subscribe make sure to like and also comment to get your hands on your next Iron set and while we’re at it let us know what you’d like to see us do next in our future video from golf Avenue I’ve been Lou until next time


  1. Loved the review. I have the Haywoods in CB. I played both iron sets when deciding on a new iron set and loved the feel of the Haywoods so I couldn't pass them up. I would love the PXGs as a second set though!

  2. Great review! The PXG set is definitely more towards my game but my husband would be able to smash the Haywood’s! 🔥

  3. The hay woods as i’ve been looking to upgrade my 10 year old bertha’s and would like to use the muscle backs that come with the haywoods

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