What Wedge Do You Really NEED?

Should you use a Lob Wedge or a Sand Wedge when chipping around the greens?
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today we’re going to determine what’s better for our game the lob wedge 60° or The Sand Wedge 56 54 degree do we need one or do we need both or neither and we’re going to be joined on course by my good good open Midwest partner Mr Gavin Parker and there might even be a cameo guest appearance from one of YouTube’s most popular Tech channels the one and only Marquez brownley and of course we’re going to go over the technical aspects of how to use your wedges most effectively and I’m going to give you a great quick drill so that you can double triple check everything so your short game is on point let’s rock and [Music] roll all right Gavin’s going to help us in this video do we need a 60° do we need a lob wedge versus let’s say a sandwi wedge or gap wedge whatever your next wedge is you say no so over the next few holes we’re going to hit shots we’re both going to hit 60s and we’re both going to hit our next one which is for me is a 56 mine 54 mine’s actually a 54 I had it bent okay okay there’s subtle differences for technique when you’re using 56 and 60 typically I would just treat them the same the only difference is what we’re going to do when we go to the 56 or 54 is open it up a little little bit more of the face so here’s how I typically would set up with the 60° wedge my feet are super close together I mean when you get this far apart that’s way too much I want them almost touching maybe just a club head width between my two feet then that way it’s easier to get all my weight on my left side and that’s another thing I’m doing is weight way up here and I’m not getting the ball way back here unless it’s a specialty shot or something so ball position is more on the left foot here and then I open that face a little bit and I don’t want my hands here I’m keeping my hands Center or just slightly forward just kind of left side handle of the Bell Buckle right here so that’s going to be my setup with my 60 for most shots around the green I’m going to do the identical thing with a 54 with one small change everything’s the same I’m just going to open the face a lot more more so right to there so that would be my 56 now it’s going to add more bounce bounce as your friend and I do like that so when I’m nervous or the ground’s a little tighter this is kind of what I I prefer and you can even hit behind the ball a little bit and it has that forgiveness because you’re using so much balance and you’re not digging that Leading Edge into the ground here’s the difference in how much you open it 60s here 56 is right there you going with first I’ll do 60 first on this one this is my shot a lot of people would just pull out their most lofted wedge tight lie okay CR I hit it pretty crispy that was crispy bro you don’t like the 60 I do not like a 60 I got you oh that was pretty good don’t gas me up man all right now I got my 54 do your thing who this looks pretty good all right money way good her it is good her way good her okay okay I like that I like that too actually now this just makes me more comfortable I love like this is my shot you like this shot this is it this is it oh F might have hooped it all right I hit that th though so so far 56 did better than 60 yes on the first one we’re at the French Lick Pete die course p d man second just reminded me why he like it’s always challenging yeah it is it’s brutal we have tight lie not much green to work with so normally you would think hey let’s go high 60° wedge I I I love how that’s your default that’s never my default bro okay I’m low so again we’re going to do two balls um first time we’re going to do our 56 then the 60 got you I would never do this the lower one but we’re going to maybe I should it’s crazy I wouldn’t say never but you said it I did say it just a short game okay I mean I went too I hit it good you did you did yeah I’m going change your laning spot I like the execution oh I love that brutal kit but we’ll take the outcome that’s your 56 that’s the 54 54 oh that hey yeah round up mine’s also a 54 I bent I bent it here’s my 60 mister I I’m going high a lot of times this comes out low but I’m going to try to go higher here money wow gosh that sir yeah that let click for me that’s good but I would say like the average I know that’s a hard one to pull off yeah brutal would you hit 60 here or no I would no sir okay pitching I wouldn’t even do 54 I’d be terrified I’m going to go high cuz you said told me too okay well there you go you don’t hit that shot all right so I’m one to one you’re um 2 for the lower lower one yeah yeah yeah I love it okay now Marquez over here has a similar shot what are you hitting Marquez yeah I have 50 50 yeah oh look at this guy with the 50° most people don’t use a 50° around the green yeah that’s why that’s why he has how many 25 million how many you got subscribers on YouTube 19 19 million 19 million dude what yeah yeah Tech videos it’s not golf videos you know let me show you how you check your RIS because it’s critically important when you’re doing short game wedge stuff I’ve got the hack motion sensor on here and it’s on the phone and you could sync it all up and see what’s going on as you rotate your wrists because wrists are critically important when you’re doing your short game stuff so what I want you to do is this if you have the hack motion sensor it’s going to be easy I’ll leave a link in the video description below for that yeah it’s expensive I get it if you have the money if you want to spend the money great it’s worth it if you don’t understand so what you’re going to do is you’re going to look at this as you take back that short shot with whatever wedge you choose is working best for you wherever you set up I want you to look at that you have extension and your owner rotation whatever that is when I take it back what I want is to go from extension and I want to bow that wrist down Knuckles down on the back swing I don’t want Knuckles up that extension number would go higher we do not want that so your drill is as you take this back short short little Chip Shot I want those Knuckles to bow down to the ground so think about it’s that the motorcycle drill up here on your full swing or turn the screw is what I like to call it you’re doing that kind of on your back swing with your short shots you’re turning that screw or rotating Knuckles down toward the ground and if you have your sensor you can set up and just look at it and make sure you get into flexion here on that little shot and then just hold that that’s the hold you don’t want to go to extension and hold that equals shank you want to go in to flexion and hold that right there and then you get these crispy little shots right in here for your little chip shots little pit shots and the better you can do there or the more exaggerated it is the better you’re going to feel and be through the swing so just get it into flexion and just little little guys right in there that’s proper wrist motion for your chips and your pit shots do not go the other way back into the [Music] video would you use your 60 here no sir no no okay that I couldn’t have hit that any better that was great I could see like you might want a little more run out there yeah all right more comfortable feeling for you way better I like the way it looks oh that’s nice don’t do it yeah we going 54 baby come on all right bombs Gavin’s three and 0 for the um for the 54 okay now I would go 60 here like I don’t even typically think about the other one so he’s opening that up a it I’m going to open this cuz I want a little more height I got to practice more I like the look of this really good on these short little shots I I like the look at the 54 I just need a a little more practice this is typically a shot I would never consider anything but a 60 but now that we’re doing this uh it and do in different clubs it opens up more options we’re going to start with the 54 and I would go lower I’m going to open the face and kind of bump it up there and see what what happens great bump now that’s where I was looking okay now 60 there’s a lot less margin for error and I got to go higher similar shot just a little longer yep you’re a wizard at 60 dude I do practice a lot with that one all right that’s why they call you what do you got 54 54 first oh yeah oh that’s money oh brutal kick this is a tough one 60 would you use this here I think I would have gone 60 on this one yeah on this one all right I found this bunker normally I would always hit 60 and just open it up but we’re going to see if maybe that 54 is a better play probably at 20 yards we’re going to use the same bunker style technique both shots o almost hit the flank that’s a little deep huh and then 54 what I do like I have more bounce on this I can open it up the same amount and have more bounce so we’ll see if it helps yep dude look at that so look even if you ditch your 60 you can definitely hit the 54 or 56 out of it which is it’s named a sand wedge so why wouldn’t you use it out of the sand Gavin Gavin’s going to do it too what are you using first I got a 60 and then I left my 54 in the cart so I’m going use yours okay deal well that was pretty crispy all right now Gavin has my 54 10 10 deges of bounce on that puppy make it oh that was pretty all right 6056 this is it this is the final shot whichever one I get closer is the one I’m going to go with I’m telling you right now I’m so glad we’re doing this just for the ability to use my 60 more cuz it wouldn’t come out the bag if it wasn’t for you all right this is my 60 okay I mean there always is a risk of thinning this way over or chunking it cut them Gro dirty so good they are my grooves are dirty think I have CL all right now the 56 what I do like is I can open it up more and I’m not going to dig the Leading Edge into the turf right because there’s a lot more balance so I do like that this feels good feels safer dude miss a short game which one’s closer first one all right for me 60 but man I’ll tell you that 56 54 felt so much safer so I think if I’m if I’m nervous I’m going the less Loft what’s that 60 that was nice wasn’t oh that was good too I’m going 54 dog you’re staying 54 yes sir okay I’m doing 60 but if I’m nervous I’m switching to 54 if if the nerves are there I’m like no nerves are good man I mean something good is going to happen well I love being nervous so there you go pick your poison but try both would be the best advice I could give you and mix it up so you have more Arsenal in your pocketbook love you guys see you next time


  1. Truth is: if you are really good in this game, you can make pars with one club only (like a 5 or 6 iron, have seen people done it). If you are bad, you can have 20 clubs and you are still bad. For wedges, I think only bounce matters, loft not.

  2. Little confused only because I struggle with wedges,.. knuckles down you said in the back swing, then keep them down through the swing?..

  3. 50° & 54° for me.
    I stopped using a 60° about 15 years ago. Lowered my scores quite a bit doing that.
    Then invested in a fresh 50° & 54° two years ago and WOW. Scoring mid to high 70's about 90% of the time.

  4. I’m a big believer that wedges all are feel. Play any wedges you feel good with and have the shots you need with. I have a 52,54,58 set up

  5. I'm probably guilty of using 60* too much around the greens. 56* is more forgiving – it's amazing how much difference a couple of degrees of bounce can make. I switched last year to using 56* virtually all the time from the greenside bunkers and it's been a game-changer for me.

  6. I am in the camp of a 60 but I spent an entire summer developing it. I only chip with my 60 and I have it down to a clock system from 10,20, and 30 paces from the hole. I dropped from around 16 handicap to a 11 handicap. My up and down % went up drastically after working on my chipping that summer.

  7. I'm either PW (45) or gap (50) around the green unless I have to go over something. I've played with several people that love their lob wedges but only get 1 or 2 shots per round close to the flag. I see lots of fat shots and lots of short shots from folks using 60 degree wedges. Miss hits on lower lofted wedges work out tons better than miss hits on high lofted wedges. I play better and have fewer decisions if I go gap wedge to sand wedge in the bag.

  8. I just found out Marquez was a golfer! pretty cool guest appearance! great content as always.. I definitely carry both 56 & 60 but I definitely like my 50 sometimes also lol

  9. I carry most commonly 52 and 58 and 52 gets most of the action. 2 wedges only gives me more options on longer end of the bag.

  10. Dam you making this video. lol. 20 years I never had a 60 until a week ago. And to be honest I love it. It’s almost like chipping with training wheels I feel. I’d stick with my 56 on bunkers and odd lies. But I am a massive fan of the 60 for gentle flops and tight pins.

  11. 50*-54*-and 58* is my favorite wedge set up. I can make my 58* back up on the green, so it spins plenty.

  12. I don’t carry a 60* wedge (58* is my most-lofted wedge). I am an excellent (and I mean REALLY excellent) wedge player, and I carry a 48*, 53*, and the 58* wedge, all with similar sole grinds. I am with Marquez in that I can easily use my 48* wedge from those greenside conditions, especially when I want a bit of run-out or if the green is sloping toward me. However, if the greens are rolling very fast or the green slopes away from me, I will take my 58* wedge and “nip” it, or even hit a “toe pitch”.

  13. I used both but I tend to use the lob wedge 60” more all around the green , as a beginner golfer the logic of having more bounce makes it feel safer . Great video as always ❤

  14. 60 is the best wedge in the bag for me, it’s called practice. That’s how I became gooder lol

  15. I have a SIM Max set 5-lob. The bottom clubs are 49-54-59. I don't think it matters much to my game, but I did use a 56 degree once while traveling and I really liked it.

  16. I’m currently using just a gap wedge and a 56. Dropped my 60 as it was costing me a couple of shots every round and it’s made a big difference and things are simpler. I’ve also got good at bump and runs with a pitching wedge and a 8 iron. Got to keep it simple!

  17. Knuckles down. What an amazing tip for squaring up the longer clubs at the top and maintaining the wedge clubface through your chips. I also like to squeeze the inside of my elbows (Ben Hogan move) toward the sky to maintain the triangle, allowing for crisp contact. Though this does deaden the hands, you may not get as much spin… Thank you!

  18. The only reason I have a LW is for the really short popup chip shots to a really high flop. Sometimes I use it toe down for a bump and run. But I could easily just open the face on the 56°. But I use my other wedges 48° – 56 more like an iron for the short distance shots from 60 to 100 yards. Really I think I could get by with just the 56 and control those other longer shots with a pw.

  19. I keep a driver, 3H, 5H, 5-PW, AW, 52, 56, 60, P.

    Driver goes 260-270, 3H is around 220, 5H around 200-210, 5i – 190-205, 6i 180-195, and so on. Gapping is 10 yards with a 5 yard variance (if I make solid contact).

    Was thinking of adding a 3 wood and either dropping the 3H or one of the wedges. I really only hit it off the tee box and would prefer my 5h or 5i if I need a long second shot

    Then again, I also go rounds without using either my 52 or 56.

    What do you think?

  20. I’m guilty of always using 60 all the time (except for bunkers) in the past. But I’ve recently changed to keeping the ball as low as possible now, even using irons to chip/pitch. If I need to get over a hill or something, I’ll still pull it out but I find clubbing up and keeping it low is helping a lot.

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