Grace Charis

Breaking 80 w Grace Charis

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what is up you guys welcome back to another breaking 80 video I’m your girl graci Caris we are back at Westridge I’m playing the white te’s once again hopefully we’re going to score hopefully we’re shooting to 79 today so it’s a pretty good day low wind and I got my buddy Paul over there he’s warming up cuz he’s he thinks he’s shooting a 94 today and we forgot the mics today so I got to be all of in your business to like talk to you guys which is sad but you know it’s okay good ball Fairway let’s go all right what do you think you’re going to shoot today I’m going 84 84 84 yeah I’m feeling it really what about you well the goal is to be 79 okay oh wait we’re going low okay 79 we’re going low it’s easy Court you shouldn’t okay all right yeah but giving given your last score stone stone bridge was the best all right let’s do 7 giv you’re 90 all right all right as always we we are in the brown crap so I’m going to hit a fivewood out and just try to get it up to where I could hit like a nine iron in or something I don’t think I’ve ever peered one that good on camera ever in my life that was insane get up there God damn son hang on I had a feeling I was going to thin one but whatever it’s up there easy up and down we’re good I was using a quill the other day on the on the on Stonebridge die hor I had I found a feather and that was my ball Mark so I just shoved it in the ground damn that’s really like the best I could do I’m not going to lie there’s like no wind out there yeah got to die this is the hardest handicap hole I pared it yesterday for the first time in my entire life the real the key to this is just being in the Fairway good good good good hey that was chill that’s what you have to hit here those ones those like long runners clean I hit my line yeah you’re on I mean I thought it was going to I I honestly thought it was going to come back this way but hey we’re on the green we’re on the green I’m happy I’m Stu about a 25 footer for bar oh for bir bir more than a foot was like that was like six feet out right oh my God two days in a row paring the hardest hole in the course like I’m pumped I’m pumped when it comes to 18 holes I kind of like zone out half the time so like keeping like my score of Fairway greens putts like keeps to thinking about it you know sweating like a dog swe be breathe okay have some oxygen and it’s left four left I had a feeling I always hit left here mean that was like a little too far left hey get them out now easy good I probably just hit the 8 hour in like like 80 yards I’m not even kidding you it it hit that hill and it rolled all the way over here all right well we’re hitting a 54 up and over so should be good stop I think it just it’s going to roll so far off right now we have to chip in right now let’s lock in let’s chip in cuz I just hit it over the green oh my God I’d say the worst part of my game right now is my chiping and short [Music] game okay we’re going to come back Miss X hole I’m coming back I’m not not out of the game yet still in it pretty strong here hole number four literally don’t even see a golfer in sight dead empty right now it’s the best thing ever good ball what a shot good shot good Zone to be in damn I’ve cracked every tea it’s so sad these are like the nice te’s you know we hit a bom this is my chance to come back after that below part three 100 yds in pitching wedge I’m going to keep it on the right side [Music] hey I’m on the green I mean like the plan was to be right side but like not that far right it’s got really scared like that left is just water I don’t want to be on that all oh oh my God oh my God we almost got nailed why did it not break it was like decent speed it was like good speed but like I just like read with my eyes you know what I mean I didn’t even like try that hard hate to see it oh my God the worst bogey of my life right here God that sucks I mean it kind of broke I mean it’s my fault probably all right a 109 front I played this yesterday and I tried to hit a nine and it went it just flew the whole thing so I think I’m going to stick with pitching wge and just like mash it out there a little [Music] bit W oh so short all right maybe it’s a little into the wind I should have realized that oh my God it’s so annoying cuz yesterday it was like I flew the green that’s what I’m confused this hole is like a literal like M trip cuz I was a yesterday I was aimed so far left and I couldn’t visually see it was whack whatever so close she’s back thank God oh my God I won let’s go W I needed that [Music] one nice it’s like that done what else am I supposed to do here like how should I have not hit this I mean it’s not it’s not bad no that’s trash I hate B I hate that zone see 191 Center you’re good I don’t know how else I can play this hole so I’m here I hit a good drive I’m going to aim left like kind of through that bunker I think yeah I think that’s the play such a weird ball flight that’s going to work out get up I don’t know I don’t know get up that’s on it on yeah right side oh my God it was like the lowest like it was such a grass skimmer all it’s not like I hit it that bad this stuff is like it looks hard but it’s like soft fun oh my God oh my God see far right there was that far that was far right no it was that was birdie that was birdie one two birdie damn big dog in the chat big dog has entered the room all right 175 Matt just rised up the cart girls getting numbers all day bro I got to get a cam on you just like getting the C girl numbers well it’s all good I’ve been messed up the first time I’ve been back there so it’s hella open anyways it’s all good unfortunately I’m shortsighted cuz it’s weird placement I’m just trying to get it close to be honest okay I’m happy with that I’m fine with that I have a chance to putt I have a chance give myself a chance and I’ll be okay sorry I didn’t bring it home I didn’t bring the milk home for the kids went to get the milk and I never came back on that one sorry I were up the left side so chilling right I think I’m right in that you see how it was straight it came out straight I don’t know what the hell well not my best six iron but I’m in the bunker so bunker time here we go it’s just tough when you like come up to the bunker and you look at it and it’s just like oh just Footprints everywhere I like the courses that are kind of like built like this like just like they’re almost like munis this is where you get good at these courses but you know it always hurts to see a foot steps oh my God oh my God it was insane I’m happy I’m happy I wasn’t sure if I could hit a bunker shot god oh my god what was I it I’m going go home now away find oh my God all good all good all good I’m safe I’m sa I’m safe it’s like the oh my God that you don’t want it’s like the bad oh my God apparently in short lap so 85 yards to the pin hitting my 54 up there so yes pretty good I don’t see it but it’s I mean I think it’s good I think good I’m so close to the pin I actually didn’t even mean to hit it that close it just like I went at the flag so I was like I need it I need some points after that last hole all right so this is my chance this is redemption right here if I can make this spot this is redemption I was pretty close to making that is it high side remember so good front n yeah good was pretty happy with that couple like dbak little little H had one birdie so I’m happy if I ever get a birdie I’m SC all right guys back nine we’re on hole number 10 so let’s get it keep going oh my God we’re good oh my God good oh my God oh my God did you see that that was tough that was a tough swing I’m not going to lie here’s my drive it’s usually right here today’s a right pin I’ve never had a pin that’s on the right side here so it’s going to be interesting I’m just going to hit a 54 right up there and then see what goes on all right we’re on I think we’re on kind of rolled back but like I mean we’re I think we’re back right at the green so it should be good I’m actually way closer I thought I thought I was off the back but I’m like rid on the green so this is where we score guys we need this that was really another Miss birdie this just like you know what I mean like I can only put myself so close and then not make the fight here we go hole number 11 we made it to 11 yep I’m good that’s probably the longest drive I’ve hit on this hole ever so cuz I’m usually like in line with this tree and I’m I’m like a little bit past itday all five wood up here we go no stop it don’t you go right oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I don’t know if it’s safe I don’t know if it’s safe I mean there’s water on the right and it was kind of going that way but there’s a chance I’m safe let me break the news for you um I did hit that one out it just had a little too much like fade on it and I kind of like was aiming I think I was aimed wrong it usually it’s perfectly right here so I dropped this one right here so one two out three back four so this is four and five so I had that have to get this up and down from here which God it’s long jeez man I saw his short and I was like I don’t want to get this short and so I sent it all right this is the second hardest hole on the course yeah I feel better about myself even though but really this is not a hard hole to me just hit that one bad got like a 30f footer here to make and yesterday I did make like I made like a 25-footer over there no joke that’s fast oh my God slow down sit down sit down sit down oh my god do it I go in did you do it oh my God oh my God the fact that I almost made that 2 days in a row is absolutely ridiculous are you kidding me okay at least it’s only a bogey at least we only had a bogey it could have been a bir dir it could have been a par so I’m not just there’s no would a could have should as it just is it just is a buggy so you move on all right y’all I’m clubbing down on this hole because there’s a ton of wind you don’t really feel it here but I I mean the flag’s moving I’m nervous about clubbing down just hit it pure go go go am I off the back God how am I off the back I think it’s like I hope it’s on all right guys right the camera died so now we’re on we’re on the iPhone let’s go dude I’m making this video if it kills me or not no M it’s like camera down GoPro left the mic at home home good yeah oh come on it’s not really the line I mean I got really scared cuz last time I played this I went remember last week’s I was right and I hit out so well I’m definitely safe this week all right so I took this little stick down giv some rice the sh right now but right in here hang on hang on cart path to cart path path just to the right of the cart path this has been my worst hole I’m not like zigzagging down I should be wait I should be like up by the green probably another five wood in from there all right I’m using a 54 in thank the Lord this course is wide open man I would have been out twice by now good you high that went that’s insane you see what I’m saying got to hit higher nice look at that spin baby in the grass dude it sat didn’t even move somehow I made it to Green in three that was incredible we got a downhill putt trust Betty out Betty oh my God I that so what was I doing I like was like oh I feel it I feel it and then I just hit like 7t right like an idiot ice so scary oh my God I’m so scary that was so hard for me literally sweating oh my right it yeah so good oh my God like okay it’s only 117 it shouldn’t have been long yeah the wind is crazy wind wind is a lot crazier than I I really don’t G to win that well I wouldn’t say I’m a win player by any [Music] means break come on slow down slow down slow down oh my God pretty good [Music] you’re mad about your putt that’s good I’m mad about mine thanks is that good yeah oh my God he’s sitting there crying about a short you know low side and I’m sitting here lipping out oh y I think I’m safe straight down yeah you hit that tree came straight down go I couldn’t tell you what happened right there I could not tell you a single thing guys I can’t even describe the amount of luck this tree let’s give a tree hug like he did his job today a little bit of grounding before we hit this shot yeah those branches 90% air but they held me up so I’m still in bounds Jes that’s perfect whoa I actually didn’t expect all that to come off and then I touched the tree on my back do you see that I touched the tree kind did but also that was so good great shot see damn that sounded insane give me Si come on give me some dog hell yeah I’m like 30 40 ft from the hole so break break break break oh my God I celebrate so early it’s so far past that devil that sucked I’m sorry I mean I tried to come back I just didn’t give myself a chance with that first putt man I needed it to go in it didn’t go in yeah I hit one tight real quick oh my God I hooked it that bad I hooked that one I fall apart on the back like I actually probably just fall apart right now I had my hot dog I had my water what am I missing this like the stamina as you guys see I uh pushed my pretty hard left or pulled it left so I mean I’m getting blessed cuz Westridge is a very open wide open course otherwise that probably would have been out all right here we go go get out oh my go all right we’re close it was like this close to being insane but it’s okay oh my gosh almost you’re still online yeah I guess it’s kind fre that stuff took it off I mean I will take a bogey from like pretty much hitting a house over there all right guys uh we’re not going to do what I did on the last hole flash back to that insane there was a slice that was the craziest slice I just got to moved my hip move oh my God I’m safe I’m alive I’m alive good thing that was the last Drive of the today I’m absolutely losing it I tried to just move my hips and then I realized I moved my hips too much oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God we’re safe oh my God we’re safe God bless bless you oh my god dude I don’t deserve I don’t deserve this I got to go home yo mom are you here yet I need to go I need to come home right now okay come on back it’s pretty good I like to just be right on the the farthest point from the pin I just like to be the farthest point out I got so scared this is where I retire from golf and uh I’m going to change I’m going to go to horse riding or what’s a what’s a I’m going to do ping pong after this it’s my next SP is pingpong and uh not even low side that was just like short and low side and just the wor you oh my God why did not so good yeah I put some I put some cheese on that I was like cheese to the Moon that was sick that was a good one man all right as you remember from last week I was on like the far left side of the Fairway on my Approach shot I think it was like 212 out and now I’m only 180 out so it’s like it’s very crucial to play on the right side of here so we’re hitting a five hybrid in last chance of making a birdie so we need this oh my God I hit it so what shot get up get up big dog on the green and two let’s go first time I’m on the green here glove is coming off this ratchet glove is coming off look it’s like two-toned at this point I have a chance I’m going to try harder I’m going to pull together think the clubhouse in sight makes me like gets my energy up I’m like we’re almost done we’re almost done I it was close it’s like not in the Box you know what I mean like it’s on the box man that Hill really like hard I’m not going to lie thank you Jesus oh my God that was like the first is that the only part on the back n that’s the first time I’ve parted this whole on 18 I can’t believe that he’s calculating cuz I can’t do math and obviously a lawyer knows how to do math better than me so we got you officially at an 84 that’s tough oh a 43 is not even terrible no but like check my math in the comments yeah I quit it I’m done the first the second one we’re getting so close but we just like actually cut for once and like not like and like hit Greens on Park GRE not sh it like 60 ft over thank you so much for watching uh we’ll be back at Westridge next Monday and uh fingers crossed a break any next week so I love you guys bye


  1. Wonder where this channel rates in golf YouTube sub numbers ? Rick Shiels is obviously over 2m but this one must be top 5 or better ?

  2. 19:46…….
    Don't turn away from the ball when it goes past the hole. Keep watching it so you know how it breaks coming back on your next putt.

  3. Grace firing on all cylinders plus giving a continuous commentary. Great to watch. ⛳🏌

  4. When she finds her swing she will be shooting low 70s regularly.. My advice is play to your strengths and practice your short game as much as you can. LEARN TO LOVE THE RANGE!

  5. isn't it against the rules to keep the pin in, while you putting and are on the green?

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