Golf Players

SEC Sidelines Sports Talk

With host Rob Browne and Executive Producer Brenden Martin

shark attacks with Jac custo this morning he’s going to talk to us about the shark attacks in newer Beach the the shark is a magnificent animal and I seen many of them in the world remember ja C remember why he quit diving he was diving in on a in the Mississippi River at one of those big spillways and he saw a catfish that was so big um he uh I’m not going to say what he did uh it it scared him so bad he he lost his mind and and said I’m I’m out but there’s some big ones on there hey Rob Brown Brendan Martin got a great show Coach Matt Dean over in Memphis John Hartwell ad ULM checks in with us down in Monroe Louisiana and Chris Lee of the Southeastern 14 there’s so much stuff happening so fast and we’re going to talk a little about Texas um it’s going to be crazy uh it’s going to be crazy and Chris is going to join us here in the first part okay good uh it’s going to be crazy watching what happens out there with Texas Texas A&M we may we might have to have a fight referee there uh the slash Nagle thing the more you look at that you know hey don’t attack the reporter uh that’s that the whole thing is just weird uh Olan Buchanan and I were texting yesterday from I love that guy and looking forward to getting him back on the show but Billy Luchi uh you know in uh they know more about what’s going on with the Texas ANM magies we’re going to talk with ol here soon about that but lot going on so uh get pen and paper handy smash the Subscribe button in the bottom right hand corner and um as they say down in the country let’s get her done [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sidelines with Rob Brown talk sporty to me [Music] all right uh Chris Lee is in here with us right now John hartwell’s going to join us just a second coach Matt Dean over in Memphis and uh I was thinking that Chris was coming on at 8:30 so it’s confusing because usually he comes on Tuesdays at 8 but uh lot to talk about and I think everybody Matt uh you you know your son coached out at A&M with Jimbo fiser for four years but not in baseball uh what happened Monday night and John hartwell’s with us I Bo Carter has been on the show a lot with us especially during the College World Series he knows Jim slash Nagel quite well um and and so that was uh it was like are you kidding me he’s leaving for Texas the the A&M coach leaving for Texas but uh Chris I’m gonna start with your take and then get uh Matt and then John uh I know he and Chris Delante the athletic director at Texas have a prior relationship Trev Alberts the new ad uh Ross Bor left he’s the one who put together the Jimbo deal that’s like the guy that invented the lead Zeppelin but uh yeah Chris talk about that well look there was never a good way to do this I don’t blame Jim snagle for leaving I think most of us if we were friends with the ad that he had been with at Texas and friendship is is strong between those two and so they’re both great jobs you know if you want to leave for Texas fine now there’s never an easy way to do it but he could have handled the press conference differently he could have just said hey look I’m the coach at Texas A&M we just lost the national title that’s what we’re talking about tonight would would people have jumped his case for leaving the next day yes they would did he give them MERS with that statement and the way he handled that that wouldn’t have been there if he’d handled it right yes he did now I think the bigger issue is the stuff that JB Moss has come out and alleged if there’s some truth to that then we got real problems Matt weigh in on that good good points yeah you know um as a coach who is coached in the NCAA tournament um not at the final game in College World Series mind you um you know they have those cool down sessions for a reason before they get media um I I agree with Chris I mean listen taking jobs and leaving schools for another schools happens all the time in our industry but I think I think Chris is completely right you you know we talked about last night in my house it’s like hey you know right now I want to talk about my young men I want to talk about how great of the Season we had Kudos in Tennessee was a great game all the all the the cliche stuff and say you know that that’s for different day and and and and you really you you help yourself and you help your team in that moment by doing that and you know John you’re um Division 1 AD I’m really kind of surprised that he handled this way because I’ve heard great things about him and this is to me such a simple easy handle I know I think emotionally it overcame him because I don’t care what you say you lose a College World Series like that and and mind you it’s 61 in the eth and all of a sudden it’s 65 the Ty runs at the plate so I I know what’s going through his mind but I just thought I was really disappointed as great as a coach he is and probably will be for Texas moving forward I thought he fumbled the ball at the goal line there guys I really did yeah John yeah you know the the interesting thing about this and and I think Chris was spot on um the Friendship component of it between CDC what what what those of us who know him pretty well know Chris Delante and SLO you know you can understand that I mean I have guys that I talk to you know that I’m not hiring today or tomorrow that I’ve I’ve hired at some point whether it’s you know a Neil Brown a a Blake Anderson a you know a Craig Smith uh Ryan Odum any any of those guys you know you have relationships long Beyond you know when you two are at the same institution so I understand that component of it what it and and part of this is is today’s world the whole part about hey did this occur between you know the end of the regular season in the SEC tournament or the regional or or whenever if it occurred prior to A&M season being over then you know that’s one thing yeah if it was only between those two people but now that that has filtered out this whole thing about a graveyard and I mean that that is where it gets really really clunky in my mind I don’t care how good a friends you know you are um you know the the other component to this and and Rob you know you know I can’t go go very long in any of these Thursday segments without tying it back into nil but if you just look on the surface you know Texas paying former coach you know what they paid there and what they’re going to pay for a buyout to A&M that’s four and a half million dollar in baseball before you even start factoring in how much they’re going to increase their pool for nil what his salary is going to be and I know their beliefs that it may be somewhere near the three million doll range so um I know uh I know that the University of Texas and A&M to that extent have have black gold money if you will oil money yeah Texas te but but this takes it to a whole another level and and again those who are arguing against you know transferring as many times as you want or the nil money involved we’re shooting ourselves in the foot you know in our industry you say we don’t want you as student athletes to do this but we as coaches or administrators are going to do that that’s hypocrisy at it at its core and and that can’t exist you know without you know uh allowing kind of free agency on transferring an nil money yeah Chris have you had a chance or any of y’all to look at the percentage since October 15th of 2018 when the transfer portal officially became law the number of players I bet it’s 50% or more who aren’t ever picked up or just out out there in purgatory wandering in the wilderness lost and uh just orphan I I call I call the portal kind of the Orphan Brigade a reference to that uh Regiment of Kentucky soldiers during the war between the Yankees and the Americans it’s a great book by the way yeah I mean I I don’t know what the numbers are but they would be staggering I mean I don’t really have to know what they are and I think it’s just you look look around and I’m Matt John I’m not I’m not in your profession but I’ve just always been amazed it just feels like and I’ve probably used this analogy on your show before um feels like we got an airport with a bunch of people flying planes coaches athletic directors players and and they’re all trying to get on the same landing strip and there’s no air traffic control I’m just I’m just floored that we are this far into this era and there is no there there no rules there’s no governing Authority there’s no leadership I I don’t I don’t understand that I mean I feel like if the four of us were running College athletics and and I know running College athletics is an nebulous term because you know there’s a lot of there’s a lot of levels there’s a lot of sports the rules and things need to be different but I feel like if the four of us were in major positions with the NCA or or whatever you know probably we’d we’d rent a hotel room in Memphis or something for a weekend or a suite and let hey let’s let’s get in bring some other people in and Hammer this out until we get something that we can all live with that doesn’t drive us all crazy and it boggles my mind that this has never happened because I think I’m I’m not glad for what happened between Texas and Texas A&M this week I think it’s awful but there’s a little part of me that is because I think it puts the how bad this system is and what can happen if people left their own devices with no control over things I just don’t who guys who’s this good for you you tell me maybe the maybe the worst of the actors out there I I don’t understand why we don’t have a better system in place because nil and the portal have both been things for years now it it makes no sense to me yeah lavet is in the transfer portal the big outfielder for A&M I mean you took an A&M team that both fan bases by the way are to be applauded for that that that was some of the best and I’m wondering has anybody seen the numbers did we crack three million viewers in one or more of the games of the finals because if we didn’t uh I don’t know what people were watching maybe the Stanley Cup finals uh maybe reruns of uh Mama’s Family which God I’d rather take 1129 at the County lock up but uh hard labor but I’m curious did we anybody know uh I did see a blurb last night it didn’t give numbers but it talked about the second most viewed uh College World Series there’s been I think uh uh one of the ones with LSU I don’t think it was last year but there’s seven of them it’s kind of a good yeah or more than that yeah and and this story is not over yet guys I mean you you talk about people going in the portal you’re you’re going to see you know the the uh Vegas would lay the OD that there will be multiple players who are currently or as of two days ago were on Texas A&M’s roster who will be on the University of Texas roster next year I mean and that and all that’s going to do is just fuel it that much more you know I I’m sure you guys probably saw it and you know uh love him hate him uh some people think he’s quirky but Lane kein is brilliant off the charts if you’ve ever spent any time with him he BR off the charts and he even said the other day hey we had Old Miss have been Old Miss football has been the beneficiary of what is going on with the transfer portal and what they’ve got going with the Grove Collective but he said it’s insanity and at some point this thing is going to have to have a correction and I and I totally agree because like Chris said uh we’re a runaway train or or you know planes coming from every direction landing at an airport and there has not been a major crash yet but at some point uh if we don’t get a hold of it there’s going to be hey trees don’t grow to the sky that that’s the stock market saying um if they do keep growing they eventually fall over on the power lines and knock everybody’s power out you don’t want to do that that’s why you do preventive maintenance uh I this is a great panel and and that’s why I love this I’ve been up I’ve been up since about 4:30 or 5 bouncing off the walls I’m so excited about the group we have on here so thank y’all so uh whoever wants to answer that that part about what John said uh it’s true it’s a runaway it’s a runaway freight train it’s it’s uh and it’ll correct itself but you know the sooner we do something without structure you got chaos well I I have a question um and I guess for John and Matt cuz like we could sit here and talk about the the how bad it is and the how many people and and all the million things we could name yeah the question that just perplexes me is the one that I kind of I don’t understand how we don’t have better Law and Order at this point I mean what is getting in the way of this I I would love to hear from guys that sit in the chairs that you guys do because it’s just from the outside it is really perplexed me yeah I’ll I mean I I’ll take a shot at that I think right now the the and and Charlie Baker has done some very good things uh coming in to to lead the NCAA obviously he brings a career in politics and having been the governor uh you know and having been a student athlete his wife was a student athlete two of his kids were so he understands some of the complexities of it but at the end of the day the decisions are ultimately made by a group of college presidents and that again talking about Brilliance they’re brilliant off the charts but sometimes if not fully updated whether it’s by their athletic director or other colleagues or people within their league decisions are made in a vacuum that they don’t realize the day-to-day consequences of that and and I think we’ve gotten to a situation from an NCA perspective where the the body itself and and every institution including ours as a member of that is so litigation adverse that any decision that’s made well anything you do in today’s society no offense to the attorneys listening out there anything you do today you could walk across the street wrong and somebody May sue you for it that’s that’s just the cost of of doing business but I think that has paralyzed the NCAA so much and add to that probably appropriate that we’re on uh the the day of the first uh debate the political side of that because I really think as so many things in our country are we’re polarized or or we’ve been polarized uh from a congress standpoint in terms of what different factions want out of this and and ultimately in my mind there’s there’s got to be I know they’ve got way more important things to discuss but College athletics in particular you know college football basketball baseball are integral parts of our society at some Point they’ve got to step in but that’s not happening until after election day now yeah Matt uh what he just said it makes total sense gotta add to that yeah you know John and I have had this discussion before about the impact of college presidents when the fans see decisions made you know you don’t know the Wizards that are behind the screen and the reality is every decision that I was a part of as an athletic director um had to be supported and vetted by our leadership team which at the head of that was the college President and also I do think Chris there’s a little cause and effect and what I mean by this is we see it as a little bit of a Runway train but then when Rob mentions the ratings we get for all the the final product we’re like God this is incredible now we’re going to 12 football teams look at the College World Series we had so everything appears healthy at the end but to get to the end it’s a dog on mess and um I I think I shared this a couple weeks ago but like even in college baseball you know we’re a we’re division three program we have guys in the portal that baseball pitchers that throw 88 to 92 that will be seen in some of these summer leagues and will move up because one of the things that’s obvious after watching a lot of World Series Baseball there’s a lack of pitching and it’s been a trickle down effect and now a lot of times times our coaches at my level are making a sell and like hey we know you’re a borderline division one product come for us two years you’re going to get reps and we’ll help you on the back end of this I know it sounds wacky but there’s so many different Avenues going on with this portal and even effect at RADS College yeah Chris you’re a baseball uh junkie and and we all love it growing up in Memphis we had the doublea Memphis chicks I remember Gary Carter the great catcher who played what for the for a long time I Bo Jackson I was there for his first game he hit a he hit a single on got the first base it place was packed guys would come and go during the season up and down uh we used to uh sit out there the left field loonies we called ourselves we had Chief nakah the mascot 25 cent beer uh on Friday nights man 25 cent beer uh and Willie McGee who went on to play for the Cardinals I mean we saw the guys coming and going sometimes guys would come down then go back up that’s what I think Matt’s talking about especially with division 2 and division three Charlie Condon Matt referenced a few weeks ago was going to come to RADS to play football and baseball uh and God if you’ve ever been to RADS College it’s it’s a gorgeous campus it it’s right across from the Memphis Zoo one of the top zoos in the world I might and right down the street from Alex’s Tavern the greatest oldest Greek tavern since 1953 um but I I think that’s what we got to think about now is you know we still we have the AAA red birds in Memphis at AutoZone Park you just going to the game I mean every day when my kids were growing up Dad can we go to the Red Birds game never asked who they were playing it’s just going uh John you spent 10 years in Oxford I’ve been to 52 games there no 57 over the years and 52 and 37 at Starkville it’s there’s more business done in the Junction in the Grove Chris I think that’s where we’re going we love the sports though yeah that’s the thing CH Chris and you do such a an outstanding job and people need to be watching Chris what he does on South Eastern 14 he’s pounding out the content every day that’s why he’s on the SEC sideline Sports Network so uh Chris kind of make a case for what I just said right or wrong you can agree or disagree free speech is still alive and well on Sidelines well what what I hear are you saying is that that we’re making college baseball the the minor leagues for Major League Baseball something along those lines I mean I know it’s not that cut and dried but am I close well buddy Martin calls it high high daa baseball SEC baseball now yeah hey look I the reason that we started sou Eastern 14 was because I felt like baseball and basketball the the league had really good products and they were being undercovered um you can get your Kentucky basketball you can get your Alabama football and and football was kind of an afterthought when we did it because I thought there’s enough people covering football yeah predictably that’s our biggest audience three years in but that that that aside um yeah I mean I look I’ve seen how great the product has been for years I used to sit in amazement at SEC baseball games 15 years ago and go how how are how is this not a bigger topic because you watch the Matt leaport and guys like that just go this is tremendous um you know David Avid price the guys that you’d see play in the majors later yeah and you know Aaron Nola I knew I thought the product was being slept on and I think I’ve said this many times I think the creation of the SEC network is what made it explode because it put the product in front of people more I mean I think if you’d gone back and done that 10 20 years before it was done you would have seen popularity in these Sports grow before they did but I I I think that people are now seeing it for for what we love it for and I think that’s a good thing yeah I I agree Matt and John I’m going to play pretend hypothetical okay what if I’ll start with with with John what if you suddenly were the ad at say a school like the University of Florida with 23 million plus people an athletic program that’s won 275 South Eastern conference championships a cruise a cruise ship full of national champ championships what would be the first thing that you would do with football being where it is and Todd golden is building a basketball program but is that is that a like wow where do you start or you’re a structure guy don’t forget you’re a CPA and a citadel grad and a mobilan mobilion no offense at all to Scott Strickland because he’s a good friend and even though we were on opposing sides when I lived in Oxford and he was in Stark Vegas you know he he’s done a done a great job it’s just like being a coach and an ad you know way see these new hats oh oh yeah when when you when you sign up for it you know there are a ton of 80 or excuse me Co armchair ads just like there are armchair coaches that uh have no idea what go into all of the uh uh all of the decisions that are made but you know I I’ll say this and and I you guys are spot on about uh about college baseball especially at the highest level and I do think you know it it is more appealing to more kids now coming out of high school who are academically eligible to go play in the SEC or the Big 12 or the Big 10 um due to 10,000 people in the stands everywhere you go their mode of travel is probably much better than it is in some Min you know some single a Sally League leagues like that all of them reasons but at the end of the day football is the engine that drives the train whether you’re at Florida whether you’re at Ohio State whether you’re at ULM no matter where you are because of all of the despite the High TV ratings and I understand that popularity is grown yeah 85% of those multi-million dollars in some cases billion dollar television contracts are driven driven off college football so it doesn’t matter if you’re winning League championships or national championships and your Olympic sports that’s great and and actually there are some institutions who emphasize spending and and dollars on those areas to to be very good in that but the engine that drives the train whether you’re in the secc the Sun Belt the Mountain West is football so you have got to Focus within your means all the resources you can to football but again from an 80s chair that a lot of people don’t understand outside you’ve got Title Nine concerns you’ve got all kinds of things that you’ve got to balance as as part of that but never forget football is the engine that drives the train yeah yeah and and and Chris I know you just got a couple of minutes before you got to go and because Matt and John are going to stay on but I I I love the fact that you recognized about baseball because I remember being in college Frank Thomas Bo Jackson Greg Olsen uh of course you had the big four Bobby thigpin uh Jeff Brantley Rafael pelo and Will Clark over at Mississippi State and LSU was coming on but we would I I still remember on a Sunday afternoon uh after uh three-day party at the sigma new house a bunch of us were sitting on the first Baseline in the old metal bleachers I mean you know at at at at an Auburn baseball game and Bo Jackson I saw I saw this he hit a grounder to shortstop and before the guy even had the ball in his glove to Crow Hop it you know to first he he was already 15 yards past first base and those stories became legendary like I saw coach Bryant at Big John granis in Memphis uh going into that side room and looked like he’d had a cocktail or two or three or four or five or six or seven eight nine 10 anyway Chris that’s what love about this is you recognize that and and you do a great job of covering football too yeah um I I think the product is as good as I’ve ever seen it the talent is incredible um I hope that the game do I mean look the game’s not going to ploe like baseball is a sport from the major league levels and it started in the 1860s has has survived so many things it’s always been poorly Vantage you had the you know the 1800s and the early 1900s were full of gambling scandals we know the stuff we’ve lived through In Our Lifetime with work stoppages and and ped Scandal and and whatever else you want to throw out there the product has always been good enough that there’s still in spite of how badly it’s been screwed up by the management people still watch it I think that’s where we are with college baseball uh and and college sports in general but I would like to see more common sense and Law and Order um to to make it better yeah Chris tell them how they can follow you and keep up with all your great work and hey no problem at all I was I was just saying I was confused this morning you’re welcome anytime on this show and I know what you were doing uh I’m in the same boat uh mine are 89 and 95 and uh I tell you what I get calls well where are you I’m over in Arkansas you pick up a bottle of cranberry juice for me I’m like yeah I’ll be there in an hour I love it though till they’re gone we’re really going to be missing it yeah I’m managing um parents and and kids with my mom or my mom my wife out of town at a conference that might have been a appropriate 4an slip there I don’t know does Michael ke and Mr Mom come to mind as you said yeah exactly anyway if it’s if it’s not written down in front of me um you know it’s hard for me to remember but but thanks for having me on and um yeah go go to go to YouTube search sou Eastern 14 it’ll be Southeastern 14 any day maybe maybe whenever I rearrange those penants behind me that’ll be the trigger but in all seriousness it it’s you know search either one of those you’re G to find us and and that’s what we do baseball football basketball in the SEC hey we love having you on thanks and have a great day and uh your parents are lucky they got a great son like you man take care hey thanks guys have a great day Chris enjoyed it yeah he’s he is uh one of the good ones and I got to tell y’all something man uh I want to say something about a couple of our sponsors one of them coolm Logistics and transportation coolm Truck Lines based in Memphis with a global reach anything that you need to have shipped cotton seed rice uh bricks steel coils Lumber you name it uh the way it works you hit that QR code their office in Memphis Robert Weaver John I’m just telling you um they they are spot-on they have computers and flat screens everywhere order comes then let’s say Matt Dean is a citrus farmer in uh Broward County and he’s got to ship oranges to Omaha bam they get the notification and it’s posted and within minutes their phone blows up uh they can ship anything Robert Weaver and the crew over there John dickan they are uh a aggressive and they are they are getting after it I mean they’re young guys I’ve known Weaver since he was a kid uh ain’t nobody can outwork him uh my son Wilson and him very similar personalities but great company to work with and also the Vitamin Shop in Oxford and Olive Branch Mississippi get out there uh they’re open check the QR code on the Vitamin Shop they have people in there that actually know what they’re doing they’re not going to just sell you stuff that you don’t need uh I buy a lot of products from The Vitamin Shop goo shot blocks prebiotics probiotics they’ve got Muscle Recovery energy recovery uh they know what they’re doing Oxford Mississippi and Oli Branch Mississippi and of course huitt and dun Boot and clothing company uh guys y’all ought to see this hat that Brendan got from huet and dy I mean when Brendan comes on wearing that hat he wore it on with the headsets the other day it’s uh don’t mess with the man in Black with the hulet and done Stetson hat I might add but uh in mat’s garage let me say something I’ve known Larry cetti he has mat’s garage and go it’s so well hold on a second here well how you doing there Tex what’s up I love that hat but mat’s garage since 1972 if you have car that or truck or SUV that needs to be fixed get out to mat’s garage proud of him as a sponsor Brendan you got the headsets on is that what the hey John you’ve been out west a lot is thato announcers camo headsets by the way oh man I like that I like that we wearing the Hat Brendon uh we’ve been talking a lot about this is my Persona right here yeah goad you got to get right up on the mic like a country singer yeah well Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes who wrote that song who sang that song Anybody know George Jones uh country but but let me say this Brendan uh I was on last night your dad’s show the Buddy Martin show and Woody pige was on there y’all know who Woody pige is he’s a great writer I didn’t I didn’t know he was from Memphis yeah and he told a story last night as a four-year-old kid he played in the weeds in the ground that is now that’s right Perry Mason uh George Jones who’s going to fill there oh what a great song Hey Y’all ought toar don’t quit your day job Rob I’m not don’t worry the dogs outside are howling but anyway uh he he talked uh Woody pige was really cool last night he Martin are very close friends they worked together in Denver for a long time when Brendan lived out there it George Jones wrote that y’all ought to hear Jamie Johnson do it at the 80th birthday celebration for George Jones at the Grand Old oery the posum just looked at him with those glasses kind of like going you damn right you damn right the posum was so cool but uh let me say this man uh Woody Paige talked about growing up playing in the weeds in Memphis which is on the site of what is now St Jude Children’s Church hospital and he said he told this it’s the coolest story he said there was this guy that wore jeans and you know kind of rough looking with black greasy hair and I told my mom about him I said he he goes down there and he plays guitar and he sings and she goes who she goes press she go oh you know they’re worthless they’re from Tupelo where your dad’s from he’ll never amount to anything that was the story and he said I was Elvis’s first fan he would come down and and and play in front of me and then we were were at the house one night when I was a kid watching on TV when uh Ed Sullivan said like to introduce a young man a fine young man from Memphis Tennessee Mr Elvis Presley and the rest is you know history but that was so cool to hear Woody pagee talking about what’s going on in college sports and everything unbelievable show um John and Matt Matt you talked about it if you’re hiring somebody and John you probably get these calls I know you do and so do you Matt someone says hey I’m I’m interviewing Brendan Martin he played football for y’all for four years majored in uh physics or biochemistry uh what what kind of kid is he how how tough is he that’s the call that those athletes better be worried about if they’re worrying you know what I’m saying Jamie Johnson did an unbelievable job though of the grand old opera of who’s going to fill their shoes but Matt have you ever had that call recently about anybody well you know it’s it’s funny to say that we’re we’re hiring a bunch of different positions this summer and one of our former coaches who played for me and is successful at a different institution it kind of goes back to early in the segment when we were talking you know about the relationship the Texas ad and the now Texas baseball coach and former A&M baseball coach but relationships matter I will tell you this though when you make a hire and you’re the ad you’re going to exude as much much patience patience as you can to help that person as opposed to if you inherit a hire and things aren’t going well um John has a short list for probably most of his sports right now he’s not gonna he’s not going to give that up to us we understand that but you have to have a short list of people that you know if I make a change I’m going to go this direction and um and I and I know certainly I did for for um for several Sports and obviously when I had to make a basketball hire it was probably easier for me because I have a greater Network in basketball coaching basketball but like you know you referenced Florida earlier Rob and talking about all the Championships and and everything that goes down when when you hire Billy Napier you’re going to give a lot more rope in that situation you look at the brutality of Florida schedule this year and and we haven’t really talked about wins over under this year for SEC teams yet at least in this segment um you know it’s going to be really interesting if it doesn’t go their way the patience level of the ad on the length of sticking with certain head coach because you know it first time ever we’re going to have 12 playoff teams we’re going to have I’m guessing minimum three SEC teams in that playoff format that’s just my initial thoughts um I don’t I don’t know how it’s going to play out but everybody wants to be a part of that conversation and um if you’re not like I saw there was a list of the the top six sleeper cfp playoff teams this year and I saw A&M at the top of the list and I’m thinking I I don’t know how we do that I mean first year Well elco’s been at Duke he’s familiar with A&M because he’s the defensive coordinator of that but no one’s even talking about A&M to in the top three in the SEC but yet they could be in the college football playoff it’s it’s crazy what this year is going to happen and honestly it’s gonna it’s going to lead to more coaches getting removed from their jobs yeah it is let me let me I got I got something I got to play for Perry [Music] Mason this is when I say copyright copyright copyright copyright copyright Rob Rob copyright copyright Rob Rob Copy Stop put on your kazoo use your kazoo Rob use your voices I’m in the interest of all dogs in the hearing I I won’t do it John what Matt just said also um we had this discussion with Tyler cisy who was at Old Miss with Hugh frees in his first year he was on our show Friday uh met him at the touchdown Club June 10th in Memphis he filled in for Cole cubelic Cole had to do the show with Roman Harper when they announced the secc schedule these goofy times these Flex times and whatevers uh let me say that that was a really cool segment Doug Dean Frank Duffy and I and Brendon was on with us and Tyler talked about with the house settlement the proposed settlement said you’re going to have a lot of patient ads going forward now hear me out he goes because if you’re having to pay out 20 or 30 million you’re going to be a lot more patient and he went on and he talked about how he’d done his dissertation as a ga about the shrinking window of time for new coaches in this microwave society that we live in you know there’s an old saying in about the stock market if you if you look at the newspaper every day or look at the screen at your stocks and you panic you’re like like a vegetable farmer who has tomatoes and eggplant and squash in the backyard garden if you go out and pull them up by the roots every day to check their progress they ain’t going to grow got to be patient but he said we would have never heard of Frank Beamer and I was in Rowan Oak Virginia my brother-in-law played for Virginia Tech I got two nieces and a nephew that graduated from Tech hokey hokey Hoke I mean you talk about a beautiful campus it’s roads College on Smith Mountain it’s it’s gorgeous but we didn’t never heard and they also said he said hey Nick Sabin at Michigan State they they fired him Frank Duffy said we’d have never had him at LSU we it would have been weird John if a dog will bite he’ll do it when he’s a pup talk about yeah hey you just made a great in footb I say this and and and Tyler was just cutting his teeth in the business when I was at Old Miss and you know one you could tell he was really good because I I think Nick Sabin is a pretty good identifier of talent yeah and and Nick hired Tyler early early in his career but i’ I’d also say this I mean I I don’t disagree with what he said about you know 20 to 22 million right off the bat and that number is going to grow from Power four schools going to uh you know I won’t call it pay for play but being uh siphoned if you will to the student athletes but I’ll say this uh one thing that’s not going to change and I’ll go back to we hadn’t made this reference the last three or four weeks so I’m sure you’ll tee this one up good Rob we’ll go back to your uh Fog Horn Leg Horn yes sir donor donors who in best are not patient the the vast majority of those and I’ll go I’ll take it even a step further to my earlier comments about football being the engine that drives the train you talk about the the life expectancy of a football coach at an institution if you swing and Miss as an athletic director multiple times and I’ll I’ll classify this I mean if if it’s several Sports you could have a problem but especially in football men’s and women’s basketball and baseball if you swing and Miss hiring coaches you may be given Grace for one uh in some cases two in a particular sport but if it gets more frequent than that you you better put a a PIN to your resume because uh those donors are going to lean on University Administration in some case in some cases they may take it into their own hands and and as an athletic director you may be looking for another job so I I again I think that’s an aspect and we see it play out over and over again um that that a lot of people don’t really consider yeah Matt identifying a coach you got to go out there and I think you can tell a lot by what the players for that coach say people can have their opinions about Tony vatello but his players love him we had John Wilkerson on with Vince Ferrari yesterday they are the voice the baseball voice of Tennessee baseball and say what you want Tony’s an alpha male uh we need more of that we need more badass male culture bring it back uh weakness invites aggression V tellos players love him not all of them can can hack it but Matt I’ve seen you in a interact with your coaches coach Duncan your football coach different coaches you learn from herb hildan and you learn from great ones like John you’re very smart you take a lot of notes and that’s why you’re son Tyler who’s what 27 on the staff with Dan Lanning at Oregon is going to keep rising and he’s very fortunate he’s also seen working for Jimbo Fisher for four years and I think A&M Ross Bor got on out of town uh Allan green I don’t know if he’ll ever get a job as an ad for hiring Brian harson um that’s like the guy that uh released mosquitoes into America you know I like to find that guy but you got to get it right John’s right you got to get it right but you know what do you have 17 Sports at roads uh last year we sponsored 23 wow that’s more than a lot of that’s more than has 21 but what do you have what’s the most unusual sport that y’all have well you know I we started I was the first to ever coach probably field hockey you’re playing field hockey in Memphis Tennessee it’s a Northeastern Midwest sport John’s kind of left there he’s right I love it hey but but here’s an interesting thing um there’s a lot to unpack with what you just asked Rob I’m kind of like I know you know it’s it’s interesting it’s the Bailey’s H for the morning to you but but but John’s right you know I’m talking about exuding patience but the donor has no patience totally true um but like when you look at when you look at hiring and you look at like you mentioned coach Duncan I believe in an athletic department if you have football and in most departments do I believe it’s a trickle down effect if football’s not healthy I think it affects a lot of other things you know you know first from a revenue standpoint no matter where you are it’s beneficial to everyone if people are in the seats okay especially in your largest Arena Stadium whatever you want to call it and and that’s what football does when healthy for us my last year as ad right after covid and uh 21 uh our football was coming off uh a one and N season and 0 and4 in a shortened football season in Co so we had lost 13 out of 14 football games we were the low I’ve seen in um 30 plus years at the college and um I was very fortunate to hire coach Rich Duncan from Barry College they had won five conference championships in a row as an offensive coordinator but he’s also a former head coach that had taken the team in the NCAA playoffs so me personally I know we talk about recycled head coaches all the time but I gotta tell you when someone has been a head coach as an athletic director as someone who’s getting ready to make a big hire for department at someone that needs to have football healthy I like the fact in his resume yes he was a head coach had success at the end of his his first job as a head coach uh it tailed off resurged his career in a different spot became a successful coordinator um I I like that I like the fact that he was a former head coach um I don’t care what you say when you’re making a new hire and it’s very important as a young ad you’re hiring someone that’s never been a head coach you you don’t always know what you’re getting and I think that’s really important in the in the thought process uh when I was in that chair for three years now John’s been in that chair a lot longer than I have I’ve coached the majority of my career and as a coach I will tell you the thing that coaches need is players to get players you have to be a dynamic recruiter no matter where you are and these days you have to be more creative out of the box um I I mentioned earlier we’re having coaches say hey you you have Vision one dreams come here for two years and get some some video evidence of that and we’ll help you to the next level it’s almost like a back in Joo thought to be honest with you so um yeah you know you have to yeah you have to know what you want but I always wanted someone who had prior head coaching experience let me ask you this based off that and I’m going ask it to John um and John you can answer with because you all just said the one thing that you know I guess in media we do the same thing in technology right so it’s like we’re trying to find out how to do it cheaper faster better uh you know how to carve it out um technology is affecting everything we do AI is affecting everything we do if you want to be Innovative like I’ll build a you know Production Studio Network out of your office um you’ve got to use um what’s available um you know when you see these coaching staffs Allah Billy Napier and the you know many thousands of of of of analytics and and smart people that are crunching numbers and doing things do you go look for a Mike McDaniel type of Coach uh from the Dolphins who’s a little more forward thinking a lot more in Academia uh obviously with his backround I believe it’s Yale and um do you start leveraging um AI as I’ve said at the end of the Super Bowl this year you missed a very important commercial where the NFL announced that with a commercial that NFL AI has tracked every single past play that’s ever happened in NFL and put it into an AI software and they basically you know came out we promoting it which is you know to those who know you’re basically predictive software that’s learning Behavior software that’s going to be able to um eventually start predicting outcomes of things of that nature I’m just saying that that is what AI does for the sport because it crunches Mass data numbers and prediction with you having analytics and people who are doing that already and you are a smaller school trying to leverage what you have and be Innovative do you start looking at those type of Mike McDaniel type Forward Thinking coaches that will come and bring that to your schools that’s John answer it I know you’ve got to go in just a minute but and and I’ve got the numbers I’ve got the official numbers Vince Ferrar I just sent these on the men’s College World Series they gonna blow your mind a lot of oh a lot of steamer packs I’ll just say that John answer that question yeah brandan I I think you’re spot on with that and it’s not only with the analytics but I think it’s also you know you go by and and you know our coaching staff which is you know six months in still on their honeymoon hav it lost to game yet um but one of the things that’s a byproduct of the transfer portal is and this goes back to instant gratification and needing to win immediately you know there are a lot of schools out there including many of the power five power four schools who are investing more time and resources in researching other college student athletes right now than they are high school and junior college kids because again you can have a three- star commitment out of high school who has never played an FBS down so there’s some uncertainty there how are they going to adjust to the game just like you do from college to pro football if you have someone who is proven at the FBS level it’s less of a gamble so you know you’ve got these staffs now where they made divided between 20 to 22 analyst quality control whatever you want to call them and each one of them has five FBS schools that they’re responsible for watching every week of film so from our standpoint our coaching staff says hey we’re going to concentrate on jucos and high school kids that may not be five-star kids and then we’ll work in the portal where we can so so it is changing but the other thing with that and rosters turning over on annual basis if not more often I’ll go back to the Phil Jackson days in the NBA in order to get a totally brand new roster every year to mesh and come together for a common goal you better have a psychologist as much as you’ve got a head coach to be able to figure out that many personalities mold them together and get them working for a common goal yeah I agree let me let me throw these numbers real quick John before you go this sent by Vince Ferrara the Sports Animal up in Knoxville uh game one Texas A&M versus Tennessee 2.26 million viewers game two Sunday afternoon 2.92 million viewers game three Monday night of an evening as they say Roy D Mercer 3.34 million I knew it I I predicted we would crashed 3 million in at least one or more of the games and whoever I made that bet with on this show a steamer pack of crystals is yours so uh we’ll talk about that but I that’s what tells me we’re just scratching the surface with baseball but I think it trickles down and more more schools baseball’s not as expensive as football obviously or basketball yeah well what’s the first game Dion did or what 13 13 million yeah and what what about the G that wasn’t even that was the first game the season yeah what about the Caitlyn Clark games and and and in the tournament I feel like Dion right now yeah well yeah but your hat is real and authentic and you are real well I got my Gucci outside so it’s good yeah well but you’re wearing a you know what hey looks like buddy took a lot of the pictures off the wall back oh yeah he’s slowly T he’s slowly dismantling his Studio it’s fine he can get his [ __ ] out of here I don’t want any any we’re gonna we’re gonna have to rebuild that studio Bron I’m gonna build it I’m gonna put like spray paint all over it says graffiti yeah get out hey John I know I know I know you’re I don’t I want you to stay but but how do people follow you keep up with you and then we’re gonna come back for a couple of closing comments but yeah because I want to hear what Matt Dean has to say yeah yeah uh follow everything uh ULM Warhawk Athletics wise on ULM War got a big push on season tickets right now got the uh opener coming Thursday night August 29th two months away basically against uh Jackson State speaking of Dion um his former School John Harwell on Twitter and guys as always enjoy being with you guys uh Brendan that the hat is you there’s no doubt about that yeah I am the Phil Jackson of this show yeah hey in between Rob’s copyrighting and US needing to get a bleep for you every once in a while talking about your dad’s that’s right that’s right we’ve all we’ve all got our viic and we all accept them that’s right you got to accept us that’s right take care day thank you Johns love I love having John on here you talked about adding a lot to it and so does Matt and as Chris did too uh Matt follow up on what we just talked about yeah I was just want to hear Matt like because as a coach perspective like now okay now you got to save money you got a budget yeah you know you need to compete it’s money ball right like you know what do you do right now like but because you have you have now you have tools that you can you can leverage that are G to save you money like I use them every day you know like do you do you start looking at that kind of stuff yeah I think you have to brenon and you brought up Mike McDaniel who honestly is one of my favorite recent hires in the NFL me me too what he’s done in a short period of time there I mean I wasn’t sure it was going to work but it looks like he’s won the locker room and and yeah you know that that’s something you can’t formulate in AI right analytics is no does that person have the ability especially in the in the Pro level to to control and command that locker room and from all accounts I think the guys enjoy playing for him yeah and and honestly have you watched his press conferences like they’re amazing they’re amazing they are amaz the best press it’s literally the and I’ve been to plenty of and like yourself we’ve been to a few press conferences in our days on both sides they’re the best pre I I literally just looked them up after on Monday just to watch them just because they cut them up and I just watched the whole thing because there half of them are hilarious and the other half are genius uh it’s just really it’s entertaining but it’s it to me it’s the new face of of coaching because like you he like you said he’s got the player he’s got the locker room don’t you think Brennan I I’m just guessing the ownership group that must have come come out when they interviewed him in person said this is just an amazing man I know we’re taking a chance he’s never been a head coach but he’s been uh I mean the work he did with Shanahan in San Francisco was incredible and um the roster now down there is incredible I think they take a step I think they win the East this year whether or not I think the AFC is so loaded I know we’re talking pro football now but right I I think I think Miami’s one of my sleeper picks to maybe get the super I age I just always worry you know the fangio experiment didn’t work out he’s old school I I do think maybe now the defense is a little happier in that room in terms of um probably a a coordinator match fit better for McDaniel’s head coach well he just he does that he Praises so big right when when things go well but he also doesn’t have make bones about calling out an individual that just didn’t bring it that day you know um and then he talked so directly to the media it answers completely trans it’s completely transparent and and you know brenon one of the things I love about him if he feels like his play call or he he was part of the problem he’s gonna let you know he’s got accountability right yeah and um I think you can call out players more when you’re a very accountable head coach and you yeah you’re willing to say hey look I I made a bad call on Third and five but you know what I don’t need you fumbling the ball on First and 10 well whatever it may be I think he got the secret sauce I really I it’s like being a good parent right it’s like I can I can tell you you’re wrong but I can’t if I don’t explain why I’m I’m telling you you’re wrong you’re just going to keep making that mistake it’s one thing to scream at a player you’re doing it wrong and then not explain the why I I think he never does the screaming he may scream but he screams with intelligence and then he comes back and he explains it to them in a way that they don’t feel like they’re dumb you know there he’s not condescending yeah I’m going to give you an interesting comp you never thought I was going to say this name so one of the things being a coach for years in Memphis Tennessee teams would come to our gym Brendon in practice so we used to have back in the Conference USA day Cincinnati and Bob Huggins would come in Huggy Bear this is where hugs I think was great and no one really knows us about hugs unless you watch some of his practices if if you were someone that’s like a Superstar and maybe a little fragile fragility in terms of your personality if you screwed up he would go and maybe whisper in your ear true story but if you’re one of those guys that’s the first year and you’re not playing that many minutes and you screw up I mean you couldn’t amplify the gym more I’m just telling you so it was knowing how to handle your stars and knowing how to handle your you know midlevel major whatever you want to call it from a Personnel standpoint yeah and I think McDaniel in the press conference does that so well he is so transparent and he is so accountable did do you know the story of his watch and I know we got to go but do you know the the watch Story the expensive watch he bought uh the beginning of the season I don’t know what kind of I’m not a watch guy a jewelry guy but he bought some like rare expensive watch like first thing basically and it was like the price of like his F like the entire paycheck or something for that year or something but he walked in didn’t want to buy the watch but he bought the watch because basically he was ba you know those stories he’s betting on his team he’s betting on himself that that they were going to be Champions and he walked into I think the very first player meeting and he like pul like holds the watch up and he’s B he basically said this was really this might have been the smartest or the dumbest thing I’ve ever done in my life he’s like but I’m betting on this and so like so he relates to those players on that level on that Financial level he’s like basically I’m laying here it is I’m in Vegas you know uh uh I’m all in I’m all in on you all if you’re all on on me I’m basically going to I’m going to get nothing from this entire deal we’re all gonna go get rich who’s in with me I mean God that’s just that’s geni that’s genius well you you like people that are Optimist you like 85 and 90 year olds to buy puppies okay that says a lot and and I think again if you are the one of the coolest stories St I ever did I spent five days out at Fort Benning with Ranger school I did a series called quest for the black and gold guys going through Ranger school and one of the things I quickly learned and my dad told me this he was a first lieutenant when he got out at uh Camp Stewart actually Fort Lee in Virginia when he got out quit sending people to Korea and he said well I’m out well he was too young but one of the things I remember if you didn’t have your canteen full of water you got three of those strikes you could be in day 50 8 are now day 62 of Ranger school three strikes you you could be one day away You’re recycled you got to do it all over again three hours of sleep a day one meal a day it’s brutal four phases they rarely ever raise their voices or yelled at at the Rangers he said if we did that like they show on TV remember that’s condensed into an hour and 47 minute movie they would tune us out so quickly and I think about great coaches that we have on this show Matt you’re one of them John you know this um you save it for special occasions you know special occasions and you really don’t need to do it that much just think about how do you respond to a boss I had a boss one time that came in screaming and hollering put dog food on our boss’s desk and said this is to remind you to be loyal to me like a dog had us doing push-ups on the trading floor I’ll never forget that I did more than him and he didn’t like it he said get up I said no he said why you’ll never out do more push-ups than me but no no one likes to go through that I think you got to be as a coach I heard Jimmy Johnson talking about it one time Jimmy Johnson said you got to know every player on your roster and you got to know what drives them some are motivated by things that others are not a lack of playing time some of them don’t care they’ll just sit over there and pout Chad Johnson what a what a cancer in the locker room I heard a guy talking about when he was a rookie uh David Pollock said this he went over to his uh apartment or house when he was a rookie for some party and he looked in there there was like an 8 by8 foot portrait of Chad Johnson in there you know I I think about people like my dad who’s won every award you can win in architecture in the AA the awards are over on in the in the corner under a stack of newspapers or you don’t even know they’re there I mean that’s the people that I respect um and I think about this like that was so cool last night guys I getting to be on there with Woody pagee just a meeting I mean I don’t know him but buddy and him and then Tony Barnhart came on there and I just I watched it and just I said I don’t really want to say anything other than yeah I do think writers should be in the Hall of Fame The Sports Hall of Fame in your case because how would we know about the athletes without the great writers telling us about them and I think the more we see what’s going on in sports and in the world right now uh I was texting Olan Buchanan my friend with yesterday love that guy and he and Billy Luchi and all them they’re right in the center of all the stuff with Schlagel and one of the young reporters who asked a question now time will heal this thing I know it will but A&M it sucks for them and I I just think you got to know when to really drive the and and push it hard Matt you know this you’re a big guy 63 198 all muscle lean and mean you you save your you save your moments though cuz if you’re constantly screaming at I learned that raising three kids that tune you out so fast yeah I just it’s just know it’s just knowing your sport knowing your rule and knowing what it is and and I think that’s what you know why why we see the uh look Urban Meyer Nick Sabin hor uh even Steve spurger failures in the NFL right you know th and those guys are are are far there those guys are want to control every aspect of the game you and that’s fine and that worked at that time time in that uh in that environment for college football don’t you agree Matt now that now the what we used to bust on I mean God remember we used to sit there and be like Lane kein is just gonna be this Punk young kid that’s gonna come in he doesn’t know anything about this this du now we’re sit around talking about how Lane ke’s ingenius because he speaks that language Dion’s getting all this run because apparently well you know initially he could speak the language of the athlete he could relate to the athlete now with the change in the NF in the nil with all the transfer portal stuff with having have to change that we’re getting more to the NFL model because you have to cater to the athlete now because The Athlete’s getting paid now I mean we have literally two steps away from just creating just the minor league NFL because that is the that’s that’s what sort of works uh you know in this model with with you know with all the things that come along with with that um from you know from salary caps to you know to to franchise tags to all these kind of stuff and so what my point with with Matt and and and with you Rob is is that you you’re going to get these Mike McDaniels that are going to come down and be you know uh the these coaches in in in the in in college and I think that’s why you know Lane kein and all these guys are are hailed to be so sort of Genius because we’re not going to see all this other sort of coaching Matt you know it’s interesting I had a family friend Brendan work for um um Lane kein and I think one of the things that maybe the early on in his career you know he was fired by I think famously on the tarmac at USC and so many things that went through in his career and and now he’s so much more likable and I just get the impression that kids love playing for him and I know it may be a different comp but in in a weird way he’s he’s somewhat like the college Mike McDaniel because he’s a great play caller he’s very transparent he even trolls people to the best degree in terms on X Twitter whatever you want to call it and and in college kids like that and he he was one of the first guys that figured out the portal he just sat back he wasn’t rushing it he got guys late in the system he waited for guys to move from school to school um and I know it’s early but I think Old Miss has a top five team I I know we don’t talk about old Miss but they are interest guys they talk a lot about them yeah I know but I I just think gosh they could be the sleeper in the SEC uh that even host the first round playoff game it’s gonna be great I don’t feel like let me say this well I me Georgia Texas I know that sleeper is not the right word Brendon but we just haven’t had them in the conversation I think a lot of times at this high this early that’s all well L is either going to like this is either his moment this is his Moment Like This is what he’s like he he’s got a chance to go and like go be you know big deal problem is is now there’s a lot of pressure with that moment right like I was telling Rob the other day it’s like it’s like watching Rocky 3 when Rocky was a little too like pumped up before he fought that first fight right and you know I felt like spring game was like that maybe for them like like like I hope he’s taken this seriously I know he is but like this is his moment and I’m rooting for him in a lot of ways I’m Gator but I mean I I I’m a football I I root for Lane I always have I I have to and for the record I have never thought he was not good I’ve always thought this I I don’t know him I know people that are around him he will rip you a new a new one he that kid last year that tried to sue him that didn’t answer emails and stuff for a month you heard that conversation he said don’t be a he is tough he grew up with M kein man his dad he has grown up with football I Lane kein is tough I think he’s kind of introverted in a way but but he’s cool T he’s cool T cool tough you he’s cool tough you you you don’t want to be you don’t want to be like the uncool kid because he’ll he might rip you but he’s going to rip you and all the other kids are going to rip you too because they all want to be cool like him but but but everybody wanted to rip him for the one year at Tennessee and I understand he left that wasn’t good but the guy I’ve always thought he was a hell of coach and the other thing that I see that Tony vatello talked about it he goes these kids are tough these days people there’s a false narrative that you can’t coach kids hard and kids today are soft not my three and not Maly my fourth and they’re not soft at all maybe it’s because of me I know it is and their damn right it is and their grandparents and the people they’re around you know what you will get out of life what you accept Matt you you a guy that I I’ve watched you with cleanthes your baseball coach uh I’ve watched you interact with these people they everyone wants to be at Matt’s table if you go to the cafeteria at Road us a lot of table that’s part of he cool tough but but you are cool tough you are but you’re you’re from Davenport you know you you you’ve got it I I’d love to play for you if I was an athlete because you’re smart and and there’s a way to also rip somebody up like Nick Sabin people say you know Nick Sabin 6’5 330 PB lineman were terrified of him well remember what Nick Sabin said that I think what they’re terrified of two conversations that you have when the NFL people call you about about a player and that conversation is the uh Matt is a great player he’s at work early every morning he he motivates his teammates he holds everybody accountable he does this he does that and and he he’s he he goes to mass almost every day at the Sabin Catholic Student Center and then there’s the other conversation Matt’s good he’s he’s tough but he doesn’t care about his schoolwork and he’s kind of lazy and I I just he he he kind of he doesn’t support his teammates when they’re when they’re struggling you don’t want to have that butt conversation that’s what scares student athletes that’s what’s going to correct this is the NFL because Nick Sabin when he comes on ESPN game day and I don’t know what’s going to happen with Pat McAfee I just know this much you hear this a lot when guys sell to ESPN ESPN takes over and you become who you’re not the SEC network they don’t bother them you look at Cole cubik you look at Roman Harper Chris doring those guys I think they’re telling it like it is they’re they’re doing it but on the networks not so much and I just think that as as as we go forward when Nick Sabin is on game day and he’s saying hey I’m talking to guys in the NFL and they’re kind of hinting to me and saying straight up a lot of these kids coming out of college now they’re they’re not developed properly that’s going to keep more guys staying in college longer and that’s what’s going to ultimately slow down transfer Mania I I I really believe that’s what’s going to happen because Nick San ain’t going anywhere he’s only 72 but I think we need to be paying attention to the comments that are coming from him and other people because bouncing around and not staying anywhere very long uh you know at least let the paint dry well I I’ll say this and I I want to got I know we got to wrap up but well listen I’ll quickly you know I talk fast from the Midwest but like growing up in the state of Iowa okay I I researched this last night because I wasn’t sure I watched a special this week on the brand brothers who were two great wrestlers for Dan Gable Iowa wrestling won 24 national championships let that sink in most of those were Dan Gable started back I think his first was in 1975 right there’s a statue in front of Carver Hawkeye Arena of Dan Gable one of the toughest sobs I’ve ever been well I hav been around but watched and and as a Middle School PE uh student we had to take in the state of Iowa a segment on wrestling that was required because it was just it was our back in the day it was our deal now moving forward what I’ve learn and and let me clarify my kein comments I think he’s brilliant but you you got to admit after Al Davis sent him packing one Tennessee and fired at uh the tarmac the great commonality that saved him was that time with Nick Sabin people then said corre this guy can’t coach he always has been brilliant but Nick is brought it out in a lot of guys look at what sarkeesian did resurging his career after yes so I think when I said sleeper it’s not a sleeper on this show what I meant is from a national perspective know we don’t always talk about om Miss football but I’m telling you they are a serious serious candidate this year to compete for a national championship and that what that’s what makes this year so unreal the first year of 12 teams guys and you get in that playoff I was talking to my son who flew in uh from Oregon last night those top four seeds are going to have a buy and that’s huge if you can get a top four seed that means you don’t have to play that extra game and all the the final eight are going to the bowl games in the year six bowl games anyway so I think it’s really exciting format um and the toughness I think kids want to be coached right now they do that hasn’t changed if you play a sport Bren I think you referenc soccer I think maybe some of your kids play soccer I could be wrong but yes you know how tough it is to run up and down that dog on field I mean I think there’s a St the Florida heat yeah and train in the summer it’s insane I think you sprint a total of maybe six to seven miles maybe in a soccer game okay and you can’t do that Rob I know you love to swim and swimmers are Maniacs because they get in the pool so early in the morning and what they do to prepare so the college athlete let’s let’s make no mistake about it they’re they’re tougher than they’ve ever been ever yeah and and we’re always gonna have someone that’s very talented that’s going to get LED astray by a conversation of man you can get more money there it’s time to go well yeah exactly cous a mom whatever you know and and mark my words Matt like like because we’re seeing this trickle down now to the high school athletics now with the money yeah now we’re going to see the product all the way down these little you watch it’ll be little splinters High School football is already on TV all this stuff already has connections it’s already there now we’re gonna now we’re gonna inject BigTime High School football with mass amounts of money and and pay these players and now watch now watch now watch what the now we’re going to see the shift of what was high school is going to be middle school so all this pressure is going to shift and we’re already seeing it in soccer this year they’re like oh we’re we’re you know hey your daughter’s moving up to the 12- year old League next year we’re putting them on The Big Field next year next year we’re gonna just do there there the header the header uh uh uh age and all that stuff next year hey we’ve decided to go up more concussions come from soccer players by the way than football players every year every year and so it’s a major problem so so you know and that’s an emerging sport so so I mean hugely emerging sport so I’m just saying I’m not trying to have a soccer conversation I’m just saying that we’re we’re seeing this trickle down sort of mini trickle down economics now that are going to go and shift down and now we’re going to see all this is going to change so the training is going to change so we’re GNA be pushing athletes it’s like it’s like Evolution right it’s like we’re g to be evolving this athlete earlier and faster and we’re going to see another level of player yeah let me back up why I agree with Matt and I say this all the time the kids today are craving they are starving hard tough coaching yeah we’re g to dangle the carrot early so they’re going to take the hard coaching hey I’ll tell you right now why are the numbers down in recruiting for the Marine Corps in the Army I’ll tell you why they don’t want to be in that soft woke bull Smith okay they don’t want to be part of that they want a tough hard ass they know it will prepare them for life and you think about a guy like Hayden fry Kirk F I mean 43 years I’ve had two coaches in Iowa those guys I’m gonna tell you one thing play Iowa in Iowa City in November at n kennick Stadium I mean that’s that’s a true measure not a bowl game in January but bottom line is this kids today are starving they’re craving raise the damn bar quit lowering it as Butch Thompson Auburn’s baseball coach famously says on this show I love he goes people don’t fail in life because they aim too high and Miss they fail because they aim too low and connect and think that’s okay aim high it’s like the Air Force motto but I love this convers we’re going to have we’re going to be having high school athletes making more than the High School coaches uh that’s going to be a problem well and and and trust me in Richardson Texas 10 years ago built a $63 million Stadium we we’ve been here in Texas y’all seen Friday Night Lights okay let me say this tomorrow uh we got Doug Dean Frank Duffy Dave Tomkins we’ll have Reggie tber uh former Auburn football player played with Eli Manning for the Giants in the Super Bowl uh Baton Rouge Louisiana native gonna be on the show with us also hopefully jacqu duay I saw him on fine bomb yesterday from WB Channel 9 in Baton Rouge we live in the greatest country in the history of the world hats off to the farmers like the great Perry Mason who never lost a case God Bless America we’ll see you tomorrow thanks for watching Everybody thanks for watching everybody thank you for watching that’s it that’s theight news with sorry folks parkks closed moose out front should have told the Moose should have told you oh we’re we’re crazy yeah see you all right thanks [Music] T in a perfect way World you’d set a health goal and results would happen overnight in this world the real world it takes time dedication and the right support to achieve your best self the vitamin Shop’s Health Enthusiast are here to make sure you’re not wasting a single moment on the wrong supplements from the highest quality Sports Nutrition and superfoods to the most sought-after Trends you’ll find a huge variety of science-backed solutions for every goal and the people to help guide you along the path to Greatness I’m unbelievably every 2 minutes in our 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