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Darren McCarty on the Jake Walman Trade, Detroit Red Wings

Darren McCarty, Neal Ruhl and the rest of the BDE crew discuss the Detroit Red Wings trade that sent, fan favorite defenseman, Jake Walman to the San Jose Sharks. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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the headliner though was the Jake Wallman trade to the sharks so dmac just to just to summarize this the redings traded Walman and a second round pick that they had just acquired from the Predators and a trade they did before which we’ll get into in a second but essentially for future considerations which means here take this and I’m going to incentivize you to take Jake wman here’s a second round pick take Jake wman keep it pushing and and the Red Wings got the future considerations now dmac I’m going to I’m going to walk on I’m going to walk on eggshells around here because I think I know I and and like here Matt Lin said uh if you’re coughing up a second to Eiserman must have something major brewing and well it wasn’t the second a transferable second it wasn’t yours to begin with so it’s not really a Nashville you weren’t acquiring it you were trying to build something to pass on down the line so do how do I look at it that I had that second round pick because it was never about that it was about getting it was about more so the Young Sue defenseman that they traded correct uh that would be um Andrew Gibson so it would be him would be more of the Futures and then he he really wanted this finish kid who what’s his name uh was it Jesse Kissin and and the incentive for the Sharks which by the way if you and it’s always sad when you lose a fan favor and a guy that you know here but he wasn’t in Stevie’s plan he might have been in yours but if you’re a jake Walman Finn he’s got to get all the opportunity to play in San Jose right so this is better for him to me it just screams that and I think the writing was on the wall later in the year you saw him in and out of the lineup at different parts that he’s just not part of Stevie’s plan now to the point of whether this is something big to come well let’s just wait we’ll have to just wait and see you know I mean Steve is just came out last week and just said the same thing about he’s not sacrificing yeah we want to make the playoffs but we’re not sacrificing anything to get there and not get there but we expect it this year to to the fact but we got to keep growing and there’s Growing Pains to be made so I’d look more into is this how old was the Finish kid Neil uh 18 he was playing he was playing in the top League though so that’s what I’m saying is that you got to look at do you trust the process the has take wiser play and these are all the little intrical parts and I’m sorry and you’re allowed to feel sad when you’re top player I also said yesterday if you follow me Darren mccardy 4 on the X machine um you really don’t everybody’s Expendable except for a few guys when you’re not a playoff team exactly we’re not talking about you know you just got there to the final or the you know the last four teams and the Conference Finals and something there that’s but no it doesn’t work out and he’s seen enough and this is Stevie talking whether you agree as fan or not but this is just the way this is part of the the cold hard facts of the hashtag Weiser plan go ahead Jesus I’m curious to get your take by the way well I first of all neither of the defensemen that we traded in these deals were obviously in eisman’s plan he we have multiple defensemen in ASP Donaldson and um Edinson who are all we have a plethora of great young defensemen in the system right now and I think that this says to you to uh Neil’s point and to spenny’s point that Edmonson is and he will be here next year and he will be a contributing factor and I and I’m just really excited to I think that we’re building one of the best young Decor in the NHL every single pick seems to be looking like it has a certain value and a certain archetype that they play the game with that all complement moider and then every piece on the way down yeah I I don’t think it was even a question that Evanson was going to be here all year next year cuz they brought him up and he stayed and he showed as soon as he got here he was the second best defenseman the Red Wing like immediately and on top of that you’ve got guys in yanson and Wallander who are ready for the NHL like there there’s not much more they can do in in Grand Rapids like these guys are ready to go to the NHL so I don’t know if freeing up this means both of them are going to be Red Wings next year with Wallander and Johanson I definitely think Johansson’s going to be up here next year but we’ll see and like uh jws said ASP he is my favorite Prospect we have like I I love that kid and I think he’s going to be really good he’s going to he needs another year at least but he’s going to be damn good see and here’s the thing too so let let me let me just because I see this already this was this isn’t the trigger kg we haven’t reached the trigger yet we haven’t got through all the messages yet Allen W I would have rather jumped would have rather dumped Hall salary instead come on you know trigger KN so really [Laughter] really Neil take your turn oh man you take your turn M my trigger Point’s coming on man let’s keep it together people Alan take take take it but like are we still here are we teaching like grade one spelling again yes yes we are yes we are I’m I’m glad I’m not here tomorrow so I’ll be at a golf tournament said I’m out already you guys H over thisit really okay I got mine here we go yeah we have business I knew it was going to be I knew it was going to happen quickly can you just quickly expl yes dmac I can do that okay and here Chase Amy Spenny you said you trade ASP for dry cidal yesterday [ __ ] yeah would Dr it’s Leon dry side who’s the top seven player in the NHL what the [ __ ] like yes I still like the Prospect and want one of the best players in the NHL for take a breath Neil okay we’ve reached the point here we go uhoh cut the [ __ ] all right Rad Dad Scott I’m just sad it had to be Walman and not Petri sherat or nobody wants those guys nobody wants them and why why are you why are you why are we sad it’s w cuz he’s on a bobblehead doing the gritty for real and look we do that here we do that here in this town because he was on a bobblehead doing the gritty he’s we traded Ray Bor all of a sudden what are we doing here and then that the dry cidal thing stop everybody stop stop please bring it good job he’s a third line defenseman people like just good job on Stanley Cup team just chill out we didn’t lose anything and you will be just as happy when you see what move Eiserman makes next and here’s the deal too I’m not convinced they are on the precipice of quote something immense you know what this is the name Spenny just brought up the Edinson mhm the they you know what they’re doing only so many defenseman can play in a game everybody how many times you need wall scratch doesn’t oh my gosh don’t look at what it’s traded but it’s made room for what are we talking about these kids coming up that we were hearing about does that not mean that they’re ready does that not mean that spot OMG you need the spot you have one to two defensemen come you need the spot you can shed the deal yeah there’s a cost associated with it he prepaid the cost wait wait until if you do get rid of Justin Hall what it will cost you it won’t be transfering second rounders it’s going to cost you the half the freight minimum half of it minimum and that’s the way that it works everybody they were not interested in him no one’s interested in Petri like guys get in the real world and Edmonton is not trading you dry CLE all right stop stop you can’t even give me the Red Wings are not capable if I’m Ken Holland the Red Wings are not capable of giving me a package for dry cidal you’re not going to get rid of cider or Raymond so which would have to be in the deal you’re out and maybe and maybe both like let that sink in everybody so please do me a favor and more than that guys do yourself a favor stop with the dry cidal stuff okay I know it’s fun I know we’re going into July I know dmac just announced the Cannabis brand is being brought back to life I know we’re going to be cracking the beers open even got it out there you guys can’t be that high yet Jesus Tammy chin Tammy gets it no one wants our castoffs we don’t want them when you say why couldn’t it have been Hall you don’t want them factual when the Sharks don’t want him and they’re ass that should tell you all you need to know uh spend spend more hamster no truer statement no one is interested in Petri can confirm correct uh R trying to trade Petri and those guys is like trying to trade as uh salty pork chops do you think Justin Hull gets bought out it might be one of those things where you pay half of it if somebody is interested in Hall at a million instead of three and a half million then yeah say hey we’ll eat it here you go now now maybe you can package that money you just saved to get rid of Hall too and then they’re done P yeah to get rid of yeah whatever it is whatever it let them cook um Steve O baby Neil you’re not you you’re and you’re angry have a Snickers LOL no he’s the same no I am the same he’s the same I I you know and a what did I tell you yeah you warn me it was coming I think I over small some [ __ ] sort of receipt but yeah good thing the brand is up and running now so I don’t need to wrestle to pay the bills boys right you hear that one yesterday you [ __ ] idiot right [Music]


  1. What a crappy segment! NOBODY is talking about the ridiculousness of GIVING Walman and a 2nd round pick for NOTHING (future considerations). Why didn’t they just put him on waivers? They’re dancing around the obvious and talking about Draisital. NONE of them will question Yzerman and his idiotic moves. What a weak sports town we have.

  2. So you need to trade Walman to free up a roster spot but you also have Chiarot, Holl, Maatta and Petry

  3. This whole show is hilarious. "It's for a spot!!, he was a 3rd pair dman!!" In reaction Gms literally said they'd have done it without the sweetner but didn't get a call. Also spot for who? Maatta was easily movable in the last year of his deal and cost way less than a 2nd. Want to rid the team of the cap and spot, waive him instead of giving up an asset. Unless there is something bigger, it's a shit move. Also the wings will have Mo, Chiarot, edvinsson, Johansson, and Hollif he isn't bought out under contract next year so again… spots for who? Kids that aren't ready? Mkay. Edmonton also isn't losing Draisaitl for free at the end of the year, he's getting moved. Not here though because why would he? I love Yzerman but unless there is something bigger that actually improves the team, beyond poor asset management.

  4. That's rich coming from Darren talking about grade school, when the guy clearly didn't graduate from grade school 😂😅. How in the hell can people watch this on yt or listen on the radio, when they make fun of ppl, and especially Darren (the mutant) making jokes about how dumb you are every time a fan answers there question off the yt feed..

  5. Edvinsson and Johansson at a minimum HAVE to be on the Wings next year. Johansson isn’t waiver eligible anymore. Neil and D-Mac are right…you need to clear space. I would bet a Holl buyout is coming as well. Petry only has a year left, it’s not worth dumping him, and Chairot is at least serviceable if you deploy him correctly. There could be a bigger move coming, but I’d bet more on the rumored Gibson / Zegras trade than on Leon or
    Marner. Still…I wouldn’t rule out Leon or Marner. They only have a year left on their contracts, so…Edmonton/Toronto wouldn’t get full trade value without an extension in place.

  6. Trading Walman could be multi-purpose. Dumping salary, secret “future considerations,” and sending a message to young players on this team (no fking playing video games in season anymore).

  7. Common guys Yzerman has always done what is best for his team as a player, you don't think he will be the same way as a GM??? People always have to criticize someone. 😂 Watch he will pick up a really good free agent then he will be a genius for getting rid of Walman. The guy wasn't even in the line up at the end of the season when we were battling for a playoff spot and he is one of our best guys??? Common people 😂

  8. It's like each guy has to hold Yzerman's balls while they talk! It's ok to admit that Yzerman has made some questionable decisions on free agents. Walman has value that you don't pay someone to take! He had the 2nd hardest minutes for a defenseman last year, number one was Seider. He's good in transition and has offensive upside! He scored 10 goals last year.

  9. All the doomsday casuals in here make me laugh. Sure, the Holl signing wasnt great, but okay that was a depth signing mistake. This trade is incomplete and is yet to be finalized. Its alarming how many people cant pick up on that. Draft day trades are set up in advance by good GMs. Cant wait for everyone to change their tune once we're perennial cup contenders.

    Steady improvement year to year under Yzerman and people still want to only focus on the few mistakes he's made. Thank god these casuals arent in charge, we'd be in serious trouble.

  10. This is the fanbase that questioned Verlander…..Stafford……Bunch of sideline punks.

  11. We…the redwings…are one of the easiest teams to play against. Our def. has been soft. It takes a period of time to change…to grab a Tanev or Hanifan

  12. Walmart was a pretty sound 2 way defender that we could've gotten picks for. This was a mismanagement of assets. Yes I agree with moving him, but to have to attach a pick to a guy that could've gotten picks is absurd. A holl buyout would've been better

  13. If nobody wants these guys (Holl, Petry, etc.), why did we sign them to begin with. McCarty is nothing but an Yzerman groupie. Yzerman can do no wrong (ever) in his opinion. Enough already!

  14. Let’s be realistic OK? We have a lot of young defenseman coming up, and a lot of old bad defenseman worth nothing. Walman was actually worth something, although very little, but his three-point 4 million against the cap was worth more than he was, period

  15. 3:40 Every single D pick, That was a stupid ass opinion. Pizza face called Edvinsson the 2nd best defenseman lol He thinks Wallinder and Johansen are ready for the show when they have mid stats in the AHL lol who let those guys in?

  16. I don’t feel there takes are biased. They speak the truth no one wants any of these D men you’re bringing up. Yzerman said he signed hall then petry became available hence hall was signed and petry became available and he signed him he’s a upgrade if you can call it that from hall they all are unwanted players by other teams. I enjoyed walman I wish him luck in San Jose. It freed up cap which we needed but what was touched on at the end was kinda obvious to me is that edvisson played himself past walman on the depth chart and is most likely on the 2nd pair next yr to start at least. Cap space and spot where they feel edvisson earned. What wings do here on out who knows it’s not like we are a sure bet to even make playoffs next season. If Kane goes well that’s how the hockey world works if they bring in someone to replace him hard to say who or if. I’m still on the level that this is still a fringe wildcard team for next season. They are not to the next level. They will be once the kids mature and grow but you have to have spots for them on the team to take that next step. We all loved walman charismatic personality but edvisson outplayed him and earned his spot no matter what or who yzerman brings in or doesn’t. Free agent is most likely only way they bring anyone new in they don’t have players they would trade that other teams want. D mac it’s 4:20 my man enjoy

  17. We all love Yzerman, I need to see the deal that comes after this. But why not put Walman on waivers, I highly doubt that they need the cap space so soon for another deal. I think fans are pleading for Yzerman to stop signing players to long term deals who u guys are saying “nobody wants”, because it results in losses like Walman. We gotta criticize Yzerman a little bit about bad deals

  18. This is all sound and fury but it isn't a very good take on the situation. The issue isn't that woman was traded. It's hard to see where he had an open spot to play this season so it makes sense to have him traded. What does it make sense is giving them a second round pick?. You don't give assets in addition to a legit NHL defenseman on a good contract. So in isolation this was not a good move.

    However, I am of the opinion that Stevie is not done dealing with San Jose and this" future considerations" might turn into something big. That's the only way the second round pick makes sense.

    Anyways, how did this host and DMACC cropping on fans for having very legitimate concerns about a trade is pretty dumb.

    Either way the next week will be interesting.

  19. So is Yzerman just piece-mealing this thing? Still a bunch of moves to make if you want Stamkos, Perron, Ghost, Raymond & Seider.

  20. Walkman stunk in the second half of the season. He was not that great as many of you are making him out to be. He coughed the puck up often and got beat often.

  21. I'm convinced Darren was the one in the showers suckin everyone off after games. Dude is under Yzermans desk getting it sack deep in the throat

  22. There was something more to the Walman trade than Yzerman cooking up a plan or cap dumping. Yzerman signed the man to a good 3 year deal. They liked his play and considered him a good fit. Then something happened. The one thing we all know happened is the 'Griddy' celly. Yzerman probably hates that. There are also other things we do not know about. It could be fighting with the coach. It could be fighting with teammates. It could be fighting with Yzerman himself. Yzerman's move is reminiscent of Russia. 'If you do me wrong or treat me wrong I will send you to Siberia'. Well, Jake Walman just got sent to Siberia. We will never know the true reason he fell out of favor so bad with this team / Yzerman. It is what it is now. But Steve Yzerman did just send a message to everyone else on that team. If you cross him or the team, to Siberia you will go.

  23. “Nobody wants those guys” that’s what the second round pick is for. Did somebody want Walman? Because we didn’t get anything for him.

  24. Holl and Chiarot 2 more years and Mattaa and Petry 1 more year, we don't have a D on the books for over 2 years, there all gone soon

  25. Dude was a first line defenseman with the proper supporting cast. This was a sweetheart deal we will never be privy too.

  26. Nobody wants the players Stevie gave too much cap and term to isn’t the flex y’all think it is. Yzerman isn’t doing so great with Stamkos and Hedman as his starting blocks.

  27. You guys are naive. People are just disappointed that it wasn't them, knowing full well that no one wants them. However Yzerman is foolish for trade due to other teams saying they would've given us a pick/something. It doesn't matter what Yzermans next move is, he didn't capitalize on this trade and should be questioned about it. Quit being homers

  28. Horrible asset management. If you're gonna attach picks, it better be to get rid of holl/petry. This makes zero sense.

  29. Yall think Steve just called em up and offered a 2 right away😂 they prolly discussed for awhile and no one was buyers for walman unless it had good compensation. Like u think dude just does things without thinking.

  30. For the fans asking about waiving walman …. he would of never got picked up! Yzerman had to send a prospect and a pick to get rid of his contract! You all want kane.. stamkos but are oblivious to salary cap and havin to sign two of biggest players by next july thats going to cost 7 -10 million per plsyer.

  31. I love all the armchair commenters who think they have any clue whats going on. Stevie has been in this league since '83 and knows EVERYONE and EVERYTHING about it. Either you trust the Yzerplan, or you don't. l'm amazed at the gall of people who know diddly squat about anything. Hahahaha

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