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OTB | New Orleans Pelicans NBA Draft | NCAA Coaching Staff Rule Changes | LSU Recruiting

104.5 ESPN’s Watch Live Channel is driven by Bayou Ford

T-Bob Hebert and Jacob Hester talk about the Pelicans draft selection, the latest CFB coaching staff changes, and updates on the New Orleans Saints and LSU football.

e an Industrial Plex off Sean and Airline custom colors body and paint insurance companies have teams of professionals to fight your claim if you want to know what your case is it’s really worth I’m Spencer Callahan I’d like to help Spencer Callahan [Music] is33 filing number 16- 7970 W NXX Jackson kxx Donaldsonville and wdg ld2 Baton Rouge this hour brought to you by Spencer cahan injury lawyers la211 12681 offices in Bat Rouge [Music] good morning it’s 7:00 a.m. here on Thursday June 27th today in Ben Rouge expect rainy Skies with a high of 93 in hour one of today’s show we’ll recap the New Orleans Pelicans NBA Draft selection we’ll talk some New Orleans Saints the latest with Jim schlossnagle and a whole lot more you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram at _ ESPN and watch us on YouTube at the 1045 ESPN channel our number one of Off the Bench live from the Mercedes-Benz bed rou Studios starts now we go Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Jacob Hester and T-Bob abar yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Off the Bench wither and they said I got to come off the bench Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob yo yo yo yo what’s happening y’all what’s going on welcome in Thursday oh TB is back uh the whole team finally back uh I don’t know man um I don’t know if it’s absence making the heart grow fonder maybe I’m suffering from some version of uh Stockholm syndrome but uh I was actually sincerely a bit excited to see Taylor this morning just a little bit just a tiny bit and I’ll admit it I’m not not scared enough um I’m I’m man enough to admit it Taylor how was uh your you and your wifey’s trip to Yellowstone yeah it was great um probably the best trip we’ve taken the weather in Montana was perfect it was about 75 every single day light Breeze I mean could not have asked for anything more you see any lions tigers no we talked about this before the show I didn’t go to Africa so I didn’t see any Lions uh did see some grizzly bear saw a bunch of Bison some elk you know stuff like that so Montana he went to Indiana yeah yeah yeah yeah on yesterday’s show I I think I incorrectly uh we did the MCH thing again I don’t know how we got there okay and I incorrectly guessed that uh Montana was Indiana Oh uh yeah we were like no that’s where Taylor is yeah that is not Indiana did you eat me be meat um I had some bison okay I love bison I love bison meat bison meat’s delicious bison burger a little bit more lean right a little healthier maybe than your traditional beef yeah um well great we’re we’re glad to have you back um speak for yourself uh no no I’m kidding have no ideaay chat up back there before the show started um I know we all like to put on a tough exterior here but uh we’re we’re glad to have the full team back and reunited as always 1045 ESPN if you want to get involved you can hit the like button uh go get your comments in there uh we’re g to break down some of schl SNL’s uh audio from yesterday as well as the Pelicans draft the NBA draft going down last night uh but first Jake how are we feeling dude I wonder how many people good by the way thank you how are you feeling uh doing well all right great I wonder how many people knew the NBA draft was actually taking place last night and because I’ll look hand up we barely knew I had no idea that it was broken into two nights now oh really yes first time they’re doing it I had no idea I guess they’re taking a page from the NFL’s Playbook but uh nobody cares about the NBA draft like they do the NFL draft so I don’t expect the ratings to be great uh there’s like when the first two picks are people that the most I would I wouldn’t say like not even just common but like a college basketball fan have no idea who they are it’s probably hard to get some Intrigue going are you tell me you don’t know Zak I mean we do Al because I had to talk about him yesterday on the on off campus but like a casual college basketball fan like probably didn’t know a player until Reed sheeper went third overall uh yeah somebody tweeted last night two Frenchies and a honky as the top three picks NBA draft is mid uh Reed Shepard a 6-2 white boy going third overall yeah uh you know that boy could shoot um yeah look I I you know how I feel about the draft I am ambivent I feel like a uh like Victorian era businessman with my kids or gentlemen I should say because business maybe Sully me a bit but like I don’t really care about my kids when they’re young and I just ignore them I send them off to boarding school and eventually they show back up at 16 hopefully they become impressive and they can get some attention and love from me um it’s going to be hard earned but like that’s how I view NBA draft picks so like I look I will say this uh because I always expect every draft pick to just disappear into the ether and then I’m pleasantly surprised when one of my kids actually does make me proud um I’ll take a chance on a guy that’s 611 230 with the 38 and2 inch vert like like if if we’re just going to talk about raw physical skill sets and we talked about the other day but eeve Mei Mr Mei he’s um again I I I 611 230 and a 385 inch vertical born in Belgium raised in Cameroon older brother played at Harvard both his parents played for the cameronian national team um his stats at Baylor you know 10 points six boards block and a half per game uh he cannot shoot uh but I guess that’s the thing right like you don’t really need him to now I’m not entirely sure long term if he does work out um does that how effective are will him and Zion be together if he can’t space the floor at all but then again look the Pelicans love drafting defense uh they’re looking for more Rim protection and when you look at his skill set his athleticism you have another Super l long athletic body that can play that position defense with an emphasis on rim protection and think about at times last year when the Pelicans felt like they were operating at their best and you would have uh herb Jones out there Trey Murphy out there dce Daniel out there and everybody just had like seven foot wingspans now maybe in a year or two Mei works out and you got him out there as well and he can switch onto anybody so again I have no idea if he’ll be good or not but 382 in vert 611 guys he like I mean he was trending towards the Pelicans for like a week now like M 10 days and so it’s like it’s not a a secret that they really liked his game and so they got the guy that they wanted from where they were drafting Y and he was ranked 22nd overall you get him at 21 so about where a lot of people thought he would go anyways um you mentioned some of his strengths you know being explosive that is certainly a strength his length is a strength for ESPN and their draft allance weaknesses he lacks polish experience and the physicality to maximize his ability as a rim protector and rebounder he has room though to improve his scoring versatility and awareness as a passer feels like they still think he’s kind of raw y he’s very raw I I want to say so this is what I didn’t understand the other day when we were talking about him I want to say that we we said something along the lines if he started playing basketball like 16 uh but both of his parents on the cameroonian national team and his older brother played at Harvard so what the hell happened there like why why why wait till I I I I I don’t know the full story but yeah he’s absolutely raw but you know like in the NFL draft Jake we talk about there’s more of a debate on like um do you draft the guy with the really good proven film that you know you can play or do you just draft the physical freak that may be underperforming college but you feel like I can fix him uh and the NFL can go either way in the NBA uh because of the age of these cats 18 19 years old um like in football generally I fall on the side of like go with the guy with a good film that proves that he can play in the NBA I kind of tend to fall on the opposite side where I’ll take the more unproven the more raw uh guy that just has unlimited physical potential and see how because he’s all wait all these cats are 18 and 19 years old like they have so much room to grow literally and figuratively yeah here’s the post-draft analyst of the pick he was strongly linked to New Orleans as we mentioned throughout the preff process with the Pelicans in the market for more athleticism and size at Center while he likely won’t contribute big minutes next season meaning the Pelicans will still need to add veteran help at the position he is a late blooming Prospect who won teams over throughout his surprise one andone season and during the workout circuit so still Pelicans looking probably for a veteran at that position because we talked about it yesterday your backup Larry Nance who comes in gives you great minutes like you like him in that role so if you add another backup center do you still need to add a starting center yeah I think you definitely add a starting center but I do love having Larry Nance on the roster for this though because I mean who better to kind of teach Mei how to how to be a pro and uh although everything at this point is going to be super positive in terms of coverage in terms of what the Pelicans are saying about the player um let’s just still I you know I I I don’t mind repeating it and and we’ll judge over time whether or not we believe it to be true but they seem to have really fall in love with his mindset and his maturity and uh although again I know in in in hindsight you and and when a guy is gone you tend to be maybe a bit more honest or maybe behooves you to say things like well and and that’s what held back Jackson Hayes he was just too immature but like you know there there’s been some Whispers or some kind of talk surrounding that and that uh in terms of mental makeup they really like what they saw at of Mei in the interview process and the maturity that he approached the game with and so again you know we’ll see overtime no great expectation but uh 61130 guys 38 and a half inch B think about that like who jumped to that in the NFL this year would would that have been first at the NFL combine or damn near what 38 yeah maybe at the com no there’s a 40 at the combine got 40 at pro day okay so Malik got a 40 in prot how tall is Malle he’s he’s not 611 he’s 6 foot 61 how tall is Malik yeah probably 6 61 this man’s a foot taller and can jump as high I I I I I mean I really struggle it’s like when you read about Will Chamberlain and you understand that will Chamberlain’s thought to maybe have uh the the largest vertical in history 48 in estimated unbelievable which is even you know more mind-blowing but I’ll take six 1130 and a half so we’ll see Mei um we will see uh I’m I’m I’m more interested in the Brandon Ingram trade news cycle although there hasn’t been any particular developments yesterday were you watching the draft at all did you watch no I did not watch I watched uh I was going to watch the boys and I just wasn’t feeling it so I watched an episode of Fallout last night all right well I was I wasn’t like locked into it but I was going back and forth because I know I’ve got to talk about it in depth unfortunately yeah later today but so 16 the Sixers a team that bi has been kind of linked to a little bit well the commissioner gets up there Adam Silver he’s like all right we’ve had a trade I’m like oh oh goes oh here it is like I really thought like we were about to find out something about bi here but it wasn’t uh it was just that Bob Carrington the pick uh at 14 for the Blazers had been traded I was like oh Adam you know let me down I thought we were about to have some juicy details here I am a uh not even close to a basketball expert I’m an NBA enjoyer um because of that I allow myself very uh lay in opinions right and and and I allow myself very surface level thoughts and I just can’t stop thinking about Zion and Trey young together uh I I get it like you can tell me that jonay Murray’s like better because of the the defense and this or that but I just see Trey young handling the ball pans a point guard you mentioned the assists yesterday excellent shooter and one of the best lob throwers in the entire NBA please please please again you like the the real NBA heads chance all the pel real Pelicans fans that go deeper than I do feel free to uh uh put your energy into other tr trade hopes but no I would I would desperately love and and and you know what I don’t I don’t know if it seems like the Pelicans front office seems to be leaning more Murray than uh than than Trey young but it’d be pretty damn sexy I can’t help myself I think I would immediately buy a Tryon Pelican Jersey uh which my Pelican Jersey collection of jerseys that are no longer relevant are is is uh becoming increasingly long as a couple of bi jerseys will be getting retired here pretty soon you had the CJ though I still got the CJ still got Zion yeah um so I just need another I just need I just need another three I just you know I should I should have gone I should have invested in Trey Murphy a while ago um still probably a good investment Jersey wise for anybody out there wondering who to choose glad I avoided the Jackson Hayes investment that I was thinking about for a while there possible you saw Jackson AES dunk the ball and you’re like I want that Jersey now yeah I almost went Larry Nance um not a bad one yeah not a bad one because somebody that I think will be around for a minute but um either way I I think look I think I think I don’t know I think I like the pick so we’ll see um and I want to see what again you’re going to 21 yeah exactly exactly just shoot your shot and hope for the best uh coming up next here on OTB uh so schl stel introduced at UT yesterday at a press conference and uh well tried to answer for his uh ridiculous Grand standing in the in the uh postgame of the National Championship uh we will roll him out into the court of public opinion and thumbs up or thumbs down him as we uh decide his fate keep it locked right here on Off the Bench Off the Bench with Hester in T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger Allstar Toyota of Baton Rouge Allstar Toyota of baton uh you need a new vehicle uh maybe maybe you don’t even know exactly what you’re looking for do I want something completely new maybe go something used uh well why don’t you just go see our friends over there on Offa airline in Goodwood at Aller Toyota baton rou the sales staff is excellent uh they can line you up with an answer that fits your needs like uh I remember one time I went in there I need a new car but uh all I had was a number right it’s like this is all I can afford at the time ended up leasing a Camry and it was great it was the perfect answer for me and my family at that time so you find your perfect answer by going to Allstar to bat Rouge or Allstar tobat and they’re going to have an answer for you because they have well so 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bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the Tiger actually kind of crazy y’all uh I I I doubt that you’ve we’ve ever had a segment like one we’re going to do to 8: a.m. uh the NCAA actually made three what I believe to be three W rule changes yesterday like three rule changes that actually make sense three rule changes that look at the setting as it is and seek to operate within the realities of that setting instead of trying to fight against reality uh again we’ll get there at 8: a.m. but um uh some potentially some some potentially bigger than others but still I think I think I think like for once we’re actually going to say hey good job incaa this is like the most for thinking and modern thing that you’ve done in a um in a long time uh before we get to this SLO sound real quick how do y all feel about raw doggin lights uh because there seems to be an internet Trend here where I don’t know if you know I mean it’s it’s easy to lie about this because not like we have a live feed of these cats but there appears to be something new where uh people are challenging themselves to sit on an airplane with no entertainment no uh no no headphones on uh if you have a TV you’re just supposed to look at the GPS of the plane flying slowly but surely the graphic and you got people bragging about raw dog in 7h hour flights 15-hour flights one guy talking about he didn’t even have any water during his um how in general what’s your initial reaction to raw doog and flights uh a couple of things uh that’s psychotic behavior that’s one littleit yeah yeah uh the second it’s not true nobody’s doing that they’re just doing somebody definitely has I I agree with you that a a lot of people are lying for clout they’re just taking a picture of the GPS screen themselves looking straight yes yes but I do think some people probably are out there doing this and it goes back to one psychotic behavior um is it gritty Behavior no not really it’s pretty tough it’s pretty tough you’re sitting there with your brain all your intrusive thoughts you’re becoming a master of your it’s very mindful becoming a master of your own domain like the gritty performance would be to watch like Chuck Norris um I don’t know Chuck Norris is way too entertaining though that’s not gritty that’s comfortable I don’t know Chuck Norris pretty gritty look I’ve seen Sidekicks a hundred times that is not an exaggeration sidick me and my brother used to watch Sidekicks every summer probably about 20 times a summer at toita Ben I freaking love Sidekicks uh that said it’s comfortable it’s easy what’s hard is raw dog in a plane okay it’s a lot it’s a lot of plane a lot of plane um I can’t get behind this okay it may be you know I don’t know I we don’t travel often we have five children but you know when we do like I’m going to get the most out of this experience yeah if you come by and you ask me do I want I want pretzels cookies drink all of them I’m going to ask for both I’m going to ask for both hopefully I get them and hopefully yeah hopefully like maybe I can wink at you and you’re going to give me I don’t know hopefully I’m going to watch a movie I’m going to do it all I I like getting a and I never drink like soda really just cuz I don’t know but I love getting an ice cold Coke ice cold can of Coke on the plane so good so tasty um what about you young cats y’all have any uh desire to Raw Dog flights for clout no I told you uh Victoria actually explained to me what this was when we were flying home from doging was yeah yeah this far into the marriage no in terms of just flight um and she was like you’re almost raw dog in this flight I was like I have no idea what you’re talking about I didn’t have a carryon or anything like that she goes well you can’t watch a movie or anything I was like this is a three-hour flight that’s not happening we sat there we watched her iPad but like she had to explain to me what it was I heard so you did end up watching something though yeah yeah yeah yeah um you almost accidentally raw dogged a flight yeah I didn’t know what it was how close am I to Raw dogging if all I’ve been bringing ringing is a book no headphones no nothing else I don’t know why I can’t I I don’t think it’s form of entertainment close but you’re still not there but I’m still not there yeah okay what about like yeah you’ve got a little moisture can you nap on the flight uh I I don’t I mean I can’t help it nowadays every time I fly I just pass the hell out well like so uncomfortably too like like I’m like so crammed up my neck’s like jammed against the front of me I’m drooling everywhere can y’all imagine T-Bob coming down the aisle ah it’s a bad feeling and you know that there’s only middle seats left coming I can see the fear in people’s eyes our connector was Dallas to New Orleans it was an hour and 3 minutes so like I didn’t pull out any entertainment on that flight or whatever but I mean I just closed my eyes AR rested I was like by the time we pull out the iPad we get the cruising out dogging and no pulling out dangerous combination there Tay Tay you may end up uh like us before long here a little one running around uh alandre any thoughts on raw dog and flights before he move on um well I’ll tell you this one time I forgot my headphones and I went and I bought expensive headphones at the airport and got and it’s the classic airport tax yeah where uh and they’re not good headphones I gave them to Britney cuz she needed some anything that they uh anything that they know that you need yeah it’s like a concert it’s like buying beers at the super doome they’re just uh they’re going to Raw Dog you in some way not I will not be raw dogging um Scott nice having a panic attack at the thought of this yeah go hard to go home says maybe I should Rog my flight from ATL to Vegas no might be a good luck charm to end the week one losing streak I agree go hard or go home we are officially now tied to you if you do this LSU will guaranteed beat USC in Vegas if you break and you put on headphones or you fall asleep or you watch even five minutes of Napoleon we’re not going to win okay honestly I tried watching Napoleon in about 5 minutes is probably all it’s going to hold your interest that was the movie that we put on on the way I think I got 10 to 15 minutes I feel so bad I’ve never wanted to like a movie so much and it just not click with me at all just started I love walking it just started I love walking Phoenix I love rley Scott a lot of times um I love rley Scott especially when he’s playing in history like the duel or the the last duel is one of like my favorite movies ever it’s great no it’s bad costumes are incredible set design but my God it is boring we got 10 minutes in and Victoria’s like can we turn this off it’s like yes we can you would rather raw dog a flight than watch Napoleon turn Napoleon off after 10 minutes sad sad uh Exit B Rouge exit EMP for all your AC heat and 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why I don’t know I just want to it’s like when you’re it’s it’s like when you’re working out or you’re like running or something and and you’re doing like a timed run it’s like try to avoid the clock at all costs yeah just just I just like to know where I am and I like to see how far I until I get off this plane like I’m just looking forward to getting off the plane the entire time I’m on the plane yeah I mean generally I’m looking forward to getting off as well but I don’t know I got to try to stay kind of present more during the flights or just ignore it um all right let’s uh let’s play a little SLO snel sound uh so we all know what he how he freaked out on the reporter and he acted all offended about the question that was asked uh here is his apology the journalist Richard Zayn I was asked a question after our game the other night we’re playing for the national championship and as I said in my press conference when I took the A&M job there was never there would never be a time that I wasn’t invested in that program and there never was a time I wasn’t invested I gave every and my when I say I our staff we gave everything we possibly could to win that last ball game and uh when the game ended um I want to publicly apologize to Richard Zayn from texags he’s a young reporter he asked the question that was an obvious question um I wish I could have answered that better but in the moment all you know 30 minutes after the last pitch all I could think about was our players and uh I really wasn’t in the mood to talk about myself for the future so I apologize for that to Richard of course you weren’t in the mood you knew the next day you were going to be publicly announced as the Texas coach this is so in chess there’s uh this fascinating thing Jake where you can have like the best move the move that will win you the game is right in front of you you miss it you make an innocuous move that doesn’t seem like it changes anything but then all of a sudden the next time you’re up you go to make that you you see the good move you go to make that move and for some reason it’s just too late and and that’s what this reminds me of he literally tried to pull the all I could think about the exact line that we said he should right all I look right now man all I can think about is my players and the pain going on that locker room we had a hell of a season and I I just I I just need to reflect on that right like the exact line that he could have he just did it too late he he tried to move but the moment it already passed uh the bishop had gone to C4 it no longer was relevant it no longer wined you the game I award you no points for this anel slush snel all you can think about were those players and how not only I I mean maybe that’s true because he was thinking about how not only did they lose a Natty but they also lost a head coach and they had no idea and he’s been knowing for weeks that they had lost a head coach so you go to chess I go to like Cedric the Entertainer in Kings of Comedy like you g to ask me front of this in front of my family dog in front of everybody you just G to ask me that like even that would have been better than what he said and what he did and we’re not even talk so and we’ll get there eventually but not for a while like the conversation if I’m Texas I want it to be about how we are coming into the SEC ready to go we just stole our bitter Rivals coach who just played for National Championship who just played really well in the SEC we’re going to the SEC we got our guy we’re about to go win a lot of games like that would be the conversation we’ be talking about Delante hitting a home run with his hire and laughing at the Aggies if you’re your Texas because we got your coach and who are you going to get now this late in the game all those things like now we’re we’re not talking about that we’re talking about this we’re talking about the way he just fumbled it as bad as you possibly could fumble it PR matters um am I I also think it’s a bit Rich how snel is um he he throws in that line about Richard Zayn being a young reporter yeah almost as if the question was wrong right and that it was just like the Hub of Youth uh Hey dummy it was the like it’s not the wrong question you were literally going to Texas you’re right when you say it was an obvious question it was the absolute correct question it was not heartless uh it was not emoes it was it was a journalist doing his job exactly as he should uh you you’d been going to text for a while there’ve been so much smoke in the street and yeah he had you nailed to rights and you got defensive and you got angry so uh apology not accepted like Jake said you’ve ruined what should have been a Victory lap for Texas and now instead like nobody will cheer for SLO snel uh except for Texas fans um like I didn’t I I to be honest I didn’t even care about him before any of this I never really thought Twi about I had no animus towards him I had no emotion towards him positive or negative I now want him to fail so hard at uh at Texas that it that that that that it becomes shameful I want him to to fail to the point of Shame um and you know what the dumbest part about it is I completely understand why he took the job it’s his boy he thinks it’s a more attractive job like him and Chris Dante are obviously like super super tight like he’s getting paid more um I completely understand why he took the job he just really screwed up on the exit and also look uh there can be coexisting truths um something can be a home move and the right move at the same time and uh like like I you know I always use the hypothetical of if you’re going to pay me like triple I go do Alabama radio yeah undeniable home move but probably for my family the right move right so like I get it I get it but you should have handled it better snel and uh yeah I hope you suck uh I mean do we get I don’t think we need to get any any more of this press conference but I just wanted to see what he had to say about the um the players love how everything goes back to the players as he left them at the altar and made them find out on X that he was leaving crazy and so now which I’m sure we’ll get into is a mass Exodus now now some of those players are going to end up in Austin Texas not all of them are and it’s everybody come on down to Baton Rouge y’all come on now more OTB coming up next Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob get Gordon and get it done 225 8888888 Gordon mcer injury attorneys uh if you’re injured get a free consult Now by going on the website get and filling out the form or if you get in an accident just call them and get somebody who’s going to stand up to the big insurance companies get you what you deserve they to cover they cover a plethora of different accidents again get has everything you need in terms of uh what they can help you out with also Fallen G follow Gordon Mur injury attorneys on social media atg Gordon where uh you’ll see great content 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network of Louisiana can find you better coverage for less money they service the entire state of Louisiana and their local so call today at 29345 or La there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the one star you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to go there Mercedes-Benz Vans forming is a way of life for us it’s not something we get up in the morning and dread going do it’s just something we go to bed at night looking forward to getting up to go do John Deere equipment is what we as forers strive to have it’s in your blood it’s in your veins it’s just a part of who you are green is what we want to be in the other tractors were acquired to patch it up to get to where you want to be to inviting you to join us for Thursday’s AFR round one of the NBA draft in the books we’ll talk about how the Pelicans fa preview the rest of the draft and the latest in college baseball’s transfer portal join us 3 to6 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge [Music] Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New orans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger welcome back Gob Ryan brag says A&M left with no coaches seven or eight players in the another half dozen graduating portal closed soon and no one at the wheel to even recruit A&M’s going to be terrible next year I mean the timing of it really Jake you would be hard pressed if if we were to sit there and plan out okay what is the absolute worst time uh that we could do something like this I mean you’d be hard pressed to write something worse right I think so yeah and we talked about it a little bit yesterday and everybody’s like oh no no you get you get extra time if your coach Lees like yeah but you only have those two schools that get the extra time like everybody else needs to be in the portal by a certain date and also how many people has LSU already taken out of the portal how many have so many others already yeah I mean what are they up to eight or nine and that’s just LSU um I think 11 have left uh yeah yeah yeah so I mean yes like the the majority of the roster work in uh horse trading has already been done and now like you have to I mean you have to go hire someone and then they have to get there and be like okay this is what I have and how do I learn how to pitch this place and who can I go grab like whoever they left let’s just you know for whatever let’s say uh you know Tom Walter’s a guy whoever uh those players like they only have a couple more days to enter the portal like if they want to follow their coach with them like whoever like it is like wherever they come from like who doesn’t matter well those players they got to make a quick decision because if if you know their coach is going to leave but if they want to go to their landing spot so they’ll yeah they’ll get the extra time but if they want to go to their landing spot they’ve got to make a quick decision on where they’re going to go and so the timing of it for everybody is is just not great it never was going to be and Texas A&M’s gota Act Fast right now and they have to make sure that they don’t act too fast right they don’t just a panic move and go get somebody like they got to make sure it’s the right person with everything they have going on with their baseball program you know they’re also building a lot of new things for the baseball program there so you don’t have a lot of time you are speed dating at its finest trying to navigate the transfer portal and so you know depending on which coach takes the A&M job because I fully expect them to steal someone else’s coach and then those players have to make a decision it’s uh it’s going to be fast forward here for a couple days yeah so uh so Jas Lavalette and Gavin gra graack um I always screw up the H and the V and his name but whatever I I get like dyslexic with it Bob uh no I know I know but I I always want to say graack I don’t know why uh don’t know uh well no I’m no actually D I’m saying I’m cognizant of the fact that I’m saying it wrong uh so I actually do know Alandra okay words matter you’re getting very aggressive words matter um so they enter the portal they’re not ranked as the number one and two players in the portal according according to 64 analytics uh Jake mckever who is a college baseball media member tweeting yesterday expect Jace to LSU Gavin I’m not so sure he’s leaving A&M now uh lavallet was committed to LSU to pulmanary correct yes so there could be some connective tissue there that would maybe lead him to South Carolina potentially um now he’s already seen LSU and obviously going to be familiar with him so if he’s committed to that school there’s going to be connective tissue there alandre you’re saying that you think he might follow Nolan Kane to Texas that’s just like a couple of people I’ve seen on the internet have said that it’s not like a set in stone thing cuz he like the reason why he committed to uh Paul was because of Nolan Kane and then he followed Nolan Kane to Texas A&M that would that would make sense We There were some players like Hayden shot um he was tweeting yesterday to hire like they’re were like Texas A&M do the right thing hire Nolan Kane and it’s like Nolan is already in Austin yeah he was wearing burn orange at the Press confence yeah so I don’t know it seems like these players really got blindsided man yeah they did and also it just seems like they really liked Nolan uh yeah I mean look Nolan G put together number one recruiting class in the country when he was at LSU he is uh one of the best recruiters yeah I mean that that’s that that is understandable I wonder when somebody will give him that first big shot um yeah look I don’t know I I don’t know who LSU ends up getting uh what I do know is that Jay is going to do everything he can to land uh some of these guys lot of roster to choose from there and just because it’s like it’s a really good player too yeah doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in LSU’s plans like you you you take a look at what LSU has in the Outfield now you got to be smart about it if you think you can get something better but you look at what LSU has in the Outfield we’ve talked about it all allseason it’s their strength and so you know there’s a third baseman Fromm go get one of those two B maybe maybe that’s where you put most of your resources into so I mean I trust Jay to still be very smart in roster management and building the roster and yeah sure I mean you you put a flyer out there for all the great players but how much do you put into each and every player well that’s going to be depending on what position you feel like is the biggest need for you God if you could get grahovic there at third I didn’t even think about that positionally that’d be massive although Lavalette is the the the caliber of player where you don’t care like like roster like if he wants to come to LSU you just you you take him and you figure out everything else afterwards right that not everybody put a flyer out there but I agree with you on Resource Management you only have so many hours in the day so much money uh maybe you you invest your resources a bit differently uh when when it comes to exactly how you’re how you’re going to prioritize your own hierarchy and look we don’t know what Michael brazwell is going to do but like we know we need a third baseman yeah exactly so get one of those two um all right when we get back here on OTB a huge stoppage time today lot of footy to get to lot of footing coming up next here at Off the Bench Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob uh go that’s the website for tomies Windows Doors and sighing shout out my neighbor Reagan he was uh talking to me in the neighborhood yesterday he had Tommy out to the house or oh no no sorry no he met him in a at a at a business function but um yeah I mean he he echoed everything that I’m always telling you about Tommy man uh his his charisma’s attention to detail uh the intensity that he approaches every single job with that’s why tommies has been so successful since he started it 7 years ago after 20 years in this business 27 years of experience now total so if you need Hardy planker vinyl sighting you need wood or vinyl windows you need any type of door you need tomies go Gea and once you get there click on gallery it’s going to show you what they can do for you in your home now you can get as custom as you want as well they can do custom jobs they can do any job that you need go the 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge app powered by Bayou Ford and tap the microphone icon to send us your thoughts in an audio message your message could be played on air during Off the Bench with eser and debob the hunt Palmer show and after further review with mad mus for has $10,000 off F-150 $10,000 off the new 2024 Ford F-150 and all new value Ford vehicles come with a 7year 100,000 M warranty the crew at Buu Ford is going to do right by you [Music] when it comes to ending cancer we push forward always working together for you that’s why our cancer experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson Cancer Center this means Advanced Cancer Care including access to life-saving clinical trials and integrating care to treat the whole you introducing Ashner MD Anderson Cancer Center Long Live [Music] you there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the one star you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to go there mercedes-ben Vans bra teamed up to reimagine your parks and you imagined big with your help we went to work creating 12 beautiful Community Parks across the parish a family-sized water park miles and miles of trails in Parks just for your dogs there are more places to Splash to explore to run wild and even sore you imagined we delivered gold bre your number one Park system in the nation electricity is all around us and our families depend on it every day is sparked by the power of a cold drink or a warm meal a movie night and a comforting light at the end of a dark hallway from sunrise to sunset playtime to bedtime our team is ready to take care of your electrical needs even in the case of an after hours emergency the light in your life shines brighter with Mr [Music] Electric Charles hriff join us with the Thursday edition of live at lunch from Jolie Pearl Oyster Bar and Town Square Pizza both Dwayne kuchi and Randy McCay join the show tomorrow we’ll take a look back at what happened in the NBA Draft live at lunch 11:00 a.m. Thursday on 1045 ESPN baton [Music] Star Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 1130 the tiger shout out Country Grammar 24 years ago you said Jake yes wow 2001 Nelly 24 years ago is 2000 2000 wow Nelly I mean great album great album I mean Banger after Banger after Banger one after another one after another the fish don’t fry in the kitchen they don’t and the beans don’t burn on the grill nope but it took a whole lot of churai in yep just to get up that hill just to get up there unfortunately that’s kind of ten story in the climb to the cinnati God still not happy that happened also I hope they don’t poach any of these ADM players they will yeah I know it’s frustrating oh well here’s so and J Johnson get it’s time for some funny as Jake brings you uh a little Global in stoppage time for clubing country and just about 90 seconds this is stoppage time on Off the Bench all right we have a lot to get to uh okay so in the Euros the UEFA European Championship uh you had Slovakia and Romania 1-1 little draw there uh the Ukraine and Belgium little nil nil draw okay so not the most exciting game for Ukraine in Belgium Belgium has just been limping into the round of 16 uh you had Georgia beat Portugal 2-0 I told you yesterday Portugal zero SEC championships okay Bulldogs remain hot largest upset in Euro history 2-n 74th ranked team beating the sixth ranked team I looked it up uh that’d be like South Florida beating a full strength Florida State last year uh and beating him badly shout out Georgia making it to the Sweet 16 that’s the second time we’ve had the biggest upset in Euro history um also yeah this tournament Portugal did rest like all of their players except Ronaldo and they brought Ronaldo off about 55 minutes in but it doesn’t matter it still happened uh look you can make all the excuses you want but the bottom line uh Georgia remains hot all right now uh 2-1 turkia over czechia and yes that is the way they want you to say it now it is no longer turkey in the Czech Republic uh yeah I like I like I like then you know it does close down all of my H jokes that’s how they want you to say it now and ccha and not no longer the Czech Republic they’ll accept it but they want you to say it that way and so that’s the way we’re going to say it and yeah absolutely two to one actually was a pretty fun match uh so what coming up tonight we got a little USA action oh well hold on before we get there we need to lay out what happened last night in Copa America Ecuador takes down Jamaica 3 to one and then I knew this was coming oh no Mexico Mexico must have lost uh Venezuela won Mexico NADA none zero zilch is Venezuela bad they’re not great really they’re not great they should be okay they’re okay I guess economic collapses don’t necessarily beget good Mexico and gritty uh yeah I mean they probably are but Mexico’s in some real trouble here B dang they got a match against Ecuador and they better get some points May hope some other things happen I need to get it together somewhere out there Danny’s crying Dan you can cry on each other’s shoulders yeah where is Danny these days God knows well all around but it’s still based on no I saw saw him a couple weeks ago when I went and did the uh the podcast that doesn’t exist with hold yeah allegedly it happened uh coming up tonight in Copa America you’ve got Panama and the United States that’s going to be in Atlanta Georgia the home of the fighting T-Bob aars and then you got Uruguay and Bolivia that’s going to be in East reord reord New Jersey I mean we should smash Panama right uh should we need minus 240 on the money line we need some International restitution After Japan kicked our ass in actual American football yesterday yeah who’s playing for the United States though that doesn’t matter it’s not during stoping time we’ll get there a little bit later on so end of the story is Mexico you suck USA go get a win tonight yeah there you go stoppage time bur halter I love him until we don’t no why do you he all he’s done is Win hour two next Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob trash Rangers trash Ranger Hey listen up uh look again asenti Lim Parish your trash needs uh hit up trash they’ll get you right they’re reliable they’re more efficient they text you the night before if you are a business owner though and you have waste management need you like some frontload dumpsters right and uh you need them taking out 1 2 3 4 5 even 6 days a week trash Rangers understands that every business and their needs are unique and they’re local again and they can work with you to find solutions for whatever you need and that’s anywhere bat R anywhere so again trash Rangers call them up today trash Rangers so if you’re one of the lucky ones right asion Livingston surrounding parishes that you can have the little red can out there I mean why would you not you have reliable weekly service no hidden fees weekly text reminders but also worldof dumpsters three different sizes home or business anywhere in the area trash Rangers there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the onestar you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to go there Mercedes-Benz vans [Music] [Music] hey it’s Matt musona for years you’ve heard me tell you about insurance network of Louisiana helping you find better coverage for less money but it’s not just for your home and auto they also offer commercial property so retail stores professional offices like doctors dentist attorneys clothing boutiques Insurance network of Louisiana can find you better coverage for less money they service the entire state of Louisiana and their local so call today at 2 93450 or La Jerry and Benny Payne began Central Plumbing Company out of their driveway in Tanglewood subdivision 50 years later and four generations down the road we continue to serve Baton Rouge in the surrounding areas for all of their plumbing needs residential commercial industrial or hospitality Central Plumbing is here 24/7 365 we want to thank our customers family and friends for 50 years of success and looking forward to 50 more forming is a way of life for us it’s not something we get up in the morning and dread going do it’s just something we go to bed at night looking forward to getting up to go do John Deere equipment is what we as forers strive to have it’s in your blood it’s in your veins it’s just a part of who you are green is what we want to be in the other tractors were acquired to patch it up to get to where you want to be where we want to be is in joha flip the switch and learn more about what it means to be powered by Sunshine at Sun Savin office equipment dealers based right here in Louisiana over 100 employees strong G Coast has the boots on the ground to support all vertical markets from education engineering legal and finance with the latest in office technology from desktop to production segment units Golf coast and 7 have the perfect fit for you call 225 756 2644 that’s 756 2644 for Golf Coast Office Products [Music] [Music] good morning it’s 8:00 a.m. here on Thursday June 27 today in bed Rouge you expect rainy Skies with a high of 93 in hour two of today’s show we’ll talk about NCAA football coaching staff rule changes and we’ll discuss the latest with the New Orleans Saints you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram at _ ESPN and watch us on YouTube at the 1045 ESPN channel hour number two of Off the Bench live from the Mercedes-Benz bed Rouge Studios starts now we go Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Jacob Hester and T-Bob abar yeah yeah yeah yeah Off the Bench wither and T said I got to come off the bench All-Star Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob yo yo yo [Music] yeah work what’s up y’all welcome back OTB hour number two Ste drka and Taylor hanging out with you today Taylor fresh back from Montana where he was in uh Yellowstone in Big 10 country did you see the geyser uh which one I don’t know talking about Old Faithful isn’t it supposed to like kill us all one day um I was not given that information but super volcano um I saw the geyser was it did it blow up while you were there yeah nice I got a video of it it was cool hell yeah it’s kind of hot um no like I said pretty moderate temperatures the whole time uh uh did you did you have any Revenant like experiences did you get attacked and or assaulted by a bear no we saw some bears but we were in the vehicle the whole time so it didn’t didn’t get assaulted um so how’s that work you just drive to the park did you go hik through the park did you go you drive through the park and they have the signs labeled like hey stop here if you want to see this if you want to see that you just pull in get out some of them have hiking trails some of them are just like overlooks if it’s like a waterfall or a valley or something like that so a lot of different things you can do just beautiful yeah very nice did you run into Like a Man versus bear situation where you had to pick Victoria did for sure she was like do I want to stay with Taylor or do I want to go with the bear so okay so we see I still think that well whatever we need to rehash it was a mama bear and two baby bears so like it wasn’t you know what super sketchy situation I’m so confused to my understanding that is the sketchiest we were in a vehicle and we pulled over and saw them and they were like on the other side of the road you don’t think a bear can knock that vehicle over no this was a massive vehicle absolutely not bears are massive too bear mil yes or no um many she was pretty thick she was pretty thick yeah two little baby bears with her yeah I’ll say I’ll say yeah sure um I hope dad was out hunting I hope he didn’t leave them I haven’t haven’t seen a lot of bears but well so you know it’s sad we saw uh a couple like I guess they’re just called black bears uh and it was a mom and two babies as well so a lot of single mothers out there in the Bear World wonder why are bears monogamous like I know penguins are penguins are very romantic right yeah they bring Pebbles to their lovers they have one lover they’re like they’re like really just they’re they’re about their their their their their wife or husband are do we know about bear habits are they monogamous are they polygamist no idea looking it up now thank you they’re not monogamous God freaking knew it these Grizzlies just running around raw dogging anything inside okay they’re serial monogamous they have one m at a time but they have several a year that doesn’t sound like monogamy it’s serial monogamy so so if I want to explain to my wife uh why I’m cheating on her constantly yeah I just explain no no I’m a Serial monogamous I’m only cheating on you with one person at a time for like two weeks and then it’s the next next person for two weeks and then next person for two weeks I don’t make the rules um God then be men they really figured it out uh no that sounds awful actually um can’t ever put your roots down is having to form new relationships constantly like one girl likes blueberries the next loves salmon and you sitting here you’re like I like trout where’s my girl that likes trout oh I got her for two weeks now she’s gone guess I’m just going to go scratch my back on this tree some more God so many kids to keep track of multiple it sounds awful gotta go to my charman photo shoot oh god well done uh I will say there are probably few things as satisfying in the animal kingdom than being a big bear and scratching your back on a tree I mean I do it I do it as a human like that corner in the studio right here that little uh post right there oh you got a back itch perfect for just getting up there run it out well you are a bear there go well done look at us see guys this now we’re cooking okay we are on fire we are on fire right now yesterday was not bad this is better though um speaking of not bad and better uh the NCAA I think with three rule changes Jake that again I would describe as W’s which is rare for the NCAA now nowadays if not nearly non-existent uh so the first one and I think easily the biggest one is that uh the NC has approved a rule change that will allow all football staff members to provide coaching instruction during practice and games so uh of course the the teams would build up these massive Shadow staffs but um up to this point you’ve only been allowed a maximum of 11 countable coaches right uh now because of this you had a lot of bending of the rules right of people kind of coloring Outside the Lines trying to find ways to get other coaches involved to to to to try to gain advantages um well the NCAA yesterday says quote moving forward any staff member May provide Technical and tactical instruction to student athletes during practice and competition and um so my immediate reaction when I see this real change first is who figures it out who figures out how to best manage a situation to get an advantage and my other reaction was like this makes sense because you you might be tempted to think like well what isn’t this just going to behoove like the teams that hire a thousand coaches because now every player gonna have a coach but it’s like no at a certain point you get law of diminishing returns where no like if you have a million coaches out there too many cooks you know too many chefs in the kitchen or whatever right like uh too many chiefs it’s it’s it’s classic leadership thing um so I don’t think it’s it’s I I I I I don’t think that it’s a situation where just more is better yeah uh but I do think there’s going to be unique ways of managing the roster again during practice and on game day to gain an advantage over others so it’s it’s it’s interesting to me because somebody’s going to figure out the best practice and will gain an advantage because of it and I wonder who that’s going to be well let’s be honest um h the coaches that aren’t supposed to coach for a long time have been coaching exactly which is and and for some schools that was like well what the hell man like we’re sitting here following the rules they’re not they’re falling behind and then when like they got worried that compliance was coming in the build and they’re like code red code red go away don’t talk to the player but it’s been happening now here’s where this rule I think is going to benefit the ones that to your point and it’s a great point the ones that handle it the best because not everybody not every big school is going to be able to hand it but on game day because on Game Day everyone’s out there compliance was out there you you know you couldn’t talk to the player you had to be a certain place on the field now you don’t have to have that like how much responsibility is you know coach X going to get on game day what can he do for you on game day is he going to be another set of eyes is it going to be too much are they be like hey no he’s got three voices in his head right now exactly so you have to figure that out I agree with you it’s not just that the biggest schools with the most money are going to benefit off this if we bring in somebody to be an analyst that can now coach just like he was a normal coach okay that’s great but what does he bring to the table how much can we trust this person what is going to be his role so like you have to figure all of that out it’s not just cut and dry yep A&M’s got the most money they’re going to benefit the most from this so I’m glad that you mentioned to the code red thing right because this has been happening for in in practice settings um and teams that so so this is kind of theme that we’re going to talk about with these three rule changes are it’s an accepting of the realities right instead of swimming Upstream shut out Bears instead of swimming upstream and trying to fight reality this is the NCA saying you know what this is kind of already going on yeah um let’s accept it and let’s operate within those realities now for what it’s worth recruiting there are still limitations you still have the same staff size recruiting so this does not mean that you can send 40 coaches out uh to to go aw anywhere that you need like seven coaches come to your house um oh I mean it’d be if if you would if you would have changed and allowed Limitless recruiting that would give a distinct advantage to the largest staffs and that would be ridiculous I mean it would be crazy the amount of coaches that somebody like Alabama would send out to uh to to different houses um here’s what One Source said instead of micromanaging and some people trying to abuse it let’s just allow it point of to Minish you returns as we talking about you can’t have 100 coaches out there so um again who figures it out chaos is a ladder I wonder uh I wonder who that’s going to be that’s going to gain advantage and you know maybe it even like translate to like a win or a loss this upcoming season um the NCAA also voted to remove cannaboids from the ban drug class for championships and postseason participation in football again a smart move uh the reality is these drug tests are was it this show that we talked about that just randomly a day or two ago maybe it was snaps but basically just talking about how crazy it was I can’t remember how we got on the subject but how crazy it was that weed was still on these tests when it is not a performance enhancer like we know kind of the opposite no I mean it’s it’s it now if anything yes we’ve learned that it helps with like recovery and like health and all sorts of stuff like that relaxation uh it stops you from drinking a lot of times but whatever the point is it’s like undeniably not a performance an answer that’s actually what you’re trying to catch here and um well that was the exact reason that they used this is uh a quote from an NCAA representative quote the NCAA drug testing program is intended to focus on Integrity of competition and cannabis products do not provide a competitive Advantage the council’s focus is on policies centered on student athlete health and well-being rather than punishment for cannabis use how about that and now if you are a player that uh because how the NCAA tests work it’s uh it exists independently of the team if you fail one of those you’re out for a calendar year yeah remember we we saw that with the Christian folon go through that yeah um and so now if you’re a player that’s serving time already serving a suspension uh you’re free you’re done suspension up again so logical so levelheaded you’ve seen professional sports leagues do I mean they’ve done this years ago but it’s like I’m I guess my expectations were so low for the NCAA at this point that I just didn’t expect him to be this to be this Forward Thinking uh be this cool hello fellow kiss yeah exactly dude it’s kind of cool kind of a cool move so the NCAA doesn’t have any power anymore I think we all know that and things that always kind of made sense to us like we’re talking about here like look these coaches are out there if you’re going to allow 79 blue polos in the Florida team picture let those guys at least I didn’t even think about how excited NP nap I mean he six to midnight straight as soon as he heard the noise um and and then this as well so yeah they don’t have any power anymore so they’re finally actually doing things that make sense things that have already really been taking place so yeah they’re trying to be the cool kid on the street even though we kind of know that you’re the Nar and and and I get it they were you like like you’re saying a a a loss of their power makes them more malleable and more open to stuff like this but I will still give credit where credits do and those are two smart changes here’s a third smart change early signing day now the first week of December bam there you go remember uh we went through the postseason schedule playoffs started what like the 15th or the 20th somewhere around there 21st okay 21st so you get all your recruiting hay in the barn early signing days the first week of uh first week of December there is then a uh December quiet period as to not interfere with the playoffs and National Championship where nobody’s allowed to recruit so if if you’re a team who you are in the playoffs you’re not going to be getting a competitive disadvantage there um they’ve also created a new Dead period Jake starting July 1st where there will be a 31-day dead period giving coaches chances to not have to worry about recruiting and solely and simply focus on getting ready for the season uh ahead uh and they’ve also expanded the January contact period after that December quiet period ends again looking at the situation what are the realities let’s operate within those realities early Signing Day being the first week of December is a absolute W change for all parties involved the players the coaches the schools uh it gives you a really exciting news cycle right after the season ends which is kind of interesting and then it Bridges the Gap until the playoffs begin and everybody gets hyped up so yeah I think I mean I think these are all fantastic changes now uh the cannaboids and uh the the the coaching goes into play immediately do you know if the early signing dat goes into play immediately I’m assuming yes but I didn’t see it written for sure I would assume that it did just because you have changes now in your calendar with the new playoffs so I would assume that’s why they did that’s true yeah you’re right to make it make sense with the new calendar so um so good job NCAA like I said credit Rec credits du all these coaches now going to be allowed to operate as they should um and really that’s the most impactful one again the same way that Nick Sabin gained an advantage over the entire rest of the country by first figuring out like how to build out Shadow staff and the benefits of it who will or or I always think about like the same way that Mel Tucker caught lightning in a bottle and was ahead of the curve on the transfer portal and rode that thing to a great year at Michigan State uh who will figure out how best to manage these new staffs and what you’re allowed to do um I mean shoot in 2011 dude uh we were coached by Josh d roic a player because uh um oh my God why am I blinking right now um coach got sick coach stud our o line coach moves to OC and then eninger was kind of on game dayb at like both o line and tight end but mainly it was Josh now you could just have another you just have another guy what cryor thank you God I coach croon stuck in my head yes coach Kor who I loved dearly great coach um but uh but yeah we were actually coached by a player because of these limitations now something like that would never have to happen so good job NCA proud of you now I would imagine if you’re LSU uh do you change your own drug testing policy right like you gotta you got to stop testing for wheat now at this point what do we do it’s legalized uh LSU used to grow it somebody told me the other day that Jeff Landry basically um now hooked up one of his homies so that they no longer have the contract but uh but elsu used to grow it it’s crazy that you’re testing for it like that yes I mean this is this has been something for a long time I mean you go back over a decade now where states have legalized it it’s it’s not what you once thought it was let’s let’s don’t let’s don’t do that anymore yeah agree let’s push that to the side there’s other things that that probably need to be worried about more I’ll say that um all right when we get back uh let’s get to a little saints talk here on OTB uh keep it locked 104 1045 ESPN Off the Bench with Hester in T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger Coleman roof and in construction Coleman is the website Coleman rofin in construction is the most reliable the most respected and the most complete roofing company in Louisiana okay uh they can do any type of roof they have certified installers for all the major brand of terracotta nor State whatever uh they can do any size job commercial or residential um so if you’re like developing entire neighborhoods whatever they they they can handle that uh they the construction portion means they’ll fix your interior as well if a tree falls on your home you get water damage anything like that they fix the inside and the roof and they do anywhere in the state so again you want to go with the people um that are the most complete the most reliable the most respected you want Coleman roof go to the website Coleman Coleman Roofing and Construction while I stay One Stop Shop that’s where the construction part comes in but when you go to the website top right corner of the site it shows you where you can find them throughout the state of Louisiana colan our listeners fire 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community geared towards seniors they are nestled right in the heart of mandaville where seniors live a more Carefree lifestyle in spacious apartments with the peace of mind that comes from having a little extra help call The Windsor at 985 62484 Zer to schedule a lunch and tour come see how the Windsor can be your passport to peace of mind I’ve been doing business with lubber for 25 years they’re Dependable trustworthy it’s just the attention to detail with our clients uh our folks have years and years of experience they’re highly trained professionals but many companies have that asset what I’d like to think makes Luba a bit different is that we use those talents in a way that truly is dedicated to serving the needs of the folks who depend on us when it comes to ending cancer we push forward always working together for you that’s why our cancer experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson Cancer Center this means Advanced Cancer Care including access to life-saving clinical trial s and integrating care to treat the whole you introducing Asner MD Anderson Cancer Center Long Live you br teamed up to reimagine your parks and you imagined big with your help we went to work creating 12 beautiful Community Parks across the parish a family-sized water park miles and miles of trails in Parks just for your dogs there are more places to Splash to explore to run wild join me for a Thursday edition of The Hunt Palmer show presented by ral’s NBA draft round one in the books and baseball transfer portal continues to turn plus we’ll talk to Luke Johnson on the Saints hunt Palmer show one to three weekdays 1045 ESPN Baton [Music] Rouge Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger yo what’s happening y’all welcome back OTB must be the money all I know is I’ll take hwk tw’s Pooky over that sounds so bad to say um out loud but I’ll take whoever that PO is over the Pooky that you love Alandra Instagram Pooky and whatever his name is tell jet his name is Jet Jet I have an like a sick obsession with Pooky and Jet so you don’t feel that just awful thing that social Med media makes you feel like that jealousy of like when when they’re just like you know they’re like under wh we like you know we weren’t feeling good this week and so I surprise Pokey and we’re going to Paris no I’m so happy that she gets somebody like jet to take her out to Paris and spoil her and call her beautiful all the time I I I I uh I I just I’m just out here looking for my own I hate it yeah yeah 65 fa blah blah like I said that is not a lot you don’t know Pooky and Jet no Pooky you pooky and jet in the group chat a couple times it makes me feel real like jealousy like people talk to you about like the D because yeah I wish I was in a spot where financially I’m going to buy my wife like this bad Cabo twice in like two months yeah I know it’s very fair um somebody else talking I don’t know yeah I’m I don’t recognize him but that’s Florida I am not living a very fiscally responsible life right now this is this is all true and that’s that’s that’s probably where some of this is is coming from um okay I just Googled are we sure it’s not so which one’s Pooky and which one’s the girl are we sure it’s not Pooky and Chad uh it looks very Chad he’s very Chad very Chad energy so like I’m not into jet I’m into like how he treats Pooky um I don’t think he’s attractive at all I think it sets uh really tough to live up to expectations it does for a lot of men out there what year did graduate all Miss uh so actually I will give had his credit so of course uh our girl rivs has like you know I don’t know how she fell down these wormholes or what the exact connected tissue is but she gave me the BIOS and yeah because they he did a video he is um apparently he was like valid Victorian at Georgia yeah so he’s that that’s that’s pretty damn impressive actually I I’ll give him credit for that uh but uh but yeah I was gonna go Old Miss and then my second choice was going to be UVA and then ug so yeah UVA makes a lot of sense even though secretly I would have loved to be like a little UVA boy like mahogany Halls like brown leaves swoop haircut probably like playing La Cross yeah I feel like I probably would have been more like a Chris Long than what you’re describing if I went to UVA uh yeah uh but Chris long you know in college he still got down on some of that that Virginia stuff you think so yeah absolutely dude you can’t you can’t go to Virginia and not get down in that Virginia stuff yeah I guess the sleeve didn’t come until the NFL yeah that’s what I’m saying he was he probably had a little Cavalier in him and then he goes to the NFL and he gets to live his more of his howy long Madness but um good on you pooky but no again I want Hawk 2’s Pooky uh I wonder what where that’s again that’s not what should that’s not that’s not that’s not what I I I mean I just want to know who she mentioned someone name Pooky in the video yes an ex-lover right yes yeah I I don’t know I got over that real fast even though she had some good Homespun wisdom right what’s the only way to get over someone get under another yep there you go I feel like you you could hear good old like one of them like the funny country grandparent definitely says that uh and you’re shocked you’re like Mimi m me spicy M me you spicy Mimi you crazy girl um Mimi lives in on the badow Louisiana are down on the B my lives in Sabine Parish B uh and she would not say that no she would not be painfully clear no she would not from the conversations I’ve had with her uh no I apologize Mimi if you’re listening yes we’re sorry uh I did not mean to oh wait okay this is something I wanted to bring up before we uh before we get into Saints did y’all see the pictures of Dylan carp making the rounds yesterday can you pull those up yes I did Preston guy uh pointed this like swle dude I barely even know who Dylan Carpenter is help me out here so gosh Denham Springs Taylor yep yeah Denim Springs High School he was I mean he signed he wasn’t like a walk no no I know I know he’s I know he’s a scolly player uh but when he come he’s like a freshman last year he red last year Edge rusher Edge rusher um this dude is freaking jacked and I mean we’re talking like uh bordering on denal Hunter levels of Ja now hopefully that will translate better in the college game than it did for Hunter yeah there’s probably not a bigger disconnect in college football history than what denil Hunter did in college ver what he did in the NFL um I mean didn’t he what I mean what what do you have like three sacks his entire time at LSU yeah something ridiculous and now he’s like on Pace to be a top 10 all time NFL sackle yeah so hopefully carer can translate some of those muscles a bit better on the college LEL I said that to Bobby often but I’ll say this dude is he related to Bobby actually to got to be dude has to be um great mustache too God and how tall is he’s probably like 6’4 6’5 bro it’s a strapping young lad Taylor I mean I know you’re out of practice but when we mentioned like denim springings you know player like you typically like actually he’s 64 and 34’s yeah what are you doing Rusty first off I don’t like denim but yeah he’s about 6’4 why not oh he’s from went to Walker he’s fromant oh okay saying he’s from Cinema okay um same thing no I’m just Kidd I’m just just kidding know that is not the same thing either way look at those pythons dude come on Dylan good looking cat good looking cat uh but as my old man would say hopefully it’s not a look like Tarzan play like Jane situation God I can see I can hear the Canon saying that all the time all the time great definit went to s amont I apologize to S and two Denim Springs it felt right when I said it it felt right kind of is because he’s a because he’s a big white guy when Taylor didn’t correct me I was like yes I just went with it I got it right you didn’t know no I didn’t know that’s what I’m saying Rusty I didn’t I just went with it I didn’t know 64255 and God he’s good looking dude um I forgot what my follow-up was going to be mhm got too far in there didn’t you maybe Kevin peoples you know look he’s supposed to be a very good Edge rushing coach maybe he gets some out of that group this year little Des Shawn wac little Dylan Carpenter type action um is p Shan still on the team yes he is T yeah hell yeah I don’t know nowadays dude how are you supposed to keep up yeah we haven’t done our uh uh Fon selli says I B TB heard that a lot from the Canon no no no I did not play like Jane thank you very much unfortunately you look like T I was going to say I also did not look like Tarzan unfortunately nobody here up on this set look like Tarzan that’s like my great grandma we didn’t play like Jane either okay uh my great grandma if you were like really big and didn’t play sports she would call you big for nothing I haven’t heard big for nothing in Forever he is big for nothing okay wait is that on your mom’s side no that’s my that’s my that’s my uh that feels like a 318 thing that’s my um believe uh that would be my uh MMA birdie uh who uh my my father’s father’s mother gosh I I heard my dad’s dad say that a million times would shame you would absolutely shame you if you were like 6’4 and didn’t like all my cousins like he like big for nothing yeah good for all that size and you ain’t even out here ain’t even out here P people around Dylan Carpenter by the way the Jack position uh so you got Braden Swinson listen as the one deshun wack as the two and then Dylan Carpenter as the three okay I like that group I like that group I forgot over at defensive in because Jack’s a little bit different in this defense uh Savon Jones Paris Shan so yes there you go and uh Gabe rord three on great okay three deep there not a bad group that’s those are actually I mean for all the lack of depth on the interior like that’s actually pretty good depth right there you you have you have you have solid uh ones and twos options right now um all right when we get back now we can get into some s so more OTB coming up next Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob Allstar to of B Allstar Tob you need a new vehicle you want to go to Allstars right there off an airline and good one uh what if you need a body shop a service center you get in an accident well all makes and models are welcome at Allstar doesn’t have to be a Toyota doesn’t have to be from allar uh you take advantage of the free professional estimates insurance claims are welcome uh excellent lines of communication throughout the process as they keep you updated make no calls without you making the final decision uh they have Factory parts right there on site they have rental cards they have shuttle services for it’s the best man okay Allstar about allar about up go to the website today and check out the rynolds because it is summer vacation time and um you know Taylor sees Bears on his vacations you see sharks if you go down to Florida but that’s okay because we got way to get you there Rena Toyota today everything is available fulls sizee midsize SUVs trucks vans you name it it is available call Miss Lisa’s sessions today in the rental department Allstar to of ban in times of need get a full list of phone numbers websites and other important emergency information on the Demco stormwatch page at 1045 [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] w [Applause] electricity is all around us and our families depend on it every day is sparked by the power of a cold drink or a warm meal a movie night and a comforting light at the end of a dark hallway from sunrise to sunset playtime to bedtime our team is ready to take care of your electrical needs even in the case of an after hours emergency the light in your life shines brighter with Mr Electric there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the one star you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to go there mercedesbenz Vans hey it’s Matt musona for years you’ve heard me tell you about insurance network of Louisiana helping you find better coverage for less money but it’s not just for your home and auto they also offer commercial property so retail stores professional offices like doctors Dennis attorneys clothing boutiques Insurance network of Louisiana can find you better coverage for less money they service the entire state of Louisiana and their local so call today at 29345 or La Jerry and Benny Payne began Central Plumbing Company out of their driveway in Tanglewood subdivision 50 years later and four generations down the road we continue to serve Baton Rouge in the surrounding areas for all of their plumbing needs residential commercial industrial or hospitality Central Plumbing is here 247 365 we want to thank our customers family and friends for 50 years of success and looking forward to 50 [Music] more masona inviting you to join us for Thursday’s AFR round one of the NBA draft in the books we’ll talk about how the Pelicans fared preview the rest of the draft and the latest in college baseball’s transfer portal join us 3 to6 1045 ESPN Baton [Music] Rouge Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger let me hear you yeah wel OTB God I used to love giving my creative player cornrow on NBA 2K back in the day like a white dude like high socks cornrow headband have you have have you ever had cornrow no I never I never I guess when I had my long hair a little while ago I probably could have gotten twisted up it hurts yeah they kind of do hurt cuz we couldn’t have long hair but in the summertime we could grow it as long as we wanted to and so like we all tried to grow it literally as long as we could so you got twisted up yeah it hurt wow yeah what bothers me about this is he says manicure toes it’d be pedicured o you know well okay so let’s explore this let’s explore this for a second because Manny’s hand I well again I agree but um to Manicure something is to just take care of right so like uh like you manicure your lawn you manicure this so I understand what you’re saying but maybe manicure toes technically still plays if we want to allow him out I I just think I guess you’re right I think in a court of law I could argue that that it works but um but I don’t also think it’s crazy that like he probably just screwed up uh and said manicure toes inste Pedic um yeah right way still an adjective there you go there you go all right uh okay so a couple of saints thoughts here and um look one one one one article that uh we we had in the document today was all about elante Taylor is he underappreciated you know we spent so much time talking about Latimore about Paulson adbo uh now Kool-Aid mckinstry um alante Taylor’s been really good uh my my thing is I don’t really care about any of of the individuals in the secondary right now um as we’ve said I think that when you look at those four corners the Saints are primed to have a top 10 maybe a top five probably a top five uh if everybody says healthy top five cornerback room in the entire league it creates great competition and forces everybody to be at their best in terms of who’s going to win the jobs in the outside um you have a lot of Versatility there in terms of who will be the nickel will it be will it be mckinstry and then who tries to find playing time where they can like I think that is going to be the core uh group of this team going forward into this season it’s probably the best position group on the team um but then that got me thinking about something else and so did a new orleans. football article Jake and that is who are who is who are I don’t know which one’s correct who who bees the of this Saints team right like during 17 to TW you of course you had the very famous 2006 draft yeah which gave you like Stree coulston um uh Reggie Bush uh Pierre Thomas everybody else that would go on to be this this this core Drew Brees that you thought of uh that’s your game right that you thought of forever as being like wow I I freaking love these guys seven you had the 17 draft or you got chamra Rami Cam Jordan had fully come into His Zone by that time like uh Marcus coulston Mike Thomas uh you know coulston for the old group Thomas for the new one um you look now you’re you’re seven years removed from that 17 draft and who do you have those same emotions about you don’t feel great about cim anymore and you feel okay about Crystal LA but somehow he’s at back-to-back thousand yards rece receiving seasons and remains kind of unexciting you know Derek Carr is not a core piece because he’s just here until he isn’t you keep drafting offensive and defensive lineman that suck I mean as Brian breaze he does not suck he would be maybe the closest him in a la and why don’t you feel the same way you used to feel about those other guys is is it simply because they’re not winning as much but I mean even that old core that 06 core they had seven and nine Seasons but still remain beloved it’s just I I I don’t you know what you had to fall back on Drew Brees Breeze and pain Bree and P and that’s why you felt different about it yeah because even in a Seven and n Season you’re like it’s fine Dre get back on track and and sometimes it was that defense during that run obviously yeah it was always exciting offensive football if nothing else and so I think that’s like it’s hard to have a core when you don’t have the core piece at the core position it’s just that’s the way that it is look around the NFL and teams that you feel good about name me one that you’re like I love their core that’s got a quarterback that’s not going to be the future it’s just it’s a it’s a hard conversation that like look at the Steelers right it’s like oh Russell Wilson is he really but like the Steelers have nice pieces yeah but we don’t have that conversation because well you don’t feel great about where they’re at at quarterback it’s like they’re searching you get Justin field which okay maybe like it’s not Russ I don’t know like they feel like they’re in purgatory probably a little bit like we could go across the league the Giants same situation like Malik neighbors and and you’ve got you know some pieces that you feel good about but it’s like we’re not going to talk about because Daniel Jones is the quarterback I guess you’re right and when the quarterback doesn’t work then nothing works right then a guy like Sequon Barkley who if you did have a good quarterback would have ended up being a a core guy in New York that people felt great about instead he’s now in Philly um huh so it’s like it’s like everything else in football Jake could just goes back to quarterback y That’s as good of a hypothesis I thought it maybe all went back to winning and just not winning enough and that’s definitely an element as well but to your point the Steelers do win and yeah you got like cam Hayward and I’m sure that Steelers fans would have their guys like no this we yeah but but it’s still but it’s not like uh TJ watt but it’s yeah maybe they do have a bit more the Saints I don’t even know if they have that many amount of guys maybe breaze gets to be that maybe a lot gets to be that Tamm Hill would be a guy that I would say I feel pretty great about I think but the emotions are just different nowadays yeah and I think where your emotions where where you’re having some trouble connecting is Caesar Ruiz first round pick okay you don’t have it there exactly Ryan Ram you had it for a long time but now might not play football again you don’t have it pton Turner first round pick absolutely nothing there um you go across like Marsh Latimore was a first round pick so maybe you throw him into like but there’s like all the he kind of already and he was already kind of like he to your point when you had Breeze he was he was a part of that core like with C with a young C and everybody else that that was that 13 or excuse me that 2017 draft or you just absolutely hit it out the park and then Trevor Penning another first round pick creates no emotion for you so think of the first round pick like Caesar Ruiz Trevor pinning pton Turner does that do any that’s three first round picks does do anything for you no no nothing at all so you’ve had some misses and Brian B has been so far I think he’s been a good player I think he can only get better he plays a a position that’s not going to get a lot of fanfare and still he’s not a full-time starter yeah so I think it’s with your first round picks that’s why you don’t have a lot of fanfare that’s why you don’t have maybe the core that you feel really good about again like fuaga being like I think he’s going to be really good player we’ll have to see is that somebody that’s going to potentially change the narrative yeah look I mean it took 11 years from 06 to 17 to hit on another one of those home run drafts that ended up becoming an era defining draft um I wonder when the next one will be as we are now seven years removed um how do you feel about the thing who would you say are we a off base here right say no I love I love uh I mean like yeah like I love Demario Davis but yeah I think you nailed it Jake without a quarterback it just feels like the long-term Hope just that there kind of isn’t any there and so guys like Davis start to feel like these these really special almost rentals of sorts as opposed to guys you can really get your roots into also Davis a key member of the kind of the the run that you had there at the end of the J now I do love the defensive back room that’s what we started this conversation with Paulson Ado is a third rounder uh alante Taylor was a second rounder Jordan Howen was a fifth rounder and he look he played so well that you got rid of Marcus may now Marcus May was not a good football player in New Orleans but you moved on from him after getting giving him a big contract and so you’ve hit in that room you hope you hit on koola McKenry as a second round pick so if you have what we’re talking about here it’s probably going to come from that room and you also have Tyra Matthew still there playing at a high level you still got marshan as we talked about playing at a high level it’s going to have to come from from probably that room if you want to create a core it’s going to be in New Orleans for five years and play at a very high level because you’ve missed on the defensive line you’ve certainly missed on the offensive line in the draft and it’s not coming from there and it’s it ain’t coming from quarterback right now well all will be solved when Derek Carr becomes a top 12 quarterback this fall thanks to Clint kubak again I hope and pray that you’re right because the Saints are better it helps everything around here I know I’m right more Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob 92585 52 Central plumbing. org is the website 925 8552 is the number go to the website remember what does it do theyy fix your pipes okay I don’t care what’s going on any Plumbing problem small big does not matter if you want a bathroom remodel that’s an excellent gift idea it’s a big boy but it’s an excellent gift idea for the person that uh loves interior design in your home maybe the person who would want them more comfortable about like there’s always one in each couple uh maybe just go get a tankless water here never run out of hot water again the bottom line all your Plum problems solved at the pl been doing it for 50 years Central yeah I mean the tankless water heater we can’t sell that enough if you’re getting home late from dance or from the ball field whatever it might be you still all have to shower you got to do the last load of laundry and dishes that’s okay you can do it all at the same time because you’re never going to run out of hot water again sensor plumbing. org get the 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge app powered by byy you Ford and tap the microphone icon to send us your thoughts in an audio message your message could be played on air during Off the Bench with eser and debob the hunt Palmer show and after further review with mad mus there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the one star you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to go there Mercedes-Benz vans [Music] [Music] forming is a way of life for us it’s not something we get up in the morning and dread going do it’s just something we go to bed at night looking forward to getting up to 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that asset what I’d like to think makes Luba a bit different is that we use those talents in a way that truly is dedicated to serving the needs of the folks who depend on us when it comes to ending cancer we push forward always working together for you that’s why our cancer experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson canc Cancer Center this means Advanced Cancer Care including access to life-saving clinical trials and integrating care to treat the whole you introducing Asner sff join us with the Thursday edition of live at lunch from Jolie Pearl Oyster Bar and Town Square Pizza both Dwayne kuchi and Randy McCay join the show tomorrow we’ll take a look back at what happened in the NBA Draft live at lunch 11:00 a.m. Thursday on 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge [Music] allar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the [Music] tiger welcome back OTB close out hour number two we got Munchies coming up in hour uh num what yall know about red fox uh very good shooter ke part of those Lakers championship teams I hate you right now what because you know it’s Rick Fox oh crap yeah you know who red fox is though right uh yeah that’s where you used to get the cheap DVD rentals like for a dollar like outside the grocery stores and Stu if you don’t know who red fox is oh that’s red box I don’t know that we can continue on and son I I don’t I don’t know who he was Fred sing F yeah wasn’t he in a movie with Richard prior too what’s it’s called Harlem it was it was those two Richard PR yeah my dad it yeah how do you know he starts shooting the little gun how do yeah how do you know sord Sons Taylor because I’ve seen the show Sanford and St yeah I’m saying how though like like literally all the time TV Land there is another channel it’s called laugh like l f and they play like all the old sitcoms and I used to sit there with my dad after school and after work and just watch like th company is one of my favorite watch at all never never seen it God I’m not very CL oh my gosh I love s Elizabeth this the big one I’ve seen I’ve seen those uh memes of of him doing that but no love I love that and I love thre’s company n said red fox was a dirty dirty comedian and he was real funny hilarious Harlem Knights who puts orange juice back in the fridge with just a swallow left yeah can’t finish the rest of it kid but H good times what the rest of the orange juice the rest of the the joke oh the rest of the joke yeah uh my wife’s brutally bad about that she she gets drinks out drinks half to three4 and then puts it in the fridge like she’s going to drink it later and not a single drink has ever been finished later I got in her car the other day and like I said man it’s been like uh the three kids thing now the littlest one’s been running around a little bit lately probably this last few months is like kind of the most overwhelmed I’ve ever felt it’s kind of you know strung out a little bit and um I know my wife’s feeling the same way cuz I get in her car it’s from a single day she had three different coffees from three different coffee places all finished three four of the way no there was a Starbucks cup there was a French truck cup and there was a uh there was a uh oh what’s their other place so they talk to you seur s yeah talk to you they do the people are always very chatty that’s like their thing yeah they’re very chatty they’re young they’re like young I think it’s a pretty good vibe I get that you know not talking but I like it French typically my kind French truck’s right yeah I really Joy FR truck as well like any meeting I have City Sol as City Roots is my go-to uh what’s the one right there by Red Stick social City that’s it okay that’s pretty good yeah I love it it’s a good spot any any anywhere where I can get my drugs oh Highland Highland Coffee OG had it that’s great I heard there’s a chess club there but I went seeking him out a couple times and never found him brewhaha is good too um again I think it’s you know rare is the bad coffee place you’re literally going there to get drugs and get high like you’re going to feel good about that place give me the good stuff hour three next Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob or at least I like all those things you just said um you said them T-Bob likes the young blood seven brw chill out Ryan who do you think I am dror disrespect soon reju medical reju restore me refuel me rejuven me speaking of young blood no no no no nope nope NOP NOP NOP that is not how we want to present this um but if you do want to fight the effects of untreated aging and feel younger yes what are you talking about feel like you have young blood thank you uh you go get that free consultation get your Labs drawn again free and they they your your body tells them okay where’s it strong where’s it bad and um they put together a plan to get you where you want to be maybe it’s HT maybe it’s some gluty maybe it’s not maybe it’s B vitamin again a ton of different treatment op the bottom line is that you will be your best self with reju medal reju [Music] [Music] bre teamed up to reimagine your parks and you imagined big with your help we went to work creating 12 beautiful Community Parks across the parish a family-sized water park miles and miles of trails and Parks just for your dogs there are more places to Splash to explore to run wild and even soar you imagined we delivered gold bre your number one Park system in the nation by you Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram is taking $20,000 off new 23 Ram 1500 trucks we’re open for business in our beautiful new showroom and taking $20,000 off the powerful Ram truck all new byou vehicles come with a 7year 100,000 M warranty the crew at Bayou Automotive is going to do right by you Jerry and Benny Payne began Central Plumbing Company out of their driveway in Tanglewood subdivision 50 years later and four generations down the road we continue to serve Baton Rouge in the surrounding areas for all of their plumbing needs residential commercial industrial or Hospitality Central Plumbing is here 247 365 we want to thank our customers family and friends for 50 years of success and looking forward to 50 more electricity is all around us and our families depend on it every day is sparked by the power of a cold drink or a warm meal a movie night and a comforting light at the end of a dark hallway from sunrise to sunset playtime to bedtime our team is ready to take care of your electrical needs even in the case of an after hours emergency the light in your life shines brighter with Mr Electric hey it’s Matt musona for years you’ve heard me tell you about insurance network of Louisiana helping you find better coverage for less money but it’s not just for your home and auto they also offer commercial property so retail stores professional offices like doctors dentist attorneys clothing boutiques Insurance network of Louisiana can find you better coverage for less money they service the entire state of Louisiana and their local so call today at 29345 or La there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the one star you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning it’s a 9:00 a.m. here on Thursday June 27th today in bed Rouge expect rainy Skies with a high of 93 in hour three of today’s show we’ll talk a little LSU football news and we’ll have our munchie segment with Chef Michael Johnson at 9:15 if you miss hours one or two of the show you can catch it in the on demand section at 1045 you can also follow us on Twitter or Instagram at _ ESPN and watch us on YouTube at the 1045 ESPN channel hour number three of Off the Bench live from the Mercedes-Benz B Ridge Studios starts now we go Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Jacob Hester and T-Bob abar yeah yeah yeah yeah Off the Bench wither and T they said I got to come off the bench All-Star Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob yo yo [Music] yo whoa look at that I got goosebumps yeah from what Blue Chip ratio BCR baby that’s right jakey poo that’s right Boo Boo it’s time for little blue BL Blue Chip ratio um we could OB with Dr disrespect if you want to open with something different do you know who Dr disrespect is the only reason I know who that is is because you said he looked like Hayden trinsky last Hees look jinsky big time mustache all that you know uh was the biggest streamer ever not ever but like was the thing on Twitch back in 2020 right stream Year all that sort of stuff then he got banned from twitch and nobody knew why for years and years and years um and then recently a twitch employee came out on Twitter and said it was because he was messaging a minor uh inappropriately um this was kind of supported while being not you know fully it’s you know there’s a lot of legal legal kind of uh issues surrounding this and so uh people haven’t been willing to necessarily like uh like say like Dr disect when they’re talking about a lot of people after the guy saying it come out being like yeah you know it’s kind of what we heard as well well uh here was Dr disrespect’s own statement that he released on Twitter and let’s see if it passes muster here says the twitch ban and I’ll be editing for cursing uh the twitch ban hello I’d like to make a quick statement let’s cut the BS as you know there’s no filter with me I’ve always been upfront and real with you guys on anything that I can meet upfront about and I’m always willing to accept responsibilities is why I’m here now first and foremost I do want to apologize to everybody in my community as well as those close to me my team everyone at Midnight Society game Studio A lot of people been left in the dark about what happened with look actually I’m not getting into this part this is um basically he had a game Studio that he made uh they released a statement saying that they approached it with an innocent until proven guilty standpoint their research said there be parting ways with him he made it sound like it was a mutual paron that’s not what their statement sounded like uh but it goes on to say everyone’s been wanting to know why it was baned for twitch but for reasons outside my control I was not allowed to say anything for the last several years now that two former twitch employees have publicly disclosed the accusations I can tell you my start of story regarding the ban this is where it gets bit up uh were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017 the answer is yes were there real intentions Behind these messages the answer is absolutely not these were casual Mutual conversations that sometime leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate but nothing more nothing illegal happened no pictures are shared no crimes are committed and never even met the individual uh I went through a Le lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with twitch and uh that case was solved by a settlement but let me be clear it was not a criminal case against me and no criminal charges has ever been brought against me now he goes on talk about from a world standpoint he takes responsibility I guess my question for the group would be is there any coming back from where their whisper messages with an individual minor in 2017 the answer is yes and that sometime they leaned in the direction of being inappropriate there shouldn’t be you don’t come back that right using the phrase whisper message is creepy I hate everything about whisper message well that was an old twitch service that that the hairs on the back of my neck stood up for a bad reason yeah like saying whisper message in and of itself is bad well but also like he’s trying to justify it exactly right it’s not justifiable it’s still weird that you’re I don’t know how old he is but like it’s still weird that you’re grown has kids yeah okay that makes it worse like you’re married and you have kids and you’re talking to a it doesn’t matter how you’re talking to the 14-year-old you’re still talking to a 14-year-old it’s weird yeah it’s it’s it’s just wild that he thought that this was going to be the defense that was going to save him and for his CL like I’ve really enjoyed his content you know every now and then when I watch he’s just funny you know he’s very like confident funny he’s guy but he just good at video games and just you know just he’s he’s a good Entertainer he’s a good Entertainer he puts on a good show but um yeah I think the dock is cooked uh unfortunately but yeah he he he thought that this was again in in these cases criminality doesn’t really always matter right also class isn’t you know as many have pointed out I’m not pointing this out the first one but like as many of pointed out like isn’t um yeah I messag him but there was no intentions there isn’t that like the classic To Catch a Predator line that everybody says when Chris Hansen shows up well he shows up and he’s like what were your attentions tonight nothing just hang out watch watch like I don’t know D casual conversation uh casual or not it’s still weird like what do you have in common with a 14-year-old or like what do you where’s this 14-year-old number coming from I have not seen okay okay okay I don’t know I don’t know I think I just made that up okay okay I’m just I’m just making sure uh but um I thought you said 14 no no no all all I no all it is is doc said I made that up my bad doc said minor small note he tried to edit minor out of the Tweet he got called out for it and he edit it back in WoW to the uh to the to the Tweet so God I never thought there’d be something I might actually want to talk Blue Chip ratio more than there we go see did it I’m still hate Blue Chip ratio but I don’t understand your hate of Blue Chip ratio I don’t understand your love for it hold on he’s 42 that’s the last thing I’m G say about it DOC is 42 yeah wow great energy for 42 um he does I mean I don’t know what to tell you he does 42 is not that old uh no that’s true I mean shoot that’s that’s me I mean I’m 36 right it’s not that different um I don’t don’t believe I’ve been messaging any miners anyway Blue Chip [Laughter] ratio I mean can wait real can I say I was a little worried yesterday cuz Taylor doesn’t know this cuz he hasn’t been here but we had an like a high schooler in here yesterday yes and I was like please I was like please don’t say anything crazy no no no come now come now come now I I you know I’m not I’m not I’m not that dumb I’m I’m a I’m a uh a measured no I know dumb but I’m just saying uh sometimes it just kind of comes out and I was hoping it wouldn’t yeah yeah I agree I agree no I was very cognizant of the fact uh I I I don’t I don’t fully release my humor uh upon people until I I don’t know I got it like a first day here well okay okay okay but true or false did we not have a discussion on the side where I made sure I’m like look if you ever feel uncomfortable I know by anything just please come to me and tell me and I will shut it down immediately yes um I actually think it’s one of your best qualities though when people ask what it’s like working with you every single day I say the best thing about T-Bob is the T-Bob that you hear the T-Bob that you see right there would be the same T-Bob that if he was in front of the Poke yeah the worst thing is the messy miners thing you know but I’m working on it guys yeah I’m trying you got we’re trying to help you this I I’m trying to like give you an ATT boy and you’re just ruining it um what I’m talking about texting uh my friend’s kids that you know about like the Pelicans and stuff they always want to hit me up and talk Pelicans I don’t know now we know you’re lying um no actually that that I I was trying to think about a minor that would actually legitimately be texting and that that would only be I do have a couple kids that hit me up to talk Pelicans all the time and I don’t even know like I they know more than I do uh they’re like what do you think about the draft pick I just said what I said this morning you know 611 with a 38 and2 inch FD hell yeah man love it um anyway okay but Jake why do you hate blue Chi ratio so much though it’s like one it’s like yeah duh like we we know who’s been recruiting at a very high level like we all know that and it’s just I they take it as the Bible and look we’ve had two years where a team that not in this play for national championship game I know how those games went but still like we act like it’s impossible the Blue Chip team okay they still made it they made it yeah okay um Washington beat the number seven team here in this blue chip ratio TCU beat Michigan to get to that game it’s like and part of it’s probably the two star coming out of me I’m like like all yall care about it stargazing it’s all we care about is how many stars does this player have how about we develop somebody like I just I I hate just that’s always like oh these teams that’s it well I mean look at Michigan Michigan only had a 54% mark way lower I mean Georgia and 22 was 77 Georgia and 21 was 80 Alabama was 83 credit LSU they won it at 64 Clemson won it at 68 so look to your point like Michigan was a win for development they they barely made that blue chip ratio which for those of you that don’t know it’s the percentage of your roster that is made up at four and five stars and uh ever since they started measuring this 16 years ago uh since uh since or I guess it was 13 years actually excuse me since 2011 um no team has ever won a national championship that has been under 50% the closest would have been 2013 Florida State at 53% of course they had J like 53% is like a high number either like I feel like they just dropped the bar there to to make it make sense uh I think like 53% is not like that’s a lot like I would assume Florida state would had more than that uh I don’t know exactly when they uh the ratio was just created the ratio just to see the perer percentage to your point I don’t know when the 50% metric came in but the fact is all national championship that since that moments have been over 50% so if you are a team that thinks you are a legitimate National Championship Contender which to be fair TCU and Washington would not have said that preseason they became those things they would not have said that preseason Washington would to Dark Horse type yeah but certainly not TCU no but um but but if you’re a team that believes that you are capable well this is just a way of saying look we have the roster now do you have the two stars do you have the good coaching it’s not the sign of a good team for sure it’s just a sign that you kind of have the base Talent needed to get across the finish line and uh LSU scoring very well in Blue Chip ratio going into this season it’s gone up in the last two years it’s gone up I think both years if I’m not Mist I could be wrong they’re breaking the 70% threshold which places them eight e out of these 16 qualifying teams so like if you’re an L fan bottom line you should just be happy because uh you you’ve hit the metric uh there’s a team that’s not on here that absolutely has a chance uh to go play for it all oh miss yeah they’re not on here no interesting um part of me almost like if LSU doesn’t it like you’re so sick about I don’t have to hear about this stupid metric anymore it’s not a stupid metric to you to me it is but but but I think it’s because you you’re using it like we’re saying like these teams can’t be good if you nobody’s saying you can’t be good if you don’t hit this number yeah you are uh no I’m not but the fact is no team has won an ad yet somebody will break through Washington why’ you let me down TCU what were you doing TC I mean you had well and they didn’t really equit themselves well either unfortunately both teams got their ass whack still got there though still got be plenty of teams on this little list sure now was I mean TCU got waxed Washington certainly had some moments and Michael pennick just picked the worst time to not be able to hit open receivers I mean that def you let’s give that Michigan defense play but he didn’t really blow um yeah that hurt them badly I mean there was like four or five carries in the first quarter where there was a hole and he tried he tried to hit the NOS it just wasn’t there this is pretty insane though I don’t think I’ve ever seen this uh uh Ohio State 90% Blue Chip ratio this season 90 Alabama 88 again guys we’re act think Alabama’s gonna suck like I I know the weapons suck maybe but it’s they’re not going to suck no um like they’re probably going to go 10 and two make playoffs uh Georgia 80% A&M what 79% I continue to be a bit scared of Elco mfet and A&M Oregon at 76 amazing that Landings already got them that High I mean they were already they were always with LSU in like the 60s but like that’s getting into like the big big boy territory Oklahoma at 73 I find that to be fascinating because we kind of think they’re going to suck Oregon was sorry to cut you off they were 67% last year yeah so I mean a 10% increase in this list is pretty inane yeah that’s that’s a pretty big jump uh Texas at 72 LSU at 70 which is again up and up that’s very good then uh in the 60s you have Notre Dame Clemson Florida Miami penate and then in the 50s USC Michigan Auburn if we want to look at L USC you have 70% they have 59% so Jake obviously LSU should win that game yeah according to the list yeah the Bible exactly absolutely should exactly so there are your 16 teams that can win a National Championship this year how about it I’m I’m factchecking myself here no big 12 team right uh it looks like all big 10 and SEC save for Miami Notre Dame is an independent and they ACC basically yeah and then uh Florida state is at 49% yeah so’s going to be better than people think damn no no big 12 team the Big 12 is going to be real good very fun top to bottom very close to one another I could make a case for seven teams to win the Big 12 and I say that not because it’s going to be bad football because I think it’s going to be good football um like Utah’s not on this blue chip Rao list and Utah can go make a serious run because let’s not forget whoever wins the Big 12 they get a buy yeah they get a Buy in the college football playoff so that’s one less game than some of these teams that are going to be on this blue chip ratio list and so if it’s Utah if it’s K State if it’s Oklahoma State who returns the most production in the country and also the best running back in the country y uh the second best offensive line in the country yeah I mean there there’s going to be a team in the Big 12 that is going to be a true Championship Contender there you go you don’t got to cheer for all M see you can cheer for you can cheer for Gundy um I’ll probably go Utah if I’m cheering for a big 12 team yeah cam Rising was on your own Meathead team two years in a row by the way you can pick up your field still magazine page three can you be on the mean team if you miss an entire year for an ACL that happened the year before you know I don’t know look when you have your own Meathead team you can pick whoever you want uh I need to make like an all nerd team that’s what I need to do but nobody would care about that and I wouldn’t care to do it honestly um all right when we get back so I guess I don’t need that at all actually yeah uh let’s do some munchies with Chef Michael Johnson Off the Bench with Hester in T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11 30 the tiger Pinnacle exterior construction PEC I freaking love Pinnacle uh go to the website look at their Gallery it’s going to blow you away the quality the artisanship of their 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Products I’ve been doing business with Luber for 25 years they’re Dependable trustworthy it’s just the attention to detail with our clients uh our folks have years and years of experience they’re highly trained professionals but many companies have that asset what I’d like to think makes Luba a bit different is that we use those talents in a way that truly is dedicated to serving the needs of the folks who depend on us when it comes to ending cancer we push forward always working together for you that’s why our can experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson Cancer Center this means Advanced Cancer Care including access to join me for a Thursday edition of The Hunt Palmer show presented by ral’s NBA draft round one in the books and baseball transfer portal continues to churn plus we’ll talk to Luke Johnson on the Saints hunt Palmer show 1 to three weekdays 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge [Music] had a Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger up y’all welcome back OTB right now it’s time for some munchies with Chef m johnon Chef what’s up man morning how are you uh doing very well man doing very well good good good yeah how are you doing you’re doing well yeah I’m I’m just fine thank you hell yeah it sounds great man uh hashtag Munchies is it necessary to brine chicken wings if I’m doing them with a crushed zaps breading so really the the brining process isn’t as much about the breading as it is first of all that sounds really great it does sound great actually try that yeah um I’m more of a c cage and crawat guy but you know yeah the purpose for brining is is more about the cooking process right so if you’re deep frying a chicken wing um the process is that the the hot fat is cooking into the meat and and you’ll see Steam rising out of it’s it’s literally you know pulling the liquid out of the muscle tissue so by brining it’s it’s helping hold that moisture in as the cook process happens and and it doesn’t completely dry out right so um I’m going to brine my you know chicken is a lean meat at by and large and so um you know I’m I’m you don’t have to brine Wings by any means wings wings are a quick and cook process and and you know there’s not a whole lot of muscle tissue on them in the first place but um definitely for larger pieces of meat that have longer cooking times you definitely want to brine um yeah so Bri just all about getting it wet you’re saying uh # Munchies Chef I know you’ve never had the munchies but so what what if I do uh what should I try to cook uh no no judgment there um hey uh I don’t think the sentence Chef you’ve never had the munchies has ever been true ever uh if anything that I ever know about all the chefs that I’ve met in my life is accurate I’ve heard that about chefs man I don’t know well yeah so what you what should our guy Daniel Cook well you know I think that’s where inspiration lives man you know like that’s that’s where creativity comes out is you know a necessity you know like you’re you’re hungry and and whether it’s the munchies or anything else you know like uh this is where you start throwing things together and build things you know and you can always tell what it’s hippie food you know I mean you can always tell what it’s munchy F but um yeah I tried ramen noodles with syrup one time it did not taste good but uh why’ you do that what why’d you do that I don’t know I don’t know I I I’ve definitely own ramen noodles you know like I’ll keep shrimp and green onions and and like I’ll put lemon zest in my ramen noodles and dress it up so that it’s it’s like a proper bowl of ramen noodles and has like big big big shrimp in it and stuff and uh you know I’ll I’ll eat ramen noodles I have ramen noodles in my house right now there’s no shame in it but um you know that’s that there’s it’s meant to be dressed up you know like yes I can’t just can’t just eat a bowl of ramen noodles like a 14-year-old anymore you know like I have to be a big boy and and make it you know Chef worthy uh Chef go to late night snack cold chicken wings yeah uh I I you know some folks are really funny about leftovers and and dude I you guys know this about me like I love to taste food in different circumstance not room temperature necessarily but um you know it it’s just it’s interesting how how different a food can taste when it’s hot and cold and and um you know hot chick or cold chicken wings is one of those things that I really go for um if it’s one it’s probably coming out of the fridge versus the closet because if it’s in the middle of the the night I’m going not probably not going to take time to cook something in the middle of the night um so it’s it already has to be cooked um so I go ahead well I was just I’ve been known to eat cold steak like it like a carnivore so yeah you got me on this train chef and now because it yeah it becomes a different food it’s like cold like you put it in the refrigerator or like cold like you just let it sit out no like it’s in the fridge no refrigerator does that not get it too hard it’s got a good kind of chewy tasty texture to it if it’s like a correctly cooked State it’s not like overly chewy it’ll still break apart but it just changes well I mean you know how I like my steak so I was just wondering like what the texture would be yeah I think yeah if it’s medium rare you know where it still has a little purple in there it’s going to be a bit chewy so you know that’s why I like my steak medium because you can eat a medium steak cold out of the refrigerator you know nobody’s perfect uh hash Munchies oh you know what here’s a little uh a little uh validation for you Chef nothing you need it but Brian says Chef thanks for the tips on cooking the leg of lamb roast seasoning cooked in the slow cooker with a touch of Korea barbecue sauce turned out delicious awesome I love to hear it man # munchies ran wants to know how do I cook my burgers on a pan I always burn the outside cuz the inside isn’t done yet yeah this is where you know doing like a press Burger is going to work out well for you and and you know keeping it on medium to medium low taking your time um and even just searing it in the pan and then putting it in the oven you know to finish because that that that that encapsulated heat from the oven is going to promote the cooking process versus just having one heat Source coming from below every time you turn that burger over you know it’s starting to cool from the top and so you know like you need to turn it more often one turn the heat down a little bit um you know you want that fat to be in there because you’re you’re almost like pan frying it right with all the fat that comes out of it yeah but I I I don’t have a I don’t have a problem once I get the color on the burger that I’m looking for putting it into the what’s up dude putting it into the uh the oven sorry those my athletes man I gotta say hello you putting it putting into the oven and letting it finish in there uh same thing like you mentioned like C cooking things slow like I’ve always heard the same thing W with eggs like when I scramble eggs like the way you screw them up to me is like if you try to put it on high and try to maybe cook them too fast so like how low would you put like scrambled eggs and would you do heard people like add water so they don’t get dry so you know three to four somewhere in there then it varies oven to oven and type type pipe you know like if you’re on gas it’s going to cook differently than electric uh even induction Cooks a little bit different so there is not a magic recipe to that but but having it at a at a relatively Lower State like below medium and the thing about egg is is that it it starts coagulating at like 185 degrees and so once it starts to coagulate and those proteins start to set up you know like it’s gonna start happening quick turn your heat go ahead no no sorry no no no no my bad no I didn’t I mean when I cook eggs it’s like if I’m trying to cook them quicker and to turn the heat up I just keep them moving constantly I don’t let them sit yeah yes that what that does it keeps the bottom heat constantly in touch with new uh you know like molecule structure for lack of better term you know like when you when you turn the eggs or turn the product you know you’re not having eggs sit on the bottom and and sit there and burn you’re turning it and one mistake most people make is they fail to turn off the heat soon enough because that pan is going to keep heat in it um you know it’s called carry over cooking and by the time most people turn the pan off it’s too late um you know like you want to get those eggs to they’re starting to hold they’re starting to hold form you know like when you turn it it’s turning as a mass not as a liquid and and it’s starting to have a little shine to it and you keep folding keep folding them you know that’s when you turn your heat off and keep folding and eventually it’s going to set up correctly for you and let them rest for a little bit yeah I mean it’s literally like how if you’re cooking like a steak or anything else like it finishes cooking outside it’s got this last few degrees outside right when you’re resting that’s right yeah yeah um hash Munchies meat pie or ngiri oh man that’s random but but you know uh thought-provoking yeah yeah you know I like sushi um uh that’s a tough one man I’m just gonna go with sushi if I’m being honest for myself as much as I love sushi I gotta go to the meat pie I don’t know I I I can eat so many meat pies it’ll blow your mind uh hash Munchies um uh let’s do this one uh well you kind of okay okay okay hashtag munchies love marry kill cold pizza cold Chinese food cold chicken wings cold chicken wings first then cold pizza then cold cold Chinese food in that order okay so you’re killing cold Chinese food you are loving cold pizza and Maring cold chicken wings absolutely that’s how I roll there you go D # Munchies uh favorite way to make meatballs for spaghetti um first of all it needs to have some breadcrumb in there you know egg yolk breadcrumb I I like to put fresh herbs in um rather than dry herbs dry herbs will burn um if you’re cooking them and it with any kind of fat a little little uh Grano Padano or something pearo Romano in there I don’t like to Salt before I cheese because that cheese has salt saltiness to it um so and and always take your meatball and make a little Patty out of it cook it in a pan and get the taste right before you you know continue on like you got to little do do a little taster to know what it tastes like when it’s cooked and in order to get the the flavor adjustments right uh Chef this one’s from me uh not from the chat uh do you have a good because there’s been someone in studio that’s really enjoyed these sloppy joe recipe uh you know my Grandma used to make Sloppy Joe’s and she she bought you know like hands down probably made the best sloppy joe that I’ve ever had but I I I don’t make Sloppy Joe’s too terribly often okay okay okay but you know if you did would it be I had my grandma’s recipe card somewhere at the house Jake and I could I could take a picture of you yeah yeah because look Grandma’s recipes I I I had to sneak that one out of the house after she passed away man I did everybody dirty and I got away with her recipe all right I’m looking forward to it uh oh God that’s so good all right Chef uh thank you for another excellent edition of Munchies you know we love you um I hope to see you at the lake I’m probably going to be I’ll be spinning pretty much every weekend from now till football season up there so uh hit me up whenever you uh whenever you get up there also my family loves uh the bend right that’s your boy WR yeah yeah yeah awesome yeah nothing but rave reviews all right thank you sir take care guys byee byebye um how what was your uh sloppy joe would you like just go by the Cann and then mix did you have a certain Technique No no I think uh we’re trying to find something new for the boys the sum um you start with some I mean look everything is about uh the ingredients first right yes so you want a good quality ground beef for me that’s uh that’s Ivins you know free you know no free shout outs except that’s a free shout out again yeah it’s a big free shout out um but anywhere like you got any local butcher what I’m saying like the freshest beef ground beef you can get is what you’re looking for uh you get and then it’s just I don’t even know I don’t measure anything out dump a ton of ketchup in there a little bit of mustard little white wine vinegar uh brown sugar salt pepper and I just keep combining and tasting until it’s at where I like it and then just cook it and slap that thing on a burger throw it Nice Slice of American cheese on it going we going Brios bun uh a Brios or potato okay I went back and forth last time and uh you’re good to go you’re good to go God I’m so hungry now again I’m make spaghetti night though you do love cold spaghetti I do why favorite leftovers that would be the one that I would marry out of the cold leftovers question cold cold Chinese food I actually am developing a taste for as well I don’t know that there’s any food quite good that I like cold uh sweets out of the fridge I meant like ones that are supposed to be hot chocolate chip cookie I’ll take a chocolate chip cookie out of the fridge that yes like that’s like a quick like I’m talking like I guess a meal well to be clear I don’t know that I prefer cold spaghetti Yeti I just think it’s like a benefit of it is that um it it is it is different than eating it warm and it’s also delicious but it’s delicious in a different way um I do like cake cold yeah again I think any sweet anything sweet tasting out the fridge but that’s the thing I like a Muni sweet red sauce right I do too so out the fridge I think that’s one of the reasons why T I can go cold spaghetti I can for sure I’m trying to think if I prefer it though I don’t prefer I I don’t like cold pizza I know some people are big cold pizza fans yeah I’m weird with that I like microwaved pizza gets a little rubbery you are weird yeah I love microwav pizza dude um I don’t know why like they sell things to put your pizza in the microwave with so it does not become rubbery you like it I like that rubbery texture I know I can’t I can’t help it um he know thyself you know Gandalf says drunk cult Chinese food hits every time yeah yeah uh oh cold ham and turkey day after Thanksgiving okay I’m so hungry guys we got to go to break more to be coming up next Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob I want Grandma’s recipe I do too come on Chef better I want steel from Community Steel in gonzale s and Community steel you need pearing tubing steel buildings Roofing sheet metal trip it’s all there there what a community steel with a live and local sales team that can handle your personal steel needs your businesses steel needs whatever the case may be and you form actual relationships and they got better prices than the national guys CU there’s no middlemen jacking up the pric and back and stop getting taken advantage of okay go to community Steel Community steel when you go to the website uh as we often tell you you can navigate the site see what they can do for you but also you can find the location because they’ve been open for almost 3 hours already waiting on you to come see them in the showroom and we always encourage you to go see them and uh if you’re not in the area though and you want to get in contact with them and you have a still need in the state of Louisiana just pick up the phone and give them a call 225 647 2020 that is going to be the number and again they open up at 7:00 a.m. every single day for you to come see them in Gonzalez Louisiana you can do it on the site as well Community seal in times of need get a full list of phone numbers websites other important emergency information on the Demco stormwatch page at 1045 GF Coast Bank and Trust is giving our customers the power to bank anywhere anytime during this challenging event and we’re right there with you our mobile banking app is a smart way to manage your money and time GF Coast Bank and Trust the bank that cares about you elevate brand visibility ignite customer engagement with the power of radio and digital advertising combined guaranteed digital media brings the two together as a trusted media partner in Louisiana for nearly a century claim your free digital audit at guarante electricity is all around us and our families depend on it every day is sparked by the power of a cold drink or a warm meal a movie night and a comforting light at the end of a dark hallway from sunrise to sunset playtime to bedtime our team is ready to take take care of your electrical needs even in the case of an after hours emergency the light in your life shines brighter with Mr Electric hey it’s Matt musona for 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bed at night looking forward to getting up to go do John Deere equipment is what we as forers strive to have it’s in your blood it’s in your veins it’s just a part of who you are green is what we want to be in the the tractors were acquired to patch it up to get to where you want to be where we want to be is in joha flip the switch and learn more about what it means to be powered by Sunshine at Sun Savin office equipment dealer based right here in Louisiana over 100 employees strong GF Coast has the boots on the ground to support all vertical markets from education engineering legal and finance with the latest in office technology from desktop to production units Golf coast and Sav have the perfect fit for you call 225 75626 inviting you to join us for Thursday’s AFR round one of the NBA draft in the books we’ll talk about how the Pelicans faed preview the rest of the draft and the latest in college baseballs transfer portal join us 3 to6 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge [Music] Allstar Toyota presents off the bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN baton R New Orleans Alexandria and 11:30 the tiger I’m not going to lie the catalog for Nelly looking good today he’s got some bangers great catalog I didn’t realize what doesn’t sound like I knew that was coming I was waiting for it does that sound like Nelly that’s sound okay good I can hear the band on his face I doesn’t sound like Nelly was coming it didn’t uh time for Tay T’s NFL story of the day day it’s time for Tay’s NFL story of the day your daily dose of NFL news from Taylor sharp all right so looks like the UFL has become the official farm system of the NFL we talked about Jake Bates a few weeks ago getting signed by the Detroit Lions he was the one that kicked multiple 60-yard field goals uh the Cowboys have recently signed two different UFL players they’re working out for more but the one to keep an eye on is Wyatt Ray he’s a former defensive end for the San Antonio bromas he was Boston College undrafted he was a uh third Team all ACC 2018 cool thing about Wyatt Ray he is the grandson of jazz music legend Nat King Cole okay I’m glad you landed that with something interesting at the end CU for the vast majority of that story of the day day you told me about UFL players going to the cowboys that probably won’t make the team his grandson cool though W Ray definitely feels like he played at Western Kentucky and not Boston College yeah he does Wyatt Ray uh yeah feels like he’s catching get in here he feels like a Lawman he feels like a Lawman out here catching Bandits and Train Robbers great name um Shout Out n King Cole yeah that’s same thing yeah I mean w Ray kind of the perfect cowboy’s name well he’s got the beard look he’s got the beard for a Wyatt yeah I could see that man with spurs on click clacking around he’s great the not Li that’s not what I was imagining in my head when you said W Ray what were your imag some country dude yeah yeah how do you know he’s not country I guess he went to Boston no I me like Western uh how did Nat King Cole’s grandson end up at Boston College a good question uh let’s do some early ass is that it yep I have one okay Travis Kelce gave us his three favorite Taylor Swift songs Okay tay tay a little Tay Tay and Tay Tay here yeah I think this is the real news what were would what Taylor vly disagree I know it like comes back and just starts hating Taylor I mean do we care about Travis Kel’s three favorite songs did I just ask alre about it so obviously I don’t have to tell some degree I don’t think so actually I want to know so I do want to know what are they okay so his favorite song his number one favorite song is blank space okay which is a banger okay um the other one is Cruel Summer okay also a banger okay and the last one is off her newest album something about high school I forget what the full name of it is but it’s has high school in the name okay um actually in retrospect that did nothing for me I have no anchor points for any of those songs I believe I know Cruel Summer did you see the video I would know Blank Space if I heard okay did you see the video over the weekend of the VIP section of Taylor Swift’s concert uh it was a who’s who so I mean obviously Travis Kelce was there Ashen Kutcher and mea kunas were there Tom Cruz was up there I mean you want to talk about a superstar those were they were in the VIP section God to I was thinking about hanging out with Tom Cruz the other day and how just intense it would be I forgot to ask this is my first time back since you got back did you meet gron uh this has been a big disappointment no I had no interaction I I didn’t know the only interaction I had was my wife slapping his ass a bunch in the Dance Floor okay you didn’t at least introduce yourself no I told you guys that was going to happen I said Bob was going to get shy I didn’t get shy Taylor I just your wife wasn’t shy at the wedding itself and I was dancing I wasn’t trying to be like hey what’s up D whatever dude shut up when we get back uh closing another the show with ask the bench Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob KZ KT Oz that’s for KZ window coverage you those window coverage at wow that’s Ken Z I mentioned solu on Perkins the other day installing some brand new outdoor Shades little temperature control making it nice out there little compy compy well that could be you your home like it’s Jake at his house he is them outdoor Shades now so while dad’s out there grilling he can also be chilling you’re a shift worker that graveyard I mean it didn’t have to be but this is great for y’all the honeycomb Shad it’s great for anybody though go from like full light in the room to nothing at all also dampen sound like take control okay with k toz k toz window coverage ktz I would encourage everyone to have them come out to the home right because they’re going to come in your space and learn your space know your space better than you’re going to know it at least that’s what they did for me I had no idea what I needed but they knew exactly what I needed in my kitchen they knew what I needed in my backyard it is also helped out in the interior of the home they’re going to know your space KZ KZ get the 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge app powered by by4 board and tap the microphone icon to send us your thoughts in an audio message your message could be played on air during Off the Bench with eser and T-Bob the hunt Palmer show and after further review with mad mus there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the one star you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so few have what it takes to go there Mercedes-Benz vans [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] I’ve been doing business with Luber for 25 years they’re Dependable trustworthy it’s just the attention to detail with our clients our folks have years and years of experience they’re highly trained professionals but many companies have that asset what I’d like to think makes Luba a bit different is that we use those talents in a way that truly is dedicated to serving the needs of the folks who depend on us when it comes to ending cancer we push forward always working together for you that’s why our cancer experts at Ashner have clinically integrated with MD Anderson Cancer Center this means advanced Cancer Care including access to life-saving clinical trials and integrating care to treat the whole you introducing Ashner MD Anderson Cancer Center Long Live you br teamed up to reimagine your parks and you imagined big with your help we went to work creating 12 beautiful Community Parks across the parish a family-sized water park miles and miles of trails and Parks just for your dogs there are more places to Splash to explore to run wild and even soar you imagined we delivered gold bre your number one Park system in the nation electricity is all around us and our families depend on it every day is sparked by the power of a cold drink or a warm meal a movie night and a comforting light at the end of a dark hallway from sunrise to sunset playtime Charles hriff join us with the Thursday edition of live at lunch from Jolie Pearl Oyster Bar and Town Square Pizza both Dwayne kuchi and Randy McCay join the show tomorrow we’ll take a look back at what happened in the NBA Draft live at lunch 11:00 a.m. Thursday on 1045 ESPN Baton Rouge Allstar Toyota present Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob ESPN Baton Rouge New Orleans Alexander and 11:30 the tiger all right come [Music] back yeah how about that t OT as the bench brought to you by CER life is tell bl light sweet uh T thoughts on Disney getting rid of Genie uh plus basically going back to fast Fass plus I did not know this I’m going to have to look it up uh it’s going to actually be the same in Disneyland they’re just changing the name for Disney World it actually will come with some new features H I will say this lightning Lane I believe is what the name’s going to be that’s technically what they call it that’s not what they call theice you’re Disney adult that’s they no that’s I mean they call it amateur they call it Genie plus but you reserve a lightning lane pass no but they’re changing the Nam is what I’m telling you um I would say this don’t get mad that I knew and you didn’t I’m not I’m not I’m not mad at all I would say if you’re asking my opinions not knowing anything about the change uh I’m not very confident in it because everything that Disney has changed recently has been to increase profits and make the customer experience worse so um I’m not like super uh bullish on it I hope I hope it’s great I hope it’s awesome I I got to look it up though I uh I had a good experience with Genie Plus in California I love genie plus I but but but it is undeniably way more confusing and way worse than when you could just buy fast pass and just go on all the rides um I get it they’re they’re trying to do what they can and and they do nickel and dime the hell out of you you got to buy the genie plus and for the good rid you got to buy just an individual lightning lane pass I only had to do it for the Spider-Man I think was the only one that actually paid extra for well you didn’t you probably so you didn’t do like Riser resistance we did but we like the way we timed it out man we waited like 17 minutes you just raw dogged it yeah as the bench um would you try the hindes every sauce what is that it’s like every sauce in one absolutely I would sounds good like when I go to padil and I get the hamburger steak all the sauce is on that thing I love sauce ask the bench thoughts on Taylor being back me I was kind of happy at the beginning of the day kind I was like oh yeah that’s Taylor yeah cool not true at all would you try the hindes everything NOS Taylor uh yeah sounds good he has a rock star today uh I do like that he’s not just you know he switches it up stuck in one yeah yeah one energy drink ask the bch what do youall think the largest animal T-Bob could One V one one v a cat uh no cat would oh almost said something bad cat skin I mean cat look a dingo you a you’re not escaping a cat fight unscathed you’re not going to lose but you going to remember uh I’m going to say a dingbat a dingo a dingo those little dogs in Australia I’m going to say an armadillo dingo seem pretty armadillo you have a good shot against an armadillo yeah but then I’m going to get lill if you’re from the south yeah armill I used to say armadio because I’m armadio yeah I was it actually sounds fancier well yeah I’m just cuz a raccoon would you up yeah no raccoon no chance I was just used to the Double L a mountain lion a bobcat all W for sure mess you up yeah he swears he’d be what was it a wolf right yeah hear not happening yeah he doesn’t know how large a wolf is in the wild um again I would out Alpha it if it wanted to fight me it’s probably going to win but okay what about thaty compared it was huge oh they’re gigantic they’re yeah the uh you’re not Liam nent sir the uh you’re right cuz I Wouldn’t Die well uh we don’t know that he did die you think he won you you think he lives at the end of the gray it shows the wolf right doesn’t it like my memory of the end of the gray is him like having like the glass like point out his knuckles and he’s just like basically like okay this is the death fight let’s go I’m pretty sure he survived until the last good fight I’ll ever know it’s up for interpretation um yeah I mean we ever kind Sopranos y’all know that armadillos give you uh leprosy though right is that what you’re saying you want for me no you leprosy the year of Our Lord 2024 I know right um did we figure out who won that fight yeah I think we did talk about ask the bench was MIA Khalifa at the Taylor Swift concert Who Um I didn’t see her in the VIP but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t there ask the bench favorite ride in Orlando we’ answered this a million uh well they did just say Orlando be uh Jurassic Park probably rise the resistance ask the bench favorite brunch dish uh probably champagne yeah that’s a good answer I mean that would be Kati so like does does normal breakfast count as a brunch disc Bananas Foster French toast it’s a good one uh for me I mean you know I do love my sausage and gravy but if I if had to go something brunchy and lunchy I I do absolutely adore a burger with an egg on it I ask the bench um my chat just refreshed uh what are you looking forward to most in Vegas nothing Chi and Dales getting a win po D oh paully D hell yeah Off the Bench with Hester and T-Bob we end the show on a cough there Taylor EXC job uh poor gu red he tried to the NMR group if you wanted to ignite your career okay and join the largest privately owned electrial and instumentation contractor in the nation that’s head ordered right here B Rouge but as offic is all over the globe okay if outstanding benefits a dynamic culture and a tailored path for both professional and personal development if these sound like great things that interest you you want to join up with the MMR group so um look Engineers construction managers uh there’s there’s a ton of there’s a variety of positions available if you’re in college and you’re looking for past to internship what you study what you do hit them up they can let you know if you’re in this business already you’ve been for a while or you’re just turning out again apply now build your future with MMR apply now MMR that’s MMR [Music] there it is the extra mile on the border of expected and extraordinary for those willing to go further like bands customized for work or play with safety and Tech to keep you connected supported by a five-star sales service and finance team and backed by the onear are you know so go the extra mile it’s never crowded because so

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