Grant Horvat’s Key Move For A Super Simple Golf Swing!

Grant Horvat – one of the most popular and influential golf creators online…

Joins Performance Golf’s very own Eric Cogorno, Forbes-Featured Instructor…

To break down the basics and simplify the golf swing.

Whether you’re brand new to the game… OR you’ve been playing for a while and are still struggling more than you’d like…

Watch this video start to finish… THEN watch it again while you’re at the range and start making the most confident swings – and best contact – of your life!

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all right guys in today’s video we’re going to talk about how to set the club correctly during the back swing now the way you set the club and how you get it moving initially either is going to make the rest of your swing really easy like Grant here or if it’s off you’re going to spend literally the rest of your swing trying to make up for it I know none of us want that to my right I spoiled it there a little Mr Grant hor thank appreciate you being out here um if you haven’t seen Grant before you’re going to be in for a treat here with his if you’re coming from Grant’s Channel I think you get a nice little look into Grant’s mind and some of the pieces in his swing that make his swing so darn good next on the 10th t Grand Horan why don’t we just hit one to start with yep let’s do it and we’re going to work through some of the details here today guys and we’ll give you some checkpoints and one or two drills but just watch Grant hit one or two and notice how he gets the club moving during the back swing and then we’re going to point some things out that he does really well here so you watch that you watch that golf swing and just about everything is is really good but one of the things I see in Grant’s did you switch clubs or is that your best I didn’t know I switch clubs yeah one of the things that Grant does so well that makes the rest of his swing so easy is how he gets it moving during his back swing and really like getting the club on plane and a bit more vertical so let me give them a couple checkpoints Grant and then we’ll work through the details you set up there where you feel comfortable and why don’t we get the club to about like left arm parallel during the back swing perfect just to start with so when we go back I’m going to put this club kind of down the ball line if Grant gets into a position let’s say kind of halfway back during his back swing one of the things you’re going to notice he does really well is the angle that he gets the shaft on so if we were to put a laser or a line through the butt of the club you would notice that that’s going to point on or just inside that ball line where that club is on the ground so it be like slightly more vertical than normal what Grant doesn’t do that we see a lot and this is what you want to avoid when he goes back is he doesn’t get the club really horizontal or flat right and one of the easy signs when you go back that you’ve done this fairly well is that the club when he sets it right like that should feel lighter it does feel light yeah and when we do it bad that should feel very heavy heavy so when you make your back swing if you can get it a little bit more vertical not like that show us a good one there if we can get the club a bit more vertical and a bit more on plane that’s going to make the down swing really easy specifically and then we’re going to talk through some feels here yeah it does two things okay if we can get let’s get into that good vertical position one more time so the club’s hinging and setting on Plain we’ll talk through the details let’s say about here y so that clubs just inside the ball line from this position when Grant continues to turn and gets into a good top of back swing it makes it really easy for him to get that slight shallowing in transition it’s easy to have the shaft shallowing out and it should feel fairly effortless because the club is very light now if we do the bad version where Grant goes back he gets real horizontal on the way back it feels heavy we’re going to get the opposite of that coming down lots of effort lots of over the top that’s what you see a lot I mean you go to the range you see a lot of golfers the most common for sure is going to be the inside and open and that’s going to set you up for the dreaded slice um which people are always trying to avoid new golfers especially it’s the most common shot um but when you start here inside an open your next move is going to be to come over the top and throw the handle to try and square it up so yeah like Eric said if you’re getting it right on plane here it’s going to set you up for a good back swing and to hopefully hit a good golf shot yeah we’re going to show some of Grant swing throughout the video so you can see how well he does this naturally uh let’s hit one more here Grant and then we’re going to talk a little bit about the takeaway yeah and you’ll notice like he at this point doesn’t have to think about this this is happening very naturally for him but it it was something that I worked on harder than anything that right I used to do drills where I’d stop here set the club and then hit it um that was one of my dad’s favorite drills he gave and you see Justin Thomas and Ricky doing that on the Range where they’re so worried about where the club is right here yes cuz I feel like the difference between here and here is huge and people don’t really you know talk about that a ton yeah it might be only a couple of inches of difference on camera but the effect it has on the down swing is humongous yeah so yeah we’ll just hit another smooth one out there yeah nice and so you know when I’m referencing the club kind of at like left arm parallel to Grant’s point the takeaway is a big piece of that and so when you’re doing the first move Grant the takeaway do you have kind of a checkpoint you’re looking for like down the toe line yeah there’s a couple things I look for so when I’m going back I like to make sure the hands are staying close to the body but the head is the club head is slightly outside my hands so my hand pass not out here my hands are actually staying close to the body but my club head is outside my hands slightly um yeah then from here I’m looking more at where the club face is pointed um so this would obviously be shut this would be open I want that square kind of matching my spine angle to start okay um and from there I feel like you once you get into this position here it’s really hard to mess it up a ton I mean there’s definitely ways to do it but it is very difficult if you’re getting in this perfect position here good grip and you are right here it will set you up for a good back swing and hopefully you’re going to feel the down swing as well yeah it’s exactly right and so when you’re doing the takeaway to your point it’s the club head feeling a little bit more outside but not the hands going out with it right exactly cuz I feel like if you were to bring the hands out with it you’re probably going to have a better chance if the hands start to work out the club head’s probably going to want to work in um so if you were to keep those hands closer to the body here the club head and and the club head staying outside you’re probably going to have a better chance of also coming from the inside on the down swing just like subconsciously let me let me borrow your club I’m going to show you guys a little drill you got the little Arc here I’m going to switch you so I’m going to put this in I’m going give you my club shout out to Como so when you take your setup position there if you guys use this as a little drill so I just put a little T in the back of the butt of the club to exaggerate the feels right one of the things you can feel the T imagine that’s like a laser right if we get from setup let’s say Grant to about the time your hands with your right thigh you want to feel as though during this takeaway like the T stays pointed towards you right T towards you let’s do a bad version Grant where it rolls inside so when we roll way inside we can see the T point Point way out here to like right field so it’s a really easy little indicator let’s go set up again Grant so just to the right thigh te towards you now from this position like Grant said if you get it there pretty good most of the other stuff should happen by itself but kind of what you want to feel from there so let’s say we keep it towards us to the thigh now from here when you’re setting it you want to feel like the T gets pointed down at or just inside this ball line so I give you a little visual here so you can see it so you can have like a little two-part reference point when you guys are practicing this so if we go from the right thigh to about halfway back that t should feel like it’s on or just inside the ball line draw like a line through it certainly we wouldn’t be like way out there on the way back right exactly or too far inside here yes pointing down you can there’s two exaggerations to it but yeah pointing at the ball is definitely a great checkpoint to have and if you’re doing this right early like Grant said you should feel let’s do maybe one or two of those little drills and then we’ll hit so the t is going to stay towards him just for the first cple inch of the swing and then you want to feel like that Point’s more at or inside the ball line the club should feel a little bit lighter compared to normal if the club feels heavy we’re not doing that it should feel lighter from there granch is going to complete his back swing and swing and the club should really automatically plane out swing from inside create a lot of that speed that we’re looking for let’s go ahead and hit one when you’re ready there with that so te towards us early and then a little bit more down towards the ground from there to the top yeah nice good swing dude really nice I mean we all want to swing like Grant hopefully we can just get percentage points closer to that yeah that was one of the best ones today and I really focused on just keeping that t pointed at me just on the takeaway and then from there it kind of Let It Go should it should uh set you up pretty good yeah the more pieces you do well earlier in the swing the easier everything else is after that right the more pieces you do well early everything’s easy but by definition if that’s true that means gosh if you mess up those first couple of moves it’s so hard from there throughout and you don’t want that right so if you want to swing like grant grant appreciate you man out here dude thanks for having me if you want to swing like this outside of a ton of practice and watch Grant we’re going to link his channels down below you can see him playing some amazing golf courses awesome match of some of the best players in the world and his teaching Channel if you want to get more tips and tricks like this but guys put some attention on getting the club set correctly you’re going to really benefit from that practice just like Grant did thank you you guys for watching leave a comment down below with any questions you have thank you guys

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