Never Worry About Golf Swing Wrist Hinge Again

If you want to improve your golf swing, then you need to watch this video! Learn how to never worry about wrist hinge in your golf swing again with these simple tips for effortless power on the course. Perfect for frustrated golfers and alos experienced senior golf swing looking to improve their game!

If you struggle with wrist hinge in your golf swing, this video is for you! Learn simple golf tips for effortless power and improve your game today.

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Simplify your golf swing! Discover how minimizing wrist hinge can dramatically improve your consistency and control. Give these tips a try and watch your game transform. Share your results!

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your golf swing Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having a perfect golf swing.. YOUR perfect golf swing


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for whatever reason when it comes to OnCourse play during Playing Lessons whether I’m playing with members of the club or friends something tends to happen that doesn’t always seem to happen in practice and this move or intention I don’t really know where it comes from or why it happens but it’s stemming from a tentativeness an anxiety if you will and trying so hard to move this golf club and being so conscious of your hand connected to it that we end up using way too much wrist during the swing and what that does is create instability consistency and it Alters our speed and actually our entire golf swing sequence so you might be really struggling with consistency and you’re looking in all the wrong places when an actual fact stems from your wrists and how you’re using them during the swing and I wager it’s way more easy than you think one of the oldest lessons around and one of the beginner golf lessons is to try and match the L shape so I’m forming like a l here if you will left arm is parallel my arms are parallel and the club is pointing up to the sky Club pointing somewhat towards the ball on the through swing we want to pretty much replicate that arms parallel pointing down just go on YouTube You’ll see hundreds perhaps even thousands of tips talking about it now I’m not here to say that that in itself is a bad thing but golf is like a balancing act it’s a tight rope more often than not we start going too far in One Direction so it’s like you’re trying to hinge the wrist correctly point that club at the ball what tends to happen 99% of the time is the rist hinge way too much especially CU we’re anxious the RIS go way too much too early too soon cramped the body hasn’t really moved or wound up in any shape or form then the arms are having to really do everything so the arms are having to work so much harder to swing through that ball to try and not just deliver speed but to try and square that club face up in a very short amount of time and space this leads to dozens of bad shots shots that you don’t know where they’re going to go shots where you’re like oh I’m thinning it I’m chunking It Whatever basically it’s crap so we need to really oversimplify it to dial it back and I want you to test this out it’s not going to be the be all and end all answer it’s not necessarily to say that you do not need wrist hinge what I’m saying to you is you do not need as much wrist hinge as you think you do and that intention alone can transform your entire swing because what you’re going to do is focus more on what the body is doing using the larger muscles this intention to generate your goal swing okay using the ground better you got good shoes you got this is the feet that we need to use the power isn’t going to come from here stability of the club face yes it comes from the wrist somewhat but we can have a lot more neutrality when we don’t use them quite as much through the swing we often get in a bit of a pickle when we’re thinking about wrist hinge because again you go online or you speak to your friends there’s all talk of creating this kind of extension right a bit more like a morau or something like this a stronger intention so you take it back the Palm is down you’re taking it back this way lots of talk about that there to apply the pressure down doesn’t work for the vast majority of you I’m not going to bore you why I just want you to try what I’m talking about cuz all the wrists do okay all the wrists during the go swing are going to rotate this way okay we’re just rotating that way that’s all they do as far as movement rotation and it’s happening in the forearms the other movement happens is wrist hinge this way just up and down okay that’s onar movement here we want very minimal extension or flexion and extension this way we want that to be as minimal as possible it’s basically just up and down and around and around this is what’s going to give us the most stability on every single golf shot not this because that creates that flippy Flappy motion and I’m not tailing you off this is something that I have been struggling with a lot more in the past until I’ve really simplified my action and you can too with that said I want you to do two things the first is actually more about setup I want you to pay a lot more attention to where your arms and your wrists and hands are allowing themselves to be a setup are you and this is where you got to do your own homework are you already manipulating them into a position are you feeling like you’ve got to move them forward are you feeling you got to move them back are you fidgeting and moving around feeling uncomfortable I want you to focus more on getting yourself into uh set up a a set up alignment okay with the hips with the upper body and test around about where your body moves the arms all I’m letting do here is letting my arms just hang if I move my pelvis that way the hands sort of come back and I’m more here right so then I might do that but you’re pushing the hands forward it’s because of this likewise if I’m too far forward here my hands are going to basically be move too far this way so then I move them back and I’ve got too much extension and that you could call it the hands are behind the ball a little bit too much again all of this leads to the necessity for more manipulation during the swing we want the minimum amount of manipulation during the goal swing that is a tenant you must have the more we can do at setup that requires less manipulation in the Split Second of a golf swing I guarantee you will be more consistent you will enjoy golf more because you’re not trying to adjust and compensate through that Split Second so pay more attention to your setup and I want you to work on this in a mirror if you need to but really it’s more about what you see and feel okay and you think well how does this got to do with the rist as I just showed you basically if we get in a correct more neutral setup as we swing back back we don’t need to actively do as much to create the leverage that we need if we move the body the arms will gradually add a wrist hinge they will gradually do it without you having to try to do it so when I say don’t hinge the wrists that’s really what I mean it’s don’t intend to hinge the wrists and now we’re working on a body movement and feeling like we’re just allowing those arms and wrists and Club head the gravity it of the club head to work its way down and around without having to force it so the difference will be quite noticeable and the way I want you to really practice this at first get the setup right so your hips are a little bit further forward your arms are hanging naturally and the club sits there into what would be a good neutral setup and as we make a back swing I want you to not use the wrist so show me and practice some swings where you’re not doing anything back here and you’re not doing anything here trying to let the club beat you so let’s focus on the back swing first okay I’m just going to make sure that I wind my body I rotate my legs I wind up my core and my arms are just going to follow bonus tip one of my secret magic golf tips that are so simple that’s helped literally tens of thousands of golfers is the sensation of heavy arms that alone will relieve you of the forced intention of hinging the wrist so much and and being too tense feeling more tense and supported in your setup with your legs your core your shoulders but my arms are feeling heavy that’s the only intention and thought I want to have what does that mean yes that means that the club feels heavy but if you’re arms are heavier they just follow your body movement it’s much more repeatable to move your body and let those arms flow around you than it is to try and do something specific with the arms and the wrists so just have that in your mind heavy arms heavy arms and see what it does it will give you plenty of wrist movement more than enough but you won’t have to try and force it for the back swing we’re going to work on that setup I’m going to feel like I’ve got heavy arms and now I’m just going to try and rotate with no wrist hinge and see where that puts my club I’m only thinking about the back swing for now but I’m going to hit a shot I mean that was so easy and simple and repeatable I was more focused on my movement rather than the minutia here’s what I want you to do on the impact and down swing now you might be thinking well I’m not going to be able to generate much speed if I’m not using my wrists yes and really no with the same intention of heavy arms I want you to focus more on propulsion that is coming from your core here more from the main body just like if you were to throw it you wouldn’t just throw a ball like that would you you wouldn’t just flip the wrist you would let the whole body basically pull the arms through that way I wouldn’t be worrying about whipping the wrists or anything so with that in mind that simple idea of letting the arms follow the body and generating the movement I’m not trying to swing hard here I’m just trying to do things slowly to show you so same again so minimal wrist hinge on the back swing now notice I’m not rigid I’m just letting them go where they want but I’m maintaining my wrist condition but here’s the thing as I come down I really want to try and make sure that my hands are beating the club head to the ball I’m not letting that Club head win the race ahead of me at any point I’m swinging the handle of the club with my body to be more passive this way the wrist will still release just fine but I’m not trying to and I don’t want you to try to that’s the point so less wrist hinge going back heavy arms there now on a bigger shot those wrists would have they would have released a little bit more and I would have had a fuller finish but I was trying to emphasize it for you but that contact was sweet very simple very reliable and that’s it put those ideas Concepts interaction test it out test it out with pitching chipping drives irons I assure you it’s going to give you a lot more consistency reliability and most of all simplicity so you can play golf without worrying about the manua check out this lesson if you want to not just create CL face control but get the speed without extra Force see you next time

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